Syngeneia Kathairein part 3

Story by Dark_Warchief on SoFurry

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#4 of Syngeneia Kathairein

You like dark fantasy, dragons, adventure and a bit of romance?

You want to see the work of a professional video game writer?

You find AI's interesting?

This story of mine has all of that! Syngeneia Kathairein puts you in the shoes of Entropion, a purple dragon tasked to ''make the world right again''. (although he is a jackass in this prequel intro!) The view is set in first person view from Entropion's POV. This story is inspired by warcraft, forgotten realms, spyro the dragon and dragon age, among other things. AIdungeon's makeup is a bit messy, but > arrows denote saying or doing something. Part of the story is AI generated, please keep that in mind.

You sardonically quip that you got no idea what free time is, for you have none. "I'm serious!" Disarria says. You explain that you used to like to read, explore the land and fly. Once you flew so high your breath was getting shallow. You fell in love with the view of the world before you, and decided to settle down here rather than sailing any higher into the endless blue. "You're still a traveler at heart? You nod at Disarria "I hope you are too, else there might be a compatibility issue," you smile. "Well, as you know I am, so I guess we'll be great together." Disarria smiles back. You find yourself staring at her eyes. You ask her how far she has been, as you are a continent and ocean from your home and place of birth. "I've been as far as the Arat sea." You're impressed. "How did you get there?" "Sailing, mostly." "Oh, I could take you sailing one day..." You question Disarria why you can't just use Malediction's teleportation magic instead. "It's unreliable and takes time, the spell used to move you from Nevermoor to here had to be set up in both places and the portal was hardly stable or accurate. Not worth it for anything but the most vital missions" Disarria explains to you. "Oh. Well, perhaps you could teach me the 'secret' way of getting to Nevermoor then." You're joking around, but Disarria's face turns to displeasure. You sigh and tell her that you know getting back to a place won't reverse time, you just miss the simple times. Disarria says she understands and has no issue with your sentiment, but that sometimes you just have to accept the cards you're dealt. You go back to studying the sky. You ask Disarria how high up there she flied. "I once flew as high as I could, and as far as I could". She says with a far-off look in her eye. "how high? Enough to feel the air getting thin?" Disarria smiles at your naivety and nods. You ask her if she knows any spots close to the city we can see right now. Disarria takes you to the highest lookout point in the city and gaze at the beautiful sights available to you. "We can see the whole city from here" she says, disappointingly You are unsure to be amazed or melancholic "from here the problems of the city seem trivial..." You wish they were. You spend a few more hours with your new purple dragon friend until night falls.

"I must be off, I have duties to attend to during the night, and you should do likewise." Disarria says. You nod "visit me soon?" "I will, as soon as I can" With these words she takes her leave. You scoot inside the palace to find your Quarters, Koriza and Endaklion are there, you greet them "Disarria is interesting, for sure." You say. Koriza growls and turns away from you. Endaklion smiles, glad to see you're in a good mood. "What did you do now?" He laughs. "Nothing!" You laugh back. You tell Endaklion that Disarria seems like an intellectual and a romantic. Koriza adds "you forgot spoiled and lazy" to Disarria's traits you listed. "Oh well." You shrug "she is what she is. So how was your day?" "Dull, same old thing." Endaklion replies with apathy. You ask Koriza if it's true Disarria and her often competed for males in the past. Koriza says she likes to think she has moved on from such immature behavior, though she sometimes still shows it. You tell Koriza that whomever she picks as mate should count themselves lucky. You add that Koriza's aggressive demeanor is attractive to many. "Hm, well I don't want to be with anyone." Koriza says. "I'm sure you'll find someone who meets your... high standards..." You let the end of the sentence hang. Koriza's silence lets you know that if you think she is still holding a grudge against you, you better not say it again. You change the subject and ask her when you will start training with her to become less of an "arthritic ostrich" as she called you that. "Soon, soon" she replies. "Ah, good. I wanted to go running with you guys, is soon soon enough?" Endaklion says. You jokingly command Koriza to start training with you tomorrow You think she would appreciate this. "Yes, yes, okay" she replies with a smile, a bit confused by your reply. "Excellent, good night." You say. You walk to your room. You hop in your luxurious bed, without Zalisi it feels so cold and dead. You sniff the covers to get a whiff of Zalisi's scent... It's still there. You start to drift off into a deep sleep... "Zalisi, I'm home." You say walking into the palace. No reply. You can't find her anywhere, panic sets in as you call for her through the corridors. No response. You check the garden, it's empty. You start to worry and panic. You notice several large piles of ash in the gardens, the trestle tables, the atrium, everywhere. You hear a familiar voice telling you to wake up, you feel less lucid quickly as your nightmare fades into reality. Koriza looks at you, worried. She says "you were having a really bad nightmare. Good thing I heard you whimpering" Koriza has woken you from your nightmare. "Thanks" you reply. Koriza tells her she knows night terrors too well herself, due her trauma. You ask Koriza how she deals with her nightmares. Koriza says the best way is to focus on one's surroundings, especially the soothing voice of a loved one. You ask her which voice soothes her best, she replies with her mother's. She says it reminds her of her safe, happy home, it will live on in her memory. You ask Koriza if she wants to sleep on the other side of your bed, to help with your loneliness. Koriza says yes, and climbs into your bed. You wake up in the morning to her nestled against you, still asleep from the night before. You gently push her off so you can get out of bed. Koriza snores, but very softly and ladylike. It doesn't fit her at all! You can't hold in your laugh, but she doesn't wake up. You can see Koriza's underside properly for the first time, she has a massive scar running from her hip, diagonally over her belly and ending near her chest. It is very wide too. You touch it out of curiosity. The sleeping red dragon shivers in reflex. She moves closer to you. "Is that a scar from Malediction?" She nods before dozing off again. You don't want to wake her, she needs her rest. You think that scar is sexy on her. Especially on someone as fierce as her. Still, you feel a lot of sympathy for her. Who wouldn't after seeing something like that? You tell Koriza that you like her large belly scar. She seems to be half asleep, but smiles happily. "Thank you" she replies. After a while she wakes up again. The red dragon is fully awake now. You move the tip of your claw over Koriza's giant belly scar. The area is certainly ticklish and Koriza likes what you are doing.

