Surviving A One Night Stand

Story by dragonien on SoFurry

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Commission for Tegon ( )

Sex is a wonderful, fulfilling experience for everyone involved. That is, unless you're smaller than a grain of rice and your two partners don't know you're there. Then it's just plain dangerous.

4,000 word of our poor, intrepid hero finding himself smaller than a big trapped in the middle of the passionate entertainment of his girl Alix and a rather hung new friend without either of them even knowing he's there.

Editing provided by Draco ( )

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Copyright © [2022] by [Rain - Dragonien]

All rights reserved.

No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. This includes, but is not limited too, the distribution of patreon-exclusive content or early access content distributed during the exclusivity period.

Tegon could barely think straight. The powerful, masculine musk inundating every breath he took was so intense it was like a drug leaving the green and black dragon simultaneously painfully aroused and drunk on the stench. It was overwhelming but not surprising, given the circumstances; what else could you expect when you're trapped in a condom the size of a hot air balloon pressed against a dick bigger than a freight train car? Or at least, the monstrous log of cock appeared that big from his perspective. Everything is gigantic when you're just three millimeters tall.

To make matters worse, the little dragon was already soaked head to toe in pre and it was getting more and more difficult to find a good handhold on the monolithic cock that wasn't slick with the stuff. A single bead of the clear, musky liquid was equivalent to a five-gallon bucket being poured over him. It had soaked into his nostrils and got into his mouth more than once, only adding to his dazed, musk-drunk state. Part of him felt like he should be trying to escape but, realistically, there was no hope of that - not when the thin latex walls of the condom were as thick as a vehicle tire in comparison. His claws had made no purchase in the slickened lining no matter how much of his strength he put into his desperate attempts to extricate himself from the situation. And he would be receiving no help from his girlfriend Alix, either, given that her hands were currently wrapped around the monstrous cock that Tegan was trapped against.

Fingers thicker than tree trunks covered in thin blue scales stroked up and down the length of the colossal member, pressing him into the spongey flesh with each ministration. If he were to look over his shoulder, he would see her face blown up to monolithic proportions, hovering just in front of his phallic prison. He could hear every murmur of satisfaction or breathless pant of arousal like it were magnified through stadium speakers. Even the tiniest sounds rumbled around him and the voice of someone as petite as Alix was became a deep, thunderous baritone when she was so many magnitudes his size. And hers wasn't the only deafening voice rumbling through the air.

"God, I can't get over how massive you are. I didn't even know they made rabbits this big!" Alix all-but-moaned. "You must make all the horses feel inadequate don't you, big guy?"

"I guess I am a little above average," the titanic voice of a gray-furred rabbit resounded without the slightest ounce of humility. "You know - at least for a rabbit."

"Hon, you're big for a dragon!" Alix replied, clearly only more turned on by his cocky attitude.

And he had every right to be cocky. The rabbit was absolutely massive. His elephantine dick easily had to be a foot long and each of his nuts were about the size of a tennis balls! Even though he had the lean, almost feminine curvy proportions of a twink that his species tended to gravitate towards, he spoke with the cocky confidence of someone twice the size of any of the other guys. Which, at least where it counted the most, he actually was. His lean proportions and being a full head shorter than Alix (who wasn't exactly known for her Amazonian stature) only made his already huge tool look that much more enormous on him.

Alix suddenly leaned in close. The microscopic dragon unknowingly caught between the two of them watched in horror as lips big enough to engulf an entire building from his perspective loomed over him and his latex prison. To the two goliaths fooling around with one another it was a gentle, playful kiss to the tip of a dick that could make a giraffe gag. But to Tegon it was like spending a brief moment in a trash compactor as it tried to squash him from all sides! Thankfully the soft, supple flesh of Alix's lips was malleable enough that he wasn't outright crushed. But for that brief fraction of a second, he was shoved face first into the head of the rabbit's cock. Worst of all, the brief contact compressed the reservoir at the end of the condom that was already filled with the lapine stud's pre forcing the clear, musky fluid that the miniscule dragon had been wading in to suddenly engulf him from head to toe!

The rabbit's precum was noticeably thicker than water and clung to every inch of him so when Alix's lips finally retreated, nearly deafening Tegon with a booming giggle in the process, he felt like he weighed 20 pounds heavier. It took him a second or two of coughing and sputtering to clear the thick glob of it that had forced its way into his nose and mouth, leaving the scent and the taste seared into his senses long after it was no longer clogging his airways. Given his entire face had been covered in it he was forced to reach up and wipe away more viscous globs of the liquid before he was able to see again. Once his vision had returned the little speck of a dragon turned his gaze upwards to glare accusingly at the megalithic rabbit overhead who had no idea that there was a third person present that had just nearly drowned in his sexual fluids.

