project wolfsoul: chpt 9: pity

Story by Caesar the Dog on SoFurry

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#9 of project wolfsoul

well, what do you guys think? please comment. if there's anything i could've done better what was it? if you'd just like to tell me that i'm an awesome writer then all power to you =P


"dude, I'm bored. How much further is it?" John was complaining like it was his last day on earth

"John! We're almost there! Look! There's the sign saying that we've entered the city" I said pointing out the sign to John.

"thank god for that. I'm tired" I rolled my eyes typical John. He loves to sleep. I personally think that sleep is a waste of time. Time that could be spent looking for Arctic and jess.

As a wolf I started to notice things I wouldn't have as a human... there were so many people on the streets selling issues of 'the big issue' just to get there next meal.

Sitting there... with nothing but the clothes on their backs and a thin blanket. And yet no one would help them... it sickened me to see such sights.

I walked on, knowing I couldn't do anything. That also upset me. Soon I was walking towards the centre of town. I almost walked into a Muslim who was just leaving the local mosque. He apologized for almost walking into me... this made me think. Why? Why would someone apologize to a wolf that was walking down a street?

"WE'RE SICK OF YOU FUCKING TERRORISTS! GO HOME!" I turned 'round and saw the man being harassed by a couple of skin headed teens. How could they have the nerve to even think about accusing him of being a terrorist? If anyone's a fucking terrorist it's them. I growled angrily at them and they immediately backed off.

"yeah that's right! Fuck off you racist bastards!" I had seen this many times as a human. But I just didn't have the balls to do anything about it. But now things have changed. I helped this man. This man I didn't know. And It felt good.

"that was brave, man." John approved of my actions. He, very much like myself hates injustice. And that was certainly injustice. "yet extremely stupid. Those guys could of ripped you a new one. You're lucky they both pissed off."

The man knelt down and stroked my head "thank you, young wolf." he stood up and walked away. I watched as he disappeared into the crowd. I turned and walked away. Weaving in and out of pedestrians, John behind me.

"so we just keep going until someone takes us to what's her name and the one you have a serious crush on."

"Jess and Arctic. And yes that's the plan."

John laughed "pretty shit plan."

"yeah... but do you have another one? And going home isn't an option any more."

"I guess I don't really have a plan." I heard john's stomach rumble "bloody hell, I'm hungry. The last time we ate was in Germany."

now that John mentioned it. I too, was hungry. And good food was preferable. My last meal was drenched in piss. "feel like burger king?"

john had an amused look on his face "and how are we going to pay for burger king? Unless the heartless bastards put some folding in these envelopes, we have nothing."

"silly John. Don't you know how much they chuck out?" I motioned to a young adult who was tipping bags of rubbish into a big bin before walking back into the fast food restaurant.

"are you being serious? There's no way I'm eating from the rubbish!"

"would you to eat tonight?"

"well of course I would!" he moaned "I'm starving."

"eat up then." I walked over to the bin and jumped up into it. A minute later I jumped back off again with a half eaten chicken royale in my mouth. I put it on the floor and motioned to the bin "your turn."

he looked up at the bin "i don't even like burger king!"

"me neither! But you need to eat. So eat up!" I finished my meal. "I'm going to go look for somewhere for us to sleep" I wandered off.

"have fun!" John called after me.

I walked around the corner into the town centre. My eyes scanning for anywhere that would shelter me and John from the elements. Like rain. A drop of rain landed on my head. I looked up as more drops fell, soon it was pouring it down. I started running, looking for that perfect place. Looking left and right. Then I skidded to a stop and looked at two shops with an alleyway between them. And the roofs of the shops connected in the middle. "Well, this'll do nicely" I sat down in a corner. "Ha! Brilliant!"

