Pim Chapter Sixteen

Story by Mericus on SoFurry

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Combat scene: magic and medium tech versus brute force and Runes. The return of J'kael and Drang.

Chapter Sixteen

"Okay tell me the good news! Fy'ahze looked at his lieutenants all at the conference table. "Speak up, what is happening?" Fy'ahze scratched the back of his immense head then his upper back mostly since Royants don't really have a neck at all they tend to turn to look directly at a thing or person instead of turn their head, Fy'ahze was doing that turning his whole torso to each subordinate. Everyone was still silent Fy'ahze sat back in his chair he flopped out his big flaccid cock and Slut chained by hir neck to a leash underneath the table began to pleasure him beginning with his balls.

Fy'azhe's demeanor turned grim, "So no good news then, No Pim no Pony, no more money coming out of Driadan." He trailed off, "Any news on the locket's location then?"

A couple people looked at each other; then one finally decided to incur Fy'azhe's wrath by describing the bad news to him. "You see your majesty, the people we employed disappeared, after we had gotten the whereabouts of Pim." Fy'ahze cut him off "Bitch his name is Bitch remember!" Fy'ahze screamed. The Xicaphi stopped speaking; "Continue" Fy'ahze said scrunching his back down in the high back chair, Slut took this as a sign to start on his cock now. Shi pulled the head of his filling larger cock into hir mouth and began licking and sucking on it and continued to slowly get the full sixteen inches down hir throat. All on the one breath shi took before beginning. After a year and several months shi had gotten to be able to hold hir breath for nearly twenty-nine minutes before she would start to run out of air that was up from hir original first capture breath holding of three minutes. Shi continued slowly getting his cock to fill to stiff as a board.

"We obtained six assassins to find Bitch and the other faggot ..." Fy'ahze smiled, that was the correct way to describe they were both faggots, Bitch however was supposed to be here, all that money going for medium tech to the Sitrans, they had stopped calling on him last week, usually they would come by every three days to trade drugs for guns. But they had missed him yesterday, there was no way to contact them, they had contacted him.

Fy'ahze had met the Sitrans in an assembly area with mechanical conveyor holding potential slaves by their neck and under their arms, but the rest of their bodies hung naked below. Fy'ahze had chosen several new slaves for the guns and fuel he brought; thirty-five in all. But the delivery was not until another eight weeks, how long it takes to train then to be just like Slut, and Bitch wherever the fuck shi was!

"...they contacted our spy and she reported all six had disappeared, then both the drug money vanished and the spy had to leave Driadan. The Star Order hall under Maximus Rex has grown nearly five hundred percent in the last seven months, nearly all of the Driadan Air force and exactly half all the overlords ' army had joined the Star. It seems for members of the military police the elites of that force removed all our other spies and our last observer had to bail or be caught." The Xicaphi looked to the other lieutenant to continue the report. The Kastaan began and the winged human hornet sat back down his wings finally stopped rapidly flapping at the end of every sentence, Xicaphi had exoskeletons and no bones inside their bodies, three sex stages, eventually for all of them become before death, and a very short lifespan. They could see right through illusions since they could detect objects people or anything using internal radar coming out of their multifaceted compound eyes. Buzzing a little the Xicaphi sat back down on his chair, which lacked a back.

The subordinate Rat stood up and walked as he talked Fy'ahze did the same thing it helped him think taking a step per completed thought. This is not to say that Royants are exactly stupid, but that they needed more time to think things through, slow down the thinking process to be able to manage it better and get things clear in your mind. Except this idiot kept opening and closing his mouth every time he looked at the Caliph.

"Out with it man; What?!" Fy'ahze yelled, "Talk; stop stammering looking for the right word!"

The lieutenant Kastaan looked away from Fy'ahze. "The Sitran master torturer killed all thirty-five of your new sex slaves, they ordered a new Torture Master from Vaelkandis, and it will be another 3 weeks before they resume normal operations. And insomuch as that is the case, they won't be delivering any more GBI for royal pleasures, either, your majesty."

