Boys Will Be Boys

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Smokey, Sirius, and Brian finally managed to get some time to themselves. It just so happened that it had been so long since last they were able to indulge that they were all particularly eager to get straight to it. Even Smokey--usually more reserved in his desires--was finding it difficult to not get carried away. Hey, sometimes a switch has just gotta get their needs taken care of--even when they're in a bottom mood.

Yeah, this is a bit thirstier than we usually see Smokey, and more of a power bottom than he's normally portrayed. Thought I'd have some fun with it, see how it went. I kind of enjoyed how this one turned out. Hope you do too.

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The door opened to a rustic bedroom, furnished in a manner that suggested being lost up in the mountain forests away from everything. That was rather close to the truth, given where the cabin was located on the grounds of the Inn. The exposed wood and stone, 'faux' rugs made from donated sheddings, and a distinct lack of obvious technological comforts aside from lamps all created a rather distinct atmosphere--one that had been cultivated by the two canines who called this place home.

A series of soft moans, muffled by lips being occupied by one another, drifted through the room as three pairs of paws stumbled across the smooth wooden floor. Within only a few moments, the mass of arms, legs, tails--and even a pair of wings--flopped onto the over-sized bed. Clearly, the couple who lived here intended there to be more than just two in the sheets rather frequently. What clothing had been worn thus far was cast aside. Shirts, shorts, underwear, and a red vest all lay strewn on the floor.

A white wolf with a black five-pointed star over his left eye and a silvery-grey fox lay on either side of their 'captive', a blue drake pinned on his back as he was lavished repeatedly by the pair who had 'caught' him. It was getting a little on the uncommon side that the three boys could get any alone time with one another.

"You're not getting away until we're good and done with you. Understand?" commanded the wolf, wearing a devious, knowing smile.

"And we aren't going to be done with you anytime soon." added his vulpine husband.

"You won't hear a single complaint out of me. Just don't be surprised if someone else wants to join in." the blue dragon replied.

"Whoever it is, they're gonna hafta wait," Sirius shot back with a playful little growl, "Tonight, you belong to us."

A shiver ran up Smokey's spine. It wasn't often that the wolf or the fox got so possessive. It usually meant they had some rather intense plans. Given the sort of love-play all three of them shared a common interest in, several ideas sprang immediately to mind, all of them deeply enticing. If it had not been for the all-too-brief session of kissing and fondling they had been enjoying on the couch downstairs, those thoughts would have put him on the path to full arousal. As it was, Sirius and Brian knew just where to caress and squeeze to make sure their dragon lover was properly prepared.

All three were ready, in fact. The two canids pressed in against the drake's sides, grinding firmly against his thighs, rubbing their own rigid lengths against his smooth hide. All three were drooling gently, creating a clear coating of moisture across the dragon's lap and groin. It was pretty clear what was to come first, and it would no doubt be rather vigorous. Sirius pressed his nose into the side of the blue drake's neck and growled just a little louder as he ran one of his paws over his scaled lover's trim form.

"Roll onto your side and lift that cute tail of yours," the wolf said, then actually growled out the next word, "Now."

A new shiver ran up the dragon's spine. He found it impossible to keep from grinning as he did as he was told. A little shuffling about saw him rolled onto his side with his back pressed against the wolf's chest and the fox pressing in against him from in front. Smokey felt a very pronounced presence mashing against his cheeks below, not trying to force entry, but simply resting there, cupped by the curve of his rump. His length pulsed as it mashed against the fox's. Both Sirius and Brian wrapped themselves around the blue fellow, squeezing tight to ensure he could not escape. Thankfully, Smokey had no interest in leaving.

There was the possible chance they might wish to linger like this for a short time. It was a terribly pleasant place to be--trapped between two very soft, very warm, very amorous canids who intended to ravish the scaled beast. Perhaps they could when everyone was worn out. Even Smokey himself found he didn't want to wait. He wiggled his hips and tried to encourage the boys to get down to business. That caught the attention of the two canids.

"Mmm, look at that Brian. It seems our little 'dergan' wants it so bad he's practically begging us to plow him." Sirius said in a husky voice.

"I can see that. The question is... do we give him what he wants right away? Or do we make him actually beg for it?" Brian replied.

