Just a Kiss of Change

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#144 of Transformation Stories

Most people think that they'd be perfectly fine with some kind of mysterious virus that turns all of us into the animals of our dreams, but in this commission for Corey Vulpe, the characters aren't your typical furries: they're just average office workers who've never considered such a thing!

Our story begins on a Monday morning in the middle of an office. Corey and Tina are lamenting the loss of the weekend and the return to work, and before long, they decide a coffee break is in order.

Tina convinces Corey to buy her a fancy coffee from across the street, and her payment of a kiss on the cheek seems an innocent thing, but it's the first contact needed to spread a virus that Tina doesn't know is hiding in her body. After sharing a sip of the drink from the same straw, their fates are all but sealed, and when Corey starts to have weird reactions, Tina escorts him to the third floor to check on him.

The symptoms? Flushing warmth, patches of fur, a body that's caught between human and animal shapes, and a complete rearrangement of the reproductive organs...and finally, a surge of sexual energy, thanks to the rapidly changing hormones.

Might as well put all those new parts to good use, right?


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When the first warnings came across the screen, they were easy enough to ignore: the modern world was such a constant stream of hustle and bustle that Corey barely had a chance to look at the screen before he'd rushed out the door for work, that day.

If they'd been watching a little closer, they would have seen that this new, strange virus was still well beyond the grasp of scientific understanding. That might have been enough to get some people's attention, but Corey loved to get as much sleep as he could, leaving no time to catch up with the news in the morning.

Corey had no idea that he'd been exposed at a convention; there was no list of symptoms to line up with, and he didn't feel unwell, but there was something tugging at the back of his mind, dividing his focus a little more than usual on an otherwise typical Monday.

"Haven't even gotten started with your reports yet, have you?"

A good friend of his in the workplace, Tina was almost always the first one to come by his desk and check in on him, and the last one to see him when he finally went home for the evening.

"Reports? I haven't even started checking my emails yet," Corey admitted. "I was about to get up and grab myself another cup of coffee, but I realized I was already on my third...my whole brain feels like an attic right now."

"Full of cobwebs and dust...sounds about right," Tina teased. "Must be something in the air, today. Everyone's looking and acting like a zombie this morning; you guys having office parties without me, again?"

"There's no party without you, Tina," Corey joked right back. "Could just be that we all suffered from a long weekend, I guess? Mondays have never really been my friend to begin with, but this one really is a slog..."

Tina shrugged. "I'm not really delighted to be back here, either, but...any excuse is a good excuse to bust out my skirts again. It's kinda sad, really: I don't get many chances to wear them outside the office."

She wasn't hesitating to rest her hip against Corey's desk, letting a crease form in the edge of her skirt that might have been a little too high for proper office decorum...but she and Corey were close enough friends that he could laugh it off, even if his cheeks were a little flushed by the display.

"And I'm pretty sure I'd look terrible in a skirt, myself," Corey replied. "Certainly couldn't wear one as well as you do, anyway."

"Is that a come-on, Corey?"

"Funny question from the girl that's basically daring me to look at her legs."

Tina's eyes pierced through long, raven locks; she thought she might finally manage to break her co-worker, but he held steadfast, until she was forced to join him in a brief, familiar chuckle.

"You are so lucky that you know me better than anyone else at this place," she noted. "Still, that line was a little far...might require a bribe for me to keep quiet about it."

"Would a cup of coffee get the job done?"

"It's like you read my mind!" Tina beamed at the suggestion. "But not from the office supply...it's gonna have to be a fancy cup from that new place across the street."

Stuffy and listless as his mind felt, Corey figured that any excuse to get out of the office and stretch his legs was a good one.

"I guess you leave me with no choice, Tina. Shall we?"

Plenty of people at the office liked to joke that Corey and Tina were a couple outside of work, but they denied those rumors up and down, no matter how flirty and playful they could be with each other while at work.

Neither would deny a subtle, budding attraction to the other if anyone ever bothered to ask about it, but Corey never would have made a move on Tina before his recent infection.

After the fact...he wouldn't have much of a choice in the matter.


"Okay...you have got to try this one. Seriously. Might be the best coffee I've ever had in my life."

Plenty of people had qualms about sharing straws with another person, even if that person was a close friend...but Tina wasn't worried at all about the possibilities when she tilted her straw toward Corey, offering him a sip.

"Looks a little too sweet for me, but if you insist..."

Corey was sipping a rather simple black coffee, one sugar and one cream added.

Just on the end of the straw, he could smell the amount of sweetener and artificial flavor that was pumped into the fancy drink, but that extra boost of caramel and whipped cream might have been just was Corey needed to shake the Monday doldrums.

With the same carelessness about him, he leaned in and took a sip right from the straw, leaving his own little sample of the virus on the tip.

"Okay, that...t-that's really good," he agreed. "I don't think there's really any coffee in there, but I can totally understand why you'd pay almost ten bucks for something like that."

