Syngeneia Kathairein part 37

Story by Dark_Warchief on SoFurry

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#38 of Syngeneia Kathairein

> You say "I suppose the last 4 will get more difficult, can we head home now? I'd appreciate some loitering today." Themis nods. She seems a bit tired, you suppose that she used a lot of energy to conduct her duties as throne. "I'm glad you were here with me" You say. "Me too! Together we can do anything!" Themis says, smiling from ear to ear. The both of you fly back to the sky palace, you enjoy your free day and mostly just nap. You go check on Nalomuzo... the magic and technology of his people made this useful. Soon you arrive in a dry, cold cellar full with static tingling your body... a purple light growing stronger as you spot Nalomuzo next to a giant, hexagonal cylindrical machine humming electrically. ''Hello Nalo'' you say. He looks at you, then back at the machine, "this thing requires a lot of delicate care" he says. "How does it work?" "It uses a blue dragon power source. They're not as proper for the equipment as ours, hence the care..." he points at the crystal on top of the machine. You try to touch the crystal but Nalomuzo stops you. ''High density energy source. Bad.'' You feel a rush of shame as you realize he is right... > You say "I wonder when I will get to use one of the Annihilatoran magic schools? I mean, it's pretty much based on ''fate'' when I get some power imbued in me." "That's the thing about the Warchief, or, twilight warden as some call him... He just ''knows'' things. Don't question it, Entropion." You sigh, and turn back to the cylinder, watching with wonder as the lightning dances inside of it. > You say "so if this thing fails the castle will flow down and land on the ground?" "Not exactly. The machine has an internal system of pipes, pumps and other things that will divert the flow of stasis mana into the pipes. They will blot out gravity." "So what's that pipe for?" You ask, pointing at a big pipe on the other side of the room. It looks big enough for a human to crawl through. Nalomuzo replies ''Catalytic coil, the stasis mana is made there from light and raw mana. If that goes, we free fall'' > You say "well, seems you got your work cut out for you. Shall I leave you to it, then?" "Yes please. I need to work on this, it's crucial." You nod, and begin to turn around. Before you leave, Nalomuzo speaks up once more. "Oh, Entropion?" You turn your head back. "I'm glad you're here. We both know you're the only dragon who has the potential to be a real asset in our war, Disarria? Doubt..." You nod silently, and walk away from the machine, ignoring what he said about your friend.

> You go check on Disarria, it's about time she should return. she lies hidden under her blankets, obviously exhausted from her day. Despite her exhaustion, she smiles when she sees you. "You're back." She says. You nod, and sit down next to her on the bed. "How was your day?" You ask. She groans in response, and gives you a look that says ''You don't want to know''. "It was long and boring," she says, "but it's over now." You laugh, and ask her if she's hungry. ''I just ate Enty. Tad too much really...'' seems clear to you she wants to be left alone for now, and Koriza doesn't want to see you... you got needs, too. You nod, and head to your bed ready to end another day in the life of a dragon. Charis is what up today, throne of charity! After the routine, you and Charis look over the landscape from one of the fortress battlements... ''Entropion, you been down there to the city, right?'' > You say "Yeah... I'd rather not go again, it's such a poverty stricken mess. A depressing mess..." "Yeah, I know what you mean. It is depressing, but think of the people down there! They're so happy to see us!" She says. ''They worship the ground you walk on.'' You reply sarcastically, and she glares at you. "You're so mean..." She pouts. You shake your head and laugh again. > You say "what do you expect me to do? I may have magical powers, but there's no end to helping them once I start. I will just be a healing machine..." "I know, but still... I don't think you understand how much it means to them." You look at her, trying to find the words. "I'm not saying your wrong, or that I'm right, but... I think it's just too much for me. I can't handle that much responsibility. I've tried my best to help them, and now it's all on you." She looks at you with a hurt expression on her face. ''he who saves one life, saves the world entire'' Charis remarks. ''Yes, I know.'' You say. ''But you don't want to help them?'' She asks. You shake your head in frustration. "I want to, but it's just too much..." You reply. "Well, what else is there to do?" She asks cheerfully. > You say "okay, say I go along with you, Charis... what about Apocalion and the geopolitical crisis? That stuff is urgent..." "Apocalion can wait, the people need us more..." "I don't think they do.

