A Firefighter to the rescue — 10 — A wonder happens

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#10 of Firefighter

Bad Things are going to happen in here people. Yet also great Things :). Have Fun reading.

Music Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fg0VwJ9cymE&list=PLkGgJrKORcQSKdTdVDxxygQJ7JeKOhCsm&index=3&ab_channel=BrendonQelaj

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

The same goes for used Music and those Lyrics.

Tags : Story Series, Mega Evolution, Mega Lucario, No-Yiff, Death, Rebirth, Lucario,

A Firefighter to the rescue -- 10 -- A wonder happens

Fifteen minutes later

She woke up from her slumber and looked dazed around first, but then all came back to her mind. She shot up with her Body and began to scream while she looked around.

" TALA !!!"

Immediately, Joy was standing next to her side and tried to calm her by saying.

" Calm down, Tasida. All will be fine."

But she didn't follow. Instead, she moved down from the bed, which she was laying in, and tried to run towards the Center to save Tala but once she had passed Joy and saw the Center, she froze in place. The Center had gone from just burning over to totally Collapsed and Burned out.

Slowly, Tasida moved around to face Joy and once she did, she asked her in fear.

" Did he..... Came out ?"

" No..... He didn't." Joy said sad back, letting Tasida break down to her knees.

" But.... He said that.... He would be..... He would be...." She began to cry but not for long because only a few heartbeats later, someone called out from the ruin.


Suddenly, the hole place became alive and around 10 minutes later, Tala got carried out of the ruin and straight towards Joy and Tasida. Tasida now thought that all would become good but once the two Blastoise had placed the stretcher in front of them, Joy only moved up the blanket from Tala's Body only to drop it a second later and do a step backwards in fear. Seeing this, Tasida got a bad feeling inside her Body and once she looked at Tala with her Aura sight, the feeling became insane because his Aura had nearly gone. A sign that Tala would die within the next few minutes.

Her world collapsed once she saw that. She had hoped that he would make it and that she could tell him all of her feelings, but now all was about to change. She wanted to say something over to Joy, but before she could say something, Tala spoke to her.

" It's .... It's too late..... It's...."

" No !!!" Tasida said and took one of his Paws with hers.

" I.... I'm sorry that..... I have to..... Leave you alone.... P.... Promise me that.... You keep on... Living..."

" Yes Tala...." Tears began to run down her face.

Edit : Now I play some Music in the Back to increase the Situation :). Link in Description or in Comments down below. One Piece -- To the Grand Line

" If only... I've met........ Met..... NNNNHHHHH....."

His Paw dropped out of hers. He was dead.

Seeing that he had gone, her heart began to scream in pain, and she broke out in tears. In between some sobs. She managed it to say.

" No... Tala.... Please don't go ! .... I need you..... Please..... TALA ....."

She threw her Head backwards and screamed into the Air.

" I LOVE YOU !!!"

At that moment, the wonder happened.

One of her tears had hit his necklace when she had thrown her Head backwards, and another one had somehow hit her bangle. Once hit, both jewels began suddenly to glow in pure white and a moment later, both Tala's and Tasida´s Bodies were also glowing in pure white. Next Tala's Body began to fly into the Air a bit and then some kind of a light band formed between the two.

The entire show took only a few seconds, but once it was over and everyone around them was able to look at them again, everyone's eyes became wide because they all couldn't believe of what they were seeing. Right in front of them was Tasida standing and in front of her was Tala, but he had changed hardly. He had evolved into a Mega Lucario.

Seeing him standing evolved in front of her robbed Tasida her breath. She just stood there and looked at him while he slowly opened his Eyes and said to her.

" Tasida.... I've again had this dream...... No.... I was dead...."

He looked at her and became also speechless because he was looking at her with open Eyes.

" I... I.... I can.... I can see you !!!!"

Hearing that brought back some Life into her. She took all of her strength together and jumped at him while she said happily to him and under even more tears.

" TALA !!!! Your alive !!!"

She threw her arms around his neck and laid her Head on his shoulder and, under some sobs, she said three times.

" You're alive."

While she was hanging around his neck, he carefully moved his arms around her Body and began to hold her close. A few moments later then, he evolved back to a normal Lucario and once he had, they both couldn't hold back anymore. She moved her Head in front of his, told him that she'd loved him, and then their Lips met in their first, passion filled kiss.

Around them, everyone began to applaud or was standing together there with tears in his Eyes, or was simply holding the hand of someone.

Once their Lips finally disconnected, what was around two minutes or so, they both laid their Heads together and began to talk.

" I thought that I've had you lost forever." She said to him and he answered.

" I know... And I'm so, so sorry that I've had done it, my Love."

A heartbeat of silence took place before she spoke on.

" Please promise me.... That you will never leave me again... And that you will not do something like that again to me."

" I swear it.... From now on, my Life is in your soft Paws and I will never, ever do something foolish like it again."

She smiled on that because she knew better and that she told him.

" Hah... You're a sweat liar... Just come back to me alive .... If not, then I don't know what I will do."

" Haha. You know me far too well, my dear." He said, smiling back.

Afterwards, the masses and the paparazzi began to storm the scene to ask the two this and that. Tala and Tasida tried their best to answer them but after a few minutes they had enough and asked Jenny for help and of course she granted it, Lovely. Then Joy came to them and told them that she wanted to bring Tala to the next Pokémon Center in the Neighbor Town to do some checks on him, even if he would protest against it. Yet he didn't oblige. His only condition was that Tasida was allowed to stay at his side, and of course Joy allowed it.

To be continued.

A Firefighter to the rescue — 11 — An empty book for more Life

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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A Firefighter to the rescue — 09 — A High paid decision

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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A Firefighter to the rescue — 08 — Fight for your Love's treasure

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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