Muscle Theft on Muscle Beach

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Eclipse the kangaroo just completed an epic workout on the famed Muscle Beach, and is relaxing in the sun waiting for admirers, nothing possible could go (erotically) awry, could it?

This was a fun story to write, and I hope you enjoy it! I began writing it a couple of weeks ago when summery weather was but a dream and it let me fantasize about some none-freezing weather.

I set it up for a sequel, so if you want to see more be sure to fav and comment to encourage me.

Muscle Theft on Muscle Beach

By Bunny Hops

Eclipse, 28 year old male kangaroo

Vernal, 21 year old male kangaroo

Venice Beach, California

Eclipse lounged an oversized beach towel, a parasol shading him from the SoCal summer sun, his muscular kangaroo body stuffed into tight Speedo briefs. His dark gray fur and off- white chest fur had a healthy sheen that have him practically glow. Seagulls rode the thermals in the sky above as the cool ocean breeze pushed back the dry inland air. From the crashing surf in front of him to the famous Ocean Front Walk beyond the grove of palm trees behind him was packed with tourists and locals alike trying to find refuge from the stiflingly hot day.

He had just finished an epic workout at the world's most famous outdoor gym and was enjoying relaxing his pleasantly sore muscles. But of course what he was really enjoying was the way the passersby admired his freshly pumped up marsupial body. A tough workout like the one he just completed really makes his muscles pop.

It had taken Eclipse years of dedication and hard work to get his body to its current muscle-bound shape, so he very much enjoyed showing off for the crowds. The tourists love to gawk at the weight lifters putting on a show in the outdoor gym, and Eclipse was one of the beefiest exhibitionists.

He smiled and flexed his massive slabs of muscles as some young women (a vixen, a stoat, and a feline) walked by, giggling flirtatiously when he winked at them. While the feminine persuasion wasn't necessarily his forte, he wouldn't turn away body worshipers no matter that gender. But alas, they kept on walking, preferring to admire his sculpted quads and hams, bis and tris, lats and delts only in passing. Their loss.

He made a fist and flexed his bicep, admiring the deep creases in his practically fat free body. To think, a decade ago when he graduated from his stuffy New England boarding school he was a wiry thin awkward kid, with gangly arms and legs made more apparent by his lanky six and a half foot height. Only when he went off to college did he learn the values of a gym membership, personal trainers, not skipping leg days, protein powder, creatine, amino acids, brief forays into steroids which felt like cheating but got results, and above all else sacrifice and unyielding dedication.

"Hey there, good looking."

Eclipse had closed his eyes and put his paws being his head, so he hadn't seen the short, scrawny kangaroo walk up to him. He was maybe five feet tall, early twenties maybe, with no definition in his body, from either muscle or fat even. His fur was shades of dusty orange and tan, matte in contrast with Eclipse's glossy coat. He wore green Speedo briefs the same as Eclipse, but was lacking a worthwhile package to show off with them. Around his neck was some sort of spiralized triangle pendant on a thin chain. Even though he preferred guys, he'd gladly have gone home with the any of the three women that walked by early than this sorry excuse for his gender. He reminded Eclipse of an even worse version of his prior self, lacking his one admiral attribute at that time: height.

But if this 'roo was going to give him and his muscles some attention, Eclipse wasn't going to turn him away. He had the body of a Greek god chiseled out of marble, and gods need to be worshiped.

"You're not so bad looking yourself," Eclipse lied. "But tell me, what do you like most about what you see?"

"How can I choose?" the orange kangaroo stepped forward, taking the response as an invitation. "I was watching you work out earlier, hoping to just be able to feel those muscles of yours. But if I had to pick just one, I'm going to say your biceps. Who doesn't like a good bicep?"

"Wanna touch 'em?" Eclipse sat up and flexed his arm toward his fellow kangaroo.

As a reply, the kangaroo reached out his paws as if in hallowed reverence, that he would be deemed so worthy as to touch such a relic. His paws caressed Eclipse's muscles and when Eclipse gave another flex he actually rubbed his cheek on the gray fur. Maybe this 'roo won't be so bad, thought Eclipse. Muscle worshipers were usually a fun plaything. They're usually so grateful to have him pump a load into them.

