Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 18: Being So Focused On Your Enemies That You Forgot To Watch Your Friends

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#18 of Counter Earth - Chaundoon Chronicles: Two Futures


Since evacuating Conquered Counter Earth for another planet elsewhere in the universe, things haven't been easy for the Counter Earth refugees and their newly anointed king. Five months after their arrival, the indigenous life on Chaundoon started behaving uncharacteristically weird as normality came out of balance. The locals dubbed it 'the crazy'. Those present for the S'mar warriors trial in World Seven witnessed it first hand as spectators and the defendants started attacking each other in a big brawl [AND] on Free Counter Earth Alex Winter still smarting from performing the unthinkable in service to the empire, is again contacted by the mysterious mastermind of the new rebellion who delivered a stunning prediction to the disgraced former operative of the knights.

Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities

Chapter 18: Being So Focused On Your Enemies That You Forgot To Watch Your Friends

March 24th YOE [continued]

1:21 PM Council Chambers, Central Tower World Seven (Chaundoon)

"Jua what are you doing?!" King Dragon asked grabbing his beloved. She did not reply. Sorren noticed that there was an emptiness in her stare, a blankness in her expression as she pushed him away and jumped the wall to attack the three bound S'mar warriors on the floor below.

"Your majesty!!" Gia shouted pushing Sorren backward. "It is not safe here!" The barbarian woman barked.

"Ripple what are you doing?!" I shouted at the wounded she dragon. Again she was under the influence of that something that took control of her the morning of her patrol with myself and Chemar. I tried to stop her from attacking Club, Spear and Axe in the center of the council chambers, but was headed butted in for all my efforts. I fell backward toward the wall on to Chemar.


We watched in horror as duchess Jua, Mathias and all the sand dragons who had come to watch the proceedings leaped out of their seats into the center of the room and started attacking the savage warriors.

"NOW THIS IS WHAT I CALL A GOOD TIME!!!" Axe shouted as a dragon chewed through the ropes binding his paws, he then punched, scratched, clawed and otherwise fought his attackers.

(Yeah he would say that.)

"Gia, Song protect the king!" Lady Ursa shouted jumping into the melee as she tried to place herself between Spear and Duchess Jua the later seemed like she was trying to kill the injured feline warrior. Lady Barq joined her rival and friend.

"She may not look it but the leader of the sand folk is quite strong." The badger warrior announced.

"MASHA!" Basil shouted as he copied my fierce ursine warrior's actions and jumped in front of Club to protect him from Mathias.

"Right! The ugly pitbull female said as she confronted the duchess' guard.

Haem and Shira jumped in to try halt the rest of the spectators who also were trying to attack the three S'mar warriors. The octopus monster's numerous limbs did come in handy stopping many sand folk combatants right in their tracks.

The sabertooth tigress was also on crowd control duty trying her best not to injure the combatants.

It was an incredible sight as the sand folk present started punching, kicking, scratching, bitting and mauling the S'mar warriors and the S'mar warriors were attempting to do the same and enjoying it. Even Club who was in a full body cast. Caught within it were the members of the knight core who were in the council chambers and the colony council members themselves. I quickly realized there were more sand folk present then council members, knights and our king.

My mistress started reaching for her sword before it was ripped from her paw and she was buried underneath a pile of sand dragons.


She roared emerging from the pile and started tossing sand folk everywhere. Old, young and in between- any who were possessed and near her. Some hit the walls of the chamber, others were sent into tables and chairs.

Inspired, Rhinox proceeded to do the same as did Barq, Basil and Masha. After the bodies started flying the sand dragons suddenly stopped.

"Everyone stand down!" Rhinox shouted.

"Is it over?!" Shira asked looking around.

Chemar and I were looking at the S'mar warriors who we also realized had succumb to the possession.

"Sorren, Song, Gia are you ok?" I asked picking myself up off the floor.

"Fine little buddy, but Jua and the others..."

"It is the crazy." I warned.

"It ain't over yet." Gia grumbled.

That was when the sand dragons present stood up, looked around the council room like they were assessing the situation and then turned on each other!

"This is insane!" Chemar shouted.

"WOO HAH!!!" Axe feeling further exhilarated shouted.

"Stay down your majesty!!" Gia warned as Song pushed our king back to the wall.

