Syngeneia Kathairein part 39

Story by Dark_Warchief on SoFurry

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#40 of Syngeneia Kathairein

Guess what's back!

You fly downwards to the black dragon citadel, to check on Xenia and Abysmalia. the two of them are still working with the Apocalion dread silo, but you insist they come on another adventure with you. Time to brainstorm solutions who will work on keeping the silo closed in your absence Xenia and Abysmalia are your dark and light experts and you don't want to go to another continent again without that to back you up. You land in front of the black dragon citadel and walk in. Xenia and Abysmalia are in the library, reading. Xenia looks up at you. > You say "Dread Silo status, ladies?" ''Its closed...'' Xenia says. ''and...'' Abysmalia adds. ''We'll keep it closed for you, Entropion'' Xenia smiles. Abysmalia rolls her eyes ''well, actually, the silo no longer responds to sacrifices. It will open in... hm? 20 months or so. There is no more time we can buy, piece of junk!'' Abysmalia growls are the silo.

> You say "that's... terrifying. just 20 months left?! That ain't enough!" ''How much negative energy did it absorb, Abysmalia?'' Xenia asks. 'Still at 97%'' Abysmalia sighs ''but that's enough, Entropion!'' ''It's enough?!'' Abysmalia leers at you ''calm the fuck down, spaz. we'd better haul if you and Disarria want a real chance!'' You correct her, telling about how you found a third. ''It will all fall into place, the silo no longer responds and you find a purple... If that ain't a sign I don't know'' Xenia adds, smiling. Although Pyranna technically found you, and how! You, Disarria, Koriza, Pyranna, Abysmalia, Nalomuzo and Xenia prepare and head to the floating palace so you can fly to Kakaida & Bastarkia's landmass. You land in the floating palace. Nalomuzo, Koriza, Pyranna, Abysmalia and Xenia are waiting for you. > You head to your room. You head to your room. Disarria is there, sitting on her bed. ''Hey'' Disarria says. ''Hey'' you reply. ''I've been thinking'' Disarria says ''about what Xenia said. About the silo.'' > You say "That we need to hurry our asses up?" ''Yeah'' Disarria says ''but...'' ''But what?'' you reply.

''Well'' Disarria says ''I don't want to get left behind. Y'know?'' ''Yeah, I know'' you reply, looking at her. ''I just... > You say "scared to die, for real? I am." ''I'm not scared'' Disarria says ''but... you know how it is...'' ''Yeah'' you reply. ''I just don't want to die alone'' Disarria says. ''So...'' Disarria says ''I want you around, too. > You say "we can afford ourselves no luxuries, you know what Kakaida's jungles are like? Truly wild and vicious nature. Not to speak about the scalding deserts of Bastakia amplified by pollution We are expected to never relent as these are the most hostile environments on the planet. " ''So?'' Disarria says ''I don't want you to die alone, either. > You say "want to sleep on a pile again like we used to? I can get Xenia and Koriza. I'm afraid that's the best I can do. " ''Yeah...'' Disarria says ''I do...'' > You say "mhm... best to not think about things too much, I distract myself too. Pretends it's not real.... I'm sure I will feel the consequences of that years down the line but what else can we do?" ''Yeah'' Disarria says ''I suppose...'' ''Well'' Disarria says ''I'm off to bed, then. Goodnight. '' ''Goodnight'' you reply.

''See you tomorrow'' Disarria says. sleeping like primitive dragons, that is, all piled up, was a great idea for everyone's mental state. It is obvious to you why this is done in the wilds. Safety and comfort. the sea of fury below you, a corrupted mess no captain feels comfortable in, is easy to clear for a levitating castle. This hazard, paradoxically, provides safety from raiders and such... It's a boring few weeks that are spend training, relaxing and chattering. The servants keeping the space clean. The cooks making food. The guards patrolling, even if it's just to not go insane with boredom. Kakaida is a sprawling jungle continent and Bastarkia a desert. a relatively thin swathe of land connects the both of them with a Savanna. This is where your access to both countries is the easiest but battles and blockades are down there... Your castle is safely parked at a distance, hovering above a bay. Kakaida and Bastarkia are at war. Kakaida is a rich continent and Bastarkia is a rich desert. Kakaida has lots of farmland, which they use to grow crops and cattle. Bastarkia has lots of sand, which they use to make glass and pottery. Kakaida has lots of jungles, which they use to hunt animals. As you don't want to get ahead of yourself and find real trouble, you contain your excitement for when all of you are together at the dinner table, Koriza ready to inform you about the region...

