Syngeneia Kathairein part 6

Story by Dark_Warchief on SoFurry

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#7 of Syngeneia Kathairein

You like dark fantasy, dragons, adventure and a bit of romance?

You want to see the work of a professional video game writer?

You find AI's interesting?

This story of mine has all of that! Syngeneia Kathairein puts you in the shoes of Entropion, a purple dragon tasked to ''make the world right again''. (although he is a jackass in this prequel intro!) The view is set in first person view from Entropion's POV. This story is inspired by warcraft, forgotten realms, spyro the dragon and dragon age, among other things. AIdungeon's makeup is a bit messy, but > arrows denote saying or doing something. Part of the story is AI generated, please keep that in mind.

The next day you want to get it over with, you head over to Disarria and say "hey Disarria, we need to talk" Disarria smiles wickedly "alright I knew it, you want to put your dick inside me" You frown and say "well that is what we need to talk about" Disarria is confused "uhm yeah?" You sigh and say "look I like you and all but..." Disarria interrupts you by placing her paw on your crotch, rubbing it gently "but you like my cunt and don't know if you can live without? You pull away and call Disarria a purple obscenity. "No, I am ending our fuckbuddy arrangement. Koriza is uncomfortable and I need to keep our team together" Disarria laughs and says "wow, I can't believe how big of a pussy you are, first you get a girl obsessed with you, then you dump her because her feelings are getting in the way? what kind of man are you? You remain firm "a man that has to keep our group together and save the world. A man that does what is right, regardless what a obscene skank like you thinks of it" you immediately regret calling Disarria a skank. Disarria pulls her fist back and hits you as hard as she can in the face. Blood spurts out of your nose as you fall to the ground. Disarria stands over you and yells "bitch, you have no idea what kind of man I think you are", then leaves. You lick your blood from the floor and hold your paw over your snout as you bleed. Xenia walks in and immediately tends to your wound. You push her away "look, I told you I can look after myself" you say. Xenia ignores you and continues putting your nose back in place. After that, she kisses you on the forehead and leaves you alone. You sigh and get up. You ask Xenia if you made the right call, she is a soothsayer and knows the entire situation. Xenia tells you "it is a little too late to ask for my opinion now, but I think your decision was the correct one. I apologize that I did not tell you about this sooner, I personally did not think it would get this far". You tell Xenia you appreciate her being there when you were hurt. "Thanks, Xenia." You head to your room, and attempt to sleep. You have a healing potion to help you quickly recover from your injury. Koriza struts in, angry at what Disarria done to you. She yells "I hate that vile bitch!" before jumping onto your bed and cuddling with you.

You point at the claw Mark's on your face and shoulder that Koriza gave you a while ago. You say, half serious "you women are literally tearing me apart" to which she replies "oh, stop being such a drama queen, you big baby". You laugh. You ask Koriza how Zalisi has been holding up while you were on Eísodos. You are wondering if 3 weeks were enough for Zalisi to get over you breaking up with you. Koriza tells you Zalisi is upset that you broke up, stating "she cried for days, but she got over it quickly". You reply "good, I didn't want to make her miserable" and laugh. Koriza goes on to say while Zalisi is upset you are gone, she says that she is glad you left as she was sick of taking orders from you. You retort with "and I am sick of Zalisi lying, good riddance." You quickly change the subject as you do not want to think about Zalisi anymore. You and Koriza go on to have pleasant conversations. You sigh deeply "Guess I have to check on Zalisi. We didn't speak yet since my return" Koriza says "well, don't get too worked up. Zalisi is just expressing her feelings, you know? I'm sure your leadership made her uncomfortable at first, but she is glad you are back and she was glad to serve under you". You reply "I hope so, I really do" You decide that it is best to leave before you make a fool of yourself and ruin everything. You exit the room and head to Zalisi's. You look at Zalisi, trying to gauge how she feels as you greet her. "Hey Zalisi " She looks at you, and says a few words "Hi Entropion. I'm glad you are back". You are unsure if she is honest with you right now. "So glad you didn't even welcome me home or attend the party" You say sarcastically. Zalisi's eyes dart to a corner and her head drops "I didn't want to" You interject before she can continue "Look Zalisi you don't need to explain or give excuses, I just want to know if you got over our break up?" Zalisi throws her claws up in frustration and says "yes, I got over it! Are you happy? I got over the fact that my boyfriend dumped me for no damn reason!" You snarl at Zalisi "you lied about a pregnancy to flee when I needed your emotional support the most! Koriza and even Disarria were there when we assassinated Malediction!" Zalisi starts to say something but you interrupt her "don't even start with your pity party, I had important decisions to make and you were not available!" You slam your hand on the ground and yell at Zalisi "How do you think that made me feel? I needed you and you weren't there! Dammit Zalisi I loved you and all I got in return was a damn betrayal!" Zalisi is silent. 'What? Did she actually listen to me?' You think You continue "Well since you are silent right now, let me finish. Yes I am over our break up and no I don't want you back. You left a bad taste in my mouth and a dagger in my back with your betrayal. Maybe if you were a little more supportive of me or even truthful from the start, we would still be together, but I guess we will never know will we? Goodbye Zalisi" When you try to exit her room. Xenia is there in the doorway. Xenia tells you to turn around and you do. Sitting next to Zalisi as Xenia joins you two. Xenia says "Nobody is leaving until you two are on speaking terms. I took an oath to conserve harmony and I am a soothsayer. I want the both of you to listen to what I found!" You never expected Xenia to be firm! You nod as you feel she wants the best for everyone. You have never seen Xenia like this. Zalisi sighs "What Xenia?" Xenia tells you that she will start with you. She says "Entropion, you have reason to be upset when Zalisi faked a pregnancy. You have reason to feel abandoned, you want people to be straightforward with you. You however, should try to understand where Zalisi is coming from" You respond "She should have been upfront and honest with me. I would have accepted that news better than how she handled it. If she loves me as much as she claims to then she should be upfront with me" Xenia looks at you with shock. Zalisi starts to tear up a bit. Xenia nods. "Yes Zalisi should've been upfront about it." Xenia continues "Zalisi wasn't selfish, I saw it in her. She felt that your mission would've been a bust if anything were to happen to her! She missed you too Entropion! She ran to not only protect herself, but you too." Xenia is spot-on. Both you and Zalisi know it. You ask the obvious "Zalisi, Is this true?" Zalisi hugs herself as she cries and nods.

