CBC - Street Rat House Fight

Story by XP_Author on SoFurry

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#19 of Commissions

Here's one I meant to have up a while ago, but you know how these things go. Once more, the commissioner wishes to remain anonymous.

A direct sequel to Street Rat Street Fight. This one sees our victorious rat fighting a squirrel for the amusement of her new patron and his girlfriend. They get... very into the show.

Coffee Break Commission

Street Rat House Fight

By XP Author

The room was not exactly large. At least by the standards of the mansion it sat within. It was still only slightly smaller than the tavern Katja used to work at until very recently. Devoid of any kind of furnature, or really any kind of decoration, it was just four bare walls of red wood, a similar floor, and two doors on opposite sides. The only other feature was a kind of balcony, or viewing platform, sitting halfway up one of the walls. There was a pair of fancy chairs sitting up there, close to the railing, so the occupants could sit comfortably and watch the goings on below.

Currently, the occupants were two mice. One was Alraya Goldfern, the eldest son and heir to house Goldfern. The noble mouse wore a more casual version of his typical clothes, his shirt deep blue with gold leaf patterns embroidered across it, though clearly still tailored. Sitting beside the cream furred blond mouse was his fiance, Diana Kroft. Like Alraya, she was a noble, the second daughter of house Kroft. She wore equally casual clothing, though equally as tailored. Her dress was a deep red, sporting only one mark on the shoulder to signify her house, that of a kind of lily. She was, as far as Katja could tell, the same age as Alraya, around 18 or 19.

Katja herself was older, in her twenties. The brown furred rat was a bit more rough around the edges, as she had been a tavern wench until only a few weeks prior. Due to winning some bet Alraya had made with a fellow noble house, one that involved her beating a fellow rat to death, she was now a servant to house Goldfern. Or possibly a slave, depending how one looked at it. She was Alraya's personal fighting champion, or so he claimed. It had given her a significant bump in status within the city, as well as a significant bump in pay and living quality. She now lived in the Goldfern manor, and was given her own room and access to a small training area. Not to mention, she was also given some pretty nice clothes that actually fit well.

Clothes she was told not to wear today. She felt a little awkward, stepping into the empty room totally nude, and it showed. Her large breasts swayed with her steps, and her posture was a little uncomfortable. She was used to showing a little of her goods, usually to drunkards for a little extra money, but this was a step beyond her comfort level. Still, she could not exactly tell her patron no. That was a quick way to get the boot back to the street, or worse, to the wrong side of guards in his pocket. At least she had a body worth showing off. While a bit rough, she had a decent physique worth showing off, tall and well built, with brown fur covering her toned body.

Entering the room from the other side was a squirrel, about the same age and almost as tall as Katja. Though slightly less buff, she was still clearly athletic in her build. Lighter, reddish fur covered her body, her tail twitching about behind her with nervous energy. She was just as naked as the rat, her breasts slightly smaller, but still big enough to wobble and bounce as she walked in. Katja had to admit, the woman was quite pretty. This was Frelda, the chosen champion of Diana. This was the first time Katja had been tasked with her new role as fighting champion, as she was to fight the squirrel for the nobles' amusement. She wondered the legality of all this.

Alraya stood up, placing his hands on the wooden banister as he spoke to the two. "Alright. You both should know the deal already. You are to fight each other until one yields. At that point, their own..." he caught himself and corrected. "...benefactor will choose their fate. No holding back from either of you. Nothing is off limits, other than you are not to use a weapon unless provided by one of us."

Diana giggled softly, adding. "Well, claws and teeth are fine. Just no swords or daggers or the like."

Alraya smiled at his lover. "Yes, of course." He looked back at the two. "Alright. Begin!" He sat back into his seat, a big grin on his face, matched by the one on Diana's.

