Ferry Tail

Story by FurryCavour on SoFurry

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Desmond isn't very experienced when it comes to travel, leaving him unprepared for mundane maritime mishaps like finding a naked milf in your cabin.

It was supposed to be a simple ferry ride.

Desmond was the kind of person who let his annual leave build up. Not because he loved his job - accountancy work for local government was exactly as interesting as it sounded - but because his personal life was only mildly less dull. Holidays sounded fun, maybe, but they also sounded like a lot of effort.

Well, no more. After yet again maxing out his vacation credit, Desmond was taking his first steps toward international adventure. Small steps. Which weren't going well.

To get a taste for travel, Desmond had arranged a very basic trip. No airports, for one thing. All he would do was take a ferry, overnight, from Ireland to northern France. He would stay at a port-side hotel for the weekend, giving him the chance to use the beach and try local cuisine and see if he could buy anything interesting from the nearby shops. Tuesday morning, he'd be back in work, with at least a few anecdotes for his colleagues.

But so far, he feared his anecdotes would all be stressful and bitter. He completely misjudged traffic, so he arrived to the port well behind his intended schedule and with sweat caked under his orange fur. Then came the long, slow queue to board, leaving him stuck in his car for what felt like hours. Even when he made it to the front of the line, the immigration official took a weirdly long time with his passport. Maybe she didn't recognize the calm, boring fox in the photo against the sweaty, fretful creature before her.

Then he boarded, then he waited for clearance to leave his car, then he gathered up his meagre luggage... and then he got lost. Misinterpreting his ticket, he ended up on the opposite end of the ship. Desmond lugged his bags around, growing increasingly stressed as his cabin failed to materialise. He eventually had to ask for help from a crew member who gave the impression he had better things to do.

The seagull led him to the right section, straight to the cabin door, as though suspecting Desmond would immediately get lost again once unattended. "See?" he muttered, pointing to the number by the door. "A69, like on the ticket. You were in the F section."

"Um, thanks!"

The seagull grunted and went to leave.

Desmond sighed quietly. He reminded himself he was on holiday. It wasn't that surprising he was running into some trouble - the whole point of this was to get used to travelling. Besides, he could relax now.

His keycard beeped and the door opened and there was a naked woman in his cabin.

She was a tigress, middle-aged and soft. Her striped fur was still slightly damp from the shower she had evidently taken. She was flicking through a magazine as she sat on Desmond's bed, in Desmond's cabin, facing Desmond's door. Her relaxed posture - thick thighs parted - gave him a view of everything.

Obviously, she noticed the door open. But all she did was meet his panicked gaze with gleaming red eyes and a smile. "Oh. Hello, love."

Desmond did the only thing he could. He yelped an apology and slammed the door.

After a moment or two of processing the sight - those plush curves had been burned into his memory - he realized he would need to immediately ask for more help. The seagull, having heard the commotion, was watching from the end of the corridor.

"What's this now?"

"A-are you sure I'm in A69?"

"Sure if you weren't, the keycard wouldn't work, would it?"

"There's, uh, someone-"

Desmond's heart leapt to his throat as he heard the door beside him open.

To his relief, she had put on a robe. She smiled at him, then the sailor. "Hello, boys."

The seagull squinted, then strode over. "Hiya. You in here?"

"A69. That's what it says on my ticket."

She purred her words with a pleasant blended accent. Desmond recognised the London half, but he could only pinpoint the other element as 'somewhere south of China'.

"Why?" she said. "Is this young man supposed to be here instead?"

Before Desmond could stammer a reply, the sailor sighed loudly. "Hold on 'til I call someone..."

A few minutes of conversational limbo followed. The tigress waited patiently. Desmond got the impression she wanted to chat, but what was he supposed to say? 'Sorry for seeing you naked'? 'Thanks for not screaming'? 'Great tits by the way'??

Thankfully, an attendant was swiftly dispatched to the scene. A graceful swan with impeccable feathers explained that an unprecedented glitch had meant the room's online booking had been available twice.

"So sorry for the inconvenience! Please let us know if there's anything we can get you - it's fully complimentary."

"Ooh." The tigress grinned, her fangs perfect. "I'd love a bit of champagne."

"W-wait wait." Desmond pulled together the courage to interject. "Didn't you... skip a beat, there? Like, what are we actually going to do? Is there another room?"

The swan's face fell. "Sadly, no. All our rooms are booked on this voyage. We're committed to finding a solution, but..."