"I was so scared that I ran away without thinking of the consequences! But I love you and did not want to lose you, I'm sorry!" You tell Zalisi you are sorry for assuming the worst in her. Xenia interjects "you two are not romantically compatible, but I have seen that your companionship is meant to be" Xenia gives you both a hug. You tell Xenia she is like a mother you never had. Zalisi nods. Zalisi and you grew up together parent-less after all. Xenia tells you both "I'm here if you guys ever need advice about relationships or anything else, I'm always here for the both of you." You feel that your relationship may have had a setback but your friendship with Zalisi is stronger than ever. Xenia was right, she is a soothsayer. You tell Xenia how it is kind of creepy how she digs around in minds all the time. Xenia responds "I get that often, that is why I had to take a soothsayer oath. I may not divulge information if doing so causes harm or to manipulate. My skills are to keep the peace or to restore it. Nothing more, your weird secrets are safe with me" Xenia winks. "What did you see in my mind exactly?" You ask Xenia. Xenia replies "I saw everything, including your bizarre love for sandbags." You laugh. You ask Xenia and Zalisi to join you for combat training with Koriza. Xenia is a pacifist by oath. Zalisi is a pacifist by nature. You feel they will probably decline. They both agree readily to join you for combat training with Koriza. You feel that today is a good day. You meet up with Koriza about an hour later in the training room, she greets you with her usual snarky humor "Well if it isn't the trio of losers, Malediction must be resting his old bones in hell" Xenia states she is just here to watch, she has a pacifist oath. Zalisi joins Xenia on the sidelines, Zalisi and Xenia just want company and not to train. Disarria struts in in her typical demeanor. You look at her and snarl to her "fuck off skank" you did not forget her bloodying your nose earlier. Disarria laughs and replies "hmm perhaps another time lover" Disarria winks at you as she takes a spot next to Koriza. You are a little stunned that Disarria called you 'lover' in front of everyone, and the word 'lover' felt so foreign in terms of a relationship with her. Xenia and Zalisi gasp in surprise at Disarria's remark. Koriza tells you that you are to spar with Disarria. It will allow the both of you to blow off some steam. You feel that today is still a good day, as you are able to freely express your pent up anger on Disarria. You begin sparring with Disarria. You use everything you got. You try to hurt her with some of your attacks, you don't hold back at all. Disarria is not a slouch either, she effectively dodges, parries or blocks all of your attacks. It is quite obvious that she does not even break a sweat in her effort to defend against your onslaught of attacks. She occasionally lands a few light hits on you. It is quite obvious she is holding back as well. You open your claw, ready to inflict slash wounds on Disarria. She dodges to the left, but you have predicted correctly, and you catch a small cut on her side. She hisses in pain. You prepare your bite, and aim for her neck. Disarria wrenches her body sideways, causing you to only bite down on her shoulder. She cries out in pain. Koriza breaks you and Disarria up, you went too far by using attacks that drew blood on Disarria but you feel satisfied you got to hurt Disarria. There is blood on your mouth and you are grinning sadistically. Koriza reams you for this. She says Disarria is an essential part of your team, and that you should not have resorted to such tactics. That you should be helping Disarria in the first place. While Disarria could have defended herself better, Koriza frowns upon your barbaric actions. Disarria glares at you. You are sent back to your room to think about what you have done. Xenia tells Koriza that you acted on impulse, Xenia did not foresee your aggression, she agrees with Koriza that you should be sent to your room. Koriza isn't mad, she understands. She tells you and Disarria to apologize to one another later. Disarria is seething, her eyes are filled with anger and disgust. You spend the rest of your day in your room alone contemplating what just happened.

