Jurassic Birthday Surprise - Iris Raptor TF

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A bit over a month late where it had gone to Patreon first so I had something to post in September, sorry X'DA little birthday TF for my bro of Iris going all wereraptor, and not expecting a surprise visitor when it happens ;P

Iris (C) Ben300Ripmaw (C) MyselfIndominus (C) Universal/Amblin/Legendary

Posted using PostyBirb

It was a quiet September evening. Summer had been and gone, yet the seasonal temperature had not dropped too far, at least not yet - normally by this point, people would have started to switch to warmer clothes, but they were still wearing light and casual summer wear. Even the occasional burst of rain did little to drop the temperature too far below 20 degrees. On the plus side, it did mean that night time tended to be a little more bearable heat-wise where it was cooler than in the daytime, with many people taking advantage of that to hit the beaches and local bars. This was also perfect for Iris, as it meant that she could enjoy her monthly activities without worrying too much about people spotting her.

"Mmm... nice breeze tonight~" She thought to herself, walking along a secluded path heading up slightly into the mountains. The sun was slowly setting in the sky above, and she was already anticipating the first rays of moonlight to shine down upon her, freeing her wild side as it normally did for a few evenings every month. There usually tended to be a few hiccups in that regard - she had to plan her evenings carefully, and ensure she didn't draw too much attention to herself, at least not until after her metamorphosis. She took extra care taking the September heat into consideration, heading off to her normal secluded spot in the mountains, away from prying eyes. Maybe one day she'd invite someone up there with her and personally reveal her secret to them, but she wanted to make sure that it was someone who was a dear friend - or at the very least, someone who wouldn't freak out when they saw her true self.

"Just a little bit more and I'll be ready to... huh?" She paused, sensing something was ever-so-slightly amiss. She took a look around her, trying to discover what was out of place.

"Rrrgghhhhrrrr..." A low growl filled her ears, making her spin around on the spot.

"Damn it... it's got to be a wolf..." She muttered - she'd have an easier time handling it in her changed state, but until then, she'd have to try to scare it off as she was. "Show yourself, you stupid mutt!"

"Stupid mutt?" A deep, twisted growl rang out. "My dear, I resent that remark~" The bushes nearby rustled, a figure emerging from them.

Iris turned to face the rustling bushes. "Great, so you're a dog walker in...stead..." She froze in her tracks as she found herself looking slightly upwards. Looking down at her was a large, white-scaled saurian creature, his tail swaying from side to side. "Holy hell..."

"That's quite the subdued reaction - most people would have either shut down on the spot or turned away screaming bloody murder at the sight of me!" He chuckled. "You're not like other humans at all, I can tell just by looking at you."

"You're... an Indominus Rex, right?" She asked, carefully examining the monster. "But they're a man-made hybrid from a movie, they never existed!"

"Oh trust me, I'm quite real, and there's a witch I can thank for that..." He smirked. "Though technically I'm more of a wereIndominus, I'm just a little more in-tune with my bestial nature, so I'm not necessarily bound to the moon. Of course, that doesn't mean I'm gonna spend every waking second like this, even if it is VERY tempting..."

"A wereIndominus... then does that mean?" Iris started.

"Mmhmm - I can literally smell the raptor within you, dear~" He purred. "And given that she'll be free within the next few minutes, I thought I'd help in releasing her from her human cage."

"Damn..." She thought - she had encountered other werecreatures before, but neither party in those encounters were aware of each other's affliction, unless it was Iris who had bitten them when they met up previously. Encountering one who was already transformed and was able to tell what she was came as a bit of a shock, even if she shouldn't be too surprised - the Indominus was part-raptor, after all. "You're not going to try to make me submit to you, are you?"

"Not unless that's a particular kink of yours..." He grinned, seeing the last rays of sunlight disappear below the horizon. "I just thought that you might enjoy some company tonight~" He placed a scaly claw on her thigh, sending a shiver down her spine as the first beams of moonlight were cast upon her.

"Hh..mmrggh..." A low, shuddering growl left her mouth, her muscles tensing and pulsing as she bathed in the light of the moon. She could already feel the wild beast inside her clawing her way out, and she welcomed it. The skin along her arms flaked away, revealing deep-blue scales underneath, patches of rougher black scales growing atop her hands. Her hands twitched, her fingers merging together into two long digits, her nails growing out into gleaming black claws. She wasted little time in disrobing, taking off her shirt, jeans and shoes, tossing them aside - she had saved time by coming up here without any undergarments on.

"Let's just say that I came a good bit out of my way when I heard there was a wereraptor around, I had to pay them a visit!" The Indominus stroked along her thigh, feeling the scales growing in under his touch. "Though I don't believe I was given your name at any point!"

"It's Iris, in both forms~" She cooed, watching the scales work their way up her arms, the biceps gaining some slight muscle yet keeping a lithe appearance. "And may I ask what your name is?" The scales crept across her front, turning a paler shade of blue in comparison to the rest of her.

