Pokephilia Story (NSFW) - For the Love of Frog Ch. 1 (Saria Pt. 6)

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#18 of Pokephilia Story - Love has No Bounds (Reboot)

Saria's Tale Part 5

A short series featuring Saria and Razor. I hope you'll all enjoy it.

Saria is suffering from Clinical Depression, and she is suffering a great deal from it. As life goes on, She and Razor try their best to live a normal life despite the sorrow that the poor woman feels in her heart. Her heart is feeling heavy, and she thinks that sex may be the only way to help her relax and make sure that she isn't consumed by her illness.

What happens next remains to be seen.

Pokephilia Story (NSFW) - For the Love of Frog Ch. 1

By J.C. Solis

Pokemon is Copyright © of Nintendo, Game Freak, and The Pokemon Company.

I do not intend to infringe on copyrights, and this work is purely fanfiction.

Poképhilia Story

Love has No Bounds

For the Love of Frog - Chapter 1

By J.C. Solis

Saria bolted upwards with a loud gasp, her face sweating as she was in the throes of startlement. She woke up from a cold sweat, her heart pounding as her eyes darted about, wondering if her nightmare was a dream or a harsh reality. The dream was so vivid and frightening, so much that Saria never figured she ever have a dreamscape so intense and powerful.

But she didn't have to bear the fright alone. Her Pokémon partner, Razor, was right next to her as she was woken by terror. The Greninja looked at her with worry, seeing how horrific her dreams were.

"Are you okay, My Sweet?" asked Razor worriedly. "Did you have another nightmare?"

Saria only nodded her head once she looked at him, her face still mortified by what she saw.

"You've been getting a lot of nightmares these past few days," noted Razor. "Are you sure that you're okay?"

"I'm fine, Razor," assured Saria, though her face betrayed her confidence. "I guess I've been having dreams that are quite terrifying. I don't know what to think of it."

"Well, just know that I'm always here to check up on you," swayed Razor. "I won't ever leave you alone. You always have me to depend on."

"Thank you, Froggy," said Saria as she leaned against him and hugged him.

The sheet was pulled back, with Saria appearing to be wearing just her underwear. She wore a bra and panties, keeping at least some form of decorum.

The two of them have been enjoying their time with each other over these past few days. Their sex sessions got rather intense, especially where the bondage rig in the storage room was concerned. It would be often that Saria found herself being strapped to it, with Razor using her body and fucking her from all of her holes like a crazed animal. But recently, Saria had fallen into a slump, having little to no urge to partake in sexual activities. And Razor didn't push her to try, respecting her decision to be celibate for a time. With her current condition, it was no wonder that she didn't want to partake in anything too physical that would trigger her anxiety any further. She was in a terrible state, and she needed time to recover from this distress.

In hindsight, her dreams were nothing to scoff at. She dreamed of being persecuted, of her friends dying and herself being shunned and shamed by the community for partaking in Poképhilia. She'd relay all of her dreams to Razor, who stood by her side through thick and thin. It was these dreams that seemed to constantly haunt her. And as she got out of bed and put on her clothes, she wondered what she could do to help ease her tension and wean her off of her anxiety. Work and house chores seemed to keep her busy, and for sure a cuddle session with her pokémon partner would allow her to have some respite.

The two of them left their room and went to the kitchen. Saria felt too ill to man the stove, so they settled upon eating some cold cereal with milk. It was a rough time for the poor woman, and she didn't so much as crack a smile when she took bites from her food. This depression was normally the case with her. She was always so ambient and upbeat, smiling at the start of her day and tackling it head-on.

But the stress that the poor woman felt was something that couldn't easily be swayed from. It was this feeling that drove her into a downward spiral, her mind filling with woe and anxiety at what the future would bring. It was all a mess of jumbled thoughts and irrational fears that never seemed to wane. And the feeling only continued to eat her out from the inside. Not even time spending with friends, going out to restaurants to get a delicious bite to eat, or even partaking in local pokémon battles couldn't bring her out of the abyss. And she remained in that abyss for some time.

