Day Hike

Story by MisstressChange on SoFurry

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#5 of One Offs

This is a sort-of sequel to "Night Walk," where four hikers wind up at our tiger friend's summer cottage up on a local mountain. When they all partake in some "special herb" provided by their host, they learn how much of a burden having free will really was.

Day Hike

By: MisstressChange

Loose rocks and pebbles crunched under the hiking boots of four friends as they made their way up the mountainside hiking trail. Birds serenaded their arduous journey from the trees above, trees that shaded the adventurous quartet from the oppressive heat of the afternoon sun. They formed a straight line as the path narrowed, all four of them panting away.

The first of them was Jamie. The male coyote leaned on a walking stick as he went, enjoying a cool breeze as it wound its way through his t-shirt and cargo shorts, bustling his coarse fur. Behind him, his girlfriend, Amber, adjusted her backpack over the strap of her tank top so it would quit digging into her shoulder.

The whole hike had been her idea. Although she figured it could have been a special day for her and Jamie to spend time together, Jamie invited his two friends, much to her silent disappointment. The wolf playfully swatted at her boyfriend's tail as it swayed with his gait, rather enjoying the hike despite the unwanted company.

Behind her, Thomas, a raccoon, stared down at Amber's rear, wrapped in her tight, high-cut hiking shorts. While she was his friend's girlfriend, he couldn't help but take a gander at the ample bottom, taking care not to let his fantasies get the better of him, lest he get aroused while wearing his loose gym shorts.

Trailing the group was Aspen. The otter hoisted his backpack further up his back, then his hiking shorts up to his hips as he struggled to keep pace. He wasn't the most in shape, and it showed. The years of eating pizza and sitting on the couch playing video games had begun to take their toll as he entered his late twenties. His three friends were all the same age, but their good diet and willingness to exercise left them with little body fat. Unlike Aspen, who looked down at his chubby gut with remorse.

"How this part...of the trail?" He huffed out between breaths. His heart pounded as he quickened his speed to keep up with Thomas.

"A little bit longer...I think..." Amber answered back, raising her voice to be heard from her spot in line. "The trail guide says it will even out for a bit. Should be able to catch your breath there." She voiced her last sentence with a hint of sass. The wolf resented how many times the otter held the group up that day, wasting time and stalling their momentum.

"Yeah," Jamie interjected, also raising his voice. "The mountain plateaus for a while, so the next kilometer will be pretty easy." The two behind Amber huffed sighs of relief until she cut in.

"The last two kilometers are a real slog up some pretty steep slopes, so prepare yourselves." She grinned and took in the gloomy sounds behind her as the two boy's sighs were immediately replaced with groans. Amber had always been a bit of a sadist; Jamie could attest to it from their prior bedtime experiences. She lavished how the two unprepared males would suffer over the next two hours. Served them right for intruding on her time with the coyote.

"I really wish I'd brought more water right about now," Thomas grumbled. Amber giggled to herself, taking a satisfying sip from the reservoir built into her backpack.

"Told yoooouuuu..." She teased, reveling in his despair.

"You can have...some of" Aspen offered, still huffing. Amber giggled again.

"Aww, you two are so cute together." She mocked.

"Shut up, Amber," Thomas replied, fatigue in his voice and his vision filled with her rear end.

"Not my fault you guys came underprepared." She retorted.

"Yeah, we came a bit unprepared. We didn't know how hard this hike was going to be. You made it sound like it would be a piece of cake."

"Oh, did I?" She feigned ignorance. "Guess I must have left some details out by accident." The snideness in her tone made her intentions painfully evident to all. No longer enticed by the wolf's ass, Thomas talked past her to Jamie.

"Hey, Jamie, why's your girlfriend such a bi-" He was cut off when he tripped over a root, toppling over and hitting the ground with a thud. All animosity left the air as the three others quickly came to his aid. Amber and Aspen were the first to him, and amber specifically crouched down by his side while Aspen caught his breath.

"Oh, shit! Tom, are you alright?" Her sadistic side took a backseat when the legitimacy of an actual injury arose. Carrying someone with a sprained or broken ankle back down the mountain was not how she wanted to spend the rest of her day. Tom grunted and began picking himself up.

"Dude, are you hurt?" Aspen asked, hovering over the raccoon, hands on his knees.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just got the wind knocked out of me." He got up onto his feet while Amber and Aspen helped him up by his arms. Tom felt Amber's hands on his arm and his forearm grazing her breast. He found himself a little more forgiving of the wolf for her earlier attitude. When he was standing again, he wiped the dirt from his clothes.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Amber asked again. "You could be in shock and might not know you're injured." She placed a hand on his back in case he took another topple.

"Yeah, just a little bruised. Pretty sure I'm good to go." He straightened his backpack before Amber grasped his arm and pulled up close to him so she could whisper in his ear.

"If you ever...ever, call me a bitch again, I swear to god-" She was cut off by Jamie, calling to them from further up the trail.

"Hey! Guys! Come see this!" They all turned to see him, fifty meters away. He was staring out through the trees off the side of the path. Amber released her grasp on Tom, and the three turned to each other, shrugging. They made their way toward the coyote, who still had his attention fixed through the trees.

"Thanks for helping your friend, Jamie," Amber said sarcastically, mocking his lack of concern.

As the three joined him at his side, they could make out what he was looking at. A small trail diverged from the main path and snaked its way through a denser patch of firs. Darkness eerily cloaked the route until its end, where it terminated at an opening in the trees, leading out to a brightly lit meadow. All four friends could make out a small cabin through the clearing, framed perfectly by the trail's surrounding trees. It was like the light at the end of a tunnel, like it was inviting them over.

"What's that doing there? There was no mention of a cabin on the trail guide." Amber pulled the slips of printed paper from her pocket and double-checked the maps and landmarks. "Yeah, none at all." She folded the guide back up and stuffed them back in her shorts.

"Should we check it out?" Jamie asked. Aspen scoffed at the idea.

"Dude, this is like a perfect setup for a slasher movie." He looked around at the others, who stood there, eyebrows raised at him. "Come on! There's just some cabin in the woods, unmapped and unaccounted for? This is super sus, guys." He gestured to the cabin with his hands while conveying his point.

"Well, if people were getting murdered up here, I think we would have heard about missing hikers. This is a pretty frequented trail." Amber brought up. "We could check it out quickly, then finish our hike." She turned to address Aspen specifically, her voice carrying its prior sassiness. "Besides, we need a good rest before the next part, right?"

"It's not a bad idea." Tom agreed. "At the very least, we can sit in the sun and eat our lunches." He rubbed his bruised elbow.

"Then it's settled," Jamie said, trying to play leader. "We'll check out the cabin." Aspen's mouth went agape in disbelief.

"Seriously?" He asked, partially pleading with his tone.

"You're free to stay here if you're too scared," Amber said dismissively as they started down the shadowy trail. Aspen watched them go, weaving along the crooked path. His shoulders slumped, and he let out an exasperated sigh. Ultimately, he followed them, unwilling to leave them alone if his instincts were correct...if something happened to them. He hurried along down the path, pulling the straps of his backpack and hoisting it further up his back.

In no time at all, the small group had reached the meadow. Tall grass and wildflowers carpeted the ground, tall enough for the four of them to touch while standing up. The cabin sat in the middle of it all, soaking in as much sunlight as the grass did. A swath had been purposely cut through the grass, leading to the cabin's front steps from where the group stood.

Jamie turned to his side and saw something all four of them had initially looked over. It was a wooden sign, held up by a stake in the ground. The wood looked a bit worn, but the white paint used to write the word 'welcome' in cursive appeared new, dry but recently applied. The others looked over to see, reading the inviting message.

