Paying the Tab

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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When two guys cannot pay a bar tab, the bartender has an interesting proposition for them... But they do not know that she is a lusty hermaphrodite tigress, intent on using them for her pleasure before letting their squirming bodies slip down into her balls...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Paying the Tab

Written Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Blackmist333

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Aaron blushed and shook his head, the maned wolf patting his pockets down, checking his bag again, even though he knew that there was nothing there. His money pouch with his credit chip should have been in there, but whether he had left it back on the base of the space station he was currently on a stopover at or if it had been stolen from him was another thing entirely.

At a bar on the rather seedy station, something that was more of a base for those mining, working and passing through than anything else, was not the best place to realise that he was missing his money. The maned wolf clamped his jaw shut, ears back, the lighting in the bar dim, the scent of stale alcohol on the air, though he didn't want to think about the lick of vomit under it. His features were sharpened by the black mane slipping down his back, the grey edging to his fur and the cream of his muzzle, though he had a longer, more elegant muzzle anyway.

"Um..." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, feeling awkward even in his clothes that showed the muscle in his chest lightly, subtly, clothes that usually gave him the confidence to be himself. "I don't suppose I could head back to our lodgings to check for my wallet?"

The buzz of the bar chattered away in the background, mid-night and by no means slowing down for the tail end of the night yet. Somewhere, someone dropped a glass with an almighty crash and smash, cheers going up as someone toasted the unfortunate waiter. It was not a big deal, however, not as Aaron sweated in front of the tiger barkeep - technically a tiger and wolf hybrid, though the ferocity was far from his species in that moment - but did not know what to do about the situation.

His friend and comrade, Aohren, gulped and checked his own pockets too, though he hadn't seen any reason for him to bring any money out with him when Aaron had said that he was going to pay. The dragon should have been intimidating enough with his bulk, his broad shoulders, the grey coat, dropping to black over his arms, with orange stripes that drew the eye to the muscle of his arms. One would not have said that he was particularly shy, but the Shade Dragon had learned to be cautious over time, his tail swinging softly behind him, complete with a flickering, dancing flame of black with purple wisps within.

"Aaron, are you serious?" Aohren, Ao for short, growled, hissing under his breath. "You... Come on, we're going to have to go sort this now."

"I don't know what to tell you lads..." Jamie, the barkeep, drawled lazily, leaning forward onto the bar top with her paws spread out, tail swinging to her back. "You have to pay, one way or another. Don't you know what goes down on stations like this if you don't cough up the cash?"

She looked them over, though she hid something downstairs that they were not aware of, her tail flicking back and forth, shaped like that of a wolf, though it was more agile and could curl too, like that of a tiger. Her long braid that hung down to the small of her back was orange-brown, reminiscent of her tigress heritage, though they would only find out more about her if they chose.

Aaron shook his head, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Um... Yeah, I can leave something here... Oh, shoot, I don't have anything."

Jamie cocked an eyebrow.

"Well, that sounds like you've really got a problem there, haven't you? What do you think I'm going to tell my boss, that I let the both of you walk out of here without paying? What do you think they are going to say about all of that?"

Aaron flinched, yet it was Jamie who held all the cards, the predator reeling her hapless prey into her trap. It was easy, too easy, and she wanted to see just how far she could take the two of them. Would they find their money at the very last minute, like others did, or would they even allow her to go down the legal route of reclaiming the money owed from them? Not that there was much of a legal route to be had on a space station like theirs, the force field around the station keeping them safe from the pull of space. Fists and bloodied lips were the currency of "paying what one owed", though she didn't have any intention of roughing them up in that way.

There were far more refined ways that she could teach them a lesson...

"Now... Look, there might be something I can do for you, if you'll listen to me. Are you listening to me?"

"Yes!" Aaron was quick to answer, rushing over his words as if he was being too hasty to get them out, Ao tapping him on the shoulder. "Yeah, we'll give anything a shot - sorry, Ao, what was that?"

But the dragon hesitated, a chill prickling at his spine. If he'd said something, maybe they would not have slipped so far, yet not even the Shade Dragon could explain just what the icy grip running down his back, as if some unseen hand was clawing at his spine,

"Oh, I have something that I think you boys can help me out with," she purred, swirling her finger across the top of the bar, catching a drip of moisture from a pint glass. "I think there is something... How about you come around to the back alley and I'll see just what you can do...for me?"

Aaron blinked, but the maned wolf could not help a stupid, wide grin from spreading across his lips, tongue lolling out as if he was about to pant in raw need. Wow - was she really offering herself to them? Just like that? He thought that was only the sort of thing that happened in cheesy films, maybe even, well, a porno... He rubbed his arm. Wow, that was crass to even think.

"Really? Oh, we'll do anything - right, Ao?"

The dragon nodded slowly, trepidation in the shift of his eyes.

"Um, yeah, but...what did you want us to do?"

Jamie, however, already had them eating out of the palm of her paw, tail flicking slowly back and forth, the tigress stalking her prey. Her longer, more wolfish muzzle curved up in a smile, Aaron's eyes dropping to her chest, a blush rising to his cheeks.

Oh, it's almost too easy...

_ _

"You'll see, honey. Meet me out back in ten, all right? Then we'll see if you can pay off that tab, so I don't have to call in the big guns on you. 'Kay?"

She blew them a kiss, giving a little sultry shake of her hips for good measure, the wolf's eyes dropping to her backside, though he gave a little whine and looked away only a moment later. Even then he didn't want to be rude, it wasn't like him.