"Worth every penny," Tina said. "Especially when someone else is paying for it."

Her wink was a little more than friendly, and though Corey hadn't missed the intention in her gesture, he wasn't so bold as to answer tit for tat.

"Guess it was worth the price on my end, as well," he mentioned, but he was fearful to take his words any further than that. "We probably shouldn't make a habit of it, though...too many more of these drinks and I'm gonna need to go on a diet!"

Tina was waiting to hear every word of that statement before she answered; she was relieved to know that she was still free to hike her legs up against the side of his desk in the morning, but as she paused behind another sip of her drink, she was tempted to push the envelope on that topic.

Not sure where that's coming from, she thought. Yeah, Corey's cute, but...we're just being playful, right? I'm not...I mean...am I into him like that?

"Good point," she finally did reply, gulping down her drink with a less confident smile. "And then it would be 'goodbye skirts' for me, and...frankly, I'm just getting back into the swing of wearing them again."

Corey was sure that she was daring him to make another comment about her attire, but he knew better than to get himself in trouble with his mouth, even with someone that he trusted as well as Tina.

"And if you're not comfortable, that whole office is gonna fall apart," he took the high road, but his own mind was toying with him as much as Tina's was with her, as the idea of her skirt hiking a little higher on his desk made it tough to remain so casual. "You must have known what would happen if you didn't get a free coffee out of me today; that was your plan all along!"

From behind glasses and slightly overgrown locks of blonde, Corey offered a laugh at his own joke, but Tina matched it with sincerity, wishing that she had the courage to answer with greater focus on the nature of her skirt.

It wasn't a total accident that it had hiked up on the edge of Corey's desk: she enjoyed the attention that came with his looking, and she knew she could trust him not to be a creep, allowing her to have her cake and eat it, too...but this time, more than ever, she was going for something more than the usual slice.

"Something like that, anyway," she worked her words into her laughter, but she couldn't keep from going back to her drink again, absorbing more of the virus from the end of the straw. "And as much fun as I've had on our little coffee date, we'd better get back before this turns into an early lunch break."

Corey stood up from his stool and stepped back from the coffee bar. "Good point. If this goes on any longer, I'm gonna be working unpaid overtime this afternoon."

He took a final sip, left his cup and a tip on the counter, and waited by the door for Tina to follow him through. She was never one to take advantage of such kindness without a friendly 'thank you,' but that time, she was genuinely flustered by Corey's friendly smile and kindly demeanor.

She didn't know what she was thinking when she leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek on the way through the door, but she was surprised to feel something gruff along the side of his face, as if he'd missed a spot while shaving.

While Corey stood with his jaw agape and his eyes widened, Tina examined the rest of his face and noticed nothing amiss, but she knew Corey better than that: he wasn't the type to leave such an unprofessional detail visible like that.

"Tina, d-did you...uhm...did you just-

"You're always holding doors for me, buying coffee for me, running errands for me around the office...I just...thought I'd return some of that kindness," she explained. "You know...with interest."

They were fortunate that no one else from the office had slipped away for an early morning coffee break, but someone was sure to see them if Corey didn't pry his hand away from the door.

Such a buzz was traveling through his cheek and down the back of his neck that he felt like he'd grabbed a live wire, rather than a harmless door. His feet were stuck in place, and with his nerves locking his body to the door, only his fingertips could manage to tremble in the wake of Tina's giggling expression.

She'd thought about offering him a quick peck on the cheek plenty of times before, friendly as he'd always been to her...but she never would have thought that would be enough to freeze him on the spot.

"I'm, uh...h-happy to collect, then," he managed to answer, his casual smile twisted up by a burst of nervous energy and a jostled, butterfly stomach. "It's a real shame that we've g-gotta go back to work so soon...I'd love to see how much more interest there is."

No, no...you idiot! She was just being friendly!

"There's plenty," Tina confirmed, catching Corey off guard yet again. "But there's not really anywhere else for you to collect it."

In the back of her own mind, she was questioning what little sanity she had left to take such a risk: not just in flirting so heavily with a co-worker, but with someone that she considered a good friend.

She didn't want to ruin the positive and happy relationship that they already had, but she'd never seen such a mix of excitement and arousal in Corey's eyes before; to her recollection, he'd never shown her such a thing at work before, and their few interactions outside the office hadn't been so enlightening.

"...There's still almost no one on the third floor of the building," Corey suggested, knowing that it wouldn't be genuine privacy, but one of the interior offices on an empty floor was as good a place as any to take such a hefty risk. "B-b-but you don't have to...I mean...t-this is probably crazy for me to even suggest , Tina, so...you can stop me right there if you want."

"You really are out of sorts today, aren't you?" Tina asked, letting her hand settle upon Corey's fingertips. She could see his smile widening again, even from such a subtle touch...but it was the first time they'd ever done anything more than chat, before. "First, you practically sneak a peek up my skirt at work, and you missed that spot on your cheek shaving..."

