The Prince & the Pauper

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#1 of Pokejinka

My very first attempt at writing a pokemon gijinka story. Hope I did it right. XP

Cyran Diamonds was walking around his small-ish estate out in the Galarian countryside, the Rapidash wearing very comfortable sweatpants and a loose shirt with the buttons completely undone, enjoying the clean, fresh breeze as it gently caressed his slightly sun-tanned skin, his colorful hair and tail almost sparkling under the bright sun, sure beats the gloomy and dark Glimwoods. He slowly and gently pushed his mane away from his face as another sweet-smelling breeze brushed past him. "Aaaahhhh, this is the life~ Can't believe my parents don't like coming out here."

He continued his way after enjoying the breeze for a while longer, passing by a small pon built around the large, luxurious greenhouse behind the main house, looking at his reflection for a bit, his semi-humanoid face looking back at him with a similarly sun-tanned skin as his body, his forehead, nose-bridge, and even his back being white in color with wide, semi-equine-like nostrils, his violet and white horn sparkling almost just as brightly as his mane-like hair. He let out a small giggle as he fixed his hair real quick, even straightening out the small goatee he was slowly growing out, his long, equine ears suddenly twitched as he heard some heavy footsteps coming his way, he smiled as he didn't have to look back to know who it was. "Someone slept in today, huh?" He asked with a small smile as he stood up and turned to face the man behind him.

A large, tall, tanky-built Mudsdale stood towering over him easily, his large, curly, black and red mane covering a good portion of his head and even his back, while his thick red and black tail reached down to below his knees, his facial features somewhat resembling those of Cyran's, but this man's had a red nose bridge, forehead, and small marks under his eyes, his much darker skin proving that he's more of an outdoors individual, unlike the Rapidash.

Cyran gently bit his lower lip as he looked the man over, he took great care in his body so he had a solid and buff build, but this man was JACKED, a body like his was one even those who do steroids, and/or other illegal substances, would kill for. His wide, beefy chest stretched his shirt out to the very limit the buttons looked ready to pop off at any moment, even the sleeves looked like they are a sneeze away from tearing right off. His pants weren't faring any better, his thighs looked thick and strong, not like tree trunks, they looked like they could BREAK a tree trunk, but that huge bulge bouncing between his legs didn't leave any space for that. "Morning, boss." He asked in a very deep but flat voice, his eyes showing almost no emotion or interest

Cyran had a miffed expression at being called 'boss'. "Mason... what did we agree on?" He asked in a stern tone as he crossed his arms.

"Morning Mr. Diamonds." Cyran deepened his frown at that. Mason Stone rolled his eyes. "Cyran." Only then did the Rapidash smile.

"Yes! Finally. Remember, you and I are friends here, none of that boss/employee bullshit, yeah? Everyone does it." Cyran would regularly hire some people to maintain the flora around his estate and all of them do pretty suburb work and he pays them fairly, and sometimes generously if he sees the work was extra good. But Mason was the only one who was hired full-time.

The Mudsdale was actually both jobless and homeless some time ago, around the time Cyran was buying the land for his current estate, after a while, the Rapidash put up some ads looking for someone 'with a green thumb' that some people came for, but back then they only did small stuff here and there, but when Mason took the job, he fixed up the ENTIRE place and he was ready to maintain the entire piece of land, full time, with conditions: A roof over his head and secure living arrangements, that was it. Money was never on his mind, not at the time.

The polar opposite of how the Rapidash's life was. From the day he was born, he had a silver spoon in his mouth and was served his food on a golden platter, both his parents were super rich, a famous novelist father and actress mother, they were a pair of snobs though, that was for sure, he knew how they looked down on everybody and he vowed to never become that kind of disturbing individual, acquiring his current estate was the first step, followed by him trying to make a business out of his hobby, which was making gardening, especially since his parents tried to get him to quit that hobby.

Cyran, of course, agreed to Mason's terms, almost immediately, he truly felt that he would be stupid if he refused, especially since the man's work was pretty magnificent. So they've been living together ever since with such arrangements, but after a while it almost felt like he was living with a roommate instead of 'employee', he would regularly catch the Mudsdale sauntering around the house in his 'birthday' suit and nothing else, standing somewhere where the general public won't see him, usually after a shower or bath, letting the sun and breeze dry his body.

