Extra Scene 3: Gentle Night

Story by hashtse_apxan on SoFurry

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#3 of Reaching for the Stars - Bonus Chapters

This took me wayyy longer than expected aaaa I'm so sorry but now it's done, more than 8.000 words of smut

Actually, I planned to write this chapter after I'm done with Vilkas x Kevin but this is way more requested.

Not gonna lie, writing smut is wayyy harder than writing non-smut. I think it's because one gotta be horny enough to be able to imagine the scenarios but not horny enough to want to wank, and it's hard to find that balance Dx

Some of you may have received a notification before. That one had some problems, so I deleted it.

"I've been thinking... uh... um... you know." He looked away. "I-it's been a month and... and we never did anything..."

The wolf was taken aback, but then his gaze softened. "Max... you know I don't want to force you. It's okay."

"Yeah but... um... I want it..."

Surprised, his ears went straight and he sat up. "...you want it?"

"Yeah. A-and it's not just because I want to please you... you know, I really want to try it... but I don't know anything..." The dog then finally looked at him. "Teach me..."

He was sure he would be bleeding right now. Deep breath, in and out. So Max asked him to do it... crap he was getting hard. He should be the one asking him, not like this! "O-okay... uh... come here."

The dog complied, but he saw hesitation there. Max sat next to him, then suddenly, he crawled on top of the wolf, making him lie back on the bed as their gaze met each other.


Max didn't reply. He only stared at the wolf below him with a timid but determined look in his eyes. The clock on the wall was ticking, then the dog closed his eyes and kissed the wolf.

Tom was surprised at the kiss, but he complied and closed his eyes, not daring to touch the dog on top of him. The kiss was quick, a chaste one. Then, he dared deepen the kiss and Max allowed it, intertwining their tongues as they licked each other.

Not long after, they separated. The wolf stared at the big dog on top of him with hazy eyes. Really... this was hot.

Max gulped. "Lead me?"

Tom closed his muzzle and nodded, then gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Yes."

He flipped them over so now he was on top of the dog, hands on both sides of his head. He tried his best not to touch him, but it proved difficult. His body was there, so bare, so touchable...

"Before we start," he said while he was still aware of things. "I won't go too far. Say stop if you want me to stop."

The dog nodded.

"Also, I know this is different from... from your usual thing. So, please don't force yourself, okay?"

He nodded again.

Tom then licked his nose, almost playfully. Max closed his eyes. He could read the hesitation on the other's face, but if Max wanted this, then who was he to deny?

Softly, he moved to lick his muzzle, his cheek. When his fur was flushed, he pulled away and the dog gasped for air. He didn't know how far they would go tonight. Who knew if they would have to wash the sheets tomorrow? But no matter how far, he was happy.

He was happy.

All this time in his life, all those worries, all those suffering... they weren't for nothing. He was happy now.

Toom whispered to Max as he gripped the dog's shoulders. "Thank you, Max. Please allow me."

Max could only rasp softly. "Y-yes."


Tom didn't know whether this was real or not. Below him was Max, so bare, so touchable, yet his head was dizzy, so disoriented, so lost. This was what he had been wanting for so long, yet now, he couldn't help but think whether there was a price for this that must be paid later or whether this was... not real.

Gently, a bit afraid, he closed his eyes and leant down again. His muzzle met Max's, and he gave it a lick. It tasted like Max, it smelled like Max. He leant even lower and licked Max's neck, earning a sharp breath from the dog. Meanwhile, one of his arms softly touched the dog's chest and rested there, feeling the strength inside, feeling the warmth inside, listening to the gentle heartbeat, looking for more validation that this was real.

It seemed like Max noticed his hesitation. "Tom, are you okay?" asked the dog, worry in his voice. "You're breathing sharply."

The breath that he didn't know he had been holding was then let go. He leant back and opened his eyes. Max was still there, eyes concerned. "I... I'm okay, just..." He took another deep breath and closed his eyes. "Sorry."

Max gently put his hand on the wolf's cheek. "Hey, uhh, do you really want to do this right now? I know I'm the one who asked, and I'm... I'm horny, actually, but it's okay if you don't want to."

Tom's hand covered Max's hand on his cheek. "No, no, let's... let's do this." he said, intertwining their hands, feeling safe with Max.

Sadly, Max's tail pushed the blanket away, making Tom slip and lose his footing, his knee slipped. His face fell down on the dog's chest, giving a small "shít" and a pained groan as his nose hit the dog's chin. Max too yelped as the wolf fell on top of him, making him gasp. His dick hit the wolf's groin and he felt pain. "Fuck!"


He lifted the wolf gently while holding back a cringe. "S-sorry! You okay?"

"Ye-yeah..." Tom rolled over onto his back and held his nose. Ouch, that really hurt.

Max went to inspect the wolf's nose. It looked fine, thankfully, he was a bit afraid Tom hit his fangs. His gaze went up to the wolf's eyes, then he smiled sheepishly and licked his nose. Tom laughed and tried to pull away, only for Max to hold his shoulders to keep him in place.