"We should do it!" He hissed, grabbing Ao's arm, though the thought of getting it on in the back alley should have filled him with a touch more concern than it did - why would she even ask that of them anyway? "We can't pass this up - did you see the way she looked at me?"

Ao scoffed and pushed him off.

"Yeah, mate, I'm sure she looks at everyone like that. And just what does she want from us that she can't scoop up any tail she wants with tits and a butt like that?"

But Aaron was already up and tugging him to his feet, the dragon standing a touch taller, though the wolf was higher than most of the other patrons of the bar at over seven feet tall. The dragon rounded his shoulders a little, six-feet tall and feeling his size, tucking forward, but not even that was enough to make himself small enough for a space in which he suddenly felt self-conscious.

Something wasn't right, wasn't right at all, but Aaron was too excited to be stopped and Ao followed him cautiously, at least thinking that he could be there to keep an eye on him if there was anything going wrong out there. The back alley, which they entered from around the side of the backstreet bar, avoiding pools of water in the road (neither wanted to think about what filth they contained), reflecting the buzzing sidelights. There were no streetlights, everyone needing to walk or use moped-like transport, floating above the ground, to get around, though they had a price tag attached. They didn't exactly have lots of spare cash lying around, especially after going out to get a good buzz on.


Ao nudged him towards the alley, a little heavier on their feet than they would normally have been, though the dragon hung back. He wanted to keep an eye out, yet he didn't know what they were doing, unable to shake the feeling in the pit of his stomach that something was wrong. As they adjusted to the light of the alleyway, dimmer, they blinked more rapidly, noses swinging back and forth as Aaron scented her out, the tang of smoke catching his senses.

"Hm, hey boys. Was wondering if you were going to show."

She leaned back casually against the wall, lighting up a cigarette. It was one of those fancy new kinds that burned without burning the lungs, so to speak, while still giving the rush of tobacco, the addictive buzz and settling that so many smokers lived for. Jamie could have stopped whenever she wanted, more than enough willpower in her pinkie finger for that, but the feel of the cigarette between her lips was something that she enjoyed in the prelude to a good session.

They weren't expecting her back in the bar for a few hours. Emergency, she'd said, even if they knew what that was code for. Her staff members, that was, because she was the owner of the bar and, frankly, could do whatever the fuck she wanted there. She was only fair to her staff, of course, but they could easily pick up the slack of her not being there.

No one else wanted to fall victim to their boss, after all, knowing what Jamie was capable of. That was one reason why she was able to run such a tight ship.

"Now... Let me show you fine lads what you'll be working with," she purred. "You're a good size, I'm sure a beast like this will be no problem to you, hm?"

She rolled her hips and they should have had enough sense in them to run, though Aaron popped a paw elegantly on his hip, a little cock, thinking himself a bit more suave than he actually was.

"I'm sure we can do anything you need...honey."

He mimicked her own language right back at her, though that was not a road that the wolf should have gone down, catching Jamie's eyes as she smirked a little deeper, wriggling her trousers down. For a moment, Aaron did not know what was happening, why Ao sucked in a breath behind him, drawing back a little more, but all was revealed as she purred, licking her lips, stroking a rapidly hardening length of cock right there before their eyes.

They should have known that something was up, though Ao didn't have time for "I told you so's" when she murmured like that, the sensual arch of her back pushing her hips out even further, putting her hardening cock on full display to them. It was a good length, swelling past the one-foot mark, give or take, and growing further, so fat around that there was no hope of folding one's fingers around it. The smooth, black skin pulled over the flesh beneath, thick with heated blood, and Jamie parted her lips faintly, head tipped back to keep the smoking cigarette there.

"Mmm, yeah, that's better," she said with a grin, ears flicking, her head tilting ever so slightly to the side as she took a drag from the cigarette, stubbing it out on the wall so that it would not get in the way. "Like what you see, lads? I know, it's a surprise... Not everyone is as big as I am, but that's why two nice boys like you, well... Surely one of you must be able to do know how to work a nice length of dick, hm?"

They blinked, Aaron blushing hard, though it was not as if he had never been with guys before... He'd just never been with someone like the flirtatious Jamie, still in her white barkeep shirt, though he didn't have the faintest clue that she was not only a bartender there. That was something, after all, that she chose to keep for herself.

But he had to see what the game was, the parameters, stalling for time. Maybe there was something there that he wasn't seeing, yet even that foresight would not "save" him.

Maybe the wolf didn't want to be saved. Maybe everything that was to play out with him but a passive player in the dictation of his own life was as he wanted it.

Who was to say?

"Oh..." Aaron gulped and held up his paws, shaking his head, though his eyes dropped to her cock as if it was drawing them there insistently. "I don't think... We're not into Aren't we? Ao?"

The dragon growled and rubbed the back of his neck, ruffling up his thick mane of hair, the orange and purple tips catching the glow of the back-alley light where a mosquito buzzed around it, battering itself against the bulb.

"Ah... Not that bad, surely, Aaron," he said, though there was a big part of him that hesitated. "I mean... Just like making anyone feel good, isn't it? And we didn't exactly pay either."

"It's up to you," Jamie said, a smirk on her lips, leaving her trousers around her hips, hitched down under her cock and balls. "But, you know, I'll have to collect on that bar tab of yours one way or another. You lads can't just get out of paying because you'd rather slurp pussy than give a dick head."

She grinned, showing her teeth, though the light in her eyes was more predatory than ever. Maybe a prey species would have understood what she was implying, turned tail and run, but they did not, a wolf and a dragon, both confident in themselves, not possessing that instinct.

"Come on, boys... Who's going to be first? Or do you want me to pull in the heavies? I don't want to go on and do that, it would be such a bother..."