''Nanabad and Kiba, respectively the capitols of Bastarkia and Kakaida In the sands, there is wanton experimentation and corrupted curiosity of the yellow dragons. In the wilds lie something that can only be described as callous hedonism. The sides are at a brutal war and the danger is EXTREME!'' Koriza states, doing her best to get the point across. ''The people of Bastarkia are peaceful, but the world has corrupted them. The Kakaidans are warlike, and the world has corrupted them. The yellow dragons are...'' Koriza pauses, trying to think of something nice to say. ''...very curious.'' > You say "Hedonist you say? so the green Dragons are even more feral than what we saw in the black dragon peninsula?" ''Yes!'' Koriza confirms.

''The Kakaidans are warlike, and the world has corrupted them. The yellow dragons are...'' Koriza pauses, trying to think of something nice to say. ''...very curious.'' ''So, Koriza, what do you think about this war?'' you inquire. she thinks for a moment ''I doubt it can be solved, this is the most violent region of the world. Sure, the black dragons are worse but these guys been at it since Genesion left.''''Why didn't anybody try to exterminate one side to stop this dumb shit?'' Abysmalia groans, the room instantly falls silent... However, after a while Disarria speaks up ''yeaaaaah.... this is why you aren't in leadership'' > You say "Xenia? Do you think the thrones can find a permanent solution to this eternal war without babysitting these nations indefinitely? " ''I wish I knew,'' Xenia replies. ''I wish I knew.'' > You say "so, our newest member. Pyranna... How bad do the lands below sound compared to Potentate?"

''weather's better, but I am not sure of what the fuck crawls down there...'' > You say "We got the nature gem... hm. Bastarkia it is? Lightning gem and all." ''Yep, that's where the lightning gem is...'' Koriza replies, nodding. ''Capital's called Nanabad. We got little to no intel on there. My dad embedded some spies in there as he didn't trust Bastarkia for one bit.'' > You say "Let me guess, I have to once again find a catacomb, follow nonsensical directions and hope to find their base? " ''Yeesh, I guess so...'' Koriza sighs. > You say "I know you like being in control, babe. I mean, my queen and consort. Truth is, control is a luxury and it's only due your amazing tactical abilities you could've hold onto it for so long. Got any leads on that old espionage cell? Old leads beat no leads..." ''I can probably find something,'' Koriza replies. ''But... > You say "what is it? " ''There's...'' Koriza hesitates, her optics suddenly go wide. ''There's something you need to know... > You say "out with it, I intend to descend onto Nanabad as soon as possible. Sitting around makes me anxious." ''You need to read my book,'' Koriza suggests.

''It's not necessarily for you... it's for me... > You say "Like a diary, or what?" ''More or less... > You say "After I got some information on Nanabad. We got the advantage as they probably don't know we are here yet. " ''Thank you...'' Koriza smiles, before standing up. ''Take Disarria and... Pyranna it is? yes? with you. Don't forget to bestow Pyranna with your disguise spell.'' she walks off, her thighs are still as muscular as ever... hmmm... yes. Pervert. > You say "Yes... so, Pyranna? You know about white dragon healing?" ''Yes. The healing powers of white dragons are quite potent and resilient. And they say the white dragon blood is so good for skin. It's not true. Warchief taught me a lot about dragons, but...'' Pyranna pauses, taking her time. ''He wasn't always right. Purple Dragon magic is weird and broken, guy's a genius but even his creations got kinks'' > You say "Correct, but Koriza taught me to turn any disadvantage in an advantage. That's strategy, for example, we can learn any time of magic and cause it to react. White dragon life force transfer with my powers allow me to transfer powers, at a great cost of energy. Ready to learn how to disguise yourself magically?" ''Sure...'' Pyranna smirks. ''You need to teach me that one.'' > You say "Sure, sure... 2 years of dreamscape horror should do it. It's a mix of white and Apocalian magic. Hard to come by." ''Eh, dreamscape's a dump.'' Pyranna replies, her smirk turns into an impish grin. ''It's better than being dead. > You say "depends where in dreamscape. I got told bestowing powers feels weird to the recipient. so, hold still and just let me lay my claw on your forehead...." ''.........'' Pyranna sits in silence, her eyes closed and a look of mild disgust on her face.

''why do I taste barf and metallic soap? ugh'' > You say "..... done. so, feel anything different and new? it should've worked by now. " ''Yeah! I feel... something. Like magic. No... like.. like a virus. And fire.'' Pyranna utters, looking ahead. ''It doesn't make any sense... but it feels good. > You say "I feel tired though... could you bring me some potted plants, rats, anything that lives? I need to drain, that, or sleep, and time is of the essence." ''dude, it's a TROPICAL FOREST. do you have poo for brains?!'' Pyranna snaps at you. > You say "oh, good point. well... we' re going to the desert side but cacti should be around. Ready when you are I guess" ''finally.'' Pyranna replies, standing up. > You take a sprint with Pyranna and leap off of the floating castle, into flight towards Bastarkia. ''let's go! I got a weird itch'' Pyranna says, flying towards Bastarkia.