"Fuck, would you two stop playing around and just put it in me already?" Smokey groaned in frustration, "It took a lot of work to arrange for everything to run while I'm gone. I've been needing this as bad as you two. If you don't, I'll just eat you both right here and now."

"Ooo, our little boy toy is threatening to gobble us up if we don't plug his holes." Sirius said teasingly, not even addressing Smokey.

"I think he wants us to plug one very specific hole, actually." Brian replied.

"I think you're right. You think our thirsty little boy wants us to knock him up?" Sirius asked.

"Seeing him with a belly full of pups would be pretty cute." Brian answered.

"Of course, that might just make us want to fill him up even more." Sirius added.

"Oh for fuck's sake," Smokey complained, "Do I gotta do this myself?"

The dragon wrapped his arms around the fox in front of him and gave him a passionate kiss. That was the first warning. Both of the canids knew what would come next if the blue wasn't satisfied to his liking. Sirius snickered and moved his paws to stroke along the dragon's chest and stomach. Brian meanwhile melted into the kiss and wrapped his fingers around not just the blue drake's length but his own as well, stroking them together. The kiss was broken shortly thereafter by a soft gasp. Smokey tipped his head back slightly as he felt a sudden presence right where he had been hoping to feel it. The wolf had pulled his hips back, taken aim, and slammed in sharply. The dragon's hidden petals pursed around the sizeable member now thoroughly buried in them.

They were indeed going for the 'knocked up' option.

Brian took the opportunity afforded him by the broken kiss to lean in and press his lips to the dragon's throat. There he nibbled and nosed and even sucked ever so gently, ensuring that Smokey wouldn't lower his chin until he was allowed to. Below, the fox positioned his own hips, working himself into just the right position with his own rod pointed up along his husband's. He opened his jaws and clamped down on the dragon's throat as he jammed his shaft in alongside the wolf's.

Smokey's eyes bulged, both from being stretched by two rather generous intruders and from the sudden bite on his neck. Sirius--not to be left out--growled and bit down on the dragon from behind. His target was the base of the blue's neck where it met with the shoulder. Neither intended to draw blood, but they certainly held fast, asserting their dominance over their lover as they stretched him below. Smokey clung to the fox in front of him, beginning to tremble as he panted for breath. He could feel a bulge in his abdomen pushing outward against Brian's trim stomach. It was a glorious sensation, being taken by a pair of possessive canids.

The rutting began in earnest without any slow build up. Sirius and Brian simply pumped away without regard for the dragon possibly needing time to acclimate. It was a gentle pounding, but a pounding none the less. Whenever one drew back, the other slammed home, and vice versa, each one taking their turn filling their blue lover and bottoming out in his womb. As they made use of their trapped dragon, Sirius and Brian reached around to one another, caressing and stroking along one another's backs. While their teeth were busy keeping their 'possession' in place for the good filling he had asked for, they began communicating through a language of nothing but touch--something they had developed over several years and countless sessions. There was no need for words. They shared exactly what they intended to do without their boyfriend being any the wiser.

They would teach him their special touch-language someday, just not right now. They were a little too busy taking his breath away.

Smokey huffed loudly with his head still tilted back, two sets of jaws clinging firmly to him as he ran his claws through Brian's fur. He was hanging on for dear life as the boys rammed into him over and over, dragging flesh against flesh, in different directions at the same time. He lifted his free leg and draped it over Brian's hip while his tail snaked its way around Sirius' waist. There wasn't all that much more he could do to participate. Rocking his hips only made things more difficult, though he did decide to keep pressed as tightly against the fox in his arms as he could. The silky pelt gliding over his throbbing length tickled in just the right way.

Both canids' members were quickly coated in a glistening sheen of the dragon's honey, soaking not just the blue's thighs but all three of them. Smokey clearly needed to work on his stamina given that he was breathing much harder than either of the boys currently working hard to give him the filling he wanted so badly. The dragon might have made a mental note to do more cardio, but there wasn't much room in his head for anything at the moment aside from the two almost forearm-sized rods jammed together inside his passage. It was all he could think about--that and what the end result would be, swollen and heavy, envisioning a tummy full of their pups, or just a big, sloshing gut bloated with a small lake of wolf and fox spunk.

Either would work well enough--and one could very easily lead to the other.