"The name's Eclipse," he said. This seemed to startle the kid out of his revelry, having must've forgotten there was a sentient creature attached to the hulking frame.

"I'm Vernal," he replied.

"Have you every though of getting some muscles like these yourself, or are you just an admirer?" Eclipse asked making conversation.

"I'm sure I'll have these muscles someday," Vernal smirked naughtily. Now Eclipse knew he'd give him some muscle for sure.

"Let's say we head out somewhere a little more private," Eclipse suggested, "and I'll let you get more acquainted with my, erhm, muscles."

"Why so quick to leave when we can have some fun here?" Vernal said with a silkiness in his voice Eclipse had yet to hear from him. Vernal punctuated his remark by leaning in and placing a gentle paw under Eclipse's chin and a firm kiss on his lips. Vernal pressed the the pendant he was wearing to his chest, keeping it from dangling around his neck in the space between them.

The kiss was electric, metallic, like licking the leads on a 9-volt battery. Like Pop Rocks entering his mouth and cascading down his spine. His muscles instantly felt weak, like with his first kiss in middle school, or more so like his first kiss with a guy in college. It was sweet, salty, magical like he hadn't felt in years. What was up with this guy that could make him feel this way?

He grabbed the back of Vernal's head and returned the kiss with force. He felt lightheaded, giddy. Vernal responded by sneaking his paw up Eclipse's inner thigh, resting at the crux of his Speedo bulge as his thumb stretched towards his Adonis belt, that set of ligaments that form a V from his hips pointing down to his crotch.

As much as he was endlessly enjoying having is tongue down Vernal's throat and groping at his body, something was off. He placed a paw on Vernal's chest and pulled his head away. What Eclipse saw once the two were far enough distance away was not the roo who first come up to him. This roo had toned muscles and an air of confidence; his Speedo was tight and his bulge thick and beckoning. And he was taller, too. When he first spotted Vernal, he might not have even been five feet tall, but the man crouching in front of him now was just shy of six feet.

And that pendant of his was gone. The chain had broken off and fell onto the beach towel, but the odd spiral pendant was nowhere to be seen. Where it had been pressed under Vernal's collarbone was the same spiral triangle design tattooed in the fur, glowing as if backlit by embers underneath his skin.

Now he noticed that his legs were not the tree trunk thick beasts they had been moments before. In a panic he checked his arms, chest, abs, and all where not as ripped or shredded as they aught to be. He was still buff, but years of hard work was instantly gone. Even his thick tail seemed somehow thinner. In his ensuing terror he almost failed to notice how loose his Speedo was, not just around the waist from losing his muscles, but the bulge as well.

"What's going on? What have you done to me?" Eclipse's voice quivered as his panic rose.

"Like I said," Vernal smirked, "I was going to have those muscles of yours."

He had grown over six foot by now, his muscles rippled beneath his taut dusty orange fur, whereas Eclipse's shrank in tandem. Vernal stood up and his Speedo ripped off. No, burst off was more like it, the fabric disintegrating under the strain of his growing muscles. And more so against the strain of his massive balls and sheath. They were the largest he'd seen in a while if not ever, not hyper but dear God were they massive. And they were the fun kangaroo kind, with the balls on top and the shaft underneath. Eclipse could smell their musky pheromones from where he was. And that tattoo of his continued to glow.

Eclipse stood up -- he really did not know what else to do --and was dismayed at how much effort that was in his now frail body. Most of his muscles were gone, seemingly transferred over to Vernal. Their bodies swapping except for the fur. Only then did he notice his Speedo had fallen off when he stood up, the size of the garment now ridiculously large for his tiny frame, and in more ways than one. Looking down on himself he could see to his horror that his dick had shriveled up and was more foreskin than anything else, which lumped up at the tip of his prick. His balls had shrunk, scrotum and all, to the size of marbles and hung tight to his body. He felt impotent and embarrassed in this body, and horrified that it was on display naked.

Eclipse wanted to say a million different things, but what he landed on was, "Is it permanent?" He was voice was soft and breathy, much more feminine than his usually brassy baritone, but it suited this emasculated body.