It is like your brain has been unlocked, and all these new thoughts and ideas are flowing in. You decide to go for a walk, on your way out you see Disarria. Her shoulder is bandaged. You ask her. "We even now?" Disarria looks at you with a scowl. "Yeah whatever." You are unsure if she means it, but you both part ways. After you return from your walk, it is dark out. You go to Koriza's room where she already is at. You hop on the bed. Koriza starts "it was satisfying to see you biting Disarria, but there are rules" Koriza continues "I would be fine with it if you defended yourself when Disarria bloodied your nose" you nod, understanding you can't act on vengeance after the fact. "But when you started biting down on her shoulder, that was crossing the line. You were intentionally trying to cause harm." Koriza continues "I know it is in your nature to be sadistic, dragon kin are like that. I also realize you don't want to be like this, but rules are rules. You nod and promise Koriza to not act on impulse again. You ask "we cool Kor?" Koriza looks at you and smiles "we are cool". Disarria waits in the door post. Meekly asking if she can talk for a bit. This is new, normally she is loud and disrespectful. You nod. You all move to the bed. Disarria starts off saying "I was a total skank, there's no excuse. I needed that bite to be able to see that!" Disarria sobs on a pillow. You tell Disarria that you and Koriza were just talking about that. You add "I am sorry too, Ria, I let vengeance get the best of me" Koriza is satisfied with the both of you. Your apology is genuine. Disarria smiles. Koriza looks at you both "we cool?" The both of you nod. You all hug and make up. You ask Disarria if the bite wound you gave her on the shoulder is serious. It hurts her, but she'll be fine. Koriza's mind is at ease now. The three of you watch over the city lights from the balcony, silently enjoying each others company. You tell the lady dragons next to you that while Yanawa nightscape is gorgeous, you wish you could fly to the stars. You know it is impossible as you need air to fly and breathe. You still want to fly out into the unknown. Both of the ladies look at each other and back to you. The both of them hug you. During this embrace, all of you close your eyes to feel the end of night and the beginning of day. There are many adventures awaiting you. You are ready for them, even if you don't know what they will be. The next day you wake up on the balcony as sunlight hits your face. Koriza and Disarria lie cuddled up together. Both wanted to do this with you but it seems they grabbed each other in their sleep. Even their mouths are close. This was also under the assumption it was you. You gently awake both girls and tease "so you two do got lesbianism running in you?" You refer to when both Koriza and Disarria told you they are straight. "Shut up, Enty" The two of them reply as both of them kiss you on the cheek. Koriza and Disarria go back to sleep as the three of you catch some more sunlight before you all start your day. You take your chance and rub Koriza's belly, where her massive scar is. She wakes up with a grin and slaps your claw away. The three of you laugh and acknowledge that it is time to go. You, Koriza and Disarria go to Endaklion and Alec's room as you haven't checked on them for a while. Only Alec is there. You 3 greet him. He is quiet and sad looking. You ask "so where is Endak?" "He left, he told me to tell you that he needs time alone." Disarria says. "Did he say where he was going to go?" You ask. "Nope, just that he needed some personal space." Disarria replies. You thank Disarria for this information and tell her if she hears anything new to let you know. Alec says "Greeting friends, I am milking these beetles for their eggs. I am making some dream snooping potions for Entropion and Koriza" you and Koriza got no idea what the hell it means to milk a beetle. Disarria grins mischievously as she does know. Alec gives you a beetle, the thing is half the size of a hand! Alec asks you to tickle the beetle's ass, or thorax, as you comply the beetle squirts out a goop containing the eggs at high pressure. Disarria finds this hilarious. You go back to your room as Koriza asks you "did you get anything?" You show her your beetle and she is disgusted. Disarria is on the floor dying of laughter as she has now got her belly full.

