Pim chapter Fifteen

Story by Mericus on SoFurry

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11,600 words on a single sex scene.

Chapter Fifteen

Pony was never a leader, he grew up with ten sisters, who pretty much ran things at home, he didn't like playing house, because he always had to either be Daddy or the baby, unless he ran out and stole his way into the movie theater, and watched all the movies backward on the giant screen.

No one ever knew he was there, as long as he did not use a light to see where he was going. Pony got good at feeling along without actually touching anything and finding the loose thing that will fall announcing someone was behind the screen and did not pay to watch the film, so in this way he either would retrace his hoof falls or fix whatever was loose in the dark. The maintenance crew would always scratch their head on how something that was going to fail was always fixed before they arrived on weekends.

Pony learned five finger discounts and was nimble enough to never get caught as a child or as a teen. Remember Ahnks live as long as Thainians or Grendyl, so aging so slowly Pony was twenty-seven before he left home (equal to a teen on the Human scale), less long lived races left home at the same relative time as a late teen, as well.

Pony's parents though good providers were angry most of the time, at all the kids they had to take care of. Since they never used protection the result was a pregnant wife all the time and all these kids. Pony's birth was a rare thing his mother was in term for half the normal time of a gestation period as his sisters, and was born underweight, a preemie; but was born with a superior hybrid, so that since he lived,(most Preemies didn't) he always enjoyed his quick mind and ability to figure out mechanical systems extremely well.

But how in the world the butter machine worked was baffling he kept trying to get butter out to put on his bread for half an hour now, but could not find where it was supposed to come out or even the button or slide or whatever that protruded off the thing to get some butter out.

Pim noticed his dilemma and simply took the high tech device from Pony's hands and said: "It works when you get your bread or whatever close, it doesn't matter how you hold it, it teleports butter to the location a few inches away, automatically. You try bringing it close to your bread." Pim handed it back to his husband.

In times that were a little over a year ago at least; Pim was partially Transsexual, he was shaped more like a girl with huge breasts, and sported an illusion of him having a small package, this was accomplished by a cursed potion that changed the imbiber in a few minutes into a female man), after Pim was saved through a Guildmaster/Mentor only ability that the Star alone possessed was changed back to what he was when he first left home, now only two days ago.

Still he and Pony were married by acceptance to each other, Pim since he looked like a girl for the most part was the wife, Pony the husband, anyone disputing this fact only had to watch a few minutes to see both men kiss each other so passionately, to realize this is more than just a boyfriend relationship.

Pony was shocked when it worked and just about dropped the device when butter teleported onto his bread, Pony started buttering everything in front of him with the thing, joyful to the new toy. "Wow I never had one of these!"

Pim just smiled he'd grown up with a lot of high tech devices that did all manner of things. He came from a small family just him his father and mother; he used to have an older brother who unfortunately died when a ship he was on sank. Had he lived he would have inherited everything, being first born and all.

This fell onto Pim to carry on the family name, he did not want to have to be that one and against his father's wishes he ducked out and joined the Diamond. His father had his whole life planned and he should become a Garter or Key or the Sword, Star was not even considered, even though his own father had joined the Star long ago. Pim's mother was a Key so he could not get away with anything, and was why he joined the Diamond instead of another Guild. Even if he ran away from home to go against his father, he still stayed honest, truthful, and still was interested what was on the other side of the hill. Pim is an amalgam of his parents, friendly, a best friend, studious, truthful - because really when your mom can read your mind! And also one more virtue; his mother's desire to discover someplace or something new. This sent him off the road to discover something new in planning that route to the bay oh Illiam of northern Taalmark, south of Dan and east of Frietag his destination to drop off seeds, which set him on his current lifestyle. He and others before him became on continuous number of pawns to be used, from an old adventure that went south on all the participants, and now none of the original members of that expedition are alive anymore.

The adventure falls upon new members of a party to find and procure what is the greatest treasure or the worse possible end of everything. Depending upon who gets there first or can take the treasure before the party that found it could decipher the language. Right now, there were only two Guidemasters of the Star Order with a potential third member being worked on. This made Pim remembers his promise to the Darvolf, "Your majesty, I need a Triad builder to build something for a friend of mine."

The King turned to Pim "We already took care of that he is being fitted with new armor and weaponry he is used to; in top of the line weapons and armor, your money is no good here, my friend." Only a Guildmaster of the Key can hide their thoughts, Geffen is neither, he does however love you a lot for helping him and giving him something no one not even his own Mentor would have, to make the GBI curse into something pleasurable. " The King paused , " You know he only wanted the knots killed, he opted to keep the GBI in him, it seems he has been in the closet for years and you Pim got him to come out, he really does thank you for this, for him, it is a dream come true."

The King stopped for a while but continued, "I think he should be around you two for a while before he chooses a new Order or a Guild. Don't force him; let him decide on his own, when he is not thinking of sex all the time." The King looked at Pony putting butter on food that was even not his. Pim followed the King's gaze and reined Pony in, "Husband, put the toy down now, we have enough butter now." Pim said scratching behind Pony's neck he shivered, and put the butter dispenser down on the table and rolled his head to better be able to get your neck scratched. Pony was silent again enjoying this touch.

"I want to get one of those to put in my Dad's case over the mantle, better than those cheap daggers he bought long ago. I am not going to say a thing, just vapor through the keyhole then sneak over to the case, hopefully it is still there, and put this and another thing inside, then draw another 'pony' symbol on the case, then I'll lock it back again."

Pim thought that would be a nice gesture, but then thought, 'Oh wait Pony means the butter device here!'

Pim said in a whisper to Pony, "How do you plan on getting it out of the palace?"

"WEeeellll, "Pony began "you've kept stolen goods in your bracer for years, I thought I could just ask my wife to hold it for me": he had a shit eating grin on his face, "Besides I have not stolen anything since your heart!"

Pim thought about it, 'I do magnanimous things and get maxed out all the time. Small scale buying and selling for a profit is expected, but like the Crahi stated 'I get Save piecemeal not large amounts, since I don't have a Mentor', and Pony had not stolen anything since he met Pim.' Oh do you have a Mentor? Maximus Rex is mine."

Pony reached down to get Pim's eyes to flutter from the wave of pleasure when Pony rubbed underneath his tail just in front of the Star Order ring he wore there. "Of course silly, your Mentor the Guildmaster asked an older much better fighter and magician to become my Mentor and the woman agreed overwhelmingly knowing who I am married to."

"OOOOOOHhhhhh, yesssss, mmmmmmhhhmmmm." Pim said in between eye flutters.

