Seeing it All the Way Through

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This one got a little extreme. What follows however is entirely consensual between two adopted brothers even if it does get a little dark. Please read the tags before reading and if it is not your thing feel free to let me know.

It was always a fantasy of mine to be taken by Nox. It was a fantasy I knew to be an impossibility as Nox was the nicest guy you could ever meet. Warm, bubbly and full of joyful laughter that he shared with everyone. That's what the big feral drake was like.

And as for me... well I was the sick puppy that was in love with the feral drake's insanely large and powerful body. At least once a day I fantasized about being under Nox, whether on the end of his cock or under his huge claws. Oh how it turned me on. I even paid for a subscription to a site where they performed those brutal acts on both willing and unwilling furs. Just seeing that and replacing those bodies with mine and Nox's caused an insatiable hunger to build up in me. One that I could never hope to fill because Nox wasn't just my crush. He was also my brother.

I was adopted quite young into Nox's family. Nox's father, an anthro dragon like most of them was my father's best friend growing up so when my parents died in a car crash I didn't have anywhere to go. No other living relatives. No other real acquaintances. Just Nox's dad who I called my uncle anyway. Somehow though Nox was born feral. For dragons it was a real possibility. Only like a one in ten thousand chance but a chance all the same and Nox just happened to be that lucky drake. Though it meant specialized schooling for the drake, and by association myself, we had managed to make the most of it.

Now however we were as close as could be, in any brotherly manner. So it was that Nox even knew the password to my computer. It didn't bother me. I was always careful, wiping my browser history just in case Nox was so inclined to look at it but there was something I never expected as he also knew my bank login.

I never saw it coming. Nox was in my bedroom and there on my screen was...

"So that's what you're into Braids, you sick little bitch."

I know I shut this down. I know I cleared my browser history. Yet as I ran over to the computer it was decidedly my login along with my favourite video. A fox getting run through by the biggest dragon of them all. Paragon.

"H-how-?" Is all I can ask as I turn about with tears in my eyes to my brother. The very same brother who was staring at me with his most unreadable of expressions.

"I noticed an odd charge on your bank statement." Crossing the room, he sits his laptop down next to my computer before opening it up. "I found it odd as it was the same as mine."

"What?" But there on my brother's screen was the exact same screen as mine, all except the login name at the top.

"So how long have you been into me Braidy?"

"I-I am not-" Nox cuts me off with a glare and a claw to my collarbone.

"How long brother?"

Hanging my head low, I still make sure to speak in a voice that Nox can hear. "Five years or so."

"That long?" Nox remarks with a grin. "No wonder you've never picked up any guys before if you've been in love with me all this time. None of them can compare, am I right?"

"No one even comes close to you or the fantasies you invoke in me." I admit as my shoulders slump in defeat.

"Do you want to live out one of those fantasies with me little brother?"

"What? Are you serious?"

"Well, I've never been into the crushing videos so we'll have to go with the second option but if you're willing..."

"Yo-you mean- you'll really-?" I stammer, unable to voice what I'm thinking.

"Yep." Nox says with a wicked grin that I've never seen him wear before. "And I won't stop until you're dead little brother."

"Y-you're serious? You're not just messing with me?"

"Deadly serious Braidy. I'm going to miss you afterwards but this is something that I just can't pass up."

"C-can I make a request then brother?"

Nodding his head, Nox brings it down level with his brother to hear his request. "You depraved and dirty bitch. If that is what you really want then I am happy to oblige your final request."

After that it took us almost two weeks to arrange with the producers of for the use of their studio and a cameraman. It was my fantasy coming to life. Not only was I going to be fucked to death by my big studly brother but it was going to be filmed and if it turned out well it would be put on their website for all to see.

When we got there the producers had us interview just to prove that we were indeed brothers which was embarrassing yet so hot as we shared intimate stories of one another growing up. Then came the subject of how we found out the other was into what we were here for. Nox answered that with some embarrassing tidbits from me. Some more questions followed, yet for all of that they avoided the exact specifics of what we were going to get up to for the camera.

After the interview we were escorted into what essentially was an underground swimming pool where we were finally left alone except for two cameramen. There was where my true fantasy was to take place.

I was studying the room, taking it all in, from the drain in the floor, to the crack running down one wall, when Nox flicked his tail against my back knocking me halfway across the room. Right above the drain.