With his mind so heavily focused on those lovely thoughts, it only hastened the dragon to his end. A somewhat strangled cry poured lazily into the room. Smokey would have roared with climax but a certain grey fox was clamped sturdily at his throat. A burst of nectar splashed over thigh and shaft, soaking everyone involved. The drake's unoccupied length spasmed with nothing to hold it down save Brian's abdomen and Smokey's stretched middle. It loosed its own contribution, leaving a sticky mess to get smeared about as the dragon continued to be rutted. This was where the difference was made. The boys weren't done with their toy. They could have slowed down and eased themselves into orgasm, but they didn't. The pounding continued.

Sirius growled through his teeth as he reached in between his husband and the blue they were both lovingly abusing. He wrapped his fingers around Smokey's throbbing shaft and squeezed. His paw-pads began to stroke along the rigid mast, determined to keep his dragon nice and firm no matter what. Odds were very good there would be another creamy pop before the end. In fact, it was a certainty. The wolf and fox had not yet reached that one critical moment their little blue boyfriend was always so enthusiastic about--and it was rapidly approaching. Sirius and Brian continued their muted conversation; squeezing and stroking, raking their claws through each other's fur, even gently pulling on a tuft here and there. The coordinated strike was playing out exactly the way they wanted.

All Smokey had to do was not pass out. He could do that. The boys had trained him well--so had Shayna and Ivory. It wasn't exactly the kind of life he had expected to lead, but he could safely say he was happy with it--especially right now.

The two intruding lengths gliding back and forth inside the blue carried on, but with an added wrinkle. A swell was growing at the base of both of them, slowly and steadily, firming up as they bulged wider and rounder. Smokey knew what this was. A mighty quake rippled through him as he felt one bump against his loins, then the other. He whined and moaned, feeling a mighty ache spread up through him from his groin. Then his need was satisfied with a firm POP. It stole his breath away. Then the wolf's knot was yanked back out. It left the dragon a little dizzy and wanting--right up until the fox's knot was crammed in to replace it. A strangled yowl escaped the blue, followed by gasp and cry after gasp and cry each time the two boys pulled themselves free with a jerk, only to be replaced by the other. One knot in, then back out, then the other knot in, then back out, over and over again, unceasing. It was as regular as a metronome. The dragon could have conducted music to it.

The pace quickened, each pop and jerk coming faster and faster. The growls of the two canids grew louder. Their teeth dragged across the scaled hide they held fast to. Communication had ceased. Instead, they had plunged their fingers low, seeking out one another down between their legs from behind. Why should the dragon be the only one getting any feminine satisfaction? Sirius' paw found its way to his husband's petals just as Brian's did the same for the wolf. There they explored one another, seeking out those most tender spots they knew all too well. It would be a short trip this time, but they could luxuriate in such tenderness later. For now, they wanted that extra bump to help them reach the end--and it worked just like it always did.

All three bodies went rigid. Sirius and Brian pushed forward into their dragon with all their might at once. Two swells just a bit larger than fist-sized were swallowed up by the blue's hungry nethers--though it wasn't without consequence. The drake clamped down hard on his lovers and soaked them once again as a mighty tidal wave crashed down on him. His length--still in the wolf's grasp--bucked hard against its captor. The sticky splatter that coated both dragon and fox abdomen doubled in size, seeping into fur and scale alike. The two shafts mashing against the back of Smokey's womb pulsed as they unleashed their own loads. Heat surged forth, filling the blue's core. His belly slowly ballooned out gently, swelling with every gush. Each jump in size was visible to the naked eye. His waistline expanded in increments with every additional splash he was given.

What felt like both an eternity and a fleeting instant passed before all three finally relaxed. Their muscles were sore and aching, screaming for rest and time to rid themselves of the lactic acid burning away. What had been an aggressive, rough round of love-play turned to a gentle, tender embrace. The two canids took their jaws off the drake, leaving behind only faint teeth marks in his hide. They would be visible for a day or so--a lovely little badge of honor for Smokey to wear so that everyone knew he had been properly mounted and stuffed by his boyfriends. They all panted as they clung to one another, desperate to not separate, eager to remain just as they were. The two pulsing lengths remained happily buried in one of their favorite crevices while the dragon they were inside felt a mighty urge to keep as strong a grip on them as possible. Sirius and Brian didn't feel like pulling out, and Smokey didn't feel like letting them pull out.