"Well, it could be worse." King Dragon surmised as Gia and Song looked at him. "It is only paw to paw combat at the moment. As long as they stick to physical attacks and not... OH NO!!!"

I had just enough time to watch Mathias, Jua and several others take deep breaths and then exhale using their whirlwind attack.

A sand tornado formed right there within the council chambers!! That thing was tall, wide and huge!!! I was sucked upward and spat out into the hallway face down right onto something very cushiony and very soft. For me it was like an personal portable airbag however, it was attached to a spotted tail. No! It was Axe's butt. ICK!! Nice looking posterior though. He apparently was also tossed by the vortex and had landed on the hallway floor a second before I did.


"I have never seen that before!! Such cunning prey!!" He said standing up ready to go back into the chambers for more. I rolled off him and onto the floor which did wonders for my sprained arm.

"This is your idea of a good time?!" I said standing up joining him as we observed the vortex and its inhabitants going around and around and around inside it.

"Tch!!" He said rolling his head as if preparing for another fight.

It took all my willpower not to head back inside to rescue my mistress, Sorren, Jua, Chemar, Mathias and the rest of my friends.

"I get it, this is your way of life- all you have ever known." I concluded as I started limping toward the stairs.

"Where are you going meatball?!"

"I have to put a stop to this or people are going to die!" I shouted.

"Oh really? They are all that fragile?" The savage asked curiously.

That statement!!! HMPH!!!

"You may not understand this in that aggressive warrior mind of yours- but those that are in that room are my loved ones, family and friends; Axe, they are MY tribe and not fodder for your entertainment!"

The savage was silent for a moment.

"Your tribe did not cause the crazy."

"You are just realizing that now?! What has my leadership been saying for the last hour?! Never mind!" I returned to limping toward the stairwell before I was unceremoniously picked up.

"Which way?" He asked me.

1:39 PM Infirmary.

"Let's take a look at you Oliver." Lilly Blossom said as she ran the triangular scanner over Mr. Justice. "You seem to be healing nicely after your encounter with the storm cloud."

"You too Theresa." Shakara said as she scanned the red headed wildlife researcher.

I limped into medical dropping at the feet of vampire bat who was putting in some extra hours that afternoon while our boss was out in the field.

"Alex Winter can I assist you with something?" Nezera asked.

"Help!!!" I shouted as Axe entered the room and helped me up.

"What is wrong little cutie?" My lioness asked looking up at the S'mar warrior. "What is that doing in here? Not that I mind though...

(That was such a Shakara statement.)

"Your tribe meeting being held below... it is not." Axe said.

"What happened?" The goat lady asked.

"It was the crazy!" It infected the sand folk and the S'mar who were on trial!" I blurted out. "The all turned on each other!! There is a massive brawl happening in the council chambers!!!"

"I don't think so Alex." Mr. Justice replied. "The specimen you brought back with you seems unaffected."

I stood up and turned around. "That is right the duchess, Mathias and the sand folk who were in attendance started attacking Spear and Club and Spear and Club started fighting them but you were unaffected- why?"

Axe shrugged his shoulders.

"We will figure that out later we have to end the fighting now!!"

"Nezera how many can you hypnotize at one time?" The lioness asked the vampire bat.

"Not that many." She replied.

"Looks like we will have to sedate them all then." Lilly Blossom said going to a cabinet.

"How are you going to do that?" My lioness asked.

"We." The medicine lady replied correcting her.

"Um, how?" I asked as Axe looked on.

"A project I have been working on since the blood flies invaded." Lilly Blossom said pulling out a box from a cabinet.

"That looks quite heavy." Theresa said.

"It is." The goat lady replied.

"Axe will carry it." I said.

"I will? Why?" The savage asked.

"Because you, Club and Spear owe me and my tribe a big apology." I said grabbing his paws. "And because I said so!"

"You probably have an unlimited supply of that liquid you used on me as well." Axe said looking at Oliver, Theresa, Nezera, Shakara and Lilly Blossom.

"He does." My lioness replied.

"Yes, yes, I will carry that box and help out anyway I can." The S'mar warrior replied.

We quickly headed back to the council chambers prepared to face the sand dragon's whirlwind attack in order to sedate everyone present and to stop the melee.

As we entered the room the vortex had ceased. So had all fighting- there were bodies lying everywhere.