Corey blinked. "I missed a spot?"

Tina didn't think that would grab his focus in the face of everything else that had just happened, but her own focus was pulled in by it, as well, when she noticed how much of that stubble was spreading over his cheek, until there was a thick layer of fluff covering one side of his face.

"...Corey, d-do...do you feel well?" Tina asked. Her fingertips drifted carefully to the side of his face, stroking through what she expected to be a rugged, harsh beard, but she felt as if she was dragging her digits along the back of a freshly brushed canine, instead. "Are you having a reaction?"

In the windows around the coffee shop, Corey was able to glean the sight of his own face, watching the fur expand its reach all the way up to wrapping around the side of his eye.

"Third floor," he repeated the previous idea. "Right now."


Calling for an ambulance would have been the wiser move, but Corey had no idea what was happening to him, and it had only happened after Tina kissed his cheek.

With that information at heart, he was sure that that seemingly innocent gesture was somehow connected to the growing fluff, but just as quickly as it was spreading over his face and down his neck, Tina was becoming occupied with her own body, and an itch that was growing just above the top of her lip.

"Look, I don't know what's going on, but...I'm not a medical professional, Corey. We should really get this looked at by someone who can help you."

It should have been that simple, but they'd already managed to sneak their way up to the third floor, and feeling the fluff spread around the underside of his chin, Corey was in no hurry to show anyone what was happening to him.

"Looks like someone shaved a dog and glued all their fur to the side of my face," Corey groaned. "This is so weird...t-this...this isn't an allergic reaction. I dunno what this is, but I feel like I...like I want to see what happens."

Tina shook her head. "Not a chance, Corey. I can't explain what I'm seeing right now, and that's freaking me out. We need to get some help."

They were kneeling behind a desk in one of the vacant offices, away from the prying lens of a security camera. The door was closed and locked from the inside to complete the illusion of privacy, but there was nothing to stop someone from wandering by and peeking in one of the windows; the janitor, at the very least, would be sure to come around sooner or later.

"If we really need to leave so badly, why are you still leaning on me like that?"

Corey was seated back against the corner, with Tina kneeling by his side in a side-straddle pose to preserve whatever modesty her skirt would allow.

"...Comfort?" Tina asked, but she was thinking out loud, more than she was asking Corey a question. "I, uh...I'm really not sure, if I'm being honest...I've just been feeling really, really close to you today; is that weird?"

"No weirder than what's happening to my face," Corey suggested. "Or...to yours, for that matter."

Tina's eyes widened. Her head began trembling with nerves before she tried to shake it from side to side, thinking she might will the transformation into stopping before it had a chance to properly start.

The itch on her upper lip was such an obvious sign that she immediately cupped her palm over her face, trying to hide the reaction from Corey.

It was already too late: the fluff was spreading so fast that it appeared to plume from under the cover of her hand with all the speed and spread of a covered sneeze.

"Did you...d-did you know this was going to happen, Corey?"

The fluff upon his face was growing in such a rapid volume that his nose and cheeks had already disappeared, even before the shape of his face followed suit. His cheeks were lifting and his nose was getting longer, but the amalgamation of human and canine expressions wasn't off-putting to Tina, who wanted to get a closer look.

She couldn't explain the source of her arousal, but that little flutter of what she felt at the coffee shop was barely a ripple that made it to the shore: what she felt right then was a massive wave crashing down on the beach.

"I had no idea any of this was going to happen," Corey answered. "To be honest, it was a great day of firsts before I started breaking out in...well...in fur."

"Was the best Monday I've had in a while, myself," Tina agreed. "So, not to sound crazy, but...in the interest of keeping an eye on your reaction, do you wanna have another first, today?"

The fluff was creeping down Corey's chest so rapidly that he didn't feel it spreading across his flesh before Tina saw where it was going. His formal, office attire wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world, but he never dared to open his shirt past the second button when he was in the building.

Tina was already reaching for it when she asked the question, and in the tight confines of the office, Corey was able to glean a new scent in the air, with a comprehension of the aroma that defied what a human nose should have been able to understand.

Humans loved to talk about the scent of desire, and Corey was familiar enough with Tina to know the subtle, floral bouquet of her perfume, but the scent only ever stirred something warm and familiar in him, triggering his brain to know that someone friendly was nearby.

Beyond that perfume, something more was starting to tickle his nostrils and flood his mind, as the second stage of the virus kicked in...and the subtle, playful arousal between the pair was left behind in favor of a knowing, fateful stare.

"You...y-you're sure about this, Tina?"

It wasn't doing Corey's confidence any favors to see Tina shaking her head, but watching her palm drift away from her face and reveal a streak of soft, tawny brown fur upon her expression told him that she was becoming more comfortable with the change, whatever was unfolding.

