Syngeneia Kathairein part 11

Story by Dark_Warchief on SoFurry

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#12 of Syngeneia Kathairein

You like dark fantasy, dragons, adventure and a bit of romance?

You want to see the work of a professional video game writer?

You find AI's interesting?

This story of mine has all of that! Syngeneia Kathairein puts you in the shoes of Entropion, a purple dragon tasked to ''make the world right again''. (although he is a jackass in this prequel intro!) The view is set in first person view from Entropion's POV. This story is inspired by warcraft, forgotten realms, spyro the dragon and dragon age, among other things. AIdungeon's makeup is a bit messy, but > arrows denote saying or doing something. Part of the story is AI generated, please keep that in mind.

Speaking of needs, I have a psychological one right now. Let's go!" Koriza takes off into the sky with you in tow. You look down and think about how high up you are. Don't look down! You follow Koriza's lead and stick close to her as she leads you around. Koriza fills you in on the details what happened in your dreamscape coma. The Onyx is at Apocalion's silo and used to keep it shut. For now. she tells you that nobody blames you for what you did at Purperkust. Purging the infected was what limited deaths in the end. You had no choice. You feel a weight lifted from you as you hear this. You both fly upon a river of blood that leads up to the silo. You can see each drop of blood as it falls into the sea of red below. There is a large stairway leading up to it. Koriza looks back at you, her eyes expressing... love? "We'll be together forever now, hon." she says with a warm voice. Koriza flies up towards the silo and in no time, you follow after her. Koriza fills you in on the details what happened in your dreamscape coma. The Onyx is at Apocalion's silo and used to keep it shut. For now. she tells you that nobody blames you for what you did at Purperkust. Purging the infected was what limited deaths in the end. You had no choice. You feel a weight lifted from you as you hear this. > You say "What became of the town of Purperkust anyway? Is it a ruin or are people rebuilding?" "There are a few hardy souls who rebuilt, mostly in the surrounding forests though. The town is a ruin and nobody is likely to visit it anytime soon. Even if they did, I doubt they would find much there." You are feeling optimistic about life again. You want to live happily with Koriza and fulfill your dreams together! Koriza sighs "listen Ent, this land, Ietros, we could barely go in. The continent has a massive bubble force field around it. The government wants to insist the other lands cannot be saved. They remove anything that can raise the suspicion about the world war or other cultures not being in total desolation. We are also here to investigate and dismantle this secretive government. If asked, you are a refugee from the "dead world" got it?" > You say "Yes, got it. So they seriously force the population to stick their heads all in the sand and pretend this is all there is?" "Pretty much. There is a lot of propaganda and indoctrination over the years, so it isn't too surprising. Human beings are natural born followers."

> You say "Do they know about the purple dragon prophecy or do I have to pretend d I am a regular dragon?" "I'd stick to the refugee story, you're less likely to be suspected as a spy. " > You say "What about Abysmalia? One necromancy from her obstinate ass and the entire nation is at our throat?" "That is why Xenia is keeping a close watch on her." Koriza doesn't seem too confident in this situation. > You say "I could permanently take her magical abilities with dark Siphon? I hope I don't have to get this drastic. " "Well that would work. Just try to contain her, she is still a powerful creature." You and Koriza enter the Ietros city gates. The guards pay no mind to you, they are used to seeing refugees. Koriza tells the others to go on without her as she has some business to attend to at the guard station. You wait outside for a few hours before she comes back with bad news. Koriza screams "god fucking damn!" She kicks away a rock in frustration. "Our ship got scrapped. They want to hide the outside world and all. That thing was a Korizan family jewel! Gramps built that thing" > You say "We still have the lay stone, but it is the sentiment and inability to explore new places isn't it? " "Yeah. I want to explore the world, but it seems like that time is over." You comfort Koriza as the two of you head to the temple. Xenia greets you enthusiastically with the lay stone in hand "guys! How about you use the lay stone to retrieve information from the outer world and spread it here?" Xenia looks at Koriza expectantly. Koriza grabs Xenia's hand and squeezes it "yes! It would be wonderful to help the people this way!" > You say "Xenia, if I siphon the stone it's ability will be part of me. It would make loss or theft impossible. " "I trust you guys. Just be careful with it!" She says cheerfully. You make a mental note to practice what you are going to do. > You take the lay stone and use dark Siphon on it to permanently take it's magical power of teleportation. You will the stone to be part of you. You feel the introduction of liquid magic into your system. You hold it in your hands and feel it surge through your body. The Lay stone is gone. You have made it impossible to steal. Now, nobody can use it against you. > You say "I felt that, it has worked! So about the details of the information spread Campaign, when should I go to Korizan?" You, Koriza and Xenia do some discussing and decided you will teleport to Korizan tomorrow morning and buy as many newspapers you can hold, then teleport back here with them. > You go to visit Zalisi's room after dinner. You knock on the door to your sister's room, waiting patiently for Zalisi to answer. "Come in," she calls out, her voice barely audible through the thick solid door. You open the door as you peer inside. The dark purple walls and windowless room make it seem darker than it really is. > You say "Hey Zal, how have you been doing? I got the impression you don't like Abysmalia living with us and me getting busy so quickly after I woke from my dreamscape coma." Zalisi frowns and confirms your suspicions. "You have been declared dead, come back with Abysmalia and decide to instantly go on a mission instead giving me, your own sister, some time?!" You never saw Zalisi this blunt. She really is hurting and angry with you. > You say "Are you implying it is my fault I got to go on missions all the time?! People need me Zal! " Zalisi chuckles, but it isn't a happy sound. "You need to just slow down for a second and think. You may be needed, but you have more people around you that care about you than you may realize." Zalisi gives you an angry pout then gets off her chair, and walks towards her bed, as if to say "you can leave now" > You say "How about you do the thinking? We no longer are a worry free family in that cave! I will be leaving you alone now but I expect a change in your selfish attitude. " Zalisi's facial expression softens a bit.

She knows you are doing what is best for her, but she doesn't have to like it. "Yeah... I know. Goodbye." The next morning you, Koriza, Disarria and Xenia are enjoying breakfast. Xenia prepared the food and Abysmalia is devouring lots of it. Koriza asks you where Zal is. > You say "Zalisi and I had a falling out, she feels I am a lousy brother for focusing on missions, I called her out as selfish. " Disarria buds in "you came back from the dead and only focused on Koriza. I am with Zalisi here. I too feel neglected" you wonder how Xenia feels about the situation. Abysmalia is preoccupied with eating like a starving swine. > You say "Xenia, you can literally sense emotions. Do you feel I am neglecting Disarria and Zalisi? " Xenia calmly sips her tea and responds "beach day after your mission, Enty. I think we all need it to unwind" you, Disarria and Koriza agree with this compromise. Abysmalia, done devouring copious amounts of Xenia's prepared food looks up. Her face full with leftovers. Abysmalia tells Xenia "for a white dragon you are... tolerable" by Abysmalia's standards this is a compliment. Abysmalia, done devouring copious amounts of Xenia's prepared food looks up. Her face full with leftovers. Abysmalia tells Xenia "for a white dragon you are... tolerable" by Abysmalia's standards this is a compliment. > You say "Hey uh, Disarria? Can you join me on that mission? I do want to catch up with you. " Disarria is surprised "someone feeling guilty or is this genuine interest? Well Entropion, you are a shameless dick wad so I take it as interest" Disarria grins, teasing you like she always did. This is a good sign in your book. Koriza joins in with the teasing "hey, not too interested if you like living. You are engaged to me!" As if you could forget, you want to marry Koriza asap.

