Rough Start 2

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#8 of Other Gay stories

Caleb and Ben run into each other and reconnect. Later meeting another couple in a similar situation

Caleb is happy now. Ben is here with him, even if they just have coffee, Caleb is content, and Ben had said he missed him. But Caleb's not naive, he knows that Ben might never give in to his feelings even if he does love his Snow Leopard. Ben might love him a lot, and never be able to accept his gay side. When it comes to Ben, Caleb has no pride left, he'll gladly accept whatever crumbs of affection Ben will give him. He'll do whatever he has to to keep seeing Ben somehow.

Ben's looking at Caleb. "You've been so quiet, Caleb" Ben says. Caleb nods. "I'm sorry, Ben , I was just thinking" Caleb says. "Ten minutes of silence almost made me think you didn't want me here, but you'd look at me with all of that love in your eyes, and I knew you didn't want me to leave" Ben says softly. Ben takes Caleb's paw. "I don't know what all I feel for you, I know part of it is lust, but even then, I also just miss hearing your voice, Caleb" Ben says softly. "I miss feeling how much you love me, little Kitty" Ben says smiling. "I've gone back to work again, and I'm thinking of moving out of my friend's flat, but I had to see you first" Ben says. "Why?" Caleb asks. "I want to be with you, I want us to take this a day at a time, Caleb, I know how much you love me, and I hope I can open up and love you too" Ben says. Caleb is fighting tears now. "I care for you a lot, Caleb, I think I knew at the party I cared for you, I couldn't have opened up to you like I did if I didn't" Ben says softly.

"But I have trouble thinking of myself as gay, or even Bi, Caleb, yet I know how much I feel for you, and I hope your love can pull me past that" Ben says softly. "I've missed you, but my life has gone so much better since we met, I had sex with a girl I had met, it was good, but it was nothing compared to how it felt with you, I kept thinking of you as I was fucking her." Ben says quietly. "Caleb, I know I raped you the first time, but I had never had sex as hot as the second and third time I took you" Ben says softly.

Caleb looks into Ben's eyes, and he sees how much feeling there is for him now in those Dark Brown eyes. "You were so into me, you moaned my name, and you wrapped yourself around me tightly, like you never wanted me out of you" Ben says shyly. "No one had ever wanted me that much, not even a girl I was once in love with" Ben says softly. "Caleb, I know this might not be what you want, I know you love me deeply, and I pray I can love you as much as you do me one day" Ben says. "I want you, I do care, I love you, Ben, and I'll pray too that you can find it in you to let the love you feel for me free one day" Caleb says passionately. "You do, will you settle for being with me, and letting me find my way, little Kitty?" Ben asks hopefully. "If you'll be good to me, I can" Caleb says softly. "Caleb, I swear, I will never hurt you, I will not ever hit you nor abuse you like I once did" Ben says earnestly. Caleb fights tears but loses the fight quickly. Ben leans down and he wipes Caleb's tears away. "Why the tears, Little Kitty?" Ben asks. "I never dreamed I'd have you, Ben, not even just this much." Caleb says. "Let's go home, little Kitty" Ben says quietly. Caleb nods. He can't speak now. Caleb has a brief moment of dizziness but it passes quickly. He'll take Ben as he is, and he'll be happy with whatever affection Ben can show him.

Ben teases Caleb on the walk home about his gaining a bit of weight. Caleb flushes. He's embarrassed. But he says nothing.

They go to his apartment. "I'll move my things in tomorrow if you can help me, I'm off work for a few days" Ben says taking Caleb into his big White furred arms. "We'll have to get a bigger bed though" Ben says kissing Caleb gently. Caleb nods. But right now, Caleb knows he'd do anything Ben wanted him to do. He's so much in love with his Polar Bear. Ben smiles. "I know you love me, and I love you, Caleb, but I have to adjust to being a male who loves a male though" Ben says hugging Caleb. "No other male could I care so much for, but I think I am coming to love my beautiful Snow Leopard" Ben says crying on Caleb's shoulder. Ben carries his Kitty to their bed. "I knew I had to find you, and come to you, Caleb, I had to be with you again" Ben says kissing Caleb. Caleb is crying now. "I was so lost without you, Ben" Caleb says through his tears.

"Caleb, help me come to terms with this." Ben says sounding pained. And Ben's getting angry all of a sudden. Caleb's a bit afraid now. But he has faith in Ben. Ben swore he wouldn't hurt his Kitty again. Ben rages and Caleb remains calm on the surface. Ben's tearing the bed apart with his bare paws. Breaking the headboard and the frame, and ripping the mattress and box springs apart with his claws. "I can't stand that bed, I raped you there," Ben rages. And Ben breaks the bed into even smaller pieces. Ben is shaking with rage. "You forgave me, but I can't forgive myself" he roars. Caleb softly strokes the side of Ben's muzzle and he starts to calm down. "Please Ben, for me, forgive yourself, so we can move on" Caleb says calmly. Ben nods, and the rage drains out of his face. "I forgave you before you left me that day, you know I did" Caleb says very softly. Ben nods.

Caleb is a bit scared now,but he stands his ground. Ben carries the pieces of the bed out to the curb for the trash men to pick up. And he sits in the middle of the floor and cries hard. "Caleb, I have trouble forgiving myself still for how badly I hurt you then." Ben says sobbing hard.. "I know Ben, but that was in the past, I forgave you, and from the moment you walked through that door, we made a new start." Caleb says softly. "Please forgive yourself" Caleb begs. And he sits in Ben's lap and kisses him. "You did forgive me" he moans, and he hugs Caleb tightly, and kisses him. "I did, and I want to move on past it" Caleb says gently.

