Syngeneia Kathairein part 9

Story by Dark_Warchief on SoFurry

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#10 of Syngeneia Kathairein

You like dark fantasy, dragons, adventure and a bit of romance?

You want to see the work of a professional video game writer?

You find AI's interesting?

This story of mine has all of that! Syngeneia Kathairein puts you in the shoes of Entropion, a purple dragon tasked to ''make the world right again''. (although he is a jackass in this prequel intro!) The view is set in first person view from Entropion's POV. This story is inspired by warcraft, forgotten realms, spyro the dragon and dragon age, among other things. AIdungeon's makeup is a bit messy, but > arrows denote saying or doing something. Part of the story is AI generated, please keep that in mind.

You tell her to watch over things and give your regards to Kishijoten. Xenia tells you she will and hugs you. You are left in the hallway, head hanging low, discouraged by the losses in this war. You decide to check on Endaklion and Alec, you ask them why they are staying here instead joining you in the journey to the Blue homeland. They both say they wish to stay here, Alec says he will help his sister Xenia in any way, and that he is a healer and has a duty to help the injured. Endaklion is Alec's lover, but he reassuringly tells you he will always be your big brother no matter what. You hug him and he says "I'll probably be here when you return, we can go on adventures then" you are saddened that you may lose a loved one in this war. Then there is Redsamuru, you head to his trashy stinkhole of a room and ask Redsamuru why he wants to stay in Korizan. Redsamuru makes a perverted remark about wanting to fuck all the red dragon pussies. Koriza is disgusted. Redsamuru goes on to say that he wishes to continue living his life in debauchery and being a complete slob of a dragon. You shake your head as you leave and head to Disarria's room. She is a purple dragon like yourself, so her not joining your trip is strange to you. You ask Disarria why she isn't coming along. "You're right, I should go with you" she says. She adds "I can't, Korinzao wants me protecting Yanawa while you are gone." Koriza nods. You and Koriza leave and discuss matters in private. The palace garden. You say "Something is off about Disarria, she was far too complacent with your father's order to defend Yanawa. I think Disarria is scheming something" Koriza says "Disarria? Scheming? I doubt it, she is crude and lazy but she is loyal. She wants us to succeed on our mission". You nod and say "yes, but she is also a know it all. She is going to disobey Korinzao the moment she disagrees." Koriza rolls her eyes and disagrees. "Let's just focus on the road ahead and leave worrying about what Disarria is or isn't doing" You nod. You ask Koriza when you will be leaving for the Blue dragon homeland and she says tomorrow morning. You spend the rest of the day preparing and talk with Zalisi who is excited to visit the land she is from.

When it is sunset, you and Koriza relax on top of the roof of the highest tower of the palace. It is bittersweet really, as Korizan still has a lot of issues. You speak up "Hey Kor, you're going to miss Yanawa?" You ask with the intent to check up on your mate. Koriza smiles "Of course, but it is my duty to sort this out with the Blues. You don't need to worry about me, I'll be fine." You give her a loving lick on the cheek, as dragons do. "Even the strongest of castles still need support, I love you." She smiles "I love you too" You spend the rest of the night on the roof, looking at the night sky. You love stargazing, especially if with someone you love. The planet you live on, Syngeneia, has no moon but rings. They glow bright in the night sky today. You turn to Koriza and say "do you think we are alone? I mean, in the universe, or are there living worlds like Syngeneia out there?" Koriza shrugs "I don't know Ent. But what matters is right here, right now. The future is not ours to see - but we'll face it together." You poke her teasingly and say "hey, dare to dream. It's our free time! I think other worlds exist personally" Koriza nods "I agree, I want to see other living worlds." You sigh "There's so much we don't know. You state how you always wanted to fly to the rings of Syngeneia. That they were so stunning and you wanted to land on one and build a house there. You then say "You know, live in a asteroid castle or something." Koriza laughs at this "A castle in space, I like that idea. You flirt with Koriza "I like you" as you growl playfully. She laughs and tackles you down. You wrestle around, not a serious fight but more of a playful one. You let Koriza pin you down. You lick your lips and look her in the eyes. Her eyes are filled with passion and love. You always feel like you're drowning in them. You stare in to her eyes, the space between your faces disappears as she leans in. Koriza kisses you and goes straight for making out. You love her and hug her tightly as your tails coil around each others You make out passionately, enjoying this bliss. The two of you eventually fall asleep under the stars. The next morning you are rudely awakened by Redsamuru screeching "oh my god the asshole chad stole my m'lady! Leave her alone you douchebag!" You can handle Redsamuru's incel behavior but Koriza's mood is instantly soured. You groan and tell Redsamuru to fuck off before flying off. You and Koriza go for a long walk around the city instead. You sigh deeply "what would Redsamuru do if he knew you initiate kissing and cuddling most of the time? Doubt that chauvinistic retard can handle that, hehehe..." Koriza laughs "I'm pretty sure he'd just flip a table and storm off somewhere." You chuckle as you continue your conversation. You make a crude impersonation of Redsamuru "Koriza you're such a filthy slut! Act like a princess, leave the military and serve Entropion's every need!" You smirk. Koriza laughs "You cheeky bastard, he wouldn't." You laugh and talk with Koriza for the rest of the trip. The ship bound for the blue dragon lands should be prepared by now, Zalisi is waiting for you at docks. She greets you and asks you which ship you will be taking for the long journey. Koriza is about to tell her when you hear a shout "HEY BITCH WHERE'S MY FUCKING MEAT?!" You realize its Redsamuru. You facepalm and ask "Redsamuru, what the he is it now?" Redsamuru, a brown bag in hand, ignores you and points at Zalisi "You're a shyster whore that doesn't give me my due! Zalisi hides behind you and Koriza. It is about sex, again... you tell Redsamuru to leave. Please. He refuses. You tell him to fuck off and don't come back to the docks again. Disregarding your warnings, he continues to harass Zalisi. Fuck this. Koriza sucker punches Redsamuru in the balls and says "next time I will castrate you, leave now! Fat slime ball!" Redsamuru complies, hobbling off as he holds his injured testicles. You comfort Zalisi who is shaking with fear and in tears. "I didn't know you were there..." You tell her you are now, and want to pretend this just didn't happen. You ask Koriza which ship you will travel on.

