Syngeneia Kathairein part 31

Story by Dark_Warchief on SoFurry

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#32 of Syngeneia Kathairein

You like dark fantasy, dragons, adventure and a bit of romance?

You want to see the work of a professional video game writer?

You find AI's interesting?

This story of mine has all of that! Syngeneia Kathairein puts you in the shoes of Entropion, a purple dragon tasked to ''make the world right again''. (although he is a jackass in this prequel intro!) The view is set in first person view from Entropion's POV. This story is inspired by warcraft, forgotten realms, spyro the dragon and dragon age, among other things. AIdungeon's makeup is a bit messy, but > arrows denote saying or doing something. Part of the story is AI generated, please keep that in mind.

huh, I can make WAY more on PC. that's what's new. What else is new? next part will be a prologue to lure in new readers as part 1 has wonky quality. this may take longer than a week but it will have Entropion's earliest years.

>You attack with a bolt of dark power. You fire a bolt of dark energy at Disarria. The magic slams into her, but her hide seems to just absorb it. She roars at you and moves in close to you, her claws raised. "I have had enough of your treachery! I will tear out your heart and show it to you before you die!" Yaag Baab tries to intervene, but Disarria knocks him away with powerful swipe of her tail, followed by a blast of frost.The dark bolt hits Yaag's underbelly, causing her to squeal. "Why do you insist on misery, Entropion?!" Yaag roars and breathes a cone of frost at you. The frost hits your chest and you are frozen in ice, before shattering. You are still alive though. Disarria and Nalomuzo are still in the fight on your side. > You realize your fire magic is bad because you cant control your emotions. All you can do is make explosions, and that is what you attempt! > You release wild fire magic to explode you free from the ice! Your body is on fire, but you do not feel the pain. The ice shatters and you let out a roar. You are incredibly pissed off. You blast a torrent of fire at Yaag Baab, who roars in pain as the fire engulfs her. You see Nalomuzo flying out of the way of the flames and Disarria diving out of the way of your flames too. "You fool! Stop! We are on the same side!" > You shoot your signature hemorrhaging spell at Yaag! SANQUINOLENTIA! The spell is wild, but powerful. You see the dark energy tear through the air and slam into Yaag. She roars in pain as she begins to vomit blood from her mouth. Her body begins to rapidly age, and soon she looks like a fragile, dying old woman. She still has fight left in her. A behemoth like Yaag will not fall easily! > You say "Disarria! Use your dark power of entropy on Yaag! Finish her!" Disarria has not been idle. She has been focusing her dark magic on Yaag. She makes a motion with her hands and you see the life drain from Yaag's body. As she weakens, she turns to bones, then dust. As the dust clears, you see Disarria panting and Nalomuzo landing next to you. "Well done." "What now?" "Now we continue our quest." You nod. > You say "I don't feel too well, emotionally I mean. First Khunbish, now Yaag Baab. We aren't paragons of good, are we now?" "No, but we are still alive. We need to continue our mission. There is much work to be done." "I suppose you're right." "Of course I am. We need to find the remaining royal bloodline and give them the news of what has happened. We need to rally the people and prepare for war. We need to bring these fuckers down and end this shit once and for all." "Then that's what we'll do." > You say "Disarria, the last royal of Volecia is Kirpichnikov, Zalisi ain't fit and Kirpichnikov kidnapped us." You decide to go to the sub, inside the dead palacipede... You have to think about the next move. Zalisi turned out to be fine, she was hiding for safety during your Yaag Baab fight. You feel a bit safe in the sub, so you can have some rest. Zalisi wakes you up. Her eyes are wide open and her face is pale. "Kirpichnikov's coming. He's here with a big army." You look outside and see hundreds of ships coming out of the water. They have cannons mounted on them and they're heading right for you. > You say "Guys, Kirpichnikov may hate Yaag and his children, whom we all killed... But the man is an unstable lunatic. Zalisi, any chance he wants Zalisi like Yaag did? You are his daughter. Zalisi nods and gets up. Forlorn expression on her face. Willing to sacrifice herself for your sakes. You all promise to fetch her from Kirpichnikov when you can. Redsamuru crying hysterically. "No! Milady! Nooo!" Zalisi leaves the