Finally, when breath could fill lungs without being immediately and harshly expelled again, words came.

"I'd call that... a pretty fucking good start." Smokey panted out.

"Agreed," Sirius replied, having caught his breath faster, "The real question is... what are we going to do next?"

"We've got all week to get up to whatever we can think of." Brian added.

"Lemme guess," Smokey said, "Now that you've gone and filled me up real good, you wanna dive down my dick, get some time in the 'ball room' like you like to do?"

"That does sound like a solid plan, but we've done it a fair bit lately." Sirius said.

"Not for any extraordinary length of time," Brian added, "Overnight, during your lunch break, just before you go for a walk in the garden. Maybe we should finish with that, arrange to spend a bit longer in there... make you haul us around with you everywhere you go for a few days."

"Or a week." Sirius offered.

"Or a month or two." Brian countered.

Smokey chuckled and gave the fox's nose an affectionate lick before pressing his face down into the warm, soft fluff of his chest.

"God... the two of you... in my sac... for a month. I wouldn't get anything done. I'd struggle just to think straight." he said.

"Then don't try to, just think gay." Sirius replied with a grin.

"So, we've got the ending figured out--a three month long vacation in our dragon's nutsack--but what do we do with him until then?" Brian asked, wondering if Smokey would complain at the impromptu extension of their planned stay.

"Three? Just a minute ago you were saying only one or two." the blue said.

"You're right. What was I thinking? Four months it is." the fox shot back with his own mischievous grin.

Sirius nuzzled in against the dragon's cheek and offered him a loving lick.

"Better be careful. He might decide we should stay even longer. Now what do you want us to do to you next?" the wolf asked.

"I don't know... I'm... I'm a little too scatterbrained to think right now." Smokey answered.

"Then I suggest we do whatever we like with him," Brian said immediately, "Care to help me make a few modifications to him? A little direct application if you will?"

Aside from the two canids having their own language of touch, they had mastered the art of coding their speech. The blue drake furrowed his brow as he looked at the fox, then turned his head to try his best to glance at the wolf behind him, just ever so slightly confused. There were several different interpretations to that statement. He simply couldn't determine which one was correct.

"Mmm, I do like that method, and if I'm not mistaken, our little dragon likes it too. It'll certainly keep him in one place long enough for us to have some more fun with him." Sirius said.

Again, they were speaking past the drake, deciding what to do without letting him be part of the planning. Normally, that would be considered rude since he was right there--with their dicks still buried in him no less. However, this was all part of their little game, a not so subtle behavior that implied dominance over him. Shayna and Ivory did that to him frequently.

"Alright. I'll see you inside." Brian said before leaning past the dragon's muzzle to kiss his husband.

Sirius returned the kiss, only holding it briefly. The fox withdrew from his lupine's affection, then offered the drake the same contact. Lips met, tongues danced, muffled moans remained trapped with no way out. The affection lingered far longer than with Sirius, keeping Smokey well distracted as the vulpine began to slowly withdraw himself from below. The POP of his knot sliding free should have made the blue break the kiss, but it didn't. His eyes pinched shut and his stifled moan grew a bit louder, but only for a moment. Slowly, the fox withdrew completely and lifted both of his paws to cup the dragon's cheeks, keeping him locked into such a powerful kiss--one that threatened to leave the blue fellow lightheaded.

Then, Brian pushed forward. He shoved his muzzle past the dragon's jaws and plunged onward to the back of his throat. A pair of paws pushed in as well. The fox sank his arms into his lover's maw and pushed harder. Smokey's eyes pinched shut tightly once again and stayed that way as he was force-fed his boyfriend. The vulpine wriggled and squirmed, knowing just how to move and stretch to stimulate the dragon's swallow reflex. The first forced gulp sank Brian in up to his chest. His two bushy tails swished about happily behind him as he pressed on, progressing down into the dark below. A muffled groan surrounded the disappearing vulpine, only a half-hearted complaint from the dragon. He might have wanted to go a little slower to enjoy it, but he wasn't in charge. The boys were. That left him shivering all over again. He squeezed his thighs together, trying to keep as tight a grasp on Sirius' length as he could. He didn't want to be left completely empty--though that was an inevitability.