They shook their heads, sighing, though Ao would have held back still, tried to find something else to do, something to say, an agreement to come to, perhaps. Yet all the while that cock-tip stared them down, gleaming with the faintest trickle of pre-cum, smeared across the head by her thumb. She had to tip forward slightly to reach the head of her cock, so great was the reach of it, and Aaron whimpered softly, thinking that no one could hear him.

"All right..." He grouched, trying to make a show of it, though something about the situation had his cock thickening in his underwear, pushing out and making a light tent that he would have adjusted, if he had not felt so exposed. "I'll do it... But you'll let us off the tab, right? Or I can head back to our lodgings now and sort money...err...if you prefer?"

It was a little too formal for a time like that and Jamie barked a laugh, short and stark in the cool air of the space station.

"Nah... I think I've got everything I need right here. And you won't have to worry one little bit about your bar tab after this, have no fear."

Aaron sighed and half-shrugged, though the curl of excitement deep within the wolf's belly was not to be ignored either, brushing through. It trembled there, rising to the pound of his heart in his chest, folding slowly, dropping before her.

Sometimes, need could not be denied and he wanted something, the glow in her eyes calling to him, as did the smirk on her lips.

Damn it, she's hot...

_ _

Aaron would not have said anything about that aloud, but he could do it under the guise of pleasing her. of course, he was only doing it for his bar tab, of course, only that, but that was his excuse to let his inhibitions go, to take a step forward into a new way, even if he didn't know what he was getting into.

"That's it, come on... You know you want it, wolfie..."

She teased him, her tail swinging back and forth, lashing the air, though she didn't need to really do anything as she closed her paw around as much as the base of her cock as she could manage. With a roll of her hips, she ground her dripping cock over his face, the wolf shuddering away.

"Aw, I thought you'd like this, boy..." She crooned, eyes half-lidded, throat trembling with the semblance of purrs. "What's the matter, has it been that long since you sucked a dick?"

He grunted, shaking in place, thinking twice. No... No, it wasn't quite what he wanted, though Aaron was not set in what he was doing. He didn't know whether to turn back, to try his luck with her "heavies", or to carry on... The wolf whimpered, eyes slipping away, ears pinned, trying to get to his feet.

"No... Mmm, sorry, it's just..."

But Jamie didn't give him the chance to, growling as she crammed her cock against his lips, tipping forward as her paw came down on the back of his head.

"Don't stop what you've started, brat."

The word was spat with such vehemence that he whined, something primal tugging deep inside him. The wolf struggled with himself, need conflicting with the desire to be away - but he had to pay off his tab too, didn't he? Wasn't one little, or not so little, blowjob for a sexy tiger-wolf something that he could go through just to get out of a bit of trouble?

No... No, it could not be that bad, not even as he squirmed and thrashed a little, paws coming up weakly against her thighs, though he scraped. Somehow, there was no longer the power in him to push back, to pull away, his jaws forced wide around the fat length of her cock.

It was thick, so thick, pushing in deep, cramming into the back of his throat as he moaned, whimpering, a bit of more natural submissive gently warming around him. But it could not be right as Jamie took complete control over him, as if that was all that was going to happen from the very beginning. It was as if was pre-meditated, her hips thrusting, pumping, driving down his throat and blasting by his gag reflex as if it did not exist, the huge bulge in his throat showing how far it had worked its way down.

He couldn't even hack or gag, it was simply that deep, squirming, heaving, not knowing what else to do with himself. All he could do was weakly push against her thighs, though the dominant Jamie was not to be thwarted. She gripped his mane, the long fall of black hair, dragging his head back and forth on his cock. What she did not, deliberately, take into account, however, was that he needed to breathe, for, really - was that any of her concern?

Ao was completely unaware that his friend's jerking and thrusting (well, it looked like thrusting to the dragon) was from fear rather than arousal, not able to breathe. Aaron groaned, rolling his eyes back, closing his eyes, fighting against the lack of breath as his chest gripped and shuddered, tightening in the pursuit of oxygen.

No... What was she doing to him? His eyes watered even with his eyelids closed as she face-fucked him brutally, not pulling back to allow any air in, as much as his nostrils flared. Desperate, he whined and pawed at her leg, asking for mercy, though Jamie laughed and only pulled back for a moment only far enough to get one snatch of sweat breath into his lungs.

It was a breath...a single, haggard breath... Not enough, nowhere near enough, not as his head ached from the lack of air. And yet it had an effect on him too, an effect that was embarrassing and confusing at the same time. As much as it all felt unwanted to him, his cock hardened, pushing out against the front of his trousers, thickening more and more, though he didn't feel that he had a member to match the one Jamie bore.

Submission? Or was he simply being cowed? Who was to say? The maned wolf hacked as she pulled from his throat, only to have his air supply cut off once more as he wheezed. The stretch of his throat around her cock bulged, straining, showing through, his paw drifting to it in horrified wonder. How could his throat bulge out like that and still leave him intact, even if his throat was sore and raw.

Ao gulped, though the dragon did not know whether it was in sympathy or admiration. Jamie caught his movement, eyeing him up like a piece of fresh meat.

"Don't worry, draggie," she smirked, blowing him a kiss. "He loves it... You get a go too, you know... But I'm probably going to need a kiss first."

The dragon gulped and shook his head, though it did not seem as if Aaron was struggling too much, as much as the warning flares in the back of his mind screamed at him. He had to go, had to do something, it couldn't be right...could it? Yet it was his dubiousness of the entire thing that was his downfall, his stomach sinking as he stepped up to her. It could have been the flicker in her eye that made him feel that he was doing the wrong thing, or how every move she made was practised...but there was something about Jamie that had him on edge, on the back foot, regretting everything that had led him to that point.

