Instant Mommy: A Lesson In Reproduction

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#25 of Randal

Geffa asks Randal to help with some of the college's administration work but Geffa is not one to leave lower beings alone and turns the afternoon chore into a session of an astounding creation of life.

This chapter started as a simple quick scene with Randal and Geffa but I had some fun ideas and changed it so that the chapter focused on Geffa's power and the creation of life. It might be a little disjointed but it will tie into the next chapter that takes place later that day.

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It was an upbeat night in Pixie's household. The commanding sorceress Geffa had taken to her office and shut the door, busy with work. Pixie herself was in the kitchen, cooking up tonight's supper.

When Pixie was uplifted from a simple housecat into an myumanoid being, she was gifted many kinds of intelligences, including one of cooking. She was making chicken dumplings, stuffing balls of dough with pieces of chicken then putting them on a stovetop steamer.

Patricia, her pet great dane (formerly myuman), was her assistant for the evening. The first wave of making dinner was Pixie feeding herself where she would eat most of the finished dumplings she had cook. She also handed Patricia some dumplings to eat. It felt weird to be handed dinner like what Pixie was doing to her, but Patricia figured she shouldn't complain since she didn't have to eat out of a dog bowl on the floor, as was the rule for pets in that household. Eating while on two feet was nice.

Pixie was wearing a sunflower-colored blouse and a pair of pleated pants with wide legs. The bottoms of her pants swayed above the tops of her barefeet. The blouse was roomy and allowed a lot of comfort for her fatty midsection. She also had an apron on.

Patricia was wearing a t-shirt. It was bright orange and whatever design it had at the front was covered by her apron. She had straight-cut denim black jeans on too. The apron was the insulting article: on the front it said YOU CAN PAY ME IN COCK then it had a picture of a rooster's face on the bottom.

"Where did this apron come from anyway?" asked Patricia, stretching it out to look at the front.

Pixie looked over for a moment to see what she was talking about, "What? Oh. I do not know. I think Bugsy got it."

Pixie took a dumpling out the steamer and looked at it. It looked done, so she put it down on a plate beside the stove. Another one looked done, so it joined the first on the plate.

After it cooled a bit, Pixie picked it up and chomped it down in a few bites. Delicious, but she'd have to make some for other members of the house. She picked up the other and hovered it before Patricia's snout.

"Eat," said Pixie.

Patricia couldn't stop herself from chomping down the dumpling out of Pixie's clawed fingers! It took a couple big bites then a loud swallow.

Patricia chuckled nervously, "If you and me keep eating them, there will be none left for the others."

"There will be plenty," said Pixie. She looked at the bowl of dough and meat in front of her, "There is plenty of dough and chicken." She walked over to the fridge for a moment, peeking inside, "And there's plenty leftover salad from last night."

"You know, Pixie" said Patricia, "I don't need my master to tell me when to eat."

Pixie took out another dumpling and let it cool before plopping it into Patricia's mouth, "Yes, you do." She watched deviously as Patricia uncomfortably ate the dumpling.

'Yes, get fatter.' thought Pixie.

Bugsy was in the living room watching TV. A commercial with a wolf guy trying to sell a 'wild vacation' came on TV, so Bugsy took the moment to go check on supper. He vaulted over the couch, ran across the floor on all fours, climbed up the endtable, through the partition and hopped down on the small desk at the edge of the kitchen. Bugsy took a look at the papers he fell on and they were a bunch of college pamphlets that were a few years out of date. Someone ought to clean them up, he thought.

"How's dinner coming along?" Bugsy slapped his shirt, "I'm starving!"

"It's coming along," said Pixie. "I'd ask you to help but the cooking space in full." She looked at Patricia patting some chicken into the dumpling dough and gave her a playful hipcheck. Patricia didn't seem to like it.

Bugsy hopped on the ground and walked over to up to Patricia's feet. With no warning, he jumped onto her pant leg and climbed up.

"Hey!" said Patricia, "What are you doing?"

"Using you as a ladder," said Bugsy. He climbed onto the back of her thighs, tugging her black jeans. He climbed up to her big round butt, taking a moment to appreciate its form and firmness. The lack of tail made clinging on the belt and feeling the bottom of Patricia's back especially pleasurable.