sub and heads for the giant army, you and the rest of the party watch to see how this goes down. Zalisi has a quick chat with the soldiers. The soldiers are surprised but accept her as the real deal. They bring her aboard one of the ships. Seems you guessed right. > You say "Disarria, Redsamuru , Nalomuzo? We seem boned. Should I call my wifey the queen via dreamscape to bust us out of this mess?" Disarria giggles "someone is in trouble. You know Koriza is going to yell your soul out of your body?" You now slowly. Nalomuzo nods too. "Then it is confirmed. Tonight we go" Redsamuru is a whiney mess, the sub is dead on the dry land. That night... Once again, you, Disarria and Nalomuzo are in dreamscape. Nalomuzo notes something is off... "Koriza seems nearby. She must be on her way already." Disarria gives you a cheeky grin "you are so in trouble and sleeping on the couch" you gulp. > You say "Let's just get it over with and let my queen, my wife, yell at me then..." Through the mist steps Koriza. With Eleos by her side. You are surprised to see the white dragon throne of mercy is with her. Eleos and Koriza look at eachother and nod. Probably to affirm an agreement they made beforehand as Eleos closes in on you. ''Entropion, Disarria? I am.... '' Eleos sighs and take a moment. ''worried, lots and lots. just because you got me out of the frying pan doesn't mean you can throw others in. Khunbisch, The Twins, Yaag Baab... They are all dead. And you Entropion, have a certain... A dangerous liking to chaos and destruction. You are starting to resemble your younger self once again. I am here to make sure you do not continue on that path, if not for our sakes then atleast for yourself. Nobody deserves Apocalion's venom in their souls.'' You try to speak but she raises a hand, indicating you should stay quiet. "I know you intent well, but honestly? you are an unguided weapon without Koriza by your side." Disarria snickers at the verbal punishment you are getting, but Eleos notices quickly. ''You are a purple dragon, too, Disarria. You were holed up in that terrible palace of Bloedholte with Koriza... You should've had a better moral character yourself.'' > You say "So if I understand you correctly, throne of mercy... Eleos. You want me and Disarria to fall under direct responsibility and command of Koriza?" ''Yes, that is what I expect of you. the white dragon thrones are allies of the purple dragons, all 13 of them. Creation is not an asset to be traded in for permanent servitude. The Twilights from far away may not be as flawless as they present themselves'' Eleos looks at Nalomuzo, the two need no introduction seeing how one is famous and the other has been near Disarria and Entropion alot, through which Eleos can observe the world. Nalomuzo is taken aback by this ''the warchief is all we know, m'am!'' The two of them disappear, probably off somewhere to have an in depth discussion. with you, Disarria and Koriza left, the real punishment of you two will start off. Koriza isn't known for her compassion to lapses of judgment. ''both of you.... but especially, you, Enty... you are a KING! Do you know how much MAYHEM, HAVOC AND DRAMA YOU HAVE CREATED?!'' Koriza yells at you. both you and Disarria know it's the best moment to shut up.... Koriza continues ''You insolent, arrogant IDIOT! You murder royals left and right, push your weight around and made an unstable CONTINENT, AN ENTIRE -CONTINENT- FROM STRAINED ON THE BRINK OF AN ALL OUT CIVIL WAR?!'' Koriza yells expletives that I don't want to write down, both because of their foul nature and because tactical censorship is hilarious. ''YOU BRAINDEAD (....) (...)ING TACTLESS BLOODTHIRSTY (....) i SHOULD (....) HAVE YOU COURT MARTIALED AND SHOVE THE ORDER SO FAR UP YOUR OWN (.....) YOU WILL TASTE INK FOR THE REST OF YOU LIFE. RARGH! ... Now you DISARRIA. AS IF GIVING ME HEART ATTACKS WITH YOUR BORDERLINE NIGHT WORKER BEHAVIOR AT TIMES WAS TOO LITTLE, YOU HAVE TO BE A DOORMAT WHEN PRINCE CHARMING HERE DOES THE OPPOSITE YOU PURPLE DRAGONS NEED TO DO?!'' You and Disarria stay silent, but wide eyed. Disarria speaks up ''So I take it we did more harm than good?'' Koriza shakes her head and rests her face in her palms. sobbing softly. ''I just don't know.... you idiots can't even make proper decisions on your own. what hope does this world have?'' You walk over to Koriza and try to console her by a hug, Koriza shoves you away. ''you lost your touching privileges'' Disarria buds in ''is he sleeping on the couch?'' Koriza gives a weak smirk before getting to the business at hand. ''okay, tweedle do and tweedle dum, that means you two, made it so Kirpichnikov of all people, is the