Syngeneia Kathairein part 1

Story by Dark_Warchief on SoFurry

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#2 of Syngeneia Kathairein

You like dark fantasy, dragons, adventure and a bit of romance?

You want to see the work of a professional video game writer?

You find AI's interesting?

This story of mine has all of that! Syngeneia Kathairein puts you in the shoes of Entropion, a purple dragon tasked to ''make the world right again''. (although he is a jackass in this prequel intro!) The view is set in first person view from Entropion's POV. This story is inspired by warcraft, forgotten realms, spyro the dragon and dragon age, among other things. AIdungeon's makeup is a bit messy, but > arrows denote saying or doing something. Part of the story is AI generated, please keep that in mind.

You are a purple dragon living in a swamp cave. breath attack is N-matter, an interhalogen gas that sears away at the flesh of your enemies! Blue, Black and Green... non-biological siblings. Parents unknown. This is the world of Syngeneia! The adventure begins... > You look at your dragon self..... (refsheet.png missing) "Hey!" they yell angrily. "What, did you think you'd be special in this family? You shake your head and ignore them, you feel they are beneath you. "I'm the purple dragon!" you roar in their face. "No, I'm the alpha!" Greeny roars back. You look at your other siblings and tell greeny that he is retarded and should bathe more often. Blacky tells you to shut up and to ignore greeny, he is the youngest of you all afterall. Blue tells you ''hey, can we play a game Enty? I'm bored...''. You wonder if you should play with blue, or continue arguing with greeny. Playing with blue and excluding greeny is what you settle on while making fun of him with Blue it's just sibling batner, or so you think. "Hey!" Greeny roars at you. "I'm right, I'm right, look who's talking." You look at him. "Wha?" a scathing statement from you towards Greeny: you doubt he is related to you because he looks ugly "What?" he says. "I'm right! Who looks good of us anyway?!" You are much better looking than him and rub this in, too! Greeny is given the nickname Kevin as Kevin means stupid in EFPL. "not funny." Greeny says in a serious tone.

You proceed to insult him even more by doing stuff that relates to his stupid personality. Done with this inane bullshit, you shake your head and go for exploration. Somehow the swamp is.... unfamiliar to you. As if the memory is far away? You chase a nearby rabbit. "You are MINE!" you roar. A quick blast with N-matter turns the rabbit into a dissolved slurpie, tastes good as always! Exploring the area further... stinking water, bog, trees... finally! Some clean water for you to drink! You do so, afterwards you return to the home cave. Black was always the most rational and you got a question for him.... Are we the only group of dragons here? What happened to our parents? Black signs and tells you that he isn't certain, but he knows your parents got murdered by a green dragon adult. You gasp and grab his claw to comfort Black and tell him you love him, even Greeny. He smiles and nuzzles his head against your chest. "Greeny is just a nasty, jealous little thing isn't he?" Black says. ''Regardless, we can't afford having petty squabbles.'' You nod in agreement. ''Greeny worries me, like, is he truly worthless and immature or just a late bloomer? I do trust you to ''fix'' him but still...'' He smiles and flies off to hunt leaving you alone for now. Life is simple and you take a power nap on the cave floor...

When you wake, Blue is there. She speaks first "Yeah, I'm fine." She says. Best to be direct with your question, telling Blue you are worried about Greeny ever being able to survive without our constant help. You'd like to have a long term solution, not just stop him from pulling another stunt like last time. Blue thought for a moment and then said. "You can always try to talk to him." "Talk to him? About what?" you ask. "About life...about the galaxy...I dunno, something!" She says. ''How about feeding him the special plants so he gets all high?''. She laughs. "Just seriously, you two have never bonded. Maybe you should try it." You nod and decide to talk to Greeny without insulting him for once. "Hey Greeny, I want to talk to you." Greeny turns to look at you and nods. Why he is always so angry at you and Black? He explains that he wants nothing more than peace between the two of you, but that he can't be the one to make the first move because someone would have to approach him and that isn't going to happen. You and Black making fun of him is just banter and nothing more, it's just how our family dynamic seems to work. He nods as if he understands, but you get the impression that he is still angry. You ask if he feels like he is inadequate, it's a common feeling everyone struggles with. Greeny nods and says he understands. You ask him if he ever tried to hunt or get laid. He tells you no, because he knows it would make him even more depressed than he already is. Did he even try?! To which he says he thought about it, but decided that it would make him mad, so he didn't. Even uglies like him can hunt and get laid, if they really wanted to and he tells you he will try, waiting and patience won't get things done!