"NO, NO, NO, NO!!!" I shouted running over to my mistress. I found her underneath Duchess Jua and two other sand folk spectators.

"I am alright pet, see to the others."

"She is a tough old bird." The badger warrior next to her said emerging from underneath several more sand dragons who were piled onto her.

"Who are you calling old?"

"Get off!" Basil growled tossing Spear to his side. The S'mar warrior was quite still.

"Rhinox!" Nezera said checking on the wounded rhino.

"UGHT!" The commander groaned coming to.

"Lie still you have been injured." The vampire bat announced.

"How bad?"

"You had your butt kicked." She said a matter of factly.

"I figured as much." The commander replied.

"No really there is foot-paw print on your bottom... and your horn has been sheared off."

"Say what?!" The rhino said touching his snout.

"Ripple, Masha, Haem, lie still." Shakara said focusing on the octopus monster who was now short several limbs.

"King Dragon!!" Lilly Blossom said checking on the dragon who had been pinned under two council members.

"He is fine." Song announced.

"Gia!!" Shira screamed. "She is not breathing!!"

"Spear! Wake up!" Axe said shaking his comrade.

"We have more casualties!" Mathias said checking on the spectators.

7:23 PM King's Chambers

"Jua how are you feeling?" Sorren asked his significant other.

"Violated." The sand folk's leader replied staring out the window.

Sorren joined her.

"It was like I was a spectator in my own body. I was aware of my actions, but could not willingly act."

"Well what ever it was you, your subjects and the S'mar warriors came out of it- eventually." The dragon king said trying to fixate on the positive.

"Umbeo is not responsible for attacking our village." Duches Jua concluded. Whatever this is that overtook us and the stone folk is."

"If I didn't see it with my own eyes I would have said the entity that took over my planet was here on Chaundoon." The goofy dragon said to his love.

"Sorren, answer truthfully how bad is it?"

"Many, many, many injuries, Spear was killed as well as two from your tribe and Gia from the colony council is in bad, bad shape." The red dragon replied.

"I and my subjects will depart first thing in the morning." The duchess replied.

King Dragon thought for a minute. "No."

"But Sorren we are a danger to you! To everyone! There is no telling if what hit us will return and when! Or if it can spread to you!"

"Jua, you and your tribe have been nothing but kind to us. Besides it wasn't you it was the crazy."

"But what if it happens again? It could be worse next time!" She said turning to him.

"We will have to adapt then. Besides not everyone from this planet was affected. One of the S'mar warriors did not succumb to the crazy. He has agreed to be studied to see why that is so as well as their leader who did succumb."

"Very well, I will also submit myself, Mathias and Ripple for study, what about in the short term?"

"Everyone in the city is on high alert, I have ordered that weapons are to be on all persons at all times just in case." King Dragon announced.

10:16 PM Lady Ursa's Bedroom

"Shakara! Please!" Lady Ursa said as the horny lioness continued scanning her, well mostly feeling her up.

"Yes, big cutie- you are big, rough and tough but you were also injured."

"Shakara they are only bruises, there are many more who need to be healed."

"The medical staff has seen and treated all those that were injured- that just leaves you." My devious person said to my perfect person.

"Besides, if you would just let her finish scanning you mistress, she will make them go away."

"Fine. Let's talk about something else then. I heard Penny and Psi returned from their away mission."

"Yeah they had quite a interesting visit with the marsh folk." I replied. "They also saw the damage to the council chambers."

"Boris is going to be spending a lot of time repairing that." My perfect person replied as our lioness started repairing her bruises.

Just then there was a knock on our front door. I decided to leave my lovers to answer it. On the other side of the door was Penny Penguin.

"Penny what brings you here at this late hour?" I asked my supervisor.

She had quite a somber expression on her face.


"I was on my way to talk to Basil and Shira."

"To tell them what?" I asked.

"Alex... Gia did not survive her injuries."


One of the three leaders of World Six and the hidden colony had died protecting King Dragon from the sand folk and S'mar warriors big brawl as a result of the crazy.

11:59 PM S'mar Nation (Three Rivers Pride's Territory)

It was near midnight when Naomi awoke from her slumber by Saber's snoring. Apparently he had had a busy day maiming and slaughtering his enemies. Afterwards he ate dinner and was bathed by Annette and herself before nodding off; he was out like a light.

