You Signed a Contract

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#1 of YCH Commissions: Sacrifices

Time flew after Pilar made a deal with a demon of indulgence, and when that demon comes to collect, the dragon is going to find out what use Volkoreus has for his eternal soul.

This is the first from my batch of sacrifice-themed YCH stories, featuring Pilar (owned by pilar05 on FA) and Volkoreus, owned by me!

As always, creepy and wholesome comments are welcome and appreciated, and I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!

The tall, gold-scaled dragon had just plopped down on his luxurious sofa when the first glowing, jagged, fire-red fissure appeared in his hardwood floor.

Pilar's stomach dropped in panic when the crack began to split and branch out. More red light spilled from the new crevices and the oak boards started to buckle upward, as if something was violently pushing through from beneath the floor, desperate to break through the barrier.

"Oh fuck...oh no, no, no," Pilar moaned in horror as he scrambled to the farthest corner of the couch away from the cracks in his floor.

How had he lost track of time so easily? Had it been seven years already? How did it slip by so quickly? Pilar had moved into his dream mansion, he'd amassed more money than he knew how to spend, he'd become one of the most influential people in the world, he could get anyone to do anything he wanted...he was just starting to hit his stride, how could it all be over so soon?

"'s not fair," the dragon groaned.

The floorboards shuddered like a dam about to burst.


Pilar, wearing only his sweatpants and a loose shirt, cowered and trembled on the sofa as his floor exploded upwards; a blast of heat rolled over him as if an immense, blazing oven had just opened, and out of the fiery chasm, dark shadows erupted and coalesced into a corporeal being that rose from the void. The shadows gave form to a pair of dark, curled horns attached to a bald, red-skinned head with pointed ears, a prominent muzzle, and a short, dark beard. Eyes that glowed with infernos of their own locked onto Pilar, and scaly lips curled up into a cruel smile. The demon's head was followed by a thick neck and a broad, beefy chest and abdomen that bore a tuft of black fur on his sternum and a pale scar on his stomach. Massive arms extended from his shoulders, and were adorned with arcane symbols around his bulging biceps and bony spurs on his elbows; his hands were large enough to easily crush a giant's head, and his thick, powerful fingers were tipped with dagger-sharp, obsidian claws.

Pilar had seen this demon before, when the dragon had pleaded and bargained and haggled for a life he had thought worth living, a life of riches and power, of sex and abundance. And now Volkoreus's torso dominated his opulent, spacious living room, while his lower half remained in the fissure he had opened.

"You signed a contract, Pilar! Seven years of fame and fortune, and it's time to collect!" Volkoreus proclaimed, his evil grin barely containing his pointed teeth. "I hope it was worth it, because now you belong to me."

"I--wait, please!" Pilar started to protest feebly.

But the demon paid him no mind--without wasting a second, Volkoreus grabbed the dragon's leg. Pilar yelped at his tight grip and clung to the couch, but it was no use; as muscled as the dragon was, Volkoreus's strength was of an exponentially greater order of magnitude. His mighty fingers wrapped around Pilar's limb and yanked hard as he began to submerge into the floor once more, back into his infernal lair, pulling the terrified dragon with him.

Pilar fell from the couch and clawed at the floor, scraping and scratching the wood as Volkoreus dragged him along.

"NO! NO! NOOOOOOOO!" the dragon screamed as he felt the heat rise in intensity the closer Volkoreus pulled him to it...

His living room fell away as the demon dragged him into the abyss, and Pilar's home disappeared behind a wall of fire; red flames rose up around the dragon, scorching his shirt and sweatpants to nothing but ash that blew away in the howling winds. Naked as the day he was born, Pilar kept screaming in terror, while Volkoreus roared with laughter, his voice rumbling thunderously as they descended farther and farther into the roiling pit. The dragon couldn't tell what was fire, what was stone, what was flesh, what was blood, what was metal, what was bone, everything blurred and blended together in a visual cacophony...his ears rang with an unintelligible mixture of horrific shrieking, sobs of anguish, and cackles of demonic delight...his wings flapped uselessly, powerless against the might of the demon who still gripped his leg and dragged him ever downward.