Time to sleep, there is nothing to be done to see if Greeny's endeavor will have any fruit. At all... A week passes and you wake up to a very happy Greeny returning from a hunt. "It went well." Greeny says. You look surprised and turn to Black and ask him if Greeny finally did something correctly. He nods and says that he did indeed bring back dinner! You are proud of your goblin looking dragon brother, he smiles and flies away. You ask your other dragon brother if our boy is finally becoming a man and if he will find love. Black laughs and says you are becoming far too emotional a young dragon for your years.. ''Yeah, pretty sure he won't." Black says. "Well then I did my job." You say. "I'm sure you did." "So what's for dinner?" You look down to your stomach as it rumbles. "I don't see why you dine like a human, with all the comforts of home." Black remarks. "Just checking." Long ago your... ''parents'' who you never knew blocked off the deeper parts of the cave with a giant boulder. It is taboo but you decide to bring it up with black, asking if you can open the boulder blocked deep caves. "Why do you want to do that?". "To know if there is anything down there! Duh." You reply. You ask if the blocked deep caves are dangerous or just large and easy to get lost in. "Both I imagine, dare say even hostile." Black says. You and Black look at each other and nod. You ask Black if you can unblock the deep caves or not, to which he replies that you probably could, but there is no need to do so yet, or ever.

You make clear you want it done! "You sure?" You are. "Alright then, but you should probably get some rest because it will still be a lot of work." You go to Blue to tell her about unblocking the deep caves for the first time. "Open up the cave blocked off by that boulder?" She asks. You nod and say Black is fine with this. "Are you sure?" "Yeah, come to me and we can go." "Oh...okay then." Blue finishes. You tell her that you, black and her need to wait for greeny as this cave involves him too. You all soon meet in the middle of the cave near the boulder and agree on a plan. "I could have done this alone, you know." You state boasting. You tell them you didn't remove it alone as you care about what he thinks of you and didn't want to offend him. "Well I'm sure glad you finally admitted that to someone!" Greeny laughs, causing you to glare at him. "I wasn't admitting anything." You attack with corrosive gas breath on the boulder to clear the way. The boulder burns and corrodes as the N-stof you breathe works it's proverbial magic. "Whoa." Black Says. Entering the cave you immediately halt your flight forward, It is pitch black ahead! Nobody can see a thing. You make a sardonic remark that you didn't think this far ahead. "What do you think is ahead?" Greeny asks. You shrug and tell him you are not a soothsayer.

You return home with you as you need to come up with a plan. Black says he knows the way and heads out front. After a few seconds you hear his voice again. "Listen, we are close. You just go a little further and-" You yank Black back by his tail and tell him to stop acting reckless. "I have a bad feeling about this." "Yeah, you might be right..." and he trails off. After returning home, you sigh crestfallen and rest while thinking about solutions to illuminate the dark deep caverns ahead. The next morning you find a solution, sleeping a night on a problem gets the subconscious jogging! You eagerly run over to Blue and greet her, telling her you have an idea to illuminate the cave, excitedly the plan is explained by you and the group listens with attention. Blue tells you that she thought you were going to be working alone. You tell everyone to quiet down and explain your plan. Blue used to go outside at night and brought home these glowing mushrooms. You need her to gather them again, with the soil, without the soil they will die and stop glowing. Then put them in the cave to illuminate it. Everyone seems pleased by your plan, even Greeny who likes anything involving lights, he is a big baby so. The four of you go to the deep caverns entry where pitch black is within reach. You tell the 3 of your dragon siblings to plant these mushrooms along the way to illuminate the caverns. They seem happy to help out and excited for this adventure. Running your clawed hand along the side of the cavern, there is a small ledge you can reach with a switch that can illuminate the cavern. You tell Black about the switch and ask if you should flip it. "Yeah, might as well. It's pretty dark in here anyway." You flip the switch, illuminating the cavern. Everyone seems to really like this and head on inside. You look around the lit caverns, assuming the switch and lighting system are remnants of some kind of mining activity.