"Take me Ben, let me feel you in me again" Caleb begs. "I won't hurt you I swear" Ben moans. "I know, you love me," Caleb says softly. "I am big, are you sure I won't make you bleed again?" Ben says sadly. "You won't, you'll be loving and tender I know" Caleb says. "I've always been an aggressive fuck" Ben says quietly. "Ben, we have a lot to get used to about each other, please don't be afraid to take your little Kitty" Caleb says earnestly. "I want to throw you down and fuck you hard, and I know I can't" Ben says looking away. "I can't hurt you again" Ben says crying hard now.

"Males are a bit different, we need to be gotten into gently, and once you're in, and I'm comfortable with your size, you can take me as hard as you need to, Ben" Caleb says kissing him. Ben smiles shyly. Caleb gets up and pulls the sheets out and spreads them on the floor with a blanket over them. "You'll sleep with me on the floor?" Ben asks. "I will, the bed reminded you of too much pain, and we'll get a new one tomorrow, I've saved a bit of money by not going out, and we'll get a nice big one that my Ben can stretch out in" Caleb says softly. "Ben, I love you so much, I'll do anything for me Polar Bear, just to make you happy" Caleb says passionately. Ben weeps. "I hurt you?" Caleb asks softly. "No, you love me so much, and I feel so much for my Little Kitty" Ben says pulling Caleb to him. Ben is deep kissing his Kitty, and they roll onto the blanket on the floor. Ben is yanking Caleb's clothes off. And he strips. "Stop" Caleb begs. Ben looks at him, a bit surprised. "No, please, just stand for me, I've dreamed of seeing you completely naked and I want to see you first" Caleb says quietly. Ben grins and he stands up.

Ben is beautiful, 7' and 360 pounds. Dark Brown eyes, that are piercing and liquid. He's big all over. His paws dwarf Caleb's. Caleb is only 5'9' and maybe 175 soaking wet. Ben towers over him. And Ben's dick is hard and twitching now. It's huge and its Jet Black. Ben has huge arms and legs and a bit of a pot belly, but it's so hot on him. Caleb is amazed how hot and masculine Ben's body is. Ben's grinning. "Like what you see?" Ben says almost shyly. "I do, very much" Caleb says smiling. "I love that, your Black dick sticking out of that White fur" Caleb says smiling. Ben blushes. "You are hot for me, your tail is thrashing" Ben says softly. Caleb blushes, and he can tell Ben's staring at him now. Ben takes Caleb in his arms. "You are such a beautiful Feline" he says kissing Caleb. Caleb feels a bit self conscious of his weight gain, but Ben doesn't seem to notice anymore.

"Ben, take me?" Caleb begs. And Ben gets on top of his Snow Leopard. "I'll be as gentle as I can be, baby" Ben says soothingly. "I'm not afraid, I want you badly, Ben, I have for a long time now" Caleb moans. And Ben slowly pushes the first couple of inches of his massive Polar Bear dick into Caleb. Caleb moans to feel his Bear back in him again. "I'm not hurting you?" Ben asks shyly. "No, baby, it feels good" Caleb moans. And he wraps his arms and legs and his tail around Ben. and pulls him tighter into him. Ben's growls softly. "More?" he begs. "Put it all in, I beg you, Ben" Caleb moans. Ben smiles and he slowly but relentlessly pushes his entire length up Caleb. Ben's face is awash in pleasure. And he's moaning. Caleb growls gently and moans out Ben's name. And he involuntarily squeezes Ben's dick with his ass. Ben cusses and he's moving slowly at first inside of his Kitty. But he's watching Caleb's face closely, looking for any signs of pain or discomfort. "Root me hard, Big Bear" Caleb growls loudly. And Ben speeds up and he's hard fucking Caleb, but still watching his Kitty's face closely. Caleb moans and cusses and growls and he shoots on Ben's White furred pot belly. Ben growls and Caleb can feel his Bear shooting hard inside of him. Ben kisses him repeatedly. "So hot for me" Ben pants hard. "I am, I love feeling you inside of me" Caleb pants.

"Again?" Ben begs. "Please, baby" Caleb pants. Ben grins and he begins moving inside of his Snow Leopard's ass, slowly at first, but he soon speeds up. Caleb growls softly and he paws Ben's back. He's still wrapped tightly around his Polar Bear. "I love that, baby, like you don't wanna let go of your Bear" Ben moans softly. "I don't" Caleb says softly. Ben's grinning. "I've never been this wanted before" Ben says shyly. "I want you, I love you, Big Bear" Caleb moans. "I do love my Kitty, I'll need time to get used to this, being wanted this much" Ben says softly. And he kisses Caleb.

Ben speeds up and he's hard fucking Caleb now. Caleb's grunting and he moans out Ben's name. And he falls silent, he's lost in Ben's fucking and the pleasure it brings him. Ben's making a lot of noise, he's becoming very verbal now. And Ben's cussing loudly. "Never had sex this hot" Ben growls and he roars and cums hard inside his Caleb. Ben keeps fucking, and he'll cum three more times before panting hard and pulling out of his Snow Leopard's ass. "I cum in you, and I want you that much more" Ben growls softly. Ben lays back and his big Polar Bear dick is still rock hard. Caleb gets up and sits on his Ben's big Jet Black Bear cock. And Caleb rides his Bear. Ben's happily laying back and letting Caleb ride him. Ben puts his hands behind his head and looks very lovingly at Caleb. Ben roars and holds Caleb's hips tightly and he's gushing into his Kitty's ass.

Ben kisses Caleb and pulls him off of his dick, which is slowly softening. "I've never felt anything like this before" Ben says grinning. "One night stands were what I was used to." Ben says smiling. "No more, this is so much hotter, my beautiful Snow Leopard is so hot for me, and his tight ass is more than enough to keep me happy." Ben says pulling Caleb to him, putting Caleb's head on his big White furred chest. Caleb sighs in contentment. He has all he could ever want now, he knows he's loved, and his beautiful Polar Bear is so hot for him.

