Syngeneia Kathairein part 20

Story by Dark_Warchief on SoFurry

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#21 of Syngeneia Kathairein

You want to see the work of a professional video game writer?

You find AI's interesting?

This story of mine has all of that! Syngeneia Kathairein puts you in the shoes of Entropion, a purple dragon tasked to ''make the world right again''. (although he is a jackass in this prequel intro!) The view is set in first person view from Entropion's POV. This story is inspired by warcraft, forgotten realms, spyro the dragon and dragon age, among other things. AIdungeon's makeup is a bit messy, but > arrows denote saying or doing something. Part of the story is AI generated, please keep that in mind.

House spiders got a 2 year lifespan. That was the random fact.

>You put down the fire gem and channel light on it towards the corpses. You place the fire gem down and focus on the task. You hold your palm above the gem as you start to lose focus over time. The light lenses through the fire ruby and golden flames spread to the bodies. The rot disappears and the fire seems to very neatly turn the bodies to ash. No stench , no smoke. You feel the oppressive negative atmosphere waning. The rampant deaths feel less tragic as catharsis sets in. > You say "Sacred fire isn't it? I can feel these souls being whisked to Paradise. " "Yeah, I can feel it too" You sense that the negative atmosphere has lifted. Disarria tells you about what she knows. "It is sacred fire. The white dragons use light magic and alchemy to make it, then use it for their cremations. It liberates any lost souls." She smirks, seems you solved the corpse problem. This ash pit is easier on the senses. > You say "So does the city need anything else, Dis? Seems to me the basic conditions for living are remedied." Disarria does not respond. She seems to have been pondering in silence. "The city needs more than just pleasant aesthetics and comfortable living conditions" She says with a grim face. > You say "We are purple dragons, not civil workers. Koriza and I will decide the policies but this and that is what I will do." "Hmmm, so you shall" Disarria says with a bit of excitement. On the way back the Yanawan palace you and Disarria talk some more. Disarria mentions how you are the sovereign of Korizan with Koriza, but you haven't seen much of these lands. "It's our vacation, great opportunity to learn more about this damaged but beautiful land" you agree. "Well, Koriza and I had no honeymoon" you comment. "Well, we could have a royal one" Disarria replies. You arrive at the palace and are greeted by a Yanawan guard. "The king has returned, your highness!" He says with a smile. You and Disarria enter the palace and head to your chambers. You then decide to meet Koriza in the dining room for lunch. "I heard you returned" Koriza greets you as you sit down at the dining table. > You say "You got functioning eyeballs, don't you? How has the politics developed while I was out?"

"Nothing much, Enty" she says with a bit of boredom. "Well, some things evolved while you were out" she continues. "Oh?" You ask with curiosity. Yes. The Blood Ruby House is getting unruly and restless. They expect us to hear them out, both of us. We're going on a trip." Koriza responds. > You say "Typical. We work even on vacations. Can we pretend it's our honeymoon?" "Sure" Koriza answers. "Do you have any idea how to solve the Blood Ruby dispute?" You ask. "Well, they want us to help them assassinate their enemies, the Ebony Claw Syndicate. Problem is that the ECS is a noble house formed decades ago from black dragon despotate defectors." The Blood Ruby house is fiercely xenophobic. > You say "And you want to make sure nobody has to die in this drama?" "Yes, and I think we should try to stop the violence before it starts." "So you want to have a diplomatic approach?" you ask. "Yes" Disarria protests "if they are ready to use deadly force, you should dismantle the Blood Ruby organization!" Koriza replies "I won't do that, and will not help anyone who does" You think for a while. "Can you give me time to think about it?" You ask. "Sure. But make it quick. We leave tomorrow" Koriza says, as she gets up from the table. > You follow Koriza, you want to ask her some things. You follow Koriza as she leaves the room. You ask her "So, you won't help anyone who attacks the Blood Ruby organization?" "Correct" Koriza responds while looking at you. You ask "What if someone from the Ebony Claw Syndicate attacks us?" "Same protocol, de-escalate. The Blood Rubies may be corrupt but they are very powerful warriors, but we don't want them to attack the Syndicate." You nod. > You say "So what about Pezenstad? It has been black dragon dominated for decades. The blood rubies want the black dragons that defected to our side gone?" Koriza nods "Mhm. I can't punish either faction as both brought tremendous sacrifices. Abysmalia was ECS." The royal zippy-blimp will be ready tomorrow. It is the same one you used to get to Eísodos beforehand. You can't just relay teleport to the blood Ruby city, as you haven't been too close to it. You and Koriza spend the rest of the day relaxing , cuddling and .... other things. The next day just you and Koriza head to the blimp. With just you 2 the small, zippy thing isn't as crowded. Good, this is going to be a long trip to far of the east of Korizan. > You say "Over 30 hours? Are you serious? My ass is going to get sore!" Koriza Pat's you on your shoulder "you are a big, strong purple dragon. This is part of the course of being royalty!" She teases you as you get comfortable in the leather clad seating of the small blimp. With the small number of people in the blimp, you and Koriza have a roomy area to yourselves. The Zippy-blimp rises up, and begins to head East, towards where the Blood Rubies are. You hope this works out... You pass the time by talking with Koriza, watching the landscape go by below and eating some food. You had no idea that it would take this long of a trip to reach there from Yanawa. > You say "East Korizan was under black dragon control for long... how did the corruption affect the red dragons there?" Koriza grunts, clearly not wanting to talk about this. You've hit one of her sore spots. Maybe Koriza is distancing herself emotionally for what is to come? You are worried about what the blood rubies are like. > You say "Okay, other subject... what town we going to, anyway? " Koriza slowly starts to answer your question. Galdu, a town and home of the blood rubies royal house. She explains some history to you. The blood rubies where the strongest warriors of the world. They helped to unite ancient Korizan through conquest. Then this empire fell apart and Koriza's tribe United it again in the Apocalion crisis and it's aftermath. The blood rubies have never forgiven the black dragons for the more recent war, nor the black dragons that actually helped Korizan. > You say "So they see black dragons as a blight on Korizan and want to banish or kill them?" Koriza nods. She says that some red dragons believe in a more tolerant approach, but the noble house has always been for war.