After they calmed down, he looked up at Max's smile. This was real; that little accident confirmed that this was real. "Well... uh..."

"Oh, right, we're about to... y'know." said the dog with a sheepish laugh before pulling away.

Their tails wagged as they looked away from each other, eager but not knowing what to do. Max was naked, and when Tom's eyes looked at his body, he felt his own member stiffen. His gaze drifted lower, and when he saw the dog's peeking member... "Max, uh, lean back against the headboard."

"Mrf?" Max did so, half leaning half reclining against the headboard and giving Tom a full view of his front body. "Like this?"

Tom gulped and adjusted his pants. "Y-yes."

The dog put his hand on his stomach, flexing and unflexing his abs while looking at them as if feeling self-conscious. He then looked at the wolf, giving a small, shy chuckle. "I'm not gonna lie, I'm still curious how you find me hot. Like... I know I'm hot, but for girls, and you're..." He made gestures with his hands. "a man."

"Y-yeah, I think." The wolf gave a heavy sigh before shifting closer to the dog. Maybe this was just Max's way of giving himself some sense of the situation, and to be honest, it also took the awkwardness between them away. "You're... sexy..."

Max sheepishly scratched his nape, giving Tom a very nice view of his armpit. "Well... uh, go ahead."

Tom nodded. Wanting to keep it slow, he moved to sit on the dog's lap. Max didn't comment, only shifted a bit to make themselves comfortable. Tom lifted a hand and gently cupped the dog's chin, pulling him into a kiss. Max obliged and their mouths met. Tongue against tongue, they gently explored each other's mouths. Max tasted sweet, a bit sour, but not unenjoyable. Tom's hand went lower, resting against the dog's strong shoulder.

They then pulled away from the kiss, but Tom's muzzle didn't go away. He nuzzled the dog's neck, occasionally licking and biting various spots. Max gave a quiet sigh as he lifted his head, allowing the wolf better access. Now, Tom was fully hard, the dog's smell filling his nose. Max smelled fresh, like a pine tree from the shampoo he used, but his musk was still there under the fur. Tom always smelled this musk whenever Max was about to leave for work. The dog always nuzzled him before he left, and he nuzzled him in return. Occasionally, the smell turned him on, but nothing more than a few minutes. Now, though, he was positive he was leaking.

Feeling bold, he gave Max's shoulder a big bite. The dog flinched but didn't protest, only giving a tense sigh as Tom sank his fangs through the fur and into the skin. Max felt strong, his neck and shoulders full of muscles. Tom then let him go, licking the spot which he bit. As he did so, Max gave a sigh and a small "fuck."

Tom shifted closer and opened his eyes. "H-have you ever been bitten?" he asked the dog, voice almost breaking.

"Y-yeah." Max's eyes were closed and his ears were down, voice equally husky. "But never by... by..."

He gave a chuckle. "Shh, I understand."

His muzzle didn't leave the dog's neck as his hands went up and rested against the dog's pecs. He gave them a small squeeze, internally chuckling as they meshed against his paws. Max was soft and relaxed; he shouldn't mess this up.

His hands then went lower. They scraped against the dog's hard nipples before leaving his thick pecs and into his stomach. The fur on his stomach was soft like all his fur, yet the muscles underneath felt strong. Tom took his time to feel them, running his hands over them and occasionally into the dog's side while his muzzle was still giving kisses on the dog's neck and shoulders.

His fingers went back to the dog's plump pecs. He kneaded them, giving in to the urge that he had been holding back ever since the first time he saw the dog topless. Max's pecs were thick and bouncy, but not so much. They looked just right, and apparently felt just right. He squeezed them, earning soft gasps and moans from the one under him. He touched the dog's nipples and squeezed them softly.

Finally giving in, his muzzle moved lower. Still playing with the dog's nipples, he gave his pecs small bites and kisses. When it reached one of his nipples, he licked it, making Max tremble slightly. He licked and sucked the nipple, hands now gripping the dog's sides as anchors. Max was now breathing heavily, each breath accompanied by small gasps. Then, when Tom bit his nipple softly, Max gasped loudly and put his hands on Tom's shoulders, pushing him softly.

Sensing something was wrong, Tom pulled away and asked him in concern. "Max?"

Max breathed heavily, muzzle pointing up. At the wolf's question, he looked at him. "N-nothing, j-just..." He shifted, still keeping the wolf on his lap. "I-I-I... I don't like... that... b-but..." He trailed off, confusion in his voice.

Petting the dog's sides, he asked him gently. "But?"

The dog looked away. "I-it's... it feels good... but I'm a man... a-and it's..."

Tom just gave an amused chuckle. "You know, nipples are one of men's erogenous zones. Have you ever played with them when you jerk off?"

"Y-yeah, but it's different..."

"It's nothing different." He replied and tweaked the dog's nipples again, making his tail wag erratically beside him. "It feels good, right? Just let me make you feel good." He told the dog before going down again.