Her family didn't have a history of mental illness, but the fact remained that she was suffering from some form of depression. She recently saw a psychologist, who was quick to diagnose her with Clinical Depression and General Anxiety Disorder, a stunning diagnosis that came after a few weeks of monitoring. The news hit her hard, and all of her friends were rattled by the stunning turn of events. All of them were supportive of her, and she received sympathy from all of her close associates. It was hard for a woman to deal with this even with a partner by their side, let alone if that person was alone. But she wasn't alone, and she had the love and support of everyone close to her, and her friends would be sure to remind her of their closeness.

Razor looked at Saria as she looked down at her bowl of soggy cereal. She didn't appear to be too hungry, even though she took greedy swigs from her coffee mug. Perhaps it was not wise for a woman who suffered from anxiety to have caffeine in their system, but it was something that she needed as a result of not sleeping well. Her eyes had bags underneath them, a sure sign that her sleep was not as restful and peaceful as she would've wanted. But she forced herself to take bites out of her cereal, hoping to fill herself up with energy. It would be hard to start her day so weak in both body and will. And as she took sips of coffee and bites of cereal, Razor felt relieved in seeing her nourish herself and her body. Not eating breakfast would be nonconductive towards having a productive day, and she'd need her strength.

"What would you like to do today, My Sweet?" asked Razor curiously.

"I guess we can head on over to the sex shop to pick up some supplies. I'm kinda in the mood for a new latex attire, and we do need lube," noted Saria.

"Wow, all of sudden you're into having sex, eh? That's comforting to hear."

"I guess I'm trying to push these thoughts out of my head by trying to get into something that we both enjoy," explained Saria. "I just want to get out of the house. I don't think staying inside and moping all the time will help me with my illness."

"Just know that I always have your back, Sweet. If you're up to having sex, then let us try. But if not, I won't push you. Your wellbeing is what matters the most to me."

Saria nodded her head, a slight smile appearing on her face. She could always count on her Cute Little froggy to watch her back and keep her safe. It wouldn't be long before she found herself back on the bondage rig and was getting into the vibe of having sexual gratification again. She could use it.

The two of them finished their bowls of cereal and brought them to the sink before turning around and heading off to the front door. One lock and key tumble later and the place was now sealed. It would be nice for her to drive over to the downtown district of Lakeshire Town, and for sure the drive would be much quicker than walking. But Saria felt it best to just walk down the streets and simply take in the atmosphere. The day was not hot, and there was a slight breeze blowing, which served to cool off anyone who was outside.

The two passed many sights, including the Church of Arceus and even the PokéPark. Both places were abuzz with activity, with churchgoers preparing for mass tomorrow on Sunday while those within the park where simply having the time of their lives, battling it out with their pokémon partners and duking it out in combat. There were even those playing Pokémon Baseball and Tennis on the courts. Children were swinging on the swings while small pokémon joined them at the jungle gym, swinging around and making sure to have time for their young lives.

Saria always felt comfort when seeing these sights. It would be a while before she'd want to come to the PokéPark with her friends, but she was just glad to feel the ambiance and cheer of everyone who was currently present and making sure to have an excellent time. It was hard for a young woman to deal with the mental instability that one felt as a result of severe mental difficulties. Depression was no small ordeal, and it has killed people who found themselves to be unable to escape its clutches. But Saria kept looking onwards, hoping to find a light at the end of the tunnel. There just had to be a way to withstand this severe mental turmoil.

The two soon came across the downtown district of town, the ambiance of the bustling neighborhood evident to all those who were present. But what made things severe was a large group of people who had signs reading "Abolish Poképhilia" and others in front of the City Hall. The fact remained that there was still tension on account of Poképhilia and its implications. There was no easy solution, and people were vocal about their displeasures.

But the two passed by the Anti-Poképhilia Crusaders and went for the shop known as Zazzy and Co Intimate Pleasure Shop, the cheeky signs outside ranging from "Come at Your Discretion" to "You know You want a Peek Inside" enticing everyone to at least have a gander. Saria and Razor were not just going to have a gander, however, as they intended to purchase some supplies for their next session.