"Ben, do you know why I forgave you so quickly?" Caleb asks. "No babe" Ben says looking deeply into Caleb's eyes. "I was saving me self for me 'one true love' and I knew it was you, even before you left that night" Caleb says quietly. Ben smiles.

"I was so confused when I left that night, Caleb, I hurt you, yet you weren't mad at me, and I could tell you were hot for me, but I didn't want to love a guy" Ben says stroking Caleb's head gently. "But I know I love you now, and I don't want to lose you ever again" Ben says quietly. "Ben, please, don't walk out on me like that ever again" Caleb says crying. "I couldn't live without you" he says through his tears. Ben nods and strokes Caleb's head gently.

Ben curls Caleb up and they fall asleep together. Ben's disoriented when he wakes up. Caleb's not with him. He's terrified that last night was some kind of cruel dream. And he hears a loud noise. Caleb is in the bathroom throwing up rather violently. Ben cuddles him, and tries to comfort his Snow Leopard. After a while, Caleb stops throwing up. But he's dizzy.

Ben carries him back to bed. Caleb lays down and feels a bit better. Ben goes and fixes his Leopard some tea. And they curl up again. Ben's gently stroking Caleb's belly, and he's stunned. He is almost sure he felt something move. Caleb is feeling it too. And they're both scared. Ben picks Caleb up with one paw and dresses him with the other. And he lays Caleb back down and Ben dresses.

Ben carries him to see his own doctor. And he explains that Caleb gained weight and how relentlessly he threw up for the first hour he was awake. And how panicked it made both of them to feel something moving in Caleb's belly. Dr Michaels is a big Grizzly, who Ben's been going to for a long time. He laughs. "If he was a female I'd swear he was pregnant by those symptoms alone" Dr Michaels says smiling. "Ben, he might have been having bad stomach cramps and you felt them" he says smiling. He gives Caleb a shot, and after a few minutes, Caleb does feel better.

He has some labs drawn from Caleb. And he sends him for an ultrasound scan. And has Caleb and Ben come back to his office. Dr Michaels is looking surprised when he walks into the room. "Caleb, you are pregnant" he says in shock. "The Ultrasound showed that you are a hermaphrodite" Dr Michaels says shaking his head. "You have no external female parts, but you have a uterus and ovaries as well as the normal male parts" Dr Michaels says. 'You're a bit over three months pregnant" he adds. "Congratulations, Ben, it's a boy, and it's a Polar Bear" he tells Ben. Ben's stunned. But a big grin slowly breaks out across his muzzle. Caleb is stunned, too much so to speak now. He's carrying Ben's son. He can't wrap his mind around that quite yet.

"I didn't know, Ben, I swear I didn't" Caleb says sounding scared. "I'm not angry, Baby Kitten" Ben says happily. "I knocked you up when I broke your ass open" he says joyously. "You wouldn't take anyone back there and when I came so hard and so much inside of you on your first time, you were left with my son" Ben says repeatedly kissing Caleb. Ben's ecstatic. He knows now Caleb is meant to be his. And his anxiety over loving and being loved by a male is totally gone now. Males don't get pregnant. Somehow Caleb just having enough female parts to conceive made all of the difference. And he's gonna have Ben's son. Ben's never felt this happy before. He knows he never got over losing the cub Janet conceived until now. And this one is from such a beautiful mate.

"Now, Caleb, you have some decisions to make" Dr Michaels says gently. Caleb nods. " Can I carry Ben's son to term?" Caleb asks. "You can't deliver it, but if you can carry it long enough, we can do a C section" Dr Michaels says. Ben's smiling now, but he suddenly looks sad. "Will he be at risk with my son in him?" Ben asks worried. "You're so much bigger than he is, it'll be rough on him, and if we can just get him to 28 weeks we can take it out of him and keep it in an incubator, and it'll thrive, Caleb, here is at risk of too much strain on his body but he should be fine, if he rests and eats well." Dr Michaels says. "The longer he can carry that Bear cub the healthier the cub will be, but we'll take it day by day" Dr Michaels says softly. "He'll be uncomfortable as hell, but he should not be at risk for death" he says. "You're a Hell of a lot bigger than he is" he adds. Ben's got a silly grin on his face. "I thought when Janet aborted my cub, that I'd never have a kid" he says grinning. "One cub, I'd suggest when we C section him, we remove his female parts too, he might not survive a second pregnancy" Dr Michaels says somberly. "One's enough, Doc" Ben says joyously. "I won't risk my Baby Kitty" Ben says softly, and he's stroking Caleb's face gently.

Caleb is silent. So many things are running through his mind. But there is no doubt in his mind, he's gonna keep it, it's Ben's, and Ben's face is ecstatic to know his love is going to give him a cub. Caleb sets his jaw, no matter how hard it is on him or how painful, he's going to do this. It's like a dream come true, he's got his Polar Bear, and even more so he's got his Polar Bear's cub inside of him. More than he ever hoped life would give him.

Ben's happy now. "I think I should give you two a bit of time to talk now" Dr Michaels says gently. And he gets up and leaves. "Caleb, are you going to keep it, will you give me my son?" Ben begs. "Of course, I want this, I want your son very badly, Ben" Caleb says. "This is a shock, but I knew right away, I wanted this more than anything I have ever known, to give you a son, from both of us" Caleb says joyously. "Caleb, this is more than I ever dreamed I could get from life, someone who loves me, and wants me, and is going to give me a son" Ben says kissing me. "You aren't upset at being loved by a male anymore?" Caleb asks. "You aren't a true male, you have female parts inside, or you couldn't give me a son" Ben says kissing Caleb. Caleb laughs. Ben's gently stroking Caleb's belly now. "My boy" he says softly. Ben kisses Caleb. "I love you more than anything, my Caleb is not completely a real male and he's carrying my cub, and he's so happy to have my son in him" he says joyously. "We'll raise our son together, and we'll have a great life together, Baby Kitten" Ben murrs in Caleb's ear. "I swear, I'll do everything I can to make you and our cub happy" Ben says kissing his Snow Leopard repeatedly.