"Well, it says, 'welcome.'" Amber stated. "We might as well take a look." She was already taking off, skipping down the trimmed path. "Maybe we'll make some friends!" Jamie hurried after her, holding his walking stick horizontally at his side.

"Hey, Amber, hold up!" he shouted back. Tom and Aspen looked at each other, then jogged after the two, Aspen still clutching the straps of his backpack. As they approached the cabin, it became apparent how new the cottage was.

The wooden planks that make up the walls lacked any fading, and the staining lacked any wear. The roof was made of black tar shingles, free of moss. Its surface sparkled in the afternoon sun, and a bank of attached solar panels worked at peak efficiency. Logs the width of one's forearm made up the railings bordering the porch and its four steps. All were debarked, stained, and neatly polished.

A thatch-weave loveseat took up the space next to the front door, adorned with brand-new cushions. An end table was tucked next to said loveseat. A single drinking glass sat on top, partially filled with a golden-brown liquid.

The four slowed as they reached the cabin, taking in its sight. Amber put her hands on her hips as she looked it over.

"Looks pretty new. That's probably why it's not on the trail guide." She figured. As the others joined her side, she gently nudged Aspen with her elbow. "See, who'd get murdered in a place like this?" Aspen just scrunched up the side of his mouth nervously.

"Hey, isn't this whole mountain public land?" Tom asked. "How did anyone get this built here?"

"Who knows?" Jamie replied. "Maybe it's owned by a rich person who bribed someone. Or it's for the park rangers?" The rest of them just shrugged their shoulders.

Before anyone else could speak, the doorknob jostled as someone inside turned it. Then, the whole door opened. The four hikers stood in rapt fascination, curious to see who lived within. Aspen swallowed hard.

The screen door opened forward on well-greased hinges. An orange and black hand clutched the handle, followed by a striped arm, then the rest of whoever was inside appeared from the darkness beyond.

It was a male tiger, maybe a little over six feet tall and with the muscular form of a bodybuilder. He wore a muscle shirt with thin shoulders, much like Tom's. But unlike Tom's, it stretched over bulking chest and shoulder muscles the raccoon lacked. Below, he wore a pair of jean shorts, which looked like they had simply been cut off at the knees rather than tailored that way.

He stopped when he noticed them standing before his porch, his hand still on the screen's handle. He stared back at them, looking over each of them like he was sizing them up. He noticed Amber in particular; the way she gazed at him. He knew the look girls gave him when his looks enthralled them.

Amber's eyes flashed over his bulking form, caressing every hill and valley of his musculature. One spot she found her gaze gravitating towards was his bulge. The tiger's jean shorts did little to hide how big his package was, and while the boys all had their eyes averted from it, Amber was enamored. Jamie broke eye contact to look over at his friends and girlfriend. He noticed Amber's enticed face as she looked on, flustered.

"Amber?" He asked nervously, trying to get her attention. Jealousy sparked within him in the same way arousal sparked within Amber. The tiger broke the silence.

"Hey there!" He greeted, waving his free hand. His deep and oh so masculine voice intimidated the boys. However, it only turned Amber on.

"H-hi," Amber stuttered. She blushed hard beneath her fur. The tiger walked out onto the porch and shut the screen door behind him. He grabbed the drinking glass off the table and leaned on the railing.

"Hey, beautiful." He commented, singling Amber out and giving the she-wolf a wink. Amber blushed ever harder if such a thing was possible. She stifled a giggle, and Jamie shot her a disapproving glance. "You must be the first visitors I've had here at the cabin." He took a sip from his glass.

"This place is yours?" Tom asked.

"Indeed, it is. Had it built last season so it'd be ready for summer."

"Well, it looks amazing." Tom complemented.

"Thank you, sir! It turned out quite nice, didn't it?" The tiger took another sip of his drink. Aspen stepped in to ask a nervous question.

" did you get this place built on public land?" The tiger chuckled at the otter's question and swirled his drink in his glass.

"Let's just say...I have my ways." He replied with a smirk. "Would the four of you like to come in for a while? Company is always welcome."

"Sure!" Amber replied cheerfully before anyone else had a chance to think.

"Amber..." Jamie scolded. After his girlfriend's reactions to the striped stranger, he wasn't so sure he wanted her any closer to him. She turned to him and gave him a smug and sassy smirk.

"C'mon, Jamie. It'll be fine. I think we could all use a break before making our way to the peak. Let's at least fill Tom's water bottle." The tiger studied the she-wolf while the others' attention was on her. He chuckled and sucked his teeth before turning back to the door.

"I'll see you inside if you're coming. You're welcome to use the tap if you want. It's from a well, though, so it might taste a little off." He clutched the screen door handle and pulled it open, disappearing inside. Amber turned and made her way up the steps. She paused when she reached the top and turned back to the boys.

"Come on!" She exclaimed, wagging her tail. "Come get out of the sun." She turned back and headed inside. Jamie was the first to follow her, refusing to leave his girlfriend alone with this alpha male tiger.

"Some water would be nice. I don't care if it tastes weird." Tom mentioned, licking his dry lips. He trailed behind his coyote friend. Aspen stood there, watching his friends file into a stranger's cabin in the middle of nowhere, shaking his head at their hubris. Reluctantly, he followed them inside, sighing to himself as he did.

Amber gasped when she laid eyes on the cabin's interior. It was typical for a small, isolated cabin out in the woods but lacked the creepiness one would expect of such a place. It was rather cozy. Shag rugs lined the hardwood floor around the living area, populated by two love seats and a couch. The furniture was framed with wood planks and lined with upholstered foam cushions.

A coffee table made from a large slab cut from the trunk of a tree sat amongst the couches. A hookah was placed on it with four tube-like apparatuses and mouthpieces hanging from rings on the side. Amber nearly squealed when she saw it.

"Oh my god! No way! You have a hookah?! I haven't used one of these since college!" The others came in behind her to curiously gander at her finding. Tom made a B-line for the kitchen, only thinking of his thirst. The tiger poured himself another drink from his whiskey bottle. The sounds of glass clinking on the marble counters perked their ears before the stranger answered.

"Yep. I was just about to smoke some pot from it too. Would you two be interested in...joining me?" He walked back into the den area, drink swirling in hand.

"Yeah, I could go for a puff or two," Tom commented from the kitchen, turning on the tap to fill his bottle.

"Yeah! I'd be down!" Amber excitedly exclaimed. Jamie noticed her enthusiasm and chimed in.

"Yeah, I, uh...might have some too." The others were a little taken aback by his statement. Jamie wasn't much of a smoker. Typically, he'd respectfully decline when offered. But with Amber so eager to join this enticing stranger, he felt the need to prove something. Like if he didn't partake, she'd suddenly be letting the others finish the hike while she 'stayed behind.'

Aspen didn't say anything, still a tad on edge. Smoking a bit of grass didn't sound so bad. The stuff usually relaxed him a good deal. The otter set his backpack down next to the couch and sat next to the armrest. Jamie and Amber joined him, sitting on the adjacent loveseat.

The tiger opened a small wooden chest next to the still vacant loveseat. He pulled out a clear glass jar filled to the lid with dark purple buds. Tom joined them from the kitchen, taking a seat on the couch with Aspen.

The tiger opened the jar, unlatching the lid and letting it hang on the side by its hinges.

The dank aroma of its contents quickly diffused throughout the den. The four friends all found themselves taking long whiffs of it. For some simple bud, it smelled amazing. They could even taste it. Sweet, sour, savory, and salty flavors tickled their tongues while fruity, spicy scents burned in their noses.

"Dude, that smells amazing!" Tom exclaimed. The tiger plucked an impressively sized bud from the jar and held it up for all to see. It was all different shades of purple, and the crystals stuck to it shimmered with an iridescent shine.