Perfect. Perfect. Desmond felt the cold fingers of stress creeping of his spine yet again. Of course he didn't get the cabin he paid for. Of course he'd end up sleeping in his car, hugging a bottle of champagne as though that was any help. Of-

"That eager to get rid of me, eh?"

He blinked. "What?"

"Do we really need to switch around?" said this woman, in her soft accent. Naked under her robe. "It's a small cabin, but a big bed. And only for a night. I don't mind."

"Oh, really?" said the swan. "Not to pressure you, but that would certainly be the simplest approach. If you're both comfortable, of course." She turned to Desmond. "Sir?"

They were both looking at him. He had to say something now.

His first instinct was to say no, but only because that was always his first instinct. That was why he was taking this dumb little holiday in the first place. It would be awkward to share such a small space with a stranger, especially after that first impression. But more awkward than waiting, maybe in vain, for the crew to find him something else? At least now he had a place for his bags.

"Yes," he managed. "That's fine with me, too. A-as long as she's happy with it, that is."

"Of course I am, love!" Emphatic, but encouraging. "It was my idea."


"Brilliant!" said the attendant. "Thanks so much for your flexibility on this, we'll reimburse you any way we can. Starting with that champagne."

"Chocolates, too," said the tigress, without missing a beat. "Nice ones."

"Right away!"

Just like that, Desmond found himself alone in a very small room with... her.

She gave him a friendly slap on the shoulder, startling him. "So! Nice to meet you, roomie. I'm Mira."

"Hi. Desmond."

"Oh, Desmond. Lovely name. Well, leave your bags wherever!"

His two small backpacks were soon left amidst a considerable pile of luggage, ruled over by a huge, dark pink travel case. "Are these... all yours?"

"'Fraid so!" she laughed. "I had help in the taxi and help on the ship, but in between, it was just little old me. Good thing the showers in here are nice." She sat heavily on the bed, giving him a grin. "Although we all know how that turned out, eh...?"

Desmond still didn't know how to address that. The issue suddenly became more pressing. "Uh, Mira...?"


Wordlessly, he pointed to the seam of her robe. Her movement had caused it to pop open. Half of a wide, dark nipple peeked out at him.

Mira looked down - and laughed lightly. "Oh, come now. Nothing you haven't seen already, right?"


"Listen," she said, her voice dipping. Low and smooth. "I can tell you're a nice young man. If you'd been... unkind, about our little mishap, I wouldn't've suggested sharing. But I hope you're not too far in the other direction. It's a small room, Desmond. You're going to see some stuff. Are you comfortable with that?"

He cleared his throat. Didn't want to make her uncomfortable, either. "Oh, it's just... I'm not too used to, uh. 'Stuff'."

"Awwh, poor boy..."

Her look of sympathy soon slid into something else.

"...I could change that, of course."

Desmond stiffened. That was the only word for it. He felt it in his spine and his tail and... elsewhere.

She just sat there, so casual and so confident, in her flimsy robe. She was right; he knew exactly what lay underneath it. And the idea that she was offering that to him... That he could just...

"I'm," he squeaked, "gonna shower. Too. Now. Need one."

"Good idea, love," she purred. "I won't go anywhere."

Only when he locked the bathroom door did Desmond feel like he could breathe again.

This was, it went without saying, not at all what he anticipated from this evening. He would wander around the ship a bit, then read something and go to sleep. In his quiet, empty cabin.

But once the initial shock wore off, Desmond began to realize just how lucky he was. This was exactly the kind of experience he would not from by staying at home. There was no sense holding back. He should make the most of this opportunity.

First things first, of course. He removed his clothes, leaving them where he could within the confines of the tiny bathroom. Once naked, he took a moment to examine himself in the mirror. He had never been impressed with his figure; too skinny in most places, he thought, but somehow not skinny enough at the stomach.

But Mira wore her curves very well. He wondered how much of it was, rather than a question of your actual body, just down to attitude. If you thought you were hot, you were hot. And Mira was definitely hot.

Desmond tried to just focus on showering.

It was, as promised, a pretty good setup. Before he knew it, he was done. Mira, obviously with the same initial impression he had about having this cabin to herself, had already used all the towels. Even the driest one carried her scent. As he ran it over his crotch, Desmond couldn't help but think about where it had been; what it had caressed. His cock stirred.

Working with limited dry-towel resources, it took him several minutes to fix his fur. In that time, he came to a decision. It was a truly terrifying plunge to take, but he had to promise himself not to squander this chance. Scary as it was, when he remembered the way Mira smirked at him, the way her eyes gleamed, he felt reassured.