She says it's the one with the red sails, the large one in the middle. You board the ship and are greeted by some of Koriza's crew members. This one is the same that you used to travel to Korizan months ago. You, Koriza and Zalisi get settled as the ship leaves port. You explore the ship and talk with your sister. "Hey Zal, you holding up well? Going to discover the land you came from for the first time is huge" you say, checking on her. "I suppose. I would prefer to stay on the ship but I trust you and Koriza. You ask her why she isn't happy. You ask her why she isn't happy. "It's nothing you should concern yourself with. I'll be fine" Should you push the issue? You decide to leave her be, and notice a commotion on top deck when heading back to your cabin. Something about a sea creature boarding the ship. You enter your cabin. Disarria is there! She gives you a smug look "hey Enty" she says. She shouldn't be on board but back at Yanawa to support the war effort! Koriza soon comes in and says "oh hell no! My dad, the KING gave you orders Dis!" Disarria isn't impressed and replies "and I didn't listen! Just like Entropion I have magic to learn! I am also purple!" Disarria has a point in your opinion. You and Koriza have a disagreement on what to do. Disarria smugly asks Koriza what she is going to do, turn this ship back? Everyone here knows it's too late for that. Disarria says she can stay. Should Disarria stay on board, or go home? You tell Disarria she can stay, but that she has to clean up the conflict she is going to have with Korinzao. You find this reasonable. Disarria surprisingly agrees and leaves with a smirk. Koriza does not find this amusing. You take your turn to be smug, to Koriza too. You say "told you she was up to something. Tooooold you...." you tease. Koriza takes your teasing well. You are close to her. You continue "and didn't I tell you what? Exactly what I told you. I told you so" you snicker at Koriza's expense. Koriza playfully punches you in the arm "yeah, yeah, you're clever!" she says with a playful grumble. Koriza has a beautiful smile, despite all her fangs. You yawn "I wish ships were faster. This is going to be tedious trip. What was it? 104 days? Just awful" Koriza admits that it is, but says that this is the best way to travel, at least in her opinion. You tell her the lay stone is the best, but that it sadly can't go where it hasn't been before. Koriza laughs saying that she would be a skeleton before the ship could get back. You laugh too, but realize you are talking about 104 days in a row. You jump on the bed and look at Koriza "at least I got a furiously attractive mate" you tell her. Koriza also jumps on the bed, and rolls next to you "I suppose I will have to endure your face for a long time" she says jokingly. Koriza looks at you, and in a rare moment of affection she leans in, and kisses you on the lips. You kiss back. You feel her sweet breath go into your lungs and her tongue going inside your mouth. You put your arms around her as you enjoy this intimate moment. Your tongues twist with one another and you taste each others saliva. You start to feel a rush of blood going into your private parts. She senses this too and breaks the kiss "perhaps we should do this later" she says, as if knowing you are not exactly in a stable state of mind right now. You agree without words. You tell Koriza it is hard for you to be separated from your brother, Endaklion. You never did that before. Koriza nods in understanding, soon you two cuddle and speak about lighthearted things. You ask "do you like the cold? We are going to an icy place after all " Koriza nods and says "I like the cold, I don't know why, but I find it very comforting, I liked the winter when we were back home, the snowflakes would fill the sky and..." she smiles with reminiscence. Your body protests and you let the biggest fart ever. It is a really smelly wet one! You laugh as the stench of rotten eggs reaches Koriza. She coughs and gets up from under you Koriza says "EWW! That is disgusting, it reeks to high heaven!" You laugh so hard you cry. You hold Koriza under the bed sheets as you assault her with more stink farts She pretends to cry and you kiss her. To your surprise she kisses you back with the same amount of passion! You lay down beside Koriza, she looks at you with a loving gaze. You smile and snuggle with her. She smiles too and says "let's go to sleep" You nod and joke "you passed your chemical weapons training" She chuckles and you lay down beside her, you both fall asleep.

