An Unlikely Pairing, Part 11

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#11 of An Unlikely Pairing.

An Unlikely Pairing.

An Unlikely Pairing.

By Wolfie Steel.

Part 11.

Authors Note: This story will contain bad language, violence (Mild) and homosexual acts, if any of these cause you the reader a problem such as being under age or easily offended, then do not read on. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!

Acknowledgements: I would like to thank all of the real life furs that have agreed to appear in this story, you guys have helped in making my stories as real as they can be, and I will never forget you for that. Guys, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

With the three of us now ready we make our way towards Manolo's dorm, as we walk down the hallway I spot Principal Lions and Counsellor Williams, both dressed in their party gear, heading in the same direction, we speed up so that we can walk with the Principal, as we draw level I speak to Principal Lions.

"Sir, this is something that I didn't expect to see, you and Counsellor Williams out together"

The Doberman blushes but then smiles as he replies.

"Well Tyler, Bill and I have talked about being seen together, and we have both come to the same decision, sooner or later we were going to be found out and neither of us have been to a party in like forever, and since it appears that there are more gay furs at this school than I first thought, well the decision we came to was if we can't beat 'em then we join 'em, after all we are not on school time now, but come tomorrow it will be business as usual"

The Doberman blushes again as Bill Williams gropes his butt. Bill lets out a giggle as he speaks.

"Sweetheart relax that gorgeous rump into my paw, I know that you have an image to maintain but we are heading to a party which I'm pretty sure will be populated by mainly gay furs. As soon as you step footpaw into that dorm you will be seen as one of the coolest Principal's of all time, we may even get to see some lovin' action tonight as I'm sure towards the end that there will be at the very least a blow job or two, and remember this too, everyone in that dorm will be of legal age. Hey we might even be able to get some pointers on how to spice our love life up to a hotter level than it already is"

The Doberman growls softly and gives his mate a filthy but loving look. We all arrive at the dorm of Manolo and Tyrone, and even through the closed door the sound of music can be heard, Principal Lions and Counsellor Williams stand either side of the door frame, just out of sight as I knock on the door.

Thirty seconds later the door opens to reveal a very dapper looking Manolo, as he lets me, Daniel, and Jack in Principal Lions and Counsellor Williams jump from their hiding places scaring the Sabre Toothed Tiger witless. Principal Lions giggles and speaks.

"Sorry Manolo I couldn't help myself, anyway I was kind of hoping that you would have enough room for two more party goers?"

The still slightly dazed Manolo stands to the side and allows the five of us in. Manolo leads us to the main room and we see that Hank and Andrew have already arrived, I also notice that Max Lightgrave has made it to the party, though it seems as though he is alone.

I look around the large room and I notice that Manolo and Tyrone have thought of pretty much everything, from the music to the food, from plenty of drinks to space to dance, it seems as though they have catered for everyone including seating. Manolo turns down the music and both he and Tyrone stand together, Manolo begins to speak.

"My fellow students and honoured guests, Tyrone and I would like to welcome you to our dorm to help us celebrate the fact that we have both found love. Before I crank the music back up we would like to do a few thank you speeches. I would like to go first, and my first fur to thank is Principal Lions, I have no doubt that if I had continued on my rampage I would have been kicked out of this school, Sir, I would like to thank you for gritting your teeth and keeping me here"

Manolo takes a breath and then continues.

"Second I would like to thank Max Lightgrave and Daniel Kanon for their help when Tyrone started using me as a battering ram. Thirdly I would like to thank Tyler Winthrop, it was he who finally got through to me and showed me true friendship. Finally but most importantly I would like to thank Tyrone Blackstock for agreeing to accept me as a mate"

Tyrone looked at Manolo with his mouth open and tears in his eyes, he then begins his speech.

"Follow that Tyrone, well ok here I go, I too would like to thank Principal Lions but in my case it is because he has taken the chance and brought me back into this wonderful school. Second I would like to thank Counsellor Williams as he is helping me to try and turn my life around. Third on my list are Daniel and Max, Daniel you made me see the error of my ways after I attacked Manolo, and Max you were the one to help Manolo walk to the nurses office"

Tyrone pauses to try and collect his thoughts before continuing.

"Tyler yours is a simple thank you but it is heartfelt none the less, you are mated to an incredible mate, and I urge you to take care of him, and last but by no means least I would like to thank Manolo for forgiving me after the way that I treated him"

Tyrone suddenly breaks down in tears and has to be supported by Manolo, through many sobs Tyrone continues.

"Manolo, sweetheart I will never ever hurt you again, I love you so much"

With that both Tyrone and Manolo share a deep and passionate kiss. They break the kiss after a few moments and Manolo cranks the music back up. I wrap my arms around Daniel and we begin to dance to the music. Andrew and Hank are the next to follow suit and I feel a heavenly warmth flow through me knowing that Hank has found someone to love.