The scar doesn't bother her as much as the tickling does, she lets out a roar of laughter. "I can't believe it!" She says. You tickle the ticklish scar full on. She lets out a roar of laughter once again. "Stop, stop!" She laughs. A playful Koriza starts biting your tail, but you just let her do it. You two play for a while, after that you tell Koriza she is actually a softie under her harsh exterior. "You're too kind." She says, returning the favor. In the middle of your playful tiff, Koriza suddenly yawns and stretches. Koriza jokes at you that she will murder you if you tell anyone about that tickle fight. You laugh, as you don't believe you could ever keep a secret like that. You, Koriza and Endaklion go through your morning routine. Like clockwork, Disarria lets her inside your chambers and greets you and Endaklion, deliberately ignoring Koriza. "Have you seen my..." She asks. You shout at her, "What do you think you're doing?!" Koriza and Disarria start arguing in front of you. You scoot over to Endaklion and whisper a joke to him "seems both Koriza and Disarria want my thick ass" Endaklion's eyes widen in surprise. He knows you are just joking around, but he keeps silent. You both burst out laughing. You quickly stop laughing and listen in what Disarria and Koriza are arguing about. "You're a liar!" "Why would I lie about that?" "I'm telling the truth!" "Stop it," You command them both. You ask them what is happening, Disarria pushes Koriza aside which Koriza doesn't like one bit. Disarria tells you how Koriza doesn't let you go with her. You did promise Koriza to train with her and Koriza brings this promise up. You promised, but... "I must girls sure do argue a lot...." "Shut up!" They both exclaim. Koriza angrily asks why Disarria must always undermine her and act like a spoiled princess. "Disarria, why must you always lie? I thought you said you had trained to lie so much that you can do it naturally now. " Disarria calls Koriza a "slutty whore that only got to her position by lifting her tail for every man" Koriza bares her teeth in response! "You want a fight? Fucking die! " She hisses. Disarria backs down and hisses back at her Koriza. You raise your claws up and tell them to stop. You tell Disarria that you are training with Koriza today and for her to leave. You add that Koriza had never given you any sexual advances and that she is no slut. If she doesn't like her then that's her problem. Disarria hisses and leaves, she isn't happy with your answer. "Hmm, you've grown quite a bit," Koriza says. You tell Koriza that nobody is going to call her a slut on your watch. "Now then, we shall begin your training immediately as our time is limited," Koriza says. You nod and quickly follow her through the halls as you go to her hidden training place. Meanwhile you ask if Koriza is jealous of Disarria. "Hmm, not really," she says. "Disarria is just loud and stupid like a bright purple child. I am not jealous of her, I am merely disappointed in her." You tell Koriza you can also see Disarria's entitlement now, as she barged in your quarters and expected you to cancel training with Koriza. Koriza believes it's simply that Disarria doesn't like anyone in authority telling her what to do. "She is a dragon of great power, but she is also young and still has much to learn." You nod at what Koriza says ''she thinks everything great will come to her without any work, doesn't she?'' Koriza nods back to you. "Yes, but she will learn the hard way someday that things worth having never come easy." You and Koriza enter her training room. You ask Koriza why she keeps this training facility secret, you feel it sort of defeats the point. "Most people, even other dragons, wouldn't find this place or even understand the point of it. There are secrets within this room that most would do horrible things to get." "Perhaps, but I still prefer to keep it a secret. It causes less problems that way." You begin your training with a warm-up, which involves stretching and light jumping. Disarria casually strolls in and mockingly addresses Koriza ''Is this how you hide something?'' Disarria snickers. Koriza hisses at her while you try to ignore her presence.