His muzzle found the dog's nipple again and licked it repeatedly while his other hand kneaded the other pec. The action made Max shudder, and when Tom looked down, he saw that the dog's dick was now out of its sheath. Holding his own horniness back, he reminded himself that this was for Max first. He then sucked Max's nipple again. Max moaned loudly when Tom did so, but quickly covered his mouth. Tom then bit the dog's nipple softly and Max moaned again, this time louder.

"I'm curious, though, do you play with your nipples when you jerk off?" asked Tom between licks.

Max looked down at him, his ears still flat. "Y-yeah..." he gave a low groan and leant his head back when Tom gave his nipple a bite. "I-I often play with them."

Feeling that the nipples had endured enough abuse, the wolf went back to licking them. This time, Max wasn't shy to let groans and moans escape his mouth. The dog's deep, husky voice sounded like wine to Tom's ears, each one making him leak even more in his underwear. When Max let out a particularly low and grating moan right next to his ear, Tom couldn't help but let his hard dick grind against the dog's half-hard one.

Max began to tremble at that, and Tom could feel his dick slowly getting hard. However, the dog then put his hands on his shoulders again and pushed him softly. "S-sorry, my legs are getting numb."

"Oof, sorry." Tom moved away from the dog's crotch. Now free, Max took a deep sigh and leant back on the cardboard, feet paws curling. Tom was shyly taking his pants off when he got an idea. "Max, er, can you stand?"

"Uh, sure. Where?"

"Just, um, stand there and lean back on the wall."

Max did so, standing up and walking away from the bed. Tom purposefully looked away from the dog and instead also stood up to better remove his underwear. His dick was rock hard and leaking so much, making a big wet spot in his underwear. At this rate, he wasn't sure he could last long when tonight was about Max.

Max was the one who asked for this, so he must make him feel good and show him that... well... having sex with another man could be enjoyable.

Now fully naked, the wolf walked to where the dog was standing, watching him sharply. The dog was big, alluring, sexy, and anything similar to those adjectives. Showing his naked defined body and peeking penis, Max looked at the wolf approaching. He looked nervous but didn't try to cover his body as well as his enthusiastically waving tail, which was very cute on him. Tom approached him, feeling exposed with his body and erection on display like this, but since Max was also naked, he felt rather confident. When he was right in front of him, they looked into each other's eyes, then he leant forward to kiss the dog...

Sadly, Tom wasn't tall enough to be able to kiss Max without standing on his toes.

Tom grunted in disappointment before putting his hands on the dog's sides. Max then moved his muzzle lower to allow them to kiss. It wasn't too long, just mouth meeting mouth accompanied by a little bit of licking. They separated, but Max's ears didn't go back up. "Sorry." he said with a sheepish smile.

"Don't be sorry about your height," The wolf said whilst running his hands up and down the dog's sides. "himbo."

Max laughed a bit at that.

Then, Tom went down again to his chest. Standing like this, the dog's pecs were just below his muzzle, and Tom only needed to crouch a little to lick Max's cleavage whilst his hands softly planted themselves on the dog's pecs before going back down. He then licked one of Max's nipples again, making the dog grunt huskily.

There was still so much to explore, though. Pulling away, the wolf then stepped back and licked the side of his muzzle. Max curiously looked at him, tail still enthusiastically waving. Taking the dog's hand, Tom gently massaged it. Max's hands were big, yet the fingers were slender compared to the hands. The darker brown part of his fur stopped right after his elbows, so the fur on his hands was lighter brown. It also made his dark brown paw pads cuter. Those paw pads looked smooth, but when he ran his own pads on them, they felt rather rough. Intertwining their hands, Tom could feel the warmth inside. His hand looked small and fragile compared to Max's, though he knew that Max knew that his hands went through so many more things, scarred by time.

Now wasn't the best time to think about that, though. Tom continued his exploration and let go of the hand to move upwards. He gripped the dog's lower arms, then up to his shoulders to the upper arms. Max was still relaxed, so Tom took his time admiring the biceps and triceps. The dog frequented the gym and it really showed, even when they first met. He moved his other hand to the dog's other arm, gripping Max's arms and appreciating his solid build up his shoulders and down.

"You want me to flex?" asked Max.

Tom gave a light chuckle. "Please flex for me."

The dog gave a small chuckle, then flexed his arm. Tom could feel his dick pulsing harder as the biceps and triceps under his hands were now fully hard. Max could really hurt someone if he wanted to. Tom peppered kisses all over the upper arm and shoulder, occasionally having to stand on his toes. He then lifted one arm and, without hesitation, sniffed Max's armpit. Instantly, he gave a groan as he got a whiff of the dog's scent right from the source.

"You're weird, you know that?"

The wolf looked up and saw the dog smiling rather cockily at him. He just gave a half-hearted mrf as he kneaded the other shoulder with his free hand. Max sighed, letting him continue his muscle worship.

Having had enough, Tom pulled back and hugged Max. He groaned as he ground his very erect dick against the dog's thigh. Max didn't do anything, standing still to let the wolf do what he wanted, but he yelped when Tom's hands cupped his arse before moving back up to feel his strong back. "Uhh..."

Noticing the discomfort in the dog's voice, Tom looked up. "Hey Max," he said, voice coarse. "you can touch me, you know."