The doorbell chimed with the familiar squawking of a certain Chatot called their attention.

"Welcome! Welcome! *Squawk*" said the voice of Polly the Chatot.

Saria walked up to Polly and scratched the bird's chest, rubbing the little pokémon out of affection. It was then that a familiar sight came upon the two, looking happy at having some longtime customers coming back.

"Hey there, Saria honey. And you too, Froggy Legs," said the voice of Susanna Blakely, the woman in charge of the shop.

The former gym leader and unofficial "Sex Queen of Town" strutted into the room, wearing a latex attire that made her appear to be a dominatrix. She even had on a black strip mask that cover her eyes and tied down the back of her head. Her brunette, silky hair flowed down her sides, and her bust was profound exuberant. She was indeed a sexy woman with a beautiful body.

Following her came to her personal, business, and sex partner, a Bisharp by the name of Axel.

"Howdy, you two," said Axel with a metallic voice. "How've things been going on with you two? Had any adventures you'd like to tell us about."

"Only that Saria here has been having nightmares," said Razor.

Saria grimaced, feeling that the truth needed to be told.

"I visited a psychologist, and he said that I have Clinical Depression and Anxiety," she admitted.

Zazzy walked up to her with a frown on her face before rushing her hugging her, her smooth latex rubbing against her cheeks.

"I feel for you, Saria honey, I truly do. I hope the shrinks have been helping all they can, but in truth the only person who can help you is yourself. At least Froggy Legs here can keep you company." She then let her go and returned to her business sense. "So, is there anything you guys like?"

Saria and Razor caroused down the aisle of unique sexual trinkets and gratifying toys. Saria was still wearing a submissive choker around her neck, one on which could be clipped all manner of tags and badges for their sexual adventures. But she was mostly into finding a new outfit for herself. The two sex shop owners were happy to show off their vast amount of wares. It was tough to find what a BDSM couple was truly into, but they had a full store to browse ahead.

But suddenly, a loud booming came from outside. The four went for the window to see what it was that was heard, seeing people rioting out in the streets. There were people on both sides of the Poképhilia controversy, with people and pokémon alike fighting in the streets. Soon the police came armed with riot gear as they tried to stop the rioters from seriously harming the other side. It wasn't clear which side the police were on as they mercilessly beat people on both sides, send their four-legged pokémon to sic on the rioters, and bite down on their legs. It was clear that both sides didn't want to back down, but Saria and Razor figured they were much safer inside the shop than outside. That was a fact.

Susanna, meanwhile, only grumbled as she saw the scene unfold outside.

"Well damn, these protests don't ever want to stop," she mused. "This is the second protest this month where the cops are called. I hope this shit doesn't spill into the shop, otherwise, I'm going to sic Axel here on those assholes for breaking my shop."

"And I'll gladly beat them to a bloody pulp," admitted Axel.

Thankfully, the fighting mostly kept to the streets, but it was still a close call, nonetheless. It was when the rioting died down that Saria felt it safe to exit the store - though not before purchasing the things that they had set out to buy. Saria and Razor left with some lube and new outfits while Susanna and Axel were left with their cashier filled. But before the two could go, Zazzy gives a few parting words.

"Make sure to keep your chin up, Saria hun. I know the kind of pain you're going through. I was a bit depressed for some time myself. Nothing seemed to fill that hole in my heart, not even sex. It's only when you manage to free up your burdens and live your life the way that you want to live will you be able to achieve what you set out to do," said Zazzy wisely. "Believe in Your Strengths, Saria. You gotta believe."

"Believe in Your Strengths. That's the only thing you can do right now," said Axel as he tried to nail the point home.

Saria and Razor left the shop with a few boxes and bags. It was then that Saria regretted not bringing the car over, for she could've shoved them inside and not had to carry them over. But she was happy with her purchases, nonetheless. She hoped to get to try out her new outfit once she arrived, perhaps teasing her partner as he would then lather his member with lube and penetrate her all over.