> You head to Disarria's room after dinner, you promised to take her with you on the mission. Disarria has "prepared", buying newspapers isn't much of a mission really. All she did was grab a small bag of coins to pay for them. You are taking her since she is your best friend and you needs to catch up with her. You enter her room, it isn't as big as yours but hers is pretty. She got more of a personal touch it seems. You notice Disarria's bed sheets have little castles all over them. Her walls got paintings of dragons fighting, eating or doing other dragon stuff. In fact you've never noticed how many dragons there are in this place. > You say "Hey Dis, you ready to go?" She nods. You hold her hand and say "Yanawa" while drawing on the magic you absorbed from the lay stone You and Disarria get teleported to the Korizan Capital of Yanawa. A positive surprise is that the city seems to no longer have hundreds of wounded soldiers. > You say "Seems the war is coming to an end. What do you think will come of Pezenstad, Dis?" "It seems like it, so few soldiers remain... The black dragons are only holding it as a base to raid the rest of Korizan." Disarria says. You look at your surroundings, Yanawa is a large city, filled with citizens going about their lives. Unlike Pezenstad however, the people here don't seem miserable. While Pezenstad had a feeling of dread and hopelessness. In fact Yanawa seems fairly lively today. > You say "I want to hop by the palace and visit Endaklion and Alec. Fine by you?" She nods. "... Sure, this is why I came with you." You jump on the back of a passing coach and tell the driver to take you to the palace. The man nods and your coach begins to move down the street.

Passers-by look at you and Disarria awkwardly, probably wondering why you're not flying. Disarria is used to being served. You arrive at the palace. > You go to your old quarters and look for your brother, Endaklion. You arrive at your old room, there you find your brother Endaklion sitting on his bed, lost in thought. He doesn't seem too phased to see you. It has been almost 20 months since you last met. Endaklion dryly says "told them you weren't dead" before returning to his sitting position and staring at the wall. You also see Endaklion's lover, Alec. He smiles warmly "good to see you. My little sister Xenia is well, I hope?" You inform him that Xenia is happy and healthy. > You say "I see a lot less wounded and dying people in the city, is Pezenstad taken yet?" He shifts a bit, he seems nervous for a moment "Err we sort of took it back not long ago." Disarria gives him a confused look "What do you mean 'we'?" Endaklion explains. The military managed to take the city back some months ago and recruited many black dragons to their cause. > You say "Good. I want you and Alec back in our adventuring party. I missed you, Endaklion... and Alec? A revolt is brewing in Ietros. We could use a doctor." Endaklion and Alec beam. They are glad to be going on adventures again. > You say "We will be catching up later, we are also on a mission. Koriza's father, Korinzao, where is he at? Throne room as usual?" The pair nod and you head to the throne room. Korinzao sits on his throne and glances at you as you enter. He waves his hand and two guards leave the room. He addresses you. "Thanks to you the war is ending quicker than I ever hoped. Speak, friend." > You say "Korinzao, I hope I won't bore you with this long story, but let me tell you about my Dreamscape journey. " He nods and you begin explaining your journey. You tell him how you started in a void then ended up in a place called the Dreamscape. There you fought strange monsters and made allies in an effort to reach your goal. Korinzao sits quietly listening, he seems intrigued by your story. After you are finished he addresses you again "So, this dragon you mention, is it dead already?" > You say "Catharsion seems to have built his own pocket universe to survive in, sir." "A pocket universe?" "Yes, a small universe, inside a shell, sir." Korinzao raises his eyebrow then nods. He remarks "This dragon has an interesting taste in dwellings, and you say it is self-imposed isolation?" " more like a final contingency. Catharsion really does not want to reincarnate, I want to ask you something though." You tell about how Koriza spent hours daily next to you when you were in coma, and visited your tomb daily. Korinzao is immensely proud of how loyal his daughter turned out to be. > You say "After my "resurrection" Koriza and I have decided.

We want to live our time together to the fullest. We agreed to marriage. Korinzao, will you allow me to marry your daughter, Koriza of Korizan?" "Mm, you would make a fine son in law. Koriza is head over heels for you. You would make a fine son in law. In fact I have an offer for you." "I'm listening, sir." Korinzao tells you of a hidden treasure trove of magical weapons and other items. In his later years he has found that these objects are more of a curse than a blessing. He would offer them to you as a wedding gift, if you promise to take good care of Koriza. Disarria buds in with a rude comment "a girl visiting your body and her desperate father bribing you is fucking weird in m book" you cringe at what Disarria just said. Korinzao looks a mixture of hurt and angry before he sighs and says "Yes, it has been a trying time for all of us. I should get back to the war." > You say "My apologies for the behavior of my rude friend. Yes, I will marry Koriza and take the treasure. I will honor it as cultural heritage" "Very well, as a reward for your loyalty I will give you a gift now as we speak. " Korinzao snaps his fingers at a servant whom returns with a lock box It is handed to you. "Entropion, those are royal family wedding bracelets. The custom is that you open the box with your lover. However, these are incomplete. For the runic marker to put your names on you need to get my wife's approval. Kishijoten" you nod. Korinzao sighs "she is on a tour currently, that white bird of yours? Xenia? Helped her well. My Kishi is now seeing the world to help her mind. She did tell me she is visiting whenever you get married but you'll have to wait" Disarria snickered as Korinzao called Xenia a bird. With mixed feelings you leave Korinzao's throne room. Disarria and you purchased lots of extraneous newspapers of multiple periods at bottom price. The crates you carry are now full. The lay ston needed 2 weeks to recharge. You wonder if it's different now you absorbed the power from the laystone. Yo go meet up with Alec and Endaklion to take them with you. Redsamuru came, too... > You say "Hey Disarria, I wonder if I can teleport us early. Hold my hand so I can try." You hold her hand and Endaklion holds yours, Alec his, Redsamuru closed the circle. You concentrate on your bedroom in the temple. You feel dizzy and a little nauseous. You faint. > You get up shortly after fainting. "Disarri, what happened?" You ask. "You teleported us and fainted. Didn't expect that." She replies. You attempt to sit up, but you feel some pain in your head. "I have a massive headache. I need to rest." You moan "I'll stay with you," Disarria volunteers. "Thanks" > You say "I had too little power for that... Dis, if you could do me a solid?

Catch me some small animals to Siphon. " Disarria nods "of course" She walks outside to hunt. She comes back with 5 rats. You Siphon their life force "Cool." Disarri says, looking at you expectedly. > You say "I feel... better. Pain is gone, still weak. I siphoned a deer yesterday, that probably allowed me to cast teleport early at all. " Disarri nods. "I'll bring you some food, I have to hunt more rabbits" She comes back with multiple bunnies. Some smaller. "I literally smoked a Warren. Some of these are younglings. Now do the thing!" Disarria seems eager to see you draining life forc from things. "You're eager to see me Siphoning life forc for some reason. Why?" She blushes. "I like the drained husks, they look so spooky. Hollow eyes and mouth, dry and rapidly aged bodies... Let me have them! I'll give a few to Abysmalia as a peace offering" You nod. "As you wish." The pain subsides. You then begin the process of Siphoning life forc from the rabbits. You feel stronger after doing so. About neutral, even. > You say "The younger bunnies tasted better, old things taste rancid. Plants taste dull. Why is there a variety in life force taste?" "Life force has a taste?" Disarria seems surprised. "I've never heard of such a thing." "Hmm. Maybe I am sensing something new. This world is full of wonders" You reply. Disarria has an Eureka moment "theory: young beings are uncorrupted by the environmental influences. Old things took a lo of disease, harm and got little life force That is why young life forc tastes better" she explains. "Simple." "That's probably the case. I need to learn more about this energy if I'm to control it" You say. You and Disarria spend the day talking about your condition, she knows a lot about it since she grown up with a library. > You say "I haven't used my light gifted power, telepathy, much anyway. I'm going to try it on Koriza as she is the one I have the strongest bond with, and try to get her to come here." Disarria nods in approval. You begin concentrating. You try to make a mental connection towards Koriza. You visualize the process, trying to send a signal to your love. Eventually you feel a response. "Enough!" She says "I'm here now, stop bothering me." You can sense that Koriza is annoyed at you but otherwise fine. You start talking with her though the link, trying to reassure her that everything is fine. > You say "Koriza, I am just testing out a new power. Okay, useful info: mission succes, we got newspapers. " "That's wonderful!" You hear Koriza reply through the link. "Yes, that will be very useful information for us." > You say "Love you, Kor. " "Love you Enty." She says "Good work today." You smile, this can be very useful. "Thank you" You send back. > You send Koriza a mental image of Redsamuru as a prank. "Oh Enty stop!" You hear Koriza say in your head, a little too late.