"What do you want, Disarria? I'm busy." Disarria gives a toothy grin ''Koriza, your duty is to train purple dragons. my scales are purple, like Entropion's'' You got a bad feeling about this situation. "So? The only reason you haven't been trained in the past is because you kept sabotaging your training. Obviously, it was due to your lack of discipline and mental instability." Disarria shakes her head and scoffs at what Koriza says. ''No, you just don't know what you are doing'' Disarria responds. Koriza looks at you and you give her a confused look back, unsure of what's about to transpire. "I think it's time you leave before I throw you out" You ask Disarria why she is here, her demeanor changes for the better when she speaks to you ''Well, I want to show you why Koriza can't teach you anything useful at all.'' You look at Koriza, she looks back at you as if to say "Don't listen to her!". You are a purple dragon. You nod and made up your mind. you tell Koriza and Disarria to spar, claw to claw. pinned means a loss. Disarria shows a smug smile at your decision Koriza quickly removes her armor and begins to prepare herself for battle, she looks at you one last time before the spar begins. You feel a certain glimmer of hope in her eyes. Everything went well for a bit, but once Koriza was gaining the upper hand, Disarria tripped her with her tail! Disarria then puts her two front claws on Koriza's large scar to keep her on her back. Koriza winces as this is her sensitive area, then she snaps at Disarria ''foul! bitch, get off of me!'' Disarria ignores her and instead starts to mock her ''I hope you are not too used to winning fights, dragon.'' she says in an irritating tone. You run over and command Disarria to get off of Koriza ''If you need to break unwritten rules you are no winner. Off of her, now!'' you demand. Disarria with a smirk does as you command, standing up and dusting her self off. She then mockingly bows to Koriza. Koriza is livid! she bares her teeth at Disarria before yelling at her ''no respect! not even for yourself, no honor either!'' Disarria just walks away in response. Koriza rocks back and forth, her anger is high, she tries to calm herself down but this is not working. A single tear falls from her eye. You yell at Disarria, you are not going to accept that she walks out of here as if nothing happened ''Disarria! cheating and beating up Koriza is about the worst way you can impress me or make a point!'' Disarria smiles and ignores you, she leaves the training hall. You look at Koriza who is still visibly upset. you growl in Disarria's direction and shout at her as she leaves ''I'd rather marry an ogre than a cruel peon like you!'' You then comfort Koriza, she looks up at you with tears in her eyes ''I'm not perfect'' she says softly. You tell Koriza that compared to Disarria she gets close to perfection. ''you are honorable, loyal, brave..... if I was forced to marry someone I'd think I'd pick you over Disarria'' Koriza seems soothed by your statement, she smiles and nuzzles her head against your chest. you put your wing around her body to embrace her ''is that beautiful belly scar of yours fine?'' you ask her, softly. Koriza softly touches the scar that stretches across her entire belly, a scar which you once told her was sexy but she considers ugly. Koriza looks up at you with her big eyes as she pokes the scar. She says bashfully ''I guess it is fine. you ask Koriza if you can touch it too. you want to caress that scar and maybe rub her belly a bit too. You want to see how a tough dragoness like her will respond. Koriza looks up at you and teases you. Teasing is a good sign it means she is feeling better now, her gaze says: You want to touch it that much, Entropion? Fine! She tells you that training is still on, and you have to earn touching her scar. You ask Koriza what she wants you to do for training. She says you have to wrestle her, because she wants to see if you are strong enough to touch her scar.

You comply, but lose over and over due your poor balance. Koriza won't let you touch her belly even after your wrestling session. Koriza trains you on your poor balance. You are supposed to hold an egg between your arms while she pushes you in a circle. You do it for hours, and by the end of the training you are exhausted. You tell her this is the silliest thing you have ever done, but that you trust her expertise. Koriza smiles, she says that by the end of tomorrow you will be as quick as a dragon. You walk away from Koriza, feeling exhausted and drained. The next days she trains you more on your balance, when she is satisfied she tells you that it is time to spar with her. Same rules as with Disarria, claw to claw only and pinning the opponent. Koriza to is ruthless, but unlike Disarria she does not break the rules. She uses everything against you, but never lets her sharp claws touch you. She is smaller than you are, but the red female dragon obviously has years of experience on you. You lose to her, over and over. Still, you are happy. You have fun with this martial training. You are learning new things. You feel alive. You are starting to feel ready for your mission. Koriza commands you to get up and try again. She is not yet satisfied and tells you that your style still resembles an ostrich, but no longer one with arthritis, she teases. You try again, and again, but you are still not satisfied yet. She is not satisfied yet. You try again. Hours pass, it is dusk now. You want to win, badly! You two get at it again, you strike with conviction and your open palm makes contact with Koriza. A green magical energy flows from you into Koriza and she is immediately paralyzed. This stuns you, and your concentration is broken. Koriza breathes a bit, but she is unharmed. You are afraid that she is going to chew you out for this, but she seems... Excited? "Entropion, that is the natural magical affinity of the purple dragon!" She hugs you tightly. "I'm so proud of you!" You are confused, but happy with her reaction. You tell her you did not use magic intentionally. It just... Happened. Your desire and conviction brought it forth. She smiles and says that, while brute force and raw emotion can be enough for a natural, it is probably best you don't rely on this talent. Especially not in the near future. You nod, but ask her if any risk may come her way if you can call forth magic without the intention to do so. Koriza frowns and says that she does not know and will have to investigate this herself. You nod again, but ask her if the paralysis from before was dangerous. She smiles and says no, but you must have been really tired if you still feel exhausted. You agree. "I'm going to call it a day." She says. You two return to your communal chambers, while walking you ask her if intent to hurt comes into play with magic. Meaning you can only hurt if you wish to do so. She says that intent does matter, but if you get angry enough you can hurt even your best friends. She then asks if you want to hear a story from her early years. You accept. "When I was young, I was fascinated by magic! I mean really really fascinated! Maybe too much. I thought it would be great if I could cast magic without having to move my fingers." She laughs. You repeat her own words to her "nothing worth having comes easy" you leave out the fact that she is not a purple dragon, and magic is way harder in that case. She laughs. "I agree, but I was young and full of myself. I thought any problem could be solved with enough effort." You tell her while hell is other people, you cannot build heaven without the aid of others. She nods knowingly. "Truth be told, I'm glad I didn't pursue that road myself." "Why not? You're powerful." You say. "I am, but I don't know if I'd call myself 'powerful'. Let alone 'very powerful'." She pauses. She continues, looking at the ground. "Then the thing happened... My sister" She chokes on the last word. "I'm sorry." You say, unsure what else to say. "No. Please, my story isn't over yet." She says. "My sister was a good girl. She took care of me and loved me, even though I wasn't an ideal younger sister." "then, you know..." A tear rolls down her cheek, she is obviously referring of the sexual torture that made her sister commit suicide.

