A Firefighter to the rescue — 11 — An empty book for more Life

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#11 of Firefighter

Almost there folks. Only one Story to go for this Series. Have fun reading and listening :).

Show Music : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8EOWgsh5ew&list=PLkGgJrKORcQSKdTdVDxxygQJ7JeKOhCsm&index=4&ab_channel=HighwindIV

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

The same goes for used Music and those Lyrics.

Tags: First Time, Yiff, M/F, Straight, Show, Sex, Story Series, Lucario, Knot, Impregnation, Doggystyle, Missionary, Pain, Penis,

A Firefighter to the rescue -- 11 -- An empty book for more Life

Back in Reality,

Honon turned over to the next page and wanted to read on, but he couldn't because at that moment, Tala and Tasida stopped their sharing of their Aura sight and of course Honon started to protest.

" Why are you stooping now ? Isn't there coming more ?"

" There is more. Two more pages to be exactly, but your Mother and I have made a little decision." Said Tala with a smile.

" What decision and when did you make it ?" Honon asked, a bit sad.

" Well..." His Mother started. " Joy came to us yesterday and told us that your training efforts are starting to stay in place, and she asked us to change that. And while you were so deep in the Story, we both decided that it would be time to give you a target to train for, or better said two targets."

" O..... K..... What should I do ?" Honon was now more excited than before.

" We want you to train your Aura sight just as we did and....." His father said with a big smile. " We want it that you are going to train it while you are traveling around the world together with Sabrina, who will start her Pokémon trainer journey next week."

" R... REALLY ???!!!" Honon nearly jumped up from the sofa. " I'M REALLY TRAVELING WITH HER ???!!!"

" Yeah. She had asked us a few Days ago if we would allow her that you will be her starter Pokémon but...." Honon interrupted his Mother with a very loud.


But she quickly brought him down by saying.

" But we have not agreed to it until now !!!"

Honon´s Body speak immediately changed, and he said in a more than pleading voice.

" Oh please Mom and Dad !!! Please let me go !!! I have always dreamed of traveling around the world, and with Sabrina it would be even more exciting to do it. PPPLLLEEEEAAASSSEEEE !!!"

The two began to smile on that. They had already decided to let him go. Yet they wanted to test his determination of learning, and so they told him.

" If you really want to go with her, you will have to train more with your friends and comrades at school. And we are awaiting that, IF we allow you to travel with Sebastian's daughter, that you are able to use Aura sight on your return."

" I try it. I promise I try it to learn it..... But I think that.... I have to become stronger first for it." Honon answered, and that answer was the answer that the two had hoped to hear from their Son.

Once all of that was clear, Honon took the book up from the ground, which he had dropped as he had jumped up from the sofa, and closed it. While he closed it, a question came up in his Mind or better said two and those he immediately asked his parents.

" By the way.... Can you give me a little hint of what is standing on the next two pages and... What is standing on the rest of the pages ? They are still so many left."

" Well...." Tala started. " On these two pages are the describing of our best two Days in our Life standing and the rest pages are empty."

" Why are they empty ?"

His Mother now spoke.

" These pages are for you. Once you are able to see and write with your Aura, it's up to you to fill these pages with your Life experiences. Just as like as we did."

" I .... See...." Honon only answered.

" Now then, little one. It's getting late, and you are already being up longer than it's good for you. Go and make yourself ready for Bed, Honon." Said his Mother.

" OK." Answered Honon and began to move towards the toilet, but before he was out of the room he stopped, turned around and said over to them.

" I'm proud of being your Son."

These words warmed Tala's and Tasida´s Hearts really deeply.

30 minutes later

Tala had brought his Son to bed, and now he was back in the living room, sitting on the sofa next to his Mate. They were sitting in front of their book and were reading the last two pages of it.

Three Weeks after the Fire and his rebirth,

The Days had gone by like not happened. They both had travelled to the neighbor Town to let Joy do her research and checks on Tala's Body and after two Days, he was officially called a medical wonder. There wasn't any sign that he had ever being blind or that a bone in his Body had been broken.

On the third day, he was allowed to travel back home and there, he and Tasida were greeted like VIP'S. Nearly everyone of the Town greeted them on the Town entrance and the Mayor shacked his Hands with them, plus he gave them a medal. Yet they both didn't like that. Especially he because he had done only his job, but here they were. In the middle of attention. As soon as they were able to leave, they did it and as if Sebastian had smelled it, he was waiting at his Home, together with his Wife and some Keys at hand. Once the two wanted to ask him of what that meant, Sebastian told them that these were the Keys to their own little house and that they were from now on free to act around like they wanted.