Pony took the butter dispenser while most eyes in the room were elsewhere, he was good at that looking for eye contact or where they were probably looking. Pony looked for whites or the darkness that had no color to it, for races that did not have white eyes. He just put it in his lap, Pim reached over and put his hand in Pony's groin getting his fingers around and inside Pony's codpiece so the butter dispenser went into his bracer with a glowing smile from Pony and a "Woooooohp" from him as well at his package being touched, Twelve was growing to attention and wanted out.

The King looked over, then motioned to a man servant, "Escort my two gentlemen from the table to the hidden suite, they have some unfinished business to do." He winked at Pim.

Pim got up dragging Pony who was having trouble thinking about anything else but sex right now, and his legs were working funny he was sort of bent over a little, trying to hide his throbbing erection making it difficult to walk. Another man servant came and wrapped Pony in a tablecloth to hide his embarrassment so he could; sort of stand up.

The all four hurriedly got to the hidden panel and ducked into the short corridor to a nice room with books in bookcases lining the walls, a nice fire already lit in the fireplace, two royal Driadan City Robes hanging and a huge shower beyond the smoking room, and the big leather ribbed couch, and big wingback chairs situated around the room.

The menservants closed the secret panel. The music cut off as soon as the panel doors sealed.

Pony unlaced his codpiece in record time his cock spilling out and instantly standing to attention all the while Pony was removing the rest his armor. As soon as he got his torso off Pim was stroking his chest and rubbing all the way around his sides, before they got wet with his hands, Pony swooned and kissed Pim a long time, getting Pim out of his armor too, then Pony did the same thing back to Pim, who was already passionately kissing his husband this made his eyes flutter too, just like getting rubbed on the underside of your tail.

Pony got Pim's cod piece off and licked and got MR. fourteen to slide out and throb to attention, he stood up and got both his erection and Pim's erection bottom to bottom and began to stroke the both of the cocks unicorn and bigger horse at the same time. Pony was never going to stop kissing this time, he continued using his other hand to scratch behind Pim's neck, more waves of pleasure cascaded down Pim's back then shot back up as his cock was masturbated to his husbands in a strong hand. Both were building in heart when a knock came on the door, a voice came in, "robes gentlemen that is what they are for."

Pim and Pony both went over and put on robes, then both sat on the couch to hide their both throbbing erections. The door opened and in bent over came a Darvolf with a massive smile on his face, once inside the room he could stand up. Geffen had soft eyes now, gone were those worried eyes or the cruel eyes of what he used to be. He came in and removed his chest armor and the arms, placed the Darvolf designed helmet on top and then took off everything except his loin cloth, his tail and from the belly to mid thigh was bright bice -grass green on his skin. "Now I wanted to thank both of you for letting me come out." He started then stopped after making a low guttural howl, quieter now, he resumed his apology. "I am so sorry for treating you so bad Pim, and being mean to you, I want to make it up to you."

"I had the Triad dull my teeth so I would not hurt you". Geffen said, "Please if you allow me I want to, really I do. Will you let me do a blow job on the both of you?"

"Ummm ahh, Gehhen you don't have to do that." Pim said his throb subsiding.

Geffen stripped off his loincloth so he was gigantic and now completely naked, "until that first time that I got cock deep inside of me I was free finally, I love you for that, you let me embrace being gay, I always wanted to be gay, but with my family that was sure the wrong goal to have!" Geffen was still smiling and now got down on the floor in front of both Pim and Pony, "they wanted killers and strong men that would take what they wanted and kill the rest", Geffen parted Pim's robe and spread his still armored legs to expose Pim's still semi-erect cock with the big flare partially returned to normal shape. "They were making me so mean that no one would want to go to bed with me unless forced" he licked Pim's semi erect flare that mushroomed, then Geffen slide his mouth about halfway to Pim's ring then sucked hard lapping his tongue around Pim's cock "GODZ Gehhen!" Pim screamed out. "OOOoooooooouuuuuuwwwww!" Geffen slid Pim's cock into his own throat keeping up the suction and still lapping around Pim's cock. "OOOOOOOHHHHH!" Geffen swallowed around Pim's cock sending a new sensation into Pim who drummed his hooves on the floor, "WOW Gehhan WOW!" Pim yelled out, then drew off killing the climax, he turned and looked at Pony who was surprised at all this, his robe was parted and though he thought he should push the Darvolf away, he didn't and just had a nice time getting pulled to almost climax then he stopped on Pony the same way.

"There is still some evil in you yet Geffen" Pony said his elation subsiding but his cock still throbbing hard. "Yeah that's what I want to talk with you about now that I have your undivided attention." Geffen said. I don't want to be Crimson Dagger or Hunter again. I want to start over fresh, I don't want them to come after me either, I want to stay here in Driadan everyone is so nice to me here, and I love you and Pony for letting me become the real me. "

He was smiling broadly again. "I would really like it if you both would fuck my brains out please, I want to get split roasted between the both of you, I would really love that." Geffen said smiling at both Pim then Pony then Pim again.

Pim looked at Pony and began to ask but Pony just shook his head yes instead.

The both got up took off their robes, hung them on the hooks, then removed their leg armor, Pony began to take them off, his Guild boots, but Geffen said, "Leave 'em on; you look sexy with those on, besides a top should be dressed when the sex slave wears nothing but a collar!" he went over to his armor and got a collar out with a leash on it, he put on a slave harness next that made his balls hike up really high and his cock fell out of his sheath the lacing he showed both Pim and Pony how to make them tighter then got a collapsible bar that became a leg spreader.

"Wow you sure are kinky Geffen, Pony surmised: "Geffen blushed hard, "Yeah I know." His massive grin returned. "I want my first time with you too to be something that sticks in my memory forever, so in dark times I can remember this time and be happy regardless of anything else."

"I really want to make it up to you Pim I was so awful to you, I really want you to dig yourself up inside of me as far as you can and stretch me out, Yes I will enjoy this immensely but It will atone for all the meanness I did to you." he dropped straight to the floor lost in sorrow again, "I was so so bad to you, I want to make it up please Pim, please let me, I can't give you anymore, I love you so much already, and I love Pony just as much even though I only saw you for a second before you teleported out."

Pim realized what Geffen was not saying, Geffen was at Fy'azhe's lair, "You were there!" Pim said.

"Yes." Geffen said in a small voice.

"You were where?" Pony said his erection was down sliding back inside his sheath again, "Oh no!" Geffen cried watching Pony's cock go flaccid and slide back into his sheath.

Pim said "don't worry Gehhen it is in the past", 'two whole days ago past', "I will make this a memorable time for you to remember forever," Pim smiled looking at Pony "I make friends out of all my enemies!"

