I Want You to Kidnap Me - Chapter 1

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Liam is a pervert and a slacker, lying on his resume to get into a job he is underqualified for. Things all come crashing down when his scary, strict boss sends him an email, telling him she knows exactly what he's been doing.

Of course, the meeting goes a lot differently than he expects. He may lose his job, and be completely unemployable after she informs every other business owner in the city of his misdeeds. However, Ms. Briar has another job for him, one that will result in the pair of them growing a bit closer outside of work hours.

I Want You to Kidnap Me

Chapter 1

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Liam swore, holding his head in his hands and rocking back and forth in his luxurious leather chair. He was screwed. The spotted hyena had only just gotten this gig a month ago, after lying like a rug on his résumé, and it was about to come crashing down.

All it had taken to send the new employee into a fit of anxiety was a simple e-mail from his boss, the CEO of the company he now worked for. Even the subject made him sweat, a casual-sounding 'We need to talk.' The body of the message continued:

"I know what you've been up to. Consider yourself caught. I'll be paying a visit to your office at 3 PM sharp, so expect me."

Liam's boss, Ms. Briar, was a cold, calculating, and severe woman. He'd never seen her so much as smile, but he had seen her hand down brutal criticisms to her underlings. If the slender fox walked into the building, her employees instinctively sat up straight, as if she exuded some sort of miasma. It was serious business!

It was over for him. The hyena let out a resigned sigh, figuring he might as well start packing his belongings into a box. He should really have known better than to have his buddies pretend to be former employers, and their glowing reviews over the phone were probably suspicious as all hell. Even a cursory investigation of his past employment history would've revealed his only real job--a data entry grunt at a paper company, five whole years ago.

He donned his coat, putting away his aging laptop, along with his favorite mug. Flopping down in his chair, he looked up at the ceiling. "Gonna miss having my own office." He groaned, dejected.

A knocking on his door made his breathing stop, his mouth turn dry. "C-come in." He called out, hoarsely, ready for the dressing down of a century. The door clicked open, and in walked his boss, Ms. Briar. Her heels thumped softly on the thin carpet, which the hyena's brown eyes followed up to pantyhose-clad legs. A black pencil skirt hugged her thighs tightly, with a white dress shirt tucked into it.

"Hey." Liam offered, sweat running down his brow. He looked guilty as sin. "You said you, uh, wanted to talk?"

The fox wasted no time walking right up to his desk, folding her arms and staring down at him. Her bright blue eyes seemed to bore directly into his soul. He gulped. "You really thought you could get away with it, didn't you?" She asked, showing off her pearly whites. "Do you think I'm stupid?"

"No ma'am, I-I..." Liam began, but she cut him off.

"Pornography." She barked, slamming her hand down on his desk. He jumped. Liam was almost a foot taller than the petite fox, but he felt so very small in that moment. "You've been looking at pornography on your work computer--are you aware that my IT team can view literally every site that my employees visit during work hours?"

Liam blinked, his mouth hanging open. Wait, this...wasn't about his résumé? "Listen, Ms. Briar, I don't know what you think I've done, but..."

"What I think you've done? No, I know it. You didn't even clear your browser history." The smaller woman continued, the corners of her mouth turning up into a sadistic grin. He was in for it now. "Bondapalooza? Rope-tied-vixens dot com? Boundhub? Any of those ring a bell?"

Liam stared down at his desk, his face burning white hot beneath his brown fur. "Y-yes..." He admitted, figuring lying any further would be pointless.

In truth, he had something of an unhealthy obsession with dark kink content. He knew looking at porn at work was fucked up, sure, but his libido was like a train without brakes, and his willpower often failed him before the work day was even done. If there was such a thing as a porn addiction, he was pretty sure he would be the poster child for it.

"So, Liam, what do you think I should do with this information?" She asked, which was a tactic he was more than familiar with. His mom would do the same thing when he got into trouble, asking him what he thought the punishment should be for his actions. The hyena clammed up further, clearing his throat awkwardly.

"Well, I guess you should fire me." He acquiesced, hanging his head. "I mean, I royally fucked up, so it's only fair." In truth, he'd been expecting to be fired all day, so he was more than happy to get it over with. The stress he'd been feeling in the lead-up to this conversation was unreal.

"Well, naturally. I've already filed the paperwork for your termination. And I'm going to make it my mission to inform every other company in this town that you're an unemployable pervert. A disgusting waste of skin and fur."