"We'll just have to wait and see, won't we?" Vernal's voice by comparison had developed into a gravely tenor. He absently rubbed at his glowing tattoo.

Vernal closed the distance between them, and Eclipse noted that he now barely came up to the other roo's chest. Just looking at those sculpted pecs was enough to make him feel dominated, and he submissively broke eye contact and looked down at his feet. Vernal took that as a good sign.

"Take a good look at it, you know what's coming next."

And he did. Eclipse put one paw on Vernal's chiseled abs -- abs he once had himself -- and the other cupping the muscular roo's package. It was hard to do, with the sheath being below the balls and all, but allowed for easy access to massage his taint.

Why was he acting like this? Shouldn't he be scared, or angry, or any other emotion but whatever it was he was feeling? It must be part of the spell -- that tattoo, that pendant -- stealing his muscles and making him a horny submissive. The hypnotizing musk wafting off Vernal's crotch wasn't hurting the situation, either.

Vernal pushed down on him, his large paw flattening his ears down onto his head. Eclipse knew what he wanted and found himself eager to comply. He buried his nose under Vernal's balls, letting the hulking orbs hang off either side of his snout, while his tongue probed Vernal's sheath hole. Instantly he could feel Vernal growing out of his sheath and was kissing and sucking at the lipsticking member as it emerged. With his nose buried so deep into the swol kangaroo's crotch he was inundated with his masculine sent. It was so intoxicating it made him feel even weaker and smaller.

Vernal's cock grew quickly, and the kangaroo's paws of the back of Eclipse's head kept him from pulling away. Not that he was inclined to. It reached down the back of his throat, causing him to gag and have trouble breathing, but it was his duty to be a good boy and take it.

"That's good, that's good," the hulking Vernal growled. "But enough of that."

Vernal pull Eclipse off of him, causing his long thin cock to spring out as it was released from his throat. The thing was huge, slick with spit and precum, and was pulsating with anticipation. Vernal had grown even larger, topping over seven feet tall, while Eclipse could tell he himself had shrunk to maybe four and a half feet tall. Eclipse's member was barely more than a wrinkled flap of foreskin and just the mere hint of balls. He couldn't even tell if he was erect or not, despite feeling insatiably horny.

"Now get on your back so I can give you some of this muscle," Vernal said, giving the rod emerging from his crotch a waggle.

Eclipse complied, what else could he do? He lied down on the beach towel underneath the parasol, and noticed for the first time a crowd had formed around them. Of course it had, who wouldn't want to witness this? The three girls from before were back, varying looks of amusement, confusion, or horror on their faces. Other beach goers had similar reactions, but even with a quick glance around he saw more than a few were sporting erections under their swim trunks. Some had there phones out filming or livestreaming the event.

Before Vernal could top the newly feminized kangaroo, a lifeguard trotted up. He was a young stallion, maybe early twenties, with a solid swimmer's build. He exuded a young fur's enthusiasm with an fit and attractive fur's confidence.

"Hey, what's going on? You can't do that here," he said with forced authority no one was buying.

"Watch it," Vernal said to him, flexing his bulk of muscles. "Or you will be next." His tattoo glowed even brighter with those remarks.

The lifeguard glanced at Vernal, then to Eclipse lying on the ground with his legs in the air, his beckoning hole presenting to the world, and then back at Vernal. The lifeguard must have seen Eclipse at the gm before, and knew that his muscles, his masculinity, had been stolen from him. And he was scared for his own body.

"I think those muscles of yours would look good added to mine, don't you think?"

The lifeguard didn't say a word, just put up his paws like he was a bank teller being robbed, and then bolted back to where he had come from. Despite the public affair, Eclipse and Vernal knew no one was going to stop what was happening here.

"Now where were we?" Vernal got down on his knees and scooped up Eclipse by his waist, lifting his tail up in the air to align with Vernal's crotch. Without preamble, Vernal thrusted Eclipse onto his cock, which was thankfully still slick. Eclipse was not used to be bottomed; he was the dominant one, the one doing the penetrating. But despite himself, Eclipse couldn't help but squeal in delight as the newly hench kangaroo filled his hole deep. His anus wasn't used to being filled, or being so small even, but the pain of it getting stretched so forcefully was negated by the pleasantly full feeling of having the kangaroo inside of him. And as he began to pound him he found the ach of the stretching to be pleasurable as well. His prostrate was getting well massaged and he could feel the precum dribbling out of his wadded up foreskin and onto his pubic area.