That same hand settled against the second button on his dress shirt, and what should have been a slow, tender moment was being hastened by an arousal that Tina didn't understand...but further, one that she didn't have the capacity to resist.

"Since the moment I saw you this morning, I felt a little different, but after sharing that drink with you, I...I couldn't stop thinking about you pulling up my skirt and bending me over the desk," Tina confessed. "Then you start sprouting fur, and now I am, too, and there's...there's this scent in the air that's just driving me insane , and I can't get away from it...but there's more than that."

Corey didn't completely understand what she was going through; the infection was different for everyone, but he understood well enough to nod his agreement. "Like there's a presence mingled with the smell in the air? Like it's..."

"Telling us that we need to do this?" she finished his thought and finished with his shirt, her eyes never escaping his gaze, and her fingertips never settling: their shaky advance only halted at the waistline of Corey's dress pants, but that hesitation was the very slightest consideration she could offer.

She didn't know if she'd actually be able to ignore the silent cries of her body, even if Corey found the gumption to push her hands away from his slacks.

"Something like that, but...w-weren't you just saying that we should be getting medical help?" Corey reminded her, clinging to his last bastions of purity while he still could; he already knew that any sincere calls for modesty were out of reach.

"Sure was, but I don't think a doctor can help me with what I'm feeling right now, Corey. Pretty sure you're gonna have to handle that for me."

She tugged up firmly on the buckle of his belt and yanked the leather right out of the loops, tossing the whole arrangement aside with renewed aggression. Fingertips rushed and fumbled through pulling the button on his slacks, but when the zipper came down and Corey looked for any excuse to slow her down, his body did the trick for them.

Tina was expecting to see a plentiful bulge at the seat of his boxers, or at least some sort of presence, but gazing upon it, she could see the hint of a stain from his excitement against that cotton fabric...but she didn't see the resting weight of his cock beneath.

"Since we're here anyway, lemme just confess that I've seen that bulge through your pants while you were sitting at your desk before, Corey...you're not tucking it or something, are you?"

Corey could tell that she wasn't trying to sound disrespectful, but the sting of her words wasn't as profound as the panic that countered his arousal when he looked down and noticed his boxers were sitting rather flat.

Tugging down that flap of fabric on his own, Corey could see the human flesh of his cock fading back toward himself, shrinking back and narrowing toward the very peak of his pubic mound.

"No, I...I have no idea what's wrong with me, but it's definitely never done that before," Corey replied. "I felt like it was doing the opposite, the way you were coming onto me!"

Tina would have been insulted to have such an effect on a man, but even she could tell that this wasn't a matter of simple shrinkage. Her eyes held focus on the spot just long enough to recognize the shifting presence of foreskin, until it was molded back into a hood-like shape; thinking she had a clue, she trailed her eyes back up the fluff along his torso and noticed that his normally slender, flat chest was starting to round out, just enough to confirm her suspicions.

"Trust me, I saw that little stain on your boxers," Tina confirmed. "But whatever's happening to you right now, whatever's causing this...I don't think it wants you to stay the way you are."

Corey stroked a palm back up through the fluff on his stomach, petting the growing field of white fur and matting it from side to side. "I think I had that much figured out," he muttered.

"I'm sure you did, but...Corey...y-you...you're not just losing your humanity."

It shouldn't have been so startling to watch Tina lean back and tug at the top of her professional blouse, but Corey didn't have a chance to slow Tina's stride: she was already reaching for the clasps of her brassier when Corey tried to lean up and stop her, but the moment he drew close, the straps fell, and only the presence of his chest against her own kept the cups from falling.

Close as they were in that moment, Corey was shocked that Tina hadn't kissed him again, but catching more of the alluring, overpowering scent in the air, he saw her lips parting to speak, and immediately pressed his own upon them.


Tina's eyes fluttered as ticklish fluff brushed against her cheeks, and somewhere in the mess of all that fur, she felt lips dancing upon her own with a greater skill or passion than she'd ever imagined her friend capable of.

She could already feel arousal budding between her thighs, and the subtle glisten would have continued to spread at the delicate kiss, if there was any proper source for it to come from.

A stomach that was twisted up in fresh, eager knots was just distracting enough for her to miss the feeling of her insides shifting about, little by little...and what was trapped inside was already starting to emerge, proving the equal and opposite experience that Corey was enduring.

"Mmnna...Tmn...T-Tina, you...you're...u-uh...shrinking," Corey managed to speak through the kiss, feeling the supple, tender weight of her breasts move away from him with every second that passed, until there was almost nothing for the cups on her chest to cling to. "This is so fucking weird...what the hell is happening to us?"

Tina was disappointed for the kiss to come to such an early end, but she would have been a fool to ignore the continued changes.

Her eyes flickered open once more as she stared into Corey's soothing emeralds, but seeing where he was looking, she followed his stare, seeing that their chests appeared to have been swapped with each other.

