Syngeneia Kathairein part 36

Story by Dark_Warchief on SoFurry

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#37 of Syngeneia Kathairein

Long wait, but here it is!

> You head down to the throne room to pick up Disarria and head to the cellar with Apocalion's dread silo. There, Xenia and Abysmalia greet you. All of the 7 dragon thrones sans Deimodo are gathered in a circle deeper inside the room. > You say "Xenia, what happened? I lost telepathic contact with you a while ago." She shakes her head. "Apocalion severed it, I'm afraid. I'll explain as we go." You nod, and get into the circle. "So what happened?" you ask again. ''You and Disarria, you let your minds be clouded. All that rage... it is like a literal fog and I couldn't... Abysmalia stops her. ''So.... ''hero'', what is next? proving me right that we are not that different?'' > You say "whatever. How is the work on keeping this giant silo shut with the dark gem?" She gives a dark smile. "All is well, Xenia and I watch over the silo." You nod, still a bit worried about Xenia. She seems... off. > You approach and greet Eleos. The white dragon looks over to you, and gives a nod. "I trust you have been well, Entropion. There are issues, as you may've been told already. With you and Disarria..." You nod slowly, unsure of how to respond. "Well... We are all flawed." She says, as if reading your mind. "And you have my sympathies." The other thrones remain silent, but greet you with a serious gaze, Aidos seems bored and Koriza impatient, she buds in next to you. ''Yes, Aidos... These two purple miscreants here are to be tested by the throne principles. When will you start your evaluation?'' The Ietrosian Queen shakes her head, not because of disagreement, but because she really doesn't want to go through with this. The air of disappointment lingers as she sighs. ''Tomorrow at noon is fine, a proper rest is not only desired, but expected of Disarria and Entropion'' You are about to concur with her, but she cuts you off and raises a talon to let you know she is not done speaking. ''The both of you have proven yourselves as the most powerful in your respective fields of magic, but your ethics are seriously lacking, I'm afraid I have to be tough, even if you are born to contain Apocalian threat'' She gives a pause and looks at each of the thrones. ''I'm sure the both of you know what this means.''