"Thanks, kid. Grew this batch myself. Hit's pretty hard but will relax you plenty while keeping you active. Great for a hike, I'd say." He placed the bud on the table and sealed the jar back up, returning it to the chest. Next, he pulled out a metal buster. It was colored with the same orange and black stripes he was. Tom commented on it with a simple, "Nice dude. It fits you perfectly." The tiger chucked and proceeded to grind up the herb.

"This is going to be so cool." Amber gleamed. "Getting blazed in a cozy little cabin before we reach the summit" She turned to the others. "This is gonna make the view at the top so much better!"

"Hell yeah." Tom agreed, crossing his arms at his chest and leaning back in his seat. The tiger smirked to himself and loaded the top of his hookah.

"I don't think we should smoke that much, guys," Aspen mentioned. "Isn't the next part of our hike pretty difficult?"

"Yeah, one of us could get hurt," Jamie added, hoping the other two would agree. Amber just looked back and forth between the two and scoffed.

"It's not that bad. I was just hyping it up. The trail guide says it's steep but safe." She paused, waiting for a response.

"I still think we should take it easy," Jamie replied.

"Well, you're free to abstain then." She turned away from the coyote and took the mouthpiece closest to her. The tiger leaned over with a lighter in his hand.

"Let me get that for you, hun." He said with a toothy grin. His thumb flicked it on, and he held the flame over the bowl. Amber smiled at him, getting flustered again. Meanwhile, Jamie shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He wanted nothing more than to get his girlfriend out of this place.

Amber put the piece to her lips and sucked. The lighter's flame pulled into the coarsely ground purple plant matter and sparked it. The embers spread as Amber breathed in. The others took their mouthpieces and brought them to their muzzles, Aspen eyeing his suspiciously. Jamie was the only one without a hose.

"You can share with me, baby," Amber told him, breathing lavender-colored smoke out her mouth. Jamie smiled at her, feeling reaffirmed at the word 'baby.' She held the mouthpiece out to him, and he took it without hesitation. She smiled back at him and wiggled closer to the coyote, close enough that their hips touched. The couple leaned into one another, and Amber nuzzled him.

The others breathed out, unleashing their lavender plumes into the cabin air. The tiger sucked on his mouthpiece through the side of his mouth, sending a few puffs in Amber and Jamie's direction. Jamie put the hose to his mouth and drew the smoke into his mouth, trying to inhale as little as possible.

It tasted as impressive as it smelled. As Jamie blew out, he found himself going back for a second puff, this time actually to inhale the enticing stuff. However, before he could get his lips around it, Amber pulled it away from him. She giggled. "Don't hog it, silly." The wolf brought it to her lips and took a toke off it, blowing it in his face.

"Good stuff, eh?" The tiger asked with a smirk. The others nodded and continued smoking, their eyes glassy and their eyelids droopy. Regardless of her prior suggestion about hogging, Amber never relinquished the hose back to Jamie. Not that he minded. He was too busy gazing around the room in his half-inebriated state.

When his eyes landed on Tom and Aspen, he noticed how they were now staring blankly forward, releasing the smoke from their lungs but not going back for another toke. They just sat there, holding their pipes in their laps.

Jamie turned his head to see Amber, sitting precisely the same way, pipe in her lap, staring forward. He looked back and forth between his friends and girlfriend. They didn't move or say a word, only sat in silence. Their eyes were tinted the same lavender color as the smoke exiting their lungs, rather than the usual pink they turned when indulging in pot.

"Guys?" He asked. When he received no answer, he turned his head to Amber. "Amber?" He received no response from her either. What's worse was when he tried to stand up, he found his legs simply wouldn't listen to him.

"I think you'll find your friends rather unresponsive at the moment." The tiger commented from his spot. Jamie looked over at him. Their host sat with one leg folded over the other and a knowing smile. He still puffed on his end of the hookah, but his eyes were still as clear as day.

"Wha-...what do you mean?" Jamie asked, voice catching in his throat.

"It's the effects of my special strain." He breathed out a final plume and leaned in to hang the mouthpiece back on the hookah. "Hey, guys. Put your ends back on the hookah." He ordered the group.

All three of Jamie's friends simultaneously leaned in and hung their pipes up without saying anything back. Jamie watched them perform their tasks like robots, programmed for that one action. They returned to their original positions, having completed their orders, resting their hands on their laps.

"What...did you do?" Jamie asked, nervousness rising in his voice.

"They're under my control now. I figure they've smoked so much; they'll do anything and everything I say." He gestured around to Jamie's friends with his free hand. The other picked up his glass so he could take a sip from it. "You, however. You didn't smoke much at all, just enough to make you highly suggestible. Surely, you've tried to get up by now. Only problem is that your legs won't listen to you. Think of it as hypnosis. The other three are fully entranced. But you're only in a state of relaxation, which is fine. You can enjoy the show. For now...." The tiger grinned mischievously at him before taking another sip of his drink.

"B-but, you smoked it too. How are you not affected?" Jamie's voice was shaking now. The tiger raised his glass to the coyote.

"Alcohol, my canine friend. Nullifies the effects. It's almost like I didn't smoke at all." He snorted through his nose.

"Why are you doing this?" Jamie growled, demanding an answer he wasn't sure he wanted. "What are you going to do to us?"

"Well, it depends on what I'm in the mood for." He set his glass down on the coffee table next to the hookah. "And I'm 'definitely' in the mood. I still got a good buzz from that flour, despite the alcohol, and smoking grass always gets me hot and bothered." Jamie swallowed hard. His hands fiddled with his legs in a desperate attempt to get his legs moving.

"This is impossible. You must have slipped something in that pot. Drugged us!" The tiger snickered at the coyote's disbelief.

"All very possible. Do you want me to show you how real it is? Cause I'd love to get this party started." Jamie whimpered, unsure exactly what was in store for them.

"Please don't do this. Please...Let us go." He pleaded. The tiger uncrossed his legs and stretched, cracking the joints in his neck. He sighed in satisfaction as the pops relieved his stiff bones.

"I'll do whatever...I...want...." He replied coldly, his deep voice rumbling with a dominant baritone. He turned to Amber, who still stared forward. "You. Um...Amber, was it?" Amber didn't respond. "Yes. Amber...When I snap my fingers, you will awaken from your trance and listen to and obey every command I give you? Understood?"

"Yes..." Amber said blankly.

"Very good." The tiger praised.

"No..." Jamie whimpered. The tiger leaned over and reached out his hand in front of Amber's face.

", three, two, one...." He snapped his fingers. The sound seemed to crack decibels louder than it should have been, bouncing off the wooden walls, much to Jamie's horror. Amber snapped out of her absent state and looked around as if nothing was wrong.

"Amber?" Jamie chirped, trying to grab her attention. She turned to see him, smiling when she saw his face. Jamie gave her a weak smile back, then reached out and put his hand on hers. His smile faded as he realized what he had to do. "Amber, you need to run." He whispered intensely. "You need to get out of here now, get to the bottom of the mountain, and get help. Call the cops or someth-"

"Oh, Amber?" The tiger interrupted, voice shaking Jaime's psyche. Jamie watched as she turned back to the hulky stranger. His heart sank when he heard the following words leave her mouth.

"Yes, master?" She replied with a cheerful tone in her voice. Jamie's eye went as wide as saucers.

"W-what? No...Amber..." His voice caught in his throat, heart beating a thousand miles a minute. The tiger guy smirked and continued.

"Why don't you show Jamie just how good you are at obeying and strip for me. I'd love to see more of you." He brought his glass up to his mouth and took a sip, crossing his leg over the other. Amber paused for a moment, then giggled before replying.