He winced. That was harsh, but he supposed he deserved it. Liam would have to skip town, maybe move back in with his parents for awhile, but he'd figure something out. He moved to stand, feeling like the most worthless speck of dirt in the entire universe.

"Sit down." The fox demanded, slamming her fist on the table this time. Liam obliged, his eyes widening.

"You're scum, and you don't deserve to breathe the same air that I do. But, it just so happens I have a job that a putrid, degenerate freak like yourself is perfect for." Ms. Briar grinned, wolfishly, producing a black leather wallet and opening it. The hyena gasped audibly when she began to pull out several hundred-dollar bills, before tossing them on the desk in front of him.

"Wh-what?" He asked, bewildered, staring down at the money. That was easily a thousand dollars, tossed so casually in his direction.

The smartly-dressed vixen leaned over him, so close that he could smell her breath. Liam shivered.

"I want you to kidnap me."

The words hung in the air for a long while. The hyena couldn't believe what he'd just heard, but it was unmistakable. Worse yet, the fox didn't follow up on her bold declaration, but instead seemed content to stand there, staring, watching him squirm.

It felt like minutes passed before Liam was able to compose himself enough to respond. "Uhh...come again?" He squeaked, his voice cracking.

"Oh, so you're deaf now too?" She chided, making a clicking noise with her tongue. "You heard me, Liam. Now pack up your things and get the fuck out of my building." With that, the fox turned on her heel, her black shoes carrying her toward the door, which she opened, before slamming it shut. Liam was left to contemplate what in the hell had just happened.

The greenbacks on the table were too precious to ignore, though, especially now that he was out of a job. Trying to steady his breathing, he leaned forward and began scooping up the hundred-dollar bills, stuffing them into his pockets. As he clumsily packed the money away, he noticed a small slip of paper falling off the desk, swaying in the air before landing on the carpet below. Arching a brow, the hyena stooped down to pick it up.

It read: "Download the Cryptr app. My username is Flytrap0041." Liam pocketed that too, a shiver running down his spine. Was this for real? With how scary his now-former employer was, the hyena wouldn't be surprised if she was playing some crazy mind game on him. Anxious and out of a job, he left his office, making the walk of shame to the elevator and heading down.

The Uber ride back home was awkward, as he wasn't in the mood for a chat, and his driver was talking his ear off. He arrived home at his cheap apartment quickly enough though, at least glad he hadn't moved into a more expensive place before getting shitcanned at work. Heading up the narrow stairway to the shoebox he called home, Liam dumped all his belongings on the cheap carpet, before heading straight to bed.

Yeah, it wasn't even four o' clock yet, and he was more than happy to spend the rest of the day feeling sorry for himself. He laid down, burrowing under his comforter and draping a pillow over his head. Liam closed his eyes, letting out a deep, protracted sigh. The stress and anxiety he'd been steeped in this morning had mostly passed, but now he just felt exhausted.

Try as he might, though, he couldn't relax. His mind just kept calling him back to earlier, when his boss had dropped the bombshell of a lifetime on him. The way she just let her words linger in the air, knowing full well they'd make his brain short-circuit. She was like, some kind of secret freak, wasn't she? No other kind of person would've asked him something like that.

Remembering the slip of paper, he dug into his pocket, retrieving it. It'd been crumpled up by now, along with the myriad hundred-dollar bills, but the words were still legible enough. He pressed it to his nose, and realized with a gasp that it smelled like her perfume. Liam shivered as he fished out his phone, typing "Cryptr app" into Google.

To say that this app looked sketchy was an understatement. It wasn't even available on the main app store, instead being featured on a nondescript website with a single button that read "download." Fully expecting his phone to contract a deadly virus, Liam clicked the link, which put the .apk file on his phone. It was a process for the not-so-technically-minded hyena to figure out how to install it, but after a few minutes, the program was ready, and he opened it up.

He understood quickly why Ms. Briar had wanted to use an app like this. It was apparently an encrypted chat service, wherein messages would 'self-destruct' after a specified amount of time had passed. Liam was able to navigate the sign up process easily enough, and before long, he had his username and password. "Ropedevil89" may have been cringe, but he'd been using it since his early twenties on various fetish boards, and it served just fine for his purposes here.