Pony smiled and fussed up his cock again to erect as Pim did the same Geffen was crying in happiness on the floor his worst atrocities were forgiven by the very person he did such evil to, and now he was going to get rewarded on top of it!

Geffen stood up again and turned to the bookcase opposite the fireplace then pushed on both sides where the bookcases met. They pivoted inward to a big bedroom, Geffen led the way, "I thought I smelled lube!" he went over took the spreader bar off his one ankle and pulled on the handcuffs and other chains hanging from the ceiling overhead. He clicked on ones to his ankles and the other wrist then got on the bed on all fours. Then he naked in his harness with a stiff erection and his knot filled thick and hard too laid out flat, on the covers. "if one of you kind gentlemen will lock my chains in the holders to the corners of the bed so I can't move, something leathery is in that closest," Geffen pointed with his nose. "Now Pony I need you to use the whip you are an Ahnk and a whip or a cat is similar to your racial weapon. Please hit me anywhere you want to, I will love every stroke."

Pim had opened the closet to a wide assortment of bondage gear a lot of things he'd never seen before, "Godz the King sure is kinky!" Pony said looking across the room into the closet as he pulled tight each of Geffen's chains.

Pim exclaimed "yeah I guess so, I wonder if ...Pim trailed off.

Pim unhooked a lash and a cat o nine off the wall and a big paddle with holes in it. He brought them over to show Geffen, "You don't mean these do you?" Pim asked wincing a little to Geffen's' nod.

"Pony take the lash, now I'm going to reveal a secret, Pim I whipped you every day especially across your back and your butt. Pony I want you to hit me ten times, even though I only gave Pim four every morning to wake him up."

Pony said looking distraught, "I'm not like this Geffen I don't want to hurt you anymore."

Pim said defending his husband "neither one of us wants to hurt you Gehhen."

Geffen roared back "I need this, I need to know what I did, need to be punished Pim. I was so evil to you, and you looked up after I did it and smiled at me saying thank you master."

Pony did not want to pick up the lash. Pim walked over and sat on the bed holding Geffen face in his hands, "We can't, Gehhen, you are our friend now as soon as Pony saw what the green did to you was so sorry he was mad at you.. I stopped being mad at you too."

"But I was so mean, and did not have too, I used all manner of torture devices on you all last year, making you scream and cry and beg for mercy, and I just hit harder every time you pleaded for me to stop."

Geffen was ready to start balling, "Please Pim I was cruel and a monster to you, making you cry and treating you bad, you have to punish me, please forgiving is not enough, you have to hurt me ...Pony you are mad for the way I treated Pim in the alley aren't you?"

"Not anymore Geffen that GBI inside you was payment enough. You deciding to keep it in you, to work off your ten years is so noble. I can't hurt you at all Geffen!" Pony kicked the paddle lash and cat back into the closet.

"Okay I am pretty sure somebody is listening," Pim yelled out, "somebody bring a cure for this stuff, I've got the rest of the night to make Gehhen satisfied right here in my bracer!"

Pony smiled "you are going to remember this forever Geffen; this will right all the wrongs! You'll see."

A door opened and a man servant came in looking at the ceiling he was counting tiles across the ceiling to get to where Pim stood naked with a big erection, "...your cure sir, compliments of the King." The manservant stated.

So he is watching?" Pim asked the obvious, the manservant just nodded after handing off the vial of thick white liquid. "What is this?" Pim asked it looked like some of his own cum in a test tube.

"T777 a potion of the Hospitaliers of the Rose, through the Triad refined it to become a cream." The man servant replied. "is there anything else sir?"

Pim looked around "at least six ice cold Grendyl ales in quart glasses", "Yes sir, I shall return shortly sir."

"GOOD-good things are getting better" Pim took out twenty boxes of powder out of his bracer and laid them down on the white illuminated floor, in the mirrored walls under the mirror ceiling over the white bed.

Pim kept his own Mr. fourteen inches fully erect rubbing his long cock more to keep it staying that size. Pony was from time to time doing the same, since was not going to get whipped Geffen's cock had gone limp and was inching back into his sheath.

Pony would you do the honors, Pim said bringing the creamy liquid over to place it under a pillow in front of Geffen. "Now you are my friend, but you want to be punished, I and Pony are going to slid into you just once, as you and I both know this will make out cocks twice as long, twice as thick and the heads of our cocks even bigger, plus we will get much thicker pile drivers. Then after that you are going to drink the potion I got that will make you a shaved gay faggot Darvolf on nothing. Just in your bondage chained to the bed."

"Pony never had Green in him he won't change, "Geffen announced. "You will you will get really huge!"

Pim slid out the device he had the Triad make so Geffen could satisfy his darkest urges anytime he wanted to.

"No wait, Pim, wait I need that, I. oh no this is going to get real isn't it!" Geffen said really worried, I don't want to feel bad, please Pim the depression is awful."

"Don't I know it, Pony here, "

Pim pulled out a bent up dagger that still had some foil and a couple of the cheap stones still in it. He handed it to Pony. Pony exclaimed "this is the other one that came out of my old armor's pocket on our wedding night!" Pim was smiling. "How did you get it?"

"I had the table set and that was one of the extra knives it said care of the King of Driadan on it." Pim explained from earlier just before Pim went into the bathroom in the palace. "It was just a little gift, use it to open the boxes, be careful this time those things bend so easily."

Pony hopped off the bed where he had wound up and danced a little forwards-backwards dance-walk over to the boxes, he smiled back at Pim, "There are more than just waltzes, my wife!"

Pim got up on top of Geffen, "this will be this size for how long?"

"It usually lasts ten hours before you return to normal, even on powder."

"You know about powder?" Pim said surprised.

"Yes, Caliph had a Triad extract the formula from J'kael's surface mind; the Sitrans extracted the secrets formula amounts from deep inside 'Slut' after shi was processed." Geffen said in complete honesty.

"I should have figured that out, but I'm only been not 'Bitch' for two days, I remember portions, I don't remember your face Gehhen, I don't remember you there ...you say you were and I know you are being honest, but I can't remember a lot of it, only the scars.

"What are your plans now Pim, I want to make amends with you over what I remember doing to you." Geffen said trying hard not to cry, but sniffling along as the GBI withdrawal was beginning.

"I surely don't want you crying Gehhen, so I'd better cram myself up inside you, "Pim said rubbing himself up to stiffer. "how many strokes till it gets growing?'

"I would love to lie about that answer right now but really just one," Geffen replied.

Pim hugged Geffen, "I love you being so honest," Pim stroked up the inside of Geffen's shaved tail making him make a pleasurable mmmmm sound.

