Doe v. Wave 2 - Making Ends Meet

Story by Wildebunny on SoFurry

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#2 of Doe v. Wave

One month passed and she hadn't heard from the fox since. It was too good to be true anyway. She just had to make ends meet on her own.

However, her clothes vanished when she was in the process of closing a deal with some rabbits. She dropped the flower pot she was trying to sell and dashed out of the house. Now, she had a bone to pick with the fox.

It was humiliating when her clothes vanished mid-way through a sale. She had no way to contact him so she resolved to go to his last known location at the Skyridge Hotel. What made it worse was that she had no clothes that she could wear in her car. Someone could even call the cops for public indecency. It was a miracle that no one did the first time already.

Driving while naked was a unique experience that she felt like her car had to be sanitized to feel clean again. It didn't take her too long to reach the hotel parking lot without incident. She steeled herself mentally for a few minutes before entering.

By just stepping outside, it didn't take long for her to overhear some whispers. The only thing she had to cover herself was her purse.

Unfortunately, an eagle stopped her once she entered the hotel. "You cannot come in here like this, miss."

"I have to see the fox that lives on the top floor," Jane said.

"My apologies. Allow me to escort you there."

The effect was immediate that the subtle whispers about her ceased. He escorted her inside the elevator and stayed with her until it reached the top floor. Without caring if she even stayed up here, the eagle went on his way.

The door to the room wasn't locked so she went inside.

"What's the big idea?" Jane shouted while she stepped further into the room. "My clothes vanished while I was selling flowers."

"You're a pretty one."

Jane turned her head to see a lion. He dressed as if he was part of the mob. "What are you doing here?" she said.

"We're here to collect money that he owes. You can help pay off his debt."

"And why would I do that?"

It was then that Jane realized that four lions surrounded her. One wore a black hat; another had a pair of shoes on.

"Get on all fours," a lion wearing a black captain's hat commanded.

"No!" Jane couldn't believe they would be so bold as to rape her in this hotel.

"I love it when they play hard to get," a third lion said.

A lion pounced on her. The one wearing a hat started unzipping his trousers. She could see his massive cock.

"Start licking," the lion with a hat said.

She could smell his musk as the cock was inches from her face.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Arioch said.

Jane couldn't believe she heard the fox's voice. "Save me please."

"There's no need for all this unpleasantness."

The lions allowed her to move to the fox.

"What are you four doing here?"

"You are late with your credit card payment," a lion said.

"I don't understand."

The lion had to explain the terms of his credit card. Long story short, he owed money.

"Is that all?" Arioch said. "Don't worry about it. I'll give you all the money tomorrow. Now, if you would please leave."

"We'll be watching." The four lions walked out of the room.

Arioch said, "I'm surprised to see you, my dear."

"My clothes vanished while I was closing a deal with rabbits! And I nearly got raped by those lions," Jane said.

"I didn't realize that would happen," Arioch said. "My sincere apologies for those lions. Are you hurt?"

"You arrived just in time." Jane realized that her fury towards the fox dissipated since he saved her.

"I guess here's where you leave and we don't see each other for ten months?" Arioch said.

"Unless, if you have a better idea?"

"Maybe," Arioch said. "Remember how I offered that you can spend money to speed up the process? I just realized that you can do the same with your body. Your mouth should be quite effective."

"Out of the question!" Jane couldn't believe he would ask something like that. She recently lost her mate. This fox was immoral. "You creep."

"Really? Even if I can change the date of the case to next week?"


Clothes appeared around Jane so she was no longer naked.

"That won't do you any favors," she shouted. This did solve her present dilemma. She was no longer naked. Even so, she decided to buy some clothes for herself since the fox's magic was bound to fail again.

Her first stop was the nearby store once again.

"You again," the tiger security guard said as she walked in.

"I'm not here to cause trouble," Jane said.

This time, she managed to buy stuff after picking the items out. She bought the same items that fox conjured up for her. Now, she wouldn't need his magic for clothing. Once she was in her car, she got rid of the magic clothing, putting real ones on.

It had been a month since she reserved a spot in the freezer. Not wanting to delay her mate's passing to the afterlife or pay another month of rental fees, she started searching for a taxidermist online. Caribou Wonderland was willing to provide the service for just a thousand, and it wasn't too far from here.

After one quick drive, she was at the store. Once she walked inside, the walls had numerous taxidermy mounts, showing off their expertise. The caribou working at the reception desk made her feel better about this shop.

"Excuse me, my mate died last month. I have his corpse preserved in a freezer. How long will this take?" Jane said.

"I'm sorry for your loss. We'll be able to have him ready within two hours."

"That's great."

"If you want to pay immediately, we'll give you a discount of a hundred."

The original price was a hefty thousand. "Sure." Jane swiped her debit card only for it to be rejected. "How can this be?"

