Wakin' Bakin' Fuckin'

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Something I wrote for my wife's birthday this year. I really put my all into this and I hope it shows, cause I think I fuckin' crushed it. What's even better is that she LOVES it! I'm so glad that my skills have improved to the point where I can give people I love nice gifts. Can't wait to write a story for my spouse. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy it too!

Victoria mumbled as she slowly awoke to the morning sun peeking through the curtains. She lazily opened her eyes, her eyebrows and pointed ears raised when she saw Sam's dick standing proudly in front of her; her arms wrapped around his waist.

"Sam...?" She said as she squirmed a little, finding that her hands were bound by a pair of scarlet leather handcuffs that were lined with pink faux-fur on the inside.

"Morning, V." He greeted with a sunny smile.

Victoria noticed him holding their bong in one of his hands that he then held up to his canine snout. Using the lighter in his off-hand, he flicked it a couple times, then dipped the flame into the bowl. The purple bud in the bowl glowed as he inhaled. The main chamber bubbled as it filled with a pale-purple smoke. Sam lowered the bong as his head turned down to face her. With a drawn out sigh, he exhaled smoke gently towards her tired face.

Victoria felt a pair of hands feel along the inside of her thighs. In her dazed, sleepy state, her legs spread open automatically. She looked down, seeing Jesse stare back at her with burning orange eyes as their warm breath blew over her sensitive labia. The sleepy kitty gasped as her spouse's wide forked tongue slid across her pussy, the tips diving between her labia to lap at the inside of her flower.

Sam's hands caressed her chin as he turned her head back towards his smiling face. "Sorry for waking you up so early, but we couldn't wait to give you your birthday present."

"Mmmm... it's okay." She hummed, nuzzling his hand and purring softly. "There's worse ways to, mmf, w-wake up." With her raspy tongue, she gave Sam's cock an affectionate lick while she rocked her hips in time with Jesse's tongue; moaning and purring. She smiled as she saw Sam's breath quickening. She could feel the vibrations from her purr, making the barbs on her tongue buzz like a weak vibrator just below his glans.

"Let's sit her up so she can have her birthday gift from Sophia." Jesse suggested as they lifted themself up from between her thighs.

"Mmm, good idea. You're going to love this strain, Victoria." Sam added as he reached behind himself and unclasped the chain on her handcuffs.

Victoria grunted as she sat up. Letting out a yawn, she took the glass and lighter from Sam and looked at the bowl. She eyed the purple ground-up bud quizzically for a moment before she lit the lighter and took a hit. As soon as she exhaled the smoke, she could feel her body grow a little heavier as her mind mellowed out. Having become used to the sensation of being high, she could tell there was more to this bud than just its unnatural color. Victoria felt her fur stand on end as goosebumps rippled across her body, a shiver of pleasure shooting from the tip of her tail up to the top of her neck.

"Whatcha think?" Sam asked as he moved behind her, wrapping his arms around her chest and lifted up her perky breasts slightly.

Victoria sighed happily at the feeling of her husband's embrace. The feeling of his fur against hers warmed her from the inside. "I-It's nice! What kind is it?" She held the bong up to her mouth to take another hit, a blush spreading across her feline muzzle.

"It's a special hybrid that Sophia enchanted for your birthday." Jesse replied as they crawled up to her with a seductive gaze. "She worked on it for months to make it extra potent, so you'll be sensitive all over~."

Victoria gasped as Jesse gently ran their hand along the inside of her thigh, their touch sending a shiver of pleasure through her body. She watched their hand, panting softly as it neared her crotch.

Jesse grabbed her chin and held their panting mouth up to her left ear. "And the only thing you'll be thinking about is how bad you want us to fuck you." They whispered with a low growl, giving her ear a playful bite.

Sam rubbed her shoulders as he leaned in from behind to give her a tender kiss on her right cheek. "Happy birthday, Victoria~."

"Here, just to make sure it's really working its magic." Teased Jesse as they placed a hand on the wide base of the glassware and lifted it to Victoria's snout. Sam took the lighter from her other hand and flicked a couple times to ignite the enchanted flower. Victoria took another long drag from the bong, coughing hard as she exhaled a thick cloud of purple smoke into the room.

Victoria bit her lip as she felt her pussy throb with need. The effects of the aphrodisiac-laced bud had already begun to take hold over her mind. Her thoughts becoming harder for her to control as her mind shifted to fantasizing about what her spouses might be planning for her.

"Why don't we flip her over and get started?" Jesse suggested, biting their lip.