Katja raised her arms up, only to gasp as Frelda was already charging at her. She was barely able to block the kick that followed, though the blow still slammed into her forearms and made her take a step back. Before she could fully recover, another kick followed, this one striking her in the gut. She took this blow, but the leg was gone before she could reach down to grab it, Frelda already dancing a pace away. Okay, so the squirrel knew how to fight, and was pretty quick to boot.

The rat stepped in, only for the squirrel to slide back to match, staying light on her feet. Katja stepped in again, then once more, each time the squirrel would skid back to keep the distance, reading her opponent's moves. Katja grit her teeth. "This isn't a dance show."

Frelda grinned to her. "But it is a dance!" She had an accent that the rat could not place, though it sounded vaguely familiar. She was definitely not a local. Frelda hopped in close again, delivering a series of punches aimed at Katja's head, all easily blocked. The rat was ready this time, the punches all just feints to keep her attention up. When the leg came up, she swung her arm down and blocked it, slamming her forearm into the squirrel's shin and knocking it away. She quickly followed up with a heavy backhanded hammer blow, cracking her fist across the woman's face.

The squirrel let out a loud yelp, stumbling back several paces at the counter attack. Katja smiled. She was quick and nimble, but not so durable it seemed. This would be a test to see who could whittle who down first. Katja would not let the opening go to waste, moving in and delivering a punch to the squirrel's gut hard. The woman let out a louder squeak of pain. Then she suddenly grabbed the rat's wrist and turned to the side. Katja had no idea what happened next, but she was suddenly airborne, thrown face first to the ground. The moment she struck the hard wood, she instinctively rolled to the side. A good thing, as a foot stomped down where she would have been.

She swung her own leg out as she rolled, missing the squirrel's by inches. She pushed herself back up to her feet, only to have to duck to avoid another kick aimed at her head. The girl sure liked to use her legs. From her crouched position, she charged forward, slamming her shoulder into the middle of the woman, lifting her up off the ground in the process. She expected to knock her sprawling, but instead she cried out as little claws dug into her flesh, the squirrel climbing over her.

A fluffy tail smacked against her face, then a pair of arms wrapped around her torso, pinning her own arms at her sides. Frelda grappled her, trying to kick at her knees to bring her to the floor again. "You want me on the ground?" Katja shifted her weight backwards. "Fine!" She shoved back, falling backwards. Frelda let out a startled cry, only to let out a pained one as she was brought to the ground in a kind of backwards body slam. It took the woman by surprise, her grip suddenly letting go.

Katja was quick to flip herself over, raising her fist to smash the squirrel's face. Then she paused, the sound of a loud, lustful moan echoing around the room. Both fighters turned to see Diana, leaning against the railing, her dress having been removed to leave her ass and small tits exposed. Behind her was Alraya, missing his pants, his cock planted firmly within his lover's pussy. The two fighters blinked as they watched their patrons going at it right there, apparently so turned on by the fight they could not help themselves.

Diana was the one to notice the violence had stopped. "I... I didn't say you could... mmmph... could stop!"

Alraya, not stopping his pumping hips, glared down at them. "You heard the lady! Keep fighting!"

Katja looked back at Frelda, who just shrugged. "Nobles." Katja got off of the squirrel, the moment of surprise lost. She let Frelda get back to her feet, and the two squared off again. "Alright. Back to the dance."

Frelda lunged close again, trying to distract the rat with punches again. This time, Katja was ready, and grabbed one of the fists swinging at her. She twisted the wrist, making the woman cry out in pain. She grabbed the squirrel's hair, intending to bring her face down against her knee. Instead, the woman leaned into it, her face pressing between the rat's ample breasts. Then she bit down, teeth sinking into the fatty tissue.