Then Pim because he could got a bunch of his own saliva all over his cock by sticking it in his own mouth and letting it get a lot of saliva all over it.

Pim went all the way in, up and through Geffen's anal ring, "oh yes! This, yes!" Geffen yelled out.

Pim felt himself go past and through Geffen's rectal muscle, "Oh yes it is almost to the spot!" Geffen said in excitement, Pim's cock reached inside Geffen's colon opening, "Uuuuuuulllllllaaahhhhmmmmmggggg!" Pim kept going to the beginning of Geffen's curve to his intestine. "Owowowowowow!" Geffen grunted the spot was just inside the colon opening inside him. He made happy noises when Pim pushed on past.

Pim pulled all the way out to a pop when his cock reached Geffen's anal flower and Pim's flared head popped out. Pim watched his own cock grow. "OH Godz Pim that is amazing, you are getting huge so fast, look there is another round area under your cock making it a lot thicker, and your flare, it is king size. Look how long you are wow!" Pony was shocked at how Pim was twice as long and twice as thick with some extra area underneath and his cock was throbbing hard wanting to stoke again as soon as possible. A long line of precum dripped out of Pim's end.

"Okay make him drink the liquid: payback will be all night and some of tomorrow, "Pim said a little evilly. Pony pulled the stopped and had Geffen open his mouth then poured the cream all over his tongue. He tenderly closed Geffen's giant wolf's mouth and rubbed underneath his jaw. Big gulp and Geffen had taken it down. There was a golden look all over Geffen as the T777 took effect, in a few seconds it was down.

Pony got up and brought over a box of powder. Pim pulled out three shallow bowls and dipped in two first,

He carefully brought it up to Geffen's' nostrils. "Have you used this before?"

"Geffen replied "yes, it makes every feel twice as good."

"Okay you huff this up into your nose," Pim instructed,

"it would be better if I could do it myself, how many are we going to down," Pim nodded to Pony who released Geffen's arms and one leg, so he could sit on the edge of the bed, "Oh look your big man's cock has gone down," Pim handed a bowl to Pony who scooped some up, he huffed it up as Pim planted himself on Geffen and started the officer only blow job, "OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!" Geffen screamed out dancing his legs on the bed, his toe pads on the floor. As Pim sucked up all of Geffen's cock into his mouth, then began the three times better than anyone on the planet could do suction on Geffen's big man's cock and huge knot making the big made blow his whole load pent up for two days not coming but squirting every now and then when he got fucked. "GGGGGGGAAAAAWWW!" Pim sucked down the musky tasting Darvolf cum drinking it all. When he was done Geffen looked at Pim with a different look "You ARE my friend no one would ever do that for me, WOW I will do anything for you, I can't cum on GBI anything, nobody can you can get close, but that was fun, he looked at Pim's now green GBI enhanced cock throbbing in the air, "oh no! I forgot about that. "Geffen looked scared.

Pim giggled and huffed up more powder handing some to Pony who did the same, then gave it back for more. They all three sat there huffing powder until the box was empty. "Well I guess I am felling pretty tight," Geffen said thinking this was all.

Pony rolled a little too far off the bed and into the floor on the other side, he came up to a manservant with his eyes shut holding a tray; with six force field container Grendyl Ales inside. He stood up took the tray and said 'thank you' as the red faced man servant turned and strode away.

Pony came around the bed and set the tray on a low table that was mysteriously there sort of convenient like. Pony shrugged and simply put the tray down and retrieved another box. Pim handed more powder to Geffen who took it and huffed it much faster than the first one, "Oh this is feeling really good Pim, wow I never had two thirds of a box of this, I'm feeling pretty good, like I can bite Fy'azhe's ass and run away before he can shoot me."

Pim and pony were both silent knowing the truth, but neither one said anything. By the fourth box being brought over Geffen asked, "Wait how many are we going to do?"

"I took out twenty boxes there are three of us ...!" Geffen's eyes went wide, he coughed!

"Six whole boxes I never did more than a third of a box by myself, six whole boxes ....each?"

Pony snuffed up a bowl of powder then it took a second for the joke to register, and he burst out laughing, he was still laughing after bringing number five and six over. Using the same flimsy knife now overworked nearly to death, "Hey Geffen can you carefully open these this knife is really going by the wayside," Pony asked.

He moved over Pony's erection was moving like a post on a somewhat stiff mooring post. Geffen decided to lick and lap it into his mouth and suck on it, "WWWOW!" Pony yelled "uuuuuuuuuuewww! Geffen shifted Pony's cock in his mouth to slide off his inside cheeks first one side then the other then he deftly swallowed Pony's whole twelve inches. Then Geffen came back up to look at Pony with huge red circles around Pony's eyes and look of ecstasy on his face.

"Wow Pony that felt great, you taste like peaches and vanilla, but your cock felt good in my throat, did you notice, you went all the way down my throat so easily, that was fun, I love this powder Pim lets have some more!" Geffen took the top off a box effortlessly showing huge muscles in his arms and back.

Pony's tongue fell out of his mouth to that one deep throated slide Geffen did in his drug induced state. Pony looked at Pim "Hhe-eeeeeeeee swallowed all of me, oh my godz that felt so ggggggoooooddd!"

Pim handed Pony another bowl of powder, Geffen was dipping himself more as well, and Pim took some each time, also Pim still felt an elation and burst of energy going all through him like GBI Rose and dark Green combined together, he stroked his own giant cock once, not that it needed it, but he was looking at what might have just happened. Only two days ago he was a fully submissive whore for the Golverien Syndicate, now he got Green through the hairs inside Geffen before he drank the cure.

Pim was wondering if he just re-addicted himself to green GBI just now. But decided it might be the recent addiction coupled to doing this much powder that he had only used on two Daggers to trick them into giving out information.

'Should I do more boxes of powder now' Pim thought to himself. Pony and Geffen were toasting each other in huffing bowls at a time of powder. Geffen noticed Pim was not huffing like he and Pony were, he slid off the bed and licked Pim's giant cock, "Pim are you okay you seem somewhere else. I feel wonderful. More than any time in my life, I love both of you guys, I love the way Pony's cock tastes, and you are not so bad yourself, are you okay." Geffen looked worried for Pim, this was really new, Pim was in a drug afterglow from a possible relapse brought on by three boxes of powder each, they each had three more to go before the grand reaming of Geffen was to begin.

"Hey let's stop the powder, it's not going anywhere and I want to hear you grunting on every stroke into me stretching my ass into ruin, plus swallowing Pony's tasty cock, yummy!" Pony turned that beet red at what Geffen was saying, then he rolled forwards nearly off the bed and stuck his nose into Geffen's crotch, Pony swallowed Geffen's cock knot and all and applied a huge amount of suction even upside down with only his groin and legs on the bed, his cock was laid out behind him throbbing in need.