The wolf reached around to stroke along his husband's back, even cup against his backside to help shove him down the dragon's throat a little faster. Gulp after forced gulp brought more of the grey fox into the blue's interior. His belly--already plump and sloshing audibly--had begun to grow anew. Paws pushed out from inside. A muzzle and face could be seen though only dully through his pale grey hide. The fox's hips reached Smokey's jaws as he ran his tongue across the thick, sticky patch of spunk he had painted Brian with. The ample mast that had been lodged between his legs was now in his mouth, poking at the back of his throat. He gagged for a brief moment before swallowing again. He might have taken a little more time, held there to pleasure his boyfriend a bit more before sending him deeper, but Brian was too eager for something else. Thighs glided through the dragon's jaws, then knees and calves. A pair of feet-paws slipped out of sight as Smokey closed his mouth and gulped one last time. He let out a loud huff and groan as he groped at his distended belly. It shifted and squirmed about visibly as Brian tumbled around in his stomach.

"Ugh... a little... too fast... I... wanted to enjoy you." the dragon complained.

"There will be time to enjoy later. For now... we're looking for something specific. Now, I hope you've got room for seconds." Sirius said.

"I've... always got... room... for both of you." Smokey replied.

"Good." the wolf said and pulled himself back, withdrawing his own length from the thoroughly abused petals below.

His knot pulled free with the same POP as his husband's and he drew the rest of the way out. Smokey whimpered and wiggled his hips, feeling a few thin trickles of seed trying to seep out of him. He was rolled onto his back by the wolf, who kissed him just as deeply and passionately as the fox only moments earlier. The blue expected him to use the exact same tactic Brian had, but found himself surprised again. Sirius broke the kiss after a few, long, glorious moments, gripped the dragon's muzzle, and pried it open.

"Make some room! I'm coming in!" Sirius called out down the blue's throat.

The fox shifted hard down towards the dragon's hips, making him shudder anew. His shaft mashed up against the great swell, already aching for release again. The wolf shoved a paw in, then the other, then his head followed. Smokey simply gave in, unable to stop from being stuffed. The vulpine already in the blue drake's stomach reached back up his throat and took hold of the lupine, dragging Sirius inward with greater speed than he had used. The wolf passed in half the time it took for Brian to be eaten, leaving a pair of paws sticking out of Smokey's mouth. He clapped his jaws shut around them and gulped as his belly surged outward, doubling in size and pinning him to the bed.

A loud, room-shaking belch followed. The dragon had just eaten a very large meal. Of course he was going to have something to say about it--and so did his stomach. The grand, stretched gut shifted and writhed as the two occupants within positioned themselves for comfort. Gurgles and creaks surrounded them while the walls churned and squeezed, trying to massage the pair into submission. They knew just how to get the blue fellow started on digesting them. If he was already well exhausted, well teased and still needy, and they stuffed themselves in fast enough, he would find it harder to refrain. Given that it certainly seemed like this was their goal, Smokey didn't bother trying to hold back. He just moaned as his stuffed belly happily churned away.

"I guess... I'll see you both... in a few minutes?" the dragon asked, not entirely sure what the desired effect was other than the obvious.

"That's right, and when we come back, we'll have a lot more of you to play with." Sirius called out, his voice muffled by the layers of dragon concealing him and his husband from the outside world.

Smokey just closed his eyes and huffed, deciding to give in to the pleasure of what they had forced him to do. It wasn't often he delighted in this sort of thing, but they wanted him to enjoy himself, so he might as well. His member--now painfully hard--was throbbing intensely, already close to bursting once again.

"Mmm, love you boys." the dragon said weakly as he writhed on his back.

"We love you too, Smokey. See you soon." Brian called back.

The sounds of the two canids engaging in their own bit of love-play were quickly muffled by the noises of the drake's belly doing what it was craving to do. There came a loud groan from the misshapen dome, and the motion within ceased. The odd lumps faded into one, smooth, round orb pinning the dragon down. It was no longer firm and solid but soft and yielding to the touch. It was as if the two canids he had eaten had turned immediately to liquid or something similar. More burbling came from his middle as it began to slowly shrink, wobbling with each noise it made and retracting inward, moving to slowly flatten back out.