The two arrived at home, their arms tired from the boxes and bags they had to carry for miles. They entered their house, with giddy looks on their faces. Saria dropped her stuff on the floor and she then collapsed on the sofa. Meanwhile, Razor didn't appear to break a sweat as he looked on at his partner with a hint of amusement.

"It wasn't that bad, Saria," said Razor. "I think that's the reason why you need to build arm strength so that you don't get as tired as this."

"Well, then I guess I need to hit the gym more, then," she noted as she lifted her head. "I'm too tired to be able to get back up. I just want to take a nap."

"Sure thing, My Sweet. Rest first, sex later. I'd like to see you in that new outfit you bought."

Saria was soon snoring into her sleep, feeling happy to have made so many purchases. But deep down, her heart was in pain. She was suffering from a wanton feeling of doubt and dismay. She couldn't push it aside, no matter how hard she tried. It was a feeling of deep suffering, of something so profound and pensive. She didn't know how to describe it, only that it simply existed. It was something so dark and intertwined with human nature, something that would always bubble up and come to haunt her. It was something that she felt deep down that seemed to be eating her alive and from the inside out. She hoped that a good sex session would clear it up, but then again she wasn't so sure.

All the while, Razor was reading a book, an erotica story that was rather naughty and invigorating. He loved reading these kinds of stories, as they'd prove an inspiration for what he'd like to do with his partner. He was an avid reader, a pokémon who enjoyed a good book whenever the opportunity presented itself. But he then dropped his erotica on the table and read another book, this one called "The Deepest Despair: How to Note and Treat Depression." He read this book rapidly, hoping to find a solution to the problem his trainer was facing.

The Greninja hated seeing his partner in this state. He didn't like seeing her slumped up and unwilling to do anything. This wasn't the Saria that he grew up with. It was a shell of her former self, someone who was vastly different from the eccentric and perky girl who always seemed to bound and hop around at a moment's notice. He didn't like seeing her in this state. He wanted her old self to return, and yet he knew there was nothing much else that he could do. He only hoped to learn from this book in the hopes of offering her some form of solace.

Saria began to stir from the couch, having taken a good nap while her Greninja lover was reading his book. He dedicated himself to reading, all while she nodded off for a few moments. Getting forty winks was imperative, especially considering how she slept last night. She found herself becoming quite the heavy napper, taking naps throughout the day when she was too tired from all of the restless nights that she underwent. She was tired and worn out from her sleeplessness, something which would certainly affect her mood if she didn't sleep well enough. Insomnia and Nightmares were not conducive to having a healthy mind, and the worry was that her depression would mount even more.

But Razor kept a close eye on her sleep. Having bought supplements and relaxation teas to help her bear the brunt of sleeplessness and restlessness, these two should be enough to help the poor young lass get a good rest. But not everything was so clear cut, seeing as how she continued to nap during the day while barely being able to sleep at night. It would be best not to nap a large number of times, seeing as how they can cause her to sleep less at night.

Saria stirred from her sleep time and rosed herself from the couch. She still felt rather groggy but powered through with the hopes of getting on with their sexy time.

"Slept well, My Sweet?" asked Razor.

"A little bit," smiled Saria. "I just needed some time to myself. I can't sleep anymore without losing sleep later tonight."

"So then, are you ready to have some fun?"

Saria smirked at her partner. "I guess. I mean, I gotta get out of my funk one way or another," she said with a sigh.

"It's your call. We can spend the rest of the day doing nothing if that's what you want."

"No! Let's have sex!" she blurted out. "I mean, I need to get over this eventually. I can't just lay down on the couch or the bed all day. "But just be sure to say the Safe Word in case you get upset."

"Sure thing, 'My Lover,'" teased Saria with the safe word.

The two got off of their seats, with Razor putting down his book onto the coffee table. He had learned enough to note the warning signs of something coming up. All the while, the two brought the boxes and bags from the sex store with them into the room. The lass was honestly curious as to how this new outfit was going to fit her, and she was expectant to see Razor use some of the warming lube on her when they'd get the romp going.