"I really, really wish I knew, so I could focus on how badly it's making me want to fuck your brains out."

Tina wasn't the kind to pull punches, but that line was a step further than Corey ever expected to hear from her.

"...Is it so bad that I want you to?" he asked, but as he spoke, he could feel the bones in his face stretching, even when his mind accepted how impossible it should have been for something so solid and rigid to move in the first place, much less with such fluidity. "It's...probably the worst way it could have happened, but I really don't want it to stop..."

"I don't want it to either, Corey. I'm just worried I might need a few pointers to figure things out."

"Figure what out, exactly?"

The concealed zipper on Tina's skirt caught Corey's attention with a quiet riiiiiiiiiiiip , the tiny teeth coming apart with a slow draw.

Flustered to new heights but aroused one level higher than that, Corey watched and drank in the sight of a lacy, black bikini cut pair of panties. He hoped to see a stain against the crotch, and sure enough, his eyes could pick up on the former drip of her arousal...but where Tina had hoped to see a bulge in his boxers and been left wanting, Corey wasn't hoping to see one contained in Tina's underwear.

"...Tina, have you always had a massive cock, or am I delirious?"

At first, Tina could only blink, and then chuckle at the question...but when she tried to adjust her head to look down at the supposed cock, she felt the shift in her center of gravity.

Her skeleton was changing within her body, the same as Corey's had been all along: hips were widening and squaring up to a growing torso, and the flat, slender chest that had replaced her bosom was expanding anew, spreading her flesh in a wider, thicker display of strength.

Down between her legs, she was struggling to tug her panties off before her thighs became too thick to cooperate with the process, but sure enough, as the crotch of her panties shifted, a full, engorged member spilled over the edge of her lacy garment, forcing a new blush into her cheeks...just as the fur upon her face completely hid that reaction from Corey's view.

"I'd say it's even bigger than yours, but I don't really have a point of comparison anymore, do I?" Tina joked, finding that she still retained some of her personality, even when she wasn't retaining her original biology. "No idea I'd have such a nice-looking cock, but then...I never really anticipated having one in the first place."

"Never thought mine would just shrivel up when the hottest girl in the office started coming onto me, but this hasn't really been a typical day for either of us, has it?" Corey noted, feeling a greater sense of comfort at Tina's familiar behavior. "Still have no idea what's going on, but I still...s-still want you to try and fuck me, somehow."

When she'd followed him into the office, Tina was already dreaming about wrapping herself around Corey's member and riding him under the desk; the taboo of sleeping with a coworker, the risk of getting caught in the office, the possibility of finally realizing a long time, subtle crush...

...It had all built up to such a peak that even when the tables were turned and their bodies continued to change beyond their control, Tina felt like she hadn't skipped a beat, and her new, growing cock was keeping pace as vitality began flooding the shaft.

"Looks like I'm on board," she offered, giggling at the slow, rhythmic throb of her new length. The rapid, nervous beat of her heart was matching her shaft pump for pump, and just watching the way that fresh juices spilled from the tip, Tina was reminded of her burgeoning arousal...though it wasn't hers , anymore. "I know it's not as simple as just finding the hole and slamming it home, but if you're willing to cooperate with me-

"You know I am," Corey interjected.

"Then I'm still willing to give this a try," Tina finished her thought. "It's so fucking weird, but I just don't care anymore...the longer I'm around you, the more I feel like fucking you is the only thing that's going to make this feeling go away!"

Corey was a little slower to accept the changes in his body, despite being the original host of the virus.

Thanks to that, Tina was one step ahead of her coworker, but she wasn't going to let Corey slag behind her: kicking her skirt and panties the rest of the way down her ankles, Tina accepted that she was becoming more masculine in shape, but she still needed to figure out the rest of the changes that were spreading across her body.

A white underbelly was visible, spreading back up from her waist and covering the subtle musculature in her abdomen, but a richer, heartier coat of brown had spread down her cheeks and surrounded her neck; it was too vague a pattern to be sure, in the front.

In the back, a series of random, uneven spots of white dotted her back, but the most prominent flash of white was along the underside of a tiny, wiggling tuft at the base of her spine.

"If it's the same feeling that's been tugging at me since I woke up this morning, I dunno if anything will be enough to make it stop," Corey gave an honest thought, but seeing Tina come in close again, he offered no resistance to her advances, even when the half-human, half-cervine pushed him under the desk for an added layer of privacy. "But I'm more than happy to try whatever you have in mind, if you think it'll help."

"Might not fix the problem," Tina agreed. "But I guarantee we'll both feel better when we're done."

Their shared confidence about the act was a sign that the virus had come too far to be stopped, and the creature that stared down at Corey was more of an upright deer than a human being, when Tina's palms finally pressed down at Corey's unevenly covered breasts.