Unfortunately not Naomi despite lying right next to the vicious warrior with an incredibly buff bod that would make a body builder jealous- his snoring was hard to get used to. She looked around the the large hut she shared with him and Annette. Some how Annette was able to sleep through it. Must have been practice.

For some reason she couldn't. More things to get used to, just like the incident this afternoon. Naomi still had lingering guilt and embarrassment after vomiting in front of the tribe. Well, it wasn't entirely her fault- she felt queasy after some warriors were showing off their new necklaces. It was when she learned that they were made from the bones of their victims that she lost her constitution and everything came up for all the world to see.

It was true that these savages disliked taking prisoners in their fights, skirmishes and battles it was easier to just to kill them and wear their remains as some sort of jewelry.

(Apparently the value of a life isn't worth much around here) Naomi thought to herself as she stood up and limped quietly to the window of the hut.

This planet she found herself on had some really stunning beauty that Counter Earth didn't; it was going to take some getting used to seeing three moons in the night sky. Yeah and the temperature here made here realize why clothing was optional, especially within this tribe mostly due to the two suns which made the days rather warm.

(I wonder if there is such a thing as winter?) She thought to herself as her eyes locked onto something in the distance. It looked like a multicolored humanoid being with long antlers and flames all around its body. No sooner had she eyed it, it disappeared.

(What was that?!)

There was so much that she did not understand about this strange new world she found herself on.

"Thinking about fleeing?" A male voice said as a muscular arm wrapped itself around her torso.

"Well I was just thinking about how far I could limp with my arrival injuries. After I escaped I would then need to figure out what areas of the planet are safe to inhabit and then after all that, I will need to figure out what is edible, what isn't." The teen replied without thinking.

The feline warrior then placed his tongue to her forehead.


"No sign of a fever." The leader of the Three Rivers Pride said looking down at her. "But you are starting to sound rather delirious."

"It was sarcasm master." Ms. Good said to her keeper.

"Oh?! I thought as much, you know that your life belongs to me." He rumbled kissing her on her forehead.

"Yes, I know sir."

"So why are you awake at this hour?" Saber asked his slave.

"I am fascinated by the moons and the stars master."

"Are they that different from where you are from girl?"

"Yes." Naomi said turning to face him.

"Well perhaps one night we will spend time looking at them together. Now back to sleep wench. Tomorrow is a full day." Saber said picking up the freckled teen.

"It is?" Naomi asked her master.

"It is." The savage said lying down next to Annette and pulling Naomi on top of him. "I have enemies to slaughter and a few more prides to conquer."

Naomi squeaked as she laid her head on his furred chest while her hips gently brushed his penis and testicles. She soon felt a clawed paw caressing her backside.

March 25th YOE

12:33 AM Ms. Una's home World Seven (Chaundoon)

"Angi what are you doing up at this hour?" Yogi asked stopping at the teen's room.

"Reading." The former faux beagle replied lost in a book.

The young yeti had noticed for the last couple months the human girl hadn't been too talkative. He had wondered why- her beagle costume she wore when traveling with the nomadic colony had been destroyed prior to her arrival here and she had been forced to come to terms with her humanity. She even partook in counseling sessions with Ms. Una.

All that had led to her being very quiet and withdrawn even after the naga had taken both of them in.

Yogi returned to his room. Before blowing out the candle he looked out the window expecting to see a knight patrol. Everyone in the city was on edge since the sand folk had succumb to the crazy yesterday.

Instead of seeing the expected, the manufactured toy saw the unexpected- a white candid being with six eyes staring right at him from just across the street. The creature was a quadruped with three tails and very pronounced head and white fur. He blinked and then it disappeared.

(What was that?)

"Angi!! I saw something I can't explain!!" Yogi shouted running into the teenager's room.

"Oh?" She said looking up from her book.

"It was a six eyed, three tailed white dog of some sort. It was starring at me from across the street."

"That is just a Bound, they are mountain guardians that inhabit this region. They usually bring good luck." Angi said returning to her book.

"Um, how do you know that?" The amazed yeti asked.

To Be Continued....


March 24th YOE [continued]

1:21 PM Lady Ursa's Lair, Castle Wundagore (Counter Earth)

After leaving the loading dock and prototype nine, I couldn't return to my chores; I was transfixed on what that mysterious individual had conveyed to me via video message.