"Disgusting Enty, you're really something!" Koriza says as she playfully slaps your claw. You reply "how about this, Koriza?!" You grab another, uh, unspent beetle and point the thorax towards Koriza's face as you tickle the beetle's bum. You squirt the eggs directly at her face, as she is covered in goo. She replies "jerk! I was only playing!" You reply "I don't care! That was payback cuz!" Disarria tries to stifle her laughter, she gives up and joins in the laughter. Soon Alec's milkery devolves in a war zone where 3 dragons rub beetle behinds vigorously to shoot gooey egg streams at each other... Alec doesn't mind, you, Koriza and Disarria are having a blast. You and Disarria are very competitive, you make a game out of it by seeing who can shoot the farthest. The game takes an unexpected turn when, while attempting to shoot at Koriza, your stream misses her by a little and hits Zalisi, a defenseless blue dragon who was innocently flying by. Right into Zalisi's mouth! The stuff tastes like the asshole of a skunk marinated in rotten cheese. Zalisi is in agony as she falls to the floor, rolling on her back, her legs struggling to get the awful taste out of her mouth... Disarria and you can't help but laugh. You know it isn't dangerous. Koriza states how all beetles are spent. You and Disarria are sad that the fun is over. You ask Alec how long it takes for the beetle bums to refill with eggs and liquid. He tells you that it takes about a day so you decide to take a break as the other dragons have now stopped playing. You check on Zalisi, as stated before, the beetle juice is not harmful but tastes like a mix of skunk anus and bad cheese. You say "Hey Zal, what does the stuff taste like anyway?" Zalisi replies "like the asshole of a skunk marinaded in rotten cheese." You and Disarria laugh at Zalisi as she tries to squeeze the taste out of her mouth by rubbing her head against the stone floor. You have beetle goop on your paw, and decide to give Disarria a taste. You shove the rancid juice in her mouth. Disarria falls back and starts rolling on her back too, trying to get the taste out of her mouth. All she can do is laugh and this makes you laugh. Koriza states "Knew you two were a couple from the start, hate to break up the party but I want some of that shit." Koriza swipes her paw in front of Disarria's muzzle who is still trying to rub the taste out. You don't stop her, you want to see Koriza react to this putrid mess. She licks her paw and rubs it on her tongue. "Yeah dead skunk ass in rotten cheese is about the taste, not exactly pleasant." You and everyone else laughs You ask how Koriza isn't affected by the taste. She replies dryly "I had to eat worse while foraging on some military missions" You ask her what was the worst thing she ate. She thinks for a second and replies "Nah I don't think I should tell you, you might try to serve it at the next banquet." Everyone laughs again. You are glad to have such a great friend group. You invite Koriza, Zalisi and Disarria to clean off in the palace pond outside by bathing in it. Koriza accepts your invite and you all head to the pond. You get in first. Once Zalisi, Disarria and Koriza get in, you all start splashing water at each other like children. This lightens the mood after the horrible taste left in your mouths. You push Koriza into the middle of the pond and state she is now "it" before swimming away from her reach. She chases you and tries to grab you. Disarria swims over to help you. You tell her she is "it" and swim away again. Koriza finally catches both of you. She picks you both up by the scruffs of your necks and states, "Now what should we do with these two?" Zalisi replies "put them back in their cage?" Koriza lets you and Disarria go and addresses you by your nicknames. Big baby for you and purple obscenity for Disarria. Koriza says "we gotta discuss something more serious now." You and Disarria float on your backs in the pond to listen to what she has to say. Koriza says "Disarria, Entropion and I are going on a simple mission. It is time to see how you fare in the field" Koriza continues "we will be attacking a caravan of black dragons trying to sneak through our lands. I suspect they may have stolen from our lands and this cannot stand" Koriza finishes "so we will be ambushing them. You are to join me, Zalisi is staying here though." You and Disarria look at each other and decide what to do.

You grew up in the wild and trained plenty with Koriza. You ask if you should kill the black dragons outright. Koriza replies "we will try not to kill them all, but if they fight then we probably will have to. Hopefully it doesn't come to that though." All of you know it will, though. Koriza states how you are to tar your scales to look pitch black, both for camouflage and to blend in for surprise. You do this now, it is easy to do and you am left waiting for nightfall. Koriza says "we will be flying out in a few hours" and to just relax until then. You all lounge about. When the moon is high in the sky you are all suited up and at location. Deep inside the wilderness you overlook a dirt road. You wait for the caravan. The moonlight is bright and you can see for miles around, then you see them. There are 5 guards in heavy armor riding horses leading a carriage behind them. You see the black dragon insignia on the side of the carriage. You are ready to strike. You whisper to Koriza "just humans? No black dragons themselves?" Koriza replies "no, the black dragons prefer to use their slaves as a meat shield. They are cowards like that. It means you shouldn't have any trouble killing the humans." You all spread out in the trees, then at Koriza's order you strike. You leap off the branches and dive-bomb the guards mercilessly. You unleash your corrosive gas breath at the enemy. They are not expecting this and don't have time to block or turn their horse around. Your acid melts their skin, their armor and their flesh alike. You keep the gas coming and the guards topple from their horses. You smash one guard into the ground with your tail. You tear the head off another guard, holding it in your mouth before dropping it and moving on. You begin to lose track of all the guards you kill, all you know is that there was one more then you, and you have killed them all. The horses scream and collapse, their armor no match for your strong teeth. You begin to turn your attention towards the 5 man heavy wooden carriage they were protecting. You look up at it and see it's barricaded shut. The slits for arrows are empty though. The other dragons must still be fighting. You trash the carriage and look for any stolen goods from Korizan. You find a strange fist sized clear gem with a spiral on it. Koriza scoots over and her eyes widen "that is a lay stone! On the go teleportation to any spot it has visited!" You pocket the stone and look for more loot. You find a few more valuables and some food. You turn to leave but then you hear a yell "HEY YOU OVER THERE! STOP!" You hear running and see a guard with a bow. You snarl, these humans dare attack you while their masters flee? You are Entropion, you will crush them! You got a mischievous idea and hold the lay stone above you. "To Yanawa!" As expected, you are teleported to your capital city, and so are the enemy caravan guards. The enemy guards are soon apprehended by the guards of Yanawa! You, Koriza and Disarria return to your palace quarters. Zalisi, Xenia, Alec and Endaklion are already there. You head straight to Koriza's Room with Disarria and Koriza. You plop on the bed and Disarria and Koriza do so too. You look over at Koriza and ask "how did Disarria and I do for our first mission?" Koriza smiles "You did good, you both did good. You have potential. You blush and tell Koriza there is a more personal matter you wish to ask her. You ask Koriza what the customs for courting the princess of Korizan are. Koriza obviously knows you are into her. Koriza smiles with a cheeky grin and says "well, you have to do what every I want... for the rest of our lives." You blush more and Disarria laughs. "Awwww! How cute!" Koriza then gives you a more serious look and says "you would also have to marry me and become king of Korizan, as my mate." You think about it. You ask what about her father, Korinzao,is his approval important to you and Koriza marrying? Koriza nods solemnly "Sadly, yes. He only has my best interest at heart." You look at Koriza's red eyes and see kindness, valor, intelligence and just a hint of shyness. You realize you feel a powerful connection with her. You decide to focus on the other dragoness in the room who also wants to be your bride, Disarria. Disarria has lots of knowledge in general. You ask her if a courtship between 2 purple dragons ever happened before.