Katja screamed in pain as the squirrel bit into her tit. "FUCKING CUNT!" She punched at the woman, but the angle was awkward for her. When she tried to shove her off, the woman bit harder, blood drooling down her chin. The rat screamed again, then swung her leg out. She had intended to just kick the woman's knee, but the woman kept shifting her legs out of the way. So instead, she brought her knee up hard, smashing it right between the squirrel's legs and into her slit. This time it was Frelda's turn to cry out, which did get her to let go of the tit in her mouth. She staggered back a step, grasping at here crotch. A moment later, her legs gave out, making her fall to her knees.

Katja panted, her left breast bleeding from the bite marks where the teeth had sank into her flesh. She stomped forward, but instead of unleashing a series of punches or kicks, she instead moved a step past the downed woman. She grabbed the fluffy, twitching tail behind her and started to pull. Frelda let out a loud cry of surprise as she was suddenly dragged backwards by her backside. Katja planted one foot, then spun, pulling the woman with her. The lighter squirrel was lifted off the ground, then hurled away by the momentum when the rat let go.

Frelda let out a loud cry of pain as her back slammed against the wall, bouncing off of it and slumping to the ground again. Before she could recover, she was sent back again as a knee smashed into her nose, blood exploding from the end of her muzzle as she heard the bones crack. Her back was again pressed to the wall, her hands grasping at her bloody face. A fist slammed into her chest next, squashing her tit against her ribs. Then the other was hit just as hard.

The rat, seething in a fury now, grasped at the squirrel's breast, digging her short but surprisingly sharp claws into the fatty flesh. She pulled back hard, raking her claws through the flesh and opening a trio of cuts, blood starting to drool down the woman's chest. Katja spoke through grit teeth. "Not so fun when it's YOUR tit getting mangled, is it!?" Behind her, she could hear Diana moaning louder as her champion was getting cut up like this. For now, she ignored the mice enjoying the show a little too much.

Frelda groaned, pushing herself against the wall and managing to get up to her feet again. "This dance... has stopped being fun..." She played up how bad she was hurt for a moment, swaying as if she were about to collapse again. When the rat moved in to take advantage, Frelda shifted her weight and swung her leg out in a wide, powerful kick. A kick that the rat caught, to Frelda's surprise. She had thought her opponent was in a blind fury. She had walked right into the rat's trap.

Katja grasped the leg as it struck her side, wrapping one arm around the knee it to pin it against her. She then brought her elbow down against the woman's thigh, using as much of her weight as she could. There was a loud, sickening CRUNCH as the bone shattered inside, followed by a scream of agony from the squirrel. Her tail thrashed behind her, her other leg trembling to keep her upright. Katja grabbed her opponent's head, dropping the leg as she shifted her weight to drive the side of the woman's skull into the wall, letting her bounce off of it again.

This time, when Frelda slumped to the floor, she did not try to get up again. She coughed and squirmed, spitting up blood. "I... I y-yield..." she called out as clearly as she could. With her leg broken and probably a concussion, there was no way she could continue to fight now, and she knew it.

Katja turned to the mice still fucking on the balcony, giving a look of questioning. Alraya leaned forward to speak into his lover's ear. "Well, my love? What is your fallen champion's fate?" He shoved himself deep, but stopped moving after that. "They are waiting, and so am I."

Diana groaned with needy lust, not wanting him to stop. "She's a useless piece of meat now." She groaned again, wiggling her hips. "Punish her more! Hurt her!" She gasped as Alraya gripped one of her breasts and squeezed. "Fuck her up!" Alraya gave a knowing look to his champion, then started pouncing away at his lover again. The noble had talked with his chosen fighter before about just how to punish an opponent if told. Of course, she also knew it meant that was in store for her if she failed him.

Katja straddled the fallen fighter, dropping down to plant her ass against the squirrel's belly. "You hear that? You're useless to them." She reached down and took hold of the woman's breasts, squeezing and fondling them.

Frelda shook her head. "N-no... please... have so-some... mercy..." She was begging the rat more than her owner, knowing full well she would get no mercy from the nobles. Her hand was batted away when she reached up to try and hold one of the rat's arms.