Dr Michaels comes back. "I've spoken to the HR people at the library and we can have you put on maternity leave, I'll send them a letter, this is rare but not unheard of, Caleb, and I want you home, you'll need a lot of rest, and you may be put to bed for a while at times." He says. "Ben is so much bigger than you, and it will be hard on you growing his big cub, and you will be back to see me at least once a week" he says softly. Ben nods. "We have to get a big bed now" he says kissing Caleb. And Caleb begins to think of all of the things they'll soon need to properly tend a newborn Polar Bear cub. And he's filled with a joy he had never expected, or even knew he wanted.

"Dr, will I be able to nurse this cub, or will I have to bottle feed him?" Caleb asks pragmatically. . Dr Michaels palpates Caleb's right breast. "Spongy tissue is growing in, you ought to be able to nurse him" Dr Michaels says smiling. "If you want to" he adds. "I do, Sir" Caleb says. And Caleb feels so much now, he's got a new little life in him, one his Ben put there, and Ben, well Ben looks so happy now. This got Ben past his fears of being gay, he's totally Caleb's now. Caleb knows this is uncommon, as he had to research it for a Library client. And he knows it's just common enough animals are no longer surprised by seeing a male carrying a child. It should make things easier on them. And he remembers that when he does give birth, his and Ben's bond will attain full legal status, as if they were married. And Caleb's amazed at how thrilled he is to be becoming Ben's wife. "Our son will be a Cranshaw as much as I'll be" Caleb says softly. I know, I'll get you both totally" Ben says softly.

"Ben, take him home and put him to bed," Dr Michaels says. "Sex is OK, you might have to refrain from fucking him towards the end, but it's fine now, but have these filled and put him to bed" he says handing a couple of prescriptions to Ben. Caleb looks, it's an anti nausea med and some multi vitamins. "Caleb, you have to eat whether you want to or not, Ben's big cub is taking its nourishment from your body, and you'll be sick if you don't take in enough food, and the cub will be at risk for problems down the road" Dr Michaels says. Caleb nods. He'll do anything for their son, no matter what.

Ben takes Caleb home and lays him on the couch. He goes and gets the pills for Caleb. Caleb's taken his laptop and ordered the biggest bed he can find, and sheets and blankets for it. It'll be delivered tomorrow. Ben brings some Chinese food home for them both. Caleb takes one of the pills and eats. He's ravenously hungry. Ben keeps looking at Caleb and grinning. They're both happy but lost in thought. Thinking of their future lives and their little family. Once the cub comes things will be different, much more hectic, and very busy.. But Caleb knows deep inside he's always wanted to be someone's wife. And he's got his big Polar Bear, and he'll happily be his mate and raise his son. Ben's pride and happiness knowing he's fathered a son makes Caleb see he'll be a great Daddy. They sit and watch TV curled up on the couch. Ben's got Caleb laying on top of his big chest and belly, and he's so happy now. He hasn't let go of Caleb since he came home.

"Babe, it doesn't hurt, I can think of how Janet aborted my son, and it doesn't hurt, I am happy and proud that my son is part yours" Ben says kissing Caleb. "My baby Kitty is gonna give me my son" Ben says kissing Caleb repeatedly. A few hours later, they're both sleepy, and Caleb takes Ben to the second bedroom and they curl up and go to sleep. Ben's worried that Caleb will be sick in the morning, but Caleb took the pill like Dr Michaels told him to, and he's happy to not wake up puking like he has the last few months. Ben's cuddly when they first wake up.

"I'm sorry Caleb, I know I was hung up on not being gay, and the last hang ups disappeared when we found out you were pregnant, I love you, and I'm proud of it now." Ben says kissing Caleb. "I'm just glad you love me, and can tell me now, Ben" Caleb says softly."I do, and I'll spend the rest of our lives telling you, Baby Kitty" Ben says nuzzling. "Ben, please take your loving little Kitty?" Caleb begs. Ben smiles. And he pushes his big Polar Bear dick into his Snow Leopard's tight ass. Caleb growls and humps Ben's massive dick. Ben's happy. He's growling in pleasure. "You want me so much, and I love it" Ben says nuzzling Caleb. Ben moves a bit quicker in Caleb and he roars and he fills Caleb's ass with his cum. Ben lays on top of him and smothers Caleb's face with kisses.

"You know our lives are going to change when we bring our cub home?" Caleb says softly. "I do, and I'm gonna help you with him, I know how proud I am that you not only want my cub, but that it makes you so happy to be carrying my son" Ben says kissing Caleb. "Dr Michaels says you'll be able to nurse him, and I hope you will, Baby Kitten?" Ben asks. "I will, it's your son, I'll do anything for him, like I will for you" Caleb says kissing Ben. Ben's got a tear in his eye. "Caleb, I understand what you meant when you said I was your 'one true love', I feel that way too, you were meant for me" Ben says stroking Caleb's head.

They curl up and talk. And Caleb's happy, he feels loved and wanted and he's got his Polar Bear. Ben seems so happy now. And Caleb thinks he's even more beautiful now, he's almost always smiling or laughing, and he's looking at Caleb with so much love in his eyes.

