Between a Rock and A Hard Place

Story by Quinten on SoFurry

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Thanks so much to Hensley for allowing me to use his character!

When this guy first came out I simped HEAVY!

Please follow Chomp here:

And Here:

Idea by: Me

Character of Sammy by:Me

Character of Chomp owned by: Hensley

Summer. That time of year when everyone gets out of the house and sweats, and kids run rampant.... at least that's what Sammy thought till he had the sweetest summer of his life.

Meet Samuel, he's 19 years old, fresh outta highschool, and an orca, not the big beefy ones, he had at the best a swimmers body, his torso was compact, but no abs, his arms built, but not too built.

He wanted to spend his summer indoors and playing video games, but college isn't gonna pay for itself and he was given a job at the docks.

It wasn't a bad job, he was a clerk at a fish market, luckily he was good at math, and the pay wasn't too bad and... the people were kind to him, occasionally he got hit on by men and though he enjoyed it he felt too nervous to say much back.

Days went by of the same routine and he got used to it, but then as he was making a sale on a pound of fresh tuna, something caught him. A smell, a rather sweet smell. He felt compelled to follow it, and follow it he did, after going on his break of course.

As he stepped outside there he was, the largest shark he had ever seen in his life.

Standing 7 feet tall, with a well toned athletic physique and munching mindlessly on a caramel apple,was a comically turquoise blue and white shark.

Sammy could smell the faint smell of blue raspberry and marshmallow along the shark's musk making him even more curious.

Though nervous he took a few steps toward him, a blush formed in his face, showing on his white eye spots. "Hi there Samuel my name is Big Shark...wait I name is Samuel, but everyone calls me Sammy, what's your name?"he asked, going in for a hand shake.

The shark looks down and sees him blushing and responds with a wide grin, his teeth sharp and rather shiny as they flashed a soft blue down at him. Sammy was much shorter being around 5'10, which meant he had to look up at the shark from where he was.

The shark saw his blush and he eyes the little guy up and down; and his large tail begins to wag out of excitement and general curiosity over the small orca.

"Well hello there cutie" he says in a deep, confident, and energetic voice "I'm Chomp" he took his hand shaking it with a firm grip.

As Samuel looked closer not only did he notice the only real clothes Chomp had on was a loose fitting pair of red shorts, but the shark didn't really look like other sharks he had seen, the blue of him was a standout itself, but to find it was transparent as well raised questions.

"I hope you don't mind my asking, but I've never seen... anyone like you...what kind of shark are you exactly?"

"I'm a reef shark" he says with a smile, before realizing what he really meant.

"Oh you mean the obvious other bit, well I'm a gummy shark, not many of me, but that's cool for me it helps me stand out" he says laughing. The orca could tell now, and was overtaken by the smell from earlier. "You smell that right?" Chomp nodded, and lifted an arm, only adding to its magnitude. "That smell is me, the musky sweetness brings a lot of attention, and it seems yours too, so what can I do for you, little dude?" He says as he puts a hand on his hip.

The orca was surprised. "Well first I wanted to smell really good, and second... I do have a few hours left of work, but I'd like to spend some time with you, if that's okay with you" he says with a determination that he couldn't refuse. He looked to go in thought.Well... I'm headed to a workout, I'll pick you up and we can hang out, sound cool?"

The smaller orca nods.

"Good, but hey just a warning, Kay dude" he walks close to him and places his hand on one of his shoulders. "I BITE" he growls quite loudly as he takes a powerful bite into the air, Sammy was surprised at how strong it was to make a whoosh sound. The shark laughed at the look of surprise "Well see you later, Sammy" he said waving as he nearly ran away, his tail swishing behind him drawing all the attention he wanted to his beautiful ass and making Samuel blush.

The hours passed by and the only thought on Samuel's mind was the shark he met earlier and the thought of what he meant by "I bite" led him down a few paths of thoughts. "Sammy.... Sammy, you shift ended, you can go" his manager says tapping his shoulder. "Oh...okay see you on Thursday, Cal" he says before clocking out and heading out. " Just then he felt a warm soft sensation against his back. "Hey there, you have fun at work?" He asks, looking down at him, with another caramel apple with him.

