You Promised... Chapter 2

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#1 of You promised...

Woot! This one is much longer, and I worked for a long time on it. I got a lot of requests (mostly via PM) for some yiffy action, so there is a little underage male solo in here, so if you are under 18 I advise you to press the back button. Even though I know you will ignore me anyway... Anyhoo I suck at proofreading, and the person I was hoping could beta read hasn't message me back yet, so here we are anyway... Read, rate, review as always.


Harman stared at Terry for a moment, and then down at his paw. His face lit up with a smile, and and the fox reached out to take the proffered paw, shaking it. Terry's grip was firm and yet gentle, and when they released, Harman's cheeks were tinged with red under his silky silver fur. He managed to find his voice, sounding small and timid. "Th-thanks. I'm Harman." The vulpine tilted his head slightly at the wolf, and asked in a curious voice, "I don't think I've seen you before."

Terry chuckled, and leaned his back against the wall, beside the fox. He slouched slightly, looking relaxed, his green eyes playful and yet almost bottomless. He shrugged nonchalantly, and smiled ever so slightly. For some reason the expression sent a shiver down Harman's spine. "Oh, yeah. I'm new here, today is my first day." His face darkened slightly. "My parents won't be too pleased when they hear I got in a fight on my first day. But I couldn't just stand by and let that jerk hurt you. There is nothing I hate more than bullies." He grinned slightly, his eyes sparkling. "Plus it helped me meet you." Harman was speechless, and he looked down at the tiled floor, hoping that he could hide the heat in his face. After a few moments, the fox looked up, and grinned sheepishly.

"Y-yeah, I guess it did... Um, hey, I need to get to class. Do... Do you maybe want to do something later?" The little fox looked completely embarrassed, and started to walk away, stammering rapidly, ears flat against his skull. "N-never mind, forget I asked! I'll uh, see you later...." He began to turn and flee; and he would have if a strong paw had not gently grabbed his arm, and pulled. Before he could do anything but let out a yip of surprise, Harman found himself chest to chest with the handsome wolf. He stared up into his eyes, feeling all his worries and anxiety drift away into those fathomless eyes, which were staring right back into his. He became acutely aware of how close they were, chest and stomachs pressed together. His big fluffy fox tail slowly wrapped around his legs, and they remained there for a minute.

Terry wasn't thinking when he reached out to the adorable fox, and pulled him toward him. It was instinctual; he didn't want the fox to leave yet. His heart hammered in his chest, and as the golden eyes stared up at him, he had to will himself to keep still, and not nuzzle into the silky fur. He had told the truth. He had been hiding, trying to build up the courage to say something to him ever since he had first seen him in the cafeteria that morning. The thought of anyone hurting Harman had hurt him, and he hadn't known anger like that in a long time. After a few moments, he spoke, voice barely audible. "Yes I would... How about food, and go see a movie at the multiplex? I'm paying." Harman blinked a few times, and then nodded slowly, mind not processing the information very quickly. When it did, he giggled, and pulled away, hugging himself, face hot.

"That sounds great! Um." He looks at Terry, embarrassed. "I hope you can pick me up. I can't drive yet." Terry grinned and chuckled softly.

"Of course I can. I was planning on it, anyway. Here..." He pulls off his backpack, and kneels down on the ground, giving Harman a very good view of the wolf's delicious looking ass, causing him to gasp softly. Meanwhile the Terry was digging through the bag, grumbling to himself. Though he was really looking for a pen and paper, he also was showing off to the little foxy.. The thought of the fox staring at his rear sent a surge of heat through his body. Oh, when he got home.. But that could wait until later. He finally located what he was looking for, and handed the pen and notebook to Harman. "Here we are. Write down your address, and I'll pick you up at, say seven?" The fox nodded. "Good. See you then, foxy." He starts to walk away, winking back at him before disappearing around a corner.

Harman stood still, and then leaned back against the wall, a silly grin plastered to his face, as he clutched his small paws to his chest, feeling his heart hammering underneath. He couldn't restrain a slight giggle of excitement. He was going on a date (for there was no other word for it) with the most gorgeous wolf he had ever seen... Despite the incident just a few minutes ago, he was happy and almost bouncing with glee as he headed to class- late.

Later, after school

Harman practically ran from the bus to his front door, paws shaking as he pushed the key in the lock, and turned. His parents were still at work; he had the entire house to himself. He ran up the stairs to his room. Average size, with an ancient computer on the old wooden desk, and a queen size bed in one corner. It was to this bed he fled, shedding his shirt, shoes, and shorts. He flung his hundred fifteen pounds onto the mattress, and rolled over on his back laying with his limbs spread wide. He thought back to earlier in the day, the wolf's face swimming in his mind. His lean body, and that scrumptious ass... He couldn't help it, he reached down and gave the slight bulge in the pink panties he wore a little rub. His breath hitched, followed by a shuddering breath and soft moan.