You wake up the next morning, your body feels like it has been run over by a steamroller. You groan as you sit up. Koriza looks over at you from the other side of the bed and says "good morning sleepyhead" You smile as you turn to Koriza "hey there, princess" She giggles and says "good morning my love" Koriza faces you and pulls you in for a kiss. It feels weird, but not unpleasant. You hear your stomach rumble as you realize you haven't eaten anything since the fruit yesterday. You shout "breakfast!" Koriza nods and says "I'll be down in a minute, I need to wash up" You,Disarria and Zalisi have started eating. This canned ship food is bland as can be. You tell the group about the thundering fart you unleashed on Koriza. Your friends laugh. Koriza comes down the stairs and joins you all at the table. She looks annoyed Disarria asks "what's wrong, Koriza?" She says "you guys laughed about my dilemma? I had a shitty night" Zalisi says "wait, what happened?" Koriza says "that asshole over there unleashed a fart so bad my eyes watered!" The group laughs even louder. You snicker at Koriza's expense. You add "when we were alone you found it funny, Kor." To tease her some more, besides it's true. She looks embarrassed and shouts "fuck off!" The rest of you laugh. Disarria says "I'm sure there are worse things in the world to be upset about" Koriza says "I suppose, but all I can do is hope he doesn't do it again" You whisper in Koriza's ear: "not even hope, my noxious behind will fumigate our cabin. You will be addicted to the rotten stench of my farts." To taunt Koriza. She shouts "fuck off, you asshole" without any venom in her voice. You smile and snuggle up to Koriza's side. You tell Koriza that she is very obviously a tsundere. Disarria adds "yep, its very obvious. You find Enty's farties funny! That is a sign of love and acceptation! She teases half serious. Zalisi stays out of this conversation and just eats her food. Eventually Koriza gives in and playfully pushes you away. Later that day you are lying on your bed cuddling up to Koriza as she reads a book. She smells like a mix of smoke (from working on the ship), wood (from the cabin) and parchment (from the books). You love it. You say "Koriza" She replies "yeah?" "I love you" You say "I love you too, Enty" Koriza smiles. You smile back. She puts the book down and snuggles up against your chest. You put an arm around her waist. Your eyes meet and then you kiss, just a peck but it makes both of your hearts flutter. You whisper into Koriza's ear: "want to do it?" She smiles and says "fuck yeah" NSFW happens, afterwards She closes her eyes and listens to your heart beat and after a few minutes she kisses your chest and stops cuddling. She stands up slowly, her muscles seem a bit tight. You look at her and ask if she needs a massage she nods eagerly and rolls onto her stomach. You rub her muscles as she moans softly. You kneed the knots out of her back and then move down to her legs and feet. You then go back up to her shoulders and crouch over her. She places her hands on your forearms and gently pushes your forearms forward which stretches her body. Koriza breathes in deeply as you push down on her back and pull her arms. She exhales as you release. You tell her how she should find a way to exercise on this ship yo stay in shape. She nods and gives you a quick kiss on the lips before getting up. Later that day, during dinner... you, Zalisi, Koriza and Disarria are eating your tasteless canned goop. Disarria complains. "How do you guys even put up with this stuff?" Zalisi responds "you get used to it, besides it's nutritious." Disarria looks at the can and says "contains 4% of your daily requirements?" Zalisi nods. Koriza tells Disarria that she should be thankful that goop is all they have to eat. Zalisi tells her that they have had it much worse in the past... Disarria makes a raunchy comment by saying "Hey, I just realize the 3 of us girls all gave Enty here a blowjob. So, who is the best at it?" Disarria smiles wide, awaiting your answer. You look away, flustered. Zalisi looks shocked and says "We do not discuss such things at the dinner table!" Koriza smiles and tells Disarria "I think you're a close second." Disarria frowns and says "damn, I was hoping to shame Zali by revealing she gave the worst bj."

Zalisi glares at Disarria. Koriza smiles. You just blush. Disarria backs off and asks Koriza Koriza something more wholesome "so Kor, does your dad approve of Enty as your mate? If so you should put a ring on him" Koriza looks taken back and says "I haven't asked him yet." Disarria says "Well why not?" Koriza responds "It's none of your business, Dis!" Zalisi looks pleased. Disarria is annoyed. You bud in "besides shouldn't I put the ring on Koriza? Or does it work differently for Korizan royals?" You are curious. Koriza says "I was thinking of having a wedding in Yanawa. If dad approves our marriage request it's on" You wonder what Koriza's dad thinks of you. You ask "how likely is it he would accept me to marry into the royal family? I do got this purple dragon status going for me" Zalisi says "Korinzao is a traditionalist, but he respects Koriza's decisions. So if he thinks you're worthy of her then I think he would definitely accept you." Koriza smiles and nods. You thank her. You enjoy the rest of dinner with your friends and talk about other things. Disarria is the knowledgeable one here, you ask her what "cabin fever" is. You've heard the term once and want to know. Disarria explains that it means "a condition in which someone has been isolated from contact for a long period of time. This leads to mental instability and an increase in violent tendencies". Disarria says this happens a lot on ships like this one. Koriza stomps your foot under the table and glares at you "wrong time and place, dork" Zalisi looks spooked. Disarria looks confused. You apologize and say you didn't know. Disarria changes the conversation. You're confused, but you decide not to think about it too much right now. You take the cans and trash from the dinner and throw it out of a window, straight into the sea. You look out the window and see a dark sea. You decide to lay down on a bed and fall asleep, you're still very tired. A couple days pass, you enjoy the view from the window, the food that Zalisi, Disarria and Koriza bring to you, but you get bored very quickly. You miss your other friends. You, Koriza and Zalisi are in Zalisi's room. Utterly bored. You say: "Kor, how do you not go mad of boredom on long ship trips like this?" Koriza tells you that you and Disarria's whining is getting to her, and tomorrow you will begin a strict regime of training, working and studying to stave off cabin fever. You groan and complain "can I sleep till noon in the schedule though?" You hate getting up early. Koriza is not having your lazy attitude. "Shut the fuck up and get your lazy ass outside, you can run laps around the ship and then do push ups" You grumble under your breath but get an idea and look at Koriza smugly. "You technically aren't my commander, so why would I give a shit about your demands?" Koriza is not moved and has the last laugh when she says "okay, I'll tell dad that my fiancee slept in his bed while 3 women did his work" You growl but stand up and move to leave the room. Zalisi says "Kor, I think it's cruel to bully him like that" That remark makes Koriza chuckle as you leave the room. Koriza tells Zalisi that this good for the all of us, and that she is just showing tough love. Deep down you know Koriza is right. You jog around the ship the next few hours and then complete 50 push ups Your arms feel like jelly as you head back to Koriza's room. Once there she says "good, you are back, now go eat something and then rest, I need to speak to Zalisi privately". You obediently head to the dining area. As you eat a bit of dried meat. After that you head to Zalisi's room and wait for them to be done with their conversation. You intend to wait for Koriza and ask her what she needed to speak to Zalisi for. You wait there for a while but then you fall asleep. You wake up to Zalisi's voice at around 16:00 "oh my, Entro please wake up, they are serving the evenings meal now." She wakes you up and you don't even remember falling asleep. You thank her, and the pair of you head to the dinner tables. You eat heartily. You throw it in the group, you still want to know "so, what was so urgent that you and Koriza needed to speak?" You ask Zalisi, she is the meek one so she is more receptive to prying. She is a bit shocked you asked but recovers, and responds "why, that is private and between me and Kor.