Caleb kisses Ben and goes down to the kitchen, and he fixes them both breakfast. Caleb is really hungry, but he understands why, he's also feeding Ben's large Polar Bear cub. And Caleb stops and puts his paws over his distended belly. He can feel their son moving a bit. And Caleb tears up. "He's big and healthy, and he's growing inside of me" Caleb weeps. And he is struck by so many feelings he never thought he'd have. "It's all new to us both, and we're ecstatic, we're together and in love, and we're gonna be parents" Ben says putting his paws over Caleb's, hugging him from behind as he walks up to his Snow Leopard. "Baby, I feel it all too, and I've not got our son inside of me, you're already nurturing him, and nourishing him" Ben says nuzzling Caleb's neck. Caleb turns facing Ben, and puts his head on Ben's big White furred chest, and weeps. Ben holds him tightly. "I love you too, Caleb" Ben says very quietly.

They break the clinch and they sit and eat. Caleb does the breakfast dishes as Ben sits and watches the morning news on TV. And then they go to Ben's friend's place. And they pack Ben's clothes and books and carry them home. "Do you have to tell your landlord I'm here and that we're expecting?" Ben asks. "No, this place belongs to me, it's a Condo, and I own it, I bought it with the money I got from Dad's life insurance" Caleb says smiling. "We have our own home." Ben says happily. "It is ours, and it is our home" Caleb says kissing Ben.

The doorbell rings and it's the new bed being delivered. The delivery animals set it up and they leave. Caleb makes the bed with the new linens. "It's big,, and it's comfortable" Ben says rolling around on top of it. "I fit, and I have lots of room, that's a nice thing,"Ben says grinning. Ben looks happy. "My foot paws don't hang off the edge all of the time" Ben says sounding so joyous. "Break it in?" Caleb asks. Ben grins. And he pulls Caleb down on top of him. And they make love passionately for an hour or so. "I love that you want me, and you come to me for sex" Ben says ruffling Caleb's thick fur. "I love feeling you in me, Ben" Caleb says grinning. "I'm a bit selfish, but I am glad they'll do a C section, I'd hate to have our son stretch out your ass when he comes into this world" Ben says kissing Caleb. He's still inside of his Snow Leopard, and he starts moving gently inside Caleb. They fuck for a while. And when Ben cums inside of him, Caleb strokes Ben's face. "I have to get up and eat, baby, I'm starving" Caleb says. And Caleb sits on the side of the bed.

"Ben, I don't like to drive so I never bought a car, but I can afford one, do you think we need a car, what with our cub coming in five or six months?" Caleb asks. "I"d love one, no more bus, I can take my Baby to work or to the store, and I can come home after work quicker to be with my Baby Kitten' Ben says nuzzling Caleb.

"We'll go after breakfast if you know what you want, or what you'll fit into "Caleb says. And they eat. They both dress, and take the bus for what Ben hopes is the last time.

Caleb's noticing a young, slim, almost fragile looking Bengal Tiger, who has a pot belly that looks like his. The Tiger is trying very hard to go unnoticed. But a pack of teenage Canines has noticed him, and they pick on him. "Look, the fag is pregnant" Caleb hears. Caleb's ears flush with fury. And he turns and notices he's not the one they're picking on. The Tiger's silent, trying to look away from them, and fighting tears. Caleb is way beyond angry now, and he knows he'll go off on them.

"Sod off, ya wankers, leave the kid alone" Caleb snaps angrily. They turn and glare at him. The Tiger looks grateful. "Ya just jealous, ya know ya ain't gonna ever get into a female ta get her that way, and ya gotta pick on the poor soul" Caleb's mad enough that his accent's really strong now. "You mind your own business" one of them snaps. "It is me business, ya bloody, sodding git, ya and ya Jackals need ta stop" Caleb snarls. And they approach him growling. Caleb pops his claws. They back up a bit. And then in a blur of White furred fists Ben smacks them around. "Leave my mate alone, you pitiful excuses for Canines" Ben snarls. "And lay off the poor Tiger, he did nothing to you" Ben snarls. The pack runs off scared of Ben, Caleb notes the look on Ben's face and knows he'd be scared of him too except he knows Ben was protecting his mate. And he feels proud of how much his Ben loves him, and how protective he was being of Caleb and this poor little Tiger.

Caleb sits by the poor sobbing Tiger. "I'm Caleb Mac Gregor, and the big Polar Bear is me mate, Ben Cranshaw" he says softly. The Tiger sobs a bit more. "I'm Tony DiMarco" the Tiger says trying to stop crying. "Are you pregnant too?" Tony asks. "I am, a bit over three months, are you too?" Caleb asks. "I am, I am also three months along, does your Polar Bear know?" Tony asks. "He does, and he's thrilled" Caleb says. "My cub's Daddy doesn't know yet, he was married and we had an affair, he was my first, and he went back to his wife, and I found out a few days ago, and I can't tell him" Tony says weeping on Caleb's shoulder.

Caleb hugs Tony. "We'd broken up, and we found out after Ben came to me to reconcile" Caleb says. He's not going to bring up what Ben did, he knows it would just hurt Ben unecessarily. "I live with my parents and I know they'll know soon, my Mom has been looking at me rather suspiciously, and they'll throw me out when they know, they won't handle me being gay let alone being pregnant by a married man" Tony says crying on Caleb's shoulder. "How old are you, Tony?" Ben asks softly. "I'm just 19" he says quietly. Caleb hugs him tighter. "Poor sod, young and isolated and pregnant, could a been me very easily" Caleb thinks to himself. And he gently strokes the sobbing young Tiger's head.

Ben puts his big paw on Caleb's shoulder. "He needs us, Caleb" he says softly. Caleb nods. "Tony, come live with us, you don't need that stress, we can help" Ben says hugging Tony tightly. "You don't know me" Tony says. "You seem a lot like me, Tony, married or not, ya love ya Baby's Daddy." Caleb says. Tony nods. Ben and Caleb cuddle Tony between them. He's stopped crying and he's calming down. "You're being so nice to me" Tony says. "No one's been very nice to me lately" Tony says sadly. Ben smiles shyly. Caleb nods. "We'll help, life could have left me in your shoes very easily, sweet Tiger" Caleb says stroking the Tiger's soft Brown hair. "Me Ben came home ta me though, and we can't not help ya" Caleb says quietly.