Saria opened the door to the storage room, aka their sex dungeon. The items and boxes were stacked on top of each other, hiding what was behind them and noting to a room that looked to be rather disorganized and unkempt at first glance.

But one short walk around the initial boxes and they came across their favorite toy: Bondage Rig.

Saria took off her clothes, revealing her tight snatch and her D-cup breasts out in the open. It would be hard for any man to not turn away from the impressive girls that Saria boasted, and Razor certainly felt like one lucky man to have such tits to himself. He too also got into preparations, grabbing a black strip mask that he'd wear over his eyes and tie from the back of his head. He was getting ready to get started, helping Saria fit into her tight new outfit.

Saria wore a blood-red latex catsuit. It was a two-part outfit, consisting of legging and a top that left her breasts exposed. She was happy to be in this new outfit, feeling it curving well to her natural body. She then put on a red strip mask similar to the one that Razor tied behind his head. She was almost ready to get the romp started. But a part of her heart had some reservations as to how the sex session would carry on. For the first time in a long while, she felt hesitant and nervous.

At the same time, she didn't want to back out of an opportunity to make her lover happy. She wanted Razor to enjoy this session, and for sure he'd go softer on her than he usually did. He wasn't going to take the session to too far of an extreme, and he wasn't going to ignore her wishes and her pleas to stop. But there was no telling whether or not Saria was going to enjoy the session unless she gave it a go. And she was feeling rather horny at the moment.

Saria walked up to the bondage rig and got ready to be strapped in. She was nervous and tense, wondering where the session would take her. All the while, Razor looked at her with a devious look, already getting into character as the dominator. He might go easy on her, but that didn't mean that he wasn't going to have his way with her however much he could.

"I hope you're ready, slut, because now we're about to get started." Razor didn't mince things around with the name-calling.

"I... I-I'm ready, master." The stutter didn't necessarily showcase someone alright. Her nerves were starting to get the better of her.

Razor put a hand on her cheek, with a warm smile on his face. Though he was the dominator, he wasn't about to allow her to get too hurt. But then he returned to character.

"I hope you're ready, My Sweet. I'm going to use you until I either cum or you beg me for mercy," he said sinisterly. He then grabbed something from an old box. It was the pin that said "Daddy's Toy" on it. He clipped it to Saria's choker collar, so marking her for her role.

"I want to cum, Master," admitted Saria. "I want to feel your cock deep inside me. I want you to shoot your hot Greninja sperm inside of me. I want to be your useless cum slut today."

"Ask and you shall receive."

Razor yanked her arm and tied her to the rig, all while binging her ankles to the side beam and strapping down her waist. He would get things started with a bit of oral first.

Razor flipped Saria around until her front was facing downward, her weight being held up by the ropes and beams of the rig. She was in the perfect position for some gratuitous oral sex. Razor's cock was already coming out of his slit, now long and raging hard. He was going to enjoy this moment as much as he could. He was going to fuck her in the mouth and get her to taste his cum.

There was much to do to get started with oral sex. Razor's cock was already raring to go, with the pointed phallus throbbing a little bit before it would enter his lover's mouth. Saria could smell the pheromones coming from his cum, and it was a familiar scent that she was all too familiar with. Her more lusty side was starting to take over, and she was happy to provide her partner with a face fuck and blow job. There was nothing else to it but to get started.

Razor put his cock up to Saria's mouth, telling her "open" so that she could allow him to press into her. She hoped her mouth wide, and she was then stuffed with his cock. She closed her lips around him and began suckling, moving her tongue around to lick his length and applying pressure with her lips while she sucked on it like a lollipop. She could taste the precum that was along his length, and she loved the flavor of semen. She always found Greninja cum to have aphrodisiac properties.

She continued to lick her partner with the hope that he was enjoying himself with the oral. He thrust into her mouth, pulling back and pushing into her with quite a good amount of force. She gagged with the pushing of his cock, with wet sounds being made as the connection of cock and moth made squelching noises. It was a dirty, hardcore scene, with both Saria and Razor getting a good feel for each other. There was something to be said about a Poképhilia couple who partook in sex escapades. And neither one of them was about to stop their pleasure session.