I am not going to reveal anything personal about her." "Fair enough" You respond. The rest of the day is more or less uneventful, you go back to sleep for a few hours after eating your fill. You wake up early in the morning and decide to go for a walk around the ship. Koriza is leaning on the edge, clearly worried about something. You join her and ask "something's wrong, love? Is it the thing with Zalisi?" She looks at you, a bit shocked you guessed it right. "Yeah, Zalisi is really upset about the whole thing, and I don't know how to make her feel better...I mean what if she ends up dying? It's not like I can help her with the nightmares. Maybe she was right and we shouldn't have split the group in half. You knew Zalisi for the majority of your life and say "new situation for her, she is going to see the land she hails from. Zalisi tends to see metaphorical ghosts when she is stressed. Best is to acknowledge her feelings but provide structure in her life" Koriza is good at providing structure and discipline. You hope it helps. Koriza's mood improved, she licks you on the cheek and says "Thanks for the talk, Enty" and walks off to help Disarria sort supplies. You decide to walk the ship for some leisure and head to Zalisi's room to check on her. Zalisi is sitting against the wall, head in hands. She looks up at you as you enter "Hey." She greets. You hop on her bed and start "so, anxious about meeting your homeland?" Zalisi shrugs and you continue "I know you are anxious, but I also know your strong. You will be fine." Zalisi smiles "Thanks Enty, I am a bit worried about meeting my species though." You pounce on her and grab her by the neck "You know you can tell me anything right?" She plays along and taps out, hitting you in the face with a wing "of course I do" she smiles. You tell her that you are all afraid. "Bravery isn't about absence of fear, it is about not letting fear dominate you. Don't tell her, but Koriza needs a lot of comfort when we are alone. You are doing fine, Zal." You hug her. Zalisi is quiet and then hugs back. You lighten the mood by saying "on a brighter note, Koriza told me we will be making a rest stop at the island Nevermoor is on. Maybe some of our old things are still in the barn!" You hope for the purple dragon needle mosaic to be still in there. Zalisi lights up "Maybe my favorite book is still in there!" You get up and smile "few days now and we should reach the black dragon peninsula. Was nice talking to you Zal, mind if I head to Kor now?" Zalisi closes her eyes and snuggles into her bed "Go ahead Enty, don't worry about waking me up. Just come wake me up before we reach Nevermoor." You leave, shaking your head "never changes." You search for Koriza on the ship, you want to talk to her about your rest stop. You find her at the helm with Navigator Hidius. "Hey you two, where is everyone?" Koriza responds "Probably below deck, most of them are asleep now." You nod in response. Except Zalisi who will be up reading for the next few hours, and Disarria who is above deck right now. "Right....Koriza I want to talk to you about the rest stop." She turns to face you fully, a bit confused "Yes?" You ask her if there is anything else than restocking in store at a rest stop. Koriza explains how she will also receive the latest news and Intel, as well as equip this ship with an icebreaker. You, Disarria and Zalisi should go sight see for the time. You interrupt Koriza "icebreaker? do we really need that?" The blue dragon homeland, Volecia, is the Antarctic of this world. Koriza says: "yes, if we want to reach the blue dragon home land, the icebreaker is necessary. We can still reach without one, but it will take months to melt the ice and it would exhaust this ship's energy supply" You nod in understanding "Koriza, you are a fire dragon. You said you love the cold but can you handle Volecia?" You are a tad worried. Koriza's eyes widen and she answers "I used to go there for missions all the time, I'll be fine." You can see her nostrils flaring. You say "where hasn't my beautiful warrior princess been to?" In an endearing way. You wonder how many of the 8 continents she visited. Duistervloed, Korizan and Volecia make it 3 out of 8. Koriza smiles and grabs your hand, drawing you into the captain's room. This room is actually bigger than your crew quarters. You sit on the bed, still holding hands. Koriza grabs both your hands "I love you." You reply "I love you too my beautiful warrior princess" You lean in to kiss her.