Much to his consternation, Tegon had to admit that the rabbit was attractive. He wasn't quite handsome - his features were too rounded and soft for that - but he was certainly closer to the higher end of the "cuteness" bell curve. Somehow, that made the smug, confident grin on his gray-furred muzzle irritate Tegon that much more. It was an expression of sheer, unbridled arrogance fueled by the hums and moans of delight coming from the dragoness servicing him. It was clear the lapine was getting off as much on the worship and adoration as he was the actual physical stimulation. The dragon wanted to be jealous or even angry at this cocky twink with an oversized dick for strutting around like he was some kind of sexual god. However, given the sheer difference in their scales it was kind of hard to argue that point; especially not when the rabbit was big enough that he could easily crush Tegon between two fingers and not realize it.

It also didn't help that Tegon had to look past a literal mountain of lean flat stomach and chest to see the colossal head of the rabbit that seemed to loom miles overhead. For an instant the little dragon imagined an airplane flying through the sky, its cruising altitude just below the rabbit's chin, like a tiny little gnat in comparison. He shook his head back and forth violently to clear away such a thought. Being constantly drowned in the rabbit's musk must be screwing with his head, he told himself. Why else would he be thinking about the rabbit that way?

The foreplay lasted for a few more minutes. The lapine stud eagerly soaked up the satisfaction of the dragoness stroking both his huge cock and his ego. But before long he found himself craving more. At a gesture Alix stood up from where she kneeled before him only to find herself immediately shoved backwards by the rabbit! Her knees buckled when they impacted the foot of the bed and she toppled backwards with another deafening giggle onto the plush mattress. Tegon was intimately aware how much Alix appreciated someone that much smaller than her asserting himself so dominantly and how it turned her on that much more.

The world suddenly lurched violently sideways for Tegon as the rabbit all but leapt atop Alix! When he dared look over his shoulder again, he found himself looking not at Alix's gigantic face but rather the gaping chasm of her nether region. To Tegon's continued irritation, any shouted curses from him were muffled by the rabbit pressing down into her without hesitation - not that they could have been heard anyway at his size. Thankfully for Alix she had been so turned on by this point that she was more than wet enough to offer her own lubrication but that didn't make it any less surprising or pleasurable when she felt the first six meaty inches of the rabbit's massive cock stretch her to her limits and elicit a loud gasp from her lungs!

It was a good thing the latex walls of the condom were soft and malleable; otherwise, Tegon might have wound up a lot more battered and bruised than he did. As the rabbit began thrusting mercilessly in and out of the dragoness the little captive dragon trapped in the middle was tossed back and forth through the pre-bloated end of the condom! With all the constant motion, he could just barely make out the fleshy pink walls of Alix's insides stretching and straining around the girth of the massive phallus he was trapped with!

Outside the fleshy tunnel he was being mercilessly thrust in and out of he could hear the two distinct rumbles of thunder that were Alix's and the rabbit's voices. Grunts and growls of aggressive male arousal mixed with the higher pitched gasps and moans of his girlfriend echoed around him, though muffled by the fleshy walls of Alix's nethers. Occasionally he could hear them speaking to one another but the sound was too diluted for him to make out the words. Though he didn't have to struggle very hard to imagine the lusty things the two were saying to one another as the rabbit mercilessly pounded the dragoness. With each thrust Tegon could feel the heat rising around him, feel the quickening pulse reverberating through the rabbit's massive cock like miniature earthquakes. He could tell that the rabbit was getting close and for the briefest of instants he worried the last thing he would do on this earth would be to drown in an ocean of this mysterious rabbit's fresh jizz.

Suddenly light flooded around Tegon and momentarily blinded him as the rabbit abruptly pulled out. For a moment he could hear the wet sounds of making out off in the distance, magnified to an absurd pitch and volume. Then the sounds of kissing broke off into a rumble of voices too deep and loud for Tegon to make sense of in his frazzled, battered state. The world lurched around him again as the rabbit rose back to his knees. When he looked out through the pre-obscured wall of latex towards the rabbit's partner his eyes went wide when he saw his girlfriend's monstrous fingers reaching right for him!

"Let's just get rid of this, big guy," cooed Alix, her voice a whispered moan that still washed over Tegon with enough force to make his entire skeleton vibrate. "I want you filling me, not a condom..."