Soon, Razor pulled his cock out of her mouth, feeling as though he had enough of their oral session. He didn't want to cum just yet, hoping to save his semen for when he'd penetrate her elsewhere. He was raring to go for a wonderful sex session, pulling out his cock and leaving a line cum of cum to dribble from Saria's mouth. She smiled at him looking at him with wanting desire.

"Did you have fun, Master?" asked Saria.

"Yes, I did, slut. Now let's get on to the sensual stuff.

Razor reached to the side and grabbed a blindfold from a nearby chair. He wrapped it around Saria's eyes to keep her from seeing what he intended to do to her. Also, the blindfold would serve to build suspense as to what the frog would do next. It was a common enough gimmick that the two employed to great effect, and it was something that made Saria giddy with anticipation for what her froggy would end up doing to her.

But today, this moment of anticipation left her with dread in her heart. She didn't feel as though she could withstand the sex. And her mind was feeling rather apprehensive towards the moment. She hoped that Razor would at least go easy on her and not spank her or cane her or even whip too hard on her. She just felt so insecure and nervous, something that rarely happened to her. She was vexed by doubt in her heart, something which just made her feel so tense.

It was then that Saria let out a pained yelp as she felt her left ass cheek being spanked. Hit after hit came for both of her ass cheeks, something which would normally fill her with even more desire. As Razor spanked one cheek, he tripped and rubbed the other on, getting a good feel for her juicy rump and its wonderful size. She had a beautiful body, one with features that only added to Saria's sex appeal. But she only had eyes for Razor, who was spanking and groping her without mercy. He was getting heavily involved with this session, making sure to make Saria feel every moment of it as much as she felt comfortable. Razor wanted her to feel every spank, every grope, and every touch. He was going to make her have a good time through torture.

It was then that Razor pulled out something familiar from a side drawer, making sure to lather it up with warming gel that he recently bought from the store. He then lowered himself and put the phallus into Saria's ass. Saria figured that this was a butt plug that was going up her rear considering it felt like a plug of sorts. But she'd find out that this was no mere plug. At the push of a button, the decide began to vibrate, inviting Saria to moan into the vibration.

It was then that Razor flipped her the other way around so that her abdomen was now facing upwards, with her pussy spread out and have clear access. While the butt plug vibrator would be there to pleasure her rear end, Razor was lubing up his cock to get ready for penetration. He was raring to go, hoping that Saria was having a fun time.

But though the young woman was indeed feeling pleasure, she was far from being in complete bliss. Her nerves were starting to get the better of her. Her body craved sex, but her mind told her otherwise. And with that came ragged breathing as her chest expanded and contracted with increasing intensity. Yet still, she did not say the Safe Word, instead opting to see how far she could go with this sex session. She wanted to make her froggy happy, to have him use her body for sexual gratification she wanted him to be happy, to enjoy this session while they still could. She tried her best to be joyful at this moment, of allowing Razor to enjoy her body and have fun.

But her heart continued to grow despondent. She was being eaten alive by the dread inside of her.

It was then that Razor aligned his cock along with Saria's pussy. He was ready to feel her warm and tight insides, her vaginal walls still as tight as when she first lost her virginity to him. He was happy to make her feel better from all of this stress and anxiety. He hoped that a little bit of sex would go a long way in helping her recover her senses. He hoped that she'd soon be out of her funk, being the cheery, kinky, and peppy lass that she always had been. And as he pushed his tip to her hole, he hoped that a good bondage session would help her recover.

Saria moaned as she felt her lover's cock push deep inside her. He had applied warming lube to his member, making the sensation extra slick and smooth. But the despondent nature of her heart would not change, and though there was a part of her that screamed for her to stop, she kept going. Pleasing her partner and bringing herself into a sexual state was what she wanted most of all from this. She had been craving Greninja's cock for a long while, and she was slightly elated to feel him penetrate her.