He had no idea how long he fell through the fiery void...until...


Pilar grunted when he landed at last, flat on his back, on a firm, though somewhat forgiving pad. The pad was warm, as if generating its own heat, and the surface was soft and spongy, marbled and veiny, and coated with small him the impression that he'd landed on an enormous tongue. Pilar scrambled to his feet, steadying himself on the squishy floor that cradled his toes, and took in his surroundings; chains, meathooks, and cages hung like chandeliers to decorate the cavernous chamber he'd entered firepits blazed next to gargantuan columns made of fleshy sinews and the rippled, wet walls. In the distance, lightning crackled and shadows danced and writhed, and Pilar could hear cries of agony...and unmistakable moans of pleasure, mixed with a faint howling.

For a moment, the dragon thought he was alone--the demon who had dragged him by the leg had disappeared before he landed.

"It's not often I make deals, but I couldn't resist adding you to my collection," Volkoreus's voice rumbled behind him.

Dread took hold of Pilar's gut, and the dragon slowly turned around to see the enormous demon leering down at him. Even though he was seated, Volkoreus towered over Pilar, a 50-foot tall titan comfortably on his throne--a throne made from a jet-black, moist tongue that had been contorted into a chair-like shape and extended from the open maw of another colossal, bestial demon behind Volkoreus, a demon so vast that it was impossible to see the entirety of its body. As Volkoreus sat on his throne, he had spread his massive legs wide, giving Pilar an unobstructed view of his humongous testicles nestled between his thighs and the gargantuan, girthy obelisk of his stiff, throbbing cock, which transitioned from a dark, mottled red at the base to a burning gold at its blunt tip. Volkoreus's whip-like tail ended in a flared, sharp, gold spike, and lazily flicked back and forth, further conveying the amusement that gleamed in his glowing eyes.

"And you were so eager to give me your eternal soul in exchange, so how could I refuse?" the demon smirked. He raised his arms, gesturing at the hellscape around him and Pilar. "Heh, welcome to my realm...your new home."

Pilar felt like he was going to faint. "I-I...this isn't what I...I m-mean..."

The dragon's fearful stammerings did nothing to stop Volkoreus from snapping his fingers, and dark, flaming, ethereal chains materialized to wrap themselves around Pilar, clamping his muzzle shut, binding his wings, and immobilizing him completely, save for his tail.

"Oh, you never need to speak again," Volkoreus intoned as he raised his hand up...and Pilar levitated from the floor, floating higher and higher, closer to the demon's outstretched hand.

"Mmmm! Mmmm! Mmmmm!" Pilar cried through his closed lips; he wriggled violently against the chains holding him, and his tail thrashed, but it was no use. He drew nearer and nearer to Volkoreus's open palm.

The demon's grin widened, his sharp fangs on full display, and he flipped his open palm. Pilar flipped in the air at the same time, now floating upside down as he was drawn magnetically towards Volkoreus's waiting fingers.

"I have no need for you to speak, little mortal...but I do need you to learn your place," Volkoreus chuckled as he pinched his thumb and forefinger to hold Pilar by the spade-like tip of his tail, catching him out of the air.

The dragon writhed and squirmed, dangling from Volkoreus's fingers as the demon ferried him down to his groin...and to the tip of his cock.

Pilar, hanging headfirst above the bluntly tapered point--which practically glowed with the heat of a furnace--gagged at the pungent odor emanating from Volkoreus's groin. It was a potent, heady mix of musky, tangy sweat and leather, tinged with an acrid spice that nearly made the dragon choke...yet Pilar felt his own arousal stir and begin to push out from his genital slit, to stiffen and pulse with his excited heartbeat. He was terrified and disgusted, even though deep down, somewhere, somehow...a twisted, depraved part of him wanted this, was thrilled beyond belief.

But he still resisted, wincing and taking shallow breaths to avoid the demon's stench as much as possible.

"Mmmf!" Pilar grunted as he struggled in his infernal restraints, trying to break the chains...but all his thrashing only made him sway pathetically from Volkoreus's pinched fingers.