Purple dragons are rare. Disarria says that 2 purple dragons have never married before, however a black dragon and a red dragon have been known to marry many times before. You ask what happens if you chose to marry Disarria instead, would that cause an issue? Koriza gets angry and says "are you even considering it?" You tell Koriza that you may be predestined to court Disarria, as if the world demands this outcome to happen. Koriza looks up and closes her eyes, she seems disappointed on your behalf. "I understand" she groans. You look at her beautiful eyes once more and feel deep sadness that you won't be with her forever. You ask the ladies if 2 purples will indeed get purple offspring or if that was a lie of Malediction. Disarria says that the old dragon was lying. You turn to Disarria "so there is documented evidence purples, even together, get regular offspring?" Disarria says that there is a documented case of a purple male and purple female couple who raised regular colored offspring. Disarria doesn't want to lie to gain an advantage against Koriza for your love. You tell Koriza and Disarria they both wanted to court a male purple dragons since their childhood, and that you have to shatter one dream if you were to choose. One of the 2 dragonesses has to get hurt in your choice. You don't want that. You cry and cry, as the 2 dragonesses are extremely saddened by your choices. You wish the world was different, one where they could both get their love. You tell them that you will never forget Disarria saving your life, you want to be with Koriza. You love her. You want to be her prince. You brace for Disarria's reaction. Disarria looks upset. "Very well, I accept the results" Disarria says. She flies away from the room. You feel as if you've let her down, by choosing someone else rather than her. You are not on the mood for romantic endeavors with Koriza. You hop next on the bed o her and sigh deeply. You say "shattered dreams... poor Disarria " Koriza says "oh yes, she is strong but she will be alright" Koriza embraces you, as you hold her close to your chest. You say how you also made Koriza's dreams come true. Koriza says "I know, I am so happy, I finally get the handsome purple male I always wanted" You kiss her. You have made your decisions and you must abide by them. You push her off you with a grin on your face, looking at her giant scar going from her hip across her belly, up to her side. The spot is sensitive and you rub it sensually. You say how you earned this. You love Koriza's scar. It is sexy to you. You run your claw over Koriza's scar gently. The area is sensitive to touch after all You rub it with your claw gently. She rubs her forehead on yours, looking into your eyes. Her pupils are vertical slits like a cat, thin and glossy. She looks at you in the eye steadily. "I love you" " I love you too" You tell Koriza that you didn't want to hurt Disarria, but you loved Koriza for a long time. Koriza reassures you that Disarria will be alright. You tell her that Disarria is strong, and she will get over the loss eventually. "She will find another mate, another suitor, someone else to give her the loving relationship she desires" You say. Koriza looks down and mutters that such a day might never come for her. You pull her up to a sitting position and hug her tight "The future is ours my love" You carefully sniff Koriza for her scent. You burn it into your memory, and you will never forget it. With the choices you made today, you only can hope you never forget your love for her. Your life together will be a beautiful one. You ask Koriza, if her father the king, Korinzao, will approve of your romantic relationship. Koriza tells you that father's pick challenges for the suitor to complete. She doesn't know what her father may have in mind for you though. You both sit down on the bed and ponder your potential future together. You ask Koriza about her mother, you haven't met her yet. Koriza tells you how Korisana death affected their mother. Koriza's mom became a hikikomori. Korisana death broke her. She refuses to leave her bedroom. She barely eats or drinks anymore.