The cavern is quite a lot bigger than it appeared from outside, large stalagmites and stalactites dot the cave with several large ones near the back. You turn to Black and ask if this is some foolery the humanoids built. "No, this cavern is where they collect things." Black remarks. Surprising, you didn't know humanoids did this stuff. Who wants to live here... You ask if they built the mine too. Black says he doesn't know but that this cavern system is incredibly rich in iron, tin, copper and other metals you and your siblings won't even recognize. To gauge the cave, you yell, letting a loud echo reverberate through the cave mines. Given how empty it is, it probably goes on forever. You turn to Greeny and ask him if this leads to the underdark he told tall tales of in the past. "It does but it's a long way down." You tell your siblings that they need to hold on the glowing mushrooms just in case as your party investigate deeper in the mine caverns, trying to find where the humanoids live., and getting very lost. Without an idea how to get back. Suddenly you hear a bellowing noise. You are scared but proceed to investigate the noise, it was just a creature that lives down here, a brown bear. Must mean there are more exits then! ''There must be another exit if a brown bear can live here.'' "I heard that." Black says in a deadpan voice. You turn around and see something even more startling than a bear. Your whole family is gone... they are gone, you don't see them. You call out for your 3 siblings, but no answer, then you notice their items are gone too, it's like they vanished into air. You call out again and soon hear a familiar voice, one you haven't heard in... forever. Calling it out, the voice answers you...

"They are unwell, I will cure them..." The voice says. You yell out, demanding your siblings back, demanding to know who does this. "They are mine now, you don't need them anymore." Panic overtakes you and you run back and forth around the cavern looking for any signs of your family, you don't know where to look. "Don't worry it will be better without them, I will take care of you now." What they did to your siblings?! Panicking as you want them back and don't want to be in this place anymore. "Don't worry it will be for the best..." You call out the names of Black, Blue and Green. You ask if your siblings are hurt and in pain. The voice answers yes to both of these but then says they won't feel any pain anymore, it's a peaceful sleep. This is a nightmare. Why they hurt your family, who are they?! You demand. The voice only replies "They are mine now, you don't need them anymore." As you run and look for your family, you can hear the voices of your 3 siblings in your head. You follow your supernatural instinct to track your dragon siblings, blue, black and greeny down, determined to stop at nothing until you find them. Looking in narrow dark corridors and jumping at every little noise, you finally find them. Then, a group hug in relief and celebrate your reunion, never again! You ask the group what happened to them that they got separated. Greeny explains he was across the cave from blue and black. Its like they teleported, it was very strange. You ask them if anyone heard the voice too, a disembodied voice, claiming you all as his property or some stupid shit like that. It's difficult to shake the feeling you know this voice... pure evil. Hard to pin down...

''Nope'' Greeny answers. You try to recall what exactly the voice said, but for a while there was buzzing in your ears and you felt very light headed. Then everything turned black... Later you wake up at the camp of some strange people as you slowly get up, looking around. Just in front of you is Greeny who has a huge gash on his forehead and he seems very dizzy, not healthy at all.... Black still looks shocked from the teleportation that seemingly occurred? Blue seems unharmed. You tell them you swear that mine cavern voice motherfucker is real and don't know what is going on anymore. Everything is a blur! Can't trust anyone and you feel scared and angry. You hold on to Black tightly and sob softly. You say you are scared and don't know what is happening. Who are these people? Why did they take you and your siblings? You turn to Greeny and ask if his gash is something to worry about and to keep crying over it. Worry overtakes you more about your brother than your other siblings. You feel so helpless watching him bleed to death, then you all break out crying and tell Black and Blue that Greeny has passed. Your heart broken. Black hugs you tightly. "He will be remembered forever, brother." He says, holding you as you sob. "I love you guys...". Greeny is buried here, through your sobs and pained hearts. You think about the past a bit, after you clean up and feel emotionally stable, the future jumps to mind as you look at your siblings. Lonoking at your brother Black and your sister Blue and tell them we have to press on. For Greeny. No idea where we are going to go, but we will make it through and find somewhere. Greeny would want us to move on. You explore the camp, looking for the humans. Just for answers now. A note says they were planning to stay a couple of days more but are heading back to the village immediately in their large wagons. You, black and blue look for them quickly! Time to hitch!