The gigantic demon laughed at the dragon's futile efforts, and he began to lower Pilar towards his urethral lips, already slightly spread apart in a vertical entrance to reveal the dark abyss within. "Like it or not, you're going in why not just enjoy the ride?"

As much as he still fought, Pilar couldn't prevent the inevitable; Volkoreus dangled him lower and lower, sealing his doom with every inch the dragon sank down...until the tip of his chained muzzle met the demon's meatus...and slipped inside. His nose rubbed against the moist flesh of Volkoreus's urethra, and the demon's overpowering musk utterly drowned Pilar's sense of smell.

Volkoreus's meatus spread easily around the dragon's head, enveloping his cranium and horns, and Pilar's vision went dark as he entered the slick, wet tunnel; warm, fresh pre had already welled up in Volkoreus's urethra, and Pilar spluttered and gasped for breath while his face was coated in the slimy, sticky fluid. With his sense of sight now useless and his senses of smell and taste dominated by Volkoreus's body odor and secretions, the dragon could only hear and feel what the demon was doing to him. He wriggled as he felt Volkoreus's meatus close around his neck and then widen again around his shoulders and arms...all while Pilar's cock stiffened further and throbbed with arousal in spite of the dragon's terror.

"Mmm, yessss," Volkoreus hissed pleasurably, lowering the restrained dragon further into his depths. He groaned at Pilar's twisting and turning as he sank in up to his abdomen--the dragon's struggle only teased the inside of the demon's cock and made Volkoreus hungrier for more. "In you go..."

Pilar felt Volkoreus's urethra pressing in around him on all sides, squeezing around his torso...and then his waist. The demon's viscous pre lubed the dragon's body and made his entrance even easier, faster...more slippery.

"Hmmfff!" Pilar huffed through his closed lips when his stiff cock slid in past Volkoreus's meatus and rubbed against the soft, squishy lining of the demon's plumbing; his dick throbbed desperately as it was pressed between his pelvis and the smooth, wet sides of Volkoreus's urethra...and Pilar couldn't hold back from pumping his hips, humping gently...his body's instinctive need was too strong for him to deny.

Volkoreus chuckled when he felt the small dragon begin thrusting within his urethra. He'd devoured countless mortals this way over the eons; none of them had ever been able to resist a final chance at pleasure on their way down to his balls once their hard cocks disappeared past his urethral lips.

The demon kept lowering his hand, effectively sounding his cock with the dragon's bound, wriggling body; Pilar's hips and the thick base of his tail spread Volkoreus's meatus, widening the orifice before it narrowed again around his thighs, and then even more around the dragon's ankles. Volkoreus sat back in his throne and released his hold on Pilar's tail, leaving just the dragon's kicking feet and the last spiky segment of his tail hanging from the his dick slit, while an oblong, wiggling, dragon-shaped lump protruded from the underside of Volkoreus's shaft.

"Alright, little mortal, try to get out if you can," Volkoreus teased sadistically, knowing full well that gravity and the dragon's struggles would do the rest of his work for him...but he always relished the final, panicked, delicious squirms of his captives on their way down.

Pilar gasped wetly for air as he tried working his shoulders and knees to force himself back out, to somehow reverse out of the tunnel like a worm...but his strategy only succeeded in making his feet slip past Volkoreus's meatus, and then his tail.

Volkoreus hissed in pleasure as he felt Pilar's tail spikes rub against his sensitive flesh, and he watched the dragon's tail slide into his urethra and disappear like a snake down a hole...and Pilar was gone, swallowed up by the demon's cock.

"Mmmf! Mmmf!" Pilar grunted and groaned as he writhed in a combination of frenzied floundering and gratifying humping; his cock thrust greasily against the sides of the demon's urethra as he slid further down the warm, dark, and wet tunnel.

He felt every throb of Volkoreus's cock; it pressed in around him, squeezing as he slipped in deeper, through tight rings of muscle; as he struggled, he twisted and turned with the demon's natural plumbing as if he were riding a body-hugging water slide, carrying him further into Volkoreus's body. The heat rose to an almost intolerable intensity, making Pilar sweat copiously, and his fluids mixed with the hot, slimy pre that surrounded him; he panted and whined as another constricting sphincter squeezed around him, practically wringing him out like a wet towel...