You do. Responsibility. ew. You and Disarria head back out, as you are dismissed for when Koriza and the rest discuss practical matters of politics, logistics.... stuff that bores adventurous, mischievous souls like yourselves to tears! Resting on Malediction's giant throne, you on the seat and Disarria on top of the backrest, you wonder something... > You say "Hey, how did Malediction light these braziers in sync when someone entered? " Disarria looks down at you, and shrugs. "Dunno. He was a magic dragon, so maybe he had some sort of spell that could do that." > You say "Yeah but he was a dark dragon, now I want to know too! " You look into her eyes and she nods, then flies down from the throne. "Oh, I'm gonna get to the bottom of this!" You exclaim, as you walk up to one of the braziers, inspecting it. The brazier is made up of a bronze-like metal with small intricate designs etched into it. You reach out and touch it, it's relatively cool. > You look if there is any oil, gas, wood ash, anything, in there that would be the fuel. You look in the brazier and see that it's empty. "No fuel..." You mumble, as Disarria begins inspecting another brazier. "Hey! This one has something in it!" She exclaims, with a hint of excitement in her voice. You walk over to her brazier, and sure enough, there is a clear liquid in it. It shimmers under the light of the brazier. > You say "yeah the things obviously need oil to light, Dis, look for pipes and a source. " "Hmm..." She says, and starts to look around the brazier. You follow her, and begin to look around the brazier as well. After a few seconds of looking, you see a pipe sticking out of the wall, discharging the liquid into the brazier. "Hey, I found it!" You exclaim in excitement, as Disarria looks up at you. "Yeah, I found it in about ten seconds..." > You say "okay, so, hm... look for a valve I guess? The room on the other side of that wall is utility if my suspicion is correct. Let's get to it!" Disarria nods, and you both fly up and out of the room. You follow the path that you saw the pipes take, and eventually reach a large, metal door. It's locked, of course. "Let me handle this." Disarria says, as she flies to the door. She begins to repeatedly ram it with her body. After a few tries, the door unlocks and swings open. "I'll go in first." it's just a regular utility room. Small, cramped and dirty... There is a huge vat of oil, or so the label says, kept in a rusty, old container that had too many jerry rig fixes applied to it... A lever has the text ''pull once'' written on it... You assume that this is the place where you are to pull it in order to open the sluice gate, allowing the oil to flow through the pipes and into the braziers. Excitedly you both hurry back to the throne room! > You say "Dis, I got an idea! What if we wait for Koriza to leave, you go on lookout and when she comes back we light the braziers and scare the living bajeezus out of her? You like dumb pranks, right?!" "I like dumb pranks." Disarria says, grinning. "Perfect, you are the lookout then!" You say, grinning. You head to the throne and try to figure out how the ignition works.... seems simple enough, pulleys and metal wire. You need to coil the wire on a spool to build tension, then, it can be released and the wire will rub on flint tubes on the braziers. it's well hidden and intricate. Really telling that Malediction put more work in a fire trick than the well being of the population... > You sit on the throne and wait for Koriza to come back. You sit on the throne, wondering when Koriza will be back. You gaze around the room, noticing all the little details that you didn't notice before. The tapestries on the walls, the intricate patterns woven into them, the scenes of dragons in battle with great beasts, gods and monsters. The carvings in the steel columns holding up the ceiling. The statues standing in the corners of the room. Koriza opens the giant door, and you press the button to release the tension on the wire... FWOOM FWOOM FWOOM! In tandem and series, the braziers light up as you shout in your lowest voice. ''I am BACK Koriza! Malediction has risen!'' Koriza shrieks and looks around the room in horror. ''Malediction?'' You jump off the throne and approach Koriza, who seems to be trembling with fear. ''Yes... me...'' You say, your hands caressing her body. She slaps your hand away. ''Why did you do that?!'' You look at her, a little disappointed. You thought she'd find this funny. Disarria comes out, cackling wild! She DOES find this funny!