Yet he did not do anything to stop her as she moaned around his face, kissing his lips deeply, her tongue delving into his mouth as if she was trying to plunder his muzzle. The kiss pressed in closer and closer, savouring him, slurping along his muzzle, larger and more powerful than him.

Wait... What was happening? It didn't make sense how widely her mouth opened, as if she was going to try to swallow him whole. The dragon reeled, though Jamie held him fast, drawing him in close to her, his body arched up to the curve of hers. She took Ao as if he was nothing to her, tasting him, lashing the side of his muzzle with her tongue, curling it up and around his horns, dampening his mane.

"Mmm..." She growled, a paw wound into his mane while Aaron sucked her cock, pounding down his throat. "That's it... Oh, you taste delicious. A sweet little morsel. Don't you know how good you taste, pie?"

Pie? That Food. She was calling him food. That was wrong, yet he could not quite say how, only that it sent a shiver of revulsion down his spine. Ao shuddered. Fuck, that look in her eye... It was the look of a true predator, someone who knew what was happening, what was going on, all that she could take from those under her. Was she thinking about...

No. No. He didn't want to think about it. She just had to be some kind of kinky fucker who wanted to get her rocks off in a weird way with them. Maybe she had even orchestrated things so that Aaron had had his wallet lifted, all because she couldn't get her kinks satisfied from normal anthros.

Yeah. Yeah, that made sense. Too much sense, in fact. If he'd had the forethought of mind to say something about all that to Aaron, maybe things could have been different. Yet the predator slavering saliva all over his face as if she was going to unhinge her jaws and feed him deeper, knew exactly what she was doing.

Ao's stomach sunk. There was nothing he could do, shivering, kind of felt nice too.

Aaron was not doing any much better, the huge bulge of her cock ramming down his throat as he whimpered around her, eyes rolling back into his head, needing it, wanting it, broken for it. It hurt, straining his throat with every forced thrust, his mouth and throat no more than a hole to be fucked, his body stretching to accommodate her, even if he did not understand quite how it was possible. Her balls bounced and smacked off his chin with every thrust, his whole body shaking. How could such arousal pair up with the twisting pull in the pit of his stomach, the feeling that something was terribly, irreversibly wrong?

"Mm... That's kinda nice, sweet cheeks, but I think I'm getting hungry up here... Can you give your friend a go, hm?"

Aaron blinked, though the wolf-tiger didn't pull back, growling, slamming in all the harder. Her words were taken away by her attention on Ao once again, lapping over his face, curling her long, flexible tongue around his neck, even around his ears, tasting him, teasing him. His body was a toy for her to do with as she wanted, the dragon not knowing what to do. Yet it was Aaron who bore the driving, brutalising thrusts, heaving, grunting, his hard-on unattended to, despite his position.

The wolf didn't think that he could do anything, growling, eyes closing. Yes... If he let go, all he had to do was to allow her to thrust, to face-fuck him, crushing his nose forcibly into her crotch with every thrust. Again and again, she bulged and drove her way down his throat until he felt the rumbling pulse of something more churning up from deep within her. Orgasm broke over him and down his throat like a tidal wave, pouring down his throat, the strain immense.

His arousal softened, tapering off as he flailed. Too much! It was all too much as she dumped her first load down his throat, forcing him to take it, though his eyes watered, streaming down his face. He couldn't breathe, could barely see, couldn't even think straight, not with the pounding thrust of her hips coming up against his nose with every stroke. He faded, drifting, even the pounding beat of his fists on her thighs weakening, though it was not as if Jamie had noticed anything untoward there. She didn't care if he tried to fight back, all if she had her victim in her grasp.

"Mm... Always got to make space, you know? A hungry cock has to do something to get a nice little prey item all tucked up and secure down there..."

Jamie laughed, chuckling. It was a private joke, one that only she would get, though maybe they would in time. Only after it was too late for them, of course, but she rather liked catching that note of fear in their eyes. Drawing back only when she was done with her orgasm, she let him hack and gag, trying to get a full breath, though Ao shuddered as she shoved him down to his knees.

The wolf-tiger smirked, towering over him. Was her cock bigger? Ao shook his head. Nah... No. He couldn't be thinking like that. He must have been imagining things, yeah, surely...

"Come here... Get your nose right up in there, cutie."

Ao shivered. A blowjob... Yeah, yeah, he could do that. Her cock looked kind of nice, even if it had not looked that large before and, of course, Aaron had not had all that much trouble with it. No problem, right?

He lapped her cock slowly, teasing his tongue over the head as it grew, pulsing with need before his eyes. Giving her head was hard, though he could no longer take the tip of her cock into his mouth. The dragon should have seen that as stranger than it was, but there was something about her scent that had him luxuriating in the moment, feeling closer to her than he should have. Her tail lashed back and forth, offering him a hypnotic rhythm to pace himself to, the dragon moaning, trying to do what he thought he needed to.

A blowjob. A cock licking. Then they could both go. Right?

Aaron, on the other hand, was engaged with her muzzle much the same as Ao had been, her long tongue lapping over his face, jaws opened impossibly wide to show him the soft pink of the cavern within. Ropes of drool lashed her fangs, dripping and pulling, though she taunted him further with a lick of her lips, thrusting, grinding, using the dragon's face as a sex toy against which she could grind herself. Jamie could have shoved herself down her throat as she was, cock growing with every throb and pulse of blood, but she had something else in mind.