I noticed some cardboard boxes. I walked over to them and dragged them to my corner. I flattened them to make a bed of sorts. My ears flattened as I heard people laughing and swearing. "what a bunch of wankers. Aww... did the little doggy scare the poor little babies?" there were choruses of laughs from everyone apart from the two who I had scared off.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! IT WAS A FUCKING WOLF!" this got more laughs from the group.

"a wolf?! What? In England?" I shrunk into the corner. If I was lucky they wouldn't notice me. Lucky... I hadn't been lucky for a long time... and I had a feeling my luck wasn't about to change.

"look! There it is! The wolf" the group all suddenly sported amazed and shocked looks apart from the two. They had pissed off looks on their faces. "look mutt. We don't like people fucking with us. Your going to pay. And since you don't have no cash. We're going to have to take something else."

shit! I was backed into the corner and I couldn't get away. They surrounded me and started walking closer, grinning all the time. I tried growling and sticking my fur up on end to make me look intimidating. I realised that my attempts were in vain as they laughed and one leapt forward, lashing out at me with a foot. It connected with my stomach and the group laughed as a little whine left my muzzle.

"aww... did that hurt? I should hope so. That's the fucking Idea." I curled up to try and protect myself. Didn't do much good though. They just dragged me out of my corner and started kicking me all over.

They continued the onslaught for what seemed like hours. They just kept on going. Relentless. Again and again and again. Feet connecting with my form. But then they all stopped. I waited for a minute then uncurled my self. Yet another mistake. Someone grabbed my muzzle and held it against the floor. Someone else grabbed my front legs and two people grabbed my back legs and spread them.

I struggled more. I had no idea what they wanted to do but I had a pretty good idea... I quickly latched my tail over my genitals. My fears were confirmed when someone yanked it out of the way and held it there. "no! Don't!" this came out as a sort of whimpering cry. Everybody was laughing. Everybody was laughing at me.

One of the two then started to fondle my ball sack. Confusion, anger, hatred and disgust washed over me like a tsunami. "STOP DOING THIS TO ME YOU FUCKING BASTARDS!" this came out as a growl. More laughter. I hated these people. I really wanted to... my thought train was derailed as the young adult squeezed my balls. I was surprised someone hadn't heard my cries. I hoped someone would soon. He let go of my sack and started running his hand up and down my sheath. He laughed as the others chanted. Their chanting drumming into my head. "red rocket! Red rocket!"

I looked at my sheath from the corner of my eye. I saw the tip sticking out the end. I yipped in pain and frustration as he flicked it. He just kept going. Some people say that when someone pisses them off they hate their guts... I don't hate these guys' guts... I fucking hate all of them.

More of my penis slipped out of it's sheath. I shivered as cold wind blew over my knot. Then. I felt that feeling. That feeling that I used to enjoy. The feeling that I used to associate with Arctic. I had many feelings that I associated with the love of my new life. Love, happiness, loyalty and the feeling of just about to orgasm to name a few. And the feeling now wasn't love or loyalty and it certainly wasn't happiness. Oh no. it was about to cum.

They laughed as I blew my load over my chest they then picked me up and carried me back over to my makeshift bed where they threw me down and left me there. I watched as they walked away laughing. My eyes drooped. Everything got dark and then everything went black.

project wolfsoul: chpt 10: All pain is gone

All pain is gone I slowly opened my eyes... god my head hurt... for that matter my everything hurt. I looked about... my eyes still fuzzy and unfocused.. what was clear was that I wasn't in the alley on the cardboard bed... and waking up's a good...


full metal lingerie: chpt 1: the recruit

Full metal lingerie. I looked out the window of the armoured bmw X5, Watching as snow covered trees went past. In the wing mirrors I could see the other cars in the convoy and a troop carrier. The driver of the X5 was a malamute wearing aviator...

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project wolfsoul: chpt 8: how far would you go?

please comment and tell me what you think. i love to hear from you guys. whether it's a "well done man!" or a "if you did this it would be better" and if you rate please tell me what you rated and why you rated it that. cheers! How far would you...