Smokey huffed and cried out softly time and again, rocking back and forth slowly as his loins burned with need. Finally, in one sudden jerk, his gut shrank from roughly the size of a large melon all the way back down to the plump, sloshing curve it had been before. He wasn't going to be flat again thanks to the generous supply of canid spunk he had been filled with. In that sudden withdraw, something new happened. The size that had once been in the blue's abdomen surged outward elsewhere. His length suddenly stretched to more than double what it had been. Then another pulse saw it grow once more. It was now as long as one of his thighs, and as big around as one of his forearms. His sac bloated outward and gurgled audibly, swelling until it looked as though he might be trying to smuggle a pair of small beach balls in his shorts--if he could find shorts that would cover them. The growth didn't stop there. At the same time, his chest practically exploded outward. Had he been wearing a shirt, it would have ripped open as his new, heavy, expansive bust filled out in seconds.

Smokey loosed a roar of elation as his body changed, the mass of his two lovers shifting about to modify him in a way they saw as 'more entertaining'--at least given their current mood. His length bucked hard and fired a shower of white skyward. It came splattering back down on him, coating almost his entire front in the sticky ooze. Finally, it all came to a stop and he lay there, panting and drenched in his own release. A palm found its way to his belly, tracing slow circles over the plump curve. He couldn't help but smile a little.

"Heh... guess we'll see if it's just eggs like usual... or if I'm actually going to have pups." he said, musing to himself.

There came a gentle quake and groan from the soft bloat. It started to firm up under his paw--and he could even feel it starting to stretch. It was a gradual swelling, one that might go unnoticed if not for his storied history being used as an egg factory a good portion of the year. He knew this feeling all too well.

Smokey frowned a little and caressed his stomach. He was a little disappointed. It surprised him that he felt that way.

"Guess we'll have to try for pups another time. Gonna have a decent sized clutch though, so that'll be nice," he said to himself, "Probably should get cleaned up. The boys will be back soon."

With a bit of effort--partially from the size of his new bust which rivaled the size of his sac at this point, and partially from being so spent from all the fun--the dragon managed to sit up and swing himself over to the edge of the bed. He pushed himself up onto his paws unsteadily and stumbled a little. It took a moment for him to adjust to how the weight had distributed across him--to say nothing of how he was going to be walking funny for a little while after how good the boys rutted him. The busty blue drake staggered towards the bathroom and shut himself into the shower. The water poured out hot and comforting, rinsing the dragon clean.

It took all his effort to not spend hours simply fondling himself. Smokey was no stranger to being such a shape, and how marvelous it felt to explore himself when he was so endowed. His fingers traced over his breasts, teasing at his nipples, squeezing here and there to send a delightful little tingle up his spine. It was a bit more than he was used to. Those naughty boys had tinkered with him a bit more than usual.

"They made everything more sensitive. Why do I get the feeling they did that on purpose? Walk me out in public, give me a grope, and I just cum right there on the walking path," Smokey mused, "Fuck... they're probably going to collar me and lead me around on a leash. They've been threatening it for a while now."

Once all the sticky splatter had been rinsed off the blue's smooth hide, he shut the water off and stepped out. There he paused and turned to look at himself in the mirror. When one had the agility of a city bus, you didn't so much 'turn' as 'swing', so he stood there, swinging himself from side to side to appreciate his reflection, finding it rather appealing. It wasn't quite as exaggerated as Ivory, but it certainly was more than he was ordinarily tasked with managing. It would take some getting used to.

Strangely, the blue didn't feel the usual sense of needing to change how he saw himself. Normally, he would have started to think more in the feminine sense rather than masculine, or perhaps something in between. At the moment, he still felt very much like a 'he'. It wasn't unheard of, but it wasn't often he felt this way. He shrugged as he caressed his bust and length, trying to get a handle on just how much more trouble they were going to be if casual public groping was going to be the norm for the next week.

"I guess it's 'busty boy Smokey' they want. Works for me." the dragon said.

As the blue stepped out of the bathroom, he found two things that one might have thought surprising. For one, the terrible mess he had made during his transformation--and while Sirius and Brian tried to fuck his brains out--was gone. The sheets were cleaned and pressed, with no sign they had ever been touched by any such sticky leavings. That wasn't all that surprising. The Inn--and all the surrounding locations in the preserve around it--had enchantments everywhere. One such spell was a housekeeping measure that handled such messes. The other surprise was the sight of the two canids lounging on the freshly turned down bed, obviously waiting for their boyfriend.