Your lips meet, you close your eyes. You tease her "no playing until you tell me how many of the 8 continents you went to. I know its at least 3" She pushes you away, but you can feel her smiling. You both laugh. Koriza says "I'll tell you after making out with you". You agree and go in for another kiss. You ask "ok then how many?" Koriza replies "I was at 4, Duistervloed, Volecia, Korizan and Ietròs" You say "wow, you covered a lot of ground. I've been to 2, Duistervloed and Korizan". You continue kissing You throw Koriza off by imitating the disgusting Redsamuru. "Oh yes m'lady Koriza. You taste good" You then make a loud obnoxious groaning dragon sound and flap your arms around. Koriza laughs really hard, her eyes tearing up. She looks really cute and you kiss her again. Your relationship started in a troubling way with the whole Zalisi incident, but this is perfect. You flirt with Koriza "when we are married and fuck, I want you to be on top and be in control" you blush. You love the idea of Koriza dominating you. She smiles "I'll dominate you in other ways too" then winks. You both laugh again. You can feel the love between you. She leans in for a kiss. Koriza stares into your eyes and says "I'll always love you" You look away and blush deep red. "Do I really mean that much to you? I'm afraid I will disappoint" you stammer. Koriza giggles and has a slight frown "no silly, that's for me to say to you". You both laugh and continue kissing passionately. Koriza stops and holds you by the shoulders. She stares into your eyes and says "I'll always love you" You realize she is waiting for you to say it back. You smile really wide and say "I'll always love you too" "Disarria said you are a servant to purple dragons like her and myself, and Malediction sure did too. What did your purple dragon book say about this? I see you as my equal, my companion and my consort" you say as you smile. "And I see you as my mate and king to be" Koriza responds holding you tightly. You return Koriza's embrace and whisper to her "and that makes you my queen" You both kiss. The future is bright. The rest of the voyage is uneventful, you have docked at the rest stop and you, Koriza, Zalisi and Disarria are discussing what needs to happen. Koriza is responsible for the ship maintenance, Disarria is responsible for buying supplies. You and Zalisi can explore freely. You and Zalisi are on the docks, you ask her: "so, are you excited to see Nevermoor again?" You sure are. Zalisi nods, she wants her old book back! You were abducted from your barn home after all. You and Zalisi walk off. After getting directions, you and Zal take flight. You say "feels so odd going back there after all that happened" Zalisi nods. After a pretty lengthy flight Nevermoor comes into view. The hamlet is in total ruin! You gasp "looks like black dragon busywork..." You land and find corpses of humans and their livestock, buildings burned down or destroyed. Zalisi is upset "all the humans we befriended... dead." You inspect a corpse, it is basically a skeleton with hair and clothes. You say "Zal, these have been dead for months" You are confused, what happened here? Zalisi points out to you how even the elderly and child looking remains hold improvised weapons. You both are shocked "Koriza told me black dragons got no empathy..." Zalisi and you know what is up, neither of you want to say. These are slaves forced to fight to the last man. You both know what it means, the Nevermoor survivors will be in danger. Zalisi says "lets get to the underground lake, these corpses stink." The Nevermoor lake hideout is under new management. The hideout looks fancier with wooden walls and such. You see several humans wearing blacksmith outfits and guard armors. They look up in alarm. You are ready to fight, until you recognize them as the survivors! You yell "Malediction is in hell! Hail the Rhodium Horde!" In an attempt to establish that you are a ally.

Rhodium and Black dragons are enemies. One of the human smiths shakes her head angrily "no way, we just liberated ourselves from centuries of draconian rule!" You and Zalisi are confused. You say "what?" The self appointed leader of the human survivors says "The Black Dragon Overlord Malediction is dead! We have been living here for months, ever since the dragons stopped coming to this lake." You explain that you were there and helped the assassination. "princess Koriza struck him down! I saw it myself! I am Entropion, and this here is my sister Zalisi. We used to live here." you say. The human smith shakes her head "A dragon came and made the whole lake poisonous to our kind. Your siblings were taken by the dragon." The human pauses. "They never came back." You tell the blacksmith that poison is black dragon magic, you also tell her how you and your siblings got kidnapped to Bloedholte! You list off a few names of villagers you used to know. The blacksmith stops you when you mention her father's name. This is a good thing, as it shows you aren't bluffing. She says "I am sorry for your troubles. Welcome home" The blacksmith looks sad. The blacksmith looks worried. You see another human with light blonde hair and fair skin. The human has a scar over one eye. You and Zalisi are told that the Rhodium dragons and EFPL found out Nevermoor was a spy base enslaved by the blacks, and how the blacks forced Nevermoor to fight to the last man. You and Zalisi are confronted with Black Dragon cruelty once again. The blacksmith says "You and Zalisi can stay here. You can live here if you want. This is the remains of Nevermoor. We were raiders and slavers once, but that was their doing. We just wanted to live in peace." You say "we understand". The blacksmith says "there are others here, but they aren't interested in talking to you, or anyone else." You ask why there are so many bodies unburied for months after the slaughter. The blacksmith explains that they have been battling an ongoing illness which has killed many and weakened most. You ponder the situation. "I feel many restless souls are still wandering about. I could give them a second chance at life with necromancy." You say. You know this is controversial. "You may do as you wish." The blacksmith shrugs. You ponder where you could perform such a dark magic. You feel the restless souls at night. They are like bugs crawling all over you and their moans are ear piercing. They only quiet when other people approach. You go to your new home, Zalisi is there setting up a bed roll for the night. You tell her what you plan to do. You speak "Zal, you stay in this barn. I will put the souls back in their bodies and raise them as the living dead, but with free will." You are confident in this. When it is dark outside, you head out and find a slimy skeleton with hair and clothes still on. You inhale deep and mentally prepare for the dark spell. You will need strong focus to not be corrupted by this spell. You begin to channel negative energy, you begin to feel dark power flow through you. The restless soul feels it too, it quiets down and feels your power. It submits and becomes your slave, channeling dark power for you. Your eyes turn red as the soul is ripped from its tormented afterlife. It becomes a zombie bound to your will, forced to do your bidding. You relinquish control from the zombie with a human soul inside. It should remember it's old life and have the personality. You address the man "Welcome back. You have been given the gift of immortality." You stand up, and begin the process of bringing the rest of the souls back to their bodies. You channel more dark energy and set the undead free. You rally the risen and stand on a roof to address them. "Citizens of Nevermoor! I have brought you back from your untimely deaths! You are now undead but free to live your lives! By the divine authority bestowed upon me as purple dragon I hereby declare Nevermoor a Necropolis! a town where free undead can live!" You wonder how these people will cope with their undead status. Fortunately you can control them, but they could do whatever they liked. It is too much power to have over others. You decide to stay and watch Nevermoor become a new town of free undead.