"Baby Kitten, we'll take him to go get our car and then we'll go get his stuff and move him in" Ben says stroking them both. "I don't wanna be a burden" Tony says softly. "My condo is a two bedroom, you wont be a burden, that bedroom just sits, I never have visitors so having a guest room is a bit of a waste" Caleb says. "You don't mind?" Tony asks. "No, we don't" Ben says softly. "You won't need it for a nursery?" Tony asks. "No, I want our cub in with us, once he's a bit more grown up, we'll see, but we have plenty of time" Ben says soothingly. Tony smiles and nods.

"Besides, you two can lean on each other, you'll deliver about the same time, and if you can't get his Daddy to come back to you, we'll help you take care of your cub" Ben says softly. Tony looks so grateful. "I was so scared, I'm barely able to take care of myself , and I"m broke til I get a new job, and to have to face tending to a new little life all alone, I was overwhelmed, but I can't just get rid of it, I couldn't do that, I just don't know how to tell my Angelo, or if he'll want it too" Tony says sounding agonized. "You love his Daddy a lot don't you?" Caleb asks. "I do, I wouldn't have given him my cherry if I didn't, I'd been gay for a long time and I couldn't do it, I didn't like anyone, until him, well enough to let them fuck me" Tony says sadly. "Who is he?" Caleb asks. "He's a big Grizzly, and he ran a restaurant I went to a lot" Tony says softly. "I fell for him the first time he smiled at me" Tony says. Caleb is remembering the first time he saw Ben, and he knows now that's when he fell for his big Polar Bear.

Ben's smiling. "He is like you, Caleb, had to wait for his 'one true love' and all" Ben says grinning. "Was Ben your true love?"Tony asks. "He was and he is, and I proudly carry his son" Caleb says. Ben's got a tear in his eye. "It isn't that simple, Tony" Ben says. And to Caleb's surprise, Ben tells Tony the whole story. Tony's silent when Ben finishes the story. "You must have loved Ben so much, Caleb" Tony says. Caleb nods. "And Ben's love for you must be so strong, it pulled him back to you, and it's shining from his eyes, how much he loves you" Tony says. "He wanted me, and we didn't yet know I was pregnant" Caleb says softly. "And when we found out, he was ecstatic, Tony, he got past a lot of his fears and he opened up, and well, he loves me completely now" Caleb says proudly. Ben kisses Caleb.

The bus gets to their stop, and they all get off. They go into the car dealership, and when Ben fits comfortably into the car they wanted, Caleb buys it. A nice Subaru Outback. And they drive Tony to his parent's house and while his parents aren't home they move him out. Ben does most of the heavy lifting. He'll not let Tony nor Caleb lift anything at all.

On the way home, Caleb asks Tony about his love. Tony tells them of how he met his Angelo Musante, his big Grizzly Bear. Over time, Tony would go to Angelo's restaurant and he fell in love. And one night, Angelo followed Tony home, when Tony's parents were out, Tony let Angelo have his cherry, and they made love for hours. They dated a bit and one horrible night, Angelo told Tony he was married and he was going back to his wife, he didn't want to risk losing his restaurant to his wife in a divorce. And that was two months ago, and Tony hasn't seen him since, nor gone back to Angelo's restaurant. Tony's weeping now.

Caleb takes him into the Condo, and Ben carries his stuff in. Caleb helps Tony get settled in. And he goes and fixes lunch for everyone. Ben's hungry as is Caleb. Tony's only picking at his food. "Tony, you know you have to eat, you've got a cub inside of you who needs nourishment" Ben chides him. "I'm sorry, I'll try to eat more" Tony says sadly. "You miss him, and you want to tell him don't you?" Caleb asks. Tony nods. "Even if he won't come back to you, you want him to know you're carrying his son" Ben adds gently. Tony nods and he's tearing up. "Is it a Grizzly cub?" Caleb asks. "Yeah, I had an ultrasound, I found I was a hermaphrodite, and pregnant and it is a little Grizzly male" Tony says softly. "I'll have a little Angelo, even if he won't leave his wife for me" Tony says perking up. Caleb nods. "You're proud of that, like I'm proud to have a little Ben inside of me" Caleb says grinning. Ben is so happy and proud looking. "I hope Angelo's as happy about this as Ben is" Tony says quietly. "He will be, there is so much joy knowing a beautiful Feline has your son inside of him and is carrying it proudly" Ben says nuzzling his Caleb. "Tony, you should be proud of being fat and swollen with the Grizzly cub of the male you love so" Caleb says smiling. Tony nods. And he smiles. "I am' he says softly.

The rest of the day goes well. Tony seems happy to be with them and understood and he's more comfortable in feeling accepted now. At bedtime, Ben picks Tony up and he and Caleb cuddle the obviously lonely Tiger between them. And they soon fall asleep. But as he falls asleep, Caleb knows he has to find this guy for Tony's sake. even if he doesn't respond like Ben did, and doesn't want this cub he'd fathered more than his own life like Ben did. Tony needs to know, Caleb knows he'd want to know, and it's what he'd of done when he found out, if Ben hadn't come back to him before that. No matter how Ben would have reacted, Caleb would have kept and raised their cub, even as a single father. From the moment he knew he had that little Polar Bear cub inside of him, Caleb has wanted it fiercely.

They wake, Caleb fixes breakfast and they all eat. Tony's a bit brighter this morning. Caleb goes into his room and fires up his laptop. He's still got remote access to the Library's server. And he looks up Angelo Musante. Damn! His restaurant is closed, and he's living in a cheap apartment not too far from where he and Ben live. Ben is cuddling Tony and they're sitting and watching TV.

