Two Lovers Alike Chapter 2

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It has been three months since Eihcet was brought in by the military to do testing on him. Techie was restless during this period, feeling like he has a crush on the being that threatened to have the United States fall into anarchy. He decided to visit Area 51 to see Eihcet and when he arrived to see him, much to his horror, crude experiments were done on Eihcet. Being the national hero he was, Techie stood up to the guards and demanded that Eihcet be released in his care, promising them that he will be back. Several weeks have passed since Eihcet was released reluctantly into Techie's custody. They became quick friends and planned on taking action to avenge Eihcet's mistreatment as a test subject. They concocted a plan to quietly steal an bomber aircraft with the intentions to bomb Area 51. Late one night, they snuck into a US Air Force hangar disguised as Air Force pilots. They explained to the guards that they were there for their nightly bombing drill. The guards let them in and guided them to a bomber aircraft, just what the two of them needed to take down Area 51. They climb into the cockpit, taxi the jet onto the runway and took off after disabling the radar. They knew that they had to be high altitude to avoid being seen by Area 51 and to launch the bombs at the right moment. Luckily, Techie knew when that moment was. The moment came and went, bombs fell onto Area 51, destroying the facility. Both of them felt a rush working together as supervillains and decided to enact the same tactic onto Washington D.C. The same tactic worked and the government fell. The United States, what was once a united nation of 50 states, quickly became their 50 countries independently. Techie and EIhcet were forced to abandon the jet by parachuting down into an island they know they won't be found. Throughout the whole trip, Techie has confessed his feelings to EIhcet and he confessed the same feelings. As they were developing their base on a remote island, they planned on taking over the world. They now know that they are... two lovers alike.

Two Lovers Alike

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