You burst out laughing. "A joke?" You hear her think in confusion. "Well played, it's the first time anyone has played a prank on me that I can't punish." She says jokingly, you laugh as you receive the message. You wait for Koriza to return to the room you share. With the metal box holding the engagement bracelets hidden under the blanket. You hear footsteps, then Koriza appears in the room. "Hello!" She says. > You say "Koriza, I talked to your dad about our relationship... he gave permission for our marriage!" "He... he did?" Koriza says, shocked. "That's wonderful!" She hugs you tightly, smiling. "We're getting married!" You say happily. "We sure are!" Koriza replies, smiling from ear to ear. You hold each other tightly, both of you filled with happiness. > You say "Your dad gave me the Bracelet box, the one we must open together. That's what I was hiding under the sheets. It true they're ancient and saw a lengthy Dynasty?" "Yes, they're true." She says. "I love you." You say, looking into her eyes. Her big orange eyes pierce into your own, contemplating your next words. "I love you too." She says, putting her forehead against yours. You hear footsteps coming from the hallway. "The guards are coming!" You joke nervously. Koriza giggles. > You say "Your mother could not give permission due absence. She is recovering from her hikikomori condition and traveling. Your dad said she will permit our wedding without question. " "She will, she's very kind." Koriza smiles. You see the guards arrive. Your friends and family gather around you, there are a few familiar faces in the guards. There are many unfamiliar faces too, these must be Koriza's royal guards. The two groups face each other with a long red carpet between them."I understand." Koriza smiles and looks at the box. "You ready?" She asks. You nod your head. "Yes, I am." You and Koriza open the box together. It contains 900 year old royal Korizan wedding bracelets. They belonged to Koriza's great grandparents. > You examine the ancient bracelets. These bracelets are beautiful, golden, and huge. They are Korizan royal wedding bracelets. Each bracelet has empty sockets for gems. When you look at the engravings, you feel a strange sense of calmness flow through you. "Do you like them?" Koriza asks. "They're beautiful." You reply, admiring their craftsmanship and beauty. These bracelets have 9 centuries of memories and wisdom imprinted on them. Your naturally strong intuition sharpens even more! You now have superhuman intuition! "They're a perfect fit!" Koriza smiles. You look at the bracelets again, studying them carefully. They appear to be a perfect fit. You flick your wrist a few times experimentally. > You say "Does the other fit you? It is a bit smaller but you are a gal with well toned muscles. " You say, "Does the other fit you?

It is a bit smaller but you are a gal with well toned muscles." Koriza looks at her bracelet and smiles. "It fits me perfectly." She says happily. She admires it a few times. Koriza informs you that once the gems are in, the bracelets will allow for telepathy over any distance but become impossible to remove. "Very well." You reply. You and Koriza excitedly talk about potential gems in the empty sockets. > You say "I want gems that help me with my weaknesses, Light and Discipline. That means diamonds and uh... what gem represents orange dragons again?" "Carnelian ." Koriza says immediately. "Right, that's what I want in my bracelet." > You say "I think you should put diamonds and citrine, Kor. The former will take the edges off and the second should streamline your emotions a bit. You are a very emotional girl and I think this can balance it nicely." You smile warmly. "The combination of the two will create inner peace." Koriza grins and nods in agreement. "Yeah, that sounds about right! I can't help myself from time to time" > You say "So about these thousands of contraband newspapers... How are we going to spread them as fast we can? Will we do solo missions or small groups for safety?" Koriza explains she got on contact with the underground in multiple villages. It is a start, as villages are less watched than more populous places. You are bound for a solo mission to the fishing village of Psarochori. Koriza says "the underground use new catchphrases for every situation. You should wander the streets at night and approach people with the phrase "hello, how are you?" If they reply with "the rainbow trout seems extinct here" you reply with "try premium glow worm bait" then you got contact. Give the newspaper crate and follow their instructions. You understand?" You nod and pick up the crate which is surprisingly light. Right before you open the door, Koriza says "One last thing. Always be cautious. If you see anyone with a uniform or anyone behaving strangely, just walk away. Don't engage them." Your fly to the village, and it is midnight as expected. A few white dragons and humans are on the street. > You approach an elderly man and ask "hello, how are you?" As you approach the spot, you see a very old human man. You wonder if he is going to be coherent enough to understand what you are saying. "Hello!" you ask again, this time in an engaging voice. He slowly turns his head towards you and a pair of spectacles fall from the end of his nose. "Hello" he replies weakly. His eyes look unfocused and his body looks feeble. > You try someone else with "Hello, how are you?" A teenage couple is sitting on a bench and looking at each other lovingly. They seem like a perfect target so you move in closer to them. "Hello!" you ask again, this time in an engaging voice.

They turn their heads towards you and the girl looks frightened while the young man gets up from the bench and starts moving his hands up and down, as if he wants to attack or defend himself from you. "Leave us alone!" > You go to the docks and look for a fisherman. A fisherman with a beer belly is sitting on a bench in front of his house, tying some fishing gear onto a long rod. "Hello, how are you?" you ask the fisherman respectfully. He turns his gaze towards you and stares at you suspiciously. "The rainbow trout seems extinct here", he replies, "what do you want from me? > You say "Try premium glow worm bait. Just some advice, it worked for me." The man smiles wide, showing his single leftover tooth. "You're that guy Koriza is fucking, aren't you?" You are not moved by this comment, Disarria's vulgarisms made you used to this. "Yes, I am", you reply. The man gets up and gestures you to follow him as he waddles off. You enter his neglected home, it is obvious he lives alone. He waddles you over to a bookshelf and moves it aside to reveal a entrance to the village catacombs. He says " take a left, left, right, right and one left. Underground riddled the place with traps so only allies get in. You got it?" > You nod and enter the caves, taking 2 left, 2 right and one left. In that order. You enter the catacombs and immediately spot a trio of rogues standing guard. They hear your footsteps and turn towards you. You make eye contact with one of them, he nods at you and lets you pass. Thanks to the fisherman's instructions, you arrive right in front of a large black door without getting killed by any of the traps that riddled the caves. You knock on the door and hear a muffled "enter". You enter, the place resembles a speakeasy with multiple people and a yellow dragon yapping about. They ignore you as a hooded figure approaches you and says "you got the Yanawa Journalist newspapers in that box, yes?" You nod. "Great! Here's a key to room 2C. Thanks for the delivery." The figure hands you a key and goes back to his friends. You enter a room with multiple lock boxes, safes and other storage The place is kept dark to preserve the papers inside. You approach the box labeled 2C and open it, finding stacks of books within. you take a clipboard hanging from the box and sign it out as received. As you walks back, the same person stops you "Ietros is generally well educated, a purple dragon can't just go about without causing a storm of rumors. You need disguises, yes..." you know you are about to get freebies, and grin wide. The man says he used to use a spell to change his face and skin color a lot, but it has grown redundant to his current position of cat burglar. He says "Entropion! Koriza told me about that dark Siphon ability of yours. How about you take that spell off my hands?