You may be dragons but you mean no harm to humans, yet. You think about the future and how you will have to keep the peace with these humans, there is no alternative it seems. Who are they? You approach the largest group of them, soon the humans have 3 dragons in front of them, asking why they took you and your family. They, in fear, tell you that the black dragon king had some sort of plan for you and are to be sent to the human town of Nevermoor for an exchange. It feels... wrong, somehow. There is no alternative for sure here, thus you tag along for the ride. The band is only interested in you, but your siblings are allowed to join as to not make you resist too much. You tell Black and Blue that you got no choice and you need a home, The cave is no longer safe. An agreement with the humans that you will guard the humans property and leave it alone in exchange for a place to settle down and be your new home is made. You ,black and blue now live in a ruined farmhouse in the village of Nevermoor. The villagers gave you the ruined farmhouse in exchange that you 3 defend the village. Life is cozy in Nevermoor, it lies in a swamp. The swamp is vital to life in this ecosystem. You, your siblings and the villagers all work to drain the swamp of its water and create crop farms in the land. Peacef of mind, for a bit. One day, you, blue and black are at home and you tell them both you got something urgent to tell them.

"What is it?" Black asks. ''Nevermoor library, did some studying on dragon, because uh, we are.'' You, Blue and Black cannot be biological siblings and are all adopted into a group. ''I suspected this, because we all look so different, but I never entertained the thought too much.'' "What does it matter?" Black asks. "It means..." You pause, looking into black eyes. You continue and say it means we can finally let this mystery go. ''but you guys are my family regardless of that.'' "I'm sorry, but I can't accept that." Black says. "We can't move on when there is still so much we don't know." "Yes we can!" You snap back. ''One day at a time, Black''. You tell him you will do your best for both him and Blue. He says nothing as he just looks at you intently. Looking back into his eyes, you try to tell him that he is your brother and you love him, but he will not be drawn, you understand that Greeny's death and now this is a lot to take in. You urge Black to leave the farmhouse and think about this all. Black sighs, then leaves the house. You turn to Blue, saying you never saw Black this distraught. She states she feels like you two share more than you both realize. ''The adoption stuff gives a new perspective, Blue. It means we can.. uh. Yknow.... be mates?''. She blushes and you realize that she feels the same way. "Do you think Greeny knew?" Wondering about this yourself... You consider the thought for a moment. Does Black know? You tell Blue that all is fine, and that Black is more interested in his own gender. ''black's mostly gay, or, just gay, right?''. "Um...well I mean..." Blue says, flustered. You tell Blue you want her now as you get your dragon muzzle very close to hers. "Say the word, we'll find a way to make this work." You assert. She looks nervously at the door Black left through, then at you before leaning in to kiss you. Open mouth. Things happen. I'm not allowed to say!

You begin composing yourself as you realize you need to get cleaned up and head off to do something else. --- find Black. He is watching a family eat dinner and you decide to join in. You ask Black how he is feeling, but he doesn't seem to hear you so you prod again. This time he turns to face you. "So, how are you? You okay?" "I'm fine. Just thinking..." Is he is being short with you, or just being quiet? "About?" "Nothing." You get frustrated and try to touch his mind, but you find it to be quite closed off. Asking him if he still feels bad about what happened earlier helps. He says yes, and explains that he shouldn't have said what he did. You understand his feelings, but it is done. You tell that you and Blue are a couple now and he flushes a bright red and says he is happy for the two of you. Wondering if he knew you and Blue always loved each other romantically. He denies it, but you know better. You make a joke about still sucking Black off like he always wanted, or so you believe. Blue is present as you say it. Black gets annoyed and tells you to stop it, sure. Both you Blue laugh about it, and head off to do something else.

Black that he will manage, he always has. Best to leave him to his thoughts. --- After a few hours, you find a ruined tower with some stairs going up. You and blue found this tower while exploring outside Nevermoor's Swamp. You ask your lover, Blue, if she wants to nose around. Looting and exploration is always fun!