It was during those times that Cyran began crushing on the man, hard, doesn't really help that he clearly had a heart of gold and was just a big teddy bear, but doesn't really like showing that side of him. "Heading out to the town today?"

Mason shook his head in the negative. "Nope. Gonna do some rounds around the estate to see if there's anything to do, if I finish early or there's nothing to do, you can find me in the clearing out back." He was talking about a spacious grassland behind the estate, Mason's favorite place to hang out 'au naturale'.

"Alrighty, I'll see you then." Cyran headed back into the house, making a beeline for the spacious bathroom, more accommodating to a massive male like Mason, taking off his clothes before stepping into the shower, his body was completely smooth, his shoulders and back having the same white colored as his head and nose bridge, while the rest of his body had that sun-tanned complexion, his crotch showing a speedo tan-line that he was happy with.

He let the water cascade over him, massaging his body for a bit before briefly turning it off, taking some shampoo, and started lathering himself up, eventually, the lathering slowly evolved to groping and rubbing, especially over his chest, flicking and teasing his nipples as he gently stroked his cock. He let his mind wander once he turned the water on again, picturing Mason right there, his massive body dwarfing his own, looming over, gently manhandling the smaller equine's body as he saw fit, his big hands rubbing and roaming all over him. "Oh Mason... please... use me..." He didn't notice his hand moving on its own at this point, letting go of his cock and slowly traveling back to his rear, rubbing and squeezing at both cheeks before slipping in between, massaging and prodding the hole.

*schlp* "Ahn~!" He let out a small yelp as his two middle fingers went in easily, stroking his inner tunnels, greatly wishing it was Mason that was fiddling around back there, his leg slowly rising up as he leaned against the wall. "Fuck... fuck fuck fuck..." His hand now moving faster, fingers banging right against his love nub just as fast and hard... then suddenly he just jabbed his fingers right in! "FUCK! MASON!!!" He cried out as he spray his biggest load yet, all over the floor in front of him, creating quite an impressive puddle that was quickly washed away by the cascading water from the showerhead.

After a good while, he finally composed himself enough to finish his shower and step out. "Dear Arceus, I hope Mason didn't hear that." He poked his head out of the bathroom door, looking around to make sure the coast was clear before heading to his room to change, his face burning with a fierce blush the whole time.

The next few days were pretty strange for Cyran, with a hint of indirect, horny torture. For some reason, Mason took to being as less dressed around the estate as possible, even completely naked when the mood hits, almost giving a show of his muscles moving and rolling all over his body as he worked, sweating up a storm eventually, his hot, tan body glimmering under the sun, sweat slooooowly sliding down each curve, canyon, and peak of his muscles.

Cyran gently bit his lips as he noticed Mason working one time, completely shirtless, and this one, stubborn drop of sweat just dangled from his big, puffy nipple, just refusing to let go and drop, just stayed there, dangling for hours on end. It was especially difficult for the Rapidash when Mason moved most of his workout equipment to an open, empty area behind the house, where Cyran would see him every morning, just pumping iron and sweating up a storm.

Eventually... Cyran had enough! He just stormed down the stairs and stomped over to where the Mudsdale was doing some standing curls with some really heavy-looking weights. "Alright, what are you planning?"

"Nothing." Was the simple and short answer from Mason, the Mudsdale not even stopping his set or looking at the Rapidash. Cyran's mane, tail, and horns glowed briefly as he used his powers to make the weights heavier, forcing the Mudsdale to drop them.

"No. I'm sorry to say that I don't believe you." Cyran stood right in front of the Mudsdale, arms crossed over his chest.

"What? It's been hotter out these days. Working out with a shirt on will only ruin my clothes." Mason replied again, this time crossing his arms over his chest as well.

But suddenly, Cyran grabbed onto a braid and yanked hard until they were on eye level with each other. "Lie to me a third time and you're fired, understood?"

Mason tried to talk back again, but seeing the look in Cyran's eyes, he knew that whatever excuse he goes with will be quickly rebuffed. So he just let out a defeated sigh and began explaining. "A few days ago I, uh... 'heard' you, so I figured this would make you happy." He then gave him the 'Happy?' gesture and expression.

Cyran's face practically exploded with a fierce blush, yeah Mason definitely heard him that time. "Oh Arceus, I am so sorry, Mason. I don't know what came over me that, I am so sorry." He quickly stammered out his apology, his face becoming redder and redder by the second.