This was his daily routine, but today his hormones were in overdrive. The fox closed his golden eyes and began to gently massage the front of his panties, panting softly, releasing the occasional whimper. The panties were quickly growing uncomfortable, and he hooked his thumbs into the waistband, pushing them down, and kicking them across the room. He looked down at himself, taking in his silky silver fur, his slender legs, and up to his small foxhood, already fully out of it's sheath. He flushed, and sighed in shame. He was so small; and he always worried about it, worried about what others would think.

But now was not the time. He reached down and slowly wrapped a paw around his 4 ½ inch cock, giving it a gentle squeeze, eliciting another whimper from him. Not wasting time, he began to stroke rapidly, his other paw massaging his chest, and stomach. He could picture the wolf naked, feel that warm muzzle around his member... His paw was a blur, his back arched, his eyes squeezed shut. He whined and whimpered, breath coming in ragged gasps. He unconsciously reached his free paw down to cup and squeeze his small furry balls. His toes curled; he could feel the heat and pressure building rapidly in his belly. He opened his muzzle and cried out. The pressure in his abdomen was still growing, rapidly getting to the point where it was unbearable, His paw was slamming into his hips, he was desperate to cum..

Then he was there; the intense pressure in his abdomen exploded, flooding his body with warmth, and sending his mind spinning into blankness. His hips bucked, and his foxhood jumped powerfully in his paw sending a ribbon of his hot seed into the air where it landed on his slim chest. He cried out again, louder, and his cock jumped a second time, just as powerfully. His orgasm seemed to last forever, till his chest, stomach, and paw were soaked in hot fox cum. Eventually though, he began to come back down again, and he lay there, gasping for breath, basking in the afterglow. He was soaked but he didn't care. He sighed and rolled over onto his side, eyes cracked just enough to see the clock: 3:42. He had time for a nap... Just a few minutes....

When Harman opened his eyes again, the first thing he was aware of was that his fur was matted and sticky. The next thing he noticed was that it was quarter to six. He groaned, and sat up and threw his big footpaws over the edge of the bed. He sat there for a beat staring at his feet. Then with an aggrieved sigh he stood and stretched and set about figuring out what to wear tonight. His ears lay flat against his skull, and he growled in frustration- there were too many choices! Should he go casual? Or maybe a suit and tie? Or.... Then his ears perked up, and he looked thoughtful, and reached out and picked out the outfit, and walked to the bathroom with a smirk on his face.

When he emerged from the shower 20 minutes later, refreshed and ready for tonight. He slowly and carefully toweled off, and set about brushing his fur to a sleek shine. The young fox set about pulling on the clothes he had selected for the evening. Tight, form fitting dark jeans and a black t-shirt that fit his slim frame perfectly. He looked at himself critically in the mirror and smiled. Damned if he didn't look hot. He practically skipped back to his room to grab his personal affects. Wallet... Cell phone... Watch.... As he picked it up, he looked at the time and felt his heart skip a beat. Ten to seven. It was almost time. Suddenly nervous, he closed his door, and headed downstairs to wait.

His parents were in the kitchen chatting in low tones; they stopped talking as he entered, and looked at him. His mother, an attractive vixen of forty, smiled and greeted him. "Hey Harman, how was school?" At the question, he shrugged and responded with an indifferent grunt. He avoided eye contact with his father, who sat at the table, arms crossed. Though he didn't look at him, he could feel the elder foxes piercing eyes on his back. The young fox was taking a drink of spring water, when his his father spoke up at last.

"And where do you think you're going, dressed like that?" His voice was a deep rumble, and full of mocking and contempt "Probably going out with another one of your freak boyfriends, huh?" His wife turned and looked at him, and snapped at him.

"Leave him alone Palay! It's his choice who he goes out with." Her voice was scolding, and the male looked at her, and sighed.

"Of course dear." But he looked at his son and grimaced, before returning his attention to the conversation he had been having. Harman's ears were once again flat against his head, and his tail drooped. He edged toward the door, grabbing his jacket as he went, desperate to get out of the house.

"Hey.. Mom, I'm going out with a friend..." His father snorted at that. "I'll be back later tonight, OK?" His mom nodded and smiled.

"OK honey, I'll see you tonight. Stay out of trouble!" He closed the door, and walked down the sidewalk to the driveway, staring at his feet. His father had never treated him the same since he had told them he was gay. The fox leaned back against the hood of his parents car, his breath materializing in front of him, as the tears welled up in his eyes. Ashamed, he blinked them away, and looked up and down the street.

As if on cue, an older red Mustang turned the corner onto the street, and pulled into his driveway. He could see Terry behind the wheel, gesturing at him to get in. As if a switch was flipped, he trotted toward the passenger door, all grins. He slid inside, and grinned at the wolf, blushing. "Hi..."

Terry grinned right back, and slid the car into reverse, his warm voice driving away the heaviness in Harman's heart. "Hiya foxy... What did you do all evening?" He moved the shifter into drive, and pulled away. The fox shrugged and looked out the window, even redder.

"Oh, you know... Homework, took a nap... Just.. Stuff." The wolf nodded, though smiled knowingly. "This is a sweet car... Is it yours?"