Zalisi is surprised but happy for you, she stays by your side. You turn to Zalisi "hey, you found the purple dragon needle mosaic and your book in our old barn?" "Yeh, I was cleaning it out and rediscovered them. I thought you'd like to have them." You think for a moment "We should celebrate this new era in Nevermoor with a book burning!" You joke "Well, maybe not a book burning... Zalisi and you head to the town hall, the undead are rebuilding it! You approach the undead foreman and greet him. "Hello there. I see you and the men are coping well with being undead?" He gives you a deadpan stare "Yeh, it's been great." You and Zalisi roll your eyes at each other. "You don't need to stay out here, we've cleared the city and it's now safe!" You thank the foreman and head inside, taking Zalisi with you. You walk inside the hall and see the floors are partially rotted. you see where wooden boards have been placed to cover up holes in the floor. Meanwhile the living survivors from the underground lake moved here. Seems they are stowed here until their houses are rebuild. Some of them tend to the sick. You approach the familiar blacksmith lady and say: "reunion is going well. Great!" They don't care their loved ones are undead, they just appreciate that they are back. You and Zalisi walk around for an hour, before you decide to head back outside where it is fresh. You breathe in the cool air and look over the village. "Nevermoor will never be the same again." You say to yourself. The undead are no longer seen as dangerous, just another race that exists alongside mankind. You and Zalisi walk along the city edge, passing happy undead playing with living children and having a laugh. An undead elderly man rushes towards you yelling "purple prophet! Wait!" You look at the man and make a bow. He tells you he is supposed to give you this. He drops an enormous Onyx on the ground! How this coot could run with a dog sized gem in his back beats you. He says "for you, purple prophet, a little thank you" Zalisi interjects softly "little... yeah" she says sarcastically while looking at the giant gem. You pick it up. "Thank you, but why are you calling me purple prophet? I am no prophet." The old man replies "but you are the purple dragon! You are an extension of the gods!" You nod, not wanting to argue as you strap the gem on your back. You hear a familiar but furious voice calling you out! " hey fucker! You were to be on the ship two days ago! I was worried sick!" A angry Koriza is standing in front of you. You freeze, your face expressionless. You put out your arms in a welcoming hug. "Koriza! How are you?" You ask. She hits you with all her strength, and you can feel a black eye forming instantly. You rub it, feigning sadness. "What was that for?". She screams "you dickhead, you were supposed to be back two days ago! I was worried that you got yourself killed or never wanted to come back!" Zalisi decides to not get involved.... the old man ran for it! On the way to the ship you explain yourself and tell Koriza the story of turning Nevermoor undead. She seems appeased but not much. "I just wish you told me!" You nod, that's true. On the ship you unload your items: Zalisi's Book, your Mosaic and a ginormous Onyx. Koriza gasps as she sees it and says "how the FUCK did Nevermoor get that?! That is the holiest object of the black dragons!" Koriza explains how each dragon species has a gem. The most powerful 8 magical catalysts known. This black one supercharges dark magic. You wonder if you can use it, but the amount of energy it radiates scares you. You decide to keep it in your personal quarters. You both sleep on the ship that day, and Koriza lays her head on your chest as she sleeps. You put your arms around her... you do love her after all. You meekly speak as you are sailing again. "Kor, we cool? Am sorry for making you worry" She snuggles into you, her beautiful scales shining. "We're cool." You both smile, and embrace. You whisper in her ear "I love you" She whispers it back. You look at the Onyx and ask "that thing safe in it's dormant state?" The black gem pulsates... The Onyx glows and a black fog emanates from it, you see a ghostly figure within! The spectre of a dead human rises out of the Onyx. It begins to screech at you in an old language.

You feel it's anger and pain... you grab your ears in pain! You watch as the spectre slowly gets sucked back into the black gem... feeling more and more hostility and anguish. Koriza puts a blanket over the Onyx and dryly answers you "yeah if you keep it covered" You kiss her on the cheek, you got much to learn about this world. Luckily you got your friends. Curious, you say "where's Disarria? Reading in her room?" "Dunno, check for yourself." You knock on the door to Disarria's room. You open it, and Disarria immediately looks at you with a glare and says "what?" Your hands immediately go up as you back away and say "nothing, sorry!" You quickly shut the door and step backwards. Koriza speaks "damn she must be mad about something". Koriza knows Disarria the longest. You ask "legit complaint or spoiled whining about something?" You know Disarria is unpredictable. Unsure of her mood, and afraid to see her again, you decide to go to your room. You remove the cover from the giant Onyx and gaze into the abyss of the gem. You realize that this stone is a portal into the spirit realm! You can see the floating specters of the dead. The ghostly figures look at you. You wonder if they can see you too. They point and one of them laughs, you feel scared. You quickly put the cover back on. Zalisi enters your room, smiling. She is holding her book you recovered from Nevermoor. She says she wants to read with you. You awkwardly climb into your bed with her. You feel nervous. Zalisi does too. You both read, but you find it difficult to concentrate. You comment "Volecian ice magic is so alien from Duistervloed and Korizan magic. Yet it feels way more natural to me you feel that too, Zal?" You, Disarria and Zalisi are Ice aligned dragons and Volecia is all about the cold. Zalisi says "uh huh" looking down at her book. You ask Zalisi to fetch you some water in a glass, you want to try something. "Please sis?" You say with puppy eyes. Zalisi smiles and nods. She leaves the room. Soon she is back with a glass of water. You place it in the middle of the room and go sit in front of it. "Zal, I want silence for a bit. Okay?" You say. Zalisi nods and sits next to you in silence. You both sit in the silence, staring at the glass of water. You begin to concentrate, distancing you from any emotion, blanking your mind. You now only concentrate on one thing. Frost. In your mind you command the water to freeze. You feel your inner frost energy flowing within you. You increase it. You feel your body getting colder and you begin to shudder. You notice the glass of water beginning to ice. It begins to frost over, then to freeze, then to turn into ice. You are fascinated by the intensity of the process. Soon the whole glass is frozen solid. "Woaahh, nice one Ent!" Zalisi says, clapping her hands in amazement. You smile and thank Zalisi. "Xenia was right, I got a talent for Ice." You say, getting up. You ask Zalisi if she has an idea why Disarria is angry. Zalisi looks down and nods. "Yeah, but I don't want to tell you." She says. "Well I'm asking you to tell me." You say, raising an eyebrow. Zalisi sighs and takes a deep breath. "She is a purple dragon like you Ent, she feels a third wheel while you steal the spotlight" "What?! She is so full of herself!" You say. "She is full of herself, but as she said, she also has a point." Zalisi says. You roll your eyes and thank Zalisi. You walk out of the room to find Disarria. You walk outside and find her sitting a crate, staring at the sky. You walk up to her. "Yes?" She says, turning her head towards you. "Zalisi told me why you are angry" You respond. "Really? What did she say?" Disarria asks, raising an eyebrow. "She said that you feel like a third wheel since I'm stealing the spotlight." You respond, crossing your arms out of frustration. After all, Disarria was sidelined when Korinzao and Koriza didn't want her to voyage to Volecia with you. Disarria is not too happy either that you got to play savior in Nevermoor while she had to stock supplies. Also, Disarria is a bit jealous of your relationship with Zalisi. "Oh, that's it?" Disarria says in an annoyed tone. You are confused to why that is all. "Yes." You respond. "Well I have another reason, but its not important."She says, waving her hand dismissively. "It is important if it is affecting our group dynamics." You say, raising an eyebrow. "Fine, the second reason is that Zalisi has always been a stuck up bitch who don't even try to get to know me. I've tried to talk to her a few times and she just looked down on me like a cunt." Disarria says, disguising vulgar language.