Sammy smiled and hugged the shark, slightly sticky from the sweat. Chomp was taken by surprise, but hugged him back. "Be glad I'm a hugger little dude" he says with a laugh. This goes on for an awkwardly long amount of time before they seperate, Sammy blushing a bit. "Sorry, it felt nice" he says. "No problem, felt nice for me too, now you ready to go" he asks as he takes his hand. The orca blushes and nods and he is rushed along with the shark, trying to keep up with his pace. "Hey could you slow down please" he asks. The shark looks down "Oh right, sorry Sammy I kinda go on my own stride, sure I'll slow down for you, besides the day is still bright" he says as they go off to the location that Chomp was taking them to. Along the way the shark was munching on the caramel apple noisily showing signs of clear enjoyment. " really like sweets huh?"

"Like them" the shark says in response. "Dude...I LOVE THEM" he says with elation. "Sweets are amazing, they keep me going and positive,I have tried all kinds, from all over the world. I haven't found a favorite, but I love ice cream, taffy, chocolate, gushers, and Gummy candies!". The shark seemed quite ecstatic as he stopped the orca in front of a large store, which had a large gumball machine on top, with a sign that read in bright gold leaf "Candy Emporium". Despite the grandiose name it was a rather small store, but the shark was still excited as ever. "Come on, I got to pick up my fix" he says as he pulls his hand into the store, the sweet smells filled their noses and caused them to salivate.

"HEY CHOMP, Good to see you bud" says a short lemon shark, who smelled of citrus and pine. He hugged the larger shark and smiled with near symmetrical teeth, laughing as he walked back to his counter. "We've got a huge sale for the summer...and I brought back the Chomp special". This made the large shark's eyes fill with what seemed like small yellow stars "Aw HELL YEAH, wait here I have to stock up on sugar" he says as he plops down a hundred dollar bill and runs off to scour the halls. As Sammy looks around he sees Chomp scramble to find all of his favorites for that day and also manage to take all of the gummy sharks. Sammy smiles seeing him so passionate makes him contagiously smile. "Hey you gotta try this" he says, shoving a gummy spider into his mouth, the taste of creamy yet tangy grape fills the orca's mouth and surprisingly it's not too bad. "I like them" his shark and simple statement made the shark laugh and pat his head. After buying enough candy and treats to last a lifetime, they kept walking along the boardwalk every so often Sam would look up at the shark to see he was smiling widely, his smile naturally made him smile too. As they passed by a few shops Chomp tugged him to a window. "Hey...look over here" he points to a surfboard in the window, it being a surf shop you could see a bunch of wet suits and boogie boards, but he saw it. A huge surfboard in the middle of the room was adorned in yellow, orange, and red flames on a black background. "That's a good looking surfboard" Sammy says looking to admire the piece in front of him. "Sure is...I'm gonna buy her one day, and ride the sickest waves" "You surf?" Sammy asks. "Yeah, it's more of a hobby though, but it's incredible to be out on the water". The thought of surfing excited the smaller orca, he had always wanted to try more adventurous things. "I've never been surfing before" he says with a small blush. "It's cool dude, I promise you one day I'll take you with me" the shark replies with a wide smile. The smaller orca hugged him again, and the shark picked him up, at eye level he could see that Sammy had a bit of blue in his green eyes. Their tails wagged as they looked at each other for a very long time. "You are so beautiful,Sammy" he says, breaking the silence. Sam blushes and turns away. "Th-thanks" he says in response. They continued on and found the boardwalk to be much less crowded now. "So....Chomp tell me about yourself". The shark paused, deep in thought. "Uhhh... Well I'm not that special, I was raised on an island close to here with my family, who are also gummy sharks, I work at the shipyard and that's about it" he says they walk by a large rather dashing bull. "So Sammy what about you...tell me about your-" he is stopped by the sensation of a bit taken out of his neck by the same bull they had just passed. Chomp exhales and looks to Sammy with a smile"Hey Sam could you run up ahead; I'll meet you at the buoy over there" he nods and walks over. The shark face turns to a frown of anger as he turns to face the bull, who was a good distance away from him. "Did you just...bite me?" He asks. The bull nodded and smirked as he chewed on the chunk of the tangy blue raspberry gummy. Chomp growls and tackles the bigger guy, the both of them falling with a thud onto the boardwalk. He pressed his large hairy arms down and straddled along his core. "Listen here snack, I have eaten bigger things than you in my life for much less than you took." Chomp growled again and got closer to his face, physically pressing his nose up to him. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't eat you right here and now". The bull looked up at the shark, he didn't seem to be afraid, in fact he was rather calm about the whole thing. "Well I guess it's because...I wouldn't mind getting eaten by someone as interesting as you are, and I'll admit you tasted delicious" he says as he licks the shark's snout. Chomp blushed softly, he found himself feeling a rumble as he looked down at him, the bull was incredibly beautiful, and he could feel the muscles underneath him, he'd be perfect for his army of fuck buddies. "What's your name?" He asks with a smirk replacing his anger. "I'm Mitchell, why" he asks"So I know what to write on your collar" and that's when suddenly the shark bites his neck, Hard. Instead of reacting in fear or shock the bull simply gripped his head closer into his neck and let out a mix between a deep low moo and a moan of pleasure. When Chomp came up he licked the blood from his lips. "That will heal up quick but the mark stays" he says with a small laugh. "I'm your master now, dude" he says as he takes the bull's phone out of his shirt pocket and puts in his number taking a picture of himself sticking his, much darker, tongue out. "Don't call me... I'll call you". And that's all he said after getting up and walking away leaving the bull to lay there. He then caught up to Sammy and smiles "Sorry about that I had to handle some business, hope you didn't get too bored" he says sitting in the bench next to him.