Koriza looks at you both, before walking away... Koriza has left. Disarria approaches you. Disarria is still laughing. The next day is a bit awkward... You try to apologize to Koriza for scaring her, but she just tells you that she doesn't want to talk about it. It's obvious that she's still upset over the fact you did that, bad timing maybe? She already had to deal with a lot recently. Yeah, bad timing. Both You and Disarria may be a little... tone-deaf? The next day the both of you are ready at noon, as expected by the thrones. You are waiting for Koriza to be fetched as suddenly Aidos walks in. she hops over to you and gives you a hug ''hey Enty! you're a bit like my big bro Deimodo, before he...'' she turns a bit somber, but quickly represses the thought. ''Anywaaay.... Eleos instructed me to take you along for the ride and teach you what I know'' Aidos stands for humility, and your ego is massive! > You say "let me guess, you think all the official business is dumb and came to fetch me on your own accord? Isn't that right, Aidos? " "Somewhat, yeah. But it really is for the best that you come. I'll be able to help you anyway, so it's a win-win situation! We're going to the swamps and a few villages." Disarria rolls her eyes ''I got to wait, of course, while golden boy gets served like that. Pshh... they would be a cute couple if Koriza wasn't in the picture'' You and Aidos fly pretty high, she is a strong flier for her size! Makes sense, she is still a throne. > You say "we are flying away from the fiery front line I can barely make out from here... you have safety in mind, yes?" "I do! There are many things to learn out there, and the swamps are a great place to start. I'll be able to teach you a lot, Enty." You both fly at high speeds, while you enjoy the wind in your face... or scales.... You don't quite know but it feels right. The trees pass by and the mountain seems to get further away. Soon you reach the point where the foliage is scarce and only short grass grows. > You say "What is the point of us being humble? We are demigods, on top of the world!'' "The point of us being humble is that we should stay on our guard, and not underestimate anyone or anything. We can be killed, even if we are demigods There are many things out there which can harm us." She smiles at you as she says this, but she seems to be very aware of her surroundings. She turns her head every now and then to check what's behind you. You land in a clearing, far away from the trouble. thick, tall swamp grass tickles you as Aidos flops on her back, and you join her. Seems she wants to talk to you. ''Enty? Do you know how big the universe is? not just Syngeneia, but everything out there'' this would've worked better if the sky was visible, and not a sad cloud cover.... anyway, you answer ''not sure... thousands of planets? a few for every star?'' You answer like a kid would, but she doesn't laugh or mock you. She just nods. ''that's right, a few for every star! each one different from the last! I want to see them all, get to know them, learn about their people and customs. I was limited to one world, and now that's taken away too... it's not fair.'' You never thought about life like that. You were born, you live, you die. > You say "so what is your point? showing how small we are? I know that already, I know I need to take others more serious... I almost died a few times due overconfidence. " She smiles, and sits up. "No, that's not what I'm talking about. You know your place in the scheme of things, and that's good, but, you need to kick back and relax. let it go... don't destroy your body and mind because you ''have to'' be playful!'' she has a point, you just got no idea -how- to ''let go'' of things that bother you... they tend to haunt you, at least emotionally. > You say "that reminds me, Aidos, Disarria and I had a massive fight over whether or not everyone has a soul... not everyone does, right? " ''nope! you are right, but everyone has consciousness, and everyone has a place. It's sad how those without soul just cease to exist after death, damned to a toil with little individuality when alive...'' it makes you feel good, proud... that you are right. That Disarria loses in this ethical conflict. you feel a warmth inside of you, as if Aidos knows what you feel ''Hey now.... Enty, your need to be right and approved stems from an insecurity and need to be loved. Doesn't it?'' she really put you on the spot here... ''I mean.... it's just common sense! everyone knows that!'' you are quick to reply, as if trying to convince yourself more than her. ''No, everyone doesn't know that...'' she replies back, with an almost sympathetic look on her face. ''Everyone knows it, I know it, and you know it...'' now you're just talking to hear your own voice.

