Depth's of Winters Embrace - Chapter Five -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#5 of Depths of Winters Embrace

Ceredwyn cleans up the young Stag, before unexpectedly, he awakens and Ceredwyn decides to further his education. As she does so, he son learns to take a bit more initiative in his curious exploration, under her gentle ministration and words - he discovers how to -really- please a a most pleasant manner.

Depth's of Winters Embrace

Chapter Five

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

11thOctober, 2021

All Rights Reserved.

I stared down at the unconscious...

Could a spirit, a construct, even -go- unconscious?

My mind whirled, then I carefully slipped off him and shook my long eared head. I found an old cloth and wet it thoroughly, before returning to him and beginning to gently wipe him down. As the cloth brushed over his pale fur, it felt a sheen of ice - almost like frost over his fur.

Rinsing the cloth off again and again, I quickly wiped him clean, then sat on my chair and rested my chin on my paw as I looked at him. He looked so peaceful, so innocent and truly, pure of heart and spirit. Something else caught my eye and made me cough and squirm in embarrassment - for like a monolith rising from the stag, it stood, just as proud and strong as a pine tree.

I sense your thoughts... Came that chilling voice within me again, and I saw a mental picture in my mind, of it standing there and lecherously grinning at me. You'd rut his brains out, if you gave me control, admit it doe...

I will not! I retaliated, forcing myself to close my eyes and once more ground and centre myself. It was a method I knew to banish it back into the darkest depths of my mind and silence it.

Suddenly, the Stag's head turned to face me, and he blinked once, before that beautiful smile spread over his muzzle. My heart melted at his gaze and his smile, just so pure and unsullied by the darkness with me, or that which lay beyond my sheltered cottage and wood.

"Can... I do not understand what happened - " He murmured at me, as he sat up, his cloven hooves clicking on the floor. "I feel...strange."

Adopting my neutral expression proved harder than I'd expected it to be, as I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, then lightly laid my paw on his cool thigh. He looked at me, then down at himself, then back at me and raised both eyebrows.

"Did we...make love?" He asked, purely and innocently.

I knew he could read my mind - it'd taken me a while to figure it out, but through whatever Magicks I'd brought him inadvertently into this world - were we bonded by those same magicks. I spoke only truth to him, for he deserved nothing less.

"No, little one." I answered simply. "I fear my gentle touch and your inexperience - not that that is a bad thing! Proved a bit much for you to..."

My thoughts wandered and my voice caught in my throat, my vocal cords strangling them. How could I word it so he would not only understand, but not be frustrated and upset?

"No, but I would like, if I may, could we...try something else? Oh, do not fret little one, I will teach you. First, I will teach you, if you are willing, how to pleasure a doe - or if you desire, how a doe can pleasure a stag. I give you both options, you may choose that which you wish."

"I wish?" He asked, then frowned and did that adorable head tilt for a moment. "Oh, I choose, I understand."

He started to surprise me, how quickly he started to think for himself and make connections within... what _was_within his head? Did he have a mind? Was it some void? Some... I did not know. I wanted to view him not as a construct - a badly made one at that, for I truly did not know what magicks I had weaved to bring this poor stag into resistance and...

I gasped suddenly, as I felt his cold tongue against my throat and he licked me, then cuddled me close, his cool paws around my back and my breasts pressed against his chest.

How did he know how to do that? Is he learning from me? Is there some extraneous force he can draw from?

Carefully, he pushed me backwards until I fell onto the bed, and he came with me, laying on me, yet he felt almost as light as a feather. For some creature of what felt remarkably like flesh and blood, he had no discernible weight to him - yet I could feel him, in every sense of the...

He gazed down at me, that velvet like nose of his touching mine, those huge eyes staring into my own and against my belly I could feel his member, cool and comforting.

"Am I - " He whispered. "Do I frighten you so?"

I smiled up at him and gently shook my head on the crude pillow on which it lay.

"No, you do not frighten me little one, if anything - I am - both surprised and encouraged in your willingness and eagerness to try something on your own!"

He frowned, then his ears flattened. "Should I not? Is...this wrong?"

I shook my head again, then gently scratched him behind the ears. His eyes widened and he leaned his head back, a low gasp coming from him as he felt just how pleasurable such a simple thing could be.

"No, not at all, this is called cuddling, it can be quite pleasurable for both stag and doe."

"Cuddling..." He blinked and instantly assimilated this new word. "I think I like this cuddling."

"Indeed, it is most pleasurable, now, would you like me to teach you more things?"

He started to push himself upright, pressing against my shoulders, but I gently placed a paw on his wrist and he stopped then looked down at me.

"You were curious about lovemaking, I can teach you this, or the other things...if you desire, do you remember? I offered you a choice of your own, free of me and my desires. Tonight my dear, sweet stag, it is all about you and your pleasure."