Max looked down at him. "I-is it okay?"

Tom smiled, eyes still half-open. "Touch me like how I touched you."

That made the dog let out a deep growl, sending vibrations up his body that definitely made Tom go weak in the knees. Softly, Max wrapped his arms around, still feeling unsure about touching him. Then, as if something changed, the dog pulled him closer before leaning down and giving small licks on the wolf's neck and shoulders. Tom gasped when Max's big hand came to his arse, playing with them before going back up, then down, then back up. Tom could feel Max's bigger dick grinding against his flat stomach. It felt warm and hard, and turned him on even more.

If Max was shy before, now he seemed to be fully into this. Tom looked up at the dog. Max's eyes were closed and he was gritting his teeth as he ground his groin against the smaller wolf and his hands were gripping his arse cheeks. The dog then leant back down, whiffing and lapping at his neck before hugging him tightly. "F-fuck, Tom..." His breath began to hitch. His tempo increased and Tom felt like melting in the dog's hold, surrounded by his strong, bulging arms and his hard, very hard dick pressed against his stomach driving him closer and closer to release...

However, Max then slowed down before stopping completely. He held the wolf close, gasping for air. Pushing Tom away, Max looked at his eyes before leaning forward to kiss him softly. Tom happily reciprocated the kiss, though sadly Max pulled away. "H-hey, how about a quick break?"

That made the wolf tilt his head. "A break?"

"You're close, I can tell." the dog said before looking down.

Tom followed his gaze. He was leaking so much that Max's thigh was getting quite wet. He scratched his cheek sheepishly. "Uhh... yeah."

Max nuzzled his ear again, then let him go. "Let's have a quick snack first."

Tom reluctantly pulled himself away from the hunk in front of him, confusedly looking at the dog. "Uh, sure...?" Max had more experience on this thing, though, so he complied. Sitting on the bed, he reached for his clothes and was about to pick them up when Max mrf'ed to get his attention. He looked up at the dog. "What?"

Putting his hands on his waist, Max smiled down at him. His dick was still standing proudly. "Just stay naked."


Max turned around and headed for the door. He opened the door slowly, dramatically, letting the wolf stare at his strong back and plump arse with his tail waving invitingly. Tom couldn't tear his gaze away from the lewd display, though sadly Max walked away with a soft laugh.

Looking back at his clothes, he decided to stay naked as he followed the dog out. They were at home anyway.

After taking a quick piss, Tom walked to the kitchen. Max was taking something from the fridge. "What're you making?" he asked the dog as he sat down on a dining chair.

"Just some quick vegetable toast." Max replied without turning around.

Tom wanted to reply to that, but he was too mesmerised watching Max's sturdy, naked back as he made the toasts. Sadly, the fur wasn't letting him see the muscles working underneath. Looking down, the wolf's dick twitched at Max's narrow waist and shapely arse, with his tail waving rather invitingly.

He had a hunch that Max was doing this purposefully.

Well, if Max wanted to show off, he would provide. Standing up, Tom let his tail wag freely and approached the dog. He then hugged Max from behind, burying his face in the dog's short fluff while his hands took a good feel of the dog's abs and chest, while his half-erection was pressed against the dog's thigh.

...Actually, that wouldn't be a good idea given now nervous Max seemed to this whole sex thing. However, the dog then gave a low grunt and stopped what he was doing. He put his hands on the counter and leant on them, giving a huff. "You really want to fuck me, don't you?" he said, followed by a light chuckle.

"Uh..." Well, he was curious about being the top...

"Just... um, well, let's do it some other time, okay? I heard there are some... well, preparations for that."

Tom grunted and pulled himself away from the dog. "Y-yeah..." Holy shit, Max actually wasn't against the idea of being fucked. He always thought the dog was just joking about that, but he really actually wasn't against the idea of being fucked.

"Well, how about helping me with the toast here?"

"Oh yeah... er, sorry." Tom took two plates from the cabinet and put them down. Max looked at him and smiled, giving his head a pat.

As they waited for the toaster to ring, Tom dared look up at Max. The dog was staring at the toaster, deep in thought as indicated by his tail swaying softly behind him occasionally brushing against Tom's own tail. He wanted to say something, but maybe it would be best to leave him with his thoughts for now. Tom just gave a sigh and looked back at the plates in front of him.

Hopefully, Max wasn't thinking about cutting tonight short.

However, he then said something, making Tom look up at him. "Y'know, I still feel nervous about tonight." He chuckled. "I know it's just sex, but... y'know, somehow I feel like a virgin on their first time."

Tom mrf'ed. "I'm a virgin on my first time, so don't worry."

Max laughed softly, then pulled the wolf into an embrace. "Guess I really am bi. I kept thinking about 'what the fuck am I really doing this with a guy' but then when I actually touch you, it felt... nothing weird."

"Nothing weird, how?" Tom leant into the embrace.

"I was expecting myself to freak out, you know. It's why it took me so long for this. But when we actually got to do it, nothing felt wrong, a bit nervous, but heh, it's just..." He looked at the wolf and smiled. "Just a man enjoying himself with a man."