Fy'ahze simply looked up with his zygomatic bones to the ceiling far above the rafters in this old castle fortress.

"Any other bad news?" Fy'ahze said still trying to figure out the roof system of jumbled joists and rafters above him.

"Well with the cutoff of revenue from the Driadan fags working there, we can't get any more fuel for the Sitrans, we are using our drug money sales to offset this setback to not incur a loss to our own treasury, sire." The new speaker was a Zhetwahn a Rhiaxian but the loner type of the Rhiaxian race, unlike military oriented Driadans or merchant minded Bornians. Fy'ahze picked this person to head a specific department because he looked so much like Bitch used to look before shi was processed. Fy'ahze went so far as to require him to wear a loincloth and nothing else, except his invisible weapons he had in sheathes on his body. It was still fall and the weather was not that cold yet, so the Zhetwahn weathered the insult and the embarrassment, his balls and butt were completely naked only his tail hair hanging down covered him, from the view from behind. "The drug sales have fallen off though, sire. Eventually to start up again we are going to have to take over a new city and run prostitutes there, drugs and then the money will return."

Fy'ahze was still looking up, "Sire you know as well as I do that head could tell you exactly where to go." Fy'azhe's gaze dropped down to look at the Rhiaxian that reminded him so much of Bitch. The Zhetwahn had both hands flat on the conference table looking at Fy'ahze.

Fy'ahze sighed, "Very well call the magicians in, and get the guards in here once he resurrects he will have to be subdued, Slut go sit under the middle of the table, there's a good Zith.", Fy'ahze was getting enamored of Slut, no matter how good or bad a day he had, shi was always there to take it up hir ass, down hir throat, or up hir vaginum through hir sheath. Shi was always ready to please him in any way he allowed. Shi had been allowed to simply move around and do whatever to Fy'ahze without being ordered or commanded to.

"Sire if I may I think the resurrection should be in a place we control, Drang was always big."

Fy'ahze sighed; "Yes you are probably right, get everything ready, Slut, myself, ALL of You." he pointed to the others at the table. "Will adjourn to the dungeon torture chamber, have the nets ready he's been dead long enough to make him belong to nothing but he is still strong and still can fly. Have the magicians subdue him then get him in irons, probably Andronite in his case." Fy'ahze got on his hands and knees and crawled under the table to release Slut from the leash there. Shi just sat there like an obedient slave. He got back out fumbled his cock back into his codpiece and strode out, "Slut; follow behind me." Shi crawled out made no eye contact with anyone still in the conference room and quickly moved on hir cloven hooves behind Fy'ahze.

By the time Fy'ahze had returned to the dungeon, he had a guard carry Drang's head in the jar, even in the fluid it was in allowed decomposing, one of the eyes floated around outside of the rest of the head by itself, portions of whole sections of Drang's face had separated from the bone and the bizarre football shape had degenerated into the squarish front and back now that the back or the head and the chin had dissolved, on each step the head's jaw moved like dead Drang was talking.

The Guard was Diorian a sort of panther-bear race, no claws like other feline races, or even sharp teeth, they were though fairly even in ability across all the points required, except Guard #4 here was very fast. He used peacemaker .44 cap locks that were of course invisible. He specialized as a gunslinger and built up a very quick ability to draw aim and take the eye out of a Kaishai Siren at one hundred and ten feet.

He favored crowds so that when he shot adversaries everybody saw how cruel he was, he would win the contest and in the off chance the adversary survived or even if he was successful he would go and cut the heart out of his foes with a skinning knife, then eat it, right in front of them if they'd Saved, he kept shooting them until they could not Save anymore, or cutting their heart out until they could not Save anymore. He liked the horror everyone felt around watching the gunfight, witnessed in his cruelty. He was too flashy to work as a torpedo loving the limelight, Assassins need to be discreet and more like a thief to steal into the location to kill the target., So #4 became a guard here in Golverien. Fy'ahze had three other specialists that were guards, in his palace, numbered lower of course. For this though he would be sufficient if Drang did get free or was able to fight his way out #4 would shoot him dead again. The rest of the guard would regroup the magicians getting ready again and they would start over, until Drang was fully subdued.