Before he dropped into a hot, sludgy pool.


Pilar flailed to stay afloat as the chains around him disappeared; he splashed in the vat of thick goo, his arms paddling and his legs kicking to keep his head above the surface, but his nostrils were full of the viscous fluid. As he coughed and gasped for air, some of the sludge got in his open mouth, and from the overwhelming, musky flavor that saturated his tongue, he knew he'd fallen into Volkoreus's balls, filled with fresh cum. It was like he'd been dunked into a boiler filled with molten magma--it was nearly impossible to swim through and steamed and bubbled around him, but rather than scalding him beyond recognition, the temperature felt closer to a hotter-than-average jacuzzi, and Pilar felt a soft, buzzing current, as if someone had hooked up a live wire; the electricity tickled and tingled, making his cock throb even harder, making his heart pound in his chest, making him relax...

"Ah! I--guuck!" Pilar choked out as his head sank below the surface with an audible glurp.

As Pilar dipped down further, he turned and settled into a natural, semi-fetal position. The electric current intensified as Volkoreus's balls started to churn and gurgle, setting the dragon's nerves alight...he couldn't help it, he had to surrender to the blissful euphoria radiating through him.

He bucked his hips as his cock spasmed, firing small, insignificant ropes of cum into the vast ocean of demon batter around him. Pilar opened his mouth to moan, and Volkoreus's seed filled his maw...his throat...his stomach...Pilar jerked and wriggled as the demon's cum filled his entire body, and the tingling sensation grew and grew until Pilar couldn't stand it anymore, and he arched his back and came even harder, his cock pulsing strongly enough to make him feel like he was shaking apart from the inside out...

Until he eventually grew still and closed his eyes, aware of the tingling sensation zapping over every inch of him, and Pilar felt himself start to diminish as Volkoreus's balls churned more insistently. His body began to melt and merge with the cum he bathed in; there was no pain, no pressure, no torture--he was simply aware that his wings were disappearing and retreating into him, that his flesh had turned to the consistency of malleable putty, that his spine was lengthening, that his horns were curling, that his tail was shortening to a spiky stub, that his arms and legs were being reshaped at angles suited for a quadruped instead of a biped, that his chest was growing, that his gold scales were being replaced with dark fur and mottled skin, that his muzzle was being pushed in, that his genitals were growing in size and his balls were now external and his newly-knotted cock resided in a thick sheath...that a primordial, carnal fire was filling him, replacing his heart, overpowering his soul, burning away his intelligence and leaving only raw instinct and obedience behind...

"That's it...time to come out," Volkoreus groaned--he had been stroking his cock vigorously throughout Pilar's transformation, getting closer and closer to the edge...until hot cum erupted from his urethra in massive, powerful shots. "Unngh! Yesssss...come out, boy..."

The newly-minted hellhound was swept away in the current of cum draining from Volkoreus's balls; with every earth-shaking throb of the demon's cock, the infernal canine traversed further and further up Volkoreus's shaft, until, with another salvo of boiling, fresh cum, the hellhound was spurted out from his meatus and fell to the floor.

Drenched in a deluge of cum and panting, the newborn hellhound began licking himself, using his tongue to lap away and savor the taste of his master's sacred seed--it was an honor of the highest order to be christened with Volkoreus's cum, to have been birthed from his master's cock, to have been given life as a servant of his dark lord of indulgence.

As the hellhound once known as Pilar continued licking, he saw that a pack of other vile beasts, demons, and hounds like himself had already gathered at their master's feet. Many of them had mounted each other, humping ferociously for Volkoreus's entertainment, while others had taken to using their mouths, tongues, claws, fingers, tails, and paws to tease and thrill each other. As Volkoreus looked down upon the cavorting and copulating assembly with a toothy grin on his face, the hellhound knew that he needed to join them, that it was now his duty to please his master forever in eternal carnal delight--Pilar had signed a contract, after all.