Aaron shuddered and flinched away, still trying to catch his breath, as she lapped his head, her tongue slathering his mane flat to him, dripping with her drool. That was not something at all that he wanted to lean into, not in the slightest, but she held him there regardless, tasting him, teasing him.

"A cute little wolf pup, oh, you would fit so nicely between my jaws," she all but cooed, yet the words should never have sounded as soft and as sweet as they did coming from her lips. "How delicious... It's been a while since I've tasted a wolf like you... Mm and no snack is the same. You could even be a whole meal, cutie, if you liked."

Of course, that was not something that Aaron would ever have any choice in, not at all. He never would be permitted to choose again, not with Jamie looming and lurking over him, always sure to hold him lower than her head so that she cut an imposing figure against even the wall of the alleyway. Her thicker wolf-tiger tail wagged faintly, yet he had never seen such a sinister wag, how it slipped between more feline movements against the wolfish ones in the blink of an eye.

Wet, dripping, tasted. His body was a toy to her, a tongue lapping over his shoulders, around his chest, his shirt ripped down the front, though Aaron didn't remember that happening. The maned wolf didn't remember all that much anymore, not as he slipped deeper and deeper, his entire head within her mouth.

It shouldn't have fit. Yet...she seemed bigger, so much bigger. His head swam, aching and pounding, yet the moment was not truly one for him, not in that way. It should never have been, not as he whined and whimpered, paralyzed with something more potent even than fear.

He groaned, his muzzle wet and dripping, saliva teasing down his face, clinging to his ears. Yet he could not do anything, his body confused, his mind even more so. Why was he frozen? Why was he stuck there? It didn't make sense, not at all, his back arching, pushing away, though, at some point, he had been hefted up in the air above her, though her head still seemed much larger, dominating.

When it all came down to it, he wouldn't realise until it was too late anyway. And nothing he saw there that night, with the faint patter of raindrops pricking at his coat, mattered anyway. He would be lost to her, the will of the hybrid, the one who had decided that he was a toy to be devoured, one way or another. Maybe he understood that even then and that was why he didn't fight back.

Who was to say? But the wolf-tiger tired of tasting, her gut and balls aching, rumbling, hungering for more.

"You're more than just a tasting menu, my sweet little nibbles..." She murmured, licking her lips, showing Aaron her maw once again as she pulled back, everything there back to normal, somehow. "So sweet... But how sweet can a little bite like you really be? Let's see about your friend first, shall we?"

Down on his knees, Ao whimpered, panting, taking every inch that Jamie gave him, his head swimming, not even aware of what was happening to Aaron. To him, he had more than enough to deal with, though something in him protested that it was all well and good, that he no longer had anything to worry about at all. But maybe that was his mind simply trying to make things easier on him, some part of him shutting down as she let her musk tickle his nose, bodies sweating, the scent of sex lingering softly in the nip of cold air biting at his nose.

But it was a problem, a very big problem indeed as Aaron shuffled back, trying to regain his breath where he had been unceremoniously dropped, haunches aching. Yet he knew more intimately than Ao how big that cock had been - and it was already much larger! It swelled and grew, out of proportion with even the muscled, dominant hybrid, throbbing and aching, though it did not soften in the slightest.

He wanted to tell Ao to stop, to not tip forward, but the dragon was in a world of his own, slipping forward, his nose touching the tip of a cock that was suddenly big enough to do far more than simply cum down his throat. A cock that size would not have fit into any anthro, surely, but that was not the point of it.

Blood roared in Aaron's ears as the slit at the tip of the predator's cock spread over Ao's nose, wider and wider, easily taking him. Yet it didn't stop, sliding down, enveloping his snout, the dragon's muffled whimper barely audible.

"Ao..." He breathed, stretching out a weak, shaking paw towards his friend. "You... What..."

But he couldn't get the words out that he needed to as Jamie laughed and shook her head at him, rolling her hips, encouraging her cock to take even more of the dragon into her length.

"Mm... What a lovely little snack you are..."

She all but purred as the dragon eased down her cock, her cock swallowing up his nose first as she grabbed his horns, forcing him deeper. The dragon's struggles were not as great as they could have been, perhaps still thinking that it was all part of the kinky fun that Jamie wanted from them, all to pay her bar tab.

Deeper and deeper... Her cock closed over his head, stretching impossibly wide, a huge cock suited to his body that Aaron couldn't do anything about. Ao's body responded even as he struggled, his cock throbbing, yet any arousal that was there was badly timed and misplaced as she took him, ignoring his will, taking him deeper and deeper, letting him be swallowed up whole.

Over his head and down his neck to his shoulders. Oh, it was warm in there and that was a nice feeling, imagining how the bulge of his body showed through her cock. It had to be a kink, yes, it had to, but Ao still wished that he was, in some way, able to convey that he didn't want anything that she was offering. His body could say one thing and his mind anything, though he didn't know how that could be.

The horror of it, slipping deeper, dragged up by his tail so that gravity helped him slide deeper and deeper. That was what really got Ao flailing and twisting as if he had to get out, as if he'd only then realised that he was getting right up close to the point of no return. Yet the whole point of passing that edge meant that there was no going back, not as her cock swelled and pulled around him, the dragon making a huge, obvious bulge down the entire length of Jamie's cock.

But the dragon knew no more as Jamie's cock closed around his hips, the aid of gravity helping him push down, releasing his tail when she no longer had to hold him up in the air.

"Mmm, oh, yes," she moaned, massaging her cock while it devoured its snack, the not so little dragon that would soon rest heavily in her balls. "That's right, dragon-steak... You don't need to think down there. Thinking was never your strong suit, huh? That's how all the best snacks end up in my nuts... They don't know how to think for themselves."