Both of you know this isn't the case, and Aidos gets up. ''Enty, you coming?'' > You say "always active and chipper, aren't you? okay, sure..." As you get up, she puts her arm around your shoulder. "You're a good person, Enty..." She says, before hopping towards the swamp, looking back at you. ''You aren't done yet, Enty. we're going foraging and relax'' > You say "so you want me to forget the world and just relax with you for a bit?" She smiles, and nods in return. You feel a slight stinging sensation in your arm, like when you were a kid, and got scratched by a rose bush. "Ah, shit" you say aloud, looking at the red marks on your arm. "It's just part of the process, Enty. Don't worry about it." She says, hopping ahead of you. > You say "plants should not be able to scratch dragon-scale, like ever... you sure it is normal?" "Of course it is! these plants are magical, negative energy hurts! now come on, let's go." she says, jumping around. You hop along the swamp, in search of more of these magical plants. After a few minutes of searching, you find another one of those plants with the funny zits, this time even bigger than before. As you go to touch it however, the plant explodes into a cloud of dust and smoke. > You say "bah! that's foul! wrong plant?" Aidos appears next to you, also covered in dust, but with a big grin on her face. "Nope! that was the right one, you just didn't wait long enough!" "It exploded!" "Oh, it does that sometimes. The bigger they are, the more magical energy they store up, and the more volatile they are." She picks one of the remaining plants, and gently taps it with his hand. It explodes as well, and she laughs. > You say "... so this is supposed to teach me humility and how to let go? " "Sorta, this is just for fun. Come on, let's go back." The pair of you hop along the swamp, and she shows you more plants with funny names and magical powers. You end up having so much fun you lose track of time, and by the time you are heading home, night has fallen. "Thanks for the company, Enty. I had a lot of fun." > You arrive back in your floating castle, and go to your shared room with Disarria. You are laying in your bed, on top of the covers, washing yourself takes too much energy after this long day. You have been staring at the ceiling for hours now, and still no sign of Dis. The door opens and she enters, carrying a tray with a single mug on it. "I brought you some cider to help you sleep." She says, handing you the mug. "Thanks" you respond, taking a gulp out of politeness. "So... how did it go?" > You say "went well! escapism and enjoying simple things with Aidos went smooth. Which of the thrones took you along?" Disarria sighs ''Lysistrata, the chastity one. I didn't really like it, and she is a bit of a prude, but she was a good teacher. She taught me about discipline, and how to keep people healthy. I think that knowledge will come in handy with my future rulership." "we both went to different thrones then." she nods. > You say "Koriza has a point, but do you see it now too? To stop the slutting, drinking and borderline behavior. We are the highest class of dragon and should be exemplary " "You know, I do see that now. I really should stop, it was just a phase. I'll stop drinking, and whoring around as you put it." She says with a smile. Proud, that is what you are. of her. "Thank you, I promise I will become a good leader of the dragons one day." You nod in agreement, and finish your drink before falling asleep. the next day goes on like the last... Koriza busy, Nalomuzo hidden somewhere as he prefers. Probably keeping the floating castle healthy. You and Disarria lunch in your room. Despite having a giant royal dining room it just feels... too alien for you. Eating in your room feels homey, as if the simpler times are still there... Even if it's just for now. Themis comes in to fetch you. A quick glance at this Platinum dragoness makes it obvious that, at least physically, she is the largest and most powerful one. Unlike the others, she is not a rainbow of color but more so highly reflective, chrome-like metal. Glowing scars adorn her body as she has an aura of strength about her... she reminds you of Koriza, meaning ''quite attractive'' in your book. As she speaks, her voice is not commanding, at all. More so warm with a strict undertone. also like Koriza. ''Entropion, ah yes. nice to meet you. You'll come with me today. I have heard a lot of stories about the combat prowess of you both.'' You nod, and follow the Themis out of your room. "Now you are probably wondering why I was chosen to mentor you." You nod, as she continues.

"I am the ''justice throne'', while the others have different roles. While you may learn other things from them, I will be teaching you about restraint and ethos, as well as how to lead and use strategy. Let's fetch some of these power gems, they'll help us out here.'' > You say "sure, I suppose the nature and light pair will do? " Themis nods, "I'll fetch them". She walks over to the door and opens it. You see a long hallway, with several different paths branching off. "In we go." She says, walking towards the left passage. It's a simple stone hallway, but you notice something. There are three doors on the right wall. Themis opens the first. Inside is a large room, filled with hundreds of little figures. They look like little wooden... animals? > You say "you are thousands of years old... were you here when this palace was built?" "Oh yes. I was here when the first trees were planted." She says, looking around at the little figures. "I was here when the first stones were laid." She looks down, tapping her foot on the ground. "I was here when they laid the cornerstone." She walks into the room, looking around. She walks over to 8 platforms. 5 of them filled with gems while the rest are empty. ''This is pretty new, Kirpichnikov's line started the... ambition... to collect all 8 of them'' > You say "all 8? that would make you stronger than all the thrones combined! It's not a situation we want except for chasing off Apocalion. Correct? " "Correct. I know the others would abuse such power, we kept a close eye on Catharsion for this very reason." She looks around. "We'll take them all.'' She gestures to you to grab one of the filled pedestals. She levitates it into the air, and add the other four. The gems gently float suspended in the air. This is the power of suspended Entropy, where even gravity cannot act on them. > You say "Entropy, nature, ice and water, order and fire. this is a lot of power already... Let me guess, Black dragon despotate vs EFPL front line?" ''We need to get there as quickly as possible." A portal opens up in front of you both. "After you." You walk into a spiral of energy and suddenly find yourself on an overlook. The battle is raging far away. Smokes rising, little waves moving about... > You say "Huh... can the EFPL even win this? They're mostly humanoids, each one that dies will become undead..." "I honestly don't know, the undead have the advantage of numbers and..." She pauses. "Our kind have the disadvantage of a conscience." "What do you mean?" "Well, look at them down there. They're fighting for their families, for their friends. They just got instinct, devour and reproduce." You laugh a bit. "Yeah, that's about right." > You say "so, about justice.... what you want to teach me? " ''No, I want you to teach me." You laugh. "Well, I guess I can try..." "I'll try to be serious here. What is your idea of justice?" "Justice is what's right." "What's right?" "Yeah... um... what do YOU think is right?" She looks at you with a tilted head and sighs. > You say "well, vengeance is about satisfying violent urges, purely emotional. Justice is about getting the best outcome for everyone and limiting violence to the absolute necessity to prevent further harm." "So, what do you do if a group of people are being violent for what they think is the right thing?" "You try to convince them otherwise, or failing that, you fight alongside them for a common goal." "So you think that violence is necessary sometimes?" > You say "Yes. You took us here to blast these undead and EFPL with light, didn't you? " "I did. But I'm not a hero, and I'm not trying to be." "So what makes you think I'm trying to be one?" "Come on Entropion, look at your life recently." "The world is going to be ruined in a few a years if I don't do something. What kind of person would just stand by and do nothing?" "Good... Yes, I took all the gems to do some justice here, the thing is, you already score good for Justice and Humility" You know your ''humility'' may just be coping depersonalisation, but eh... if it works, it works. > You say "I have to be honest, what about the Khunbish situation? If the people are told the truth that I put an impostor there, it will be HAVOC! Is scheming and lying okay if it saves hundreds of lives?" You see her smiling, and she moves closer to you. "Well, why don't you tell me the truth about that situation?" "I... I can't." "Because you don't know the truth yourself, do you?" "..." You are speechless. She laughs at you. "You've been tricked into this by someone who is much smarter than you. Why not just let it go? It's not worth it." "But... but..." > You say "You mean Apocalion? Each time I use dark power... " She touches your hand and says, "The more you use it, the easier it gets. Soon you won't be able to go without it. And then, you'll be lost."