He looked up to him. " got something on your lip" Sam says, the shark looks and sees a little bit of blood still left on his lip. "Oh sorry Sammy, just worked something out with the guy who took a chunk out of my neck" he showed him the bite, it was pretty big. "Oh no... Does it hurt"? "Not too bad it actually felt pretty good on first impact."

He then took a big handful of gummy candy and slowly the bite reformed, the orca gasped in surprise. "That's so cool" he says. "Yeah I know dude"the shark responds.

The two of them walked around, window shopped more, and finally plopped themselves onto the beach to watch the sunset.

Sammy rested his head on Chomp's shoulder, and Chomp slowly pulled him in with an arm. They were both very relaxed when out of nowhere, the orca's stomach growled.

"Oh...are you hungry little dude?" Chomp asked him. Sam blushes and nods" The only thing I've had to eat was that gummy tarantula".

The shark went deep into thought. "Hey I know what you can do" he says in a sly tone. "Okay, what's that" the orca asks?

The shark then flexed a muscle, his white marshmallow flexed into a beautifully toned arm. "Eat me" he says in a hushed tone. Sammy blushed. "Are you sure, I wouldn't want to hurt you". Chomp laughed "No way hozay, it doesn't hurt, come on take a chunk of this sexy beast, you won't regret it" he says.

Being driven by hunger and his larger peer he takes a small bite out of his arm, he heard the shark gasp softly as he did so. His marshmallow was so squishy and sweet despite how strong and compact his arm felt.

Chomp looked at his arm and back at Sam. "That's it?" He asked looking at how small the bite was " Aw come on bite me some more, let me fill you up" he says sticking out his tongue a bit.

Blushing now Sam got in deeper taking another bite but he felt the shark keep him there, trusting him to bite off more. Of course he couldn't refuse and this time he takes a much bigger bite, getting more soft marshmallow and a bit of blue raspberry, after tasting the flavors together he knew he needed more, and began to cling to the shark and takes more bites, he became so focused he didn't even hear the shark moaning in delight.