He opened the door without getting dressed.

"Hey, I'm done..."

He gave her plenty of visual warning, just in case she had a total change in disposition. A bare leg first, then a bare arm. When that wasn't met with any horrified yelling, Desmond slowly shuffled, fully naked, into view...

...of those same feline eyes, now drinking him in,

"Oh, Desmond..." Mira made sure to look over his whole body, but her eyes were mostly, shamelessly focused on his soft, white balls. The attention made his dick stir again. "And you told me you weren't used to things like this..."

"Well, I'm, uh... on holiday, right?"

"Right," she purred. "Well, I'm very glad you've decided to get comfortable. Especially since I can stop bothering with this!"

With a smooth motion, she undid her robe and let it fall away. Once again, Desmond had unrestricted access to her heavy breasts, her fluffy stomach, her soft pussy. The difference, of course, was that now they were both naked - and both willing participants.

"Don't just stand there, love." Mira patted the bed next to her. Right next to her. "I don't bite... much."

Crossing the tiny room seemed to take forever. Until it didn't. He sat beside her, thigh to naked thigh, and without the slightest pause she was wrapping a friendly arm around his body. She held him in a half-hug, her paw resting low on his stomach.

"How's that, love?" Up close, her voice was a soft, warm purr. "Comfortable...?"

"Yeah... Very."

"Good." Softer. Warmer. "Now do me a favour, handsome... Open your mouth, and close your eyes..."

Desmond didn't think twice about depriving himself of the view. Not when he could just reach out and touch her instead. Not when the idea of following her lead, and seeing what she had in store, was far more enticing than anything he could glimpse.

He sat there, mouth open and eyes closed, as her body shifted towards his - moving with purpose toward his parted lips -

And she stuck something into his mouth.

Desmond blinked, instinctively pulling back a little. Something sweet was melting on his tongue.

"Room service stopped by while you were showering." Mira grinned at him with the playful spirit of a teenager. "Bottle of champagne and a box of chocolate, each! How's that for a picnic, eh?"

"Oh! Sounds good."

She had put her box of chocolate on her lap while he wasn't looking. He reached in and took one, and, after asking with his eyes, returned the favour. The way her lips brushed his fingertips felt great. So did the belated realization that he had, without hesitation or anxiety, reached out in the exact direction of her naked pussy. It was true; he really was comfortable.

As they shared the chocolates and cracked open one of the bottles (drinking, sinfully, from the room's complimentary plastic cups), they chatted. Mira was a divorced mother of two. She also had a fairly senior position at a big company in London - and had negotiated that, in exchange for a step down in her salary, she got an entire month off every summer.

"Extra, that is," she added. "It's not like I have to come in on Christmas or weekends either."

"Oh, wow."

"I like my job just fine, but it'll never be more fun than taking a trip to Australia, or Peru - or India, of course. Air travel's gotten a bit gauche now, though, so this year I decided to just hop on a few ferries and see what was nearby. I loved Ireland," she purred, dipping from conversational tones to something breathier, "especially the people..."

"I'm glad...!" Desmond felt his cock twitch again. There was no way she missed it, either.

"And now on to France," she said, continuing this perfectly normal conversation. "I've been meaning to ask, actually-"

Her question was cut off. Throughout the last few minutes, the background hum of the ship's huge engines had been steadily building. Desmond had intended to go on deck and watch the coast slowly pull away, but that kind of light entertainment had slipped entirely from his mind.

Instead, when the ferry set off, he was right next to a naked milf.

There was a jolt that ran through the entire ship. Nothing major, but enough that they both felt it - and Mira, relaxed and taken by surprise, got jerked forward. Desmond instinctively went to steady her as her body, her breasts, her nipples got pushed into his chest.

"Oh, easy! Are you okay?"

But Mira didn't reply. Not at first. She stayed exactly where she was, her nose by his neck, her arm around his back, her tits pressed up against him.

When she finally met his gaze, all she had to do was whisper.

"More than okay." That voice... Desmond nearly shivered. "And I think I'm finished with the picnic. Are you?"

It was all he could do to nod.

"Then please, Desmond," she breathed, "fuck me."

There are requests from a lady you simply can't turn down.

Getting ready was as simple as putting their food and cups aside. They were already naked, after all. All Mira had to do was lie back and spread her thick thighs.

Standing over her soft, curvy body, Desmond was filled with nervous excitement - and hesitation. What was he supposed to do? Just dive right in? It would be more tasteful to start by kissing her, but he didn't know whether to move his mouth to hers, or to her chest, or right between her legs...