She grinned, turning her gaze on Aaron who held his paws up, sitting dumbstruck on the ground, his eyes wide and staring, chest still heaving and tight.

"You... Do you think for yourself? Or are you a little sausage to slip down into my shaft, just like your dragon friend here, hm?"

His friend... The dragon was gone. Where did that leave him? What did that mean for him? He wanted Ao there with him, his sense of stability in a world that seemed to be forever changing around him, though he hardly even knew what to do as the predator advanced, looming over him.

"Give it a kiss..." She whispered. "Maybe I'll go easy on you, snack. Maybe. Maybe not. I don't see any point in playing about now. You know what's coming, don't you? There's nothing you can do to get away. Though I promise you, wolfie, that the pleasure will be more than worth it."

He shook his head. No... No, it would not be worth it, he was sure of it, even as the wolf-tiger advanced. He would have thought that the wolf in her would have eased things down, would have allowed him to be a little more as he was - like wolves in a pack! Surely Jamie still had something of that pack mentality in her, though he didn't want to consider it too deeply.

"No... Let..." He struggled with words, clenching his jaw defiantly, ears slipping back. "Let him out. You've had your fun, come on... This isn't fun...not for us! Not anymore!"

It was hard to convince her of something like that when he still had a semi hard-on, some twisted part of the maned wolf aroused in part, though he didn't understand it, didn't understand it at all. Maybe it was not for him to understand, not when he felt like a cowed puppy before her, whining and whimpering, panting, scuffling back across the wet, dirty ground.

"Oh... Perhaps you need warming up first." She motioned to her soft cock, drooping lightly, though it did not retract into her sheath, leaving him in awe of the length that had shrunk back to normal after swallowing down Ao, shocked and pulling back. "Don't worry, wolfie... I've got a treat for you that will get you right in the mood again, don't worry..."

Her eyes flared darkly, tail stilling. Even her muzzle tipped down, a hard line stiffening at her jaw.

"Bend over, bitch."

Aaron gasped, shaking his head, holding up his paws.

"No... Come on... You've had enough now! You've had both of us... You need to let Ao out now! You can't just keep him in there for, like...forever? Fuck, you're not..."

Yet he shook and trembled there, pleading with her, a stream of unconscious words that he did not honestly think all that much through as he begged. He wanted his life, his freedom, he wanted to ignore the fact that his cock was harder than ever, his body blistering in arousal, even where it was ill-placed. She shoved him over onto all fours as if he had not said anything at all, hitching his arse up in the air with a paw at his hip, her flaccid cock grinding over his arse.

"N-no, please... No!"

Yet she did it anyway, even though she was still soft, Aaron crying out, panting, heaving, twisting back and forth as she shoved her soft cock inside him, not caring that he was dry, not caring that it was harder like that for Aaron to take like that. She didn't care that it was a struggle to get a soft length inside him, grinding it up against his sensitive pucker, Aaron whimpering, twisting back and forth. Yet it was all better when it hardened up inside him, his squirming and thrashing one of her favourite ways to get hard.

Everyone had to have a favourite thing, after all... Why couldn't Jamie enjoy many different favourite things? She so rarely got to indulge, smirking, licking her lips, her body feeling "fuller" from the dragon already squirming away in her nuts. Oh, he had been a good meal, a good start to her day, something that she wanted to take deeper still. If she could, she would have devoured him with her dick all over again, but she had her ways of doing things and, well, Jamie liked what she liked. Once someone had slipped down her long cock into her balls, there was no way for her to even want to get them back out again. That was simply the way of it.

It was easier once her cock had hardened, though not for him, not as she twisted his body through pleasure and pain, arousal and strain. If it was not against his will, all in a pretence of paying off some twisted tab that he was sure, in the back of his mind, not even an issue to begin with.

It was wrong, so very wrong, that cock driving into him again and again, forcing tears from his eyes. No... No, it was all wrong, so very wrong. He had to press on, his cock hardening again, throbbing with need. Why was it like that, everything so confused? His tears, after all, were not because he didn't want it, but as he was afraid of the size of her dick, how it was even larger in the tightness of his tail hole than when it had been grinding down his throat.

For what the maned wolf had to admit to was the fact that it was hot, so very hot, driving into him, sending his body aching with need. Oh, he needed it so badly, though her dick crushed his prostate with every thrust, forcing him to feel pleasure like never before. He moaned and grunted, the predator gripping his hips with a snarl and dragging him back onto her cock, letting him feel the entire length pounding him, so very deeply.

"Yes... Let go! You wanted this..."

And he had to admit to it too, moaning aloud, creaming on the dirty alley ground, losing sense of himself. All he knew was pleasure, the strain softening somewhat as he took her cock deeper and deeper, thrust after thrust sending him spiralling away to another height of pleasure. The throbbing of his dick kept Aaron rooted in the moment, though the maned wolf was not particularly sure, not as he hung his head, whether he wanted to drift away anymore. It was good, too good, with her cock ramming his arsehole full, swelling inside him without any flicker of pain, making him feel more stretched than he ever had been before.

Maybe he'd overreacted, he thought dimly, lust overcoming him. Maybe he shouldn't have worried so much about Ao. Others had kinks, didn't they? That was fine, even if she could have, like, told them about it beforehand, so that they wouldn't be so surprised.

He didn't know why he was convincing himself, but it was easier, even then, to believe that everything was going to be okay, pleasure sweeping his body. The wolf could not help himself, the ache in his cock too much, though he had to keep bracing himself on the ground on all fours, lest he be shoved forward across the dirty paving by her thrusts. As much as Aaron wanted to reach back under his belly and stroke his own length, he was as much prey to every stroke of pleasure she gave him as she was to his cock.