"Well so did Koriza, didn't she? Zalisi has humble beginnings in the wild. She is afraid of you Dis. You got raised by Malediction and all. Just leave her be and I'll promise you a spot on my next adventure" you say, done with this drama. Disarria seems a bit placated and a smirk appears on her face. "Well... That's good to hear. Where is this adventure?" "I don't know, Zalisi and I haven't decided yet. But you'll be there, while Koriza will be doing more boring stuff." "Hah! Good, I prefer the field work." Disarria says with a nod. "Me too, me too." You tell Disarria about the Onyx you recovered. Magical artifacts are right up her alley. You add "I promised Kor to safe keep it. No messing with it please" "Fine." Disarria says, rolling her eyes as if she didn't really agree. You expected Disarria to be more impressed. "Wait, you saw it before didn't you? Would make sense Malediction kept this thing around before Koriza assassinated him" "Oh I did see it before, yes. It is certainly impressive." "You can't know how to use it, can you?" You ask, looking into her eyes for a moment before glancing away in shame. "I can't use it but I can figure it out." Disarria responds defensively. You know the tone. Disarria is lying and she wants you to know she is lying. You take her claw in yours, fingers interlocked. You smile "together, as purple dragons. Yes?" The gesture is platonic. She smiles back. "Together." She says. You wonder about Korizan's gem of power. The Ruby of fire. "Hey, what about Korizan's gem? I hope the black dragons didn't get their grubby claws on it" "Don't worry about that" Disarria says, her smile wider now. "Good." You nod. The Ruby of Fire is an artifact that supposedly contains a fire elemental of immense power within it. It is supposed to be able to give the wielder the power to supercharge fire magic. You wonder if Endaklion knows anything about it. "I just want to bully the blacks some more, make them so angry they pop blood vessels" you confess to Disarria. She smiles. "Maybe we can gather some allies too. Get them to bully the blacks with us. They should have their arrogance checked." "Yes!" Disarria says, her smile widening. You ask Disarria if she'd like to meet the first purple dragon, Catharsion, in the dream world. You already did so. She nods excitedly. You pet her playfully "when we reach Volecia. Using strong sleep potions on a ship spooks me" You say. She nods again, this time disappointed. You say: "Dis, how about joining me and Koriza tonight for sleep? I think the 3 of us cuddling can be fun" You wink. She smiles. "Maybe" You and Disarria go to Koriza's room. She sleeps. You snuggle against her, and then Disarria snuggles against you. You fall asleep. Uneventful days pass, but one morning you are rudely disturbed by an alarm on ship. You, Disarria and Zalisi rush to deck where Koriza is watching something in the distance. Koriza says: "black dragon slave ship. They're heading for us" You see a black ship coming your way. You ask: "How do you want to handle this?" Zalisi says: "Just stay away from them." Disarria says: "Let's fight them to the death, they're slavers." You ask Koriza if they're after the Onyx artifact. You wonder why you just didn't enslave the humans. Koriza says: "The onyx what?" You're not sure if the humans were even after you. You look at the black ship, they don't seem to notice you. You say: "Should we attack now?" Zalisi says: "Yes" Disarria says: "No" Koriza says: "Yes" You ask Koriza if they're after the Onyx artifact. She doesn't know either. Suddenly you get shot at, in response you yell: "the onyx!" You rush indoors, put the giant gem on your back and return. Koriza looks at you in shock and tells you that you are not giving up the gem! Koriza looks at you in shock and tells you that you are not giving up the gem! You look back at her and tell her and Zalisi to hold the gem sideways. As they do so in confusion you say: "thing is a dark catalyst right? Let me and Disarria blast that enemy ship to kingdom come!" Disarria says: "I'm ready" Zalisi now has a frightened look on her face. You turn towards her and say: "Zal, you're the only one who can hold that thing sideways, please, we're in this together!" You think the gem is too dangerous to be kept anyway. You wonder if the Onyx is controlling you. You and Disarria put your claws on the gem. You look at Disarria and say:"as I promised.