All that was left was to send his former boss an invite. He paused. Would it seem too eager if he did this now? Like, how you're not supposed to text immediately after a date, or something? It was difficult to imagine an arrangement like this would be subject to the same sort of etiquette, but he still had his reservations.

Hell, if this wasn't some kind of cruel joke, and she really wanted him to 'kidnap' her, was he actually going to go through with it? Honestly, his old boss scared the shit out of him, and even if the fact that she was a secret kinkster excited him, he wasn't exactly keen to spend time with her after she'd insulted him in so many creative ways.

Liam's hesitation only continued for a few more minutes before curiosity got the better of him. With trembling fingers, he sent the friend request--and his eyes widened when it was almost instantly accepted. Was she...sitting by her phone too, waiting for him to reach out?

He clicked her profile, and noticed Ms. Briar was already typing out a message. His blood went cold as he anxiously waited for her to finish. His phone vibrated before long, and her text read:

"For the next week, after leaving the building at 5 PM, I will be boarding the subway. I will get off at the 63rdstreet station, before doing one of two things. I'll either be heading North to my favorite Jamaican restaurant, or South on 60thstreet to a soul food joint. You'll have to find me."

Liam felt a shiver running from his scalp to the tip of his tail. She wasn't pulling his leg, was she? Still, the lingering feeling that this was some sort of trap crept into his mind. Tapping his screen, he typed in response.

"You seriously want me to just grab you off the street? LOL. I'm gonna get arrested!"

"If you're stupid, sure. But if you know the city, both of those paths take me through some fairly secluded places."

"I don't know how you expect me to snatch you like that when I don't even have a car."

"I gave you plenty of money. You figure it out, genius."

She had a point, there. He could easily rent a vehicle with that kind of cash... Still, was he willing to take a risk like this? If he got caught, a cop might not exactly understand that Ms. Briar was consenting, and he wasn't keen on being filled full of bullet holes. Feeling conflicted, he replied again.

"What if I say no? This is all really nuts honestly, lmao."

"You're going to regret it. You'll live the rest of your life wondering "what if?" I'm offering you the opportunity to fulfill your fantasies. Turn it down, and you'll never get something this good again."

"Why me?" He typed, hands shaking.

"It's precisely because you're scum." She replied, before typing again. "This doesn't work for me unless my kidnapper is a true, dyed in the wool pervert. A real degenerate."

Liam felt blood flowing to his loins, despite the fact that she was essentially insulting him. Something about his cold, cruel former boss confessing her own fantasy to him made him squirm.

"Have you done this before?" He asked.

"No." She responded.

"Is there like...a safe word, or limits you want to set? Or am I just sorta winging it here?" He couldn't believe he was actually considering this.

"No safe word, and no limits. I want to have no idea what you're planning for me. I want to feel completely at your mercy."

Fuck. Liam groaned, his cock making an uncomfortable tent in his slacks. This was pure insanity, but he couldn't deny even the idea made him aroused as all hell. "So like, what are you into exactly? Any specific stuff you get off to?"

"Do you really care what your captive likes? No. You impose your will on them." She replied, almost instantly. "Make it happen. Goodbye."

With that, Liam's eyes widened as Ms. Briar's texts all vanished, leaving no history of their conversation. Panicking, he quickly stumbled out of bed and fumbled for a notepad, writing down the streets and restaurants she'd mentioned, vague as she'd been.

After a quick wank followed by some very fitful sleep, the disheveled hyena set out into the city. It was early in the morning, and after having a coffee shop break one of his hundred-dollar bills for him, Liam found his way onto the subway. He rode for a few stops, getting off where he knew a moving company had an office.

"Welcome." The receptionist greeted, an older canine woman with greyed-out hair. "What can I help you with today?"

"Hey, uh..." He began, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "I'm planning a move, and I need to rent one of those vans outside. They're twenty bucks a day for in-town moves, right?"

A few minutes later, she was showing him around the lot. He was lucky his license hadn't expired, because he couldn't remember the last time he'd actually driven a vehicle. Traffic in this city sucked, and it was a lot cheaper to take an Uber or ride the subway than find a place to park an expensive car every night.

"As you can see, these transit vans offer plenty of room on the inside. How big is your apartment?" She asked, keeping her customer service smile on the whole time.

"Oh, like...I dunno, a few hundred square feet?"