"Then that monster had all kinds of vile creatures to take my sister into a room where they would do unspeakable things for over a month. It broke her mind, and ultimately her spirit." You tell her to stop as you see she is hurting. "Malediction's goons made you watch to break you too. I am here for you Koriza, you will never be powerless again." You take her dragon paw in yours. Your serious personality is breaking though the tough exterior. It makes her feel safe. "Do you realize what this means?" she asks, with tears in eyes. "What?" Your serious and caring personality is breaking the ice around her heart, but you are about to make a serious mistake... "It means you have to fight again..." Koriza nods "I am afraid we will lose to Malediction." She tells you, you respond you all are. She laughs and agrees, but that doesn't change reality. You tell her even Disarria fears Malediction, she refuses to speak about him when it comes up. You add "you two may be like oil and water but you both hate Malediction" "True." she says. "We all need to be together to defeat him, you are a powerful ally, and I want you by my side when we face him." You tell her. "I am confused by your love. I will join you because you want me to and because it is the smart thing to do." "You won't regret it." You ask her how Disarria became so spoiled and entitled. Koriza explains that her father was a vicious warlord before he died. She had everything as a child. When her father died, she was adopted by one of his allies who was much older and wealthier. You sneer "Malediction usurped her dad didn't he?" She confirms it. You hate Malediction more than you thought possible. "Koriza, we need to cooperate if the world has a chance at freedom. Malediction needs to fall." "I will join you for the greater good. But after he falls, I have plans of my own..." You are taken aback by her response. You take a guess "rebuilding the island you grew up on, Korizan?" You take a guess "rebuilding the island you grew up on, Korizan?" "I see you have been doing your research..." She tells you about the island. You take a guess "rebuilding the island you grew up on, Korizan?" "Yes, I want to rebuild my home. Not just for me, but for the families that lost everything in this war." You smile and nod "we can be allies for this goal." "I see you have been doing your research..." She tells you about the island. "It had the strongest mortal military force on the planet." She says wistfully. "Where is it?" You ask. "Far to the east. Make a left at the big mountain, go straight until you reach the ocean and then far along the ocean, that's where it is." You tell her that it is sickening that a once serene island nation had to become a war machine to survive. "It was the only way." She says. "I understand." You tell her. She asks you a personal question "Why did you ally with me? You reply with " I wanted to humor Malediction's delusional ramblings, but I grew to like you quickly" She smiles "Glad to hear it. I wish there had been more time..." she says. "For what?" You ask. She gives a meaningful look at you and walks away. You understand she may need time and decide to check on Endaklion. He is in his room, reading a book. You ask him what he is reading. "It's a book about the hero Sershan." He replies. "Who? Never heard of him." You say. "Sershan is a hero who lived during the time of the Dark Wizard Lords." He explains. You get impatient "Sounds boring, why are you reading it? " "I want to be a hero too one day. I thought it would be good to know what one does." He says, defensively. You realize you are being rude "Sorry, Endak. You tell Endaklion about how badly Disarria behaved to Koriza. He gets angry "She...She did what?! I'm gonna... You tell him not to. You will talk to Disarria. You have to arrange marry her after all, she may listen. You are about to talk to her when you see her talking to Malediction. Maybe you should wait until then. Days go by and you never see the right opportunity to speak with Disarria. You two are at the palace garden, she picked this spot once again.