Manolo and Tyrone are next to take to the floor followed closely by Principal Lions and Bill Williams. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I see Max and Jack sitting next to each other, Jack with his head resting on Max's shoulder and I know that pretty soon they will be on the dance floor too.

The night draws on and everyone is on the floor dancing, the food that had been laid on was all but gone, the drinks would be not long to follow.


The floor now seems to be emptying slightly, the most noticeable disappearance is that of Manolo and Tyrone, I decide to try and locate them, I first head towards the bathroom, but then seeing the door is open I can see that there is no one in there.

I turn around and head towards the bedroom, the door is open just a crack so I gently open it a little more, inside I see Manolo and Tyrone both naked and making out on the bed, I'm so lost in watching them go at it that I don't see Principal Lions standing behind me.

"You know Tyler; it's rude to spy on people"

I jump almost cleanly out of my skin as I spin round and face the now smiling Doberman, Principal Lions continues.

"Though I will admit that watching Manolo taking Tyrone so tenderly has kind of awakened a primal urge within me so I'm going to take Bill back to our quarters and hump his brains out"

I let out a giggle and nod gently then I continue to watch Manolo and Tyrone, with the position of the bed I can see pretty much everything in glorious detail, Tyrone is lying face down on the bed whilst Manolo has his barbed cock inside Tyrone's very ample butt. I watch as Manolo thrusts in and out of his mate, I can see the beads of sweat dripping from Manolo's forehead and I can hear the soft grunts that Tyrone is making as he is being taken, it's then that I feel a weight upon my shoulders and notice that a dark shadow has appeared behind me.

Hoofed hands wrap around my waist and a glorious equine head appears beside mine. Daniel whispers to me.

"Sweetheart, there is just me and you and Max and Jack left here, why don't we quietly shut the bedroom door, tidy the place up a bit and then head back to our dorm for our own bit of fun?"

I rub Daniel's arm softly and nod, I gently close the bedroom door and we begin to tidy up the worst of the mess in the dorm. With the worst of the mess no tidy Daniel leads me, Max and Jack out of Manolo's dorm. Once outside he closes the door then Max takes hold of Jack's paw and leads him back to his dorm, whilst Daniel lifts me up in his strong arms and carries me back to our dorm.

We make it back into our dorm just as the clock on the wall hits midnight, Daniel uses his foot to close the door to our dorm, he then lays me on his bed and proceeds to remove my clothing starting with my Hawaiian party shirt, he then removes my extra tight blue jeans leaving me completely naked, he then sets about removing his own clothing.

With us both now naked I can see my boyfriend in all his magnificence and glory, from his footballers six pack to his foot long and flared cock. I look lustfully at my mate and I can't help but think that I'm one of the luckiest guys around.

Daniel slowly climbs onto his bed and then hitches my legs up onto his shoulders; he places his now pre leaking cock tip at the entrance to my Dalmatian hole. Before he penetrates me he uses his hoofed hand to gently brush across my forehead, he then leans down and kisses me lightly.

With the kiss and the forehead brush my butt begins to relax and allows Daniel's gorgeous horse meat to enter, as he does so he whispers to me.

"Sweetheart, I know that your butt probably won't take my whole length so I won't force it, but I'm afraid that my flare might still cause some pain, but I want you to know that I love you and if I see that I'm hurting you too much I will stop"

In truth I only caught little bits of what was said as I was in too much ecstasy to hear much of anything. Once Daniel was in as far as he dared, he began to thrust in and out of my butt, and with each inward thrust he was mindful of not going deeper in than was safe.

He continued to make love to me and suddenly I felt his massive cock twitch inside me, he then let out a whinny which alerted me to the fact that my horses hose was about to explode. After another series of thrusts I feel his flare expand and then his seed flows into my butt.

The feeling of both his flare and flowing seed sends me over the edge as I cum hard on his bed. Daniel rolls us both on to our sides so that he can keep his still flared cock buried inside me, whilst we both rest and enjoy the feeling of our afterglows.

I turn my head and look sleepily into the gorgeous eyes of the incredible horse that is now attached to my body.

"Oh Danny, how did I ever get so lucky to find a god like you? You love me without question when let's face it there are many more guys in this school who are a lot more handsome and sexy than me, you protect me whenever I feel threatened, but the most important thing for me is this, you know all too well that you could force your flared cock so much deeper into my body, and yet you care enough to push in just enough to give me pleasure and just enough to create the tie, you truly are a magnificent mate"

Danny lets out a satisfied wicker and then he nuzzles my cheek with his muzzle. We both fall asleep still tied together, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm in love with the football captain, some would call him a jock, but I know the truth, my Danny is no jock.