She just lays in bed and weeps constantly. Koriza says that her mother has become a dead body waiting to die. The king doesn't visit his wife anymore, she won't speak to anyone. You shake your head and tell Koriza how her mom is selfish for shutting in. You expect Koriza to get angry for that statement as you continue. "You and Korinzao have it hard too, but at least you support each other "you say. Koriza begins crying profusely. You didn't think your comment was that bad, but apparently to Koriza it really hurt her deeply. You try to calm her down. You hold her in your arms as she cries. You don't know what else you can do for her at this point. You tell Koriza that Xenia could maybe get through to Koriza's mom. Xenia is a soothsayer and all. Xenia could give a good news of encouragement to the queen, which may cheer her up. Koriza's eyes widen as she looks up at you. "You really think so?" She asks. "Well...yeah." You reply. Koriza jumps up from the bed and kisses you on the cheek. "Thank you" She quickly kisses you on the lips but you pull away. You lie on the bed, looking up at Koriza as you give her a mischievous grin. You say "come, mighty warrior princess of Korizan, claim your mate" you submit fully. You see a mixture of emotions across Koriza's face. She is angry that you are going to make her do all the work and take advantage but she also likes the idea. She jumps on top of you an kisses you passionately. You make out for a while as you fondle each other, ending in loving cuddling. Sex with a royal like Koriza is off limits before marriage. You ask Koriza to fetch dream spectator potion for you two to drink so you can share dreams. You want to talk to Korisana spirit. Koriza is surprised by your request but says she can probably get it for you. Eventually you drift off to sleep... You find yourself in a void like space. You are floating through the area. You see a purple dragon flying towards you. It is the same dragon you saw on the mural at the museum before it was destroyed. "Ah, I see you have managed to reach here, this is going to save me some time" You say "wait, you are the purple depicted on the needle mosaic in that tower at Nevermoor!" "Yes, that was me. I am glad someone was curious enough to investigate. Sadly, my physical manifestation was destroyed. But fear not for my immortality, I have managed to transfer myself into this space." "That means you can't communicate with anyone!" "Oh I can communicate, just no one can hear me...Yet you have heard me haven't you?" You tell about dream spectator potions and that you know how special purple dragons are. You ask if this purple dragon is a ghost of the dead. He laughs "Ghost? No, I am very much alive. In fact I have more life in one of my claws than you and everyone you know combined. Well maybe not the red one, she is pretty lively." You ask if he is ethereal life force. He laughs again. "I am no life force, I am life, I am a god!" You are stunned into silence. He continues "I am a living god, ruler of the realm of the purple dragons." You look at him sideways "you do know this is just a dream? You may be a part of my subconscious" He looks blank and asks you to repeat what you said, so you do. He laughs again "Oh believe me mortal, I am very much real. As real as you or anyone else." "You may be real but are you a god?" He looks offended "I don't expect you would understand my divine nature. You are a mere infant in comparison to me." "I might be young, but I'm not an idiot" You ask him if he works for Apocalion. He laughs and asks if Apocalion is a god. You say that you don't think so but you aren't sure. He ignores your question and continues "I am no lackey, I am a sovereign being". You ask firm this time "are you friend or foe of Apocalion?" He thinks about it, you begin to worry he is going to disappear on you again when he answers "I have no interest in this Apocalion, my realm is remote and obscure. I am only vaguely aware of the civilization living in the shadow of my mountain. I care even less for their fate or anyone else's. As long as they don't bother me, I won't bother them." You ask him if he is a Seraph from Parakáto He looks offended again "I don't work for the Seraphim either, I already told you I am a sovereign being!" You ask if he is the first purple dragon. He gets angry now and spits back at you "I am not A purple dragon, I am THE purple dragon. I came before them, I will be here after their extinction."

You reason how he is below the Seraph, as purple dragons were created by them. This is fact. He may be a god but he is still beneath the Seraph. This being does not take this well, he becomes livid and begins to yell at you. However, this doesn't really affect you given that he is in your head. You watch as his sentences get jumbled and you lose all comprehension of what he is saying. He looks confused for a bit and then his look of anger turns into a look of fear. He disappears completely without another word. You taunt by saying "try manners next time " as you explore the dreams cape to find Koriza . You soon find the flower field with the tree in the middle where Koriza and Korisana are chatting. You join in and sit by them, they greet you. You ask Koriza and Korisana if they discussed the plan where you bring Xenia to their hikikomori mother yet. Koriza says they did, but Korisana is against it. Koriza says her reasons are solid and brings them up again. Koriza says that her mother may be a recluse, but she still has status among the red dragons. She fears if she brings an outsider like Xenia to their home, she would be scorned and perhaps even disowned by her mother. You tell them that you find this an acceptable risk, and so does Koriza. You asked if Korisana visited the dreams of their mother too. Koriza says she doesn't, so while their mother may be ignorant of her children's continued existence, mother will still know of Koriza's. Koriza is concerned about how this will play out. You tell Koriza that it would be exceptionally stupid for her parents to cause a royal schism in trying times like this, and Korinzao seems wise enough to avoid that. Koriza believes the only thing that could cause a problem is if they called the forgiveness of royal blood into question. So you say that would make a bit of drama. You turn to Korisana "so uh... yeah, princess and legendary purple dragon raid quarters of depressed queen?" You understand the gravity of the situation, but you cope best with humor. Koriza shakes her head at you and rolls her eyes, but smiles. Koriza's eyes rise to meet yours, her smile turns into a neutral expression "I really wish you hadn't said that." She says as she brings her hand up to your face. "Jiiiiin!" She grabs your head with unnatural strength and yanks it down to meet her fist. You get up dizzily, rubbing the side of your head, as she offers you a hand. You remark "what a woman, so feisty!" Korisana snickers and says "you two are the most adorable couple" as she wraps her arm around your shoulder. You stick your tongue out at Koriza, who sticks her tongue out back. While everyone's spirits are high, they would be higher if more of the royal family and your friends were here right now. Korisana, you and Koriza frolic around and play before morning pulls you back to the real world, you wake up, Koriza next to you. She smiles warmly as she wakes up, and you bring your hand up to her face, caressing her cheek. You look into her eyes and see a great strength in them, and you think about how much you love her. She makes a questioning face and you lean in to kiss her. You soon get up and meet the entire group of your friends. Endaklion, Alec, Disarria, Zalisi and Xenia are all at the dinner table for breakfast as you and Koriza join in. You look over at Disarria, whom you recently rejected as you chose to be with Koriza. You ask Disarria how she is doing. Disarria frowns at you and replies "well I'm fine, but I don't think you're the one to be asking. You've already got your answer." She looks over at Koriza whose face is now red. Koriza's expression darkens as she exclaims "why won't you just leave me alone? Can't you see that he loves me? Zalisi joins in "I love him too but you don't see me acting like Disarria" Endaklion, Alec and Xenia exchange worried looks as if to say "uh oh" Disarria retorts "well I guess that's because you're a spineless worm!" Everyone at the table shuts up. You are speechless. You quietly drink from your coffee as you observe the situation.