Razor continued to push deeper and deeper into her, soon touching her cervix as his full length was now completely inside of her. She was filled with pleasure, feeling his slick and warm cock in her inner depths. Her lusty side began to grow stronger, along with her depression. She voiced her moans of enticement, wanting this session to last for a good while before stopping in the middle of rapture and climax. She felt like she needed this, and perhaps Razor needed this too. There was nothing for it but to feel his slender cock go as deep as it could go.

With his cock stopped by the cervix, Razor pulled back until only his tip remained. He then leaned forward and grabbed her right breast, fondling it and giving a few good squeezes with his wide, webbed hands. He wanted her to feel as much a part of her as she was to him. And once only his tip remained inside of her, he pushed back into her with much greater force. The sex began to grow even more intense as Razor thrust and pulled back with increasing fervor, not wanting to slow down and allow the woman even a moment of rest.

Saria's mind was becoming overloaded from the sex. The vibrator in her ass combined with her lover's cock sent her mind into sheer bliss despite the mounting she still held within her heart. It seemed even great sex would not be enough to release her of her pain. Instead, she felt caged, like she was being held against her will - even though that was far from the case.

The sex session continued with thrusts forwards, vibration on her sphincter, and her breasts being groped. Her spine was shot up with spasms that went up it to her brain, her pleasure centers being sent into overdrive as a result of her overload of sensations. She didn't know whether to be upset or to be in revelry, but the confusion only carried on as far as Razor thrusting into her with even more passion. He didn't stop for a single moment and allow for her relief. Razor was blind to the single tear that formed on her right eye and that steadily began to drip down. It was the tear of a woman who didn't know what to think, what to say, or even if she should stop.

But soon, both parties began to reach the point of no return. Their pleasure was reaching the precipice, and they would soon be falling off it. There was so much pleasure between the two of them, and it drove them to carry on until their final elation would arrive. Saria began gasping loudly, panting hard from both the pleasure and the anxiety. Her heart was beating quickly as panic soon began to set in. And yet she did nothing to stop it, not even saying the Safe Word. Without saying the Safe Word, Razor had no idea that he was harming her.

And when Razor reached the point of no return, he buried himself as deep as he could go inside of her. He pushed his cock past her cervix as he got ready to cum, a painful feeling that cause Saria to have another spasm shoot up her spine.

The combined rapture of the two lovers was overpowering, with Razor squirting jet after jet seed deep into his lover. All the while, Saria's pussy began to contract as her mind was shot up to the sky. She didn't know what to think anymore as she was brought to this moment. The bliss was overpowering, no longer to feel neither depression nor elation. She just remained still, feeling the moment overtake all of her other senses, and trying her best not to cry out in her compounding despair. She had had enough, and she was now more than willing to be free of this torture device and to get back to the ground again.

All the while, Razor kept pumping his lover full of his semen, having saved his precious fluids so that he could give it to his partner. And throughout it all, he thought that she was doing okay.

But when Razor fell back down to earth, it was then that he heard a slight sobbing sound. He didn't know where it was coming from, a pitiful sound as though coming from someone who had undergone something terrible. When he opened his eyes he saw where the sound was coming from. He saw the tears cascade down the lass' face, the sheer woe that was forming around her eyes. It was then that Razor realized he had made a critical mistake. He saw his partner wounded, though in his mind he felt he did nothing wrong. But whether he was at fault or not, the fact remained with the dripping tears.

Saria was hurt, and she would need time to recover.

"Saria!" he cried out. "Are you okay? Do you need me to bail you out?"

Saria nodded her head in her woe. "Yes, My Lover." She finally said the Safe Word.

Razor worked quickly to remove his lover from the machine. He moved her facing upright again and tried his best to quickly remove her restraints. He had an arm under her left armpit since it seemed she was too weak to keep herself standing upright. And his hunch proved right, for when he let her go she slumped over and fell onto him. He was more than strong enough to carry her, but his anxiety only continued to mount. He wondered what it was that happened to Saria. She seemed to be enjoying this session. Why would she all of sudden be under so much emotional pain? She wasn't like this when they commenced their session. Was she perhaps hiding her woe from him, getting him to feel a false sense of security in that she was doing alright? Why would she not tell him to stop?