You begin "Disarria, why did you cross a new line by cheating in that spar versus Koriza?!" You are still angry. She looks down a bit and says "I got jealous. You spend a lot of time with her, I only get to see you sometimes. You are about to say something but she stops you. "I just want your time and attention on me sometimes, I don't mean any harm!" You think about what Disarria said and decide to give her a second chance. You ask Disarria to look at this logically. "You girls see this better than us guys. Do you think Koriza is flirting?" She thinks about this "Well...not really." "Exactly, you are reading too much into this. There is no issue, even I can tell that. Please don't worry." You reply. You ask Disarria if it is flirtation if someone wants you to caress their belly scar. "It's a sensitive area for her, but it's just that, a scar. Don't read into anything else." She seems relieved. She is smiling at you and hugging you. You sniff Disarria for her scent as you return the embrace. Later... "Next time, if you feel jealous, just tell me. You should never lie to me. It is very wrong." You say with a smile. "I know, I learned that now." You admit to Disarria that Koriza is attracted to you, but she doesn't act on it for all the problems it causes. Disarria seems to understand and makes plans to flirt with you more often. She decides to flirt with you right now! She says "next week we get married. It needs to be consummated. I can't wait, my toys can no longer satisfy me," you still love Zalisi. Sex with Disarria sounds hot! You look at Disarria, she is beautiful and quite frankly hotter than Zalisi. Zalisi is more cute and Disarria more of a sultry vixen "What about Zalisi? I put my child in her and she had to flee the city to not get murdered by Malediction. I can't just betray her" Disarria kisses you and says "you still love me. You know you do." Well she isn't wrong. You tell Disarria you don't know how you feel, but you are not going to choose without meeting with Zalisi first. You want to tell her in person and want to do it fast, so she doesn't have to be alone for too long. Disarria is disappointed but understands and wishes you luck. The next days off the week are spent training with Koriza. The grand day of your Draconic wedding is upon you today as the week has passed. You need to prepare mentally. You, Koriza and Endaklion are making preparations. Koriza drags in a suit of highly decorated dragon armor and says "put this on, it is a custom for any royal Draconic wedding" You do as you're told. You look badass yet elegant! Each shoulder has the emblem of cruelty engraved in which is Malediction's mark. " Do I have to look like a psychopath?" You complain. "No, you look like a king." You get complimented by it. If it makes people like you more then the armor is staying on. You tell Koriza you want these objectionable symbols gone. Koriza says "I understand." Time passes and you are ready. Koriza stops you for one final thing "Hey, purple prince, stand out of the way of Malediction's statue of himself" you nod but got no idea why Koriza asks this of you. You the three of you exit to the royal courtyard where you are to be wed. You in your armor and your groomsmen await for your bride with their blue and red dresses. The people are cheering. This wedding has an uncomfortable amount of guards and things seem... Wrong. Of course, Malediction's idea of entertainment are dragonesses and human women muzzled and tied up for the male guests to abuse. Malediction wears a black and red master tailcoat as the main tailcoat organizer. He is enjoying it too. Everything proceeds somewhat normally. You and Disarria are at the altar. Disarria looks beyond perfection. All that jewelry compliments her gorgeous form perfectly. Disarria is staring at you. You look directly into her eyes and smile sweetly. Her big purple eyes stay locked onto yours. Her stunning beautiful face is beaming with excitement and smiles back at you. Malediction, the massive black dragon king gets into position and demands the attention of the crowd for his speech. "Hello citizens and royal family members of the dragon race!" he says loudly, getting a cheer in return. He likes this. "Today is the big day! Our princess is finally getting married to her prince charming!" "this marriage will end the freedom of the last free women and men in this world!

After Disarria fulfills her purpose by sleeping with Entropion their spawn will spread our culture over the world! Subservience is the purpose of the female!" You look at Disarria in disgust at this horrible speech about making her little more than a breeding slave to you and whisper to her "you aren't going to indulge this asshole's fantasies are you?" "Of course not, silly" she replies "I'm going to kill him during the marriage." Malediction continues his speech as the crowd cheers. A red dragon walks by and pushes a paper in your hand. You immediately unfurl it and show it to Disarria when Malediction is busy rambling. It reads: "Freedom for Korizan. Step aside! Now!" "Looks like somebody is unhappy with our wonderful lifestyle" you whisper, getting a nod in return from her. You put the note away as Malediction continues his speech. You and Disarria get away from the statue, enough to be safe but not too far to rouse suspicion. You tell Disarria that Malediction is about to meet his end. You are ecstatic! Then, you begin to frown. You realize that you will be greatly outnumbered by dragon soldiers if this is in fact a revolution. You now feel guilty: these people are fighting and possibly dying for your freedom. An enormous explosion follows! The head of the statue comes down and crushes Malediction! The crowd of about three hundred dragon men and women cheer in unison! "Freedom!" Malediction is quite literally headless. You look down at the crushed skull of the dragon king and smile. Koriza can be soon seen at the neck stump of the statue. You look at her when she speaks "I am princess Koriza of Korizan! Malediction finally met justice!" The crowd begins cheering even louder. Koriza looks at you and Disarria "You two did this." You fly over to Koriza, Disarria follows. This is so surreal! What is happening?! "Koriza, you wonderful vengeful bitch!" You say in amazement. Koriza looks down at the corpse of Malediction, then she looks at Disarria. Koriza's eyes are filled with tears. "Are you and Disarria a thing now? You tilt your head "what the hell? You just killed Malediction! You should be overjoyed!" Koriza looks at you with tears streaming down her face "That does not matter! My sister is dead because of me, my beloved is dead because of me!" She stops and sobs. Koriza tells you that you need to move for evacuation, now! Loyalists are en route! You , Endaklion, Koriza and Disarria soon are on a Japanese styled warship and can breath easily when you reached open sea. " What the fuck, wildest wedding ever!" You tell Disarria, "You're damn right!" Disarria smiles. You are very tired, the adrenaline rush is gone and you notice your wounds ache. The group rests up for the night. Next day you get up, go outside and stare at the sea. You have just begun accepting what the hell transpired. You never thought you'd ever be free. You smile. Koriza comes up to you and hugs you "Thank you" "for what? You whacked Mal" you answer in bewilderment. She lets go of you and looks at you "If it wasn't for you, I would be trapped in there." You feel the same way as her. You ask Koriza why she needed you if she killed Mal like that. She tells you that she needed someone to talk to and be friend. Someone close to her. Someone who can help her bring down the cruel tyrant in a satisfying way. You tell her that if you weren't technically required to kill Mal, that the purple dragon prophecy is unfulfilled. The real prime evil is still out there. Koriza looks down and nods slowly. You both come to a conclusion, one day you will have to find and kill the real prime evil.