"You should have plenty of room, then." She replied, opening the back doors and revealing an empty, albeit slightly dirty interior. Liam rubbed his chin. He was pretty sure he could live out of one of these things if he tried hard enough, it was pretty spacious.

He allowed himself to imagine the scenario for a minute. He'd pull up beside her, slide open the side door, then yank her inside. The hyena wondered how much she'd struggle--would she be kicking and screaming? If he was right about her wanting the experience to be as authentic as possible, he reckoned she would.

"Sir?" The woman asked, and he gasped, sucked out of his reverie.

"It's perfect. I'll take it."

Liam's next stop was a hardware store, which he drove to in his fancy new van. It was something of a trial by fire piloting that huge vehicle through the city, but he'd managed to avoid getting into an accident, so he was happy enough.

The hyena filled his cart with all the tools he figured he'd need. When he rolled up to checkout, he'd gathered a length of sturdy rope, a large roll of duct tape, an intimidating-looking fixed blade knife, a package of cleaning cloths, and a balaclava. He was grateful for self-checkout, as he was certain an actual cashier would have thought he was a psychopath going through the line with all of that gear.

Next on his shopping adventure was a fetish shop in center city. He always felt awkward as hell going into these stores, doubly so when he walked in and realized the woman behind the counter was a hot goth chick with tons of piercings. She was more his type than his scary old boss, but he knew a girl like that would never give him the time of day.

He didn't need much from here, leaving with a bag containing metal handcuffs, a cordless vibrator wand, and a pair of nipple clamps connected with a chain. He had to adjust himself on the way out, tucking his throbbing erection up into his waistband. Just the thought of using these things he'd just purchased on his former boss was enough to get him riled.

Climbing into his van, he realized it was getting late already, and he was still exhausted. The first day was going to have to be a bust, but he still had six more days to enact his plan. He revisited his favorite coffee shop for the second time today, finding a parking spot and heading inside.

Liam ordered a latte, sitting down and letting out a deep sigh. He didn't like sitting and thinking too long about what he was about to do, since the more he contemplated it, the more he realized how crazy the whole thing was. What if something went wrong? What if this was some weird, elaborate plan to ruin him even further? He sipped his coffee, his hands shaking as his eyes drifted around the room.

His gaze settled on something behind the counter, though. A small burlap sack with a piece of twine to cinch it closed--he reckoned they got their coffee bean shipments in those bad boys. He suddenly had a perfect idea.

"Uh, hey, miss?" He called out, getting the attention of the trendily-dressed deer behind the counter. "Are those bags for sale?"

"Well, not like...technically." She chuckled, shaking her head. "But I can just like, give you one, if you want? We usually just throw them out."

"I'd like that, yeah." He replied. Moments later, he strode out of the coffee shop with his cup in one hand, the burlap sack in his other. Tomorrow, he'd be ready.

After beating his dick and watching some garbage television on Netflix, Liam got some much-needed sleep. He woke up the next morning feeling refreshed, determined even. Today was gonna be the day. He thought about warning her, but decided against it. He figured she'd be more interested in it being a surprise, from the way she talked about her fantasy to him.

All that was left was to kill the time before she left the building. Five o' clock. He figured it would take her about ten minutes to get to the subway station, then another fifteen-or-so until she reached the stop she'd mentioned to him. He studied the notes he'd taken the day before, and pulling up Google maps, he tried to plan out what route she might take.

She was right about both paths leading through some sketchy areas. On his screen, he spied several routes she'd have to take through small side roads, which would probably be his best bet to nab her. He felt his hair standing on end, blood flowing to his loins from the prospect of actually going through with this. He was really going to abduct his former boss!

His phone buzzed in his pocket. Grumbling, he reached for it, before seeing it was a message from Ms. Briar. He nearly fumbled his handset, so excited to open her text.

"I'm disappointed. You're keeping me waiting." She said.

He thought for a moment about how to respond. He didn't want to give away his plan, and how he was very much bent on kidnapping the petite fox in only a matter of hours. Licking his chops, he typed away on his phone.

"Sorry, I'm kinda getting cold feet about this whole thing. I need some time to think about it." He sent back.

"After this week, your window of opportunity is gone forever. Don't hesitate too long, Liam."

"Right, sorry."

And just like that, the messages were gone, leaving him staring at a blank chat window. He grinned. She had no idea what she was in for.

To be continued!

I Want You to Kidnap Me - Chapter 2

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