Maybe that was okay, his head drifting, lips parting in a moan, Jamie leaning over him. The wolf-tiger whimpered, letting it happen, submission teasing deeply through him. Her cock was so big, stretching him out, thrust after thrust bringing him to that high that he had not even realised he had been searching for. And all it had taken was his complete and utter submission for it all to come to pass, throbbing deeply through him, his balls aching in bliss as he spent his seed on the dirty ground. It did not matter that there was grime working into his fur and that his tail was pressed back against a stomach that he did not know as intimately as he might have liked, only that he was there in the moment.

She hammered into him, the weight of the dragon inside her balls, softly changing, shifting, though she had liked the feel of him being in there whole to start with. It was a better use, however, to use him as cum, letting her body soften and tease him down into a liquid form, still sapient and conscious of what was happening to him. The wolf-tiger grinned, baring her teeth. That was one of her favourite parts of using her prey: cumming them out all over again.

Yet the dragon would find himself inside another warm hole as she slammed in, her dragon-cum-laden nuts slapping against his backside with every thrust. Nothing overruled her roar of bliss, however, as she creamed inside his arse, letting her cock throb thicker for another couple of inches, just to give him a little more strain, to show him intimately just what a body could be capable of with her there. Ropes of creamy seed, the dragon that she had devoured with her dick, flooded his backside, squelching out lewdly along the sides of her thick girth, marking his tail hole, filling his arse.

The wolf drifted away as she filled him, submission finally claiming him, his lower abdomen bloated with the sheer volume of cum. How could it not be bloated after so much had been pumped into him, after all? His belly swelled with it, bulging out lightly, yet it was not everything that Jamie had to offer him, no, not by a long shot.

He moaned, her cock removed from his arse though, that time, it did not grow soft. It was as if it knew what he wanted, what he was drunk on, what a part of him had yearned for even as he'd watched the dragon disappearing down the fat length of her cock. It swelled before him as he rocked back up onto his knees, swaying there drunkenly, wrapped up in submission to her, lusting for it. The afterglow of his orgasm only left him needy, whimpering, licking his lips, yet his shaft was not yet ready to cum again.

That didn't matter to Jamie, smirking as she pumped the length of her shaft, throbbing up to a size that would be better able to take a fully-grown wolf down there. A little bigger never hurt anyone, after all...

"Now, pretty dessert," she crooned. "Open wide... I'm hungry for you."

She took a moment as she presented him to the tip of her cock once more, forcing him to lap over it, though it was more like open-mouthed French kissing than anything else. Sloppy, lewd, the lustful groans of the dominant overruling everything other that may have wanted to slip forward into the limelight. She dragged him against her cock, grinding and humping against her muzzle, moaning as she used him, licking her lips, though the wolf was nothing to her anymore.

He may as well have not had a face or a muzzle at all, appearing as nothing more than a slab of meat to her, delicious, something to be devoured. She grunted and pushed against him, her cock growing, throbbing, swelling in preparation to take him again, up to four feet long, longer still, reaching an each ten and then fifteen inches in diameter. His nose pushed into the slit at the tip even as he gargled in horror, tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth, the maned wolf's head reeling as he tried to get away.

His muscles wouldn't work anymore, however, not as her balls hung heavily, gurgling with the weight, surely, of the dragon within them. The maned wolf chanced that he saw Ao squirming in there, shifting his weight back and forth, though he could not be sure, heart pounding, hoping against hope that he would survive it, that they would both survive it. It was all that he could lean into in a moment that was nothing like anything he ever could have imagined, gulping in horror, though there was nowhere for Aaron to run.

"Don't you want to pay your tab?" She cooed. "Pay off your tab, nestle into my balls, little one. It'll be better for you in there. Look, your cock gives you away. You want it really, don't you?"

He didn't know. She didn't seem like she was going to hurt them, there had been no pain, only that rough deepthroat and his arse was a bit sore... Wasn't that all part of the fun, however?

With the predator looming over him, grinding over his muzzle, her cock swelling again, along with the rest of her body, he could only submit. Aaron didn't honestly know what he was doing, only that he had to lean into the moment, whimpering softly, a part of him wanting to believe that everything was going to be okay, that there was nothing there that would hurt him.

Wrong or right... He had to do it, had to try to see Ao right, even as he was pushed into her cock, the predator before him gaining a good three foot in height. If she went even bigger, she would have been seen by others passing the alleyway, though Jamie knew that those around the station base would leave her alone. They didn't want to end up in her balls either, not with the way that she took her pleasure.

She stroked her cock lovingly as she ground him into it, the huge length struggling to take him, the wolf larger than the dragon that she had devoured as a first course. Oh, but he would be even better for it, grunting and groaning, pressing on, forcing him deeper as her cock stretched more around him.

He made a delectable bulge, the kind of bulge that she wanted to grope through the skin and flesh of her cock. The strain did not bother Jamie, but it did bother Aaron, the wolf whimpering, his cock so hard, so very hard. If being fucked by her had not felt so damn good maybe he would have had the energy in him to run, to flee, to find something that could have gotten him away from her, though the arousal in his body was a traitor to him.

"Everything will be okay, my delicious little snack."

She wasn't trying to make him feel better, but Aaron liked hearing it anyway, a little tension slipping from his shoulders, relaxing into her hold. It was easier, so much easier, for him if he let go, if he forgot that he had feared only a short while ago. No one out there, surely, would want to hurt him, though he wanted to know, wanted to see, following the path of lust like a moth to the flame. And Jamie was the flame drawing him down, pulse after pulse of her throbbing cock drawing him deeper.