"Hey there, beautiful." Sirius called out as the drake returned.

Smokey blushed at the compliment.

"Hey guys. Been waiting long?" he asked.

"Only a couple of minutes. We popped back in about the time you finished your shower," Brian answered, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm good. A little off balance, but that's always how it is right after a change. You like the look?" Smokey asked.

"Mmm, love it." Sirius said as he slid his way off the bed and practically stalked over to the blue.

Brian followed suit. The pair almost always did everything together, including their loving molestations of their favorite water dragon. They pressed in against Smokey from either side, wrapped their arms around him, and began running their paws over his new swells, both above and below. It sent the drake to shuddering again.

"Ooo... don't you dare stop." Smokey said.

"We don't plan on it. Now, it's all a little fuzzy because we were still non-corporeal at the moment, but... I think I recall you saying something about being disappointed we didn't actually get you pregnant? Something about maybe next time you'll get a litter of pups from us?" Sirius asked.

Brian grinned and nuzzled in against the blue drake's cheek, then began slowly kissing his way down Smokey's neck. Before too long, he was down on his knees with his lips wrapped around one of the fat nipples that had just started to let a few little drops of white seep out. He began to nurse and drink from the dragon, making him shiver in delight.

"Mmm... What can I say... I... guess I kind of... got it in my head... that it would be nice." Smokey answered as he cupped a paw against the back of Brian's head to him press gently into his breast.

"Well, if you're so keen on getting a belly full of pups, we should try and make that happen. And not just with me and Brian. I think we should let as many others take a shot as want to try. I think the pack would absolutely love to have our busty little innkeeper as a public cum-dumpster for a few days." Sirius said, slipping something around the dragon's neck.

It didn't surprise Smokey when he felt the leather wrap around his throat. A metal tag dangled from the front down towards his cleavage. It was round and had the words 'Property of Sirius and Brian' engraved into it. The dragon couldn't see it, but he had a feeling it would say something to that effect. What he might also have failed to notice was that the the leather hugging close to his skin had more than the usual amount of stretch to it. There would be no 'snap my choker' situation, though attempts were invited. It likely could stretch well enough to stand up to Sirius and Brian forcing their way back down Smokey's throat without issue. The blue drake shivered a little and huffed, partly from being collared, and partly from Brian dragging his teeth across the sensitive flesh of his nipple as he nursed away, drinking deeply of the bounty of milk he now had to offer.

"Fuck... why does that turn me on so much right now? It doesn't usually do a damn thing for me." Smokey said.

"Because it's us... you trust Brian and me, and you want us to do all sorts of nasty, depraved things to you, which... your wish is our command," Sirius replied in a husky voice directly in the dragon's ear, "And don't worry... if all we get is eggs out of you... we'll just have a few volunteers climb into that lovely belly of yours and let you make them young again. One way or another, you're not getting out of this week without a hefty litter."

The blue fellow shuddered all over again, this time his legs threatening to give out. He could just picture being tied down on all fours, tail pulled up, with a line of volunteers from Sirius' pack just climbing right into him to fill out his womb. He loved the thought of it and couldn't wait until his eggs were ready to be laid. Maybe someone would let him lay them directly in them. Maybe Sirius and Brian would be the happy volunteers.

"As an innkeeper... I am obligated to offer a comfortable place to sleep to anyone who asks... gotta keep up my reputation for hospitality." Smokey said.

"That's my boy. Now... c'mon... I've already put the word out. The pack's interested in being part of your vacation." Sirius said.

He started to walk, gently tugging on the leash attached to his dragon's collar. Smokey wrapped his arms around Brian, dragging him along without letting him break away from his breast.

"Mmm, are we charging? I feel like we should charge. If I'm going to be bent over the whole time and stuffed with eggs, then there should be a fee." Smokey said.

"Well of course. You're worth paying for," Sirius said, "A dollar for a dozen eggs. Ride's only a quarter. Now be a good little slut and hurry along. Lotta dicks to suck and ride."

"My vacation is me being a community fuck-toy," Smokey said, "Sounds like just about every day with Shayna and Ivory."

The trio left the bedroom, heading downstairs and outside where the wolf pack was indeed waiting to see just what their chief had promised them. It was going to be a very interesting vacation for the dragon. He'd be getting a good deal of cardio, just not the kind he might have planned on.

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