He or she insinuated that I would also become one of the second class citizens who decided to leave the empire. Although not necessarily on one of those caravans which have been keeping Lady Ursa, Lady Vermin, Sir Ram and the rest of the knight core busy.

Still all this left me with questions. I sat down on the sectional sofa and called up the virtual keyboard and then started combing through the hub for news:

Search term -> rebellion

The rebellion on Counter Earth consisted of many rebel groups who were trying to depose the High Evolutionary. There were several including separatists, dissidents, alarmists, rebels and anarchists to name a few. All were annihilated by December 31, YOE 33. A male centaur reporter reported.

(Ok, not exactly what I was searching for.)

Search term -> new rebellion

No results found. In the year and a half since, the empire has enacted new protocols to quash any further dissension from its human citizens. The reporter continued. If you are human and don't like your existence underneath our high master tough!

(Ok, goose egg on that one. What if I restated the query?)

Search term -> the new resistance

No results found.


Search term -> mysterious leader of the new resistance

No results found.

(Wrong again.)

It would appear that the empire is not aware of this new threat to its existence or its mysterious leader who has reached out to me several times now. Could it be that who ever they are they have gone to great lengths to hide their existence? That person said that unlike the previous attempts this new resistance will succeed.

(Well they are off to a great start.)

Based on what I have witnessed their abilities are quite impressive. I mean they have reached out to me through various methods including using two of the knights' weapons (twice.) That was quite ballsy. Wait a minute! The knight's weapons!

(Perhaps. Just perhaps...)

I ran out of the lair and fast walked back to the location of my latest communication; I returned to the loading doc and prototype nine which I found locked tighter than a drum.

"Why is the dome locked?!" I hissed underneath my breath.

*Because you are not authorized to access to this vehicle Mr. Winter.* The automated assistant said chastising me. ** **

"But I was just inside!"

*I have no record of that.*

"Wait, wait, automated assistant you have no recollection of what transpired here almost two hours ago?"


"You don't remember contacting me within Lady Ursa's lair about a incoming communication from a mysterious someone?"

*No. Alex Winter is there a reason why you are trying to enter this prototype?*

"That is precisely why I am trying to gain entrance to the prototype!" I shout-whispered. "I have questions that need answering- who is this individual who keeps contacting me? With everyone else on this planet why have they shown an interest in me? Have they reached out to anyone else?"

(Further, that person seemed to allude to knowing that Sir Ram had altered the timeline.)

*That is not a sufficient reason.* The automated assistant retorted.

"Hey!! I killed in the name of the empire you piece of buckets and bolts! Let's just say I want to look at the official report of the incident to learn more about what caused it."

*That is sufficient reason Mr. Winter*.

A gleam in my eyes formed as the dome of the white coupe opened offering me access to the co-pilot seat. I sat down and immediately accessed the co-pilot monitor and keyboard.

*Here is the information you requested.*

I glanced over the names and faces of those who attacked Sir Ram and myself that night on patrol.

"Alright what information do you have on that person who video texted me this morning?"

*I do not have any data on that event Mr. Winter.*

"What about the first time they reached out to me March 8th, that evening I went to that bazaar with my mistress and Lady Vermin?"

*No data.*

"And the subsequent times since- before a session with Sir Ram and in the lair during a hub news broadcast?"

*Unfortunately nothing Mr. Winter.*

"Well damn! So they are quite confident that they can infiltrate the empire at a very high level undetected. That was more than what the previous rebellion was able to do. Very interesting. Even more interesting, they can cover their tracks."

(So if they can access two prototypes from the knight core- can they access them all?)

Despite my numerous inquiries, the automated assistant had no information to give me. That was when I decided to perform a sanity check by examining dossier files the empire has on its citizens.

"Automated assistant search interspecies relationships with cross references to um, ah Ananias Gorilla and Renee Kinds."

**Ananias Gorilla Member of The Gladiator Wrestling League currently dating Renee Kinds a struggling actress. The couple have fallen deeply in love. *

Ananias has moved into Renee's domicile becoming quite intimately involved with her. The couple mate twice a day. Renee prefers to be on the bottom. While initially not impressed with Ananias' small testicles, she loves being penetrated by his penis, wrapping her arms around him while he makes love to her.