After Sam had stopped he looked at the aftermath and saw the shark had a huge open smile and a small blue blush. "That was much better" he says and scarves down some gummy candy and his arm grows back. "My turn" he says as he grabs him, not rough, but definitely startling.

He wraps Sam's smaller body around his, and takes a bite of his neck, despite how sharp his teeth were Sam didn't scream, or flail. The only reaction that Sam had was a small inhale and clutching onto the shark for support. This ultimately turns on the shark, and as he licks the blood off of his neck he looks into his eyes and smirks "I'm popping your cherry tonight" he says confidently as he lifts him into the air. "I tried to resist myself from fucking on the first date, but you are just to damn cute" he says in his defense as they disappear by the rocks.

Sam was dumbfounded but all in all pleased by the interaction, the bite didn't hurt him and he felt safe in his arms. The shark brought his lips closer and closer to his until the two were locked in a passionate kiss, the orca and the shark's tail wagged in excitement. When they released a small strand of sugary saliva left them. "That..was" Sam tried to say. "Your first kiss?" The shark interrupts with a thumb, he smiles and takes off the loose tank top on his body revealing a pale white underbelly and despite not having visible abs the shark was still well built. Though to Sam his body was perfect, and he couldn't take his eyes off of him.

The smaller ocean dweller also removed his own clothes, the shark growls looking at his slim, yet somewhat muscular frame, and as Sam removed his pants he blushed heavily, he wasn't exactly packing only around 5 inches, but combined with his height and body shape he was in Chomp's eyes a bite sized snack, metaphorically and physically. The shark began to laugh "I can't believe this" he says as he walks closer. "W-what?" Sam asked nervously, the shark licked his lips "That I have you here...with me, my own little morsel all to myself" the way he says this makes the orca blush. Chomp then removed his own pants and to Sam's surprise he had a genital slit with a white outer wall and blue innards. They two rejoined feeling the warmth of each other's naked body; they both blush and join back into a much more feral and rough kiss, you could hear the shark growl as he lifts Sam up and presses him against a rock.

Sam moaned into their kiss and felt his cock jump against Chomp's stomach. After releasing they both needed some air, though their eyes stayed locked on the other.

"You are too cute, Sammy" Chomp says as he lets him down. Sam smiled up at him and for the first time his teeth showed, they were pretty sharp, but tiny, this made the shark only more into him. " fit my books and crannies really well I think I even trust you to blow me" he says laying down. Sam looked confused "Why wouldn't you" he asked as he got down to his knees. "A lot of guys have become meals from biting my dick off in the process, anyone who has survived lost a limb, so please please no teeth, I want to keep you around." Sam crawled between his legs, and slowly slid his tongue between his slit's lips. "Oh fuck" the shark moaned as he rubbed the back of his head. His insides tasted of blue raspberry. And an almost syrup like juice flowed inside, and coated his tongue, the consistency almost to that of a watery gusher. This only made the shark moan louder which acted as a motivation to keep going for Sam. It wasn't too long after that, the shark's cock began to slip out, and the marshmallow shaft proved to be a delightful palate cleanser, but in an effort to prove he could do it he took the entire thing, immediately gagging. "Wait wait wait, Sam stop" he says, taking him off. Seeing it up close it was thick, and he was uncut, a long white shaft with a blue head throbbed before his face.