"Of course, master." She smiled at him and stood up. Jamie tried grasping her arm as she stood up, trying desperately to keep her from going through with something he couldn't bear to watch. Once standing, Amber turned to the tiger, reached down to her waist, and curled her fingers under the hem of her tank top. Crossing her arms, she pulled the fabric up her torso, inside out, then over her head, leaving her in her blue and green sports bra. She dropped the top on the loveseat and went back for her shorts.

"No..." Jamie whimpered to the sound of Amber's button unsnapping and fly unzipping. The wolf hooked her thumbs into her waistband and slowly peeled the khaki shorts down her grey legs. Her blue and green panties poked out from her shorts, slowly rising from her pants for Jamie like the sun on a clear morning. Soon her shorts were around her knees, then her ankles as she bent over to slide them to her feet.

Jamie looked on in despair as Amber's round bottom stuck out only a couple of feet from his face. He could remember all those times he had seen it before. How it made his heart race in excitement. Now his heart raced for a different reason. Anxious terror. Like he was waiting to be called into the dentist's office to have several teeth filled.

As amber kicked off her shorts, the tiger eyed her up, his grin never fading. Amber stood up straight and looked the tiger in the eyes, her hands already going to the elastic band of her sports bra.

"Should I keep going, master?" she asked with yearning. The tiger snorted through his nose and took a sip from his glass.

"Absolutely." He growled. That was all Amber needed to hear. Her fingers wormed their way under her bra, and she pulled the elastic fabric up and over her head. Her C-cups bobbed out, now free of their constraints. Her nipples stood firm and erect in the cooler air. Amber lazily tossed the bra with her other clothes and went for her undies.

"No, Amber. Please...stop!" Jamie cried. "You don't have to listen to him!" tears were welling up in his eyes. Amber paused, moments away from tugging her panties down. She turned her head back to see him out of the side of her vision. Jamie's eyes locked onto the wicked smile she wore.

"I don't want to stop, Jamie. Master wants to see...all of me." Those words cut into him worse than any knife could. Dread filled his being, and tears ran down his face. He knew she was under his control, but the way she responded to seemed like she was enjoying it.

Amber proceeded to pull her panties down, ruffling the grey fur on her legs as they passed over. She bent over to get them to her knees. Her tail lifted, exposing both her holes to Jamie, giving him the perfect view of what she was possibly about to give away to another man.

Her panties fell to the floor around her feet. Amber stepped gingerly out of them and pivoted on her leg, sticking her hip out. Her hand rested on it as she stood proudly for her master to take in her radiant beauty. The tiger looked on in astonishment, eyeing her up and down. Jamie looked on in abject horror, unable to comprehend their situation. Both were speechless.

"Like what you see, master?" Amber asked. The tiger gave a start, momentarily lost in her curves and luscious pelt. He chuckled and crossed his arms.

"Yes, I do. You're gorgeous. Far too pretty for little Jamie over there. Don't you agree?" Amber's wicked smile returned to her face.

"Oh, of course, master. I don't know what I ever saw in him." She punctuated her sentence with a snide snort out of her nose.

"And who would you like to be with, darling?" He asked, purring.

"You, master." She said without hesitation. The tiger let out a chuckle.

"Good girl. But me daddy from now on." He insisted.

"Yes, daddy." She happily replied. The tiger spread his legs, giving Jamie and Amber a good look at his protruding bulge.

"Good girl! Why don't you come and sit on daddy's lap?" He ordered more than asked. He patted his right leg. Amber gave a gasp and a short gesture of excitement. Again, without hesitation, she skipped up to the tiger and turned about, showing her rear to the stranger, lifting her tail. He put a firm hand on her with a grin and a gander and felt up her furry rump. The tiger squeezed an excited squeal from her throat as he firmly squeezed her ass.

"Oh, daddy!" She giggled. His hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her into his lap, feeling her warm bottom through his shorts. The she-wolf leaned into him and tucked her legs between his, cuddling up to her master, her daddy.

Amber ran her hand over his broad chest and nuzzled his shoulder. The tiger peered over at Jamie from the two's spot and gave him a knowing grin. Amber turned her face up to the tiger, then over at Jamie as she followed his gaze. She flashed him a smug smirk that tore his heart in two. To him, there was no doubt in his mind that she was enjoying this. Her reactions were going above and beyond his instructions.

As they watched him, he watched as the tiger took his hand and removed Amber's from his chest, placing it on his bulge. Amber's face lit up with excitement. Her eyes widened, and her smirk turned into a genuine smile.

Her palm moved in slow circles while her fingers softly kneaded him. She'd cup it every so often, running her whole hand up its curvature, feeling it harden beneath her grasp. The two soon-to-be lovers turned their heads back to each other, and, closing their eyes, their muzzles met in a passionate kiss.

Jamie just looked on as they made out. It was far more intense than the two of them ever had as a couple. There was lip biting and tongue sucking. The tiger even pulled Amber's hair, much to her delight. The sounds of muffled moans joined those of smacking lips.

The two separated. A string of drool bridged the space between their moths before thinning out. The tiger caressed her face for a moment, then faced Jamie. He took note of the tears streaming down his furry face.

"Jamie, don't feel so bad." He said in a sarcastic, doting voice, mocking the heartbroken coyote. "You should feel happy for your little girlfriend. She's already having such a great time!" Jamie just looked down, defeated. "Here! I'll give you something you can look at while Amber and I...get to know each other a little more."

He turned to Tom and Aspen, staring blankly forward while all these obscene events went on in front of them. "Who are these two again, sweetie?" He asked the she-wolf, who was currently unbuttoning the tiger's shorts with one hand. She giggled before answering.

"The otter is Aspen, and the raccoon is Tomas or Tom for short." She paused once the tiger's fly was zipped open, looking over at the two boys. "What are you gonna do to them, daddy?"

"I figure they could put on a show for us." He replied, looking over his new toys before speaking to them. "Tom, Aspen...When I snap my fingers, you will awaken from your trance, and you will do everything and anything I order you to do. You will be completely under my control." He held his hand out straight, and Amber stroked her free hand over his arm to feel up his biceps. The tiger counted down.

"Three, two, one...." He snapped his fingers. The two boys blinked their eyes and looked around, quickly spotting the naked Amber in the lap of their striped host.

"Uhh, Jamie?" Tom asked, taking in the canine beauty currently slipping her hand down the open fly of the smug tiger. "Why is Amber-"

"Run!" Jamie exclaimed, desperately trying to convey the danger they were in before the tiger could broadcast his nefarious commands. "Run! Get help before he-"

"Jamie, why don't you quiet down for a few minutes." The tiger firmly suggested. Jamie found himself unable to speak, yet unlike Amber, he still mainly felt in control of his faculties just as the tiger said, enough under the spell to not be in control, but not enough to be unaware of it. "You just watch your friends. They'll distract you while Amber and I play."

"We will?" Aspen asked. But his tone suddenly shifted, sounding more suggestively minded as he spoke. "How will...we...distract them?"

"Why don't the two of you kiss?" The tiger suggested with glee. Tom and Aspen looked at each other, their eyes flittering to their lips. The two looked uncertain, yet at the same time, there was a yearning in their eyes, quickly breaking down a platonic wall that had been put up so many years ago.

Aspen was the first to lean in, eyes beginning to close. But he quickly caught himself. He stopped and leaned back. Tom subtly shuffled over to the otter until the two were practically sharing the same couch cushion. Their conflicted faces avoided each other's, as did their eyes. Something deep within them was fighting the tiger's suggestion. That was until the tiger gave them something a little more...straight forward.

"Don't be shy, boys. Kiss. Kiss! It's nothing to be ashamed of. I can tell you two have a deep longing for each other. Let's see that come out...." The tiger grunted as Amber pulled his rigid foot-long cock from his shorts and stroked it. All ignored her excited gasp as the room's full attention was on the two boys.

