Full Moon at Midnight

Story by MostWantedFox on SoFurry

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#1 of Short Stories

A wolf named Rob who is walking to a store on the streets at midnight

Meet Rob the bipedal gray wolf. He's currently walking to the store to grab groceries. Rob is shorter than his kin, only reaching to Five foot four inches. He is a darker colored wolf with an almost deepslate fur coat. He wears what looks to be a jet black leather biker's jacket with a symbol of an orange fox stitched elegantly into the back of the jacket. He wears ripped and tattered jeans that seem to be worn down by use rather than fabricated to look that way. He keeps his head down when he walks and has little to no emotion while he saunters along.

While he travels to the store he actually takes some time and looks around at his surroundings, and looks at the same old and tattered streets in the same old and broken city. The wolf looks at the buildings with all the cracks in the exterior; then moves his attention to the roads and sidewalks noticing the cracks in the streets, and in some places noticing the places where they tried to fill in the holes but over time new holes were formed; just like the cracks he feels deep within himself. He looks over to the people... oh wait what people? It's early in the morning, Fenrir only knows what time it is tonight. He looks up towards the sky and realizes what time of the month it is. "Full moon" he somewhat huffs out. Knowing what that means for the city's inhabitants; shit is going to get bad.

The full moon amplifies the emotions of all the different races in Wolvesville. Fortunately most of them lock themselves away on the most dangerous night of the month, but the ones who don't purposely lock themselves away, are the ones you watch out for. Rob realizes what mistake he has made, but with little self respect for himself, and his safety, he continues on his mission. Rob trudges down the road until he reaches the store and opens the door. It's your typical drug store with all the goodies that come in one. He grabs the stuff he wanted and places them in front of the counter. It's a red fox with a collar around his throat with the words Toy written on it. Rob genuinely gags on the inside as the man? Woman? He could never tell with foxes, starts check him out.

"Hey, how you doing this evening Darlin?" says Toy.

"Alright" Rob says begrudgingly

The fox leans on the counter, "rough night to be out."

"Yeah it really wasn't my choice I needed some stuff,"

The Fox looks at what he puts up on the counter and has a sly grin, "So have some plans with a lover or somethin?"

Rob's face turns a bright red, and he has a shocked expression on his face yet he regains his composure, "Uhhh. Yeah?"

"Oh so that's why you are out on a full moon. I assume you have plans for later tonight?" Toy says with enthusiasm leaning even closer.

Rob freezes up a bit, and thinks to himself, What the hell is this person's problem? He then speaks, "Uh no actually just restocking supplies,"

"Oh I see," he says seductively.

The fox pounces on the wolf, the wolf is stunned in disbelief at what's occurring. The fox starts to take off their own clothes, and it's previous obvious what his intentions are. The fox then takes off his shirt and looks down and a loud ring of a gunshot hits the fox in the head, and Rob darts around to notice the threat. It seems to be a hyena-like abomination. It cackles like squeaky brakes. Rob pushes the corpse off of his body and runs over to a shelf, chest rising and falling multiple times per second, and labored breaths with a bit of puffs of mist escape his muzzle while he tries to keep a level head. The cackles echo throughout the room making it difficult to tell where the lunatic is coming from. Rob realizing what's happening decides to close his eyes to hear exactly where the foul creature is located. He listens in and figures out he is slowly walking towards the unmoving lust driven fox. The wolf then hides near the fox sensing the murderer's intentions. The Yeen comes close to the fox and examines the body, and lets out a cackle from hell, seeming to be pleased with his marksmanship. He then starts to peel off the fox's clothes and then the hellspawn starts to do the same. Rob looking through one of the shelves assumes his intention and he thinks even in a moment where his life is at stake, It seems like the fox is getting exactly what he wanted. Even if it wasn't under the circumstances he wanted.

Rob strengthens his resolve and realizes that these are the types of people he hates: the people who take from others and take away others' free will. He uses all the broken cracks in his soul and the constant pain that exists, and creates new life inside himself. His mind becomes blank as he is filled with anger and malice towards the assailants. He isn't in a store; he's back where the issues all began. He was a young pup who was too naive and trusting and he trusted the wrong people in life, and that caused all the issues he had to this day. Someone did unspeakable things to him when he was young, and he never forgot the moments even when he should've. They caused the cracks. Rob's brain starts to see the woman who raped him right in front of him. That guy with a gun no wait. The girl that shot the fox. It was her right? He doesn't care, filled with rage and revenge he runs over and bites the neck of Rob's rapist then a shot rings out... then another... then another... until there's no red left in his vision and it fades to black.

Incident report E-621

_On the night of the full moon on [redacted] ** ** There was what looks to be an armed robbery at a drugstore in Wolvesville. It seems that one of the employees was shot in the head, and is nude. We did a search on the fox's body and realized that they were penetrated by someone/something.There's another body found right next to a wolf who has a deep gray coat; it seems to have been shot multiple times at point blank range in the chest. There's also a blood trail of what seems to be the armed suspect who was found dead in the back room. The man in the backroom is a spotted hyena. There's a bite mark that seems to be the cause of death. This indent matches perfectly with the one of the wolf. The assailant in the backroom had his shorts unzipped. The suspect is most likely the one who penetrated the fox. The deceased positions make sense besides the fox who is in the middle of the room. _

Conclusion: Further analysis required.