only royal we can work with. I am in Chernitrov and he seems happy you whacked Yaag Baab, a peaceful druidess might I add. Anyway... the guy's more of a scientist than a leader. It's quite easy to steer peace from the shadows with him on the throne. I expect your party to head to Chernitrov ASAP when you wake up.'' You nod, Disarria does too. You leave dreamscape and continue sleeping dreamlessly. You wake up and begin to ready yourself. You are going to head to the royal palace, where you think you will find the king, or well, defacto king Kirpichnikov. You exit your trashed sub and see Disarria waiting outside for you. Nalomuzo and Redsamuro have packed their items too. You have the fire gem, Disarria the nature gem and Nalomuzo the light gem and mutagenic catalyst. You have nothing to fear with these at your disposal! > You say "Guys, I have an idea. an extremely dangerous idea as usual, but it'll get us to Chernitrov way faster. Dis, give me the nature gem for a moment? " Disarria hands over the gem and you begin to concentrate. You theory is simple, this is a nature gem that affects nature. Dark Siphon steals life force. The Palacipede and all the dead Housesters aren't dust yet but they are nature constructs - if you use dark siphon through the nature gem it should mass drain all mundane life, be it plant or animal, in your area, giving you a massive mana boon! You begin to channel the spell through the gem and the effects are instantaneous. All plantlife withers and dies, all small animals either fall over dead or scurry away desperately and all Housester corpses rapidly lose color and become nothing but dust. You feel your mana begin to rise, very quickly. Within seconds it has increased by a magnitude. "This is insane!" > You form a hand holding circle with everyone and relay teleport straight back to Chernitrov. You quickly move everyone into a circle and begin the relay chant. It is surprisingly quick and easy, perhaps the most natural the process has ever been for you. You all hold hands and as soon as you open a portal to Chernitrov you are engulfed in a purple light and transported instantly through the portal. You find yourself on Chernitrov city square. Nobody really seems phased by your mass teleport as magic is so commonplace here. > You say "Nalomuzo, please stay here with Redsamuru and make sure he doesn't do anything... neckbeardy. Disarria and I will meet Koriza inside the palace. " You and Disarria make your way to the palace entrance. You are stopped by two guards. "Halt, only royalty and their retinue are permitted inside." You look at Disarria for help. She looks back at you and raises an eyebrow. > You say "we are purple dragons and I am the king sovereign of Korizan, consort to Queen Koriza of Korizan. cease this nonsense." The guards look at each other and then back to you. "Very well, we will have someone escort you to the throne room." You and Disarria follow one guard while the other runs ahead to inform the palace that you are on your way in. You walk through the palace halls, which seem just as opposing when you were here as enemy. Kirpichnikov just seems... off. The throne room where you see not only Koriza but Kirpichnikov as well, and many steward blue dragons. Kirpichnikov shows you a toothy grin. ''the only living escapees from my institute catacombs, and the ones who solved my little family... problem. I should congratulate you.'' Koriza gives you a worried look, being your wife, her nonverbal communication is obvious to you instantly. ''you forced us to comply with this creepy motherfucker'' you look away in shame, and Disarria nudges you to say something. ''well, Kirpichnikov, I want to know where we stand. Nalomuzo for example, can I keep him?'' you dislike referring to him as a pet or slave, but you just try to placate Kirpichnikov. Kirpichnikov raises an eyebrow, but then nods. ''Very well, you can keep the dragon. But I will have my eyes on you...'' you got the idea he only lets you have him because he has no use for him anymore. Koriza speaks up ''as per our agreement, you will hand us the frost sapphire and aid us in the upcoming Apocalion Crisis?'' Kirpichnikov looks back at Koriza, having that creepy grin still on his face. he seems really satisfied his queen and children are dead! ''agreement changed, red dragon. You will get these things, but these two purple dragons must complete the antarctic spire trial! their endorsement with that achievement will crush any question of legitimacy to the throne of Volecia I have'' Koriza's eyes go wide and she protests ''but that is not what we agr-'' you and Disarria interrupt, in choir ''we will do it'' you add ''I want