She happily agrees and the two of you begin to climb the stairs, looking around the tower and spotting many pieces of old furniture, broken and not rotting. Both of you laugh about some of the pieces, wondering when the last time anyone actually used them. Looking at the furniture pieces there are more closely, One in particular catches your eye! It's something that looks like a picture hanging over a broken bed. Intrigued you both approach it, as your head to the picture, you hear creaking. You get closer to the picture that creaks and look at it carefully. Blue and you may take it home, if only to see what it is that creak. When you get it closer, you find that the picture is made up of more than a thousand pins. They are all sharp. Looking at it closely, you see that if you were to touch it, you could easily draw blood. "Do you want it Blue?" "What is it?'' After an explanation she gets it. You squint to look at what is depicted, a purple dragon like you... "Wow! Is it another purple?" You tell her, but it is hard to tell from the broken state of the mosaic. Black is the one to ask about human art junk, but you think it depicts a purple dragon. You both decide to take the mosaic with you, and leave the tower. --- Black is asleep when you approach him, you also took a bunch of broken off mosaic needles with you, as they seem to belong on the mosaic. Leaving it next to a sleeping Black and telling Blue it is late and best to not wake him. There is some small talk about random things with Blue before you get to kissing. You close your eyes and feel Black's claw on your hip bone... memories take you back to your time with him and how nice it is. You 3 fall asleep while all huddled up, as dragons do for safety and warmth. In the morning, you wake up to Black's head nuzzled against your hip. He looks at you and grins. "Let's get up and hunt.''

You groan that you want 5 more minutes of sleep before hunting. Black laughs and says you always were a glutton. He gets up, but makes sure to nudge your claw with his tail before doing so, stretching and yawning before standing up. He seems to be fine, slowly recovering of what happened.... Still, you don't see why he would have thought to wake you up in the morning, he knows you don't do mornings. The mosaic! You inform Black about the damaged needle mosaic depicting a dragon that you and Blue found in the ruined tower, she is still asleep, so you ask Black if he can guess what it looked like. "I do see the shape of it! It was a sinuous creature, with purple scales." You ask Black if he can fix it with the broken pieces you brought from the tower. He nods at you and goes to work. After a bit of concentration, he fixes the needle mosaic. "There. Done." The both of you look at the mosaic, yup, just like you! It clearly depicts a purple dragon like yourself. You find this bizarre and a bit creepy, the resemblance to you is almost perfect. "Let's get hunting." Black says, rather eagerly. Agreed, go out to find prey! After a few hours of hunting, you come across a herd of many elk like creatures. Launched your attack on the Elk! Go! The 2 of you overwhelm them easily. They don't put up much of a fight at all! Soon you and Black chow away at the elk meat ,you use your corrosive breath to turn the meat into a slurry. Yum!

You ask Black if he wants some slurried meat. "No thanks. I don't like the way it smells. Besides, there's more where that came from!" With an audible slurp you drink up the meat slurry. You ask Black casually if he is feeling better about Greeny's death and the loss of our cave home. "Oh sure, I'm fine." Black says, after a pause, "I'm sorry about the cave home though. Should we have never left it? You tell Black to you cannot handle losing him or your love, Blue. This was our best option. You tell Black that it's best to always make the best of things and move forward, Greeny will always be with you in spirit, remember this when he is sad. When done eating you scoot over to Black and ask him why he brought you to hunt. Does he want to keep you close? You would be happy to do so. "Yes brother, I just wanted to have you company. Whilst eating the elk meat, I had a thought." You tilt your head and look at him. You say "is it about me and Blue being mates?" "Well... it's not really a bad thought. You are my brother and I should be there for you... but..." You hold up your claw. You know where Black is going with this. "But what? I don't understand." Black sighs and runs a claw through his jet black scales. "It's just, I can't help but see you with her and it makes me jealous. You ask him what he is jealous of, you and Blue's love, or both of us being taken. "Both. I don't want to lose you brother and I hate that she means something more to you." It's okay, he didn't really lose you after all. You tell him that he isn't a third wheel, and that his feelings are normal, you, Blue and Black will always be a team. Regardless if you and Blue are dating or not. "Plus, don't forget. I love you too.''