Tom returned the smile.

"And it actually felt just fine when I wasn't having an internal debate." Max continued as he took several jars of vegetable fillings. "I guess now I understand when people say, 'you don't realise you're bi overnight'."

Tom wanted to reply to that, but the toaster then clicked. Max was quick to put the bread slices on the plates. They exchanged fillings as they made their own toasts, then sat down on the small dining table to eat. The wolf looked up to see the dog munching his toast away. This wasn't the first time he saw Max topless while dining, but he certainly wouldn't be tired of the view.

"So, any idea what you want to do next?"

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"Well, you're the one in charge so teach me what you want." He ate the toast. "Well, aside from fucking me, please." He ended with an amused grunt.

Taking a drink, Tom scratched the back of his ear. "Well, uh, given your size... and me... well..."

"Yeah, dude. I know I'm big." Max grinned. "Twenty centimetres, last time I checked."

"You really need to flex right now in front of my toast, eh?"

"I was just reiterating, so..." Max shrugged, but his tail was wagging.

"But anyway, I also need time to prepare, so... maybe no... y'know, penetration for tonight." His ears went down a bit. "Especially to... to take twenty centimetres... yeah..."

"It's no problem for me." Done with his food, Max stood up and put his plate on the washtable. Tom finished his own soon after, and the dog washed his plate along.

When they returned to the bedroom, Max looked around, then at the wolf. "So, anything else you want to try out? I'm kinda close."

"W-well, uh..." Here goes the real thing. Tom gulped, then pointed at the bed. "Sit down on the edge of the bed."

Max did so, and his gaze was fixated on Tom as the wolf knelt in front of him. They looked at each other, then Tom's gaze drifted lower to the dog's pecs, then to his abs, then to his...

"Go slow, alright?" Max gave his head a pat. "Watch out for the teeth."

Tom nodded, then with careful hands, he wrapped his fingers around the dog's red dick. It was half-hard, a little bit wet from leaking, and very warm to the touch. Tom stared at it intently, at the veins, at the sheath and fuzzy balls... this was what he wanted and now he was about to do it...

He closed his eyes and gave the head a lick. It tasted salty and kinda weird, like licking his skin before his fur regrew. Yet it was still intoxicating, especially when he leant closer and took a deep sniff. Behind the shampoo scent, there was that distinctly Max-y scent that he smelled whenever the dog woke up with an erection.

He gave it another lick, wrapping his tongue around it and savouring every moment. Slowly, it became more and more erect. Tom found himself getting a bit dizzy from the excitement and scent, and the fact that Max was softly caressing his head only further encouraged him.

He opened his eyes and looked up at Max. The dog was looking at him intently, muzzle open ajar. Max played with his ear softly and said with a husky voice, "Yeah, just like that."

That voice made him shiver. Tom pulled back, muzzle open and tongue out. His own dick was very hard and pulsing, but he ignored that for now. He held Max's dick again and slowly put it into his mouth, tongue wrapping around it. The knots were out now, and Tom was determined to get it all in, even the knots if he could.

Tom then coughed and took it out, still coughing as he was getting his breathing under control. Closing his eyes, he then tried to take it all in again. Finally, he opened his muzzle a bit more to take the knots in. When he felt the head hitting the back of his throat and his muzzle getting buried in the dog's pubes, he knew he did it.

"Shit, Tom, go easy... ohh, fuck."

Satisfied, he put it out slowly. His muzzle was open and he was panting heavily for air, with some drops of tear going down his eyes from holding back coughs. He looked up at Max.

"Fuck, Tom, you don't really need to do that... fuck you got all in." Max said, sounding very impressed. "But seriously though, go easy."

Tom only nodded, then set to work. He lapped at it as if it were a lollipop. This was it; this was finally it. He imagined this scene happening so many times. This was what he wanted, and Max was giving it. He made sure to remember every detail of this, the scent, the texture, the deep guttural growl that Max let out as he took all of his dick into his muzzle with little to no difficulty...

Huh, he didn't know he had a variable gag reflex.

His hands travelled up and explored the dog's abdomen. Max only let him, even leaning back a bit for easier access. As Tom was sucking the dick, his hands felt the dog's abs and pecs, occasionally rubbing his nipples. One hand then went back down to hold the dick while another was gripping his side.

He was enjoying himself being stuffed full of Max's dick when said dog softly pushed him away. Confused, he took it out and looked up at Max, coughing softly.

The dog shifted a bit, then looked away with his ears still down. "I... I want to try it too."

Wait, what? "You want?"

"Yeah..." The dog put his hand on his nape. "I wanna try it."

Tom felt his dick twitch excitedly at that, but while he was still able to think, he asked the dog. "You sure? You don't need to."

"I'm sure." Max replied, though Tom could sense the reluctance.

"Well... uh..." The wolf stood up, awkwardly standing there while the dog got into position. He knelt before him and looked up. Tom was sure he could cum just by the sight. Max pointed at the bed, then Tom sat down there, reversing their position from before.