*At the moment of climax Ananias screeches like a monkey much to Renee's delight. At the conclusion of copulation Ananias likes to cuddle often falling asleep inside Renee. Renee enjoys this post coitus event as well as being filled by her gorilla's vicious semen.* *

"My that was quite detailed. Automated assistant search interspecies relationships with cross references to Lady Ursa and Alex Winter."

*Lady Ursa. Senior Knight Of Wundagore and one of the strongest knights of the empire. Currently involved with Alex Winter a human male from an alternate reality although the relationship has cooled off some what after Alex Winter had been accused of being a pre-rebel and was imprisoned for a year by the High Evolutionary.

*Presently Mr. Winter in being reconditioned with the hope of resuming his former prominence within the empire. It doubtful that this will come to pass. The couple's relationship has been rocky as of late; Alex Winter's freedom have been highly restricted. *

*The couple's sexual activity is minimal due to Lady Ursa's schedule and her anger at her lover's transgression against the empire. When the couple do mate Alex Winter is often on the bottom...* *

"Thank you automated assistant." I said blushing.

(Thank goodness no one was around to hear that.)

"It would appear that most of the empire's dossier on me is correct."

*What do you mean most Mr. Winter?*

"The last couple of times my mistress and I mated, I was on top- she was on the bottom." I said returning to typing.

*Shall I update your records?*

"Ah no." I said scanning the knight reports. "The empire doesn't need to know everything." That was when I came across one report from World Three February 28th of this year. A junior knight was investigating an illegal product ring in the basement by himself and was nearly killed by its operators.

That indeed was a rookie move. The outfit initiated a white explosion erasing all signs of their presence with the exception of a pad. Knights Biff and Looper combed the pad which was devoid of all information with the exception of a single name Deer-feeder.

"Automated assistant were the Knights of Sevren ever able to ascertain who this Deer-feeder is?"

*Negative Mr. Winter.*

"Hmm... very interesting...."

1:39 PM The Professor Love's classroom

"Afternoon students and welcome to study period... where are Minka and Arthur?"

The otter lady asked the two students in the room.

"I think Arthur had a prior commitment." The rabbit girl replied.

"Would it be related to the paranormal?" She asked.

"He didn't say- I think it was something about a meeting." The white furred cat boy replied.

"I see, and Minka?" The professor asked.

"Research." Cody replied.

"Very well." The she otter replied. "I see Milo and Panda Lee are running late again."

"Actually they aren't coming either." Primrose volunteered.

"Did they say why?"

"I think it has to do with that student that disappeared while on a field trip to the technology museum." Cody responded.

"I did hear about it, Naomi Good entered the museum but did not leave it." The professor said approaching her seated students.

"Well that is the official story." The rabbit replied.

"There is another version miss Willow?"

"Well, there is a rumor going around that her disappearance was caused by an invention that was being demonstrated that afternoon." The adult cat masquerading as a teen replied.

"Goodness! That I did not hear about." The she otter replied.

"Minka, thought that there was some type of cover up. Milo agreed." The adult rabbit also masquerading as a teen replied.

At that point the otter lady started to get the picture.

"I suspect that the Ghost Hunters are conducting their own investigation with the assistance of the Alien Hunters quietly." Professor Love replied. "Very well take out your pads and let's review fourth dimensional calculus. I also heard a rumor that you have a big test tomorrow."

As the Time Hunters were about to begin their study session Primrose's cube sounded.

"One moment professor." The rabbit girl said as she answered it.

"Primrose Willow." A small aardvark said appearing on screen.


"I am Cinder from the Consortium For Mutual Co-existence."

"I am aware of your organization. You have been beneficial to the community at large." The rabbit replied.

"Well thank you. We have a friend in common and I am conducting some research for them on a delicate personal matter. I would like to speak to you as soon as possible." The aardvark stated.

"How about now?!" The white furred cat asked.

"That would be divine." The short aardvark replied.

"Sorry professor- it looks like something came up too." Cody said grabbing Primrose by her paw and running out of the classroom much to the Otter lady's surprise.

To Be Continued....

Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 14: Puzzles, Riddles and Enigmas With No Answers

Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities **Chapter 14: Puzzles, Riddles and Enigmas With No Answers ** March 22nd YOE 35 8:00 AM Wundagore Castle (Free Counter Earth) _With the empire's inability to track its second class citizens, the...

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