Number four guard placed the head in the middle of the room underneath the nets ready to be released, the magicians got their spells ready and arranged their staffs, the guards loaded grapple crossbows because the spike would sting in Drang and the ropes off the grapple would be used by the crossbowman to rein him in so to speak, from several angles around the room. Another guard not one of the specialists set up a sixty-eight caliber machine gun with eight thousand rounds magazine, another guard had grenades in a bag at his side. "Too much, we want him subdued not torn to shreds; get that out of here, and no grenades, no bombs!" The guards did as they were commanded by their Caliph.

"Begin, everybody stand ready, as soon as he is rejuvenated, he will resurrect, and then cast the spells and drop the net!" Fy'ahze said. "Now!"

The Od power of the ancients made the entire room smell of ozone or the taste of steel as a scent, the first Crimson Dagger Orb cast the spell from his staff, being a Guild item the staff was faster than even a full automatic machine gun, or even the Krassa submachine pistol, a half of a breath later resurrection was cast, the bottle with Drang's head in it exploded, The people on the net releases started then stopped, nothing had happened yet, the rejuvenation was fast not as fast as a full Save, but close. Drang's body reassembled brand new from the head down, his face and head completely healed from all its wounds including the one that leaded his left eye (the one that fell out), which prevented him from using his Save, he inhaled, the people above hesitated for a fraction of a second, Drang stood up to his full height from a prone position on the floor, guards fired their crossbows, the guards on the nets pulled the releases, everyone else drew their invisible weapons.

Now the curious thing about Ogrensi is they developed very nearly directly from amoeba, to a type of Mollusk then a dinosaur species called similar to a trilobite long before the Cretaceous period on their home planet. This ancient form to become the sort of a Neanderthal like Ogrensi at that period called Yogrens. All throughout their development from the amoeba, Ogrensi had the ability to use each eye independently. Other races thought they were just slow witted but in reality Ogrensi were taking in what each eye saw. As far as races go you can't sneak up on a horse, they will feel your footfalls on the ground; the Ogrensi will see you with one of their eyes. Either eye is on either side of the football shaped heads, and with this Drang scanned the room with both eyes independently of each other.

When Drang died he was casting Dissipate the one spell that all magicians are taught as their first spell, this spell will dismantle any spell that is class A, or one that is being cast or a class B type. Most spells usually work after one round or three seconds dissipate is faster it works instantaneously, it is the only spell that works this way, and it is first level.

All the entanglement spells, chains spells, ice sheet spell, itch, dumb, deaf. Lava hands and encyse were all dissipated into nothing, leaving the falling net and the grapple crossbowmen shooting directly into him, Drang jumped straight up into the net but instead of flying instead he caught most of the net the grapples all missed some striking a fellow guard on the other side of the room. Drang spun in the air using his giant bat shaped wings gathered up the net into a ball between his wings.

Drang came back down to the floor and went prone again, several single 44 pistol discharges, a few machine guns, and one arrow all missed their mark, within inches, almost like it was choreographed.

Drang had been dead for nearly one and a half years, except though you have no Order, no Guild, you don't lose any of your skills. The biggest mistake of his life Fy'ahze stepped over to a plate that led below this room. The resurrection and rejuvenation was done on Pim while he was still alive through the Guildmasters special ability of the creation of a dimensional portal to the plane of the Wheel of Existence, where all hermetic originates, but he was taken back to the last time he was whole before Malukef castrated him, Drang was resurrected at the prime of his abilities.