Pony got Geffen to stiffen again and he blew another load this time into Pony's throat, Pony instinctively sucked it all down, it was well past his tongue so it was just creamy hot liquid. Pony pulled off after Geffen stopped spurting, he licked his lips, "and I'll need something cold after that one. You are right though that did feel really good I like your cock Geffen you are fast, it takes me two maybe three minutes longer to get Pim to cum, plus for Molvaenians; I had no idea you come so much!" Pony smiled to a red faced Geffen.

Pim realized it was nothing and being closest he got up and took two mugs the force fields came off as soon as he touched them and the frosty mugs he gave one to Geffen then other to Pony who had a hard time getting up on the bed again, plus his cock was just throbbing in erection waiting no doubt for another strong suction exhibition.

Pim turned back and was there again. Like he had teleported, he looked down and saw big giant breasts and he was castrated and emasculated, someone far away was calling his name to come home, it was very faint like they were in a hole but close by, he was back again starring at the tray, he grabbed a Grendyl Ale the field dropped he stood up and drained the whole mug right there. And set the empty on the tray. Pim stood up the warmth of the Grendyl ale went from his ear tips to his hooves then the end of his tail in more reverberations than it normally did. "'I guess it is because I never did four boxes of powder before those poor two Crimson Daggers in Crescent's box, were like this no wonder they told the truth this feels so wonderful'. Now it's time, no those boxes aren't going anywhere, get in position Geffen!"

Pim ordered, Geffen was fast he positioned Pony for sixty-nine on the bed then pointed his butt towards the end of the bed, and put his chains back on his wrists and one ankle then waited for Pim's giant flare to stretch his asshole out before sliding inside, "Just at the opening I can feel your heat just hovering there, give me you fat giant cock, Pim make me beg for it!" Geffen pleaded then laid an ultimatum.

Pim got up on the bed, Geffen's asshole was hot, and Pim pushed his cock inside Geffen in a pop, "OOOOhohohho!" Geffen cried out, and Pony licked the full length of Geffen's throbbing eight inch three inch diameter cock and huge knotted cock, not even as long as he was but thicker, he'd feel comfortable inside Pony's ass, and why he was so suck able.

Geffen quickly stated: "oh godz Pony along with Pim fucking me just do what you are doing and only tease it, don't suck or swallow it, okay? I'm going to be screaming at the top of my lungs!"

"Just put your throat on my cock and scream with that in your mouth!" Pony said ready for some nice cock sucking.

"yes sir, Pony, yes sir," he had no longer put Pony's cock in his mouth and slid it to the opening of his own throat that Pim did not shove his giant flare right through Geffen's rectum and directly to the sweet spot, "Uuuuuuuullllllllggggggmmmmm! Geffen's eyes rolled back into his head, Pim's flare was enormous his asshole was stretched to the limit, a feeling of being over full back there was overwhelmingly pleasurable even stopping to catch his breath or going slow to be nice to Geffen every micro inch sent explosions of pure joy through Geffen, This is better than GBI was, wow, Geffen screamed in his mind he sucked a little on Pony's cock in his mouth, Pony made yells and screams as his cock was tantalized and every once in a while licked Geffen's whole length underneath, making Geffen shiver in delightful need to cum hard. Pim shoved in deeper, only now did Geffen feel Pim's ring, start to penetrate his asshole widening it out even more, it was painful, but everything else was so incredibly enjoyable, Geffen tried but could not talk with Pony's throbbing bat in his mouth, so he pulled off kissed Pony's cock and licked it making Pony shiver, Pim went in deeper the ring went on inside. Geffen had to splay his legs out to accept the giant over enhanced cock going in him, with more of it, too, I won't be able to walk right for a week after this but the memories will be so wonderful. Geffen thought then the flare stretched out his curve and kept going inside, he began to move around his hips Pony underneath him licked the whole length of his stiffed post that needed a hole of any kind to blow a load with. "OOOOOOHHHHHHHGGGDDDZZZ" Geffen let out in a long loud howl shacking the mirrors on all the walls and above all three.. realizing his mistake he in mid howl shoved Pony's cock deep all the way to pony's scrotum and groin pushing a little more of pony into his throat. Pony licked Geffen's cock three and four times, during getting a muffled guttural howl around his cock and getting his blast swallowed by the big shaved naked Darvolf, Pim shoved in deeper his balls also oversized now were only a few inches from Geffen's asshole stretched way out Geffen vibrating in pleasures he never knew before "GWAAAAAAAAAFFFFFFFFFKKKK" Geffen screamed with Pony's cock getting hard again in Geffen's hot throat, that feeling of vocal cords vibrating on top of his supersensitive cock was also too much for Pony, he reached up and took all of Geffen into his mouth and wrapped his tongue around Geffen's throbbing meat. Pim found the end but the next eight hours were left to stretch Geffen out to look more like a prostitute after an entire brigade had pounded his ass. He marked about where the end was, and pulled all the way back out!