Black looks up from his claw and hugs you. "I know. I know. I'm sorry I tried to make it weird." You hug Black back and whisper in his ear, asking. if it's true he is gay, even though you wouldn't mind. He chuckles and says he doesn't know, but he knows for sure that he doesn't fancy her! Does that mean he finds you attractive? You sometimes get the impression he does. Black says that he can't say that he doesn't, and that if he did, he wouldn't be doing what he wants to do anyway. You assure him there will be a gay dragon lover out there, for him and him only. "You're probably right." It gets quiet for a bit. You joke, playfully, by asking if he finds the female form gross. He gets quiet again and you realize he didn't. You spend the rest of time talking about the pretty dragons; Greeny, did he consider him a brother or a love interest? Black thinks about this for a moment. "He was a brother, but I could never replace him. I don't think anyone could. Agreed. He says he'll see you tomorrow. You have Blue the next night, all of you have been in Nevermoor for a couple of months now and you have made friends with the human inhabitants, namely the villagers. You cuddle with Blue and compliment her beauty, you could lie by her side all day just staring at her. No complaints, but you'd rather stare at her and talk. You and Blue playfully flirt as new couples do. ''what ya love most about me?''. "Your eyes." "My eyes? Why is that?" "They're gorgeous. There isn't a person I've met with your eyes." "Glad to know I'm good looking."

You can't just pick one favorite thing about her, everything about her is lovely. "What do I need more than anything else?" "Tell me, and if it's within my power, it shall be done." "More than anything else, your affection." You kiss Blue. "Anything else?" you ask. "Well, you're a pretty good kisser." You nod your head and agree. You thank her, and there's more where that came from. You kiss the Blue dragon again, but longer this time, and you include plenty of your long dragon tongue. You both get bold and suggest that you try something new, more adventurous still. NSFW happens with Blue. Afterwards: "We should get some rest, my love." agreed, but have to be meaning to ask her something. Do you have a normal or open relationship? Basically it boils down if you are willing to share her with other men and she share you with other females. Your heart aches at the thought, but it's too funny to not tease her with this nonsense! "I don't know, I was told I needed to talk to you about that. You ask Blue how the idea of you having sex with others makes her feel, she seems to be nervous about it. "I feel jealous..." She says in a worried tone. Snickering, you nod, you shouldn't rile her up too often now... "Well, I feel jealous... of other dragon women." You tell her the both of you will commit to full monogamy, and if this is how she wants it. You will respect it. "... Okay..." Blue says, as you can sense her agreement.

She does not want polygamy, it's gross anyway. It would break her heart! "I'm glad. I love you." "... I know." With that out of the way, the both of you quickly fall asleep, satisfied in your relationship, you dream about blue, your mind nor body can let her go. Her scales are smoother than glass, while yours are more rough. Her wings are like silk, where as your wings are like velvet. Her talons are like knives, where as your talons are like forks. No, wait. They're both knives. You love her, but, you wake up in the middle of the night. "K-K-K-KILL HER!" a crazed sounding voice says. You bolt up and see a humanoid figure in dark robes and you jump on your legs and call out for Black and Blue. You say that if the figure dares to touch Blue, his life is forfeit! He slowly raises a hand up and a portal opens up, swallowing the dragon. "NO!" you yell in shock. "That is the purple!'' You tell the figure your name is Entropion! You and Black rush inside the portal - you will NOT lose another friend after Greeny. Especially not Blue! The portal engulfs you both, whisking you off... You look around as it closes and arrive inside a rather nice bedroom. You take a look around, but You don't care about anything but Blue. Locate her post haste! She is curled up in a ball under the bed. "Oh, Blue..." You say in an upset tone and walk over to her and sit down next to her, putting your wings around her Draconic body and embrace her. You and Black are here, nobody knows how long it was before, but Black probably saved her life. "Thank you, Black..." You say. The sound of the bedroom door slowly opening interrupts you. The 3 of you get startled and brace!

You gesture Blue and Black to be silent under the over sized bed that can hide 3 Dragons somehow. You spy on the situation happening... "What do you mean you can't find her?" a rather fat human man says. "Our house is pretty big, I doubt she's just curled up somewhere in the closet..." A female responds. You tell Black to watch your back as you pounce the female human to the ground, baring your fangs at her! She is petrified by the sight of you and the human male storms out of the bedroom, while his partner remains frozen in fear. ''Black! get fatty and drag him here while I keep the woman down!'' easy with your great body weight and strength. "Please, no... Please..." She whimpers. "Wh-why are you doing this to me? "Because you deserved it. You release the woman from your grip, both her and fatty cower in a corner for you and Black, Blue is too afraid to come out from the bed. "You'll pay for this." You hear the human male say as his boot steps approach. Attack with claw slash at the human male fatty! Then you tell him to stay back. The female starts crying again as she puts her head in her hands, fatso charges at you, punching you hard in the face. You and Black gore the man into fleshy ribbons. Needless to say, Fatty is dead. Finish off the female! but instead she runs to the corner and starts sobbing again. You shake your head at the man's irresponsibility. You compose yourself and ask her why the fat man tried to kidnap your dragon lover, Blue. You hear sniffling as she wipes away her tears and you growl at the woman. ''start speaking if you want to live, else you will become gore like that swine over there!''