"Why did you do that, Chomp?" he asks. "I didn't want you to choke on me like that, you gotta pace yourself, we're in no hurry, just enjoy it". With those words the shark gripped the base of his cock and took him down to around half before he began to bob his head. "Yeah...take it slow, just like that Sammy, use your tongue more" when he said this he tried to swirl his tongue around and it dipped into his foreskin, which caused the shark to quiver. "Oh shit" he says as he spurts some pre cum in his mouth, it was thick and sweet which led him on to pick up his speed and use his tongue a bit more. Just then he gripped his head and slowly added in an inch or 2 giving him time to get used to it before slamming him into his cock. "See, doesn't that feel better now that you took the time to let it in?" The orca nods and he wipes the small tears forming. "I am so close little dude, I want you to swallow it okay?" He says as he bucks his hips into his mouth, feeling his head hit the back of his throat he clenched. "Oh Fuck" he screams as he shoots warm sticky marshmallow cum into his mouth, it tasting so good he swallowed every drop. The orca came off of him, and then Chomp picked him up again, and kissed him. It was a passionate and tender kiss that seemed to last forever, when they separated the shark had a huge smile on his face. "More" was all he said as he adjusted him onto all 4s . "I want more....and you do too" he says, and though Sam didn't say anything his face said it all. "That's what I thought, but I know you are a virgin, I'm gonna eat you out" he says and without warning slid his long thick tongue inside. The orca gripped the nearby rocks and moaned, his breathing became shallow and jagged as he wasn't used to this much of anything inside of him. The shark pushes his back down and it arches perfectly as he begins to slip his tongue in and out. " feels so good" he says as he finally gets his eyes opened. Chomp slid out and licked his lips. "So tasty, I won't make you wait for me little guy, I'm going in" he says. The orca wasn't sure what that meant, but he was flipped and his arms were wrapped around the smaller orca. The shark's throbbing cock hotdogged him for a bit, until he slammed him down all the way down to his hilt, and began to pump into him without relent or filter. Of course this being his first time the orca clenches and grabs a hold of the shark. "Stop...stop. hurts" Sammy says. The shark looked into his eyes, he could see the predator in them. "Awww, that's cute...but sure, I won't stop, you are too tight and warm for that, but I'll slow down...for you, my little morsel, and you can tell me when to speed up" as he did he slowed down and kissed him as he pumped teasingly slow inside him. This made the orca moan softly, which made the gummy shark speed up, the orca became his sound system, every time his moans got louder the shark would speed up. Sammy was in a strange position, he quickly got used to the thrusting, and he felt so safe in arms and he felt he could moan and scream and the shark would give him more intensity that were asked for. Sammy never felt anything like this before, and so when he finally hit his prostate the orca gripped his body and began to cum all over his body. "It's okay Sammy, you got off for the first time...and you didn't even touch your dick, how do you feel?" the shark asks. "I feel so good, Chomp" he says weakly. " hold on tight, it's my turn and since you are so good at adapting, I won't hold brace yourself and scream all you want, I'll make you feel so good you'll cum again" he says as he grabs his ass and pulled almost all the out and slams him down onto his cock, and pumps with a passionate fury. The shark and the orca grunting and moaning as they engaged in this act of lustful copulation. "Fuck Sammy, you clench on me so good, baby your milking my cock...first time and your already a cum hungry slut, but hey... I'll let you top one day, but till then, TAKE THIS DICK" he yelled,thrusting deep into him; there was an audible slap as he bounces him on his lap. The small orca was trying to stay awake, but he felt himself slipping away, luckily he was kept awake by the feeling of the shark's hand on his smaller member stroking it as he pumped into him like a maniac on a sugar rush driven by lust. "Here I come, Sammy, take it all" he says as he clamps his teeth onto his neck again and filled him with more sticky sweet marshmallow shark cum. The shark sweaty and smiling as he panted, he kissed the orca once more and he carried him to the ocean where they washed off. "Hey Sam... tomorrow you wanna learn how to surf?" He asks, looking into his eyes with a soft smile. The orca looked up at him in the pale moonlight and smiled. "I love you" he says weakly as he nods to the offer. The shark blushed, but then smirked. "Really now...well in that case...look I don't do this often, but you took me like a champ and you make me feel like a kid again when we hang out, so I guess I'm asking, you want to be my boyfriend?" The orca blushes as well, but his mind was made up. "Yes Chomp, yes I'll be your boyfriend" he says as he hugs him. The two rested that night on the rocks of the beach, the only sound that persisted was the sound of their beating hearts and the crashing of waves.


Unleashing The Beast

Walking down the hall of the underground coliseum was always ominous, but not today. Nomad, The Jack of All Trades, had to take care of something. He went to visit Macan, and under any other occasion, he tried to avoid him but would always end up...

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