Please don't kill me though!" > You use dark Siphon on the man, leaving his life force be but taking the disguise spell. You use dark Siphon on the man, leaving his life force be but taking the disguise spell. The spell power flows in your system. The man jokingly says "that felt like I was sucked through a straw! With needles and salt inside." You wince at the idea. You return to the temple, Koriza is already there. You greet her "best time out of anyone Enty! I don't count myself as I don't need to jump through hoops to meet the underground anymore" Koriza says. You feel proud. You mention the disguise spell you were allowed to take. "Thanks! I can now go out and do my work without being stopped for conversations all day!" you say. "Now now, don't be so insecure, you are one of the most well-known dragons in the city and people just want to express their love for you." Koriza says sarcastically. > You say "If I use that spell to look like you, and we make out, how would you feel?" "I'd feel disgusted and violated" Koriza says in a dry tone. You laugh and say "I was just joking!" "Well don't" > You say "Hey, that means you prefer kissing my face over your own! Haha!" Koriza says "Yes, I suppose it does. I love you, Enty" You and Koriza wait for the others to return. Zalisi, Endaklion, Disarria, Xenia, Alec, Abysmalia and Redsamuru are still delivering their newspapers to the underground in other villages. You wonder who will return first. You and Koriza lay on the roof of a tall tower and watch the stars. You hold hands, you are so in love. "You know when we're old we'll still be doing this exact thing" you say. "Yep yep, sitting here being gooey gooey and in love, what a beautiful thought" Koriza replies sarcastically. You laugh Eventually, Zalisi is the first to return, and Redsamuru dead last. Redsamuru loudly complains "I asked the girls if I can get lucky and these witches insulted me. A gentleman. I am just too nice for them" you and Koriza cringe. > You say "Do you think Redsamuru will ever learn, Kor? " Koriza says "Nah, he's too dumb for that". You laugh "Hey! What you two on about?" Redsamuru asks. "Uh nothing..." Redsamuru starts talking at you "good riddance you are liberating this land from religion. If everyone was an atheist life would be better, Haha...." he is smug and doesn't realize you are after religious corruption, not religion in general. > You say "Maybe you would've had more sex if you acted more like Xenia and her faith. Tolerance is a virtue you could learn from her." Redsamuru says "Xenia? She's a damn fool who can't see that Zalisi and I are better than those weaklings. Xenia prays, why pray if you aren't getting anything out of it? Zalisi would agree with me" He is clearly delusional.

You don't know whether to laugh or cry. > You say "I have been in coma for 20 months or so and you still are as awful. Please don't harass Zal, Koriza will kick your ass again if you force your lumbering elephant seal alike body on her. " Redsamuru says "Why would you bring up that again? Koriza is fat and ugly. Zalisi is a slim and beautiful dragoness who deserves the best. Hey I'll make you an offer. You are a powerful wizard. If you can beat me in a race I will never bother Zalisi again". You facepalm and laugh "You don't learn do you?" Redsamuru says "What? > You say "Please leave my sister Zalisi alone, Koriza is fine with kicking your ass again. Please don't flubber all over her you stink slug" Redsamuru gets mad and says "I will do what I want, she is mine! I stroke myself to the thought of her beautiful face hehehe.... she is better than Koriza, Koriza is just a stupid whore who can't appreciate real male prime specimens!" Koriza is right next to you, you decide to let her handle this. Koriza says "Redsamuru, you are a stink slug who can't get any female dragon and can't even get a human whore right, you need to take a break from that dick of yours." She sneers at him and he gets angry. Redsamuru storms off, grumbling below his breath. Koriza tails him to make sure he won't harass anyone. You are alone with your thoughts for now. > You sigh and head inside to your shared room with your fiancee, Koriza. You head to room. You and Koriza have a large room. You read a bit from a large book, while Koriza enjoys her sleep. Koriza sleeps peacefully. You hear Xenia's voice in your head, it is ever so gentle but with a hint of urgency. "Entropion dear, come to my room for a bit." You are a little concerned and ask "Is something wrong?" She replies "Nothing bad, just wish to speak with you." This piques your interest. You and Xenia never really interacted much. You find her fairly attractive, and she is one of the smarter dragons. You walk over to her quarters, as you enter her room she smiles and says "Close the door. Xenia tells you that she is not the only soothsayer, which was obvious to you anyway "Enty, we are not up against the enslaved militias of the black dragons here. This is Ietros and the theocrats are well trained in scrying. You must use that disguise spell at all times so they can't be ahead our every move." You never saw Xenia this serious before. You nod and say "I'll be careful." Xenia moves closer to you, smiling as she grabs your hand "Now now, don't worry about me, you just focus on keeping yourself alive. I'm just here to make sure you are focused." The serious look of Xenia's face is broken by a cheeky smirk. > You say "I know how much you dislike dark magic Xenia, but I intend on taking the abilities from our enemies so they can no longer use it for evil. It beats killing them?" She replies "Yes, I know. I trust you. Be careful though, this sort of magic is very powerful and addictive. You might need to channel light into yourself later."

You smile back "Thanks Xenia, I'll be sure to" > You say "You and Alec are from Eísodos, that little island feels way more relaxed than this homeland. It's weird, but I can feel a tense and oppressive air here in Ietros. Theocrats ruined it here didn't they?" Xenia replies "I and Alec never came here due that. The old white dragons remember there is a world outside the dome shield but they are forced to be silent. you can feel something is not right..." she sighs. You trust her judgment, that is why you sabotage the theocracy. The next day everyone is at the beach. This means you, Koriza, Zalisi, Endaklion, Alec, Disarria, Redsamuru, Abysmalia and Xenia. As you promised to Disarria. It was not exactly what you had in mind but... You're just glad you're with the people you love. The sun is shining as you walk in a nice pink sandy beach, with your friends joking around. > You go Find your fellow purple dragon, Disarria. She was the one feeling neglected by you after all. You walk along the shoreline, looking for the one person you can say best relates to you. You find her leaning against a rock nearby, staring off into the distant sky with an angry expression on her face. You approach her and say "Hey." She replies "Hey" without moving her eyes from the sky. After a moment of silence, she says "Why did you abandon me?" Her eyes turn to you in annoyance. > You say "I was in coma, Dis. I had no idea how much time passed in the real world." Disarria smiles. "I had my attacks doubled but I kept going. I kept training and researching." Disarria's eyes return to the sky. You see a glimmer of an old wound, she is indeed upset with you. You should make this up to her, but how? What could you do for Dis to make her happy again? "Oh, come on! We're here to relax and have fun! Everyone's having fun right now!" > You say "This is about my engagement with Koriza isn't it? " Disarria's face turns into one of disgust. She looks at you with accusation and yells "You're engaged to a royalty? You didn't even have the courage to tell me in person?" The sound carries far out to the ocean, disturbing the serene atmosphere. You begin to panic, you need to prove your love for her! "It's not really like that!" You take a deep breath and begin to explain the situation. > You say "I know how you tick, Disarria. Part of you hoped my relationship with Koriza would fail and we'd end up together, but now with the engagement that last hope of yours died." "It did not!" Disarria hisses as she glares at you. "It did, I know it did," You say while approaching her.

"Part of you was hoping that whatever I had with Koriza wouldn't work out. I get it." You continue, "both you and Koriza had the childhood dream of marrying a purple dragon like me. Whatever I chose, someone would have their dream shattered. I thought we resolved this, but it seems my coma ripped that wound wide open." You got Disarria on the spot, and she knows you are right. "You're right." Disarria says with a heavier tone, "I did want to marry you, but it seems like you made your choice. I'm sorry for yelling at you." Disarria's face is one of sorrow as she looks towards the ground. You put your hand on her shoulder and say "It's alright, we can still be friends." She nods and smiles. "I need some time from you to sort myself out." You decide to check on Zalisi. You find Zalisi in the shadow of a large rock, she is sitting on a smaller rock near it. Zalisi is reading her magic book, last time you spoke you had a fight because Zalisi feels you are neglecting her but you feel she is selfish and you have duties to fulfill. You want to gauge her mood. "Hello Zal." Zalisi looks up, but does not respond. She puts her nose back in her book and begins reading as if you aren't there. Well that meeting was a success. You talk to her anyway. "Zal, it's none of my fault I got put in this situation, I get it, both your brothers got a significant other. Maybe you need to find a mate too?" You suggest. "Don't be ridiculous." Zalisi says, "I'm too young to be thinking about a mate. Do you know how long I'm supposed to live?" "No." "Neither do I. Maybe 200 years, maybe 300, maybe 1,000. Who knows? I got my whole life ahead of me, I shouldn't have to be settling down now. > You say "If you are bringing up age, how about you start acting like yours? You are an adult blue dragoness! " Zalisi's eyes widen, she looks furious. "How dare you?" "Zal, you are a dragon who hasn't been adult long enough to even grow a full set of scales, you can't tell me how to live my life when you are not acting like an adult yourself!" Zalisi looks like she is about to yell, but stops, sighs and puts her head on the rock, looking up at the sky. > You say "I miss the simpler times too. I miss Greeny's silly antics. Take my advice and make the best of what this world tosses you. I'm going for a swim, wallow in self pity I suppose." You hop into the water and relax in it, letting it flow over your body and clean away your troubles. You lie peacefully for awhile and close your eyes before getting out, drying off and lying in the sun. You think back to your childhood and laugh at some of your old antics as you fall asleep. You awake to see Zalisi staring down at you. "I was wondering where you went," she says, "Are you feeling any better?" "Yeah," Want to swim with me? We are at the beach and I want to check out the reef. It's really pretty but I can't dive that deep on my own." You smile and agree. You rush into the water and swim with Zalisi to the reef, watching as fish dance around you.