Sam took the bong and placed it on the mattress. He leaned back against the headboard as Jesse turned Victoria towards him, digging their blunted nails gently into her soft hips. With a firm shove from Jesse, Victoria found herself falling forward into her husband's lap.

The horny cat sighed as she breathed in his musk, feeling her pussy get wetter with each breath. Sam pulled her hands behind his back and re-clasped the cuffs with a click.

With her mind and body both screaming with lust, she eagerly wrapped her lips around his length. She wanted desperately to just ram his cock down her throat, but she had just enough sense left in her to know to hold back a bit.

Despite her intense desire, she took things slow at first. Her head slowly bobbed up and down, taking inch after inch of him until she felt his glans prod the back of her mouth. The dark-gray tip of her tail flicked happily as her husband moaned.

Victoria inhaled sharply through her nose when Jesse grabbed her tail and tugged it upwards. She felt them hook a hand under her hips to give her extra support as they positioned her pussy against the head of their cock. Her legs trembled as the hot flesh from Jesse's member grazed her lips. She fantasized about their cock ramming into her over and over again.

Fuck this stuff is potent... Victoria thought to herself.

Her spouse's teasing was driving her crazy. She whined each time their cockhead teased her entrance or rubbed against her sensitive clit. The overstimulation caused her to get careless for a moment and gagged when the tip of Sam's dick went too far back. She pulled off of him reflexively, his hard cock now slick with drool.

"You okay, sweetie?" Sam asked as his hands held her panting face.

She glanced up at him with lustful eyes, which had now taken on a slight purple hue to them; an effect unique to Sophie's special strain of cannabis.

"Y-yeah just... went too far back..." She huffed, her head sinking back down onto his hard cock with a moan.

"Haaah..." Sighed Sam as Victoria's head bobbed up and down between his juicy thighs. "You're doing amazing, dear."

Sam took another deep hit, exhaling the lavender smoke towards the ceiling before he put the bong back onto the mattress. He held her head gently and ran his fingers through her messy, teal locks. She let out a happy trill in response to his dull claws scratching her scalp.

She looked up to see him grinning widely. "That was so fucking cute, Victoria."

The corners of her mouth turned up into a smile. Hearing her husband's praise made her heart flutter. She inhaled sharply when she felt Jesse's blunted nails dig into her ass. Not enough to cause her pain, but it certainly got her attention.

"I bet you want me to fuck you so bad right now." Jesse taunted while grinding the tip of their dick over her clit.

She could feel her rational mind fading away completely now. But rather than fight it, she gave in and let the current of her desires take her. She whimpered pathetically and nodded slightly in response.

They hummed in amusement with a light chuckle. "Oh you'll get what's coming to you. I'm just making sure I tease you every step of the way."

Victoria moaned in desperation as she continued giving her husband head. Making loud slurping noises and drooling all over his pulsing cock.

Sam sighed as he tugged gently on her hair. "I love it when you get into it like this..."

Victoria moaned as Jesse began sliding their cock into her at a painfully slow pace. She felt so sensitive, she could feel every centimeter of their penis that slipped inside of her. She let out a sharp gasp when they suddenly slammed their hips forward, hilting themself in her hot cunt.

"Fuuuuuck..." Moaned Victoria as she lifted her head off Sam's jock for a moment, gasping as she felt her pussy clench around her spouse's erection.

Jesse leaned forward to pick the bong up off the bed and ignited the lighter, taking a rip from the bong. As they exhaled, they began slowly gyrating their hips, chuckling with amusement as the tip of Victoria's tail twitched with each motion.

"You want me to go faster, don't you?" They said with a pleased sigh.

Victoria nodded as she continued to suck Sam's dick with a passion, her head bobbing up and down rapidly. Feeling Jesse's dick inside her was giving her a powerful need, and she knew that Jesse was aware of it. They always did enjoy making her desperate.

Victoria winced as Jesse's nails raked across her back. It turned her on to see her spouse so excited. Their passion was almost animalistic as they rutted into her. She felt Sam's hands caress her cheek as he lifted her head off his cock. She panted as his sweet face stared back at her. She gave him a quick smile in return before her head collapsed back onto his thigh.

Jesse tugged her tail upwards, making Victoria yelp in response. They flashed a mischievous grin, scooping their hand beneath Victoria to support her hips as their thrusting slowed.

Each thrust was painfully slow. She held on tight to the pillows behind Sam, biting her lip as she whined in desperation. They always enjoyed teasing her like this. She'd never beg for them to finish, but that didn't mean she wouldn't become a horny mess while she waited. Jesse let out a groan as their dick hardened and throbbed within her. She let out a gasp when their seed spilled put into her, their cock thrusting just that much deeper into her.