Those small, soft mounds were still growing in properly, and the spill of a dress shirt to provide that perfect hint of modesty left Tina to feel like she was getting to lay with the model of her own boudoir shoot; no matter how she tried to keep purity in her thoughts about Corey, she kept coming back to how wonderful it would be to sleep with him, just this once.

The lack of protection was ignored when the stiff, pulsing length between Tina's legs pressed upon the exposed hood of Corey's clit, but that tender, sensitive nub was still the best place to aim, just then: where there had once been a full, swollen sack, the petals of Corey's womanhood were still forming.

What rested there currently was tiny and tight, but the passage beyond was still developing, forcing them to halt their progress for just a moment longer.

"You've always been a woman of your word," Corey whispered, the tone of his voice shifting a few octaves higher than he realized he could reach."

"Guess I've gotta get used to being a man of my word, now," Tina corrected. "But...between you and me? I've always loved it when a guy was throbbing on my clit like this..."

Getting to live that experience from the other side, Tina rubbed and pressed at the peak of Corey's pubic mound, gliding a precum-soaked shaft along the most sensitive flesh on Corey's entire body.

His face had become decidedly canine, and visual emotions were that much stronger in his expression as his muzzle opened a little wider, letting out a quiet whimper, telling not just of sexual delight, but prolonged sexual frustration.

Corey needed more than that from Tina, and his body was just coming around to the idea.

"Goodness, t-that...that's so tender ," Corey marveled at the way that his body continued to change, and like many women before him, he came to find that his clit wasn't something that could just be worked at with diligence; a certainly degree of skill was required.

He was fortunate that Tina was able to apply some of her personal experience to the act, helping to guide her to just the right blend of pressure and rhythm...just enough of each to make Corey's toes curl in his shoes.

"You'll get used to it...and once you're good and warmed up, you'll be able to handle a lot more than a tease," Tina assured him. "At least, I think you will be...y-you...you're not really human anymore, Corey. Hopefully all the usual tricks will still work on your new body."

Her own muzzle was just starting to form, such that Tina had to slow the pace of her words to avoid tripping over them. She still managed to bite her tongue once or twice, but that wet, slick flesh was becoming narrower by the moment, adjusting to fit properly into a length, cervine maw.

"And if you're anything like I used to be, you'll get where you need to go if you just keep...k-keep thrusting," Corey suggested, trying to help Tina through her own adjustment process. "That's not weird to say out loud, is it?"

"Has any of this been anything but weird?"

The obvious face of a canine was staring back at the equally obvious face of a buck; Corey couldn't do anything but chuckle when he tried to come up with a better response.

Emerald eyes still held a degree of human intelligence, but their shaped was decidedly canine, as well, showing a stark contrast to the spots of soft, dusty brown that covered the bridge of his muzzle and the soft, pluming fur of white that covered the rest of his skull. Human ears were stretching out and drooping down the side of his head as the last of his skin was covered up with matching fur, and where a man had once been laying on the floor of the office, a female English Setter was sprawled on her back, looking up at a coworker that they barely recognized.

Tina's gaze still held the same caramel warmth that it always held before, but those pools of liquid amber were shifted just enough to more properly match the shape of a cervine's stare. Her own ears had stretched out far from the sides of her head and narrowed, taking an elvish shape to begin with, but Corey could already tell what species had inflicted itself upon her human frame.

"It hasn't been exactly how I would have expected our first time to go, but...I...I gotta be honest: I didn't think you and I would ever have a first time to begin with," Corey confessed. "Not that I'm complaining, mind you."

"Would be a funny way to file a complaint; you're still grinding against my cock."

"And I can't really help that," Corey's admittance continued, following the eager pace of his lifting, thrusting hips. Muscles in his legs should have only been able to give so much lift, but the angle of his skeleton continued to change as his insides shifted around, and feet that once planted heel to toe were stretching into a set of proper, digitgrade paws, complete with a shifted ankle. "No matter what I do, all I can think about is you s-shoving that fucking cock in me..."

A curious digit slipped along the inside of Corey's thigh, searing for the narrow, tender petals that Corey wanted to share with his coworker.

Much to Tina's delight, that part of the transformation was finally complete, and as she angled her hips to just the right degree, the tip of her cervine cock eased those folds apart, finding a plentiful helping of feminine arousal upon them.

"All I've wanted to do since I first saw you today was jump your bones, but...y-you're gonna thank me for warming you up and taking my time," Tina mentioned. "Trust me."

Former experience as a woman allowed Tina to be that much better a lover, now that she had the body of a man: she was delicate in sliding the tip of her length in an easy pattern, spreading Corey's petals further and further apart, until the head of her member could easily glide forth and meet with the first bastion of his resistance.

"...So...t-that's what it feels like to be on the other end," Tina murmured, trying her best to keep her voice down. "No wonder you guys are always trying to get laid...t-that feels incredible , Corey!"