"It's okay. I'm the employee, you're the boss, and if you want, you could just ask." He replied in his usual flat, uninterested tone. "With that being said..." He then raised his hands behind his head, practically putting himself on display. "All yours, boss."

Cyran was... pretty nervous, to put it lightly, here was the focus of his many wet dreams offering himself to the Rapidash on a silver platter, his shaky hands rising up to gently rub at Mason's chest, the Mudsdale's pecs felt pretty firm but somewhat soft under his hands, the bigger male letting out a small gasp as one of Cyran's fingers accidentally brushed against one nipple as his hands slowly snaked their way to the sides, rubbing and massaging his flaring lats.

"Oh, dear Arceus..." He panted out his words as his breath was becoming a bit more labored, his hands trailing down to rub at those solid abs, they were HARD under his hands, they didn't even move as he gently pushed against them, Mason wasn't even flexing them. He looked up briefly to see Mason had his eyes closed, but somehow it was clear that he was... enjoying the attention a bit... Cyran continued going down... but stopped when his hands reached Mason's pants and decided to pull them away. "Why are you letting me do this?"

"Simple: You're the boss, I'm the employee." Again with that flat tone of his, still holding his current pose.

"Well... it doesn't feel right. You can't let me just do whatever I want with you, just because I'm your employer!" Cyran's voice was slowly raising at it shifted from nervous to angry.

"It's... all I've known to do... For some quick cash." Mason lowered his arms as he replied... his voice actually sounding a bit small and... nervous.

It almost instantly clicked in Cyran's head after hearing that. "You used to do... this, before? On the regular?"

"Just after high school... my family's farm was in serious debt, father started drowning his sorrows in booze, mother got hooked by a rich prick and poofed out of our lives, my siblings and I dibbed as well soon after, scattering to the four winds to earn a living our own ways." It was pretty clear in his voice that these memories were weighing heavily on his mind.

Cyran gently held his hand and pulled him back towards the pond behind the house. "Come on, have a seat." He sat down in front of it and tapped the space beside him, before Mason sat down as well. Then silently waited for the Mudsdale to continue.

"Last I heard of my siblings was that one brother made it big... for a while, then his business tanked, another turned to drugs for some quick cash. Sister went off the radar once she got hitched herself, probably some other rich snob she hooked onto."

"And that leaves you." Cyran added in a soft tone, scooting closer to the bigger male until their shoulders touched. Well, Cyran's shoulder touched Mason's bicep, to be exact, they had that much of a size difference between them.

"I was barely 18 when all of that happened, can't do shit without someone or something requiring one of my parents getting involved, and of course, I knew what drugs can do to a person, witnessed many friends losing themselves to the 'high life'." He snorted in irritation, with a hint of mockery. "I tried doing some freelance oddjobs, but the pay was absolute shit, especially with the shitheads who employed seeing nothing but a runaway brat for some quick, free labor." Cyran was taken aback but that short outburst, he's never heard Mason cussing or swearing, ever. "So... I ended resorting to, uh... 'offering' myself for some money." The Mudsdale finally finished with a nervous look on his face, rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh, Mason..." Cyran gently held onto one of the big man's arms, giving his bicep a couple pats of comfort.

"It was pretty rocky, some men also saw a small Mudbray to use and toss away with no consequences." Mason let out a small, amused scoff. "Boy were they wrong. You know how my people are." Cyran sure did. Even as Mudbrays Mason's species were pretty tough and resilient, so trying to mess with them would always end badly... for the other party, that is. "But, I kinda started making a name for myself, eventually getting enough money to get out of that place, moved here where my, um... 'skills' are more needed, found decent and regular work, pay was pretty good, met many awesome and generous people... then I saw your fliers." He finished by giving Cyran a sideways look with a small smile.

"And the rest is history, correct?" Cyran replied as he gave him a similar look, letting out a small chuckle. "But thank you, for sharing your story with me and trusting me with it." He gave the big man a small nudge with his shoulder. "But... couldn't you have looked elsewhere at the start? Maybe you wouldn't have had to, you know... do that."

"No offense bo- Cyran, but I highly doubt you know how someone in my circumstances could've lived." Neither his voice nor tone sounded angry or upset.