Geffen came twice the first time was when Pony swallowed his cock, the next time was Pim pulling out quickly then coming back in a long prolonged painfully stretching erotic dark pleasures he never felt before, he came again, still in pony's hot throat. Pony's own cock was in his throat, and he sucked hard on it, making Pony cum again, "BBBBWWWWOOOOOOGGGGG" came out of Pony his throat sucking on Geffen's thick wide though shorter cock still had that big knot at the end, making it difficult to breath around it. Geffen had to pull off Pony to breath, and then hurriedly took a breath because Pim was stroking Geffen's ass now Geffen was vibrating and kept moving around, Pony let his cock go and pushed Geffen's mouth off his own cock, then got out from under Geffen. He quickly stuffed some of the covers into a soft eyed Geffen who imediated screamed his lungs out into the covers in his mouth on Pim's third stroke, this time in again, it was working Geffen wiggling his ass around the stretching continued Geffen was screaming in joy at getting fucked by someone he owed a giant debt to, he was loving paying for it, so much better than living in jail, this was without words to for him to describe it, except Geffen did not want it to stop he had burst a couple times with no mouth on his thick cock. He spit out the covers after the shiver when up his spine when Pim pulled out to stretch Geffen's asshole out from the inside. Geffen said quickly to Pony. "Pull my arms tight put more - bbbbbbbbuuuuuuuuuueeeeee." Pim slid all the way in then drug all the way nearly out, Geffen was sweating on his back, sides, underarms, and his nose. He stuffed his face into the pillows to scream instead of biting his own lip, again. Pony did as asked tightening the restraints on Geffen's arms his cock danced around like a short post, with his balls tight against his groin. Geffen pulled Pony get the leg stretcher on me quick! He filled his mouth with more covers "IIIIIIIIUUUUUUWWWW!" Pim was stroking faster, getting Geffen's ass to stretch out more, Pim's bigger balls were striking Geffen's ass finally. Soon he will be hilting Geffen to Geffen wiggling around to get that cock deep as possible in his guts. Pony got one then the other leg stretch out so Geffen's ass was exposed and he could not close his legs or flex his own ass cheeks closed either. Geffen was just saying the guttural groan now, "Uuuuuuuullllllllggggggmmmmm! Pim began to get heated pounding into Geffen now loose as a bundle of billiard balls rectum, a giant monster throbbing concrete reinforced unbending pile driver into Geffen's ass. He began a sustained howl now "Uuuuuuuullllllllggggggmmmmm! Pim had stretched him out huge, precum was dripping out of his asshole now making a trail down the insides of both legs. Geffen had both eyes drawn back in his skull the sheets were out of his grasp so Geffen had only fists to make or claw hands, he toes curled under on every thrust only to splay out wide on the draw to almost out. He made the same sound throughout, his cock exploded in another spurt on the bed when Pony just touched his balls pulled up tighter to his groin underneath, his hips wiggled, he pulled off the mass of covers in his mouth "oh thank you this is so wonderful" Geffen cried out amid his "Uuuuuuuullllllllggggggmmmmm", stuffing his mouth into the pillows now. "I love this; I don't want to ever stop!"

He ducked down before Pim now going violently fast pounding Geffen's ass hilting him each time then Pim dug in deeper Geffen raised up his cock spurted a tenth time Pim pushed in as deep as he could pushing on the bedposts with his hooves, raising Geffen up a little off his knees in the final thrust, Geffen could feel the fire hot cum fill him up inside, he could feel it leaking into his stomach through all of his intestines filling him up with a big belly of Pim's hot cum, Pim kept Cumming, and then it leaked out Geffen's gaped asshole all down the inside of Geffen's legs, the Darvolf spurted out again for the eleventh time, still Pim's balls were pumping red hot seed into his overfilled guts and ass, finally Pim was spent. He rolled off Geffen's back his still erect cock sliding easily out of Geffen's butt, his asshole at least five inches in diameter open to the wind Geffen pulled off the covers in his mouth "that was the most wonderful thing I have ever felt in my entire life. I love your cock Pim; I love your cock Pony. I wish I was not so mean to both the of you, we could have done this weeks ago instead of following Fy'azhe's crazy plan to kidnap Pony, then force Pim to become 'Bitch' again. I have no Order and no Guild and I am NOT going to let that happen, Fy'ahze betrayed me; you two never did even though I was mean to you, I will give my life for you Pim based upon merit not how wonder you can make me feel." I ..." He glowed Pim recognized that glow that was the Star order admitting Geffen to the Star order, you got one now my friend, you have a hot ass. I won't be able to go as deep after today, but I have plenty of powder left besides these, look at one of your hands, Pony release him".

Geffen looked at his right hand once released, "this is a! "He trailed off, "they took ME in?

"They did Geffen, you are officially a Star order member, no one messes with the Star and gets away with it, now that is you too. Together Stars are nearly invincible, they all the Guildmaster in the world, they watch and admit you by who you become. I know you did not say that lightly, you meant it, so yes Geffen you are in the Order of lovers and friends, you belong to the Star same as Pony, same as me, same as most of the Driadan Army and Air Force. And our guild hall has the most membership in the known world, they are all your friends Geffen; Pony and myself too." Pony had taken off Geffen 's leg bar put it on himself and was laying on the bed on all fours with the covers in his mouth, he looked at Pim with the throbbing erection, who walked over and straddled Pony, Pony pulled the covers out "I love you Pim!" Pony said," I love you Pony," Pim said getting ready to mount Pony, but he thought of something, and flipped Pony over pony's erection slung precum all around in a spiral line.

Pim inserted himself into Pony facing him, "You go ahead and scream or howl or kiss me passionately like you always do husband, I'm going to ream you a new asshole, just like Geffen got!"

"MMMMM! I can't wait." Pony said

Geffen waddled over finding it extremely difficult to walk, "Oh, Pim I am so full, I can hardly walk, it's like my legs are permanently bowel legged, my knees keep hitting each other." Geffen felt his asshole "Wow that is huge, let me go look in the mirror," Pim inserted his cum dripping fucker into Pony now to a shriek of joy as the flare five times normal stretched into Pony's asshole stretching it way out before popping in. Pony was trying his best to be silent but let out an "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEK" shriek at the end, anyway.

"...Going slow, wow you are so tight now Pony, so hot too," Pim lowered his head and sucked on Pony's cock head, rolling it around in his mouth trying to stuff his tongue into Pony's peehole and licking sucking a little on his bone, underneath a little misty peaches taste with a hint of vanilla. Pim let Pony's throbbing post out to drop stiff on his chest, a long line of spit and precum leaked down and connected still by silvery lines to Pim's lips and Pony's cock end.

Pony was smiling so big, Pim pushed in more "IHK-IHK-IHK-IHK" came out of Pony still smiling his tongue long and thin flopped out of his mouth, Pony caught sight of Geffen walking on all fours across the floor to the foot of the bed in the mirrors, Geffen was still leaking cum, and he scooped it up in his either hand and drank it as he moved from his own ass. Any other he licked off the spotless floor with his wide tongue, he looked up into Pony's eyes and smiling at him he mouthed "I love both of you so much", without saying a word, he continued his trek scooping cum draining out of his gaped hole between his muscular legs, then lapped it up and drank it all.

Pony felt the flare cram through his rectum muscle next showers of tickling fireflies cascaded all around in Pony's drug induced and somewhat tipsy state touching places that made exciting connections to the pleasure centers of his brain, excitement was also on Pim's face above him, a little difficult at first but Pony pushed himself up to kiss Pim sucking on his wide equine tongue and licking around inside Pim's mouth, he yelled "OAAAAAAHHHH!" in Pim's mouth when Pim's flare penetrated his colon, Pony fell back upon the bed panting, "diiiper Pim, deeper!" Pony restated what he meant.