He unfroze when he felt her foot lazily caressing his thigh. "Bit spellbound by the view, are we?"


"Hush. It's quite a compliment." She curled a finger. "C'mere. Just get close, first..."

Instructions helped. Desmond joined her on the bed, climbing over her until their bodies aligned. Warm paws drew him in. His cock, harder and harder by the moment, rested comfortably on the soft folds between her stomach and crotch.

"That's it. Perfect." Her gentle encouragements made his whole body tingle. But they were, of course, only the start.

One paw drifted down until it was shamelessly groping his ass. Desmond had no objections to being fondled like that - which was good, since the other paw was keeping his head in place as Mira pulled him into a firm, deep kiss.

Desmond let himself relax against her. Her tongue was thick and wet and confident, and he was fine with it going anywhere it liked. There was no sound in their cabin except for the distant thrum of engines, the wet sounds of Mira dominating his mouth, and the occasional sigh or purr from Desmond as he got used to this pleasurable adventure.

He almost sank into a stupor, content to submit totally and just let her use him. He only roused when he remembered his promise to himself. Making the most of this could mean being completely passive, if that's truly what he wanted. But he could do more. All he had to do was reach out.

His hands moved down her body, starting at her shoulders and caressing the soft fur of her arms. But that wasn't his goal. Aafter shifting position a little, he got the angle he needed to take hold of both her breasts.

They felt as good as they looked. Warm, plush, and hefty. Her nipples responded eagerly to his touch - as did Mira herself, giving a low growl of approval without breaking the kiss.

It continued like that for a few minutes. He fondled her, she fondled him, and their tongues stayed locked together. But Desmond wanted more. All the hesitation was melting from his mind like ice. New desires filled the gap, and it was just a matter of picking which one to act on... first.

Her heavy chest, so inviting, settled as his top priority. He broke the kiss (with some slight difficulty), but only because he had taken one of her tits in his hand. He had to taste it. He needed it. He wrapped his lips around her nipple, taking a long lick-


Just like that, the ice of hesitation came rushing back. Desmond froze, worrying what he had done wrong.

"Stop," she groaned. Helpless. "Stop teasing. I need your cock. I need it! Fuck me now, god!"

Nevermind. Everything was fine. Much, much better than fine.

Desmond climbed back off the bed to regroup. Mira was sprawled on the covers, her tits heaving with every shaky breath. Her pussy was fully wet. Begging for him.

"Please..." She wiggled her hips until her legs were hanging off the bed. Then she reached down and parted herself with two fingers. It looked like a familiar motion. "Right here. Put it right here, gorgeous. I need to feel you inside me..."

No more hesitation. Desmond aligned himself. When his tip brushed against her lips, they both exhaled, their arousal pounding in sync.

He took hold of her by the waist - her fur was so soft under his fingers - and then he pushed in.

Desmond made a breathy noise he would've called embarrassing. But it was completely buried by Mira crying out in pleasure. Her eyes screwed shut and she practically yowled, her fangs on display. Desmond began to worry how soundproof these cabins were, and then immediately discarded the thought.

All he wanted to think about was her wet, warm pussy.

He pressed on, pushing deeper into her. Each new inch was greeted by gentle twitches of her walls, urging him to give her everything. He was sure she would be encouraging him verbally, too, except for the fact she was too busy groaning wantonly and groping her own tits. That was encouraging, too.

He changed his approach. Instead of dumbly pushing forward in a straight line, he tried a rhythm. Pull out just a little, push in more. Pull out, push in, pull out, push in... However slowly, however gently, he was doing it. Desmond was fucking this beautiful stranger.

Just like that, he found himself buried to the hilt inside her. Under him, Mira's eyelid fluttered open. "Is that... Are you totally inside...?"

Desmond might've felt embarrassed by that question, but there was nothing unkind about her tone. Just confirming. He nodded, stroking her hips with his hands.


Then, with a speed and power that made him suspect the helpless groaning may have been at least slightly exaggerated, she threw her legs around him and crossed her ankles. Trapped.

"Now fuck me," she purred. "And don't stop until I feel that foxy cum inside me, alright, love?"

His dick twitched inside her. "Y... yeah!"

He got to work. It wasn't like her thighs were actually impeding his movements; just providing wonderful fur-to-fur sensations as he went back to thrusting. At first, his movements were steady and careful. He didn't want to get overwhelmed, so he deliberately set a gentle pace.