" not understand. How can it be about me, when it should be about us?"

Indeed, he reads my mind like it was an open book or a scroll. He can either sense my innermost thoughts or somehow, they're shared between us. Strange I can not read his...

"I understand little one, truly I do!"

I gently caressed those adorable cheek stripes on his muzzle and he wrinkled his muzzle then giggled.

" called tickling. It feels good, doesn't it? However, it needs to be done carefully, and only at certain times and places!"

He frowned, not quite grasping it, so I smiled and lifted my head, gently placing my paws behind his, as I pressed my lips against his, then when he gasped and his eyes widened, I kissed him long, deeply and passionately. He quickly got the meaning of it and it was strange - my warm, moist tongue swirling and flickering over his cold one.

I felt him relax in my arms and after five minutes, I broke our passionate kiss and trembled beneath him. He looked down, then lightly touched noses with me again as that adorable smile once more split him from ear to ear.

"May I... learn to please you?"

"You already do, my gentle buck!"

"I mean..." He frowned and seemed to be thinking, trying to find the word and descriptive he so craved. "You said a buck should pleasure a doe, can me to understand?"

I blushed, my ears turning a brilliant crimson, and he stared in rapture at them, before he pulled at his own ears, trying to fold them over so he could see inside them. I gently stopped him, and he frowned at me.

"We are...of a different species, you and I." I told him. "I am descended from a Mule Deer, very distantly. You, you have the form and...well, you would be, if you... No, that's wrong to say that. You would be a Whitetail Deer. I wish I had a book to show you, but..."

He frowned, then timidly reached out and touched my left ear, ever so gently caressing it and rubbing the black tip between his thumb an forefinger.

"Urgh..." I moaned, I couldn't help it.

Once again, this innocent Buck quickly brought me back to full arousal with just his touch. I felt my nipples harden and my body surrender to his sensual and gentle caresses and timid nuzzling.

"Good, very good..." I gurgled, squirming beneath him. "My ears are very sensitive and they...well, they..."

He frowned, then smiled and nodded.

"I can smell your scent, its sweet and...alluring, is that the right word?"

I could only nod at him, then gently push is head down my throat and lifted my upper body up slightly.

"Here, now, nice and gentle, with your tongue..."

My breast rubbed against his lips and almost instinctively, he nuzzled and tenderly lipped at the swollen alveolar and I nearly lost myself there and then as like a fawn, he began to first lick, then suckle upon it.

"Oh..." I gasped helplessly, feeling my tail frizzle and my legs quivering.

He stopped and looked up out the top of those large, expressionate eyes at me and I nodded and pushed his head back down further. He seemed to understand as his cold tongue licked and nuzzled down my belly.

It defied my imagination and ability to describe, feeling him do that to me - like a teasing, cold cloth on a hot summers day as he placed his paws on my belly and gently rubbed and squeezed.

"Good... " I panted, my body growing increasingly willing.

His nostrils flared as he smelt the heightened scent of my eagerness and timidly, he brushed his cold, wet nose against my folds. My paws gripped at the deerskin on which we lay and a convulsive tremble ran through me as I squealed and moaned. Encouraged by my obviously pleasing scent and strange noises - he did what I had never taught him...

His lips parted and cautiously lapped at my folds. I bleated like the doe I was, I couldn't have held it back if I tried - and he grunted and pulled his head away, but I gently reached down and petted his paws. I was incapable of speech, such was the shock to my loins as he again began to lick and nuzzle down there.

His tongue was broad, soft as my own and cold - oh so very cold - yet something inside of me took control and willingly surrendered to the curious young buck's oral exploration. Here, there, everywhere it seemed his tongue explored - further and deeper than any human I had mated with could ever have achieved!

Because he did not need to breathe as I did, my own coming in quickening pants, he pleasured me for what felt like an eternity...yet must have only been an hour, before I suddenly arched my hips up and his eyes went wide as my first orgasm in what felt like an eternity seized me and carried me away into its merciless grasp....

I bleated, I moaned, I writhed helplessly - I felt elated yet embarrassed, as this eager young buck continued to lap and slurp, his talented tongue finding that sensitive nub of flesh and flickering over it again and again.

"Urgh...nnnggghhhh...." I gurgled, incoherent and incapable, as another powerful orgasm twisted my body and ravaged me.

I had never known such an experience, as what he showed me - his willingness, his eagerness and his talent... It had taken him next to no time to discover that which brought me the strongest emotions of almost soul-crushing pleasure and as he closed his eyes and continued to arouse and liberate me from my decades of celibacy - I could do nothing but surrender myself to him, my dear, sweet, snow buck...

To Be Continued...