Vernal pulled out of Eclipse as suddenly and as forcefully as he had penetrated him. He flipped him over with effortless ease. His tail was in the air, but Vernal pressed down on the back of his head, mashing his muzzle into the beach blanket as the kangaroo once again forced his way into him. This was a better position for Eclipse to feel the muscular fur dominating him, his shear size and strength no power for Eclipse's now weakened form. Vernal huffed and grunted with each thrust, reminding Eclipse of the raw noises he made just an hour ago lifting unbelievably heavy weights. That hour was a lifetime ago.

"You like being a sub. Isn't that right, slut? Don't lie now."

Eclipse managed a girly, "Yes, sir," and knew it to be true.

Vernal heaved him up off towel and stood upright, Eclipse still riding his dick now with his back pressed against the kangaroo's meaty pecs. He could see the glow of his triangle tattoo out the side of his vision. The parasol went flying -- Vernal must've knocked it over with the sudden movement--giving the spectators an even more generous view. Vernal had one paw practically across Eclipse's entire chest, and the other on his thigh, more using him as a living breathing Fleshlight than working his hips to pound him raw. Eclipse wrapped an arm around the thick arm holding his chest and nuzzled the bulging bicep.

The feeling of being used in such a carnal, raw, and humiliating way filled Eclipse with joy. He had loved his muscles, yes, but he loved being used and dominated by his muscles, which held him tightly even if they were on a different body. He had stopped wondering if his feelings were from the musky pheromones drugging his mind, the glowing tattoo on Vernal's chest, or if they were in his mind all along.

Vernal's cadence had quickened. He pushed Eclipse harder and faster over his cock and even began putting his own hip thrusts into it to really pound Eclipse's hole. So it was no surprise when he declared, "I'm about to bust my nuts."

Eclipse was eager to be filled up with the orange kangaroo's thick juices. His balls were so massive Eclipse wondered how much spunk he would expel inside of him. Would his belly bulge after being filled to the brim, or would it all leak out from his stretched out hole down his legs? All were great options, but Vernal had other plans.

He aggressively tore him off his cock and back onto the beach towel. He landed forcefully on his back, but thankfully the loose SoCal sand was a delight to be thrown against. Vernal stood over him, his veiny cock pointed right as his face, "Open up wide and enjoy your protein, slut."

With barely a couple of stroked from his beefed up paws, Vernal's cock exploded with a thick jet of cum directly across Eclipse's wide open muzzle. Only a dribble of that first stream got into his mouth, the rest glazing the gray fur of his cheek , eyebrow, and ear, but what he tasted was wonderful. It was a concentrated blast of the musk that had kept him so captivated, but salty, savory, and bitter as well. His opened his maw wider for the next burst and was rewarded with a direct shot The load was so big so of the cum overflowed and dribbled down his chin.

He couldn't wait and swallowed the mouthful of cum as another wave splashed against his flat chest and up the side of his other cheek. Unconsciously he rubbed one paw through the thick mess on his chest, matting it into the white fur, while rubbing his teeny prick and balls with the other paw, even as more waves of jizz slashed across his chest and face and into his mouth.

As Vernal grunted and exhaled, his sputterings growing less frequent and his cumming merely a dribble, Eclipse gobbled up the cum that had landed all over him. He slurped it off the fingers of his paw, while still fondling himself. To his surprise his tiny dick was actually erect, and pawing himself just felt too good to stop.

In a sudden contortion of his meager muscles, Eclipse jerkily came while gulping down a pawful of Vernal's cum. His unexpected ejaculation caused him to deeply inhale a waft of musky pheromones into the deepest reaches of his lungs. His ejaculation was a sad affair compared to Vernal's, merely a oozing of a thimbleful of jammy jizz emanating out of the bunched up foreskin that accumulated at the tip of his erect member.

But somehow, that was enough for him to start to feel, well, like himself again. The tension in his body that he wasn't aware he was holding suddenly evaporated, leaving his muscles feeling if not strong but actually existing. He scraped more cum off his chest and face, licking it off his fingers without reservation as a crowded beach of onlookers watched.