They have healers, priests and other dragons. I'm sure they're fine. Apocalion is on the verge of war'' Charis gives you a look that shows she disagrees with you entirely. "You don't have the time or power to help them all, you have to be strategic. A little kindness can go a long way" She exclaims. > You say "I suppose... let's get started." "Yes!" She exclaims and flies downward towards the town proper. You follow her, and a few minutes later you are in the slums of the human district. The rest of the day is filled with hard work, healing, growing plants, providing fresh water... afterwards you are exhausted and head to your room. > You say "Hey Dis, halfway done we are aye? How was you trial today?" "It was... it was alright. Themis. I need to stop making such a joke out of things... ugh. You know how it is." "Yeah I do. I'm going to go get some sleep now, see ya around." You head to your room, and lie down on the bed. You think about the day, and how it made you feel. > You say "Dis? we're halfway through. Now things are getting hard, our last throne trial will truly harrowing.." "I know it will be." "Do you think we can do it?" "We have to. We have no choice." You sigh as the day's events begin to overwhelm you. Your eyes slowly close as you drift off to sleep. The next day, the dommy mommy herself, Eleos, comes to you and the two of you head to the library of the palace... she begins ''Entropion, you know what prompted these trials in the first place?'' > You say "Yeah, because of how ruthless I and Disarria have been? Khunbish and Yaag Baab's deaths come to mind. " Eleos nods ''yes, your first resort was to kill Khunbish and Yaag Baab. First resort as deadly violence is not what we do. Entropion, if we let our passions turn to bloodlust we are no better than the Apocalytes.

It must not be what we do'' > You say "Makes sense... Did Disarria and I get carried away with the violence?" "Yes, you did. You must not fall prey to bloodlust. We are the last defense between life and death, between good and evil. We must be the defenders of life, the servants of peace and love." You nod in understanding. "I understand, I'll remember that." She smiles before handing you a small black book. You look at it quizzically. ''a dark artifact, it allows you to see into misery. Normally we find such power distasteful but I think it may serve your personal growth.'' You look into the book, blood appears on the page and spells out ''Galdu'' you tremble and swallow, but don't look away. This will be unpleasant but teach you... You can feel it!You are transported to a vision of Galdu... the town is in ruins! a collection of disorganized flashbacks show you your agent getting unmasked... massive turmoil, war with krijgshamer... it's all so fast, all this flashing information before your eyes. You then arrive at a vision of a ruined and abandoned Krijgshamer and Galdu. It's clear what has transpired here. You regain your normal senses and look over at Eleos. > You say " insolence and ''quick fix'' to a complicated political situation led to this mess. " She nods, a look of sympathy and understanding on her face. She then speaks to you in the most compassionate voice you've ever heard. "You are not perfect, Entropion. You never will be. But this was a good start." You stare upon the book in your hand and nod. "It was..." She smiles at you and begins to walk away from you to go do her own thing. Before she leaves, she turns around to speak to you once more. ''this is the value of mercy, if moral arguments don't work remember the practical side; you won't do anything irreversible.'' With that, she leaves you alone. You spend the rest of the day thinking about everything. You've learned a lot and grown as a person. But you still have a ways to go.

You're ready to put this all in action. This day was indeed difficult, and not for the reason you suspected. You've grown numb to violence and death.... it'll probably come to haunt you like 15 years in the future when you thought it was all settled. you take a nap on your bed. When you wake up, Disarria returned and is reading a book. You decide you wish to speak to her on account what happened to you today. "Disarria, today was a heavy day...'' ''hm?'' she puts the book down and looks at you. > You say "... you know what came of Galdu and Krijgshamer after we installed our puppet of a leader there?" She stares at you blankly. "No, but I can guess. I'm guessing they attacked?" "Yeah..." you sigh. "They were so angry that they declared war on us. They destroyed the city and it's surrounding area. Then they took off to parts unknown." "What do you want to do?" ''We did enough.'' ''so you want me to console you, Enty?'' > You say "Yeah, was cacking Khunbish and installing a puppet doppelganger truly that bad of an idea?" "The worst." ''You went along'' ''Yeah and the thrones don't let me hear the end of it, we made it worse. However... these idiots were going to murder each other regardless, so maybe it's a healthy train of thought that we just accelerated what was coming'' > You say "I suppose... even though that doesn't feel right." She nods in agreement. ''I agree, but it's the best case scenario we have right now. I can't believe you want to just let it go, though.'' "Well what choice do we have? We may as well make the best out of a bad situation." "..." She doesn't say anything, rather she just starts to laugh. ''What?'' ''that is always the case on this planet, isn't it now?'' Disarria has a point... ''Whatever, we'll deal with it later. Let's go get some sleep, we have a big day tomorrow.'' You and Disarria head to bed. You can't help but worry about what the future holds for you all. makes sense, the second to hardest throne trial for you will be... Lysistrata! The next day you are by her side in the Apocalion dread silo... The place is as ominous as ever, a giant dark metal pizza that will cause the world to end once it opens. ''Tell me, Entropion, what is Apocalion's biggest fault?'' Lysistrata looks over to you. You know the answer, but you are too scared to say it, out of fear of what the answer is. ''well.... you are the throne of chastity... hm...'' you give it some though, Lysistrata awaits your answer with patience. > You say "It's his lust for sadistic violence, isn't it?"