It was a miracle he wasn't immediately crushed as finger pads big enough for him to stand on squeezed around him and the rest of the condom's reservoir from both sides. He could feel and hear the walls of latex stretching and straining to either side of him. Then he watched as the tremendous erection that had been his companion up to this point began pulling away. Or rather, he was being pulled away from it. Alix was taking the rabbit's condom off. It only dawned to the little dragon what that meant a split second before his ears were left ringing once again by a clamorous explosion of sound! To the two leviathans overhead it had been the sharp but brief noise of the condom's stretched out latex neck snapping back into place once it was pulled free from the rabbit's cock. But to the diminutive Tegon it had been like a sonic boom had gone off right in front of him.

He had little time to recover before the pressure around him and the walls of the condom relaxed completely, and he found himself free-falling to the ground below! Thankfully the lake's worth of pre he had been all but swimming in cushioned most of his fall, though he was sent flying out of the end of the discarded condom and was left sprawled out on the seemingly infinite expanse of mattress. As he lay there catching his breath Tegon finally dared to look up and his eyes went wide once more.

The rabbit's legs towered to either side of him, each one as thick as a skyscraper and stretching far above Tegon's frame of vision. The word "intimidating" didn't accurately describe the sensation Tegon felt as he realized that the rabbit was kneeling and still only the lapine's upper leg was dozens of times taller than him. Far more frightening was what hung overhead between those massive legs; particularly the gigantic, throbbing, drooling erection that had been threatening to crush and smother Tegon not moments before. Realization dawned on the tiny dragon as the rabbit growled ominously and buried himself as deep as he could into the dragoness! Their moans were amplified by the now open air around him, and the deafening noise of sexual fluids churning and squelching above him indicated that both the giants were very, very close to the fruition of this sexual tryst. Curiously, some small part of Tegon's brain noted that there were still a couple of inches of the rabbit's cock left outside Alix's quivering pussy, simply unable to fit inside her entirely. The rest of the dragon's mental faculties had been reserved to make him turn and start running for his life - not that he could get far.

At Tegon's scale, even a dead sprint for several seconds wasn't nearly enough to cross more than a few inches of distance so even though both titan's lips were still locked together in a lustful kiss the domineering growl from the rabbit and the desperate moan of the dragoness as they both went over the edge were still loud enough to force Tegon to momentarily pause his escape so he could hold his hands over his ears and brace against the deafening sounds! Then the infinitesimal dragon, arms pumping as he bolted as fast as his legs would carry him across the mattress, could hear the thundering geyser of liquid overhead as each pulse of the rabbit's orgasm flooded Alix with what would have seemed like hundreds of gallons of thick, viscous cum in Tegon's eyes. For the first two spurts he was safe but by the third creamy shot, Tegon's worst fears in that moment came true.

Having already filled the dragoness's plumbing to bursting with the first two spurts, the next jets of the rabbit's seed overflowed Alix's pussy and sent splatters of his cum squirting hard from the edges of her nethers or dribbling down the underside. Cataclysmic streams of cum flew overhead from the overfilled dragoness and despite a valiant effort to dive and dodge out of the way of each crashing wave of seed it wasn't long before one of them barreled Tegon over and swept him off his feet! Instantly Tegon was soaked from head to toe in the musky liquid and sent sprawling from the weight and force of the liquid impact. He didn't even have a chance to stand before another tsunami flooded in and pushed him back to the cushiony mattress-ground. Coughing and choking, he surfaced from the globs of sticky cum once more and tried to catch his breath. But deep down in his gut Tegon knew that he wasn't safe. As harrowing as all this was it wasn't the part that Tegon really feared the most. No, that happened when the rabbit pulled out.

The wet sound of the lapine cock yanking free of his girlfriend's gaped pussy threatened to deafen Tegon again. Even though most of the rabbit's unfathomable load was spent, a final lingering spurt splattered across Alix's thigh and sent a small dribble splashing down below. That last little dribble was still a dozen times more than the stray bits that Tegon had been exposed to thus far and now those five-gallon buckets worth were replaced with an entire hot tub of the musky liquid crashing down on him!

By the time the mattress had absorbed most of the liquid and Tegon was able to roll onto his back the two colossi had finally caught their breath from their explosive releases. Alix could be heard purring in blissful satisfaction, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking. Suddenly the world rocked beneath the half-drowned, cum-soaked dragon when Alix abruptly moved. He barely had a moment to yell much less react as the sky overhead was filled with the cavernous feminine slit of the blue dragoness. When she sat up right her nethers pressed into the mattress beneath her, and the miniscule dragon neither of the two knew was there was crushed down into the mattress by the still dripping lips of her pussy.