The House they earned was laying at the end of the street, and it wasn't as little as they thought it would be. It was having two floors and on each floor were 4 rooms. Furthermore, from the first moment on, when they did the first step into it, they both knew that these was the right house. The house in where they wanted to live their life, to nurse up their Kits and die when they're old.

Another 3 weeks later,

They both had filled the house with many things and Love. Yet since one week, Tala was acting strangely in her sight. He left the house very early in the mornings and came back very late in the evening and each time when she asked him of where he had been, he only said that it would be a secret.

Yet today, she had enough of that. Today, she wanted to get to know of what he was hiding in front of her. She had already made herself some thoughts of what it was, and one thought was driving her nuts. Does he maybe meets another female ? If that thought would be true, that would make her crazy, and she would kill him and herself. Yet everything came much different.

She had gotten up earlier than him and was now waiting for him in the living room. She knew that he had to pass through here to leave the house, and she exactly knew the time he always left, but something was different today. He was late. Very late and she already thought that he would not come, but then she heard him coming down the steps and only a few seconds later, he appeared in the living room.

" AHH !!! There you are. I was searching for you." He said with a smile, but she directly confronted him by saying.

" Tala ! I want to know of what you are hiding before me. I want you to show it to me today, and I'm not...." He cut her.

" I know, and that is why I was searching you. I wanted it to show you today."

Now she was a bit surprised. With many things she had calculated but not with that.

" Believe me..." He went on. " I really don't want it to hide it before you. I'm also pretty sure that you already made yourself the worst thoughts over it, like... What if he maybe has another female...."

Her mouth dropped open on that, and he began to smile brightly.

" I would never do that to you, my Love." He went on again. " My heart belongs only to you and if I would really do something like that to you than I would be more than happy if you would take my Life from my worthless body. You are all I need. You and your never ending Love and...... well..... ÄÄÄHHH.... Soon that.... Thing between your Legs." He blushed deeply on the last few words, just like her.

For a few heart beats on there was only silence between them, but then a sound filled the emptiness.


His Stomach had woken up and in deep shame he covered it while he said.

" Well.... I guess that it's time for breakfast, don't you think."

She began to laugh but not because of the sound. It was because of the way he now looked. Shortly afterwards, they were both sitting in the kitten and eating some berries. Once they were done, he went upstairs while she waited in the living room. A few heartbeats later, he came back with a pocket on his side, and she began to ask herself of what was in it. Yet he refused to tell her of what was in it when she asked him.

" You will see it soon enough." Came back as his only answer.

Together they walked through the entire Town, towards the place of where the theater had reopened its tent for more shows. Yet once they arrived, she saw a sign on the entrance that indicated that today was no show.

" Why are we here ?" She asked him. " It's closed today."

"I know." Was his first answer. " But for us, it's open today."

" ÄÄÄHHH.... Alright but still .... Why are we here ?" She had asked that while Tala had leaded her inside the tent, and he brought her towards the stage, on which was only one chair standing, he told her.

" Do you remember the Boy we saved last ?"

" Of course I do." She answered.

" Well... As it turned out, he was the son of the theater's boss and a few of the Pokémon Babies we saved were from here also. So.... They asked me if there would be a way to repay us for saving them all."

" I see.... And ?" She asked while she sat down in a chair.

" Well.... First I wasn't sure, but then an idea came up in my mind and once I told them it, they were really eager to fulfil it and so... I trained with them over the last week and today... well... I want to show you the result of it."

" O.... K.... Are you staying on my side to watch the show ?"

" Actually not because.... I'm part of the show."

" Oh !!!" She began to wonder of what was awaiting her, and her Body began to act like it.

" Calm down." He said immediately. " You will surely love it. Just sit back, relax and enjoy the show with your Aura sight only.... Oh! And before I forget it. On the end, I want you to hold it for a few seconds longer before you end it. That's really important."

" What do you mean ?"

" You'll see." Tala said with a smile and walked up to the stage, where he greeted everyone of the theater team.

Shortly afterwards, each one moved over into a corner or took his seat on a music instrument on the sides of the state. Once everyone was in place, Tala took out a strange looking object from his side back, that he had taken with him from home, and began to hold it in front of his mouth. First, she didn't recognize the object but then, after a heartbeat, she remembered it.

It was a Pokémon Ocarina. Not that one that Humans were playing. This one was a special design for Pokemon only. Its Body was looking like a boat or something with a hole on his upside and three on his front. On the back was a wheel which could be turned to force out some different tones. The upside hole was for being breathed into and out of the front were the tones coming out.

On that look, Tasida wondered even more. She had heard that there were not many Pokemon out there who could play such a fluke because it was very hard for them to play it, and she never had seen Tala play on it either. Yet she hoped that he could play it nicely like everything he did, but she was also ready for a disaster. But in the end, she wasn't even slightly prepared for what he had in store for her. He took a deep breath, set the fluke onto his Lips, closed his Eyes and began to play.