> You say "in your female area or what?" ''To be honest, I have no idea. But it's something... > You say "huntress instincts? you clearly know what you are doing in the wilds. " ''Like I said, no clue. But... at least the powers are useful'' Pyranna remarks, flying into the desert. > You say "is... is that a cactus? that this looks MASSIVE. I need sustenance, let's go there. " The desert is vast and filled with hot wind, sand and dirt, but to your surprise there is a cactus here, bigger than any you have ever seen. > You say "I've read about Redwoods, but this thing is wide enough for a dragon behemoth like Catestrophian himself to fit in! " ''Whoa...'' Pyranna responds. ''That's one huge cactus. > You put your claw on the cactus and use dark siphon in order to drain it's life-force ''This thing's alive!'' Pyranna says, recoiling in horror and disgust. > You say "and so I am, I need it more so I'm taking it." ''This... is disgusting.'' Pyranna says, her tail flicking around. The cactus starts rotting and withering partly, and from the backside 4 desert bandits covered up to protect against the sun start yelling ''eyo what the actual FUCK?! that is our house!'' Pyranna takes flight and gracefully lands on 2 of the bandits, 1 in each claw.

They start screaming in pain. The other two bandits can't fly, but attack with swords and daggers, in futile attempts to kill Pyranna. > You use dark siphon on the bandits. ''THAT'S IT!, YOU FUCKING DRACONIAN DEVIL!, WHY DIDN'T YOU STAY WHERE YOU WERE?! YOU KNOW WHERE THIS PLACE IS?!'' The bandits yell, jumping around in agony. ''You gotta teach me that one!...'' Pyranna says, smiling. > You say "Yeah maybe later, a sandstorm's brewing... let's get inside that massive cactus house thing and wait it out." ''Alright, I guess. Let's go!'' Pyranna replies, flying into the roof and perching herself. > You enter the cactus house. ''This place is... very roomy. I guess they only took out the dead material'' Pyranna exclaims. > You say "makes sense... get comfortable, this will last a while. " ''Oh, I'm good'' Pyranna says. ''You think we can make some tea here? > You say "whatever, I'm going to nap. Think of a disguised form you want to pick for when we head out. these purple dragon forms make us a massive target. " ''Yeah let's do that...'' Pyranna says, searching for a place to lie down. > You take a nap, and wake up in dreamscape, Catharsion's palace to be precise. ''Entropion! You must make haste! The expiration date on the silos seal is fast approaching! that necromancer of yours is all wrong about apoca-'' before Catharsion could finish his message, the dream itself shattered in a black void. Your blood runs cold with despair... ''Do you wish for Syngeneia to end? Yes or no?'' a familiar voice calls out of the void. You can't see him, but you know this is Apocalion. ''NO!'' you scream... ''when were you ever in control?!'' Apocalion's decayed, otherwordly head appears infront of you laughing maniacally, growing in size until it's dark maw devoured you whole. BAM! you wake up in terror... > You say "fuck! Pyranna?!" ''Yeah I'm right here'' Pyranna says. ''Apocalion! The silo! itsopeningsoonerthanwethoughtomygosh'' you break out in a panic attack. Your world is collapsing, or well, it feels like it. Pyranna pins you ''fear gotten a hold of you, this will pass.'' You are not convinced. ''I'm scared Pyranna, and the world will end, and my world is falling apart, and... and...'' ''ENOUGH I SAID!, CALM YOURSELF'' Pyranna yells. ''You have any idea what focus does?'' she says soothingly. > You say "Yeah, Xenia taught me, hey, you are fire master... emotional, you know well about outbursts then... inhale... exhale..."

''Breathin' with ya'' Pyranna says. ''Here, breathe with me, slowly.'' ''Breathing in... breath out'' you both chant repeatedly as you slowly calm down. ''Feel better?'' Pyranna asks. > You say "yeah, thanks. Is Apocalion's influence noticeable on Potentate too? I figured it's strongest on Syngeneia" ''Apoc's got some pull on Potentate, but prob not as much as he thinks he does'' Pyranna says. > You say "I mean, his main goal is Syngeneia. If Apocalion breaks free and we are losing, we may have to destroy the entire planet to end him with it. Scary thought, let's call that one Circumstance Unthinkable and hope it stays that way?" ''Okay'' Pyranna says. ''I'm glad you are okay. I didn't mean to yell at you...'' ''It's cool Pyranna'' you say. ''Now I'm worried about you'' Pyranna says. ''You don't look so good'' > You say "how so?" ''Your eyes...'' Pyranna says. ''anxiety will linger. that's why I want to get moving so we don't have to think about that. Regarding thinking, thought of a disguise?'' you as her. ''Yeah, actually.'' she channels some magic and turns into Abysmalia, putting on a cranky, hag like voice ''tHe DeAd sHaLl wAlK aGaIn'' you can't help but laugh... > You say "I'm going for a generic bronze dragon form, and so should you. we don't want to stand out at all remember?" ''I got you'' Pyranna says. ''Alright, let's get moving then'' Pyranna says. > You say "so, we just go roughly East for Nanabad right?" ''Should be that way'' Pyranna says.