"You're right. Sorry. But, I can at least relate to you trying hard to look for a job." Mason gave him the 'You're pulling my tail' look with a raised brow. "I'm not kidding. I wanted to live a life that was different from my parents, they just sit on their asses while people kissed their feet. It turned them into horrible, snobbish people, I did not want to turn out like that." He shook his head briefly before continuing. "I've always had a thing for gardening and taking care of flowers and various other plants, I'd usually help the groundskeeper take care of our garden, even though my parents tried to make me stop. I just loved doing it."

He did a small shrug with a smile. "So, I figured that since gardening can be a profession, I decided to move out here and put what I learned to good use. Not many people took me seriously in the beginning, you know, prim and proper rich boy saying he wanted to get dirty. It took a while, but I managed to convince some people to offer me some odd jobs here and there, built a nice rapport with the people, but as you've seen, this is a pretty big piece of land for one person to take care of. And enter my fliers." He finished with a knowing smile at the Mudsdale.

"And the rest is history." Mason finished for him... which earned a chuckle from both of them. Then Mason surprised Cyran by gently nuzzling his cheek against the Rapidash's head. "I, uh... fancied you too, have been for a while now... but all I could see was the vast difference in our upbringing and status. So... what I was doing the last few days was the only thing I can do to... make you happy. And you looking at me like you did always made me happy."

They sat in silence after that, only the sound of the wind and small birds around them to break it, but Cyran suddenly stood up, pulling Mason along as they headed for the house, holding each other's hands the whole way. Eventually, Cyran stepped into the master bedroom with Mason in tow before standing in the middle of the room... and took off his shirt before tossing it aside, turning to a somewhat confused Mason. "So... how do you want to do this?" Mason just blinked silently in confusion. "Listen... we both want this, but we were going about it all wrong from both ends. So with everything out of the way, I believe it's time we did this right, no status, no employee/boss bullshit, no differing pasts. Just you and me, starting over and starting right."

Mason realized what Cyran was doing, so he just smiled and assumed the position from earlier, standing still with his hands behind his head. "Could um... touch me, some more?" Cyran's eyes bugged out briefly... Mason was actually blushing as he made that request. "Don't look at me like that. I really like it when others did this but... it's different with you, it feels better." Cyran just smiled and obliged the bigger man, once again starting with the Mudsdale's chest, this time he wasn't nervous and his hands weren't shaking.

Mason let out a small gasp as he felt Cyran's more confident grip on his pecs, flexing them for the Rapidash which clearly delighted the smaller man. Mason was caught by surprise when he felt Cyran's mouth on one nipple, letting out a loud gasp and growl as he felt this jolt strike him right in the pleasure nerves. "Sensitive, eh?" Cyran teased before going back to the nipple in front of him, his hand teasing the other, pinching, twisting, and pulling, Mason's breathing quickly becoming labored and shaky, his body tensing and flexing unconsciously here and there.

Cyran then slowly moved to the side, gently burying his face into Mason's pit, taking a deep breath of his manly scent before letting his tongue do the work, this wasn't the first time someone showed interest in Mason's pit, but this is the first time he actually enjoyed it, guessing it's different with the right person. The Rapidash pulled Mason's arm down to show that powerful arm some attention, letting out a small, pleased squeal as the Mudsdale gave it a hard flex, his bicep along was almost as big as Cyran's head, the smaller male showering it with kisses, licks, and even sucking on the hard muscle a few times. He eventually moved to the other side and did the same.

Cyran had his fun with the Mudsdale's upper body and started a slow descend, kissing and licking his way down over Mason's hard abs until he finally arrived at that big, twitching bulge in his pants, the shaft visibly trailing down one leg and making quite the long lump. "May I?"

"Please?" Mason's voice was pretty small and needy, total contrast to his usual stoic tone.

Cyran quickly undid those tight pants, pulling them down and letting out a small gasp as he saw the base of the Mudsdale's cock and it was THICC. He gave it a quick peppering of kisses and to his pubic area before grabbing onto it and starting to pull it out... once out though *WHACK* it practically springboarded out of those pants, the thick mushroom head smacked the Rapidash right in the chin. "Oh shit! Are you okay?" Mason was genuinely concerned but was having a hard time stifling a laugh.