"Sorry, Miss. Please feel free to come back when you have more money."

"I don't understand. I saved up the entire last month. Why isn't it enough?" Jane walked out of the store dejected. She needed to find a way to obtain the funds so her mate can enter the afterlife.

Since she didn't succeed in setting up a taxidermy arrangement, she had to renew her frozen storage lease. The drive there took over thirty minutes.

"I'm Jane Doe, here to renew my lease," Jane said as she greeted the polar bear.

"Why do you bother?" The polar bear looked disappointed in her.

"I'm short on money, okay?"

The polar bear sighed. "He deserves better." He allowed her to use her debit card to pay for the extension. Once again, it was rejected.

"I don't understand," Jane said. "How can I not have enough? Can you lower the price?"

The polar bear shook his head. "No."

"Are you going to throw him out if I don't pay?"

"I keep for three days extra. You pay a late fee of a hundred dollars per day."


Jane walked out of the store. She knew what she had to do now. The only places that provided loans belonged to lions, and she had to deal with them if her mate was to find peace.

This was a bad idea considering lions attempted to rape her just hours ago if the fox didn't stop them. It wasn't like she could get a loan from anywhere else given how the lions monopolized the finance sector. Money controlled everything in the end with prey animals ruling only as a figurehead.

Her current plan was to obtain a loan from the lions, use that to pay for the taxidermy of her mate then placate the fox to use the million dollars to solve her financial issues. No better alternative came to her mind even though she didn't want to submit to the fox, and it didn't help that the lions could very well break the law and rape her. The lions would've too if the fox didn't stop her, and the entire incident would probably be swept under the rug.

She drove to Lyon's bank. Upon walking inside, she recognized one of the lions from the hotel. That was enough for her to turn tail and run.

"Is something wrong, miss?" the lion said.

She ignored the lion and kept on running. As soon as she got into her car, she floored it out of there.

It would be better to come back tomorrow thus she returned home.

Her home still had a caved-in roof but at least the interior was tidy as it once was with everything organized. Once her mate passed on to the afterlife, he could enjoy some of the sentimental stuff he collected that she managed to salvage. It would be good to talk to him once again, knowing that he looked after her.

Tomorrow was no better when she arrived at Lyon's bank. The menacing lion was still there. Timidly, she approached the counter.

"I need a loan," Jane said.

"How much?"

"Five thousand." Jane didn't want to run out of money again, and she could pay it off with the fox's aid.

"Please have a seat.' the lion said.

She sat on a nearby cushion. Over thirty minutes passed before an employee could process her request. It was the lion she was trying to avoid from yesterday, but this time, she couldn't bolt away in fear. If she did, the bank probably wouldn't look on her kindly if she came back.

"Come." It was the lion she saw yesterday. He wore the name tag: Derek.

Jane fought her instincts to bolt away. She needed the money.

Derek led her into an office. "Please have a seat." He retrieved some paperwork from his desk. "Fill out this form."

This went different from how she imagined it. Derek didn't even try to harass her. He was professional yet he tried to rape her only yesterday. Granted, the fox intervened before they started.

Jane filled out the forms.

Derek scanned the paper she filled out. "Occupation: Door-to-door flower salesmammal. I'm sorry, I cannot accept this application."

"And why not?"

"I don't think you'll be able to pay it back."

"I can pay it back within a month. My mate won't be able to pass on to the afterlife without it." Jane didn't want to imagine the polar bear throwing out her mate's corpse.

"The numbers don't add up. You left your monthly income blank."

"Is there anything that I can do?"

"Not officially."

"Unofficially?" Jane asked with a whisper. She knew what was likely to come next.

Derek pointed to his crotch. "I'm sure your tongue can do wonders."

"Out of the question!" Jane said furiously, "I will not disrespect his memory."

"All right, all right, I was out of line there. How about this instead?" Derek pointed to his shoes instead. "They need a good cleaning."

"Are you mad? In the office?" Jane asked.

"It's not that unusual. Come with me."

She followed the lion as he led her by another office where she saw a female rabbit servicing a lioness. The rabbit was busy licking the lioness's cunt. Her nose glistened with the lioness's juices as the lioness placed a comforting paw on the rabbit's head.

"That - that's..." Jane was at a loss for words. Something so perverted was happening in the bank no less.

"An everyday occurrence."

She followed Derek back to the office.

"How about it?" Derek sat on the chair.

"Do I still have to pay it back?" Jane asked. She needed money.

"Of course, with sixty percent interest. You won't be able to get another deal."

She lowered her head in submission towards his shoes. The scent was awful already. Her tongue slowly made contact. Awful flavors greeted her tongue.

"Can't you do anything right? You're supposed to take them off."

The cruel lion loomed over her. She used her hooves to take them off.

"No." Derek stopped her from taking off his socks. "Use your mouth."