"Take a good look little brother. This is where your life is going to end up as nothing more than my cock sock. Not even good enough for a gutter. You'll just circle the drain you tiny little bitch." On my hands and knees above the drain, Nox's words ring true within me. I'll die having achieved nothing. I'll die as nothing more than my big brother's cum bloated condom.

And that's just what I want. "You better not disappoint brother. It feels like forever that I've been waiting for this so make it good. Make it really worth your while." And mine.


"Urghh! Cough! Cough!" Flat to the drain from the whip of Nox's tail I'm left stunned as claws come up my body before one large claw holds me down from just above my tail and 'RRRIIIPPP!' my clothes are shredded in no time leaving me as naked as the day I was born. Fitting I suppose.

"You know what, I think you're enjoying this far too much for my tastes." Flicking me over with his tail, Nox reveals my throbbing red wolfhood. "Yeah. Definitely enjoying this far too much. I'm going to fix that." Leaning in, his snout mere centimetres away from my muzzle he declares, "By fixing you."

"Fixing me?" I ask, a little confused until my brother's dexterous snakelike tail circles my balls. "NOOOOO!" My scream is lost in the room rumbling chuckle that my dear bigger brother lets out.

"I told you I wasn't really into crushing didn't I?" My brother asks to which I hurriedly nod as the predicament my balls are in sends a surge of adrenaline through my body. "Well that was kind of a lie. While I may not be into snuff crushing as much as I am into other things there is one thing I absolutely love watching get crushed. Can you guess what that is little brother?"

I wince as the pressure around my balls intensifies holding me in place. "I think I can. But please Nox? I wanted to enjoy this. Please don't take that away from me?" I beg of my big brother.

"But I thought you wanted to see me enjoy myself. Wasn't that the point of this little darling brother?" Stiff doesn't begin to describe how tense I get because while it may be true I want to enjoy myself, seeing my brother enjoy himself is far more the point of going through this. "So tell you what. You ask me not to crush your balls and I won't. However if you want me to make a bitch out of you before I fuck you to death then beg me for it. Beg me to crush those worthless impotent orbs you call pupmakers until they're jelly."

The words 'But I wanted to enjoy this' are on the tip of my tongue but I don't say them. Even as I tremble and quiver I don't say them. All I can do is look my brother in one solitary orb that is his eye before I give in to my brother's demand. "Please brother. Make it so I can't enjoy the feel of you for even a moment. Crush my pathetic nuts. Please."

"Such a sick little bitch. Fine then. If you insist brother dear."

The next thing I know a horrible screech is echoing back at me off the walls. It takes me a few seconds to realize that the screech is mine over the sick feeling welling up in my stomach all as the pain in my balls amplifies until I'm sure that they must have burst. Yet still they take more pressure until I'm left breathless from screaming for so long. Then, when I'm just on the edge of passing out I hear a new noise. A wet sounding 'Squelch'. Followed by the most mindnumbing agony I have ever imagined.

I'm surprised to be concious as my brother's tail is removed from my now squishy sack. I can't help but stare at the pulverised mess that used to be my rather prodigious testicles now reduced to a mushy and painful paste.

"That's a good look on you brother. Makes me want to fuck you so bad. You'll still let me right? I'm not going to fuck you unless you tell me you still want it." Nox sits back on his haunches, revealing to me his huge, thick fuckstick for the first time. "I know you though. You want this huge dragon dick don't you bitch? You can bet it will hurt but nothing will ever compare to having my huge cock in you and you know it. If we leave it now you'll dream of it and if you ever ask again I'll tell you 'no'. This is your one and only chance to have this dick bitch. So beg. Beg me for the privilege of being fucked to death by my gigantic fucking cock."

It's what I wanted... yet seeing that pillar of flesh for the first time I have doubts. It is longer than my torso and so wide at the base. The tip appears sharp so I know I'm up for an easy beginning, but that base... It's offputting to say the least.

"Heh, or don't you have the balls for it?" His laughter at his own lame joke is the final straw. Yet all I can do is grit my teeth and cradle my aching sack of mush. "Don't worry. I know you don't. I saw to that."

"Since when have you been this sadistic?"

"Ever since I got you right where I want you little brother. Well not quite. You're still going to have to beg to be exactly where I want you."