Caleb kisses Ben and tells him he's going out for a bit. Ben smiles. And he nods at Tony. He knows where Caleb is going. Caleb leans down and kisses Tony. And he leaves. He's glad Ben knows and approves of what he's doing. Makes it easier to track this guy down. Caleb isn't sure what he'll say but he is convinced he'll think of something, he has to.

Caleb goes to the address and rings the doorbells til someone lets him in. He's seen the apt number with A. Musante on the mailbox. So he goes up. And he knocks on the door. A very sleepy looking huge Grizzly opens the door. He's not quite as big as Ben, but he's pretty big. His deep Brown eyes are bloodshot and he's naked. He's got a body a lot like Ben's, big and solid, but with a pot gut too. Caleb's got to admire Tony's taste in Bears. Caleb flushes to think that he'd of given this Italian Bear his cherry too. And would be just as proud if it was his cub growing inside his belly. Angelo is one beautifully masculine and sexy Grizzly Bear.

"Umm, can I help you?" Angelo asks. "You don't know me, but I know someone who's desperately trying to find you, Mr Musante" Caleb says quietly. "Come in" the Grizzly grunts. Caleb's surprised at the mess that comprises Angelo's apartment. Typical bachelor place. "I'm gonna make coffee, I kind of need it, you want some?" Angelo asks. "No, I'm good thanks" Caleb says. Angelo is busy in the kitchen for a few minutes. Caleb sits at the kitchen table quietly.

"You've got an accent, are you Scottish? Angelo asks. "I am" Caleb replies. Suddenly, Angelo turns to him, and looks rather serious. "Who's looking for me?" he growls gruffly. Caleb remains unafraid. "Tony DiMarco" Caleb says softly. Angelo looks happy at that. "Where is he?" Angelo asks excitedly. "I tried to find him, but he isn't working where he was, and he lives with his parents but they wouldn't tell me where he was, and I didn't know how to find him" Angelo says weeping now. "He's living with me and me Polar Bear mate" Caleb says softly. And Caleb tells Angelo an edited version of how he and Ben met Tony. "I can't help but notice, you almost look pregnant?" Angelo asks. "I am, despite being a male' Caleb admits. "Lucky Polar Bear" Angelo says. "Such a beautiful young Snow Leopard loves him and is carrying his child" Angelo says softly. "It's a son, a Polar Bear boy" Caleb says proudly. "He's got to be so happy, I would be, to know someone who loved me carried my son" Angelo says grinning. Caleb smiles to himself. Angelo turns serious again.

"I was married, I only married so I could have kids, but the bitch is infertile" Angelo growls. "I'm divorcing her lying ass" he says angrily. And he tells me a sad story of marrying her despite being gay, and finding out she couldn't have cubs and never told him. "This should be easy then" Caleb thinks to himself. But he knows he won't tell him Tony's got his cub in him. Tony needs to do that.

"Do you think he'll want to see me?" Angelo begs. "He will, he's been miserable without you" Caleb says quietly. "I thought I'd go back to my wife, and we tried hard to have cubs, but she didn't get pregnant and tried to blame it on me" Angelo says. "And when we went to the fertility doctor, he told me I was very fertile, and she had a chronic condition, she knew she couldn't get pregnant, she wanted to be married though" Angelo says sadly. "Getting rid of her cost me my restaurant" he adds angrily. "I couldn't find him, I was dying inside, I had nothing, no restaurant, no mate, no Tony" he says tearing up. "And no sons" he says anguished. And he looks so sad.

Caleb has to chuckle to himself. "He's got Tony, all I have to do is bring him home, and Tony'll throw himself at Angelo, and Angelo will find out he's got a cub already on the way" Caleb thinks to himself. "I'm sorry my pain is funny to you" Angelo snarls. "No, mate, not at all, but you should find the rest out from Tony himself" Caleb says softly. "He wants you, he doesn't know I found you and came looking for you, but he's desperate to have you come back to him." Caleb says softly.

"Is he?" Angelo asks excitedly. "Is he like you are now?" Angelo asks. "He is and it's yours, Tony gave you his virginity and he's not been with anyone else but you" Caleb says. Angelo's got the same look on his face that Ben did in Dr Michaels' office. He's ecstatic to find he's got a son coming. "Your Tony is three months pregnant with your cub" Caleb says softly. He knows he should have let Tony tell Angelo, but Angelo knew somehow. Angelo hugs Caleb tightly. And he's weeping softly.

"Take me to him, I beg you" Angelo says dropping to his knees. "It's what I came here to do, he misses you, and you obviously miss him, and you want the son he's carrying so bad you can taste it, just like my Ben wants ours" Caleb says quietly. Angelo's face breaks out in a huge grin. "I do, I want this, I'd want Tony back badly even if he wasn't heavy with my cub" Angelo says happily. Caleb hugs Angelo. "I was right, you are a good Grizzly at heart, you miss your Tiger love and you'll be a great Daddy" Caleb says grinning.

"It's been agony to be without him, I did what I thought was the right thing, I stayed with my wife" Angelo says. "But I couldn't stop thinking about Tony, I wept to know I might not ever have him, and when we found out and I went to divorce her, I tried so hard to find him" Angelo says, the pain in his voice so obvious. "How'd you find me?" Angelo asks. "It's what I do, I'm a Reference Librarian, we can find anyone or anything" Caleb says smiling. "Given enough time that is, but it didn't take long once I logged into the Library's computer system" Caleb says.