Xenia asks if anyone wants a extra croissant, to diffuse the tension. Everyone quietly says yes. Koriza begins to weep quietly. You don't know what to do. You try cheering her up with a corny pun. "Hey, Koriza, why shouldn't dragons argue? Tends to drag on" Everyone sighs as they realize you are trying to be funny. You try a different one "How can you be so irritated when I think you're the prettiest girl here?" Disarria responds "Because your jokes are as bad as your girlfriend." Koriza cries harder. You face palms yourself for not seeing Disarria's statement was a joke. Everyone is quiet, and Xenia tries to help again with breakfast. Disarria tells Xenia to stick her croissants where the sun doesn't shine and calls Koriza pathetic for crying even after you chose her. Disarria then storms off. You feel even more awkward and follow Disarria, wanting to apologize. She dismisses you, saying "I can handle myself in a verbal fight." You return to the table, thinking about what to do next. Alec speaks up meekly "well... you guys need therapy" you feel he has a point. You agree. You hold Koriza close. Xenia adds how she found a few books you can read as group. Endaklion tries to steal the last croissant but Xenia tells him not to, she is a soothsayer after all! You tell Xenia reading sounds like a good choice now. Zalisi nods. Everyone smiles as you decide to go read to feel better. You and the rest leave the table. You, Endaklion, Xenia, Koriza and Zalisi meet at the library. Sadly Alec has plenty of patients. Xenia presents a book named "The reality delusion" she looks at the group expecting input on the title. Very philosophical. It is about solipsism and nihilism. Koriza looks up "So what now?" Xenia shrugs "Now, we read it." Zalisi laughs "I'll pass, books about non-fiction like that just give me a headache. I'll leave you to it." You ask Zalisi if she is afraid of new perspectives. You mean this teasingly and not to snark. Zalisi just smiles and replies "I've had too many head aches" she leaves as the rest of you begin to read. It takes effort, but you start reading the book and are fascinated by it. By the end of it Disarria walks in. She says "what book is this? It smells fresh" You think about telling her to leave but will allow her to join, she seems pleasant enough. She sits down and asks to read. Disarria recognizes the book "yeah one of my favorites. It also pulls the idea of souls into question , how not everyone has one and some are just philosophical zombies. Substance less" You are about to rebut but Xenia replies "It is a fascinating book" Disarria looks around "I would love to hear what you think of it, if you want I can leave so you can discuss it.". This is the moment, you can have a civil discussion with Disarria or tell her to leave. You want Disarria to stay and ask Koriza if she believes some people are automatons without souls. Xenia looks annoyed. Koriza thinks about it and replies. Disarria reads over Koriza's shoulder "I think some people are soulless, I believe they are philosophical zombies and do not have consciousness" This makes Xenia very angry "That is ridiculous! Zalisi has a soul, everyone does!" You reply calmly "Not if this book is correct" You look at Xenia and smile. Xenia asks you if you justify evil behavior this way. You reply calmly. "No, Xenia. We can not know for certain who is conscious, thus we cannot make such decisions for them. I just believe some have no soul and solely exist to fill the planet or teach us things" This angers Xenia "Why could there not be varying degrees of consciousness? Why does everything have to be black and white? Why couldn't someone be partially soulless? How would you know if you are conscious?" You finger dance on the table and think about how to reply. You say "sure, multiple degrees of consciousness may or may not exist. All I know for certain is that I am valid, this universe may be but a mere thought I have" You close your eyes and wave your hands in the air "And you are but a dream of a shadow being under a carrot...and so on..." Your reply angers Xenia even more. "Then you are saying all people are equal" Xenia screams "That is ridiculous, some people cause great suffering to others! You tell Xenia that while the universe may be a fleeting thought, you believe in Absurdism and will keep going just to see how it will play out. You add how life has value because you think it does, your thought giving said value to life. Your reply makes Xenia even angrier. "Look, I think you are conscious and have a soul.

