The First Night [SFW]

Story by Zentiano on SoFurry

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This is something that's completely SFW. It's intended to act as a follow-up to another story I posted on here - that most definitely is not SFW hah - and though I won't be linking it here (unsure of any rulings on linking to NSFW posts on SFW/all ages posts, so), it should be fairly apparent currently from the predominant species. Regardless, this is much more fluff compared to what I normally write - I admittedly just had a strong urge to write something a bit more hopelessly romantic, and wound up with this. I'll still primarily be focusing on NSFW - just wanted to test the waters a bit with this.

I'm considering making a small series with these two characters - the otter and... I'm admittedly unsure of the species for the other, so any ideas would be greatly appreciated. It'd likely be a mix of sfw and nsfw - likely predominantly nsfw. I'm hoping to have a reference for the otter out in the next few days, which I'll likely include in my next story involving him.

Currently open for writing commissions! See here for more info:


"So," the otter looked at you, a sweet, caring smile on his face. "You think you're ready to spend the night?" It had been a few mere weeks since you met, but nearly every day was spent together. At the time, you lived in a fairly small apartment - you lived alone, so it was all you needed.

For you, the first night spent with a new partner was always the most...difficult. You had done everything together at this point - nearly every day after work, you'd meet him back at his apartment, falling into his arms every time. But even for you - even as much of a hopeless romantic as you were, even as much as you cared for the otter - sleeping away from home was... a challenge.

After pondering it for a few moments, though, you smiled up at the otter - "I'm ready."

"Y-you are?!" He looked down at you in shock. He didn't want to push it too hard, and he fully expected you to say no. You nodded, and with no hesitation, the otter picked you up, hugging you tightly. "T-too tight..." you said - for the lovable fool that he was, the otter sometimes didn't know his own strength. "Oh! Oh no! I'm sorry!" He set you down gently, patting you on the head. "Did I hurt you?!" He may not have looked it - being a fairly muscular man, looking like someone most people wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of - but he was nothing but a big softie.

"No, silly," you chuckled. "Just be more careful next time, okay?" You gently poked his nose, flashing him a teasing smile. "I-I will, hun."

After this, the two of you went about your night as usual. You didn't have any particular plans that night - simply cuddling on the couch watching whatever was on TV. The time seemed to fly by - it was already approaching 7 pm, the time you normally left to head back home. Having noticed this, your partner down at you, likely wondering if you had changed your mind about staying the night. However, any worries he might have had were quickly relieved - you were still nestled deeply in his chest, a look of contentment on your face.

At about 7:45, you prepared dinner together for the first time. You had, of course, eaten together in the past few weeks - but each time you ate dinner, it was at a restaurant or fast food place on the nights he walked you home. This was your first time cooking together as a couple - and you enjoyed every moment of it.

After dinner, you went for a walk in the nearby park. Though it was getting later and later, you felt safe with him by your side, knowing he'd do anything to keep you both safe. As you walked through the park together, you found a bench overlooking a pond. Sitting together, you felt at peace. As you looked up at the sky, admiring the beauty of the stars, you wished that this moment would never have to end. You wished for an eternity spent together in this very moment - to encapsulate this point in time, these feelings, and stay in it forever.

Unfortunately, however, you knew you needed to go back home. Not to your home, of course - to his. The two of you shared a deep kiss under the stars, and began the trek back, holding hands along the way, admiring the beauty of the neighborhood you both lived in in a way you never had before.

Having made your way back to his home, the two of you got into his bed, cuddling up closely together. "Are you comfortable? Do you need another blanket, another pillow, anything?" The otter asked as he gently rubbed your head. "Don't worry, silly," you smiled. "I have everything I need right here with you."

For you, the first night was always the hardest.

But with him... everything felt right.

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