Jamie watched as Tom and Aspen fell to the tiger's spell. The two friends looked into each other's eyes, the veil of heterosexuality thinning by the moment. Tom moved his far hand across to Aspen's lower thigh, and Aspen's hand, closer to Tom, planted itself gingerly on Tom's shoulder.

The two pulled in, and their lips met, taking their first forays into a forced romance. Although, this romance swiftly seemed a lot less forced over time. Their eyes closed, and their mouths opened a little more, allowing their tongues to poke out and flitter over the other.

As their kissing turned into a full-on make-out session, Aspen's leg lifted over Tom's, so the otter could get even closer to the raccoon. Tom's hand moved up the otter's leg to his thigh, inching ever closer to his crotch. Aspen's hands both tenderly caressed Tom's face. The two were thoroughly intertwined in a steadily heating romantic engagement.

"See, Jamie? They just needed a little coaxing, is all. You can join them if you'd like. I know you like what you see." Jamie sensed something shift inside him. While he watched his friends make out, the repulsion of seeing them couple turned into adoration. His canine cock filled with blood, and Jamie felt himself getting aroused. The tiger turned his attention back to Amber, who looked like she would slurp up his pre-slicked cock at any moment.

"My dear, you look utterly famished." He commented. He reached between her legs and ran his middle and index fingers through her drenched folds. "Oh, my...Darling. It feels like another part of you is even hungrier. You're practically drooling!" He removed his fingers, now coated with Amber's secreted excitement. A thin trail of girl juice linked his digits to her labia before falling onto his leg.

"Would you like to feel this big, meaty tiger cock inside you, Amber?" He asked, his deep voice rumbling with sensuality and dominance. Amber's breath quickened, and her eyes shot open.

"Yes, daddy! More than anything!" The tiger chuckled.

"Thought you would. Can you help me get my shorts off, dear?" Amber hopped off his lap immediately at his suggestion.

"Yes, daddy!" She cheerfully replied. The hulking tiger stirred in his seat while Amber tugged on the legs of his denim shorts. Finally, the shorts came loose, and Amber concluded their journey down to his feet, slipping them off and tossing them aside.

"Thank you, darling." The tiger praised, pulling his cock through the front access of his blue and green boxer briefs. He looked over at the she-wolf's discarded undies, then turned back to her. "Looks like we wore matching undies today. It's like we were meant for each other." He gave her another chuckle.

"Without a doubt, daddy." She placed her hands on his thighs and pushed herself up until her face was in front of his cock. She gave a long, cherishing lick up the underside of his spiney shaft, flicking her tongue over his glands. The tiger let out a satisfied groan.

"Oh, baby. Your tongue feels as amazing as I imagined." He tilted her head up with his hand so she would look at him. "But I'd like to feel the rest of you, if that's alright, dear." Amber took in his words, and a toothy smile split her face.

"Yes, daddy." She breathed out, voice quivering. Amber stood up over the tiger and climbed into his lap, straddling him. Her pussy lips dragged over his thick shaft, sandwiching his member between her folds, their juices mingling, creating sweet scents that tickled their noses. The tiger let out another chuckle before addressing Jamie once more, who was busy watching his friend's progressively steamy make-out session.

"What do you think of your 'girlfriend,' Jamie." Jamie turned his head to see his girlfriend, nearly mounting the man the four of them had just met twenty minutes ago. His jaw dropped as he looked on in shock and awe. "She seems a little too enthusiastic to be doing all these very inappropriate things. Right in front of you, no less. I've barely told her to do anything either. Merely suggested it. It's almost like, deep down inside, she wanted this all along, and my special pot was the perfect excuse to cheat on you, right before your very eyes."

Amber sunk down on the tiger's cock, enveloping it in one move. She moaned out in ecstasy, and the tiger groaned with pleasure. Jamie whimpered, watching his girlfriend's pussy stretch wide over the stranger's slick, spiney cock.

Amber's inner walls clenched around her lover's member, the burst of sensational pressure making him growl. The tiger gripped Amber's round ass with his strong hands and coaxed the she-wolf upward. Amber pushed herself up with her legs, only to come sliding back down. Another moan escaped her maw, and she huffed before rising once more.

The sick, squelching sounds of intercourse stabbed at Jamie's ears. He watched helplessly as his girlfriend bounced up and down on their captor's member, enthusiastically vocalizing her enjoyment of the ride she had only just begun. Spotting movement out of his peripheral vision, he turned his sight back to his friends.

The movement he detected was Aspen, climbing over Tom so he could straddle the raccoon's lap just as Amber had done with their host. His hand crept down between Tom's thighs and cupped over the growing bulge in his gym shorts. Tom cooed and reached up under Aspen's shirt to feel his chest, mainly to play with his nipples. The two broke their kiss to share sultry breaths before leaning back into each other's mouths for more.

Aspen's grip on Tom's package tightened. His fingers worked the outline of Tom's hard cock. Tom shuddered, whimpering as he hooked the fingers of his free hand into Aspen's shorts. He pulled them down with a long tenacious tug, and Aspen's five-inch otter cock unfurled out, hard as a rock. Tom broke their connection and looked up at his mustelid lover with lust in his eyes.

Aspen let go of Tom's package and quickly pulled his shirt off, throwing it on the ground. When he returned to Tom's pants, his hands dug under the raccoon's clothes, seeking out the boy's stiff manhood. His fingers slid easily across Tom's slick prick. It was glazed in precum. The crotch of his boxers was soaked through too.

"You're so wet." Aspen playfully mentioned. He withdrew his hand to examine his sticky fingers. Slowly, he brought them to his lips, sucking each one clean before licking the webbing between them. "And you taste so good too." His voice was tender as he spoke so sweetly to Tom. The two shared a glance and a hard blush before Tom spoke up.

"Aspen...can...can I suck you?" He asked, blushing even harder. Jamie had never seen him act so shy before, nor Aspen so confident and charming. The otter smiled with a gleam in his eye.

"Only if you fuck me after." He softly replied. The two shared nervous but excited giggles before Aspen teetered between legs, pulling his shorts off his legs the rest of his way. He straightened up, standing on his knees. Tom gazed down at Aspen's six-inch-long mustelid member and licked his lips, sinking further down into his seat on the couch.

With Aspen's rigid prick now eye level with Tom, Tom meticulously and lustfully studied the cock he was about to stimulate with his mouth. It was something he had never done before, something he would never dare to do. But under the influence of their master's dope...he wanted it. Kissing Aspen had been so fun, like kissing a girl. Why stop there?

The raccoon closed his eyes and swallowed hard. He gripped Aspen's thighs, leaned forward, and took a long lick of his otter friend's cock. It tasted...good. He savored his friend's salty, musky flavor before going back for more, licking up and down the otter's shaft and kissing his tip. It wasn't long before he had to taste Aspen's pre straight from the source.

Tom's maw opened wide, and the raccoon took Aspen's swollen head inside. His tongue cradled its underside as Aspen pushed his hips slowly forward, sliding his member into Tom's open muzzle. The two of them groaned as Aspen got his entire length inside. His cock head poked the back of Tom's throat, and the raccoon gagged a little but ultimately held his composure. Tom, mouth now full, wrapped his lips entirely around Aspen's cock and started sucking.

"Oh, Thomas." Aspen moaned, speaking his lover's full name. Tom bobbed his head back and forth, massaging the underside of his lover's prick with his tongue. The tiger snickered from across the room.

"Now, this is what I'm talking about." The tiger boasted enthusiastically. "Look at them, Jamie. I didn't even need to tell them to do that. They're doing that all on their own!" Jamie's eyes were glued to the two boys. "Seems like they had a few secrets hidden deep inside. My special strain has that effect. Worked for your girlfriend. She definitely seems to have fantasies of cucking you, that, or straight up cheating on you. And your friends there both seem to have a thing for other guys, or at least each other. Let's ask them, shall we?" Jamie just gulped his rising arousal down, unsuccessfully trying to ignore how hard he was getting watching them.