It wasn't just in his mind, he could feel his muscles returning. The spell had seemingly been broken. But what had broken it? Was it Vernal climaxing, or was it all his cum he ingested? Was it he himself climaxing -- no matter how insignificant and pathetic that event had been -- that had done the trick? Or was it just the passage of time? Eclipse couldn't say, he had never heard of such a thing before. But he did know, he did feel, millimeter by millimeter, his muscles, strength, and masculinity slowly returning. The urge to be dominated receding.

The definition in his arms were back to where they were six months from when he started weight lifting all those years ago, before the heavy weights and steroids, but notably fit. His spine hurt from the six inches he had grown in a minute or two, but he welcomed the pain and what it represented. His dick and balls, while not impressive, weren't comically nonexistent anymore.

Vernal was not shrinking as Eclipse was gaining. This was not reciprocally stealing back his muscles, Vernal's theft seemed permanent while Eclipse's loss must be transitory. The tattoo on his chest no longer glowed, but niether did it fade away or reverse back into the metallic pendant. Vernal had a smarmy grin as he watched Eclipse grow back his thick slabs of muscles. Inch by inch, second by second, Eclipse was regaining mass. His pecs grew back to their glory. The cut lines separating his deltoids from his biceps returned. His serratus muscles -- those glorious rib hugging muscles -- were back, as well as his abs. His Adonis belt once again pointed the way to his well developed uncut cock. He was back.

Of course the crowd was still surrounding them, Eclipse still on his back in the sand, and Vernal standing over him imposingly. He didn't know what he wanted to do next. A part of him wanted to fight, but he couldn't tell if he was angry or or still horny. He was so relieved to have his built body back that it tamped down the rage at having it stolen from him. He was confused at having enjoyed so much being submissive. He had worked so hard for years to be masculine and domineering that it was shocking to have enjoyed so thoroughly regressing to a helpless sub.

He stood up suddenly, still not knowing what he was going to do but wanting to be on equal footing with Vernal. He stood face-to-face with the fellow kangaroo, both of their chests puffed out. Eclipse looked around at the crowd and saw apprehensive faces. They had enjoyed with muscle theft, the fucking, and the return transformation but were not eager to see the two hulking kangaroos come to blows. Too much potential collateral damage. At the back of the crowd there was a couple who were no longer even paying attention, having gotten too caught up in the previous part of Eclipse and Vernal's interactions.. A wolf was hugging a fox from behind, one paw on the fox's chest and the other down the front of his trunks. The back of the fox's trunks and the front of the wolf's trunks were pulled down, and while they were pretending to be discrete, the wolf was clearly penetrating the fox.

Snapping back to what was in front of him, the embers of Eclipse's rage had been extinguished. The fire in his eyes burning holes in Vernal's equally fiery gaze soften as he smirk and brought his beefy arm and offered up his paw. Vernal returned the smirk and slapped his paw as he gave it a firm grip. The two flexed their biceps as hard as they could. The tension released by the crowd was palpable, and there was a few far off shouts of joy and relief from those furs who had already made safe distance from the two marsupials.

Still holding paws, Vernal turned his gaze off into the distance and flicked out his chin to indicated something down the beach. Eclipse turned in that direction and spotted the stallion lifeguard perched on the deck of the lifeguard tower looking their way.

"Let's go see if we can coerce that cute stallion into a pit roasting," Vernal said, looking back at Eclipse and releasing his grip.

"Dibs on his ass," Eclipse said as a response.

"Fine by me," returned Vernal. Eclipse couldn't tell if it was the sun reflecting off his fur, or something else, but it looked as if his tattoo was beginning to glow again.

The onlookers had dispersed and the two kangaroos ventured down the beach toward the lifeguard. The stallion watched them apprehensively, not knowing if he should be concerned for their arrival, or eagerly anticipating it.

"I have to ask," Eclispe ventured, "What's up with that tattoo? What happened to your pendant."

"It's an amulet. They sell them around here," Vernal explained as they closed the distance to the stallion lifeguard. "We'll get you one of your own after we have our fun with this guy."

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