Then, he looked down. Max was looking at his dick apprehensively, as if still debating about this. Then, he gently put his hand around it, making Tom moan loudly. Shit, even by touch the sensation was so much for him. Looking back down at Max, the dog didn't pay him any attention, though. He was now pumping it up and down, still gently. Through hazy eyes, Tom intently stared at the dog's hand on his dick. His muzzle was open and tongue out.

"You're leaking a lot..."

No longer able to keep his eyes open, Tom's arms gave up as he lay down on the bed. Max was still gently pumping his dick. Then, when he felt a wet surface grazing across the underside of his dick, he moaned and shuddered, tail wagging uncontrollably beside him.

Max coughed several times, but he didn't stop. Tom vaguely heard the dog saying, "Wasn't expecting it to taste like this." before licking his dick again. A few moments later, he could feel warmth enveloping his dick and he hid his face under a pillow to stop himself from howling. So, this was what a blowjob felt like. He was so close, and Max was taking it very slowly, as if savouring every part of his dick like a lollipop, unknowingly torturing him even more with pleasure.

Then, Max pulled away. Tom removed the pillow and breathed heavily, feeling so exposed and bare and wanted to cum so badly

"Move over." Max climbed onto the bed, making Tom open his eyes and follow what he said. Apparently, the dog positioned himself so that his dick was in front of Tom's face and Tom's dick was in front of his face. With the tip booping his nose, he could smell the dog's scent so very strongly, filling him with even more lust, even more so when Max then put his dick inside his mouth again.

Gripping the dog's dick, he said, "M-M-Max, I'm so close..." He cringed a bit when Max's tongue slowly slid against the underside of his dick. "I-if you keep that I-I may c-cum..."

Max did not pull away. Actually, he was now enthusiastically bobbing his head.

He put the dog's dick inside his mouth and began sucking it again, but he couldn't focus much because he was so close to cumming. He could hear the rhythmic thumping of their tail on the bed. Max was either doing an amazing job or a bad job with Tom so horny. Either way, this felt amazing, as if his entire body was filled with electricity and he could only mirror what the dog was doing. Max was leaking, too, and Tom eagerly lapped and swallowed all the precum while one hand was tugging at his knot. Max noticed that, and now one of his hands was tugging at Tom's knot.

This time, he knew he was going to cum. Letting go of the dog's dick, Tom warned him. "M-Max, I-I'm gonna cum! Pull a-away!"

Max did not pull away.

Finally, as he hugged the dog's midsection tightly, he came inside the dog's mouth. He saw stars when he closed his eyes shut and howled weakly, his body feeling like thunder struck him. Max didn't pull away, keeping his cum inside, keeping his dick in that wonderful and heavenly warmth. He didn't know how much he came, only that he felt that this was the best ejaculation in his life.

When he was done, he could only lie down on the bed, breathing heavily as his body went numb. He let go of Max, freeing the dog from his death grip. Then, he noticed the dog was getting up from the bed and he heard him running away.

A few minutes later, Tom was finally able to come to his senses. He weakly opened his eyes and looked around. Max was nowhere to be found, but he could hear someone in the kitchen. Fuck, he felt so bad for cumming in the dog's mouth. He should've been able to hold himself back.

Shortly then, the dog came back into the bedroom. Tom weakly sat up and said to the dog, "I-I'm sorry a--"

"Shush. It's fine." Max sat down on the bed and smiled embarrassedly. "I wanted that. Now I... uh, know what cum tastes like."

Tom swallowed. That suggested that Max wasn't against giving a blowjob and... uh... having him cum in his mouth.

The dog then pointed at his dick. It was half-hard, but it was still wet. "Well, can you help?"

Tom smiled shyly as an idea formed inside his head. "W-well, lie down."

Repositioning himself, Max put a pillow under his upper back and rested the back of his head against the backrest. Tom felt himself getting horny again from the sight. Max was all exposed for him, with his dick half-hard and a shy smile on his muzzle. The dog's plump pecs and defined abs were there, begging to be touched.

And touched he did. He wasn't feeling like giving another blowjob, so he hoped Max wouldn't mind a handjob. He moved to the dog's side, kissing him softly while his hand explored his front. His other hand was holding the dog under his back. He then went lower, kissing the dog's neck while his hand played with his nipples and abs before finally gripping his hardening dick. Repositioning himself, Tom began jerking him off while sucking his nipple, occasionally going up to the dog's neck and armpit and down to his abs.

Max groaned and moaned, this time not feeling shy of letting his pleasure known. He closed his eyes and leant back against the headboard, occasionally looking down at his dick and at Tom. His hand pulled up and rested on the wolf's side, making the wolf look up. Max leant down for a quick kiss and Tom replied eagerly, still jerking him off at a normal pace. After they separated, Max's other hand began playing with his other nipple and he lolled his head back, his hips beginning to match the wolf's tempo. Tom went back to sucking and lapping at his nipple, making him groan in pleasure.

Tom could feel Max going limp on his arm. This was pleasurable for them both. They went at it for several more minutes when Max finally breathed softly. "I-I'm gonna cum." Tom didn't stop, still sucking the dog's nipple. He wanted to suck his dick, but he wasn't sure about having someone cumming inside his mouth just yet, and from Max's expression, he wasn't telling him to. Tom could feel the dick in his hand getting even harder, pulsing rhythmically.