"So, you boys on the couch." The tiger began, addressing the two lovers. "Tell us. Are you attracted to guys? How come you're so into this? We'd all love to know."

"Yeah, tells us guys!" Amber cried from atop the tiger's cock. As his mouth was the one not full of otter meat, Aspen replied first. His voice was breathy with lust.

"I had a short fling with a guy in college. We used to fool around when my roommate was at work. He helped me discover how good sex with a guy could be. I've never truly been interested in girls after our time together. I've had a crush on Tom here for a few years now. I always fantasized about him bending me over and pounding my soft little ass all night long." Aspen's voice shook as he described his college encounter and crush on their friend. It calmed as he continued.

"I've just never had the courage to say anything nor seek a relationship with another man. I regret not accepting my sexuality until now. But I must say. Having Tom suck me off right now is beyond amazing." His back hunched as he leaned forward, gripping the couch's backrest. Tom was next to spill his beans. Aspen's cock slid free from his mouth with a pop, and he took a deep haggard breath before talking.

"I've been curious since high school." He paused to take another few breaths. "Always wondered how it would be with another guy. Sure, I like girls, but I felt like I should at least see what kissing a dude is like, or how they were at sucking dick compared to girls. Even how good their asses felt. But I was too worried that I wouldn't enjoy it, or one of my friends would find out and judge me. I wish I could have had the balls to do it. But, now that I'm trying it, sucking on Aspen's dick is the most exciting thing I've ever done." He looked up to see Aspen gazing down at him, eyes half-lidded with a whimsical expression on his face.

"Aww, Tom. I'd never judge you. We could have had so much fun together, you and I." The otter sweetly said. He brought one of his hands down to caress Tom's face. Amber spoke up in-between moans.

"I wouldn't have judged you either, Tom. I would have- AHH!... loved to watch you- UHH!... with another guy." Tom snorted through his nose.

"Thanks, guys." He replied. He felt a strong sense of love and appreciation in that moment that made his heart flutter.

"No problem, Thomas." Aspen quietly replied, speaking tenderly. "I love you."

"I love you too, bro...." Tom tenderly replied. The two closed their eyes and leaned into each other, embracing with a sensual kiss. Aspen caressed Tom's chin between his finger and thumb.

"This is so hot," Amber mentioned. "I wanna watch them while we fuck, daddy." She struggled to look over her shoulders at the two lover boys.

"Sure thing, gorgeous." The tiger agreed. "But if you're gonna turn around, I'm gonna need to stick myself in your other hole." He sneered at her with a wicked intention. Amber returned the look and leaned in to whisper in his ear.

"Anything you want, daddy." As her words left her throat, the tiger hoisted her off his cock to the gasping moan of his bitch. He held her hands as she turned around in his lap, nearly kicking him in the face as her shaking legs moved her.

When the she-wolf was fully turned around, she carefully positioned herself over his giant prick once again. This time, the tiger rubbed his tip against her tail hole. The girl began wagging her tail with excitement, fanning her musk straight up her master's nose.

"Mmmm." He hummed. "Now sit, girl." Amber did as commanded and lowered herself onto his cock. She relaxed her ass, letting the large extremity force itself inside a place never been penetrated before.

Amber gasped and cried out, first in pain, but soon enough, her cries became ones of pleasure as her ass stretched to fit the tiger's well-endowed cock. She planted her hands on his knees and started moving up and down, spewing whorish moans as she worked her master's cock.

"Good girl." He praised before turning his attention back to the boys. "Well, this has all been quite enlightening. It sounds like your friends have been hiding some things from you, Jamie." He turned to Jamie. A mischievous grin split his face. "So...what have you been hiding from them."

Jamie sputtered, unsure what he would say if he allowed his words to come forth. He clasped a hand over his mouth as the secrets he held deep tried to escape and reveal his darkest truths from his subconscious.

"Tell us, Jamie." The tiger commanded in a firm, gruff tone. Jamie couldn't keep his hand over his mouth any longer. The mild effects of the drugs compelled him to speak.

"I...I...I like this...I know I started this...experience with tears and terror, but...I've always had issues of jealousy and inadequacy regarding Amber. She's just so pretty, and...I've always feared being cheated on, or worse, completely losing her to another man, but seeing it happen right in front of my very eyes...and how happy she looks. It feels...emancipating. Like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I'm genuinely happy for her now."

"Aww...thanks, hun," Amber commented between ragged moans.

"And watching those two." Jamie gestured to Tom and Aspen. "Watching them makes me feel a whole new type of jealousy. I feel like I'm being left out of a brand-new experience that those two are sharing. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about being with a guy before. It looks like fun to explore those curiosities without restraint or remorse." Jamie looked back at the tiger, pleading with his eyes.

"The three of them all look so happy, being under your control. The idea of giving in and letting someone else take the reins, not having to worry about making my own decisions, sounds like a dream come true." The tiger wore a softer, kinder look as Jamie said these things.

"Is that something you'd like, Jamie? I know there's still some purple bud left in that bowl if you'd like to finish it off. Up to you, though. It's fun for me either way." The tiger stopped thrusting into Amber's ass and patted her on the shoulder. "Be a dear and spark that thing for him." He asked as gently as his deep voice would allow.

"Yes, daddy," Amber replied playfully. She bent forward and put a hand on the edge of the table for support, leaning on it, the tiger's cock still buried inside her. She plucked the lighter off the table and struck it with her thumb, igniting it. The she-wolf reached over and suspended the flame over the unburnt pot sitting amongst the ash.

Jamie shivered all over. The prospect of indulging his deepest darkest desire filled him with a quivering exhilaration. Amber enticed him along, further inviting him to partake. "C'mon, Jamie, sweetie. Join us. You can only imagine how good it feels to submit, to lose control. I know you want it. Take the hose and breath in the sweet vapor of subjugated freedom."

Jamie's hand shook as he sluggishly went for the mouthpiece he and Amber had shared not twenty minutes ago. Amber watched him take it with a mischievous grin on her face. Her eyes were craven and lavender. The tiger looked on with a smug smirk while Tom had gone back to sucking off Aspen long ago.

"Yeah, do it, Jamie, let go of everything." Amber whispered, coaxing her 'boyfriend' to finish what he started. Jamie stared down at the mouthpiece. His heart raced, pounding in his chest like a pile driver. He almost couldn't believe he was going through with this. But then again, it was what he truly wanted, and at that moment, he wanted nothing more.

Jamie put the hose to his mouth and inhaled. The flame from Amber's lighter pulled into the top of the hookah and ignited what was left in the bowl. The coyote sucked in all he could until his lungs were full. Then, he exhaled. A thick plume of lavender smoke gushed from his open maw. The coyote's eyes had turned the same color the other three's had, although he'd not see it for himself.

Gradually, the world fell away from him. Sounds became muted until he could hear no more. His vision blurred until he was left in a world of darkness. It was like he was sleeping. Sleeping but not dreaming. Jamie had never felt more at peace. Then he heard the snap of two furry fingers.

Everything returned to him instantly, the room, the sounds of fornication. Jamie looked around. To his right, Aspen was climbing out of Tom's lap and positioning himself on all fours, crossing his arms on the couch's armrest. He raised his thick tapering tail for Tom while the raccoon took his clothes off. To Jamie's left, Amber was getting drilled in her rear by...their...his...master.

The she-wolf had her legs folded up near her chest as his master wrapped his arm around them, clutching the bitch close to his body as he fucked her stupid. His other retreated to the armrest next to him, having snapped Jamie awake from his drug-induced trance.