my sister back, if we manage to complete it'' ''very well, you can have the whiny breeding factory once you are done. she is nothing but leverage anyway. Head for Klyanev once more and let the sheen of your scales do the talking when in the palace. the place may be a little.... rowdy'' it appears he finds civil unrest and a looming civil war... amusing? anyway, you keep up your polite pleasantries and leave. Koriza and her escort are in every corner so your friends should be same in Chernitrov for now. It's just you and Disarria now. > You say "Go to Klyanev, go to Chernitrov, go to Klyanev. Back and forward back and forward.... " You look at Disarria and say in an annoyed tone "Go to Klyanev, go to Chernitrov, go to Klyanev. Back and forward back and forward...." Disarria says in a bored tone "You know you secretly love these trips, Enty." You sigh and respond "I know... I know...." You then reply "Alright, let's get this over with." > You say "yeah, no. I want teleport. Can I take some mana from you Dis? I teleported a pretty large group so I need a bit more than I have now for just the two of us for such a vast distance." Disarria stares at you. "You want to use my power?" You nod "Yeah, I know it'll be fine." Disarria then says in a slightly worried tone "Are you sure? This isn't like before where you just needed a little bit of help. You're going to be taking a lot of my magical energy." You nod and say in a confident tone "Yeah, I'm sure." > You use restrained dark siphon on Disarria. You restrain Disarria by wrapping your tail around her body and your hands around her neck and her wings. You then begin to drain her slowly. She struggles a bit but you reassure her that everything is going to be fine. Eventually she stops struggling and falls unconscious. You finish draining her slowly and then release her. You now feel more powerful and ready to teleport to Klyanev. You take a deep breath and concentrate on the magical portal spell to Klyanev. Disarria regains consciousness slowly, you are in the city of ice of Klyanev. a circle of guards surrounds you to escort you to the palace that is currently under siege. looters and bandits are rampant you hear. > You say "Klyanev armed forces, royal guard and city guard, I assume? what is the situation in the city like?" You are escorted into the palace, where you see a large group of guards fighting a losing battle against the bandits. You see a captain yelling orders while taking cover behind a pillar. The sound of your footsteps on the marble floors causes him to look at you. He turns to one of his guards and says something before jogging over to you. > You say "Entropion and Disarria reporting in! we are the purple dragons, your salvation. how is the fight going?" The captain looks at you in awe. "The purple dragons? What are you doing here? how did you get here? the teleportation portal is down. I don't care what the situation is, you need to help us. The city guard and the royal guard are losing badly, we need all the help we can get!" You nod and say ''i'll be doing triage, Disarria, raise the dead as revenants to replenish our troops.'' > You rush over to the wounded tents, close your eyes and pay attention to your breathing. You lay on your hands and then cup them, putting them by your sides as you channel the holy light around you towards the entire triage camp. You look around you, seeing the royal guards and city guards die valiantly in battle. You stand up and run over to a severely wounded guard. You cup your hands around his chest wound and start channeling the holy light into him. He looks at you in awe as his chest wound starts closing up. You move from soldier to soldier healing them with your holy magic, by the end of it, you have saved quite a few lives and the guards are holding their own against the bandits. > You flee inside the palace with Disarria. you got an ice plateau to reach from there. you rush through the literal ice palace, to the back. you and Disarria climb multiple stairs, which, are made of ice. a serious design flaw. after going up for hundreds of metres you arrive.... south pole ice plateau. endless white painted orange by a setting sun; antarctic winter has begun. perpetual darkness will soon blanket Volecia for half a year. you see a statue of Genesion with a plaque infront of you... > You say "Trial of the world peak. yada yada yada... wander into the waste... climb mountain... yada yada cold.... drains all magical capabilities but frost. Let's just get to it, Dis, mkay?" You begin walking towards the mountain. You start shivering immediately. Trying to keep warm. after hours of walking.... strange visions begin to set in.