She dragged it out, allowing him to slide in a little to his cock and then pulling him back, chuckling throatily. She teased him, treating him like a masturbatory tool, something that could be so very easily used and abused. Maybe that was all he had been to her in the first place, growling, whimpering, his shoulders passing into her cock while his world was overtaken by the soft, musky darkness of her passage.

It was tight in there, struggling to fit, though he wondered if she could have simply made her cock even bigger to easily take him. But it was not as fun as she worked him back and forth, dipping him down to the midsection of her dick and drawing him back again. Jamie still had not decided whether she was going to leave him in her nuts as cum or whole yet, but that was all part of the fun. Whether the wolf ended up whole again after it all, however, was another question entirely...

She'd see what she felt like. Yet he didn't know any of that, none of what was in her mind, not as his cock throbbed again, drooling and dribbling cum. That was one of the hardest parts of the wolf for her to work into her dick, devouring him with her length, her balls aching and churning so obviously that he could hear them lewdly gurgle. The sounds may have been muffled by the tight clasp of her cock around his head, but Aaron did not care, not knowing where he was going, how fucking turned on he was. He had not even known it was possible to be that horny, not before, his tail wagging back and forth, letting out a soft, needy, little whimper.

She would not hear him, he knew that, giving in, losing himself there. The pulse and throb of her cock around him was too intoxicating as she shoved him deeper and deeper, the trembling reverberation of a growl teasing through him. He had to be almost there, surely, her cock closing around his hips, swallowing up his dick too. Dimly, Aaron was aware of another orgasm wracking him, though it felt weak in the face of hers, all the cum she had already dumped into him, one way or another.

Fuck, he wanted it, passing that point of no return, not trusting the end and yet helplessly falling into it all the same. Aaron could no longer stop the sick churning of his stomach as he could call a halt to the aching pulse of his dick - so why would the wolf even bother?

No... No, he was going, deeply, entirely, his body slopping down in a mess of slick cum that slickened his path, the wolf-tiger's laughter rumbling around him as he descended. He moaned, even as his ability to breathe became tighter and tighter, head swimming, losing his sense of self, finally with her cock closing around his calves, ankles and then his feet.

His tail flattened to him as he drank in her musk, sinking, gravity dragging him all the way down into her nuts. They welcomed him there in a slosh of cum and he relaxed into it, the weight of his own body dragging her balls down, with his bulk in there. It was safe, however, warm, the kind of place that he wanted to be, though the jump from fearing what she was going to do to them to lusting for it so terribly that the moment snatched him up for its own.

Vaguely, the maned wolf was aware of her climaxing, cum rumbling around him, though he could not tell quite when it had happened. Maybe that had been the pulse and flex of her cock dragging him down, what had finally helped work him deeper. Perhaps she had even been thrusting, though it was hard for him to tell, let alone to care. All he knew was that Jamie grunted and ached around him in pleasure and, for a wolf as hard, all over again, and as horny as Aaron was, that was more than good enough for him. The swill of her cum cradling him was better than a waterbed at supporting him, his tail even trying to wag down there in her balls.

He only wondered where Aaron was, though there was little for the maned wolf to think about as he grasped his cock and weakly pumped, whimpering, grunting, groaning.

He didn't need to do anything else, not as Jamie panted, stroking her cock and groping him through her nuts.

"Yeah... That's right..."

She moaned, head rolling back, licking her lips, paws working her giant cock over, keeping her size. The wolf-tiger pumped and teased, groping her nuts, the wriggling softness of the wolf within, though she wanted to keep him like that, if only for a little while. Her decision was still yet to be made on what she would do with him, his friend already sloshing about as cum - or trickling from Aaron's anal ring where he had been shoved up there - but that was for her to worry about. She could still cum, she could still enjoy herself, panting with her tongue lolling out, enjoying the moment too much to stop.

An orgasm while devouring him with her dick, after all, had not been enough as she arched her back, thrusting, grinding, one paw braced against the wall of the alleyway as she howled. Jamie's cry broke through the relative calm and quiet of the space station as she lost herself, balls aching, the wolf squirming, spending a load of seed from her overfilled, heavy, sagging nuts against the wall. Cum splashed down it as if she was trying to paint a mural, yet no one was there to complain about the mess she made. Even if she had been caught, there were few indeed that would dare to stand up to the wolf-tiger.

She had everyone on base wrapped around her little finger, resting a paw on her balls, enjoying the squirms of the wolf. He was cute, yes, but cuter in her balls, the little snack that had turned into a full meal. Jamie moaned, leaning forward, cock aching and twitching, pawing off languidly, though she was still horny. She didn't think she could take another into her nuts that night - after she decided fully what to do with them, whether they would survive the ordeal - but her body ached for sex, for the lure of orgasm.

Good thing the staff can handle the bar... In my absence, that is.

_ _

For there were so many lonely souls at the station for her to use and she only had to ensnare the right one at the right time.

Smirking, Jamie licked her lips, shrinking back to her normal size, her balls and cock coming along with her. The magic and power that allowed her body to shift like that would keep the dragon and maned wolf, however she wanted to think of them, cradled in there, though the dragon was probably splattered partly over the wall too, at the very least.

Huh. She grinned. Maybe he wouldn't be re-forming after all. Who was to say? She'd think about it after she was good and done with her fun, the predator on the hunt for more prey, a swing to her hips.

There were always more "willing" patrons, after all, wanting to do anything and everything to pay off their bar tab...

Swiping their wallets for her back pocket, of course, was only helping things along.