It wasn't sexual, just degrading so that made it okay. She needed to do this so her mate could move on to the afterlife. The taste and scent were both horrible as she bit down on the fabric. At least, they were clean for the most part.

She had to lick his paw, starting with his toes. The lion was rather hygienic. It could've been worse.

"Sniff," Derek commanded.

She sniffed like a good prey animal. His musk assaulted her senses.


It was far too late to turn back now so she puckered her lips for a kiss.

"That's a good slut."

"I'm not a slut," Jane whimpered.

"Be a good deer and lick. You wouldn't want to do this for nothing."

Tears clouded her vision as she resumed licking.

"It seems you've attracted quite the audience."

She rose from the floor and looked out the window with tear-stained eyes. Multiple lions were watching her just outside the office.

"Who said you could stop?" Derek said.

She resumed her rightful place on the floor. Her tongue made contact with his foot again.

"Are you thirsty?"

Jane nodded.

As soon as the lion moved his foot down on the floor, she realized her mistake. Just by stepping on the floor, he was bound to pick up some residue. He bent down to pick up his shoe. The next thing he did was pour water into the shoe.

Derek shook the shoe back and forth without spilling anything. "There you go."

"I'm not thirsty." Jane resumed licking the foot again. Her increasingly parched tongue didn't make much of a dent in licking off the residue.

"Nonsense. Drink."

She started at the water in the shoe. Even though the shoe was black, she could see that the water was filthy. Slowly, she raised the shoe to her mouth. It would be just like drinking from a stream since her house still doesn't have running water. She forced herself to swallow the nasty concoction. It wasn't just water, but there were clumpy masses of dirt and grime that she didn't try to chew before swallowing

The boot fell to the floor when she used her hooves to steady herself. She started coughing up the foul mixture. Derek decided to help her by pressing a foot paw on top of her nose.

"I can't do this," Jane whispered.

Derek moved his foot away from her nose. "Pathetic. Look at the mess you made."

The room was a mess with grey water splattered from the boot onto the floor.

"I'll let you take four thousand as long as you pay me back double within thirty days."

She signed her name on the piece of paper.

"Now, get out of my office." Derek kicked her into the hallway.

The lions surrounded her ominously as she collected herself. She was in pain. her mouth tasted foul.

"That's one worthless doe," a lion said.

"Can you believe he took that risk?"

They were whispering about her.

"If you let me fuck your ass, I'll give you ten dollars," the lion said.

She took a minute to compose herself before walking out of the bank.

After dealing with one judgmental polar bear, and a few uncaring reindeer, she finally had John's head in her hooves in her home. Slowly, she mounted his head onto the wall.

By looking at the head, she could feel his presence in the room.

"It's been hard you know ever since..." Jane said. "What even happened?"

"I fought off the evil tiger as he tried to steal from me! All I lost was my phone," John said.

"So, charming and heroic. Of course, a tiger would be no match for you." Jane hugged her mate. It had been over a month since she last saw him. "It wasn't easy to pay the bills. The house is still a mess."

"I want to see." Her mate walked out of the room.

She followed John upstairs where the roof was still damaged. Upstairs was still a mess. None of the lighting nor utilities worked up there. He effortlessly navigated the darkness and when Jane tripped, he was kind enough to allow her to stand up for herself.

"Sorry, that you can't see very well. The water still isn't running and the lights don't work. I have to go to a stream just to drink."

"It's not your fault."

They went back down the stairs where the place was somewhat habitable. "I missed you, you know. Do you know what I had to do to see you again?"

John shook his head.

"The lions..." She trailed off.

Her mate placed a comforting hoof on her head. "It's okay."

"They wouldn't..."

Her mate stroked her back to calm her down.

What if John didn't like what she revealed? It wasn't sexual so that meant it was okay. Would he just leave her? The lion called her a slut, what if he was right? She broke down crying. Even if the lion was okay, the fox likely wouldn't be.

"Tomorrow, I plan to service a fox."

"Get out, whore!" John said.

She couldn't stay here. She had to leave. Upon seeing the fury in his eyes, she booked it out of her house, crying all the way.

If the uninitiated were observing her, all they would see was a deer muttering to herself.

Doe v. Wave 3 - True Despair

After spending the entire night outside in the freezing cold, Jade had to meet up with Arioch again. Instead of changing into a set of clean clothing, she decided she should wear the dirty ones in hopes that Arioch would buy her something. The third...

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Doe v. Wave 1 - Picking up the Pieces

Everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. Jane Doe returned home as soon as the city deemed it safe enough. That didn't mean much since trash still littered the streets. She was away on a business trip when a dam collapsed causing a tidal wave to...

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Parole Officer Nick Wilde

This job wasn't as exciting as his old one. There were some benefits - he would help steer other foxes on the right path. Not that he had much time to do so with a caseload of seventy mammals under his purview. He had to dedicate some time to keep up...

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