"It's so beautiful," you say in wonder. You see crabs scuttle back into their holes and anemones wave gently in the current. "I was thinking," says Zalisi, " "That what I said was spot-on as usual?" You say with a smug grin on your face while floating on your back."You're right. Now is the time to live, not dwell on the past." You turn over and look at her as she stares into the distance while saying "I want to do everything here. Everything! Let's swim with sharks and whales and explore shipwrecks," > You say "You study Ice and Water magic, got anything that can help with diving? Pressure and lack of air are not fun" "A barrier, of course," says Zalisi while taking on a blue gem. She concentrates and it morphs into a clear globe around you both, "It's a shield type spell to keep water out, other attacks will pass through but this should give us at least and hour of exploration" "So I've been told," you cheekily say, "Lead on!" You and Zalisi explore the reef from inside your magic bubble. It's pretty fascinating to see all the different creatures, anemones, crabs, fish and even a turtle. Your hour is almost up. > You say "Hey Zal, the air quality is getting real low. We should surface and fly back to the shore. " "Ah yes, good idea" Zal says as she levitates to the surface. You follow and as you do so you get a fantastic view of the reef through your protective orb! After you're out of the water, you fly back toward the island. It's nice to relax and enjoy life for a while, but you know you need to get back to the business at hand. > You say "Zal, I had my fun. I got to ask you something though. Can you help me with the royal wedding? I am nervous and got no idea about such ceremonies " Zalisi giggles, "Don't worry, I got this. You just show up looking like a prince and we're good!" You smirk at her confidence. "I'd be more comfortable if you could do the planning, but if you really think that is my only duty then I shall delegate!" She says with a wink. > You say "I intend to let Disarria plan, she might be a pervert but she is smart as whip. You and Xenia are there for moral support." "Oh! I didn't know she was that smart!" Zal says with a cheeky grin. You just shake your head as you fly back home. You had fun on your beach day, you check in on your residential edgelord. You enter Abysmalia's room and she is busy assembling a skeleton of a small rodent. Abysmalia is as dour looking as always. You know the answer but ask anyway "you liked our beach day, Abby?" She finds it a waste of precious time. "It was alright, got some good bones here." She says casually. > You say "How is the corruption? Do you feel the voice of Apocalion closing in again? " "Wha-? Uh, no. I'm fine." She says as she puts the last bone in place, then sighs. > You say "Something is bothering you. Out with it, we literally met a dark god in dreamscape so you can tell me!" "Fine!" She yells, surprising you.

"I just don't get why I have no friends! I try to be social and nice but people just bully me!" > You say "You are an Onyx dragon, they are prejudiced against you. I want you to lie on your bed, I want to infuse you with another dose of holy energy. " "What? Uh, why?" She asks as she walks over to her bed and lays down. You walk over and put your hands on her head and begin the ritual. You quickly feel yourself being drained and see the holy energy leaving you, but you persist and try hard to ignore the draining feeling. Eventually you finish and see she looks healthier than ever before. If you ignore the protruding bone maw and crystal shards. At least she looks less like a corpse. > You say "How do you feel? If I did the work correctly you should feel your mind be more clear, as if it's more belonging to you again. Is this so?" "Y-yeah, it's true! I feel like me again!" She says with glee. "Very good, and don't worry, this won't happen again. Even if the ritual is necessary from time to time to maintain your mental well being, it's nothing compared to how it was before." You reassure her. She smiles and lays down on her bed "I'm tired though, I think I'll sleep for a while..." And off she goes into dreamland. You return to Koriza's room and join her in the bed. You greet her with "hey babe, missed me?" She responds with a playful growl and nudging you with her elbow. You chuckle. "Good to see you too." You hug her and she hugs back, she speaks "I heard what you did, thank you for putting up with Abysmalia, I really don't know what I'd do without you." You smile and hold her tighter, sharing an intimate moment together before falling asleep together, dreaming of only paradise. The next few days go without too much excitement, you and the group run errands and train. One day, Redsamuru approaches you, Koriza and Endaklion. He rudely buds in your conversation in a panic "guys the Ietros Theocracy is coming! They found me out!" Endaklion facepalms and responds "you led your pursuers straight to our base?!" Redsamuru responds in panic "no! I ran straight here after they nearly caught me, but they're close!" You ask who's right behind him and he responds "The theocracy, at least a squad of them. They'll be here any minute!" Koriza, knowing the combined forces of the theocracy could very well wipe you out asks "how many do you think? Redsamuru says it's like 5 white dragons, "some inquisitor douchebag leads them" you say "well, Koriza is the strategist here, what are our options?" You mentally prepare yourself for combat and use your magical disguise to blacken your purple scales. > You say "I got an idea, this leader, a white dragon inquisitor, has powerful magic yes? Red and I play along and when he grabs me to take me into custody, i"ll unleash my nasty surprise in the shape of Dark Siphon to drain said powers.

At that moment Koriza, Zalisi, Disarria, Endaklion and Abysmalia get out of hiding and attack!" Endaklion and Koriza agree. As a powerful, deadly white glow appears outside the hideout, you tense up. The light stops as the door is blown open and a powerful, booming voice declares: "Give me the dragon known as Redsamuru or suffer the consequences!" You and Redsamuru approach the 5 white dragons, one being the inquisitor. You say "why have him if you can have me? Dastardlyion! Scion of Apocalion! Hail disease and psychosis!" You conjure a orb of negative energy in the shape of a skull to sell your disguised role. The dragon looks confused but stops you and takes you into custody, where 5 dragons restrain you. You struggle a bit and feel hopeless as the inquisitor seizes you with his magic. Just as planned. To the confusion of the inquisitor you don't struggle at all when grappled by him. You smirk as you place your paw on the inquisitor. "You didn't account for one thing. Censorship does not erase legends!" You say while casting Dark Siphon on the inquisitor. You want his power, but don't intend to kill him. The amount of energy required to do so would be tremendous and you don't have the means to do it just yet at any rate. The inquisitor's eyes grow wide as he feels his power borrowed by you. He falls to his knees as the other dragons are confused about what's going on. You knock out the inquisitor with a swift kick to the head and say "I am Entropion! Purple dragon! I have absorbed the powers of your holy inquisitor! Your pretender-gods couldn't protect him!" You friends jump out of hiding to ambush the four remainder white dragon guards, bit the guards lot all morale after you defeated their boss this easily. "Purple dragon? There are no purple dragons! You're a blasphemer and a liar!" A guard shouts at you, realizing too late his mistake. You blast him with negative energy causing him to collapse to the ground as the other guard look on in terror. "You have two choices. You can either renounce your faith and live, or refuse and die. Make your choice if you wish to preserve your life." > You drop your disguise, to reveal you are a purple dragon! Your threat is empty as you do not want to kill these dragons. You drop your disguise to reveal you are a purple dragon. Your threat is empty as you do not want to kill these dragons. The three remaining guards drop their weapons and back away in terror. The other three slowly follow suit. You send the inquisitor away too, his tales of stolen powers should bring terror in the minds of his superiors. > You say "Hey, Koriza? We need a new hideout don't we? They will tell their superiors we are out here." "Yes, we do. Everyone, pack your stuff.