"So, Jamie. How do you feel?" The tiger asked as Amber bounced off of him. "Good?" Jamie turned to his master, firmly knowing the answer.

"Yes, master. Everything much better." The tiger let out a couple of short laughs.

"Ready to join the fun?" He asked jubilantly.

"Yes, master." Jamie returned, full of confidence.

"Good. Good boy." The tiger praised, "Now, why don't you go frolic with your friends while I fuck your girlfriend?" Jamie turned to see Tom positioning himself behind Aspen. The otter shook his ass back and forth over Tom's cock and turned his head around to see the coyote.

"Come on, Jamie. Come have some fun with us." His eyes were half-lidded, and his voice was dripping with arousal.

"Yeah, come and join us, Jamie. You can fuck me while I fuck Aspen." Tom added, his voice emulating Aspen's.

Jamie, finding he could stand again, with the permission of his master, of course, stood up and stepped over to the couch. His hands went to the hem of his shirt, crossing as he pulled it over his head, then letting it fall to the ground. Next, his hands dropped to his shorts, fumbling with the button and fly. Tom wiggled his butt for Jamie, his bushy striped tail shaking with it.

"C'mon, Jamie, show me how good it feels having another man inside me." Jamie licked his chops, eyeing the raccoon's tight ass. His shorts and boxer briefs fell around his feet, and he stepped out of them and climbed onto the couch behind his friend and soon-to-be lover.

Jamie ran his steady hands over Tom's hips as he kneeled into his place behind the raccoon. The coyote's canine cock was as stiff as it could be. Tom felt it when Jamie rubbed between the raccoon's firm ass cheeks. The coyote wrapped his arms around Tom's belly, leaning in close enough for Tom to feel the steamy breath on his neck.

"Your fur is so soft, Tom." The coyote whispered right into Tom's ear. The raccoon giggled.

"Thanks," Tom replied, as giddy as a schoolgirl, blushing under his fur. Jamie stuck out his tongue and took a long lick up the side of his friend's neck. Tom quivered in Jamie's grasp.

Before the raccoon could take hold of his member and slide it in Aspen, Jamie's hand wandered down and took hold of it for him. The coyote stroked him back and forth, much to his friend's delight. Tom moaned and gently stroked the arm tending to his member. A spurt of precum dribbled from the young man, landing dead center on Aspen's puckered hole.

"Hey! I think you two are forgetting about something...." Aspen whined. The two mammals kneeling behind the otter stopped what they were doing to see Aspen looking back at them. He wiggled his soft rear for them, to which the other boys watched on, enticed. The otter's ass brushed the tip of Tom's cock, and another dollop of pre fell loose, smearing on the otter's brown and khaki fur.

Aspen reached up to the end of his tail and pulled it further up to his head, adding extra allure to his already very submissive pose. "C'mon, Tom...Put it in me...." He bit down enticingly on his finger. Tom's heart beat like a kick drum, thumping in sync with Jamie's. He put a hand on Aspen's ass; his other freed his member from Jamie's grasp and pointed it toward the otter's hole.

"Hey, guys!" The three boys heard their master raise his voice and stopped, looking at him like prey animals hearing a twig snap. The tiger had a bottle of lube in one hand and an over-stimulated Amber in the other, still getting jackhammered with an empty-headed, slack-jawed, tongue-lolling look on her face. "Use this. It'll make things so much easier."

He tossed the bottle across the den to the boys. Jamie was the one to catch it, much to the tiger's praise. "Nice catch, Jamie!" He cheered while he fucked his bitch. Jamie blushed.

"Th-thanks, master." The coyote stammered. He looked down at the bottle and popped the lid off. He squirted a generous dollop onto his padded palm and spread it over his member, lathering it in a slippery sheen. Then, he splashed another on his fingers and reached between Tom's ass cheeks. The raccoon shivered from its cold touch.

"Oh, Jamie..." Tom moaned when the coyote's lubricated fingers snuck inside him. Jamie gave Tom another lick on the neck. Tom gasped. With his fingers still wriggling inside the raccoon, Jamie handed the bottle to the moaning boy, who gingerly accepted it.

Tom squirted a copious amount onto his hand and spread it on his rigid cock. Once finished, he added a little more to the end of his fingers and smeared the slick fluid over Aspen's tail hole.

"Ohhh..." Aspen moaned. "Yeah, Tom. Get as much as you can in there. I wanna be nice and wet for you." Tom swallowed hard and probed the otter's ass with his coated fingers. Aspen moaned out like a girl and wriggled his ass once more. "Fuck, Tom...I wish we had done this years ago."

"M-me too." Tom agreed. The raccoon withdrew his fingers and picked up his cock, placing the tip against Aspen's hole. The otter huffed.

"Put it in me, baby." He pleaded, voice dripping with arousal. Tom did as asked and slowly pushed forward, placing his other hand on the otter's hip. The head of his cock stretched Aspen's hole, and the otter let out a feminine groan. "Yeah, baby. Keep going." Tom continued.

As Tom worked his way into Aspen, Jamie removed his fingers from the raccoon. Tom let out his own little moan. The coyote took his member in his hands and guided it to Tom's ass. The raccoon's breath shuddered when Jamie's cock pressed against his wet hole. Jamie pushed forward slowly, just as Tom did with Aspen.

"Fuck." Tom groaned at the stretching of his hole as Jamie's cock forced its way in. Both boys advanced on the one in front of them to the sounds of Aspen's whorish moans, and Tom's affirming words, ever heightening in pitch. Soon, they had bottomed out in their lovers, leaving Tom firmly sandwiched in the middle. He would get to satisfy both ends of his latent curiosity.

Jamie pulled out of Tom until only his head remained within. Tom moaned and began backing out of Aspen, who let out a long sultry *mmmm* in delight. As Tom pulled back, Jamie took his cue to thrust back into the raccoon. Tom cried out and purposely backed into the coyote. The canine's cock slammed into Tom's prostate, sending electrifying tingles and a euphoric ache through his pelvic area. It felt heavenly. "Oh, fuck! Jamie!" He cried out blissfully.

The raccoon nearly forgot about Aspen, who wiggled his partially-filled ass impatiently. Tom thrust back into the otter, giving him the same enlightening sensation Jamie did. Aspen moaned in the most feminine manner any of them had ever heard. It seemed the otter was quickly diving deep into a more feminine role.

"Aww, you three are so adorable." The tiger commented. The boys on the couch had gained a steady rhythm, and a chorus of moans, groans, and cries of ecstasy floated through the air. Amber watched as her friends and boyfriend fucked each other. Climax was approaching her at blurring speed. Never before had she cum from being fucked so perfectly. And in her ass for once. Jamie had never been up to give her backdoor a good pounding. She was so grateful to have someone who could finally do a man's work on her.

"Oh, god! Oh, fuck! I'm...I'm gonna cum, daddy!" The she-wolf screamed over the boys' moans. Her body shook in the tiger's arms as she finally came. She squealed in unconstrained ecstasy. A musty stream of clear fluid leaped from her spasming pussy, landing on the coffee table. Her ragged moans continued as she continued to cum. She was imprisoned in a world of never-ending pleasure while the tiger continued drilling into her relentlessly.

"I'm not done with you yet, dear." He growled into her ear. "You're merely a plaything, girl. And I'll stop when I'm finished playing." Amber's orgasm persisted. The wolf rode each wave like a roller coaster. More squirt shot from her slick cunt, making a mess of the coffee table and hookah.

The three boys were oblivious to the happenings across the room. They were far too occupied exploring their newfound love for one another. Jamie had his arms wrapped around Tom. The two shared an inseparable embrace as the coyote fucked him. Jamie's hands ran over the raccoon's chest, giving his nipples some extra attention.