"My human name is unimportant, but you can call me Ripmaw." He brought a claw to run along her front, feeling her abdominal muscles toning up nicely, giving her lower body some definition, yet not enough to take away from her natural curves, even with the slight enhancements being gifted to her by her changing body, her hips growing wider, the muscles in her thighs swelling. "Maybe in due time you might find that out, but for the time being,,," His claws moved inwards, brushing against her inner thigh.

"Rrrgghh..." A low snarl left her mouth, her body inching slightly taller thanks to her growing spine. She could feel it expanding outwards, a long, powerful tail working its way from her rump, swaying from side to side. Even with the increase in size, Ripmaw was still standing over her, though her head was now closer to the Indominus' chest. "I'm guessing you want to cut to the chase soon, right?" She asked, groaning as her breasts scaled over, the nipples erect and pitch-black, her bust going up by a cup size or two.

"That WOULD be fun, yes~" He snickered, the slit along his crotch slowly parting, a long, barbed shaft emerging from it, slick with pre. Iris let out an impressed whistle - she had been with other werebeasts, some of her own creation, but she hadn't seen anyone with a spear like that before. "Are you ready?" He whispered into her ear, guiding it against her smooth, scaled pussy.

"Whenever you are~" She whispered back, feeling her feet tense and spasm, her heels clicking and popping as all pressure shifted to the balls of her feet, causing her to stand on her tiptoes. The four smaller digits merged together into two thicker ones, the big toe on each foot shrinking back towards her heel, but this was made up for thanks to the deadly, sickle-like talons growing from them, shorter claws sprouting from the other toes. They clicked against the ground, almost impatiently.

Ripmaw smirked, grinning from ear to ear as he drove his long, prehensile prick hard into her wet folds, drawing a shrieking growl of pleasure from her. Her clawed hands gripped onto his sides, grasping them hard, almost penetrating the scales and drawing blood. "Fuuuuuck!" She hissed, the scales working their way up her neck and face, her hair falling away in some places whilst what remained grew longer and fuller, spiking up and spreading into a punk-like mohawk. "Is that too much?" He teased.

"Rggghh... no, I'd say that's just right!" She growled, nostrils flaring, her nose sinking into her upper jaw. His thrusting picked up pacing, her jaws pushing outwards into a slender, saurian muzzle, patches of black scales forming around her eyes whilst the upper and lower halves of her head covered in blue and light-blue scales, respectively. Her teeth grew within her new maw, sharpening into serrated fangs, several more filling her mouth whilst her tongue turned a similar shade of black to around her eyes, thinning to a point at the tip.

"Hehe, I know a few who like it when I get rough with them, so much so that it tends to be my... mmrrgghh... default setting!" He teased, thrusting his cock in harder and faster, the barbs rubbing against her inner walls, drawing out another lustful moan from her. Her ears retreated into holes in the sides of her head, the changes concluding with her eyes moving to the sides of her head, the sclera and irises filling with a vibrant, glowing emerald green, the pupils pulling into thin slits.

"Oh really, I don't think I could tell!" She laughed, clamping around Ripmaw's dick as her taloned toes dug into the ground. Her tail brushed against his own, wrapping around his left thigh as she pulled him in closer still.

He giggled, bringing his muzzle to hers, gently nuzzling it before pulling her into a deep kiss, his thrusting reaching a frenzied pace as their orgasms grew closer and closer. Before too long, the two beasts threw their heads back, letting loose a low, frenzied roar as they came in unison, Ripmaw's cock erupting inside of her, filling her with his potent seed. Had she had been a normal human being, it wouldn't have taken too long for her to transform from his mutagenic cum alone, and the same could be said of the juices gushing from her lips, albeit on a more temporary form compared to how being bitten would be more permanent.


Their climaxes felt like they lasted for a good era or two before they steadily came down from their highs, Ripmaw's member slowly retreating back into his body. "Mmrrgghh... well... I can't say I expected my evening to turn out like this..." Iris growled softly, looking into Ripmaw's crimson eyes.

"I'm glad it did, it justified the cost of me getting down here, among other things~" He purred, placing a soft kiss on her lips. "And now I'm here for about a month and a half, so we're going to have plenty of time to get to know each other. Who knows, I might even be able to teach you a few new tricks!"

"Oh, you assume I'm just going to be ok with you announcing out of nowhere that you're staying?" She laughed.

"We're both werebeasts, I'm pretty damn sure you're not going to turn down an invitation for some company, alongside some rather frequent mating~" He winked.

"Eheh, I suppose there IS that to it as well, but I will need to see your human side at some point - it's easier to take a human to town for a meal rather than another dinosaur!"

"I'd say that sounds like a reasonable deal!" He grinned from ear to ear, revealing all of his fangs in the process. "Speaking of meals, I did pass by a few wild boars on my way up here, how about we go get one?"

"One? With the appetite I've worked up from the transformation and screwing, I think I'd need at LEAST three!" She cackled.

"One of the ones I saw looked to be as big as two, so I'm sure we'll be eating well either way!"

"Then let's go! You can show me your hunting techniques when we find them!" He rumbled, gesturing for her to lead the way.

"Try not to get lost!" She cackled, dashing on ahead of the Indominus, the larger beast promptly giving chase as they ran into the woods, away from prying eyes so they could hunt in peace.

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