We are to move in the dead of night." She seems disappointed, Koriza loved this temple. That means there is some time left, you hop over to Xenia. You want to know what Light Magic absorbed from an inquisitor can do. > You say "So Xenia, what kind of power did I even take? I figure inquisitors use incapacitation and mind reading far more invasive than your own?" "I can't know for sure. But judging from when you arrived, I assume you took the powers of pacification and Sensing. That's what inquisitors use the most, pacifying heretics to burn them alive or throwing them in prisons and sensing if anyone uses shadow magic." > You say "Thank you Xenia. How has Redsamuru been acting? No antics lately?" "Thankfully, no. The only thing that has been strange, is that he's been incredibly horny the past few days. I think you showing up did something to him." Xenia says in a non-accusatory way. You blush a bit, thinking about what you did with Koriza. " seems so. Anyway, let's move out." When dark falls all of you leave the temple with crates on your back. Disarria snarls at Redsamuru "you had to give away our temple didn't you? Fat virgin." Redsamuru responds "you need to get fucked, sour bitch" you try to hold in your laughter. > You say "Koriza, what and where are we moving as new hideout?" "We have a few options. There is a collapsed abandoned mine tunnel near here, it could be easily cleared out and secured. The other possibility is an old ruined fort about a mile away, it would take longer to secure but it comes with more built in defenses." The group discusses this for a bit, Xenia prefers the fort, while Koriza prefers the mine, you wonder what the consequences of each will be. > You say "Stealth is priority number uno. Mine it is." "I agree with Enty, let's hit the mine," Xenia says "it'll probably take longer to secure but the terrain is in our favor." "You guys make a good point, let's go steal us a mine." Disarria says. You all head towards the mine, which while being near an actual town is far enough away that no one will stumble onto your hideout. You settle deep within the mine, without directions any trespasser will get lost. You don't have rooms in the traditional sense, you make due with blocking tunnels. Alec and Endaklion share a room you and Koriza share a room, Xenia and Zalisi share a room and Redsamuru and Disarria share a room. Only now you notice Abysmalia is gone. "She'll be back," Koriza says "Let's meet with the rest." You walk to the room Disarria and Redsamuru share. You knock on the door and they let you in. There is a lot of bitching about sleeping arrangements and general unfriendliness. > You say "Could you two knock it off? Redsamuru tried his best.

Disarria, I get your frustration but cut Redsamuru some slack. Please?" You intervene and stop the arguing. "Fine," Disarria says "I just don't trust him." "Well, we need to work together, so cut him some slack." Disarria nods and you all sit down to talk. You explain the next part of your plans. > You say "So who of you was the last to see Abysmalia? " "We all were," Xenia says "we came to the hideout, went to our respective rooms. What happened?" Disarria adds "she didn't feel at home with us, Enty, maybe use telepathy to detect her?" > You say "Good one Dis, I will later today. " The day passes and you decide to use your psychic powers. > You know what Abysmalia's mind is like and what her psychic signature is. You focus to telepathically communicate with Abysmalia. You easily close your eyes and begin to concentrate. You nod your head, feeling tired but know you're doing something right when you hear a voice in your head. "Hello?" You reply "Can you hear me Abysmalia?" You hear a sigh "Yep... you did the thing. I don't belong with your happy go lucky friend circle. I still hear Apocalion, I still am Onyx Dragon kin" > You say "Do you feel I understand you? We literally went to the deepest depths of dreamscape. " "No... I don't know. Maybe you do, maybe you understand me more than anyone." You find yourself saying "Then come back to us, we need your great strength and power." You hear crying on the other end "I'm weak, I'm scared, I'm alone, I don't want it." You reply "We all feel that way sometimes, but you got friends who care about you." "I got a plan, one none would ever approve of..." Abysmalia wants to cause as much dark magic related chaos as possible to shatter the false picture of heaven that the Ietros theocracy built. > You say "This method of communication is taxing, can I visit you? I can come alone and I want to hear your plan." "Sure come to the old workshop in the forest, I'll be waiting." You thank her and mentally shut yourself off from her. You need to rest and mentally prepare yourself for seeing her again. The next day you leave for the journey into the woods. You bring a backpack with some basic survival gear, food and water. You set off on a trail near the edge of the town and into the wilderness. When you arrive, Xenia is already there, Abysmalia is too. The tension is strong. Xenia probably shadowed you and used psychic foresight to discern your intentions, that much is obvious to you. You smile and give an awkward "hey ladies" wave. "Hey" they both reply in unison, Abysmalia's voice is hopeless and sad, Xenia's is neutral but with a hint of apathy. "So, wasn't expect you to arrive already." You say. "I wanted to make sure you made it here safe and sound." Xenia replies. Abysmalia sighs annoyed. Even though Xenia is her second favorite, they have Disagreements. She starts "Dread silos. I want you to open one, Entropion."

She is referring to the giant silos Genesion built to store negative energy and make the planet more habitable. Only purple dragons can open them. You and Xenia go wide eyed at this suggestion. Either she is bluffing and doesn't know that, or she knows and is trying to make you angry. You reply "Abysmalia, we are NOT going to do that." "Why not?" she whines. "Because those silos are large enough to corrupt the planet entirely!" You say. She seems confident and gives you a cocky grin "only one. If we let the dark energy corrupt this holy land, the theocracy can't hide the fact this world has problems or that purple dragons are fake. They also need a lot of holy magic to clean up our foul spill" Abysmalia is talking about causing a major magical disaster here. > You say "I think you have a point Abby, I doubt Xenia here agrees though!" You try to sound confident as you speak, Xenia is well intentioned but very weary of harming this place. It's a bold lie, and she knows it. Xenia looks shocked for a split second then frowns. "The theocracy has already turned this place in hell. You were forced to raze a city once to save the rest. This is no different, dark necessity is your fate but I will not watch" the pain can be heard in Xenia's voice, she turns from you to hide a tear. > You say "Dark necessity... is that the truth. Xenia, I will do what I need to. The silos are not permanent seals for a reason. I appreciate you supporting my destiny even when it gets tough." > You say "Dark necessity... is that the truth. Xenia, I will do what I need to. The silos are not permanent seals for a reason. I appreciate you supporting my destiny even when it gets tough." Your eyes burn into Xenia's as she flinches "I will return" her voice sounds weak. You watch Xenia fly home. Abysmalia seems relieved Xenia left, she tries to hide her smile as you two head inside the abandoned workshop. It is obvious Abysmalia has been busy. Books and papers litter this place. You and Abysmalia gather around a map of Ietros. You recognize the atoll and island in the middle. > You say "A hexagon formation of dread silos is on this map... Abby, where did you get this version? Knowledge of dread silos is top level contraband! " You look up at the purple eyes of your companion and you know that answer without her saying a word. "Zalisi" you say under your breath as she hides a smirk. You can't help but smile back, even when you are unsure if Abysmalia stole it or got it as a gift. The map contains detailed notes about each Silo location. > You say "If purple dragons can open dread silos, why just me? Why not bring Disarria too?" Abysmalia answers dryly, rolling her eyes "Basic mission planning. You are capable on your own and I don't want to introduce that purple obscenity. More moving parts and all that jazz"

you feel slightly insulted at how Abysmalia talks down to you, but it is made better as she speaks sense. You got the idea she leaves your friends out of this to make convincing you easier. "And you are sure you don't just take me along to minimize possible complaints?" You smugly say. "Well that too, but there is another reason, one you probably don't like" she answers. > You say "I know you don't feel at home in my friend circle, but, who do you like the least of my friends?" You realize it is actually kind of creepy how much you know about her priorities, but she is a bit of a loner and this makes sense. "Well, it is Zalisi" she answers "She isn't really in the same league as the rest of your friends, Zalisi is very emotional and unlike Koriza, Disarria or Xenia, she is scared by me, or at least unable to cope. I lost my patience with her and we exchanged insults. I stole that map, but you can return it after we are done, besides, Zalisi wouldn't cooperate with our plan willingly" Abysmalia has a point and you aren't angry with her. > You say "How am I to open a silo though? As purple dragon I have the ability, but what do I need to actually do when we are there?" "I don't know how your powers work and it isn't like I can see through your eyes. For all I know, you may have the power to control something invisible or create something out of thin air. I can't say. > You say "Just fantastic. Weren't you supposed to be intelligent?!" "I am intelligent, it is you who lack the brain power to understand Draconic magic!" "Oh yeah? Well there is no way I am opening a silo without knowing what is the plan once we are there!" > You say "How about we survey the thing and dig around dreamscape if we need answers? I will grab some comatose potions from Alec and get back here?" "What is a comatose potion?" "They are potions prepared by Alec to put us in a deathlike trance. They work on other mortals too and they greatly deepen sleep. I can get some and with a high dose we can dig around for months in peace, no noise, no walking, nothing." She nods, realizing that the idea does make sense. You went to do just that. Alec is used to you taking these potions to dream share with Koriza. Your intentions were to enter and exit quickly, Koriza blocks your path outside and says "I know fishy business when I see it. What are you trying to hide from your own fiancee?" She seems a bit smug, as if to say "you can't sneak on my watch" You have no choice but to explain what is going on. To your surprise, she understands and even says she will join you in the dreamscapes so she can help. > You say "Be honest, you are jelly me and Abysmalia went on such an awesome dreamscape trip and you want it too." "Well.... Yes" You laugh, she is still so innocent sometimes. You ask her to get the potions while you head back to Abysmalia at the workshop with Koriza in tow. Abysmalia sighs as she sees Koriza.