For several terrifying seconds he was trapped there, unable to move a single muscle. It was only thanks to the soft mattress underneath that he hadn't immediately popped under the intense pressure of her body bearing down on him. Not that he was very comfortable by any means as he felt his bones and joints creaking and groaning from the enormous amount of weight smothering him between the mattress and her delicate folds. Overhead, muffled through the layers of flesh smothering him he could vaguely make out the two giant's voices as they flirted with one another in the afterglow. He could just imagine her arms draped around the rabbit's neck while she cooed and rubbed her cheek against his. His mind filled in what his ears couldn't understand with insinuated comments of how great he was or how amazing it felt or other things that would stroke the rabbit's already uncontrollable ego. All the while he was trapped underneath her, drenched in their combined sexual fluids, being crushed by a vagina that can would find a high-rise office complex too small to work as a crudely fashioned dildo.

Just as he thought he was finally going to break under all the pressure it abruptly relaxed. However, he wasn't left laying where he had been smothered. Instead, the juices soaking him had dried slightly and pasted him to the edge of one of her pussy's lips and he was lifted with her! The world lurched this way and that as she went from a sitting position to laying on her back, leaving the dragon staring up at the ceiling. Ironically enough it was the rabbit that came to be his savior as a massive lapine finger reached down and shamelessly fingered the recently spent dragoness, the abrupt shifting of the flesh around him causing the partially solidified cum to break apart and release him, sending him toppling to one side between the dragoness's messy snatch and her thigh.

Despite everything else that had happened up to this point Tegon couldn't help but stare in awe despite his attempts or desire not to. Even as he lay there, body aching and bruised from the battering he had endured up to this point all he could do was watch in stunned silence as a colossal finger bigger than a skyscraper plunged its way into a fleshy chasm that he could have easily fallen into and gotten lost in. If he didn't have the understanding to know where he was, he could have mistaken the act for some strange colliding of two mountainous landmasses! It was humbling. It made him feel just how tiny, weak, and inferior he currently was. Though he tried to convince himself it was still the pheromones filling the air messing with his brain, it also turned him on to no end.

His awestruck gaping was interrupted by the finger retreating and being replaced by darkness. When Tegon looked up, he saw the sky filled with the enormous visage of the god-like rabbit. It was obvious he was leaning down make use of his tongue and mouth on the giantess, most likely trying to rile her up for round two. But just as his mouth was starting to open and release his tongue the titan froze. So did Tegon. A cold lump settled itself in the little dragon's stomach and his heart skipped a beat as his embarrassment at watching his girlfriend be fucked and fingered by this kaiju of a rabbit was washed away by a brand-new tidal wave of fear. It wasn't that he was afraid of being crushed in between pussy and tongue, although that was a concern. What really had him absolutely terrified was that the mammoth rabbit's eyes were peering down right at him!

Any ambiguity as to whether the rabbit had actually seen him or not was erased when the rabbit's lips twisted into a wide, wicked grin. Tegon groaned; he didn't even bother trying to get up and run. He knew that it wouldn't have made any difference. Had he tried, with how battered and bruised he was the dragon wasn't sure if he could have managed more than a hobbling limp. So, when one of the rabbit's enormous fingers lowered down from the sky like a descending land mass, Tegon froze in place and let himself be scooped up by the enormous, blunted claw of the lapine god's index finger. Some of the excess fluid that had splashed around Alix's erogenous zone ensured that Tegon was thoroughly adhered to the rabbit's digit.

His insides roiled and vertigo-induced nausea nearly made him pass out as the minuscule dragon was abruptly lifted what had to be hundreds if not thousands of feet into the air from his perspective. For a brief moment he was held in front of the rabbit's muzzle, staring up at a nose with cavernous nostrils he could have walked into arms spread out with room on either side. Then the rabbit shifted about after a booming but feminine voice spoke up.

"What's wrong?" Alix asked, still laying on her back.

Rather than answer her verbally the rabbit carefully laid himself down on his side and nestled up against the blue dragoness, holding the finger that Tegon was glued to aloft and as still as possible, doing his best to avoid hurling or crushing the tiny little speck of a dragon on accident. Only once the rabbit was settled and Alix pressed back into him did the rabbit finally lower his finger back down. When the vertigo passed this time Tegon looked up and felt his blood run cold anew as he saw not one, but two utterly enormous pairs of eyes filling the sky in front of and behind him as the claw tip he was carried on was held between the two behemoth's faces. Both sets of eyes sparkled with eager amusement making it clear to Tegon that his night was only getting started...

"Look, Lexie... It seems you had a stowaway..."

Accidental Ascension

* * * Copyright © [2022] by [Rain - Dragonien] All rights reserved. No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. This includes,...

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Zero Days SInce

Copyright © [2022] by [Rain - Dragonien] All rights reserved. No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. This includes, but is...

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Transformative Private Show - Greggrth

# Copyright Copyright © [2022] by [Rain - Dragonien] All rights reserved. No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law....

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