War to the death against the black dragon menace. This is going to be a diplomatic nightmare. > You say "Hey uh, Kor? You are the last if the ancestral Korizan royal bloodline and I am a purple dragon, how much extra patience extra will that get us from the Blood Rubies?" Koriza shrugs and answers "Dunno, but they won't be nearly as harsh on you as they will be on me." "I'm not worried about myself, I'm worried about you." Koriza doesn't really have an answer to that. Koriza is focusing on the road ahead. "The blood rubies grown extra fanatical after the Kitori incident. They blamed dead parents and ME for the problems because I didn't kick out all the black dragons! > You say "They aren't going to be happy about your military career." Koriza says "They aren't happy about it now, but they are supportive of my rightful place on the throne. Without my parents the blood rubies would have perished in the war." "I'm sure you'll be fine, Koriza. Just don't do anything rash." Koriza cracks her knuckles and says "I won't let them get away with dishonoring my friends and family. I know I can control my anger this time if they start being unreasonable." > You say "Koriza? I love you." Koriza blushes and smiles "I love you too." She grabs you and cuddles you up. The red dragoness is on top of you as you lie on you back and her head rests on your chest. Two orange eyes gaze into your soul. Koriza loves what she sees. > You pet Koriza lovingly. You pet her head. She nuzzles into your hand and purrs. You feel a little silly, you never thought you'd be doing this with another dragon. "You are so beautiful, Koriza." She smiles "You're just saying that." "I would never lie about such a thing, my love." Koriza snuggles in closer to you. You wrap your arms around the warm scaly body of the girl you love. > You say "You got that sexy belly scar, but, I love these 2 fangs of yours too. You are so strong and ferocious yet you are such a romantic. " Koriza smiles "I'm so lucky to have you as my consort. I couldn't imagine being with anyone else." You kiss her forehead, she kisses your chest. > You say "Don't you think Kishijoten had a point? Especially now? You are the Last of the royal dynasty, Koriza. Could you cut it back on the military stuff, at least for now?" Koriza looks up at you, her eyes narrow "I will do as I please, Enty." "I'm just saying, it might make the transition a little easier. It's not like we are going to find a new royal anytime soon." "Well, maybe we should start thinking about it. I mean, if we want to keep this monarchy thing going." Koriza seems to be thinking about this. Can a monarchy even exist without a royal bloodline? > You say "Are you suggesting we breed and continue your dynasty? " Koriza turns a bright shade of red "W-what?! I would never!" You laugh a little "Relax, I'm kidding. But seriously, we should think about it." Koriza looks away from you, looking down a bit "I don't want to bring any helpless babies into this world. It's hard enough being a dragon without being an absolute monster." You agree with Koriza. > You say "I want you to be safe. Korizan is liberated and your military freedom fighter role is less needed than a strong Queen. " Koriza looks back at you. She gives you a kiss "You are the best consort a girl could ever have. Wasn't it obvious I focused on leading already?" Both of you laugh. You and Koriza continue to enjoy each others company. > You say "Hey, Deimodo trained you and indirectly helped save Korizan from the black dragons, then he tried to take over Ietros.... do you agree with Eleos in that he can be redeemed?" Koriza seems to get scared "I don't want to talk about this anymore..." You wonder what the problem is... "No! You have to promise me, you will not kill him!" You try to calm her down "Koriza, I'm not going to kill him. He's a traitor and he needs to answer for his actions. Why do you care so much?" Koriza looks away from you again "If Eleos didn't physically stop you, you would've killed him. You got the cold rage brewing in you, Enty. I know I am a hothead but..." Koriza doesn't finish her sentence. You know this is your flaw, just like Disarria you have been trained to be cruel by Malediction's cronies. > You say "Do you think it's even possible to unlearn the viciousness I and Disarria were trained towards? Sure, Dis has more patience than me but that is our personalities playing part." Koriza looks at you. She seems to want to hug you but stops herself "I don't know... but I want to find out."