She wanted to keep this mission a duet. You say "she wants to go in there too. Abysmalia, I made up my mind. You stay awake and guard our sleeping bodies" She nods unhappily as Koriza and you drink the potions. You fall asleep almost immediately. You find yourself in a realm of darkness, the potion has worked its magic.... The tunnels are dark and cold around you. You reach out to Koriza who is by your side. She grabs your hand but then quickly lets go. She then proceeds to float in the air as she leads the way through the tunnel system. "I can sense where he is" > You say "Catharsion? " "Yes, he is.... Dreaming" You ask "What do you mean?" but Koriza simply ignores you. You decide to follow her as she leads you through the tunnels. Eventually you find a huge cavernous room with a single pillar in the center. A large purple dragon lies on top of the pillar and seems to be sleeping. Koriza says "It's him... I am a lot less excited than I expected" you figure it's because she has you. A purple dragon as romantic mate! It makes Catharsion a lot less legendary. > You say "Truly bizarre. Normally we'd have to go through more layers of dreamscape to get to Catharsion's realm. He summoned us." "I know, I can feel his mind, it's... strange" she says as she lands besides the pillar and goes closer to him. You follow suit, intrigued in what role she will play in all this. Catharsion gets up and speaks "Yes. I have, and who is this red dragoness? Koriza by any chance? You do look like Korisana." Koriza smiles and nods. She responds "honor to meet you, Catharsion. You have been an inspiration for a large part in my life!" Catharsion seems dismissive. "Old dance, I'll humor you this: I too mates a red dragon. A very distant aunt of yours, Koriza, but we are meeting because of dread silos and not inane nonsense" you can see Koriza is a mix of happy and disappointed when Catharsion blew her off. > You say "Yes, we plan to open a dread silo to shatter the faith in the false religion of Ietros. " "You've got stones to come here with that plan, I'll give you that!" He seems intrigued by you. "I will help, and the other reds will too! They always were a rebellious folks desiring freedom." > You say "I doubt Koriza's people want to jump in another war just after the black dragon conflict." Koriza says that this is a real possibility, and she will not force this on her people. She finishes by saying the EFPL or Rhodium dragons are allies too. Catharsion continues now that is out of the way. "It's good you ask my advice on this matter. Being a purple dragon is all about tough choices. Have you or Koriza heard about the trolley ethical problem,?" Catharsion smirks. "No" you both say together. "It's a famous ethical problem, and it goes like this: there's a trolley or train that is going to hit and kill 5 people on the tracks ahead. You are stood by a lever.

You can flip the lever, which will cause a person on another track to get hit and die, stopping the train and saving the 5. A stranger, who is bound and gagged on this other track." > You say "So you are saying that we, purple dragons, have to make the tough call to take lives to save lives? That is my conclusion after I had to destroy the Purperkust plague by razing the namesake town." "Yes, we do. The mandate of dark necessity. Pull the lever, it is our moral duty!" Catharsion stomps the ground to emphasize his point. He continues "dread silos resonate with us purples. Touch or a bit of blood will do. The mechanic operation of a silo is straightforward. Closing the largest one holding Apocalion however? It took my life to power that!" You thank Catharsion and leave his dreamscape realm. Before Koriza follows suit Catharsion stops her and says "princess Koriza. I can feel you are a talented and clever red dragoness. Keep watch on Entropion will you? Reckless young male with no brakes he is!" Catharsion smirks playfully. Koriza blushes, being complimented by her idol and all that. She nods and heads back to the physical world too. You both soon are back in the real world, although you are still in your dreamy state. You are puzzled and curious about what is going on but you soon collect yourself. > You say "Soooo Koriza, how was it for you? Meeting Catharsion?" "It was an honor." She expresses while brimming with enthusiasm. "He isn't as awesome as the tales embellished, but tales are always greater than the real thing. Even then, it was unreal to meet a millennias old dragon! An ancestor of mine nonetheless!" Catharsion had a red dragon lover, too. > You say "Hah! Maybe purple dragons just love red dragon pussy? I sure do!" "You wish! That's all you'll ever get from me, anyway!" Koriza replies with a wink. "So wait," You think aloud, "That means your ancestor had sex with a red dragon?" As fascinating as this is, the two of you stare into each others eyes and embrace in a passionate kiss. Time stands still... You forgot Abysmalia was near, waiting for you. She sees the two of you kissing "ew. What did I say about PDA?! Get a room!" You and Koriza compose yourselves and blush in awkwardness. You decide to end the awkward moment by speaking up. "Abby, we got the information. Dread silos will follow the commands of a purple dragon. Catharsion told us it's straightforward when I get there. " Koriza takes her turn and asks Abysmalia which of the 6 silos you will open. Abysmalia points to the 3rd farthest away and says "here. Pretty deep in the wild. At most opening this one will kill a few farmers" you sigh but agree. You and Koriza hate sacrificing lives, but the lever of the trolley must be pulled... > You say "Then it is decided.

If we leave now we can be at that silo 2 days from now, Ietros weather allows for quick flying. " You, Koriza and Abysmalia take flight. As usual the weather of Ietros is splendid and the 3 of you glide through the air. You are lucky to have such close friends; they are always willing to help you out with your missions. Because of this you've never failed in a mission yet, which is good because if you did fail people die. More than needed that is. After a bit shorter than expected you spot the silo in the wilderness and land on top of it. The dread silo is a Hexagonal tower at least 50 meters tall. It has a large horizontal hexagonal door on top that has a pizza pattern to separate 6 door pieces, firmly standing closed for millennia. It's metallic black stands out in the green forests. You and Koriza marvel at the silo, while Abysmalia seen these before. "I was never allowed near them silos... the atmosphere here is hostile, yet it is so fascinating this godly metal is pristine after all that time" Koriza says while tapping the silo curiously. Abysmalia groans at Koriza "yes a god made them. Can we get on with it?" Abysmalia says. "Oh lighten up Abby, hey Enty do you think this is it? Do you think the powers of the ancients are within?"Koriza says while nudging your arm. You smile as you remember the many conversations you had with Endaklion about this subject. You and he both had theories about what was inside besides negative energy. You say that you will see as you walk to the center of the silo. A plethora of runic symbols pop up and float around you. This ancient language you never seen somehow makes perfect sense. "Hey uh, Catharsion was right. I can read this script!" Abysmalia and Koriza can't. You read aloud an incantation. Your eyes glow! "You can read it? I can't! Teach me!" Koriza says in impatient marvel. Energy starts coursing through you as you focus on the task at hand. Runes appear all on the dread silo, in eerie purple. You are doing it, the seal is about to break! > You break the seal of the silo so you may open it. The seal has been broken, the silo awaits your choice. You and you alone can choose to open it or not to open it. You consider your current situation, but quickly remind yourself of the dark necessity doctrine. The dread silo spawns a few new floating runes, you translate aloud "Demonic Entity detected within. Combat inevitable if proceedings are made." You do not give Abysmalia and Koriza the chance to object and say "proceed with opening" The moment you do the seal breaks and the large silo door slowly starts opening.