"SHIT-PISS FUCK somebody fire, Fire, take him down!" Fy'ahze moved toward the emergency escape tunnel.

Fy'ahze then turned looking directly at Slut a haze washed off hir eyes, as he said "...Drang!"

"...Slut, follow me!" Fy'ahze said, J'kael said "...not bloody likely!" he was crafting a Rune with either hand; his Orb magicians had nothing in any kind of defense against Guild of the Harp Runes.

Fy'ahze screamed "NOOOOO!" he backed into the plate and fell into the escape tunnel. J'kael cast his runes the Crimson Dagger Orbs both of then cast their spell staffs at him both spells of some kind of destruction bent away from J'kael because of the Rune he drew in the air, "Drang get behind me". J'kael ran forward then stopped, as Drang scampered behind J'kael, The Crimson Daggers using guns and bows fired at J'kael he had erected force field, yet one way, he could attack from his side but nothing could go through his field including a laser because it is a Rune. All the bullets bounced off the Crismson Dagger Orbs knew their magic was useless against a Rune master like J'kael, both cast teleport and left the guards to their doom.

J'kael crafted two more runes they were identical tool an artisan level rune created any tool imaginable, and since in the past J'kael had used Ogrensi axes as hammers or as something to pry with for him they were only tools. "Here my friend." Drang took both racial axes; all of the lieutenants were leaving by any exit they could find only the twenty guards were still firing in vain at J'kael's Runic force field. Drang smiled at these weapons they slide easily into his hands, another Rune J'kael's side was winning an illusion but without the Orbs to see it was Runic illusion the Guards all believed it.

They began to retreat, still firing, J'kael created another rune to grab one guard by his torso with a ten foot tentacle that came out of J'kael's back and fling him into the wall at H'Emorael full strength times ten. After bouncing off the wall the guard did not rise. Another Rune Drang became a shadow on the floor from the illumination through the dungeon windows as well as the lights in the ceiling. Drang ran at the guards who all screamed their bullets were bouncing off the floor but Drang was un-harmable and had his best weapons, screaming in terror the remaining Crimson Daggers all did what daggers do best, they ran for their lives. The door shut, Drang stopped about at the door, then came back to where J'kael was standing, J'kael unraveled the Shadow Rune and Drang came out of the Shadow on the floor, and hugged J'kael, "I've been gone I think, what the hell happened to you?"

"Where are we? The last thing I remember was warning you, and then I stepped on something that killed me instantly then after a Save something struck my eye and I woke up here." Drang said looking in every direction with either eye forwards or backwards.

"I ahh think I was made into a sex slave." J'kael said, "I don't remember not sporting a Willie and I used to have horns, I think I am Guild less though, so are you. I really can't remember much more except sex has been more fun than in my entire long life."

"Well hopefully this place has not been surrounded by gold yet, let's go home Drang, I think there is a change of clothes in Skymaster." J'kael cast the quick spell of mass teleportation and in another three seconds both friends were inside a dark Skymaster in the back hold with no lights on. Skymaster was not moving, there was no engine vibration either.

"Can you see anything, I can't see shit!" Drang cursed.

"Hang on Drang," Faintly in the darkness Drang could make out a finger waving around in the dark with a light trail nearly imperceptible behind it. Drang flipped both eyes backwards as a lit torch popped in out of thin air, it was blinding in this pitch, he looked back the one guard was still unconscious or dead on the floor of the hold.

"Why'd you bring him along?" Well he walked over and removed whatever heavy pistol was in each gunslinger holster at the Diorian's sides then patted around for the usual third invisible weapon. "ahh I found it, feels like a hammer, more like a contraption probably." J'kael set all of these invisible things on a bag in the corner.

"You know Drang we are both standing here completely naked and that guy has armor and clothes on, plus since he in our prisoner he should be tied up, you want to do it or shall I?" J'kael said in a sarcastic tone.