Between his legs, a pair of twin, fluffy tails were finally extending to their fullest length. Corey couldn't help the way that they swished about, nor the extra hint of exciting scent that they spread around the tiny office.

Like a final gift from the virus that they shared, the pheromones reminded the pair of what they were really after, and subtle, playful emotions were overwhelmed by the renewed desire to share their utmost passions with each other: Tina spilled forth and buried the full length of her cock into the eager canine, and his legs kicked up around her back, aided by an instinct that he didn't fully understand, and couldn't hope to resist.

Soft, supple breasts shook and bounced with the weight of each thrust that followed, and though they were both foreign to their current positions, the heightened arousal caused by the virus was guiding them through the learning curve with impressive haste.

The unusual coloration of a streak of blue coursed down the lengthy hair that shook in Corey's eyes, signifying that the transformation was finally complete, and on the other side, Tina's spots were marked by smaller dots of a similar color, nearly turquoise in shade.

"Tina, y-you...you're so good at this," Corey whispered, knowing that he'd lose control of his voice in the moments that followed. "So much for needing to p-practice in that new body of yours..."

"Not to say that you guys have it easy, but all I had to do was think about how I wanted you to take me...and...my hips did the rest," she admitted, giving away her secrets in an instant. "But now it f-feels like I can't stop them...like I just can't s-stop fucking you!"

Being stuffed so full and adjusting to the new sensations every step of the way, Corey struggled to find the words to tell Tina that he didn't want her to stop, but his stare was captured by his own, and the slack-jawed, lust drunk gaze that he shared with her was as perfect an instruction as any words he could have offered.

"Just...k-keep... going!" he struggled his way through the most basic order, only to feel the weight of Tina's final stages bouncing and rattling against the inside of his thighs; full, heavy orbs were growing just behind the shaft of her cock, landing against the bottom of Corey's slit and forcing him to come to terms with one more reality.

She's actually gonna cum inside me, isn't she? He thought. She's not slowing down...she's gonna make me cum if she doesn't stop!

His body wouldn't have allowed him to listen to better judgment, and Tina was beyond reason, herself.

"Wasn't planning on stopping," she answered, her words as quick and raspy as the panting breaths she offered. "When you're s-soaking every inch of my cock...how could I ever stop, Corey?"

Corey wondered if she was thinking at all about the risk. He felt that she had to know what was at stake, but her balls had only just formed, leaving him to wonder if he was subject to the same delay in changes.

Whatever the case, his digitgrade calves were kicking around her lower back and holding her tight, forcing the buck to stay in a tight, missionary posture through every moment of their first romp.

"If I wear you out, m-maybe you'll slow down, at least?" Corey asked. "Worth a try, isn't it?"

Tina was grinning wide at the idea, even when she felt a new, stronger sensation spreading up through the shaft of her cock and focusing on the tip. "Give it your best shot, pup..."

Whimpering with canine delight and soaking the plentiful inches of Tina's cock with his arousal, Corey struggled to navigate the different way that his female body handled the sensation of an orgasm, but there was one obvious similarity: a level of pleasure that left him to feel as if he was floating spread throughout his entire body, forcing it to seize up and hold on tight to the pumping cervine.

The first load of cum to ever grace his body poured into his vaginal passage as those inner walls fluttered and gripped at Tina's cock, silently demanding that no drop was allowed to go to waste.

"How's...t-that for a best shot?" Corey asked, grinning at his new lover and panting with such vigor that a canine tongue lobbed over the side of his open jowls.

Ever the confident one, Tina tried her best to hide the way that her face twisted up with delight, but wincing and groaning with such passion would have told the story, even if Corey couldn't feel the warm, voluminous seed pouring into her womb.

"Setting the bar pretty f-fucking high for the first round, I'd say," Tina stammered out. "But you told me not to stop, didn't you?"

Corey thought he would have responded nervously to that, but under the full influence of the virus, he could only grin wider and nod with eager, canine energy.

"Don't you dare , Tina."


Before they left the office that first, fateful day, Corey and Tina weren't the only people that arrived at work as human beings, only to go home as animals.

That first day, there was panic in the office and chaos in the streets. Even the peaceful atmosphere of the coffee shop was left in turmoil by the changes that were taking place, with people falling out of their stools and benches as their centers of gravity were changed and their olfactory senses were completely shifted.

For some animals, the scent of coffee was a delightful thing, but for others, it was so unpleasant and intense that it evoked rage and fear out of the otherwise calm and collected customers.

"Looks like the spread has just about reached the apex. They're saying that less than five percent of the population has managed to avoid the virus...experts are thinking they must have some sort of natural immunity."

They were one of the first people to form a coupling after the virus began to spread; it only seemed logical at the beginning, and after their passionate interlude in the office, there was no way to know if they'd have a larger dating pool or not.