Now Terry grinned wider than even before, and he glanced at the silver fur besides him. "Yup! Paid for all myself." He patted the steering wheel fondly. "I love my car." With that, at the stop sign, he turned right and suddenly floored it. The powerful V8 engine roared and Harman squealed in excitement as he was pushed back in his seat. Eventually Terry let off the accelerator, much to the vulpine's dismay.

"W-wow! That was fun!" His voice held a childlike glee and playfulness. "Do it again!" The wolf shook his head, but smirked.

"Maybe later, right now we have dinner to get to! My uncle told me about this great place in Clifton Park before I moved here. He says they have the best prime rib on the planet" His eyes were usually on the road but when at stop lights, his eyes would rest on the fox, flickering up and down his body, admiring the way the tight clothes accented the almost feminine form. The wolf swallowed hard, and gripped the steering wheel harder, willing himself to remain decent. At the same time, though oblivious to the scrutiny, Harman was observing Terry's own attire. Cowboy boots, a white shirt with leather jacket, and darkwash jeans that were tight and accentuated all the right places- meaning that the hormonal fox had a very good idea of what lay under the jeans, and it was making his mouth water.

"It sounds delicious...." And they talked the entire time, laughing and joking. They quickly discovered that they shared many of the same interests, such as skiing, science fiction books, and one that surprised each other, World of Warcraft. After this revelation, they were both silent for a minute, and a long and detailed conversation ensued in which anyone who'd never played WoW would understand anything. When they arrived at the restaurant, they were discussion at great length why the Alliance were a bunch of wimps. The silver fox was having the time of his life, completely at ease in the wolf's presence.

They entered the restaurant, walking closely together, arms almost touching. The hostess smiled and walked them to their table, which was in a little alcove beside an old brick fireplace. Harman was looking around in awe, taking in the old fashioned Adirondack styling, post and beam construction, and gorgeous stone walls. He looked out the window, and was delighted to see that it overlooked the Hudson river, giving a beautiful view of the river and mountains behind it. He hummed deep in his throat, a sound which made Terry smile lightly. They sat in companionable silence for a few minutes, listening to the low murmur of other voices, the sharp snaps of the fire nearby.

Those few minutes soon went by, and Harman was the one to break the silence. "So, Terry.. Where did you move here from?" His voice was quiet and shy, his eyes focused on his tail, which he was now hugging to his chest, nibbling on the tip; that was something he did when he was nervous or thinking. Terry was silent for a moment, his eyes darkened, and his face body tensed, memories flooded his mind, unbidden and unwanted. He took a deep breath, and let it out again in a heavy sigh, eyes closed. When he opened his green eyes, they were sad, and full of pain; it made Harman want to huge the wolf close and tell him it would be okay. Instead, he sat there, still hugging his tail.

"I moved here from Mississippi, a small town called Jackson- also known as the state capital. My dad... Was an important person there. But he didn't want me. We- we had a fight. We both said some terrible things. In the end, I took all the money I had, and fled... My mom's brother lives in Queensbury, and he's helping me get on my feet. Helped me find an apartment, find the car.." His voice trailed off.

It hurt too much to think about... He couldn't stand it. Everytime he dwelled on it he had to force down the rush of emotions that threatened to engulf him. He was more like Harman than the fox would ever suspect.... He wanted nothing more than to curl up in a ball, and hide from the world. The fight. He would never forget it. The night his own father came after him with a butcher knife, threatening to kill him if he didn't get out of the house. His mother standing by passively, watching it all.... No! He would not break down, not in front of Harman... Yet the tears continued to well in his eyes, until one finally fell, and left a dark stain under his eye.

Harman was shocked, and furious with himself- he had never intended to get the wolf so upset. But at the same time his curiosity was raging what had happened. Unthinking, he slid around the table, next to the wolf. He wrapped an arm around Terry's waist, and leaned into his side, cuddling up to him, desperate to comfort his distressed friend.

He was scared out of his mind, and yet the arm around him, and the warm body against his side somehow flooded his senses with warmth, and he reached his own arm around the fox and pulled him closer. His eyes closed as more tears leaked out, and he hugged the furry body against him. They sat there, providing strength and comfort for each other for a long time. When the wolf opened his eyes again, they were fixed on the top of the silver furred head, full of compassion and caring. "Harman..."

You promised (Chapter 1)

zAUTHORS NOTE: Woot! I can't believe I managed to finish this as early as I did. I think it came out pretty well. I'm still a little rusty, and desperately looking for a beta reader! I may have the next chapter out tomorrow or the day after...

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You promised.... (Teaser)

_AUTHORS NOTE: This is my first real attempt at a story in several years. I AM planning on continuing this. I am working on it as we speak. I posted this simply as a teaser, or fishing for opinions and reviews. I am also looking for...

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Flushed Away

Ok... This is my first story of any real kind, so be kind :) but give me an honest opinion please. Hope you enjoy. ---These Characters are the propert of Aardman(r) and Dreamworks Pictures(r) they are NOT mine. :) ----------- .."good night roddy......

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