However, with each thrust of Jamie into Tom, there was an equal and opposite thrust into Aspen. The otter howled and moaned, crossing his arms over the armrest. His body was overwhelmed with a warmth that had swelled into a raging fire. Tom held his hips as he penetrated him over and over.

All three of the boys were experiencing feelings like before. The blend of love for one another as long-time friends and lust for their supple, young adult bodies added such great excitement to the raw physical pleasures they exerted on each other.

"Fuuuccckk, guys...I'm...I'm gonna cum!" Aspen cried out. His cock leaked enough precum to form a small puddle below him.

"M-me...too..." Tom moaned out, sounding like a bitch in heat. For he was experiencing the best of both worlds. To use and be used at once felt divine. His body had become a powder keg of pleasure, and each thrust into Aspen and from Jamie was another spark threatening to ignite him in an explosive orgasm.

Jamie didn't comment or cry out. His mind was clouded by a primal need to breed his friend. He huffed and bit down on the scruff of Tom's neck. The raccoon yipped in surprise as much as arousal.

"Looks like your boyfriend has some man in him after all." The tiger growled to Amber, observing Jamie's state of being while he fucked the ever-orgasming girl.

Jamie growled and forced his knot into Tom, now loose enough to take it. The raccoon cried out. It was all too much for the boy, and that powder keg of sensation finally exploded within him. Tom's ass clenched around Jamie's cock, and his own cock twitched and pulsed, gushing rope after rope of hot seed into Aspen's ass.

"Oh, Fuck!" Aspen cried out. His cock shot its pearl-white load onto the cushion below him, adding to the puddle of his pre. The otter let out one continuous moan with each orgasmic thrust of Tom into his tailhole, filling him up. Soon, his cock ran dry yet persisted in its twitching as Tom's prick hit his love button.

Last but not least, it was Jamie's turn to cum. With the raccoon's ass squeezing his knot tight, he could hold on no longer. The coyote let go of Tom's neck and nuzzled it instead, wanting to be close to his friend when he came.

"Oh, shit...Tom..." He whimpered, all sense of dominance disappearing as he reached a climax like never before. His cock pulsed and pumped Tom's ass full of his canine jizz. Tom reached his hand back to Jamie's face and stroked it tenderly. Jamie bucked his hips while Tom pushed back into him.

"Yeah, Jamie...let it all out in me." The raccoon tilted his head back and to the side. The two boys locked muzzles and shared a passionate kiss, sucking tongues and biting lips. Jamie leisurely humped Tom at a gentle pace while they made out. All three of them had slowed by this time, tired and basking in the afterglow of their threesome.

"Now this is a show...." The tiger huffed. The steamy sight of the boys, too far gone, lost in exploration, finally drove him over the edge. His cock surged within Amber's ass, exploding with his feline man juice. She moaned in orgasmic dismay, and her stomach bulged from the copious volume of the feline's ropes. He let out a long, rumbling growl through his sharp, clenched teeth.

He pumped every last drop into Amber, emptying his balls in her. He let out a long, satisfied sigh and relaxed when he was finished, lessening his hold on Amber and letting the worn-out she-wolf slump forward. Her legs unfurled, and she slid out of his lap with fluidity. Amber's knees fit the floor, and her upper body crashed into the coffee table. Her arms caught her with what little strength remained in her body.

A long, ragged, exhausted moan escaped her as the tiger's massive prick slid free from her. The two panted away, the tiger leaning back in his seat. Cum covered his lap and coated Amber's gaped ass.

"Daddy...that was...Intense..." She murmured between gasps for air.

Across the room, Aspen lay in a puddle of his own cum, cooing, savoring the sensations that still warmed his belly and pelvic region. Jamie and Tom still made out, although Tom had long pulled out of the otter and turned to face his coyote lover better. The tiger looked toward them with tired, half-lidded eyes.

"You guys are a fun group of mammals; you know that?" He mentioned in praise. Aspen looked up wearily from his place.

"Thank you, master...." He cooed. The tiger peered down at his sticky pelt, then looked back at the three on the couch.

"Why don't you boys come and clean me up...with your tongues." He grinned smugly at them as all six of their ears perked. Jamie and Tom stopped making out, and the trio turned their attention to their master. Seeing the sticky, white mess in his lap, they all licked their lips.

"Yes, master!" They cheerfully replied in unison. The trio started to climb off the couch when the tiger pointed to Jamie.

"No, Jamie. I have another task for you." Jamie froze halfway off the couch. The other two continued, kneeling on either side of their master and taking turns running their tongues over his cock and thighs. Jamie looked on with jealousy.

"Don't be jealous, sweetie. Amber here needs a good cleaning too. I want you to take care of that." He pointed to the spend wolf and twirled his finger, gesturing to her sticky mess. Jamie perked up at the task given.

"Of course, master." He started toward the exhausted girl before the tiger corrected him.

"Call me, daddy, boy." He ordered. There was a playful nature to the stern gruffness of his voice. Jamie perked even more at his command.

"Yes, daddy!" He replied cheerfully. Jamie bent down and helped the ravaged wolf to her feet. Amber mumbled to herself as Jamie led her to the empty loveseat. Amber let her upper body rest on the armrest while raising her ass. She lifted her tail, presenting to him what was left by another man.

"Mmmm...clean me, Jamie...." She cooed, half-asleep. She closed her eyes and hummed to herself. "Make me nice and clean for daddy, like a good bitch." Those words sent shivers down Jamie's spine.

The coyote kneeled behind the wolf and bent down to the sticky rump that once, only he could touch. Now, it was daddy's, and it was his job to keep it squeaky clean. The tiger's scent practically overpowered that of Amber's sex and burned gloriously in his nose. Jamie wagged his tail and leaned down to Amber's rear. Extending his tongue, Jamie took a hungry first lick of her glazed hole.

The tiger watched over his new servants with glee, those tending to his crotch and his new bitch, not to mention the bitch, herself. He had grand plans for all four of them. They were merely the first of many that he'd be having over to his summer home.

"So, which one of you boys wants to be first to ride daddy's cock?" He asked to the excited faces of Tom and Aspen. He snickered and petted their heads. "Tell you what, whichever one of you can cum first from sucking the other off, you can be the first to ride me." The two boys looked at each other, tails wagging in anticipation.

It was going to be a long and wild day for all of them.

As the afternoon turned to evening and the sun began to go down, the moans emanating from the cabin eventually died down with it. The four friends, having all experienced the love of their master, were told to get dressed and head home, lest someone come looking for them and discovers their master's plan.

The four were told to put on their clothes, fur still sticky with cum and other secretions. They all had their own special buttplug snugly secure in their asses, given to them by their tiger daddy.

The friends stood outside the cabin with their backpacks, bidding their master goodbye. His orders had been simple: one of them would return each weekend with new...guests for the tiger to have fun with and add to his circle of subservient playthings.

"Goodbye, master!" Tom and Aspen called, waving with adoring smiles on their faces.

"Goodbye, daddy!" Jamie and Amber added. Jamie waved goodbye while Amber wiggled her fingers at him playfully and bit her claw seductively. The tiger winked at her.

"I'll see you next weekend. Make sure you invite some of your friends. I always enjoy the" Amber giggled and pivoted her leg.

"Of course, daddy. I'm sure my besties, Brittany and Sarah, will love it here!"

"I'd love to meet them." Their master slyly agreed. "Don't be strangers now. I'll be here all summer."

"Love you!" The four called before turning back toward the path. As they walked the grassy path to the trees, they talked amongst themselves about what their master would have them do the next time they'd visit and how their friends would love to join them.

The four never really finished their hike that day. For a different summit had been climbed that day. They knew their lives had peaked, and nothing could match the love of their master.