The Stallions of Ozajiarh
Afterwards, nyraxaryn lay with both hind-legs pulled in close to hiis dualsex protectively, pressing the edges of hiis raw and aching clit together.
Affirmation Services
The dualsex vixen stated simply, flexing their fingers in the air a bit in preparation. "oh. that makes sense..." the feline thought for a moment. upon finding nothing else, xie nodded.
Squirrel Eggs - [Preview]
Full story contains: hip growth, dualsex transformation, hyper egg laying, condom filling, playful ribbing, compression clothes, surprise affluence and more holy oviposition. all characters created for this story.
Not to Decide is Still a Choice
While they knew this was possible, dualsex didn't seem all that appealing to the fox. strawberry mentally erased the sheath and scrotum from the equation.
First Breeding
Sirius and brian are a masc dualsex/altersex couple. sirius is the chief of a clan of wolves with his fox mate at his side. tris always thought that if he were going to try out having both sets of sexual organs, he would do it with their help.
Beach in Heat
Posted using postybirb beach in heat keywords: canines, werewolves, dualsex, heat, blowjob, vaginal, transformation the benefit of living in an artificial environment is that you can control the weather.
Becoming Girldick
The wolf held the coyote tightly as she pressed her thick knot into the smaller canine. Their lovemaking wasn't done yet. Holding each other, humping and groaning, a mess of two people wanting to bring each other to a climax, the coyote didn't notice...
Ariel & Maria
Just as she thought she'd calmed down, her husband put his hand on hers and told her that he loved her. On a normal day Ariel would've taken this as the kind gesture it was intended for. Today she thought about stabbing Tim's hand with a fork. How...
Fae Queen Iris
"Johnny, are you sure we're going the right way?" "Not really, but unless you have a better one we're sticking to it." Caroline sighed, turning to look at the various trees surrounding the couple; all unique, with different shapes and varying colors,...
Desert Wind - A Diplomatic Invitation
The tiny lamps cast shadowy light across the room, obscuring the faces of the patrons. Yet, she knows that all of their eyes are upon the stage. She steps out, bare feet sliding across the smoothed stone floor. Tassels swirl through the air as she...
Gonz's Communion 2
"That is the sound of a quitter and a non-believer. Are you so sure of your own limitations, my child?" her divine mother asks, frowning down on Gonz. "I'm scared, Mother," Gonz admits, her chest heaving. "I've felt the touch of the Dark...
Gonz's Communion 1
The underground lake echoes with the inconstant dripping of condensation. Suddenly, the sloshing of a singular swimmer breaks the natural rhythm. Gonz emerges from the lake, her robes clinging to her curvy form, but the kobold has a mission...