Their thrusting slowed to a stop as they came down from their drug-induced orgasm. "Fuck, that was intense..." They sighed, biting their lip when they felt their pussy throb with desire. "Hope you've got more left in you, cause we're not nearly done with you yet, dear~."

Jesse pulled out of her, their load dribbing out of her and onto the sheets below. Victoria continued to pant with her head in Sam's lap. While she didn't finish, being fucked with such fervor left her feeling more than a little spent. Plus the nagging sleepiness still tugged at her eyelids, making them feel heavy.

"Here, let me help you with these so I can have a turn." Sam said as he unclasped the chain from one of the cuffs.

She sat up and took a moment to reach her arms up for a quick stretch. Sam sighed pleasantly as he held her cheeks, draping her arms around him as she leaned in to give him a kiss. He returned the favor as their tongues slid over one another , sharing a tender but passionate moment before she felt him pull away. He scooted to the side and helped her onto her back while he moved between her legs.

She gasped as his erect cock teased her entrance, which still had Jesse's load leaking out onto her tail and the bed. He held her tight against him as he slid himself gently inside her. He didn't fill her out as much as Jesse did, but feeling his tender embrace while he gently fucked her needy pussy was nothing short of sublime.

He moaned softly into her ear. "Fuck you feel so good, Victoria..." He sighed. "I love you so much."

She wrapped her arms and legs around him as a grin spread across her muzzle. "I love you too, Sam~."

"God you two are so fucking cute." Jesse added as they pushed their balls aside to rub at their slick pussy lips. "Can I join in now?"

Sam lifted off her, allowing Jesse to crawl on top of her. They straddled her head, their labia coated in a thin film of their clear cum; giving their slit a slight sheen. Victoria couldn't take her eyes off their pussy, panting heavily as she waited for them to sit on her face. She looked up and saw their head appear over where their ass curved away; a wry smile spread across their rounded muzzle.

"Just tap my thigh when you need air." They said shortly before their hips lowered into their wife's face.

The horny cat groped her spouse's ass firmly. She let out a shaky moan after the first lick, their cum tasting sweeter than it normally did. It made her crave more and she began eagerly lapping at their pussy.

"Haaah... Good kitty~." Moaned Jesse, their hands reaching down to squish her modest bust.

The smell that radiated from Jesse's nethers hung thick in the air around her snout. It filled every breath she took. It felt like she was getting drunk off their smell alone, making her already muddled thoughts even fuzzier.

Due to Jesse's sudden action, Victoria hadn't gotten a chance to take a full breath. As much as she wanted to continue to taste her spose's pussy, it wouldn't have done her much good if she passed out. Her hand reached over their thigh and gently tapped against it. They remained motionless for a moment before they lifted their hips, allowing her to take in a few deep breaths before they sat back down.

Jesse, meanwhile, held the bong up to their mouth to take yet another hit of aphrodisiac weed. Victoria could already tell they were feeling that hit as their moans got higher and more breathy. Their hips pressed down against her face harder, grinding their sopping wet folds across her face with increasing speed. She could feel their dick harden as it laid between her breasts, the remnants of their previous load leaking from its tip and onto her chest.

"God you have such cute boobs." They moaned, squeezing her breasts together around their growing erection.

They moaned as they felt her feline tongue slide across their clit with every motion, sending a pleasant tingle up their spine.

"Fuck that feels good..." Sighed Jesse. "How're you holding up, Sam?"

"I'm... getting close I think." Grunted Sam as he fucked her faster.

"Then I think it's time for her actual birthday present, don't you?"

Sam looked at them curiously for a moment before a flash of recognition showed on his face. He smiled and nodded at them in affirmation.

Jesse hopped up, allowing Victoria to breathe fresh air again. They attached the loose chain back to the other cuff and grabbed it to pull her up as Sam withdrew from her pussy; a mixture of Jesse's seed and Victoria's girlcum clinging to his throbbing cock.

Jesse moved to the edge of the bed while Sam slid off the bed, holding Victoria's hands and helping her onto her feet.

"Hold on, you're gonna want to be high as fuck for this next part." Sam said as he plucked the bong up off the mattress and held it up to her. She took two large hits, coughing profusely as the hot smoke stung her lungs and throat. The purple hue in her eyes got darker as the effects of the magically enhanced cannabis were strengthened. She felt the muscles inside her vagina clench, aching with a need unlike anything she'd experienced before.