You know she's referring to her feelings for you by this statement. "I will try to be a better person, if it means that much to you. But I can't do it alone" You say. Koriza nods. "I ran with black dragons, this behavior is in a chain of increasing violence. It goes like, entry, contact, disassociate, attack, overwhelm and kill. You need to get out of that mindset before you move to kill" > You say "Agreed. I can telepathically contact Xenia if we can't figure it out. You mind if I meditate and contact Disarria? I want to discuss some things." Koriza nods. She gets off of you. "I'll leave you to it, hopefully we can solve everything soon. I'll go get some food." Koriza slips out of your mind and you sit down in a meditative position. You begin to focus your energy, combining all of your mental energy into one singular point. You focus on Disarria and decide to telepathically speak to her. > You say "Hey, Disarria. Hope I don't enter your mind at an unfortunate time? I'm just bored out of my mind on this blimp." You feel Disarria's mind quickly becoming aware of your presence and after a few moments Disarria responds. "Oh, Entropy. No, it's not a bad time at all, I was just sleeping. What do you need?" > You say "Well, you went to the Underscorch to get that throne cage in Ietros... how did you survive the immense heat of going to the mantle of the planet?!" "I have an enchanted coat, it's the only reason I survived." Disarria replies. "Can you get me one?" You ask. Disarria snickers. "It's destroyed in the action. A giant scale coat full with ice Crystal's and wheels. It was like one of these bugs that rolls up in a ball. More of a vehicle" this makes sense, lots of ice Crystal's could shortly protect from the heat. > You say "How is your work with Zal and Redsamuru coming along? Is repairing Yanawa having any progress?" You pretend to care and listen to Disarria explain what has been has been done. A simple "good" would've sufficed. When she is done you give her a goodbye and tune back in with your surroundings. You are in the blimp, and Koriza is laying on the leather sofa snoring. > You wake up prank Koriza. You pick up a metal bar and begin to poke Koriza. She is sleeping so soundly she does not notice. You decide to try something else and begin pouring a pitcher of water on her. Koriza wakes up immediately and jumps up. "WHAT THE FUCK, ENTROPION?" She yells while throwing a punch. "It was just a joke!" You say as she punches you in the face. You dodge her second punch and jump out of the way. Koriza hisses and gets back to napping. > You say "Come on, it was kinda funny..." Koriza wakes up and looks at you. "What?" She asks in a groggy tone. "I said, come on. It was funny." You reply while laughing a bit. Koriza gives you a dirty look. "As if Galdu wasn't enough."

Hours later you close in on Galdu. The first snow is falling... Koriza hops up and puts a claw on your shoulder to get your attention. "We are getting close, Enty. Be cautious as Khunbish, leader of the blood Ruby house, is one tough customer to deal with! > You say "With tough you mean stubborn?" "Yes... she is also a capable fighter, so be on your guard." You nod in response. A few hours later you see the town of Galdu approaching. It is a large city with a population of about 60,000 people. You see the banners of the Ruby house flying over the city. A large castle is at the center, surrounded by smaller buildings and homes. A giant wall surrounds the city. Large towers overlook the walls, manned by guards with bows. > You say "This place gives me the shivers... it's like a giant mercenary camp." "Indeed, this place does resemble a mercenary camp. Still, we have a job to do." You land next to the castle. It is more a fort than a royal house. There is some commotion going on. On closer inspection there is a cage with charcoal under it. In the cage are 4 black dragons so tightly packed you don't know where one body starts and the other ends! Koriza shakes her head "play along Enty, this is going to get ugly" You play along. as you step outside the black dragons in the cage are lit up by a blaze. This is the welcome spectacle Khunbish set up for you. One of the dragons, the smallest one, is covered in burns. It screams in pain as it's scales melt and burn off. The smell is horrid and you struggle to not vomit. "Welcome to Galdu, purple dragon!" a voice cries out. "We have been expecting you!" A red dragoness,larger than you and Koriza. She is very muscular, covered in tattoos of emblems and scars. Unlike Koriza, she is not a beautiful creature with feminine traits left. One could assume her sexuality if they had bigoted inclinations. Khunbish smiles "you must be the new king! You better measure up to Catharsion though! I am Khunbish, ruby dragon matriarch." She has a chipper mood about, but she also burned dragons alive as a welcome spectacle. This barbarian unsettles you already.

Syngeneia Kathairein part 21

You and Koriza follow Khunbish to her throne room. This place is full of dueling orcs and Ruby dragons. You can practically smell their corruption. This is a place of evil. You and Koriza have worked so hard to stamp out evil, but this is misguided...

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Syngeneia Kathairein part 19

19 is the 8th prime number and the number of Protons in a Potassium Nucleus which you would have about 2.2 x 10^24 of in your body. The Vietnam war lasted 19 years and the 19th US constitution amendment gave women the right to vote. That's all, as I...

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Syngeneia Kathairein part 18

Not much to say, I keep beating myself up for not producing enough. You, Eleos and Koriza free the last 2 thrones. Sophrosyne and Charis. They hug and introduce themselves. Charis is the throne of charity. Sophrosyne is the throne of justice....

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