TOGETHER!" You draw from your inner hatred and darkness and start chanting the curse of wounds word of power. "Sanguinolentia. Sanguinolentia. SANGUINOLENTIA!" Disarria boosts your spell. You unleash a huge amount of negative energy upon the ship, the enemy is caught off guard. They start screaming and yelling in horror and fear, they also yell something about backup. As the screams die down your vision gets blurry and dark. The black ship begins to sink, the water is red, with blood. You faint. Later you wake up in a bed, disoriented. "Wha... happen?" Koriza looks at you and says: "we made it." You look around, you are in a totally different room. You stand up, you are still feeling weak. Koriza offers you to return the gem but you decline. Zalisi walks inside, holding the gem, looking sad. Koriza smiles at Zalisi and hugs her. You smile too. "Good job with the gem Zal, no need to worry about it anymore." You say "I and Disarria turned an entire ship crew into viscera didn't we?" You are still confused... Koriza and Zalisi briefly go over what happened with you. You ask how long you were knocked out. Koriza says over a day. You realize you missed an entire day, in fact you feel as if you haven't eaten or drank anything. You mumble "I better eat something..." Koriza says the ship is stocked with enough food to last them a few months. You go sit down and have something to eat, the food tastes different, like some foreign fruits mixed in. Disarria is sitting down too, eating something else. "Was there anything of interest on that ship Dis and I wiped out?" You ask. "Nothing much, mostly a whole lot of human slaves too weak to fight, no gold or silver." Disarria says as she eats. You go and lie down, feeling exhausted despite just eating. You feel feverish, as if you are burning up. Your skin is also unnaturally warm. You also feel a weird sensation in your chest. You try to calm down, the last thing you need is to panic right now. You look at Disarria and tell her how you feel. Is this what negative energy has as side effect? Disarria panics. Koriza and Zalisi come over, alarmed at what you have said. Koriza touches your skin. Koriza says with a frown "You do feel very warm Enty, are you sure you don't want to rest? Maybe take a break for a while?" You nod. "Is it the dark power afflicting me? I used a lot of it recently." You say as you stumble to your bed. You get in bed, your head is pounding, your skin still feels unnaturally warm. You try to calm down but can't really do that either. "Didn't you say when you absorbed too much negative energy you'd go mad and die?" Zalisi says with panic. "You won't die, you just get a fever..." Disarria says but then stops as she realizes how bad that news is. Koriza's expression darkens. Disarria explains what she knows "negative energy tends to accumulate and harm your life force, which is positive energy. If you use even more dark magic the negative will fully replace your life force. Making you a lich, you need to rest now Enty." Disarria gives you a opium tincture bottle for your pain. Koriza gives you a stern look "I will break your legs if you break your rest" you can hear a worried tone in Koriza's voice. You know she wants best. You continue to rest, the pain from your chest still paining but the fever is gone. You're also out of it a bit. Zalisi comes to visit you. Zalisi's tone is angry and sad. Zalisi says "I wanted to spend time with you, I feel our time together is limited." You snarl at Zalisi "sorry that I got Ill while defending your lives. I will tell myself to heal faster to accommodate princess Zalisi" the snide sarcasm is obvious. The princess' eyes are sad and angry. Zalisi says "I just want you to get better soon. I don't want to lose you." Zalisi's eyes begin to water as she leaves the room. You yell after her "Zal! Wait!" After that you start hoarse coughing and cough up some blood on the floor. You wince and pass out. When you wake up the room is dark. You see Zalisi sitting in a chair. "Stupid, why didn't you wait up for me? I called out to you." You say. "I'm not stupid and you shouldn't have gotten up." Zalisi says, she lights a candle on a small table by the bedside.

Zalisi's eyes are puffy and red. She has been crying. You groan "Zalisi, come on. Koriza and Disarria agreed I will be fine. Don't beat yourself up over me" Zalisi has a strong sense of over protection and can be very overbearing about it at times. Zalisi's eyes begin to well up "I'm sorry I couldn't, I'm sorry you got hurt and I'm sorry I wasn't a better sister for you..." Zalisi breaks down in tears and leaves the room. You are left confused by what just happened. > You enjoy the opium induced fever dreams, nothing else to do to pass the time anyway. You do nothing and allow yourself to enjoy the opium induced fever dreams. This leaves you to come up with strange stories involving yourself, Zalisi, Disarria, Koriza and the other dragons. You spend six days in bed. Days pass and eventually Disarria arrives to visit you. > You say "Heya Dis, how long do you expect me to stay in bed still? I am feeling better" You say "Heya Dis, how long do you expect me to stay in bed still? I am feeling better." Disarria looks at you with her large yellow reptilian eyes as reply. You say "I feel like I have been spending too much time in bed lately." Disarria says nothing. Disarria tells you how Volecia is canceled due your condition. You are headed to Purperdraak Eiland to wait for Xenia and head to the white dragon homeland of Ietros instead. To get deep healing. > You say "That is fine, I have to visit Ietros eventually anyway, may as well change the order of traveling the lands." "That is fine, I have to visit Ietros eventually anyway, may as well change the order of traveling the lands." Disarria nods slowly "Just know if you feel out of the ordinary or experience anything out of place, come back to me immediately." You nod in agreement. > You go to find your love, Koriza. You are worried about her mental state. You leave your room to seek out Koriza. You find her on the back of the ship, looking out over sea. You approach Koriza and stand next to her. "Am feeling better, Kor. How are you? Holding up I hope?" Koriza doesn't respond. You say "Koriza, I need you to hold it together, okay?" Koriza nods slowly. You say "We'll be fine. Zalisi will be fine.