"You're really going to make me beg?" I ask, pitifully mind you. He merely nods his powerful head which causes his overgrown shaft to bob with him. That in turn causes me to gulp, whether in fear or desire I don't know anymore. Either way I have to beg to get where we both want me to be. "Please merciful brother, make me your cock sock. Use me until I break and even then if you want continue using me. Please put your massive dick in my tiny hole and pop me."

"Come here then little brother." Nox crooks a claw at me in a come hither gesture. I get up right an personal with his dick before two arms encircle my waist and lift me up above it. He positions my ass over the firm tip as I begin to panic, my instinct to live warring with my desire for this. Then to my shock Nox stiffens me right on the edge of pushing his dick inside to look me in the eye. "I'm going to miss you little brother, but as we both want this I'll make sure not to hold back. For both of our sakes." I can tell that comes from the most passionate and sincere part of my brother's soul. He's still the same brother that I love even when he's on the verge of snuffing me and that is just who I wanted to give my life to.

"I'm going to miss you too big brother." Prepared, mentally at least I wait for my big brother's discretion to lower me down onto his sharp pointed tip.

When he does I can't stop myself from moaning which makes my brother chuckle shaking that tip in my already very full ass. "Don't get used to it. We're not here for your pleasure after all. Though I did promise something else didn't I?"

"Now?" I ask, full of excitement at the prospect.

"Almost." Pushing me down I let out my first yelp as the stretch goes from pleasurable to painful and then a few moments later that stretch becomes unbearable as my rim is pulled as taut as it can go without splitting. "Now you won't spill a drop as I use you as my toilet."

For a couple of seconds nothing changes before my brother lets out a sigh of relief. Then it's like a firehose is let loose up my ass as Nox fills it with his steamy hot piss. "Oh god brother." I whine past gritted teeth. Gripping my stomach I convulse as gallons of dragon piss are pumped up my colon.

"Jeez. Can't even keep it in with that much cock in you. Useless toilet." I know my brother is only teasing but still it hurts as there just isn't anywhere else to go in me which means I'm leaking around his giant sized dick.

"ARRRRGGGGGHHHHH!" My scream is as sudden as the ridge that rips my ass apart to enter me.

"Hahahaha, now you're just leaking blood piss stain. Let's see how fat you get on the last of my piss."

"F-fuck you." I manage as I wasn't expecting him to tear me open so suddenly and spear into my guts where he still fills me with the last of his piss. He's marking me so deeply that I know I'm going to die just from this treatment of me but I'll last through it, at least long enough for him to have some fun.

"No. Fuck you little brother." It doesn't dawn on me right away, but as he lifts me up and a gallon of piss escapes my broken and bloody tailhole I finally get the pun as he does exactly that. Slamming me down he rips me open further as I scream. My whole world becomes pain and screaming in very short order yet through all that I feel my mushed up sack hit my thigh on the way down making me want to vomit from my piss and cock filled stomach.

"You're getting to used to this so let's take it deeper." My brother comments when my screaming dies down a little. Only there's issues as the next ridge just won't go in my split ass. "Hah, so got to destroy your pelvis this early to get to your heart. Try not to black out now."

'CRACK!' It's the only sound in the room as my throat dries up and no scream comes out despite the excruciating pain of having my pelvis cracked in two or more pieces.

"Mmm, what a feeling. I can literally feel your heart beating against my cock brother."

As for me I can't take a breath anymore. My chest cavity is being filled to capacity by my brother's cock and I know it won't be long now until I expire. I must be losing too much blood as I already feel light-headed so when a claw strokes my tear stained muzzle I look up into my brother's eyes.

"I'm going to cum soon little brother, as you just feel so good wrapped around my dick and this is the hottest thing ever for me. I just wanted to let you know that I'm really going to miss you. I love you little brother."

A couple of humps later and I take in my big brother's face as he loses himself to the bliss of orgasm before thin draconic lips meet mine in a lust fueled kiss. Despite everything I feel that first pulse push everything aside in my chest as Nox erupts within me, then a ripping and tearing beyond anything I had previously experienced as my throat gets torn to shreds by my brother's cock.

My final vision is of my brother sucking down his own load with me impaled fully on his magnificent spire and it's a vision I plan on taking to whatever is the afterlife.


Years later.

"Still the hottest video I've got." Nox comments as he plasters his torso with cum again after watching himself impale his brother for what must be the thousandth time.


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Pushing Limits

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Kyle's First Party

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