Katja shook her head. "And share your fate with you? Nah." She suddenly gripped the tits hard, once more digging her claws into them, making the squirrel scream again. "Besides, I've grown to kind of like doing this to cute little things like you!" She yanked her hands back hard, ripping new openings into the flesh, more blood seeping into the woman's fur and drooling down her chest as she screamed in agony. On the balcony, Diana was screaming as well, though more in pleasure, clearly loving the display of violence against the woman's assets.

Katja got an idea, leaning back a little. "Though I guess I could give you just a little but of pleasure..." She slid her hand between the squirrel's legs, teasing fingers at her slit. "I did hit this pretty hard before..." Frelda tensed up, then squeaked in surprise as a pair of fingers dove into her sex. She just gave a terrified look at the rat, tears in her eyes. "No?" The rat pushed her fingers a little deeper, feeling the soft, warm insides of the woman's pussy. "You don't want me teasing this cute little cunt?" Frelda shook her head. "Oh. Good, because I had something else in mind."

The squirrel again started to scream and writhe on the ground, kept pinned by the weight of the rat on her belly. Katja dug her claws into the sensitive inner walls, slowly dragging her fingers out to leave cuts inside of her. She kept dragging back, then quickly raked her claws up, slashing at the girl's outer lips. Blood drooled out of her pussy, leaving her kicking and squirming on the ground in pain. Frelda tried to reach up to grab at the rat's legs, only to have her arms pinned down by feet pressed against her upper arms.

On the balcony, Diana let out a loud, orgasmic cry of pleasure as she watched her fighter's pussy getting destroyed. "Yes!" She cried out louder as Alraya pounded harder at her, his cock twitching within her, ready to burst. "End her! Rid me of the useless slave meat!"

Katja shrugged at the order, standing up off of the woman. "You heard your master." Frelda shook her head, eyes wide and begging. Then a foot stomped down on her chest, squashing one of her already damaged tits against her. It was brought down again, then again, smashing hard every time. The sound of ribs crunching and cracking was heard. Frelda coughed up blood, reaching up to try and grasp at the foot, only for it to stomp down again, crushing her already shattered ribs into her insides. Everything inside her chest felt wrong, like her lungs were filled with broken, molten glass.

The rat watched the squirrel squirming, coughing up blood and wheezing as her lungs collapsed within her. Some part of her did almost feel bad for the woman. She raised her foot again, and slammed it down against her neck this time. There was a loud SNAP as she crushed her throat and shattered her spine. The squirrel jerked and twitched, then went limp, her head falling to the side, eyes wide but vacant, blood drooling from the side of her mouth.

Katja stepped back, looking up at the balcony just in time to see her patron shoving himself deep into his lover and filling her with his seed. She scoffed, but smirked at the display of the nobles lost to their violence fueled lust. She waited for one of them to notice she was still just standing there, panting heavily herself now, her chest still dripping blood. Alraya finally noticed her and cleared his throat. "Y-you may go. Get yourself cleaned up and bandaged." He slowly withdrew himself from his lover, both of them letting out loud groans of pleasure. "Oh... uh, good job."

Katja gave a half-hearted salute. "Glad to be of service." She turned and walked out of the room, muttering to herself. "Twisted nobles." Though she had to admit, her own sex was starting to get a little wet from all of today.

On the balcony, Alraya slumped back into his seat. Diana sat herself upon his lap, draping herself against him. "You have a fine fighter, my love. She is so wonderfully violent."

He smiled, putting his arms around his fiance. "Yes. She is delightfully vicious. I should see if she's any good with a blade." He shrugged. "Even if not, it could be fun watching her fall for a change, too."

Diana giggled softly, leaning in to give him a soft kiss. "Oh, I'll have to find another fighter to match her then." She leaned her head against his shoulder and just leaned into cuddling with him, both nobles enjoying the afterglow, while thoughts of more violence filled their minds.

* * *