I don't even know if such things exist! All I know is I'd rather live my life believing that everyone has a soul than to live believing that some are soulless demons...even if they behave like one" You smile as your reply just makes Xenia angry. You ask Xenia why she gets so worked up over this. Xenia says that it is because these things are important and how you should live your life. Xenia also gets angry because she thinks your view is dangerous as said view could lead to apathy, the downfall of civilization and ultimately your own downfall. You ask Disarria Koriza and Endaklion whether they agree with you or Xenia. Disarria says she does not understand the argument, but believes all living beings have souls. Koriza takes some time to reply and finally says she is indifferent on the matter. Endaklion humorously replies by saying "I'm a nihilist so I couldn't give a flying fuck about any of this". You prod your lover Koriza some more "come on, sure you got some Korizan wisdom on the matter" you just want Koriza to pick a side. Koriza replies "I think there is much we don't understand about this world. So many things can't be quantified. Keep searching for an answer that suits you, but I must respond that such things are beyond my understanding". You smile, and kiss Koriza on the forehead as she does the same to you. You turn to Disarria "Dis, you think every commoner on the street has a soul as important as ours? Sure they deserve respect but we are greater than them are we?" Disarria smiles "You are not greater than anyone. We all have an equal right to live and die as anyone else. It's just a shame so many of Syngeneia cannot see that". You shake your head at Disarria "equal rights, sure, but do you legitimately think the cruel and stupid should live on the same level and political power as us, the purple dragons?" Xenia is not having your dehumanizing attitude! Xenia opens her mouth to reply angrily but is interrupted by Disarria who pushes her back into her seat "Not today sister, your anger is clouding your judgment Let us be calm and rational". Disarria addresses your point. "If you can't see the value in all life forms then you are not worthy of this world. You do not deserve to live, let alone rule. I hope you realize the ignorant views you have. Sadly, many with your mindset do not understand their own ignorance". You look over at Endaklion who seems to be smirking. "Ignorance is a disease and it's something that desperately needs to be cured" Disarria declares. You look at Koriza and retort "Korizan is caste society and was a heaven before the anarchy of the black dragons came" "We are bringing back the golden age of Koriza" you exclaim. Disarria laughs. "The golden age of Korizan is a fairy tale. A masterful piece of propaganda created by the reds to solidify their reign over this island and it's people. The only thing the reds ever created is poverty and misery" says Disarria Both you and Koriza are now livid! Xenia flees the library as she foresaw this. You challenge Disarria to a duel for your honor! "You do not deserve to carry the sacred color!" You exclaim to Disarria "Let's settle this, once and for all!" "I am not a God damn coward like you are!" Koriza replies "I accept your challenge" Disarria says with joy in her eyes. You notice that Endaklion disappears from the room. You look back at Koriza, expecting emotional support. You get on your back legs and into position you tell Disarria you are ready when she is. You are matched against each other, you in a fighting stance and Disarria in a graceful yet imposing stance. "Always a pleasure Enty" says Disarria. You are matched in power, you are too slow to hit Disarria and she can't penetrate your defenses. Disarria starts using magic after a while, conjuring and throwing fireballs along with ice breath. You are fully defensive now and your rage plus desperation are building... Something changes in your head, you don't understand what's going on but your body knows exactly what to do, almost instinctively.

All your rage and feelings of hatred are channeled into your innate magical affinity. The word of power comes naturally. You yell "Sanquinolentia!" A blood red crescent of energy escapes your muzzle and hits Disarria with blistering speed. Disarria is hit with an outbreak of wounds all inside and all over her body! You have cast curse of wounds on her! Disarria is defeated, but the power of hatred surges through you! You keep focusing the curse to intensify the effect but soon Koriza tackles and restrains you, breaking your blood haze. She says "you won! Stop Enty, stop!" You calm down, and like clockwork Alec and Xenia retrieve the battered Disarria. You and Koriza flee the library as a fire is growing due Disarria's fireballs. Back at the quarters you and Koriza are in Koriza's room, on her bed. You meekly ask Koriza if you went too far with Disarria. Koriza strokes your hair and says "Um, I guess you have a little bit of a dark side there." You sigh "Sanquinolentia" sounds like a dark spell. It was negative energy wasn't it?" Koriza is concerned "Um, yes it was Enty. That is the whole point of dark magic! I didn't think you would actually use dark magic though." You look at Koriza worried. "I... was angry Koriza. Disarria told me I don't deserve to live because I believe in philosophical zombies" Koriza still caressing says "Yeah but that doesn't make it okay to do something dark Enty. Hey look at me" You look at Koriza and she says "I still love you." You smile a bit. You ask Koriza if Disarria will be okay. Koriza replies "Yeah she will be. She has been through worse. Let's go to sleep okay?" You nod and embrace her tightly. "I love you" you say. You cuddle making sure that your body fills as much space in the bed as possible. Koriza loves you. You feel safe with her, protected even from yourself. Koriza eventually falls asleep, but you lie there awake thinking. You wonder what will happen if you try to cast dark magics while feeling no malice.