Edit : Again, I paced some good Music here. I hope you all will like it :). Link in the description or the commends below. Lugia´s Song.

First he was only standing there, playing a wonderful Melody, but then something around him changed. Tasida saw through her Aura Sight that an immense Aura began to adjust behind him, which suddenly began to move upwards and formed a Lugia. The form was visible only for a second before it vanished in a Lugia scream. Next, the Aura formed something like a scene behind Tala. A Scene which she quickly recognized as a memory. A memory of her past which she had told him. A Memory of how she had landed in the Pokemon Center.

Shortly afterwards the scene changed, and she saw a new scene, but this time it wasn't one of her Memories. It was one of his. It was the memory of his accident, in which he had lost his Eye lights and had moved into the Center as well. From there on, the scenes were ones from their united Memories or at last of how Tala had imagined them to be. For example. How they both met. How they trained together. Of how they had shared their first date and so on. In the end, she saw what she didn't wanted to see again. His Body on the stretcher and his rebirth with her help.

From a certain point on, she began to fight against her feelings. All the scenes were going deep into her heart and the feelings of the memories went with it there, and so she was deeply fighting her tears. She did a good job doing that, but that was until Tala did his next move. The melody ended as it has started and once Tala had ended it, he quickly laid the fluke down on the state, grabbed something from his side back and jumped over to Tasida´s side. Next he took her Left Paw with his and kneeled down in front of her.

She already wanted to ask him of what that meant, but then she heard another Lugia scream and once she looked over to the state, she couldn't fight her tears back any longer. The Lugia Aura had changed one last time, and this time it had formed some words. Words she had deeply hoped to hear from him someday.

" Tasida. Will you be my Mate ?"

Her Ears dropped, and she bit down on her lower lips while she slowly moved her Head downwards, but once she faced Tala, she began to sob loudly and her tears began to form rivers because he had done something with her left arm. To be exactly, he had moved something around it.

For us Humans it would be a Ring that we would give our Partner of Life, but for Pokemon it was a bit different. They were using a Robe from a special tree. A Tree which was being said to have some Magical abilities because it was standing green all over the Year.

Such a Robe, Tala had moved around her arm and was now waiting for her answer. Yet these robe was a bit different from normal. It had a golden color and some little glittering stones were shining on it.

Tasida was in heaven. With a shaking Paw, she took the open end of the Rope, took Tala's left arm and moved it around it also. Once finished, the Robe began to glow together with their jewels and disappeared into those, building some beautiful ornaments on it.

The bond had been sealed and before one of them would say a word, they were deeply and passingly kissing each other and while they did that, they both managed to write the answer under the Question.

" Yes. I will !!!"

Everyone around them began to applaud and after 5 Minutes of nonstop kissing, they finally broke to gain some Air. Once they had some back, they both said to each other simultaneity.

" I Love you."

Then they both got up, she cleaned her eyes from her tears, and together they thanked each one for their help. Afterwards, they began to walk slowly home, hand in hand and smiling all over their entire faces.

Once they reached their Home, around one hour later, they both somehow began to feel uncomfortable, and she was the first who asked of what they both now wanting.

" Darling. ..." She started. " You mentioned..... That you.... Would need my pussy soon."

"ÄÄÄHHH Yeah...." He said blushing.

" Do you.... Ähm..... Do you.... ÄÄÄHHHH..... Want it now ?"

He gulped deeply a few times because he had wanted it for already so long, but now he didn't want to hesitate it. Yet, but before he could think of it, his Body spoke by taking her arm and slowly beginning to move towards their bedroom. None of them spoke a word on their little walk until they reached the room. Once inside, she closed the door and nearly immediately afterwards, she was pinned against it.

Tala hadn't been able to control himself any longer. He was pressing his Body against hers and his paws had begun to play on her Body. His Right Paw was slowly moving around her chest spike, where female Lucarios were a bit more sensitive, and his left paw had moved straight between her Legs and there he began to softly stroke her.

Nearly immediately, she began to moan and shake in delight. Yet she felt somehow discomforting with all. That was why she told him.

" Tala.... Please wait...."

" I'm.... Sorry Tas...... I cannot.... Control myself..... My Body..... Isn't....."

She felt that his Penis had begun to emerge from his sheath, and she knew that it would not take him long to bring it into use. So she took all of her strength together that she had left, grabbed his Paws with hers and maneuvered herself out of his grip.

He deeply growled on that action, and he immediately tried to pin her again, but he failed. She was too quick for him. She moved a step to the side and dodged his pinning try. Afterwards, she moved quickly over to their bed and stepped onto it. Once on, she turned herself around to face him but once she began, she felt two strong Paws on her back who were forcing her forward, so that she was now in a Doggy position. Only a second later she felt a cold, little round thing hitting her most private area.