You make a joke of how you can just let Disarria do all the legwork as she is a purple dragon too (and a woman). Disarria smiles and walks over to you, giving you and Koriza a kiss on the cheek. You get goosebumps. Disarria tells you jokingly that there are 2 of you for a reason. Koriza blushes as she understands then giggles, Disarria laughs too. You too laugh as you are all in a new beginning of a beautiful friendship. You tell Disarria and Koriza that you hope this lasts, them not fighting and all. Koriza looks at you and smiles "It will if we want it to." "Of course it will" Disarria says.

Truer words are never spoken. You make a sexual joke "so.... Threesome?" "NO!" they both say in unison and burst out laughing. "you gals are straighter than an arrow hm?" You say. "Damn right" Disarria answers. Koriza nods "I like men" You shrug "Just stating facts." Koriza smiles "I'm sure you'd enjoy it if I went over there and started humping your leg" You get the feeling she's right. You ask Koriza why the crowd didn't kill us after she killed Mal. She tells you that the crowd didn't know what the hell was going on. The only ones who knew were the inner circle, who are currently dead, and some guards. You ask Koriza "you planned this for a long time, why didn't you tell me?" She smiles "I wasn't sure you'd agree" You tell her that you should be glad that she didn't as it could have gotten you killed. You ask Koriza why she was crying after killing Malediction. "I really don't get it, you wanted to kill him for a decade!" Koriza smiles "Yeah I know, I'm an emotional wreck" You laugh "Okay" Koriza tells you that she still feels that her sister is close to her. Disarria adds "killing him doesn't heal your trauma or bring your sister back" you ask how Koriza feels now she murdered him, Koriza tells you she feels proud. You tell her that she has good reason to be. You look into Koriza's eyes, there is so much pain in them "Disarria is right, isn't she?" You ask. Koriza nods "I guess" "10 years, your sister, your mental health, and for what?! So Mal could play pretend as tyrant. Disgusting." You spit overboard to add to your sentiment. "10 years, your sister, your mental health, and for what?! So Mal could play pretend as tyrant. Disgusting." You spit overboard to add to your sentiment. "(Sigh) Damn. What will become of the Kingdom?" Koriza asks. "Dunno" You shrug. "I can't wait for the day when humans and dragons learn to not be so shitty to each other." Disarria says. You smirk weakly "that is why we exist, Ria." "Fuck yeah it is." She smiles. "I just want a quiet, happy life. Can't we just kill ourselves?" You say, sighing deeply. Koriza nor Disarria want to entertain this thought. Disarria tells you that you all have it rough. Koriza tells you that your death would break her heart she whimpers "please... Never." You tell Koriza that you realize how selfish suicide would be "I will not leave you, Endaklion, Zalisi or Disarria voluntarily" Koriza smiles, seeing you are sensible to this fact. "Selfish or not, I will live through this" You smile. Koriza nods in agreement, smiling. You ask Koriza where this ship is heading. She replies with a bright smile with tears in her eyes ,"Korizan. Home..." You smile back, the ship turns to head to Korizan.