Max came with a big groan. He closed his eyes shut and gritted his teeth as ropes of white cum exploded from his dick. Some even landed on Tom or even his own muzzle. Tom slowed down his pumping, now milking the dog's dick to let all the cum out. He came a lot, making a bit of a puddle on his navel and stomach. Then with one final thrust of his hips, Max went limp. He opened his eyes and pulled Tom in for a quick kiss before separating and breathing heavily.

Curious--and horny again--Tom let go of his dick and licked the cum on his fingers. It tasted just like his precum but much, much stronger. Max tasted salty and kind of sweet. He wasn't sure about licking his hand clean, though, so he just rubbed it on the dog's chest fur. Max looked down on his chest as he did that, then gave a weak chuckle. "Fuck, that was fucking amazing."

Tom didn't want to pull away, but he had to because his other hand was numb now. "Y-yeah... that was amazing."

"Gimme... gimme the tissue."

After cleaning up the cum, they stood up and walked to the bathroom. Under the shower, Tom could only lean back on the wall as he took everything in. He was no longer a virgin--er, sort of--and Max didn't seem to mind doing this with him. As he expected, that was fucking amazing. Tom couldn't hold back his silly smile as he gave himself a figurative pat on the back; holding back till he found the one really was worth it.

Especially now. He heard the bathroom door open and Max went inside. His dick was dangling limply between his legs, not limp enough to go back into the sheath yet. Max put their towels away, then looked at him under the shower and smiled. Tom smiled back at him, feeling giddy. "Get out, I'm having a shower."

"You invited me in for too many times already. Besides, congratulations. You're no longer a virgin." The shepherd said as he joined him under the shower. It was actually a rather tight fit, forcing Tom to face the dog and look at his abs, at his fur where dried cum made it shape weirdly, then up at his chest, then up at his face with his eyes closed. "And I just had a great sex with a guy."

Tom could feel his dick getting hard again.

Max opened his eyes. "Thank you for making me shower twice, by the way." He said with a grin before taking his shampoo bottle.

Tom just shoved him away and took his own shampoo bottle. "You also made me shower twice."

Giving a small laugh, the dog began to wash his body. They washed their bodies in silence, still caught up in the moment. Occasionally, their bodies would touch in the cramped shower area, but no one pulled back. Whenever Max saw him looking up at him, the dog would grin, making him look away.

Tom was about done with his front body when Max gave his shoulder a tap. "Hey, give me your shampoo."


"Lemme wash your back. Wash mine after this."

"Oh... right, right." He gave it to the dog before facing the other way. He felt him lathering the shampoo on his back, then followed by two hands gently massaging it. Giving a sigh, he let the dog wash his back, relaxing under his touch.

Max was done quickly, though his hands lingered on the wolf's butt for quite some time. He chuckled a bit before giving him his shampoo. "Here."

Tom took the shampoo and turned around. He lathered the shampoo on the dog's wide, strong, dark brown back and set up to wash him. Only, because he was horny again, he couldn't help but occasionally hug the dog from behind and play with the dog's front body. Max didn't stop him, though, only standing still to let the wolf do what he wanted. Tom's hand found his dick and he gave it a quick rubbing before going back to his back. He felt Max shudder when he did that.

This time, when he hugged him tight, he couldn't help but grind his dick against Max's thigh. It grew harder and harder, and he began to grip and rub the dog's pecs. This time, Max gave a chuckle and asked him, "You're still not enough with that?"

Tom's reply was muffled as he planted his muzzle on the dog's back.

"I figured." Max gave a fond sigh, then gently pulled his hands away. "Face the other way."

Confusedly and reluctantly, Tom pulled away. He looked up at Max, a bit expecting a disapproving look. Instead, he didn't look disturbed as he turned around. Now facing the wall, Tom felt Max's hand hugging him from behind and Max's muzzle saying lowly in his ear, "Lean back on me." before giving it a gentle bite.

Tom could only do so, and he moaned when one of the dog's hands gripped his dick and another kneaded his pecs. Max gave a gentle pace with his hands occasionally rubbing his nipples. Tom found himself melting on the dog's arm, giving weak moans and groans. "Y-you're copying me..."

Max laughed--dear heavens didn't he sound so hot right over his ear--and gave his cheek a quick peck. "You're a great teacher." He said, then he asked him. "Does it feel good?"

"Yeah... and I'm close..."


"S-shush. M-my boyfriend is... jerking me off."

That made the dog laugh more. "Well, let me finish you quickly then. And don't howl."

Tom wanted to give a retort at that, but Max quickened his pace, making him grit his teeth. He alternated between having his muzzle open and tongue out and gritting his teeth because holy shit, he really felt powerless in the dog's strong arms while at the same time he wanted more and more. Max didn't slow down, and actually was now jerking him off with two hands, one doing the jerking while another gripping the base of his knot. His hands were wonderful, applying so many techniques that made Tom go weak in his knees. Max was really giving him everything he got.