"Saria? My Sweet? Are you okay?" he asked her with a worried look.

"No," said Saria woefully. "I'm... I'm sorry..."

The waterworks poured out with even more fervor. Her mind was warped by the sheer tension she felt. It was something that he had never seen her do.

"Why didn't you say the Safe Word if you were feeling so bad?" he asked her.

"I don't know... I just... I..." Saria was choking up, not able to give a proper response. "I didn't want to stop. I just... didn't want to make you feel bad. I wanted to have sex, but when I felt like I could keep going... *sob* I just didn't want to stop."

Razor brought Saria with him on top of the blanket that was on the floor, which was where the two would practice aftercare whenever they used the machine. The Greninja wanted to know what had happened to her, what caused her to feel such woe. He laid her down on the blanket and laid down with her. He wrapped his arm around her while he patted her head. He hoped to wean her off of her tension, hopefully with her not having been hurt too much.

In truth, Razor would've immediately stopped the session had he noted her anxiety, even if she hadn't spoken the Safe Word. He didn't want her to feel upset just for his sake. She loved him so much, to the point that she would have an anxiety attack for him if it meant his betterment. But in the end, Razor wanted her to be well. He didn't want to want to have pleasure at her expense, and he was more than willing to allow her more time to recover before they'd ever have sex like this.

"Saria... Are you feeling better now?" he asked her, hoping she was recovering well from her anxiety attack.

Saria nodded her head. "I'm sorry, Razor," she admitted. "I should've said something. I should've told you to stop. I just wanted to make you happy, and I thought that if I could power through then I would fill us both with pleasure."

"There's no point in sacrificing yourself for my sake, My Sweet," said Razor. "I don't want to have sex if it means you'll be feeling upset. I want you to enjoy this. And I don't want you to have to deal with your depression and anxiety during our sessions. I'm not that sex craved as to just power through without caring for your feelings."

Saria turned to look at Razor with a worried face. She looked at his smile, a beaming look radiating off of the Greninja's gait. He was warm and so touching. She realized what she had done, and she smiled at him for allowing her to see the error of her ways. She needed to take good care of herself. And Razor would be there to support her through and through.

"What would you like to do for the rest of the day?" she asked him.

"I don't know. We still have plenty of the daytime left. How about we head to the PokéPark?" Razor suggested. "It's so nice and warm out. I kinda want to buy an ice cream cone."

Saria agreed. She got up and took off her latex clothes, revealing her supple and cream-white body. The two of them cleaned themselves up before Saria began putting back on her clothes. There was a good and warm evening ahead of them, and they wanted to spend the day together with each other.

The two left their house and went for the PokéPark. They walked down the warm streets, taking in the basking sun. They arrived at the Park and sat down on a seat, hoping to get a good feel from the warm vibes that were all around. Children and little pokémon were playing together at the jungle gym, and folks were having battles with their partners. It was a good evening as the local ice cream vendor came by to sell popsicles and soft serve ice cream. Saria and Razor went up to this man to have a bite. And with an ice-cold treat in hand, they returned to their seat.

There was something to be said about someone who suffered from Depression and Anxiety. It was often that someone wouldn't want to be out in the sun, feeling burned in agony by the harsh rays - almost like a vampire. And just like a vampire, depression sucked the life essence of the victim who was being afflicted. But when someone had a great support network, it was a lifeline that would help someone keep from falling even further into despair.

Saria was grateful for her Cute Little Froggy staying by her side and helping her recover from the pain she felt in her heart. She felt so comfortable being around him, and he would never leave her alone. The two had each other's hearts, and it was something that would be sure to bolster her own heart.

Though Depression was bound to creep up eventually, she knew that she wasn't alone. So the two could hope. They were lovers to the greatest degree, and they'd always remain together...

Pokephilia Story (NSFW) - For the Love of Frog Ch. 2 (Saria Pt. 7)

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Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 4 FInal

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Commissions Available - $$$ for the Bills (8/7/2022)

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