"I'll live. But someone appears to be pretty pent up, huh?" Cyran asked as he rubbed his chin with an amused smile before turning his attention to that ramrod of a cock right in front of him. He teased the head first with his tongue swirling around it and poking at the opening a few times, rewarded with a few drops of pre for him to lap up, then dragged his tongue over the tip side from head to base, staying down there for a while and going down to show some love to those huge balls of the Mason's and taking the occasional whiff of his musk. The Mudsdale clearly loved the attention down there as he gave an excited nicker and a huff, one foot unconsciously stomping on the floor.

"Fuuuuuuck! C-Cyran... you're driving me crazy here." He panted out as his body heated up from excitement, sweat slowly appearing on rolling down his face and body. Cyran just let out a hum of amusement as he took the head in his mouth, electing another loud moan from Mason, but he didn't stop there as he kept going... and going... and going, stopping briefly to let his tongue rub the underside a bit... then kept going until he could feel his horn poking Mason in the abs, about midway over that cock of his, for a split second he was afraid that his horn will break if he went further, but he didn't want to risk impaling the poor man either.

*sllrrrr-pop* "Pah! Man... this thing's a mouthful and a half!" Cyran said as he rubbed his jaw a bit.

"Here." Mason suddenly picked him up by his pits, pretty easily too, and practically tossed him into the bed, kicking his pants off before crawling over Cyran. "I believe it's my turn~" Despite his size, his hands were pretty gentle when he undid Cyran's pants and pulled them off, tossing them aside as he marveled at the cock in front of him. "Holy shit! How were you able to hide this thing!?" Although not as big as he is, Cyran's cock was MUCH bigger than average and was pretty thick as well.

"Sorry..." Cyran buried his face in his hands, hiding out of embarrassment.

"Hey now. No need to hide... it's pretty nice~" Mason then began peppering Cyran's balls and cock with soft kisses, flicking the tip of his tongue against them a few times before he started doing longer drags of his tongue, leaving both balls almost shining before focusing all of his attention on that shaft. "Mmm... tasty~" He teased while waggling his eyebrows before taking it into his mouth.

"Hooo-fuck! O-OH shit!" He barely got a chance to breath before he felt Mason swallowing his entire length right into his throat with very little effort, no gag reflex whatsoever. "Oh Arceus! How are you doing that!?" He was both shocked and very impressed, but he only got a wink as an answer before Mason truly began working. At first, he just kept Cyran's cock down in his throat, swallowing around it, massaging the length with his throat, before he started bobbing over it, pulling back all the way to the head before swallowing the entire thing again and repeating, sending the Rapidash into a lustful frenzy, he had to held onto his thighs to keep him from moving so much.

After a short time he finally released Cyran's cock as it was clear the Rapidash was about ready to blast off, quickly pulling back and gripping the base tightly, blocking his orgasm, the shaft glistening with spit, droplets trailing down the sides. "Sorry, but I'm not letting you off so easily, 'boss'~" Cyran couldn't think straight at that point, let alone speak, just panting hotly and making whiny, needy noises, but his orgasm soon subsided, only then did he Mason finally release his cock. "Hmm... looks good enough." He muttered to himself before raising himself up, scooting forward straddling Cyran's body, the Rapidash's eyes widening in realization, Mason just gave him another wink. "Oh yeah, it's happening this way." Then wet a couple of thick fingers with plenty of spit, reached back and massaged his hole with them, pushing in to open himself up. "T-There we go~" Then raised his rear as he held onto Cyran's cock... and lowered himself on it until... *schlop* "Oooohhhh, fuck yeah~ Sure b-been a while." He let out a pleasant snort as he impaled himself deeper on that cock, enjoying the stretching feeling he was getting.

"Ooooohhhh~!"" Cyran let out a long, loud moan as Mason slowly descended on his cock, letting out a small gasp as his body jolted the moment the Mudsdale bottomed out, his thick, bubble rear firmly pressing against the Rapidash's pelvis. "Oh shit... so... tight..." With no control over himself, his hips began moving all on their own, slowly pushing up into the big man above him.

Mason just enjoyed the sensation, humming in content as he felt that thick cock swirling around inside. "Fuck yeah... really missed this feeling. Hand in there, Cyran." He could feel the Rapidash twitching madly inside, one wrong move and he was going to burst early, and Mason wanted him to enjoy this ride as much as he was, for as long as possible.