She knew that this was his tip, and she also knew of what was coming and that he wouldn't let her go again. So she fixed her stand and said to him while she readied herself.

" Please, Darling .... Be gentle to..... To..... AHHH...... AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH !!!!"

He hadn't waited or answered. He had just pushed himself forward without some holding back. Her Lips had first been a barricade but only for a second. Then she had opened, and he buried his tip and 3 of his 7 inches inside her.

Pain ran through her entire Body, and she began to bleed from the sudden entrance, but that was only the start. When he had buried his three inches inside, she felt something that she had never felt. Deep inside her Body, she felt his tip pressing against something and once he retreated, she began to think.

OH, God!!! This is it !!! Now he takes my Hymn !!! Now he will .....


It had happened. He had pushed back inside and this time he buried his entire length inside her. Now she was no Virgin anymore. Now there was no running away again. She was his, and he was hers and soon, she would be claimed as Wife and Mate. Soon he would hammer his Penis in and out of her, and she wasn't even slightly able to resist it. The moment she had always feared since she had become known to Sex had passed, and now she knew that it was about to become even better.

Tala heard some sobs and saw some tears running down her face. He really tried to get some control of his Body back, but the only thing that he was able to do was moving all over her Body and whispering into her Ear before he began to hump her.

" I'm so sorry. I really wanted..... To be... Gentle..... GAH..... But my Body.... Is resisting my will."

Then he began. First he slowly moved out of her until only one inch and his tip remained inside her. There he waited a few seconds, and then he moved back in and that in a fast and hard pace, letting her scream in pain. This he repeated about then times before he began to give her a series of 10 very short and really hard humps, which meant that he only retreated one inch before he slammed himself back in. Afterwards, he began to hump her without a rhythm or count.

She felt like as if she had been speared. The feelings of his Penis inside her tunnel was undescribable, and she wanted to tell him that he should pull out of her, but then she heard him whispering into her ear.

" Now you will be mine." And shortly afterwards, she knew that she had to deal with even more pain now.

First she began to feel heavenly empty because he had pulled out of her and once he had withdrawn, he grabbed her waist and swung her around. Then he lifted her a bit and kneeled down with her. There, he pushed her backwards, so that he was pinning her in a Missionary position. Soon afterwards, he was back inside her, letting her wish to be elsewhere. The pain was nearly unbearable, and she screamed it out loud in hope, that at last this would stop him, but instead she got hard hump after hard hump.

Somehow, she managed it to become fit with these humps, but then he changed his rhythm, and she screamed again. Yet again she somehow managed it to become fit with it also and once he lost control of his rhythm, she did the first moan of this session. It was a low one and only some kind of reflex, but it triggered something inside them both. Their Instincts had become alive.

With each hump from him, she moaned louder and the pain inside her Body faded away while he began to rut her like no tomorrow. His Penis had already swollen to its final size and length, but he still felt that there was space left inside her tunnel. Yet, the only thing that was left on his Penis to go in was his Knot, which was already at the size of a walnut and too big to enter her thin tunnel. Yet he desperately wanted to move it inside somehow and that was why he forced all of his strength into his lower Body to penetrate her at his highest pace.

She felt that he began to hump against her with much more force and speed, and she gave all she was able to press herself against him. Yet she knew that she was about to lose all of her strength because he was overpowering her already. Yet she somehow didn't want to give up. She wanted to show him that she wasn't an easy lay, but she also wanted to feel all of his length inside after some time. She wanted to feel his entire length and his knot inside her tunnel so terribly that she tried all to help him. Yet, for her sake, she was still too tight for him.

Then everything came as it should. From one moment to another, she lost all of her strength and came. She came so hard that his entire Knot front became wet and with that wetness, he finally managed it to sink his knot in.

Once in, he only needed two very hard humps, to let his knot swell to its full size and become greeted by her walls while his tip had fully entered her cervix. This was it, finally ! His Orgasm hit him like a rock and they both began to screamed out their Names into the Air while his Seed erupted into her Egg Chamber.

Afterwards, their Bodies became weak and cold.

She was the first who fainted to sleep, closely followed by him. Yet he managed it to hold her close to warm her Body overnight. Yet, what they both didn't knew. The Robes had done a bit more than fusing with their jewels.

So to say, as a final reward, she had entered her Heat cycle and there was a good chance that she would become pregnant.

To be continued.

A Firefighter to the rescue — 12 — Their second-best Day

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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A Firefighter to the rescue — 10 — A wonder happens

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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A Firefighter to the rescue — 09 — A High paid decision

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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