Ways to love your brother- female POV

\*\*A/N- here's a little somethin' I wrote up for the pure pleasure of writing such a subject. Enjoy.\*\* for Of The Wilds Warning!- if you are male, you may want to ready yourself for this. . . Sitting in my large Victorian style room,...

What Cheaters Get!

Picture it. High up in the crisp, clean country air away from the smog of city pollution. Shades and hues of green land of varying growths and crops checker their differences over the landscape. Bright, growing yellow green of plants from above filled...

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Kevin and molly reach an impasse

Since their little endeavor, it's been approximately four days and fourteen hours. Four and a half days. Four and a half long days, consisting mostly of Kevin doing what he could to avoid his sister. "Pass the ketchup mah boy" "S-sure dad". Because...

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Horrible Things Inside

Albert had left for a five month trip to China. There were no long good byes, no tears, and no farewell parties. Albert was simply here one day, and gone the next. His parting words were the request that that no one go into his room. So, after driving...

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The Bad Sport... Konu needs a sparing pardner and a certain big overly proud and confident stallion steps in...

Konu needs a sparing pardner and a certain big overly proud and confident stallion steps in... but things end badly for the big stud... Ok looks like the Badger is going to need a new Sparing Pardner any...

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What a trick can do to somebody

** A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or...

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Commission: A Must Hire Interview

**A Must Hire Interview** CDC, it was the logo printed on everything in this building, from the sign outside to the walls inside, and even the desks had it printed into the wood before being furnished. It was a shortened name, initials, an acronym...

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Stream Lining

STREAM LINING -for Ff-N-FMA - by Charn - [http://www.furaffinity.net/user/charn/](http://www.furaffinity.net/user/charn/) The water rushed over Jinko's head, down his back. His wide feet kicked, his arms stretched and reached for the surface,...

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The Father of fighting

New Battle The air was damp and heavy with the scents of sweating males, in the ring a huge heavily muscled golden stallion. Was playfully sparing with a much younger male who looked very much like him, the two were working on moving and punching. As...

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Goading A Griffon

Goading a Griffon A commission Katya sniffed the air from where she was hidden, crouched in a bush. Two yellow feline eyes peering out into the small clearing. A deer busied itself eating the local vegetation, occasionally pausing to glance about...

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Armored Impotence

Heiken snorted as he trundled along. The warhorse kept his ears on a swivel, not daring to let his guard down for an instant. Reports said that there had been enemy movement in the area. By all rights he shouldn't be out here alone, but someone had to...

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Jewel Duel Episode 1 Part 3

Far in the competition, semi-final material at least, but now one of them is going to be eliminated and those running the bets were having a hard time determining who had the advantage, but rocco seemed to be given the advantage here given his bulk made ball-busting

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