There was no way to know that the majority of their coworkers would be quick to follow them down the path to having new bodies and altered minds, but even after that fact, Corey and Tina decided to turn that fling into a longer relationship, finding that they worked well enough together as a couple that they didn't much care about office rumors.

"What about everyone else?" Tina asked, finishing up the last of her breakfast. "It's not like everyone is just like us...so many of them have turned into quadrupeds that I'm starting to wonder about us."

"Sounds like we should be safe, but it's too early to tell," Corey relayed the news as he fastened up the straps of his brassier; it was fortunate that he and Tina started dating right after the shift, allowing them to effectively trade wardrobes. "Current science says that we'll be in whatever form we are now, at least for the foreseeable future. Still no mention of a cure."

Clothes had to be altered, of course: Corey took Tina's skirts from her, but each one had to be fitted with a small hole near the spine to allow his twin tails to push through and wag freely, and under the skirts, his longer legs and digitgrade ankles required leggings to preserve a sense of modesty.

For Tina, it wasn't quite as much of a struggle to adjust to wearing men's business attire, but there were no undershirts that she could wear with her antlers fully formed. Everything she wore had to be of a button-up nature, save for the undershirts that had a wide enough neck for her to navigate the antlers through.

"Good thing we've had a little while to get used to this," Tina mentioned. "To be honest, I actually think I'm starting to get used to...all of this. Still kinda miss certain parts of my old body, but I don't really mind the upgrades that I've gotten."

Corey snickered. "I'm pretty fond of them, myself."

"So I've noticed."

They were both curious about how the virus itself would evolve as time went on, but it seemed that it had already left a mark of the two of them, permanently. They were part of the larger group that was allowed to walk and talk upright as if they were still humans, but such powerful, animal characteristics were imparted on them that the world around them was being forced to change, as well.

The quadrupeds were the smallest group, but their presence was felt every step of the way...literally, in as much that their larger weight shook floors that weren't designed to hold them, and figuratively, as they tried to adjust to a world that wasn't ready for them.

Just going to the convenience store to get some snacks was a chore when your head only came up to the edge of the service counter, and having to grab things off of shelves without thumbs was a common irritation.

"Speaking of those upgrades, do you think you're gonna be able to keep it in your pants all the way through the shift today?" Corey asked. "Ever since we caught...whatever this virus is...we've barely been able to get any work done."

Tina was flustered by the thought, such that her fingers fumbled with the final step of her tie. "I'm gonna do my best, but I sure hope that wasn't a complaint on your part."

"Anything but," Corey confirmed. "Matter of fact, I'd be delighted if you and I got a little bit carried away this afternoon. Not like I feel like dealing with production reports when everyone is having a weird time getting used to their new production."

The world was having to relearn fairness: new bodies, new shapes and new levels of focus meant that some people simply couldn't keep up with the old demands of the office, whereas others could accomplish their old workload for the day before they clocked out for lunch.

"Sounds like you're looking for any excuse to ignore production and do something you really shouldn't be doing at work," Tina teased. "Not that I've got any problem with that, but you're gonna have to buy me a lot of coffee if you keep coming onto me like this."

"You say that like we haven't seen multiple people shagging in the stairwells since this all went down..."

It wasn't a guarantee, but most of the people infected by the virus found a spike in arousal near the peak of the changes, and thereafter, libido remained heightened to such an extent that it was causing people to shed more and more of their inhibitions about when and where they decided to make love.

To some, it seemed like nothing more than another step in the evolutionary chain, but for others, it was cause for concern, and the world still had plenty of adjusting left to do.


So much had changed since the day that Corey and Tina's lives were permanently altered, but one thing remained almost the same.

As two of the first to receive the virus, Corey and Tina had plenty of time to adjust, but it was still a little weird for Tina to be the one seated at a desk and looking up, only to watch Corey approach with a sway in his hips and a subtle tug at the edge of his skirt.

"I was really starting to think that I would have gotten used to the way this feels by now," Corey murmured, his position with Tina completely flipped; he was the one leaning over the desk now, his skirt hiking up on the edge of the veneer and his thighs feeling the chilly, satisfying brush of that cold desk against his fur."

"Still not used to being an adorable puppy all the time?"

"Oh, I'm used to that ," Corey assured her. "But...I think I'm ready for that coffee break, we talked about earlier this morning. Gotta keep on bribing you if we're gonna keep this little secret under wraps, right?"

By then, the entire office knew what they were up to; the world knew, but they still had fun pretending otherwise.

Tina just snickered at the suggestion, her pants becoming uncomfortably tight around her crotch within the minute. "Third floor office, then?"

" After I buy you a coffee, Tina..."

Making Waves on the Beach

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Leather, Lust and Release

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Just Like Her Father, Part Three

When she stirred awake, Jane couldn't recall having a single drop of alcohol the night before, but for that being the case, she couldn't recall **any** hangover that came with such an incredible sense of nausea as she felt, right then. She wasn't...

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