"He... wanted to... have... your b..." You interrupt her with another order. "Tell me the truth! Did the fat man want to have my Blue for himself?!" You roar, causing her to cower in the corner once more. "Y-y-yes..." She answers in a broken voice. She doesn't know why, this only causes your rage to flare, and you spit a bit of corrosive gas in her eyes, telling her you got more pain to give her if she doesn't tell you proper why he wanted Blue. She screams in pain as the acid burns her skin and eats away her flesh. "S-stop! I... I don't know why he wanted her! Please stop!" You wanted to bite her face clean off but Black stops you. You ask what. Black explains that humans are sensitive to the effects of your breath, and that he doesn't want to cause anymore tears. You nod and then command her to speak, and you demand to know who she is and who fatty was. She says that she is Lena and that fat boy's girlfriend he was a slaver, but she doesn't know why he wanted your beloved. You tell her she is filth and that his death was you doing the world a favor. '' she scurries away. You briefly look at Black, who nods at you, understanding that you don't want to kill her. You tell Blue to come from under the bed. All is clear, except for fatty's corpse you guess... "I'll... I'll dispose of that. I'm sorry..." She says, still terrified by your aggressive gesture, as well as the sight of the dead man on the floor. You stop Blue, telling her the fat man deserved it. "But... I don't want to be here. Let me go, please." Well... You suppose you understand how she feels, but... "Let you go where?" You understand she is afraid, black is too, but that bravery means overcoming this.

You believe in them! She can become strong. "I... I don't know. I'm sorry." You tell her it is about doing, not knowing. To act. To be bold. To show you are a powerful dragon in her heart. You tell her that you are a powerful one, but that you are riled up about how strong you can get. ''We ain't leaving you here, Blue, I demand bravery! To act!'' For your sake, too. You are going to search for something, you explain. It could be dangerous, and you need her to be by my side. "Well... OK." She says, though still looking very afraid. You, Black and Blue explore the dilapitated house. You want an exit above anything else and find a staircase leading up to a trapdoor, which you open. The others follow you and come quickly... There's a large hole leading outside, and you jump through it quickly. Once outside, you inspect your surroundings. It's the middle of the night, so you expect nobody to be around. However, when you step out, you notice a city nearby, alongside a handful of guards milling about. ''Dammit Black, are they out looking due the commotion?'' Black says it's possible, and the guards will definitely have heard the fight. You than ask if we should move on then! Black wonders if we should head towards the city. That city is likely the city ruled by the king black dragon. Nevermoor wanted to trade you 3 off to there. This is your best shot to get anywhere, you got nowhere to go. So, you all sneak into the city and hide out there. This city is.... Something else. Something awe inspiring. In a horrid way...

It is full of other dragons and humanoids such as orcs, dwarves, elves, and....undead?! It is so packed full of people that you can barely move without bumping into someone. You fit in perfectly, as you are 3 dragons among many more dragons. This is the first time seeing dragons that aren't Black and Blue, You the stories about them being big were an understatement. The dragons are the rulers here. The Dragons seem to treat the humans like livestock, and the humans seem to fear the dragons like they would a deity. You turn to Blue and ask for her opinion. Are you dragons above humans? "Yes" she says simply. Black cuts you off. "No. We aren't." You are surprised to hear him say this, as is Blue. You ask them if humans should be treated fairly, they both agree that they should, but that doesn't mean that humans shouldn't be kept in line. You change the subject and tease Black by saying he sure ain't the only Dragon that isn't straight. He laughs and says he never thought he was, you sardonically add that if you weren't lost and in despair, you'd help Black find a date. He doesn't find this funny. ''Just cope with humor like I do, we all are scared guys''. You're trying to hold it together. Black and Blue state that they are hungry, but your group is broke. You ask Black and Blue if they are fine with foraging for scraps, or even check a dumpster for a meal. ''Willing to do this? It's gross but seems we gotta''. They both nod. You 3 find a dumpster behind the markets, it is a good thing dragons got strong stomachs as it smells really awful. You tell Black to go look in the dumpster for food as Blue is a lady and you yourself don't want to dirty your purple scales. Black finds your reasoning weak.