The next few days are filled with relaxation and happiness. You hop over to Koriza and greet her casually "hey there, tyrant killer" She smiles "Hey there, suicidal maniac" You smirk and reply "I thought you loved me?" You laugh, then say "lets talk about something else though, I have missed you". "you told me your dad led Korizan. Does that mean you are a princess?" You ask. She replies with a smirk and a smile "I am a princess, but not the kind who sits around all day doing nothing." You laugh, realize she is serious and reply "more like a warrior princess then?" You laugh again. Koriza nods "Ria is a more traditional princess for sure, despite her sailor mouth" You ask Koriza to tell you about the oriental Korizan, home of the red dragons "Hey, is it still occupied by Mal's cronies?" She replies "Surprisingly, no. They were systematically driven out by our people. Without his human support, without the backing of the royal family. It was just a matter of time before the people rebelled and drove out the black dragon oppressors." "You make it sound so easy" You laugh. Koriza frowns "my home might be in total ruin, I don't know what to expect after a fucking decade, most of which was war" "I am sure everything will be fine" You try to reassure Koriza. She smiles "yeah, you're right" Both of you know better,but neither of you want to humor the feeling. "Kor, will your parents like me?" You ask. She replies "I hope so, if they don't I will kill them and then myself" You laugh at her joke, but you know she was serious. The next few days are filled with happiness. You hop over to Koriza and greet her casually "hey there, tyrant killer" She smiles "Hey there, suicidal maniac" You smirk and reply "I thought you loved me? She replies "I do, that's why I want you to live" You laugh and reply "I will try my best then" You both sit down and talk for a bit. Disarria and Endaklion join in eventually. Endaklion asks if he and Disarria should even enter the island nation. Disarria states how Dak and herself are black dragon royalty and Korizan isn't fond of those after a bloody war. Koriza replies "You two are royalty, I am a war hero. We'll be fine" You all laugh and talk for a bit, then you all decide to head off to the island nation of Korizan. the ship continues the voyage. You all have fun for a bit, but soon the reality of the situation sets in. The sea is dark and foreboding. The wind is cold and harsh. You ask Koriza if this weather may be a problem for the ship. Koriza replies "The ship is strong, it can handle this weather for a bit." You nod and say "I sure hope so." You all continue on your voyage. The wind picks up. The sea begins to get more violent. You begin to get nervous. You see a storm coming from afar.

"Koriza, look!" You shout, pointing towards the storm. Koriza looks at the storm. She begins to get nervous as well. "We need to turn back!" You shout. Koriza doesn't reply, but instead steers the ship towards the storm. "Koriza, what are you doing?!" You shout. She ignores you and continues steering towards the storm. You begin to get angry. "KORIZA TURN THIS FUCKING SHIP AROUND RIGHT NOW!" Disarria snickers at you "this is a Korizanian vessel, they are fast enough to handle storms" you trust her, but don't find this funny. You begin to protest, but Koriza quickly puts a paw over your mouth and shushes you. You see what she is doing. She is trying to sneak past the storm. You are nervous, but hopeful. The storm is upon you. You feel the wind whipping against your face. The rain pelts you and the waves beat against the ship. The captain shouts something in his native language. You don't understand him, but he sounds scared. Koriza reassures the captain in the same language. Just as Disarria told you, the storm did not affect the ship much. It makes sense the island nation of Korizan makes good boats. You all sigh in relief. The storm is still upon you, but you are confident that you will make it through this. Suddenly, the storm gets worse. The captain shouts something in his language again. This time, the tone of his voice is not one of fear, but one of anger. Koriza and the captain have a shouting match. You get the impression she is saying very nasty words. Disarria is nervous. She looks at you and says "I don't like this." You are nervous as well, but you try to keep a cool head. The captain begins shouting orders in his language. Several sailors begin doing something you don't understand. Koriza shouts something, it sounds angry, but also sounds like she is giving up. The captain ignores her, he continues shouting orders to the crew. You are clear from the storm, but Koriza and the captain obviously don't get along. You don't know what to do. Koriza walks over to you, grumbling angrily. You ask her what happened but she interrupts you and starts venting. "I'm sick of this asshole. I'm sick of his disrespect. I'm sick of his cowardice. I'm sick of his pathetic attempts at bravery. I'm sick of him period." You are surprised to hear her speak so harshly about the captain, but you understand her feelings. You try to calm her down, but she is having none of it. "I'm going to kill that son of a bitch." You tell her you agree with rushing the storm, to outrun anyone that followed you. Koriza disagrees strongly and snaps back. "This is a Korizan Skater-boat, nothing our enemy has can keep up! It was a stupid mistake to rush the storm!" You are very surprised to hear her defend the captain.

You try to tell her again, but she interrupts you. "I'm not going to listen to you anymore! You're not thinking straight!" She walks away from you and shouts at the captain in his language. She calls him a spineless coward. The captain looks shocked and hurt by her words. He shouts something back at her, she shouts back. You look over to Disarria "should we shut this spat down?" You ask her. She looks at you and sighs. "I don't know what to do." You walk over to the captain and Koriza You try to break them up, but they are both shouting at each other in their language. You don't understand a word of it, but you can tell by the tone that they are both pretty upset. Disarria joins you, she puts her paw on your shoulder. "We should break them up. This is getting hectic." You nod in agreement. You walk over to the captain and Koriza You try to break them up, but they are both shouting at each other in their language. You don't understand a word of it, but you can tell by the tone that they are both pretty upset. Koriza slashed you in the face. "Mind your own business! You glare at Koriza, more hurt than angry. You tell Koriza "Did you really just do that?" Koriza looks at you, a mixture of anger and regret in her eyes. She says something in her language and walks away from you. You turn to the captain, he looks ashamed. You don't know what to say to him. He walks away from you. You are shocked by what just happened. You sit down in the corner of the boat and think about what just transpired. "I'm sorry." Disarria says as she sits next to you. You pull Disarria closer to you. "Koriza is really emotional of going home after all that time isn't she?" Disarria nods. "Yes, but she shouldn't have insulted you like that." "It's fine, I understand why she did it. I'm just glad she didn't kill the captain." You both laugh. "I love you." Disarria says You respond with "as a friend." Disarria laughs. "I know." You both laugh. "I'm glad you're here." You say. "Me too." Disarria responds. You ask Disarria how she is holding up in the recent chaos "Our arranged marriage sure was, well, regicidal." Disarria sighs. "I don't know what to think. I mean, I'm glad we're not getting married, but I'm worried about the future of our nation." You nod in agreement. "I don't know what to think either, I mean, I guess it's good that we won't be ruled by a tyrant, but now what? We have no ruler at all? What happens if another enemy attacks us?" You shrug your shoulders. "didn't you like really want to marry me at first?" You ask her. "Well, yeah, but I think I'm glad that we aren't getting married now. I mean, it would've been nice to have a strong leader that I know and love by my side, but I'm not sure if I want to live in a country that has no ruler." "What are you saying?" "I don't know. I just feel lost right now." You both sit in silence. You both sit in silence and watch the sunset. You tell Disarria how Mal lied about the fertility of purple dragons, as evident by Zalisi getting inseminated by you. "Ria, he lied about a lot of things. What is even true?" Disarria sighs.