The pleasure began to mount. Every nerve ending on his cock was transmitting pleasure up his body until his brain was basking in it. His thrusts began to get faster, and harder. Biological imperatives wanted to take over, and he wanted to let them.

Mira was extremely clear about her own wants. "Ohhh... That's it, gorgeous, don't hold back... Fffucking hell, that's good..."

She let out a low, throaty groan. It was such a turn-on to see a refined, mature woman acting like this. Maybe too much of a turn-on. "M-Mira..."

"Oh, Desmond~..."

"Nnno, uh, Mira-?!"


No doubt she caught the edge of panic in his voice. With tender confidence, she detached one of his hands from her waist and held it in her own.

"I said I wanted your cum," she murmured, "and I wasn't lying. It's okay to let go, love, don't worry..."

She took his other hand, too. But she led it elsewhere.

"Especially since..."

Desmond found himself being guided back to her breasts - the same breast he had sucked on. Mira helped him take a firm handful of her soft flesh.

"...we have all night together~."

"Oh fuck-!"

It was all too much. He was holding her hand and groping her chest and fucking her wet pussy, all while she whispered promises of the hours to come. Maybe the whole weekend! Mira knew exactly what she was doing, and he was in her capable hands for as long as he wanted.

Desmond came. Hard.

Tension had been slowly building in his body since he first saw her. That initial glimpse, then the shower, then the fully-nude conversation, and now, finally, release. His balls tightened, his thrusts instinctively sped up, and his cum began to flood out.

"Haahhh...!" Desmond felt like he had totally lost control of his body. He couldn't hold back a loud moan, or stop his face from screwing up. His whole body shivered uselessly, except his hips, which pumped Mira's pussy entirely at their own pace. All the while, more and more of his jizz was drilled into her warm snatch.

Even as his pleasure spiked, and he rode out a powerful orgasm, he couldn't help but overthink things. Why was Mira so quiet? He forced himself to, at least, turn his gaze to her.

The answer surprised him. For such a... vivacious person, Mira wasn't that loud.

The only sound she was making was a purr, low and breathy and uneven. But two things told him she wasn't faking a thing. Firstly, her face was the picture of ecstasy. Eyes fluttering and mouth open and tongue lolling happily.

More importantly, her walls were twitching like crazy.

Her body hungrily took everything it could from him. The motions of her pussy, constricting and massaging his dick, prolonged his orgasm. That meant more cum, prolonging her climax too. With a sharp inhale, Desmond gave one final thrust, getting as deep as he could inside her. She wanted him to empty his balls into her, and he wanted that too.

But they both had their limits. After a few moments, Desmond was spent. He felt his cock softening within her walls as arousal gave way to a profound satisfaction. Mira continued to ride her gentler orgasm, twitching and sighing. Eventually, she stilled too.

The only thing that made Desmond move was the tiredness in his bones - he was still on his feet, after all. He pulled out, but gradually, slow enough for them to both enjoy the lingering sensations.

Mira did two things before she had even caught her breath. First, she wiggled back, settling her lower body back on the bed. By bending her legs up, she stopped the slow drip of Desmond's cum, leaving it comfortably pooled in her pussy instead.

Then, she wordlessly motioned for him to get closer - but with her eyes firmly on his wet crotch. Desmond obediently knelt beside her head, and gave a quiet gasp as she licked and sucked their mingled cum off his shaft.

Before long, he was fully clean. He was then free to enjoy the sensation of cuddling this beautiful, curvy milf. It was amazing; she was exactly as snuggly as she looked.

For a while, they lay there, caressing and kissing. Finally, Mira broke the silence.

"Now then, as I was saying..."

"Oh. Uh...?"

"About France, love."

"Right..." Not even an acknowledgement of what had just happened. Maybe it would be redundant, considering he was still stroking her tits.

"I was about to ask where you were headed, all on your lonesome."

"Not far. Just a hotel near the beach."

"Let me guess," she purred. It really was a purr - he could feel it through his chest. "Room to yourself?"


"Double bed, since hotels tend not to sell singles?"


She grinned. "Here's what you're going to do, Desmond. You're going to call ahead and ask if it's okay to bring a guest."


"And once we have that sorted," she said, cuddling even closer, "I'll show you some of the fun tricks I've picked up over the years for going down on a guy..."

"S-sounds good!"

Desmond's experimental holiday proved to be a very, very big success. Not only did he have much more fun than he expected, he knew exactly what he'd be spending his vacation days on from now on.


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