"I noticed" ''You are a dark aligned dragon, so you are resistant to that corrupting backlash... Dark dragons need light to stay pure'' What Themis says makes sense... She moves her claw about and a dome shield forms around the both of you. > You say "This is going to be intense... I'm ready, we're entering the front line right?" "Yes, we are" She takes flight and you follow. The battlefield is large, and there are hundreds of undead skeletons littered all over the place. screaming, metal colliding, stench of blood omnipresent... Themis stays behind you, this is your party! Remember what you talked about. > You say "Line up the ice and order gem! " Themis does so, and the column floats in front of you ready for a spell. > You focus on empathy, not only for the EFPL, but also the trapped souls in the undead. A stream of light goes through the light gem to be empowered, then the ice & water gem to become a colossal amount of holy liquid. The purifying liquid washes about and turns the dark, purple vegetation corrupted by darkness into regular, the undead fall to the ground and instantly lose any grime they have on them, bio-hazard gone! The EFPL men cheer about and some even drink the liquid. ''Hail the thrones! Hail the purple savior!'' "That was great! Thank you!" shouts Themis in your ear. You smile back at her and take a look at the battlefield. > You get Themis to put the dark gem in place the water one. Light and Dark are transmutative! You aim at the undead remains and transmute them to gold. You look down, what you did was beautiful. Gold bones! "That was nice!" You hear Themis say next to you. She is looking at the remains of the undead army, but you know she is thinking about something else. You are glad she is there with you! ---- Wow, I am glad that I could help you with this project! It is a bit sad to see it end so soon. > You get to the final step and switch to light/nature and cast again. This spell should cause healthy vegetation to quickly grow, bountiful with fruits. Not a moment after the spell is cast, Themis and you are surrounded by a large, thick jungle of green plants. You hear birds chirping from inside the jungle and feel a cool breeze on your skin. "Thank you" Themis says to you. You nod at her, and look around. ---- Well done, you have finished all five steps of the ritual! If you want to continue this story, go ahead...If not, that's fine too. :(