''And we keep on moving, we don't want to stop for any reason. I want to kill that demon, remember?'' ''Okay'' you say. ''Let's go.'' Night is falling, the desert is unusually serene during this time, and cool... thus you take to the air. > You say "eugh how long we been flying? 2 hours? 3? endless dunes..." ''About 2 hours'' Pyranna says. ''could be days'' ''Whew...'' you say. ''Humans always underestimate how big the desert is...'' Pyranna says, almost to herself. > You say "Hey! check that out, there is something there... everything beats this sand. let's go!" ''what is it?'' Pyranna says. ''I don't know, but it looks kind of like smoke'' you say. ''Let's go'' Pyranna says ''I don't know how hot it would be, but it may be our best bet now'' > You fly to the smoke plume in the middle of the desert. You fly towards what seems to be a smoke plume in the middle of the Desert, Pyranna following. ''There's something there'' you say. ''We need to check it out'' Pyranna says. ''Okay, lets go'' you say. You approach the demon, Pyranna flying above you. on closer inspection, this seems like a burned down oasis.... all charred ash and the ''water'' is a thick, purple ooze bubbling with black streaks in it. The demon seems to be a heavily mutated dragon - a mass of gross tumors, extra, atrophied limbs and a face that looks... molten. the thing is thrice as large as you are!

You approach the demon, Pyranna flying above you. ''What's it doing?'' Pyranna asks from overhead. ''Damned if I know'' you say. ''Maybe it was a hot spring.'' ''You think?'' Pyranna says. > You say "don't move in for an attack yet! we need a plan! up, out of range! UP!" Pyranna flies up, out of range of the demon, and you follow suit. ''you saw that gross thing?!'' she yells, but you ignore her as you focus. > You say "I bet that ooze warped that gross thing. hm, light would just restore it's vitality and not repair those deformities... That gross puss seems to already have the dark inside of it. Ice will just stop it for a bit and nature can't really dent mutative magic with dark components.... hm... what to do..." Pyranna dives towards the monster ''BURN! BUUUUURN IT!'' you got a bad feeling about this, but follow her in case you need to heal her... ''I SET YOU ON FIRE! BURN! BURN!'' Pyranna dives towards the demon and spews fire over it. The creature screams in pain, the fire dying down to reveal a charred, chewed up mess. Pyranna lands next to you ''see? done!'' the creature however, walks to the pool and starts drinking to heal itself. > You say "uh, Pyranna?... " ''Huh?'' Pyranna says. ''that thing is regenerating! I'm going to freeze it, winning time beats defeat!'' > You channel your frost magic towards the creature. The creature screams in pain again as the frost magic encases it in a thick shell of crystalline ice. It starts thrashing around trying to get free, but the ice holds. ''NOW WHAT?!'' Pyranna says, obviously frustrated with the situation. ''I dunno'' you say. > You say "help.. help, yes, help! hey, you know this Warchief lad better than I do. you think telepathy works?!"

Pyranna ponders for a moment, then looks at you. ''help.. help, yes, help! hey, you know this Warchief lad better than I do. you think telepathy works?!'' ''I don't know, why?'' Pyranna says. > You ignore her and close your eyes, thrusting your will towards the void. crying out with your soul. You cry out with your mind, sensing a presence... ''this... is not... free. Equivalent exchange.'' you hear ring out in your mind, as a foreign power empowers you. it feels... strange. Antimagic flows through you! ''god fucking damn!'' you hear from Pyranna. You open your eyes, and Pyranna looks completely unguarded and vulnerable as the creature beaks free! > You focus, and eject antimagical power towards the creature in a stream of power. The creature screams from the pain of magic stopping, and starts lashing around again. ''NOW WHAT?!'' Pyranna says, obviously frustrated with the situation. 'sec, idea!'' you say. ''how about we kill it?!'' she says. > You shoot antimagic to disintegrate the pool. the water burns with magenta fire and the creature catches too! It rapidly disintegrates into crystal clear water and bones! ''FINALLY!'' Pyranna says. ''you okay?'' you say. ''yeah, that's quite enough antimagic for me'' she says. ''good' you grin. ''good. So what now?'' Pyranna says. > You say "take a look at the water? I wonder if we can drink it now with all the mutagenic garbage filtered out..." Pyranna takes a look at the water and takes a sip. "tastes alright" she says.