"Be happy too". Drang said he laid his new axes on the floor close to J'kael and drug the still form over to the far side of the hold, the Diorian flopping on his back and arms trailing as Drang drug him by one leg.

Drang was not nice about removing the Diorian's armor he jerked his helmet off scrapping the fur off on his head, then grabbed the codpiece off in his titanic grip, "Godz Drang don't castrate him just yet!"

Drang giggle a little, "Nobody messes with the Star and gets away with it!, Drang pulled his giant fist back as far as he could then brought it down in a massive punch directly into the Diorians balls, not just once, which woke him up, but twice more before the poor Crimson Dagger could block of change position, he held himself curled up in a ball and groaned out curses. "Oh fuck-fuck-fuck, you assholes, I'm going to fucking kill." Another four punches crushed his hands and his balls into his pelvis, "UNGGGRLLL" The Diorian groaned out now his fingers were dislocated on one hand and the other one was broken, his balls screamed in agony. "Go ahead stupid, say something else" J'kael said across the room,"Drang; next mean word he says tear off his right testicle. "

Terrified, Guard number four elbowed his body away from Drang in a hurry, "No-no-no-no, I'll obey, I'll obey!"

"Well that is better 'no nuts'." J'kael said still in the darkness behind a crate, he was doing this to kee the prisoner from seeing who it was, and pull some surprise on himself and Drang.

"My name is ..." The Diorian began to say, until J'kael cut him off

"Your name is 'no nuts' until I say otherwise. You do want to hang onto them for a while longer don't you?" J'kael asked with a note of doom in his voice.

"Ungggg, ooog this hurts, my hands are messed up you broke my hand, the other my fingers on my left are all dislocated."

Drang punched him hard right in his panther-bear nose J'kael could hear the crack of his nose bones. "Oooof, I'll bet that hurt!" J'kael commented. The punch was so hard the Diorian's head bounced off the steel wall , putting a dent in it.

The Diorian blew out some teeth and was now breathing hard out of his mouth with his nose broken and bent down, both eyes watered up and he bellowed out, "Please -please no more, I'll talk, please don't hit me again. Please - please" he held up his useless hands.

"Good, you know who Drang is correct?" J'kael began.

"Yes-sir, the Summoner!" The terrified wounded and beaten Diorian said.

"And you know why he is called that don't you?" J'kael was playing with him; nobody knew why he was called that, Drang just thought it sounded so cool one day, and started calling himself that. It was Drang's strange little Ogrensi joke.

"I am betting you used up quite a lot of your Save when I threw you into the wall, 'no nuts'; am I right?" J'kael decided to show himself after he had just announced to this Crimson Dagger he had thrown him into a wall.

"Oh no you are..." The guards eyes went wide or just the one that was still open as his face had swelled in reaction to getting hit so hard by a fist of pure Andronite, and the left side had swelled his eye shut.

"Yes I am J'kael Dark Shadow!" J'kael said with emphasis on the Dark Shadow part.

Yes sir, after today I know." The Diorian said.

"Then you know you will have a really horrible time in torture then getting beaten nearly to death before we tie you by your balls to the airship and fly until they tear off and you fall to your death." J'kael said with laugher in his voice.

The Diorian just stared he did not know what to say "Please don't do that sir, I will obey, you don't have to do that. Please sir?" I was getting hard for the Diorian to see either of the two torturers before him he was blind in one eye and was losing focus in the one that worked.

"Stay awake, stay with us, if you fall unconscious we will have to wake you up by hanging you by your useless dick then spinning you around until it twists ... " the Diorian slumped into unconsciousness.

"You are just too damned long winded J'kael!" Drang said going back to removing the rest of the Diorian's armor then tearing his clothes off underneath, leaving him naked as both of them were.