"I don't know You tell Disarria that you are going to talk to Koriza now. "How does my face look, Ria? Did Kor slash me bad?" You ask Disarria as you stand up. Disarria looks you over. "You look fine, but I see a couple of scabs." You nod and walk towards the back of the ship that faces the sunset. "Koriza, you in here?" You ask. Koriza sits alone. "Yeah, I'm here." You sit down next to her and watch the sunset together. "I saw what happened with the captain..." You tell Koriza to look you in the eyes "you slashed me, Koriza" you tell her in a disappointed tone. "I... I was so confused, Enty. I didn't know what to do." You sigh and take her paw in yours "It's OK. I forgive you." Koriza smiles and hugs you. "I'm glad you're not still mad at me." You nod. "Do you think the others will forgive me?" She asks. You make a doubtful face. You decide to be honest with her, painfully honest "The Korizan of your youth is dead, keep your feet on the ground! Rushing the ship won't change anything!" You know this hurts Koriza but you feel tough love is the best approach. Koriza looks down and nods. You pick up a seashell and hand it to her. "But you're right about one thing, this island is dead. I loved it too, once upon a time." Koriza nods and as the sun sets she starts crying. Tears roll down her face as she sobs endlessly. You hold her close as she cries into your chest. You look at the setting sun and sigh deeply. You pat the red dragon on her back "I wish I could heal your pain" you whisper. You stay like that, watching the beautiful sunset. You attempt to sing a lullaby to Koriza. You sing so badly it's more comedic than soothing. "W-w-whats t-t-the name of the s-s-song?" Kor stutters through her tears. You smile "It's a lullaby my brother Endaklion sang to me when I was little, it goes like this: Sunset, sunset, Mother says 'Tis time to lay your weary head Sunset, sunset, set our planet free Let shadows cloak the land and sky..." Koriza smiles meekly and says how terrible you sing, but in an endearing way. You lay down on the deck next to Koriza and gaze at the stars while she continues sobbing. Disarria and Endaklion decide to sit next to you, but they don't speak a word. You speak softly to Koriza. "What change to your homeland, Korizan, do you fear the most?" Disarria glares at you as if to say "not now you massive dork" but you ignore her and continue. "To be ruled by humans or to be ruled by dragons?" Koriza stops crying and sits up. She wipes her tears and makes an effort not to cry anymore. "What do you think, Endaklion?" "I'm staying out of this" he replies. Koriza looks at Disarria but she just says "I'm staying out of this" mimicking Endaklion's voice. Koriza says "how fucked up Korizan must be after decades of war.

All my memories, all my nostalgia, it will be crushed when I see my homeland again" Koriza sighs deeply as new tears form. "I miss my parents. I miss my sister. I miss my childhood. Everything is fucked up." You tell Koriza that she has you and Disarria. 2 purple dragons of legend to aid her. The bad guys should be the ones weeping! Disarria says: yep! I might even let you date Enty! You blush, even though the dating statement was only a joke. You think. Koriza looks at the two of you and smiles. "Thanks, I really needed a laugh" she says. You all sit out under the stars and talk about how happy you are together. You ask Endaklion if he is as excited as you to travel to Korizan and sniff the culture. "One day you'll go. One day you'll all go" he says in his booming voice. "One day I will too." You ask Koriza if this is a good time to get absolutely wasted. Disarria chuckles and says "Been there, done that" "No" says Koriza "I'm going to bed, sweet dreams guys" You all say goodnight. You wave goodbye to the stars and follow Koriza as the rest stays on deck. You ask Koriza if she would appreciate you as bed mate "you know, like we did in the palace" "I do miss those days" you say. Koriza smiles. "I'll take you up on that offer but only if you sing me a song first" You laugh and tell her that Zalisi used to sing to you all the time. You attempt to sing some of the songs that Zalisi sang. Koriza laughs at your singing but enjoys it nonetheless. You hug and go to bed with Koriza. You, while in a jolly mood with Kor, ask her to teach you some filthy words I her native tongue of Zengsao. She finds it funny that you want to learn and teach you some. You practice these words in private with Disarria the next day much to her amusement. At noon, you see land. You call over Disarria, Endaklion and Koriza.