"Take me to my Baby Tiger?" Angelo begs. "Go shower and dress and I will be more than happy to take you home, we just got him moved in, and I figure he'll want you with him, so we can come back and get your stuff later" Caleb says softly. "You'd take us in and let us be together?" Angelo asks. "I would, he loves you, and he and I can get through this birth thing together, neither of us have external female parts and we'll have to be C sectioned, but you're as big as my Ben, and it'll be rough on Tony to be carrying your big cub" Caleb says. "You got a big Polar Bear to love you?" he asks. Caleb nods. "I've got a big male Polar Bear cub inside me too" Caleb says proudly. "I wonder if Tony's carrying a Grizzly son for me" Angelo muses. "He says he is, he's had an ultrasound like I have" Caleb says. Angelo grabs Caleb and weeps on his shoulder. "I have a son, I'll have a boy just like me" he roars in his joy. Caleb grins. "Ben reacted like that too" Caleb says. "I'll have someone who understands this joy" Angelo says. And he runs off to shower.

Caleb sits and he looks around. The place is cluttered but not filthy. Good sign, Caleb thinks to himself. "He's not a pig at least, he loves Tony and he's thrilled to be a father" Caleb muses to himself. And he rings his Ben on his mobile.

Quickly Caleb tells Ben of finding Angelo and how happy he is to find his Tony and that Tony's got his cub in him. "I didn't mean to tell him, Ben, he asked if Tony was like me, and obviously pregnant, so I had to tell him" Caleb says. "You did the right thing, I can relate to how happy he is" Ben says. "Come home soon, your Polar Bear misses you" Ben says softly. "I'll be home soon, just waiting for Angelo to clean up and shower" Caleb says.

Angelo comes out and he's gorgeous. Dressed nicely and he's a hot Grizzly for sure. Caleb's impressed. Angelo's grinning deeply. "Did you drive?" he asks Caleb. "No, I don't drive" Caleb says. "I'll take us in my truck, Tony doesn't drive either" Angelo says grinning. Angelo takes Caleb down the the apt building's garage and the get in his relatively new pick up truck, and Caleb directs Angelo to his condo.

When they get there Caleb gets out and opens up the second garage slot that belongs to him, and Angelo parks his truck. Caleb takes him in through the kitchen. Tony's laying on the couch watching TV. Angelo runs to him and weeping hard picks his Tiger up. "I've been trying to find you, baby, I left her, and I missed you so much" Angelo says kissing Tony repeatedly. Tony's crying. Ben hugs Caleb from behind. "Angelo, I have to talk to you...."Tony says seriously. "I know, precious Tiger, I saw Caleb and I had to wonder if my baby Tiger was knocked up too" Angelo says happily. Tony grins. "I wanted to tell him, but I was too scared, and I'm glad you did, Caleb" Tony says, looking relieved. "I want you, for good, and I am thrilled you loved me enough to keep my son, even though you didn't have me" Angelo says happily.

Ben strides up to Angelo and puts his paw out for Angelo to shake. And Angelo hugs him. "I see how happy you are when you look at Caleb, you know my joy at having my Tiger back, and to know he's proudly carrying my son" Angelo says happily. "I do" Ben says hugging Angelo back. "I'm Ben Cranshaw, by the way" Ben says. "I"m Angelo Musante" Angelo says. "Thank you both, for taking my Tony in, and for helping us get back together" Angelo says softly.

Ben and Angelo seem to like each other, and they walk off together talking intently. Caleb sits with Tony and they hug and talk. "He wants to move in, he's scared he'll lose you again, Tony" Caleb says happily. Tony's so happy now.

Ben strolls in. He kisses Caleb. "We're going to go get Angelo's stuff and move him in, he's a good Grizzly and he loves Tony so much, and he's as proud as I am to know he's gonna be a Daddy soon" Ben says happily. Ben strokes Caleb's belly. "My boy" he whispers into Caleb's swollen belly. "Grow well, and know your Daddy's waiting to meet you" he says to his son. Tony's grinning. Angelo comes in and he's gently stroking Tony's belly now. "I'll move in and we'll spend the night getting reacquainted, my love" he whispers into Tony's ear. "Seeing you with my son in your belly makes me so hot for you, and if I don't go now, I won't be able to, and I want to be with you for good" Angelo says softly.

"I'm gonna fuck you all night too, Baby Kitten" Ben says deep kissing me. Caleb grins. "I'm not kidding" Ben says gruffly and he puts Caleb's paw on his rock hard dick. Caleb is smiling. Life has certain changed for the better now.

Angelo and Ben leave. And Caleb and Tony talk, and they both vent the few little fears they have about being pregnant, though they know the pain of childbirth won't be something they have to deal with. Mostly just about the discomfort that will come from their Bears being so much bigger, and how big their cubs will get while inside of them. But the joy comes back quickly.

Caleb and Tony hug each other. "I have to thank you, no one has been as good to me as you and Ben have" Tony says softly. "We had to help, and you're a good Tiger" Caleb says smiling. "It could have very easily been me, Tony, Ben fought his love for me so hard" Caleb says softly. "He came back to me to talk it out, and we'd agreed to try to take it one day at a time" I say. "After a night of sex, it was wonderful to have my Bear again, I woke up sick as I had been, and we found out I was pregnant" Caleb says softly. "How did he take it?" Tony asks. "He was so happy, a girl he was dating had gotten pregnant by him and went out and had it cut out of her, and he was shattered, so he was thrilled to know he was gonna have a son" Caleb says. "More than that he felt if I had the parts to make his baby I couldn't be completely male, and he let his love for me free" Caleb says happily. "I have always wanted a real husband, and Ben is that, he'll be all I'd ever want" Caleb adds.

"I was so scared of how to tell Angelo, I was glad you did, but I had hoped he'd be happy" Tony says shyly. "He was so happy, he asked me if I was pregnant and if you were too, I had to tell him then, he was asking me so hopefully" Caleb says. "He wanted you to be so badly, I could see it in his eyes" Caleb says. "He wanted his Tiger back anyway, but to know his Tiger was carrying his son, he was ecstatic" Caleb says. They hug. "We're carrying our Bear's sons, and we'll be happy" Tony says joyously.