"Fuck... I-I c-can't..." He strained himself to be gain more control, but his urges, his instincts to breed were just too strong, his hips actually started moving faster and harder, the thick head punching and jabbing right against Mason's prostate, making the Mudsdale nicker loudly in joy and ecstasy.

"Hmmph! Alright... give it to me then! Knock me up, boss!" That was all Cyran needed to hear as he quickly relinquished full control to his carnal instincts... *PLAP PLAP SMACK CLAP SCHLP SHLRK SLAP* "Oooohhh, fuck yeah! All of it! Give it to me hard!"

"FuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK! Cummingcummingcumming-CUMMING!!!" With a final thrust and a duet of triumphant whinnies from both equines, they both reached a powerful and very satisfying climax.

Mason, feeling that extra powerful jab smashing against his prostate, blasted off like a firehose, spraying his thick and heavy load all over the bed's headboard, the wall behind it, some shots even hitting the ceiling, and the rest would just trickle and/or splash down onto Cyran's face and chest or all over Mason's face and front. Cyran in the meantime held onto Mason's thighs tightly, his balls squeezing themselves just as tightly as he flooded the Mudsdale's tunnels and belly with his own generous load, neither of them really noticing Mason's abs slowly and steadily pushing forward with each burst from the Rapidash as he was filled pretty nicely, the rest just splashing out from around Cyran's cock and making quite a mess on his cortch and the bed.

Their respective orgasms finally ended and both were left to enjoy the pleasant high that came afterwards, both covered in sweat and cum with tired, almost goofy expressions on their faces. "That was... something... else..." Cyran said in a low, very tired voice, but a wide smile on his face.

"You're telling... me... Phew, sure feels like you knocked me up, hehe." The Mudsdale replied as he gave his slightly bloated belly a couple of pats, enjoying all the cum sloshing in there.

"Well... I sure would be happy to do this again... if you want." Cyran admitted, bashfully rubbing the back of his head.

"As much and as many times as you want, Cyran." Mason assured as he leaned down, pressing their lips together in a gentle kiss.

Over the next few days, everyone in town can tell that something was different about Cyran and Mason, they were both all smiles and shining colors all the time, especially the Mudsdale who didn't even have a glimmer of joy in his eyes before, they could instantly tell that the two equines have become an item and were very happy for them. One man even wanted to throw them a party to celebrate this bit of news, but Cyran and Mason wanted to take it slow and see how things are going.

Of course, by 'take it slow' they meant emotionally, they still humped and fucked all over the estate's land whenever they could like the horny steeds in heat that they were, taking turns on who bottoms and who tops, unless some certain itches needed to be scratched. Of course, with clothing now completely optional, unless they have guests over.

Eventually though, Cyran decided to sell the estate and the land it was on for a nice price, after he and Mason moved into a smaller, more comfortable house for them, pretty decent for two people with a nice enough land to grow some small crops to sell at the market. However, excitement seems to come knocking on their doors when they saw some new fliers plastered around the town.

"Pokemon Tag-Battle Tournament at Wyndon City. Accepting all able pokemon to participate to show off their battle prowess for a chance to win a grand prize." Mason read the flier as he and Cyran were lounging in the backyard of their new home by the recently built pool. "Think we should participate? The prize looks pretty tempting."

"Hmm... those are a lot of zeroes on the cash prize and a free, two-way trip to Alola for the winners. But I don't know... never been much of a fighter and this is a tag-battle tournament." Cyran was pretty conflicted.

"Hey, if anything, I'll be your shield~" Mason assured as he sat up, giving his upper body a hard flex, his muscles bloating and flaring out beautifully, electing a small, needy whinny from Cyran.

"Hmm... alright. What the heck?" Cyran jumped to his feet into a confident pose. "Let's do it!" But then turned his head slowly to look back at the Mudsdale, a wide, impish smile on his face. "But first things first~" Then turned the rest of his body, showing off a growing, twitching cock that flopped free from his speedo. "I believe you have something to take care of~" Mason just smiled and stood up, dragging Cyran back into the house by his cock, not even bothering to close the back doors.

Good thing they lived far away from people.

Blood & Chrome Sides: New Starts

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Blood & Chrome: Recollections

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First Arrivals: Trouble in the Neighborhood

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