J'kael went to tearing open crates looking for something to wear, he found several pairs of Pim's pants, and those shirts J'kael created for him with the illusion of looking male. He pushed his female hips into the pants sitting on the floor, which he had to leave open, then put on the shirt, his body turned male through the curse, and he could button up the fly on the pants. "Glad I made all these things for Pim, I never knew I'd be wearing one someday, he got feeling a little better except he looked like painted whore female H'Emorael, without horns, really did not have any male parts and sported big tits just like Pim.

"You all look less fuckable now, J'kael you were driving me crazy looking at your voluptuous body and all those curves; Whoop!" Drang remarked struggling into a pair of Pim's pants that ripped in half as soon as he stood up.

"Loincloth, tear those into a loincloth." J'kael suggested, "You are just too big for anything else."

"It is too bad you never can make clothes with those Runes, J'kael."

"That is what Pim was for in his bracer that has every fucking thing in it!" He replied to Drang.

"What about him". Drang said concerning the naked broken Dagger lying on the floor, both testicles had pulled up inside his pelvis, so because they had to descend back into his scrotum sack before he would wake up, he would stay unconscious.

"Tie a couple pairs of pants around one leg and we'll drag him to the Rose." J'kael suggested.

Drang felt around the hatch for the emergency release then pulled it, the hold tipped backwards and all three fell out of the bottom into space.

Light came into J'kael's eyes, he was on the floor of hard concrete, Drang walked over to where he lay, "Are you okay, that was too quick to warn you, I did not know it would do that it was just supposed to open the door is all." J'kael; moved around the Diorian was still breathing out of his open mouth, so that was still okay, J'kael on the other hand had a bent weird looking break in both cannons."

Aw shit, the fall broke both of my legs; I wonder why it does not hurt. The torch was still burning and as both of them watched J'kael's legs bones turned straight and healed at an accelerated rate, in a few minutes both legs were whole and completely healed. "What the fuck!"

Drang picked up the torch it was pitch black full night, "Can you stand, walk on them?"

J'kael just looked at Drang with a worried look on his face. "What the fuck happened to me I couldn't do that before!" J'kael was standing his legs worked fine.

Something strange J'kael felt himself falling again but not so much through the air down by sideways like he was spinning in swivel chair he was back in the Sitran's torture barn out in the desert, J'kael was pleading with the Sitrans to let bygones be bygone, and remember all the lucrative deals they got from him, the Sitran with the syringe injector device on his arm said; "Don't worry after I inject you with this you won't have to worry about injury of any kind for the next thousand years..." J'kael floated back Drang was just looking at him waiting as if he asked him a question.

Drang spoke "How long do you want to just stare at me?"

"Oh ummm I don't know what happened just now, I need to get to the Rose myself I think." He said after blinking several times. It is almost as if you punched ME in the head several times and then punched my nuts into my throat just like 'no nuts' over there." J'kael said.

"Okay, then you hold the pants leg to no-nuts and I'll carry you, just in case you hit your head, that was a pretty long fall for someone without wings."

Drang said handing J'kael a pants leg before picking him up.

"Thank you Drang You ARE my best friend. Even without a guild."

Drang set off the Diorian dragging behind the torch sputtered and went out. Then was gone like the wind.

"Well Fuck I can't see shit, can you!" Drang exclaimed.


Pim Chapter Seventeen and Eighteen

Chapter Seventeen After cleaning up Pim, Geffen and Pony decided to go and dance some more, being and smelling as world of difference to the other slightly extra perfume dosed guests. Pim danced with Pony again Geffen found some girl Monvolf to dance...

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Pim chapter Fifteen

Chapter Fifteen Pony was never a leader, he grew up with ten sisters, who pretty much ran things at home, he didn't like playing house, because he always had to either be Daddy or the baby, unless he ran out and stole his way into the movie theater,...

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Pim Chapter Thirteen and Fourteen

Chapter Thirteen "Well?" The average sized Sitran torturer asked again, Pim was upside down now, or again. The torturer was resting his arms worn out from lashing a naked Bitch, yes hir name was Bitch not pim ... pim ... "PIM!" Pony was...

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