The inside of the silo is dark so you wait for the door to be fully open and peer inside. You are greeted by a giant demonic figure, seemingly burned onto the inside of the door. It's humanoid in shape but its head consists of fire where a head should be. It has a giant sword in one hand and some sort of skull in another. > You say "Well, Gorgors look worse but this is definitely a demon! Koriza, Abysmalia, KILL!" You don't need to tell the others twice, they are already charging in with dreadful battle cries. You yourself dash forward and prepare to strike the demon holding the giant sword. The others attack it's other limbs but this demon is fast! One of Koriza's horns is cut off by its sword swing! > You focus your empathy for Koriza's pain on the demon and remember your training. You attack with the holy light. You focus your empathy for Koriza's pain on the demon and remember your training. You attack with the holy light, and it turns blue and begins burning the demon who roars in pain. It's sword thrusts towards you, as you attempt to dodge it focuses its attacks on Abysmalia and Koriza! Koriza takes a hit straight to her chest, she clutches the blade to not bleed out. you can see that a large portion of the demons body is weak to holy energy but you have had it! > You get in close quarters and cast your Dark Siphon magic on the demon. You never siphoned a demon before but it struck your Koriza! You run in close to the demonic being and wrap your hands around the demonic being. The demonic being bellows in pain as you begin to take its life energy. The sword tries to stab you, but you roll under it and let the demonic being hit itself! You can feel the demonic beings grip on reality slipping away as its body begins to fade out of existence. You then roar and channel all your energy in one burst of rage, fury and hate. > You check on Koriza's chest wound, hoping it isn't lethal. You look at the chest wound of Koriza and to your surprise the holy energy has cauterized the wound! Indeed, the wound is minor. You roar with happiness as Koriza roars in pain from her horn being cut off by the demonic sword. Abysmalia shows her softer side when inspecting Koriza. Abysmalia smiles "you're alright! Entropion you wonderful light using dork! " Abysmalia composes herself and goes cynical again "not that I care..." You then look at the demonic sword and pick it up. You realize that all the demonic symbols and wording is gone, and a vague feeling that something else is missing. The liquid negative energy! You stare down the silo hole. "Hey Abby, where is the negative energy?!" Abysmalia groans, exaggerated to obviously make you forget her softer outburst earlier. "Try interacting with the silo you colossal retard" you do so, and symbols pop up. You translate "Enable negative energy flooding?"

You smirk mischievously. You confirm. The ground shakes and a purple-black thick liquid fills the silo to the brim. You look at it from the edge "hey, what would happen if I jumped in?" You look at the liquid negative energy swirl, knowing you shouldn't, ever. "Do not." Koriza warns " it could destroy your cells or mutate you into a horrible abomination, or turn you into a demon". You laugh, wondering what would happen. "Hey! Don't do it!" Koriza begs. You laugh playfully, trying to make light of the situation. You engage with the runes once again and translate. "Finalize flooding and teleport to safety?" You smirk as you press the button, then get out of there before you get pulled into the current of negative energy. You teleport away, a nice tall rock overseeing the silo. Negative energy is soon exploding from the silo, emptying the corrupting liquid all over the landscape. The liquid flows free and wide, a colossal flood of purple and black.... Koriza looks in fearful awe. "wow..." she says, her voice filled with a morbid curiosity. You laugh "Guess that means it worked!" You and Koriza turn to one another, and then Abysmalia. Unsure what to say as the liquid spews forth. You break the silence "so how long is this thing going to do that until it stops?" "Days, maybe weeks" Abysmalia says. "That's amazing!" You say sarcastically "Flooding the world in negative energy is great for the environment!" You laugh. "I wanted to save life, not destroy it." Koriza says in a cold voice. "Well, we'll find a way to reverse this right?" Koriza asks desperately. She sighs and shakes her head. "Maybe there's a way...." > You say "One crisis at a time, remember why we make this sacrifice. To shatter the gospel of the theocracy." > You say "One crisis at a time, remember why we make this sacrifice. To shatter the gospel of the theocracy." "Abysmalia agrees, "but perhaps we should get moving?" Koriza nods "Yeah, let's go home. Before the Theocracy sends someone to check up on us." > You say "Abysmalia, take a liquid drenched plant with you, I want you and Disarria study how it changed after the exposure " "Yeah, sure thing boss." You get back home by teleport. Surprisingly, you're welcomed back warmly! You didn't expect that. Xenia and Disarria hug Koriza. Redsamuru sighs "oh the chad is back..." You feel dizzy and spit up some blood before fainting. Later you wake up in bed with just Alec next to you. Judging how he is the healer and his serious look, you know it is bad. You shed a tear "Come on, don't do this to me! I haven't even lived yet!" Then you scream in agony as your body begins to burn with pain. Alec infuses you with light and it soon fades. "I got bad news, Entropion. You overexerted yourself greatly by teleporting and opening the silo, fighting that demon has totally drained your life force.

Holy magic must come from somewhere, you in this case. Your body cannot repair itself anymore. You will die soon" You just sigh as you lay down. "I figured it couldn't last..." He exhales slowly before smiling. "Don't worry, you will not die anytime soon. I will." You are puzzled. "What do you mean?" "I chose to become a healer, so I am fated to heal others. That includes using my own life to save another." You are saddened by this, but you know you must carry on. You know Xenia cannot speak about predictions that can harm someone by speaking them. You ask "Xenia knew for longer your end was coming, didn't she?" Predictions aren't perfect, even in her case. It could not been fully foreseen let alone prevented. He nods with a smile. "Yes, she had a vision of my death by healing. It is OK, the higher purpose of healing is the only thing that comforts me." Life and death are closely knitted here. You and Alec get some details out of the way. The others agreed with Alec's decision and are waiting outside. Alec sighs and looks at you "Entropion, when I exhausted all my healing on you, I insist you to use dark Siphon on me. Do not let my powers go to waste." Alec is afraid, but keeping a strong face. > You say "You are aware that this will end up in you crumbling to dust, Alec? A burial is out of the question." His expression becomes stern, but remains collected. "You must promise me this. I have seen it in my visions." You are puzzled by this. "How can this carry on?" "The healers of the past had a different way of dealing with it. If you do not do it, my life's work is dust in the wind." He says. You nod, promising him that

you will cherish and develop on what he built. You ask "that's all, can we begin?" The tension is grim. He stretches out his hand, and you grip it firmly. He closes his eyes, and you begin. He pumps all holy power he had left into you. You channel every ounce of his energy into you. The color in his face drained, and it feels as if your arm is being pulled out.... His body convulses and falls limp onto the bed. You release your grip of his hand. Death had taken him as he falls apart in dust. All life force gone. You feel invigorated and alive physically, but all that is left of noble Alec is dust. You leave the room, Xenia is in front of you, letting a tear roll down her cheek. Her eyes say it all.

She knows. You confirm it. "Xenia, your brother, Alec, has departed from life moments ago." You two embrace in a hug, sobbing. Koriza joins you two to comfort you. As the week passes, there is a funeral. Several resistance dragons show up to mourn. It is quite the event. Xenia approaches you and Koriza, smilingly meekly as she shows a necklace with a gem. "This crystal is made from him. I will be fine, I knew the date of his death for a long time. It hurts less if you see it coming." Xenia's magical soothsaying probably detected all your death dates. You ignore this spooky implication. "I made this for you and Koriza. I'm glad to see you two are together." You hold the gift Xenia made, a matching necklace with a heart-shaped ruby. You gladly accept it. Koriza is next to receive her gift, a similar necklace but with a purple gem in it. You and Koriza are touched by this gesture. These necklaces go nice with your Korizan wedding bracelets. They are Ietrosian wedding necklaces,Xenia explains. You cry a bit by pure emotion. "Xenia, you are such an angel. You lost so much and all you do is give" Koriza nods "extraordinary. Xenia, you are a saint!" Xenia blushes deep red. "I doubt I am that fantastic! Enty, please check out Endaklion. He is not well now his love is dead"