Then, he could feel it. He was very close and Max wasn't slowing down. His hips began to thrust against the dog's hand. When Max noticed that, he timed his jerking off to match the wolf's hips. Tom gripped the dog's arms as he was pushed closer and closer to the edge.

Then his body shook as his dick erupted in the dog's hands. Some landed on the wall across him and some only oozed out into the dog's hands as he was rubbing his dick slowly. Max was biting his upper neck gently, giving him even more pleasure. Tom went rigid, gritting his teeth to hold back his howling. He sharply thrusted on Max's hands, wanting to get more of the pleasure.

Eventually, his cumming subsided and Max's hands were now milking his dick softly. Tom was limp on the dog's hold, heaving for air. Max turned the shower on and began to wash him off. Tom could only let him, having cummed twice in a night.

After he regained his senses, he helped Max clean up. They didn't say anything, and that frankly worried Tom a bit. However, when he looked up at Max, the dog would just smile at him. That felt a bit concerning, but maybe Max was just still taking it in.

Done cleaning up and showering, they shook their bodies--awkwardly making it work--and exited the shower area. After rubbing himself down with the towel, Tom turned the blower on and sat down, blowing his fur. However, Max took the blower and blew his fur instead. "Hey!"

"I get dry quickly." Max just grinned. Sure enough, he was dry in a minute or two. Giving the blower back to the wolf, the dog gave his head a quick pat and walked out of the bathroom. "I'm gonna clean up the place for the night."


Tom began to dry himself. His head was filled with uncertainty again, but he didn't allow his mind to wander too much. They were just done doing the thing he wanted to do since... well, forever.

Thankfully, Max returned shortly. He went into the bathroom, still naked, and asked, "You're done?"

"In a bit." Tom stood up and pointed the blower at his arse and legs. "Done." he said, putting the blower back.

"Nice." Max moved closer and... lifted him up on his back.

"W-whoa, Max!"

"Figured you'd still be weak after that intense session." Max laughed as they exited the bathroom. Tom gripped the dog's shoulder to balance himself and buried his muzzle in the dog's short fluff, tail wagging happily.

In the bedroom, Max turned the lamps off and gently lowered him on his part of the bed. Settling himself on his own side of the bed, Max finally lay down and gave a heavy sigh. Tom thought about putting at least a pair of pants on but decided that he was too tired for that. Besides, Max was fully naked beside him anyway. "You're sleeping naked?"

The dog shrugged. "Not like I never did it anyway."

"Well, true."

"Besides, you always say I'm a better, fluffier bolster when I'm naked."

"I don't!"

"Hehe, fluffy bolster."

"You know when you hug me, you're hugging me to death."

"Do you want me not to hug you though?"

"Well... no."

The conversation was cut short as they fell silent. Tom looked up at Max and found that he was staring at the ceilings. His mind began to think of the worst again, but this time he decided to confront it. "Max... are you alright?"

Max didn't answer right away, giving a heavy sigh and closing his eyes. "Yeah... well, honestly though, I'm confused..."

Knowing that tone, Tom didn't reply, giving the dog the space to continue.

"It's just... uh... how should I put it... I'm confused not because we did stuff, but because I wanted us to do stuff..." He trailed off. "Y'know, coming to terms that I may be bi is one thing. Doing stuff with a guy is another."

"I... I'm sorry..."

"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault." Max looked at him and smiled gently. He then pulled the wolf closer. "I'm still coming into terms with my bisexuality, I guess."

Tom replied to the smile, then put his arm around the dog's stomach and hugged him. Max sighed in relief. "Thanks for being patient with me, wolf. And sorry if I'm taking too long."

"No, no, don't worry. I don't mind."

Max pet Tom's head. "Well, goodnight, Tom. That was great. Sorry if I wasn't' enough, though."

Giving a sigh of relief, Tom hugged him closer. "It's okay. Thanks for tonight, Max, it was much more than I imagined." He caressed the dog's front body. "I love you, Max."

"I'm sorry... I don't think I'm ready for that word just yet..." Max pulled his head closer, then planted a small kiss on the wolf's forehead. "I like you, Tom. Please keep teaching me to love you."

Tom's tail began to slow down as he felt peace in his heart.

"And goodnight."


Chasing the Sun - Chapter 20: Small Seeds of Hunger

_+3 17 882 1203: "G'aftermiddæj, I'm Sebastian. Sorry for bothering you_ _????__"_ _+3 17 882 1203: "I'd like to meet you if mind ye not"_ _+3 17 882 1203: "over yknow"_ Kevin stared at the texts. From the words, he was sure this person was asking...

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 19: Some Small Steps

He never thought he would be willing, much less feel comfortable doing this with a guy. If someone asked him to do this a few years ago, he might turn around in disgust. Octo was a witness to the things he would do to anyone who tried doing this to...

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 18: Evening Beer

Vilkas gulped the beer down in front of him. Sometimes, he really thought he needed one glass or one dozen glasses of beer. Working with Kevin was already bad enough, but working with Kevin knowing that he had a boyfriend now? At first, it felt...

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