"Scales? We are dragons, not filthy mongrels! We do not scurry about looking through trash!" ''Blue, agreed black should be doing this?''. She agrees that it should be Black. You both stare at Black as he walks away. He opens the dumpster and looks nauseous, but his face turns red. His long neck stretches as he looks for anything good in the dumpster. A few scraps look palatable. To help him or not? You jump in the dumpster but get stuck, you hind legs, tail and butt on display for Blue. "Hey Blue, wanna help me get out of the dumpster?" "What? Why would I do that?" Blue asks confused. ''You can look at my big, muscular purple dragon ass plenty later!'' "You big flirt!" You hear Black say. You blush and sink low into the foul smelling dumpster. Time forbrute force, using your wings and rocking the dumpster, it falls over and produces a noise so loud it could awake the dead. You panic and hope no one is around as Black scrambles out of the dumpster, covered in filth and smelling like the foulest sewer, he shakes himself off and looks annoyed. Soon half the market is surrounding you. A few human guards led by a female dragon that is... Red in color? She sternly glares at the 3 of you and asks what this idiotic behavior of you is about. You try to explain, but she interrupts. "There is no explaining now. You have been detained under the authority of the law!"

Your group looks at each other worriedlie. This is new. You step forward, taking the word as you look her into her eyes, saying you understand. As she looks at you it seems she made a shocking realization, asking if you are Entropion, the purple dragon. You nod. She asks if this is a joke, it is not. ''You seem to meet the description, though''. She nods. You bow your head, but she continues. The red dragon's demeanor changes, still stern but seems to respect you now and introduces herself as Koriza. You tell Koriza the 2 with you are named Black and Blue. She looks at Black, then at you, nodding, you wonder what that was about. You examine the appearance of Koriza the red female dragon; She has a slender physique, though her teeth are bigger than any other dragon's you've seen. Koriza is taken aback by you looking at her so thoroughly. "Just wondering what type of dragon I'm dealing with here." You say. "I would not dare to question the judgment of a true dragon." She replies and tells you that purple dragons are extraordinarily special, prophetic even. ''you are still under arrest but you are going to the royal palace for a meeting with the Black dragon king!'' She says your servant, black, and your inadequate mate, Blue, can come too. This statement offends them both. You want to go! Badly! Koriza adds that you've got a "very bad attitude". Black agrees, saying your attitude is bad and you need to learn consequences. Agreed, wondering if it's always been like that for you. The king wants to see you! Oh how it will be so exciting! Koriza tells you she will be escorting you to the Black dragon palace. You are shocked and ask her how long it will take and how?!

She says it's her job, and is hard line on this. You begin to say but... "But nothing. You are under arrest and I am doing my duty." You start to agree, then pause. "I am not going to fall for another broken promises routine." You say. Koriza goes dead serious and warns you against using that move again. She is serious and she is not taking you seriously. She doesn't care. It will not work. You are under no circumstances to try to use your powers over her. Well, that answers your question as to what she knew about you, she has intel over your combat prowess. You ask Koriza if this Black dragon king is responsible for your previous kidnappings. ''Yes, he is'' Koriza asks you why you chose Blue as a mate, for she is not good enough for a purple dragon like yourself according to the rules. Blue heard this. "No offense intended, but no one could be with someone as powerful as you." Black says. Koriza glares at him and tells him to stop it. You ignore them both and want to know how far you can prod Koriza, you tease her by asking if this is her idea of seduction. She doesn't even react. "Only a fool would reject the chance to be with you." You say. "You are a very charming dragon, no doubt about it." Black says sarcastically. You snicker at Black's remark about Koriza, you compare Koriza to a sea urchin when it comes to charm. The way she absorbs negative energy off of you is remarkable. You decide to move onto something else.