"Yeah I know this part it is so hard to think when I do this," Pim shoved all the way in to the stop Pony rose up and kissed Pim again he was inhaling a scream, on each breath but was kissing Pim so hard, harder that he ever did before. Pony's own cock sprayed out a long line of cum but his balls held a lot more, A Darvolf caught most of it in his mouth the rest decorated his hairless nude body, mostly his face and head, Geffen had positioned his body in such a way as to catch all of Pony's squirt, it was not his full load, just a happy pre-spurt, to the main flood that was too come Pim pulled all the way out Pony had to concentrate to not swallow his own tongue, "OH GODZ Pim OH!. Pim looked into his husbands eyes, smiling then started going in with a stroke, Pony's whole body quivered his legs were on the spreader bar and when Pim had gotten him over had pressed both of Pony's legs well past his head, he could flex them but they were so far apart he could not drum them anywhere but moved them that way anyway in reaction of having Pim's mile long fucker slid all the way in, it was easy to be silent now the feelings or getting fucked by a feral horse were nearly identical, except Pony's pasterns were behind his head and at least six feet apart, it was even more eroctic than it was without the legbar, places Pony did not even know he had were pleasured, Pim drew back almost out stretching out Pony's donut length a lot longer, making his donut further away from his rectal muscles.

Then Pim stoked again, Pony could not be silent now "OH GODZ PIM THIS FEELS SO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH" Pim hilted Pony stretching him out huge inside, then out "IIIIIIIIIIIGKGKGK" then in again, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Pim sped up now, Pony did not have time to scream but the feelings were just as overwhelming. Pim pushed in hard then the floodgates opened and Pony's stomach grew in a big bursting belly Pony was in ecstasy somewhere his eyes had gone up inside his head, Pim felt something strange then, he looked in the mirror to see Geffen shove his Darvolf nose into Pim's butt cheeks then through he was still Cumming into Pony a wonderful tongue danced around inside his interior through his flower, "WOW GEpH-pH-En, Wow!"

Pim said new tingles of pleasure rolled across his face Pony was kissing him still with extreme passion, using a surprising amount of suction, 'I found out how to get Pony to suck a cock like I do now' Pim thought, 'He can give one of my famous blowjobs now, and to think that all I needed to do; was to get him to this level by getting giant five times normal sized cock to ream him a new asshole with his pasterns behind his head!' Pim was still in a much longer than a normal kiss with Pony, Geffen was still pleasurably rimming Pim's whole ass, deep inside too. Pim's eyes rolled up inside his head, this felt wonderful.

But still there was one last thing to do Pony still had a thick post throbbing on his stomach. 'I'll get to that as soon as I oh my, that feels nice." Pim had another idea; Pim pulled off of Pony's marathon embrace after all that. "GepH-pHen would you be a good guy and get up on the bed straddle me and ream me with your wide fucker! I have to finish Pony; he did not cum yet after all that plowing I did."

"Okay Pim I would be happy to, bend forwards a little um I need to get your tail out of the way and ...."

Pim felt a tip insert into him, Pim shot backwards in time to only three months ago, he was raped by a huge Darvolf cramming a dry not lubed cock into his ass, and it was extremely huge made so by the GBI cocktail in his skin the first stroke was dry and scraped along inside his passage to the end, the big Darvolf yelled out his climax and lifted Bitch up in the air a few feet with the pole shoved all the way in his ass well past the colon into the first parasite husk organ making bitch scream in pleasure, Pim came back in that memory, it was the same Darvolf Geffen was the same person back then, Pim bit his lip and did not say anything, Geffen had hurt him as soon as he started to plow Pim it all came back. It seems you can Save your body, cure you of addictions, but all the psychological pains and agonies that were all unresolved remained, he just could not remember them without the right trigger. The trigger was Geffen pleasurably reaming him.

Pim did not stop him or bring it up now, he looked in the mirrored walls and there was such a gentleness to him now, Pim decided 'He is not like that now, but I kind of wonder will I remember all the bad things that happened all last year when someone else reams me identically?'

Geffen was being very nice he would ask before inserting his ultra sensitive knot inside, "Oh that feels good Gehhen, oh yes dance that in and out of me!"

Pim was still hilted into Pony the bounce that Geffen began in his reaming of Pim translated into Pony making him come out of his glow to getting bounced upon after he'd just got plowed to a four inch diameter gape. Pim was still deep inside him Pony smiled and opened his mouth he was getting round two deep up inside, in his new stretched out intestines, and every inch from his flower stretched way out to his rectum stretched as well by the immense size Pim had now, through his whole rectum then the stretched out colon to the area inside to beyond normal. This sliding bouncing was affecting Pim's immense erection too, it began to throb again. "Pony I was going to suck on your oh GODZ Gehhen!" Pony smiled huge more hot fire flowed into him, making his stomach protrude even further it filled up Pony everywhere inside Pim felt Geffen cum now too, that hot cum exploded into his lower passage the cock still sliding in then out of the huge knot Geffen had, making Geffen's cum spill out and run down the insides of Pim's legs. Pim was getting an intense reaming, Geffen was not done his had cum a lot too, but was still just as stiff just as aroused he instead wrapped his Darvolf arms around Pim sliding his giant knot in and out of pim like a oversized tire inner tube going into a knothole in a fence, or that is what it felt like. Pim could not think his own cock still inside pony prepared to cum again, still inside Pony to the hilt, Geffen came a second time more hot fire this time leaking into his entire passage up deep into Pim's colon and beyond hot as fire and a lot of it, the trickle went into Pim's own intestines and up to his own stomach filling him up huge to nearly bursting , 'How many times can a Darvolf cum on only five boxes of powder, he's not done yet!" Pim felt Geffen cum again in so many minutes of plowing Pim wide as well, then this might be the last Geffen crammed all he had into Pim to almost go through into the hot seed of joy inside Pim's whole ass, deep inside Pim's rectum. The hot seed filled up Pim's stomach to pretty huge as well plus more Geffen cum leaked out going down the insides of both thighs.