Sam then guided her over to Jesse, whose cock twitched as she crawled on top of them. They grabbed a hold of the chain on her cuffs and pulled her arms over their head. They chuckled as she let out a squeak in surprise, eventually coming face to face with them as their hands traveled down her body before roughly grabbing onto her ass cheeks.

"Any guesses about what your gift is?" They asked as Sam stood behind the two of them.

Victoria trembled as Jesse's cock slid inside her, whimpering as Sam's fingers joined in once they had hilted inside her. "I think... I think I might have an idea..." She sighed as Sam fingered her pussy while Jesse thrusted into her slowly. She felt him pull up gently, but firmly, with his middle and ring fingers. She grimaced a little as her pussy stretched along with his digits before he relaxed and continued to finger her.

With the same hand, he caressed her right buttock gently and gave it a quick but tender squeeze. He then inserted his thumb into her tight hole and pulled up. Victoria panted as she felt the tip of his hard cock press against her. She let out a sigh when he slowly started sliding inside of her.

"Haah... tight fit..." Sam sighed with a slight chuckle.

Victoria's brow furrowed as Sam's added girth slowly stretched her pussy wider and wider. It felt uncomfortable at first, but he was moving slowly, allowing her to stretch gradually. He is always a considerate lover.

Jesse gripped her and held her close as Sam's cock hilted inside her. Their nails dug into the raised fur on her back. Her mind went blank, save for the overwhelming feeling of being twice-penetrated. Having both of them inside of her was a treat she rarely got to indulge in, so she made sure to savor each and every moment.

The weed high combined with the aphrodisiac proved to be a potent combo, elevating the already titillating experience into a downright euphoric one. She could feel their dicks pump and pulse within her tight cunt as it clenched around their combined girth. Gosh, she felt so full...

It didn't take her long to feel her orgasm building, her legs spasming uncontrollably as a combination of her feminine juices and Jesse's cum pooled on the sheets and floor.

Her whole body trembled as both of their dicks throbbed as they sunk even deeper inside of her, bottoming out completely as their thrusts got shorter. She could feel Jesse's glans grind against her g-spot, her mind being overcome with lust as her body trembled in anticipation.

"F-fuck... I'm getting close..." Sam moaned as he shifted his position, angling his cock so that it could press Jesse's even harder into her g-spot.

Victoria felt her body tense up as her pussy clenched hard around their dicks, her mind was alight with pleasure as she felt herself tipping over the edge.

"I'm... I'm gonna-!" Victoria moaned loudly as she came hard, feeling both her mind and body experiencing an intense wave of euphoria as her walls clenched around them hard.

Victoria's pleasured moans and spasming muscles caused Jesse and Sam to reach their climaxes simultaneously. Their cocks hardened and throbbed as their cum filled the remaining space in Victoria's well-worn hole. A happy grin spread across her pointed gray muzzle as their hot seed warmed her from the inside as it dribbled out of her pussy and onto the floor below; adding to the generous puddle of semen and girlcum.

"Haah... good kitty~..." Purred Jesse as they gave her a soft and sensual kiss.

"Mmmm... that felt amazing, Victoria." Praised Sam as he rubbed his hands gently over her back.

Jesse and Sam both slid out as their cocks softened, allowing more of Jesse and Sam's cum to leak out onto the floor. Victoria stayed on top of Jesse, continuing their tender embrace for a few more moments before they parted. Victoria looked into Jesse's fiery orange eyes before smiling and nuzzling the underside of their chin; purring as their arms wrapped around the middle of her back.

Sam sat on the edge of the bed and let out a tired sigh. "Phew... I think a nap is in order."

Jesse hummed happily before answering. "Yeah, and then we'll take a shower."

"Yeah... sounds nice..." Victoria said sleepily.

Sam removed Victoria's cuffs and helped her onto her feet, giving her a tight hug while Jesse threw open the sheets and crawled over to the far side of the bed. Dark spots littered the purple sheets, reminding them all of the mess that awaited them when they awoke from their nap.

Victoria then crawled onto the bed and over to Jesse, who hugged her close as Sam snuggled up next to her; sandwiching her in the middle. Sam threw the covers over the three of them as their legs and tails weaved together.

"I love you guys so much..." Sighed Victoria as she nuzzled them both, purring gently.

"I love you too, Victoria." Jesse replied, kissing her affectionately on her forehead.

Sam squeezed her tight, giving her cheek a peck before smushing his against it. "I love you too, Victoria. Happy birthday!"