Pony was smiling broadly Geffen fell off Pim and onto the bed, Pim's eyes were red and his face flushed, he was filled to overfull. Some of it had caked inside him already, it seems Darvolf cum is not as runny as Equine or Unicorn cum, it got thick and congealed quickly. There was not pop when Geffen pulled out, a slurp sound proving Geffen with a unenhanced except by powder knot was as much as a treat as the five times normal cock Pim had that was still shoved up ultra deep into Pony, his face was that weeklong smile again, Pim shakily pulled a little back then planted on Pony's whole throbbing cock laying on his stomach, and he said: "OOOOOOOOWWWWWH!, then Pim pulled up slightly with his usual suction, then "GGGGGGOOOOOOOGGGGGGKKK!" Pony said strong peaches a la mode in vanilla ice-cream and peach juice came out of Pony's cock in a torrent, Pim must be tired some of it ran down his chest hair to his bulging stomach filled with hot Geffen Darvolf seed of pure love. Pony was so beyond happy his cock laid back down and just began to get stiff again, this was the nature of powder, sex was memorable because the powder made everyone erect within minutes again, one of the reasons it is so addictive. The other reason was Pim's huge cock was still throbbing all the way inside Pony. Pim painfully moved his legs, then pulled out Pony vibrated and was silent again his face made all kinds of happy contractions as the giant fucker Pim had came out. Geffen was there to suck up any of it that did come out, about a quart. "MMMmmmm Pim that tastes good!, Geffen planted his mouth on Pim's erection that rewarded Geffen with another flood of Pim's cum bulging out his cheeks before he could drink it down which he did adding to the full stomach he already had from Pim grinding him earlier. Geffen finished his body was dripping Pony cum still, now his whole face was coated in Pim cum, and he audibly sloshed when he moved off the bed onto the floor. "Oh wow, I am having the best time in my entire life, Pony I had to ask your permission; can I kiss Pim?" Pony raised one arm his hooves still behind his head. A single thumbs up. Pony's pleasurably exhausted body lay in continued happiness for several minutes. Pim fell off the other side of the bed onto the floor. Pim lay there for a while feeling all the sparkles cascade throughout his body. Geffen slowly crawled around to Pim, he got his forearms underneath him and then was able to raise up high enough to kiss him passionately, sucking on Pim's tongue and making 'mmmnn' noises. "I love you Pim for getting on this incredible journey Whoop! I'm a Star because of you; I want to make you happy my best friend, you and Pony both. Pony made you whole again, and I love Pony for that, Taven Gedarian did the wrong thing in trying to kill Pony, Pony is not high ability, and Gedarian broke the rule the Daath Headsman caliph and Guildmaster of Daath kicked him out of the Dagger for that, then finalized the bargain to not die forever by rescuing you, Pim, aiding Pony. Then you shot me with my own darts, you could have left me like that but you didn't!

"You found people to help me in my condition, then cured me, then gave me the most wonderful present of all you allowed me a change of heart a change of direction and the Star brought me in. I have the best Order in the world, I will be true you'll see I will!" Geffen declared.

Pim spoke up, "Umm Gehhen could you get Pony out of that contraption and the both of you join me in the shower?" Pim said rolling over to a thick not going down anytime soon belly very overfilled. And Pim eventually got up on all fours to slowly crawl into the shower room. Geffen set Pony down next to Pim. He flopped onto his back from the sitting position next to a drain.

"I guess it is hard to move for you too, eh Husband?" Pim asked.

"Happily yes that was the best Pim, the best; I love all your ideas, I always come out feeling so wonderful afterward." Pony said looking up. Stumbling off the walls Geffen came in with a box a bowl and three Grendyl Ales on the tray. He went to his knees then set the tray down carefully, then opened a box with his bare hands, scooped up some powder and helped Pony up to be able to huff it up his nose. He let pony lay back then shuffled over to Pim with a fresh bowl, Here Pim take this, I am so very happy I can be gay and it's all alright, I love this, I love the both of you too." Geffen passed around the entire contents of the box, then crawled back out then in again with the last two boxes, "Looks like this is the last there is." Geffen announced," I got more", Pim said "lots more.".

After a while the last box was empty everyone was feeling pretty lit, and Geffen handed out the Grendyl Ales. A toast to my best friends in the entire world, I love you guys!"

I love you too Geffen " Pony said drinking all of his ale in one quaff.

Pim said, I love you and Pony; Gehhen." Pim drank most of his frosty ale. Geffen drank his down like Pony did "OOOOOWOW that stuff is strong!"

Pim drank the rest of his managed to shakily stand up then skittered the tray the boxes and three empty mugs out the door closed the door, and asked for 80 degree water, showers on, the showers sputtered to life the water choked then came up the pipes and out of each nozzle set across the room and some from the ceiling. Pony lay in the middle of one from above "Oh this feels good too, ooooohhhhhw!"

Geffen was between two nozzles scrubbing his cum coated face and body.

Pim got to an enema tube and shoved it easily up inside of himself all the way up then switched some of the pressure to his lower passage, the cascading water felt more than wonderful going up inside of him melting away the caked cum of a Darvolf, into slimy chunks dripping out of him. Pim rounded about inside up there and then Geffen came over and knelt down at Pim's cock level helping pim rinse out what it going to harden by tomorrow deep inside of him, Geffen slowly slide the tube up deeper into Pim the spooge in his intestines was filtered with the water, then since it could not go any further Geffen said. "You know to keep my cum from turning into a rock you won't be able to pass without a lot of exhaustive pushing and the agony of it being like a solid mass of cooling lava, we need to get you both ultra relaxed and or shitface drunk. I'd say another eight Grendyl Ales should do it"

"Or something not as potent, maybe 'Wet River Water'?" Pim suggested,

Geffen though about that did a little computation then said: "Yeah that would be good as long as there some alcohol in it and mostly other liquids, although you'll need about twelve."

"Got it, thanks Gehhen you are very thoughtful."

"Ahh thanks Pim, I am just looking out for you guys" Geffen said a little embarrassed. Pim spoke up and made the order: a rap came to the door and a domed tray on wheels moved in. the door closed.

"Service here is Stellar!" Pony said from the island of unicorn over next to the drain, his furry hair all drenched and matted out on top of the water. He was like an island with the water pooling on one side of him and hardly any getting to the drain.

"Yeah it is I hope I get an itemized bill!" Pim said rolling over and gliding through the water on the floor over to the tray on his big cum solidifying belly. He sat up as best he could then lifted up a corner of the dome to take out one of the Wet River Water drinks and pored it down his throat, he did another and another, then after a few minutes had drank them all, "I'm feeling pretty lit now I can tell you!" Pim announced.

Geffen moved Pim back to the enema tube and stuffed it up inside of him, "Woooooooohhhhhwwwwwwaaaaa that feels good my friend, mmmmm!" Pim said as the stuff in his stomach began to go back the way it had come originally all the way through both intestines then out his colon and down the drain in his 4 inch diameter gape. Pim set in one place his giant cock still erect and throbbing with the water bouncing off of it, got two pairs of mouths on it to tantalize him again, "Hey guys, I mmmmmm! That feels so nice I like that." Pony was sucking on the end but Pim's cock was too huge, so Geffen licked all around the rest of the shaft moving the enema tube in a little deeper each time Pim moved and more slimy chucks came out. After an hour in the shower everybody had enough shower and Pim had sprayed Pony with a few more quarts of more cum.

"I just cleaned that!" Pony stomp hoofed back into the shower, Geffen licked his face clean after stopping him then let Pony go back and wash his head again.