Bugsy clinged to Patricia's t-shirt and felt a bit of flab underneath. The dog was putting on pounds. Rubbing a foot one final time across the top of Patricia's ass, Bugsy made his way around her flabby center and hopped over to the counter beside a plate of resting dumplings.

Patricia took two hands to the waistline of her belt, "You nearly pantsed me!"

"Nah I didn't." said Bugsy, "Your ass is too big for the waistline to get around."

He let a dumpling cool and then picked it up, its size like a medicine ball. He had to take small bites into the doughy flesh. Steam rose from the wound he left. He chewed and swallowed.

"Eh, not bad ladies!" said Bugsy.

Bugsy sat up and looked into the bowl with all the cooked chicken. They were sliced into small strips and seasoned with a variety of spices and herbs. The aroma was zesty and appetizing.

Pixie picked up a dumpling and brought it up to Patricia's face.

Patricia put a hand up shyly, "No no, I am full."

"Eat." said Pixie.

Patricia couldn't help it. She chomped, chewed and swallowed. Pixie had a couple herself.

"You girls can really put them away!" said Bugsy, tapping a foot against Patricia's flabby front.

"Those of us over forty pounds need more than one to fulfill our hunger," said Pixie with a sharp look in her eye.

"If I was your size I could clean a plate or two!" said Bugsy before taking a bite into the chicken center.

Despite feeding them out of bowls, Patricia took the time to make her pets' dinner look right. She laid a bed of salad and then gently placed a ring of dumplings inside her pets' dogbowls. Patricia had already had a lot to eat so Pixie excluded her. Pixie wanted Patricia to put on some weight but she didn't want to overstuff her pet so much that she got sick.

Bugsy had enough with a single dumpling so he went back to his TV, but Geffa descended from her office to sit down for some dinner. She wore a beige knit sweater. It sagged and flowed with her body, especially her prominent bosom. She also wore an olive green skirt. It went down to her knees, allowing her shiny black calves out.

She walked on carpet and tile floor on barefeet with tiny claws at the end of the each toe, clacking on the kitchen surface.

"I've got a lot of work to do," said Geffa, "Classes are starting in a few days."

Geffa had taken the role of dean at the local community college Barksville CC. What was once a regular college with myuman students now was an enchanted college with zooman students, magical teachers, and other mystical properties. Classes were to be back in session in just a few days.

Pixie's had a lot to eat during the cooking process but that didn't mean she wasn't going to have seconds! Her plate was stacked with dumplings. Bugsy sat at the table nibbling some lettuce from a salad but otherwise he had his full.

"That's a shame" said Pixie, plopping a dumpling into her mouth. She chewed and swallowed most of it before continuing, "I'm having Belle over."

Geffa tapped her chin with a clawed finger, "Belle, Belle... Oh, is she that collie with the two rabbit pets?" She crossed her arms, "She is too lenient on her pets."

"She is rather nice to Arthur," said Pixie, "They are practically husband and wife."

Bugsy laughed, "That's one way to get yourself a wife- marry your dog!"

Geffa huffed a flare out of her nostrils, "No master should have that kind of relationship with their pet." Everyone could hear the outrage in Geffa's voice.

"You're not going to do something if they come over?" asked Pixie.

Geffa shook her head, "I'm not going to harm them. I may criticize them."

Geffa leered over at the dogs on the floor. They quietly ate their dumplings out of their doggy bowls. After a long spell of humiliating punishments, Pixie eased up so the only irregularities that Pixie subjected to her pets was that they- being dogs- had to eat out of dog bowls on the floor.

Randal noticed the glare and raised his head to look. He stared back with anxious eyes.

"Come here, pup," said Geffa.

Pixie was usually the one to assert direct control of the Randal and his fellow pets. Pixie could say a command and a pet would follow it uncontrollably. But this time it was Geffa saying it.

Randal's body moved on its own anyway. He crawled on all fours up to her chair at the table, disturbed with his lack of control. He stopped before Geffa and Geffa reached out to pet his head, rubbing claws through Randal's hair and fur.

Geffa reached out a hand, "Shake."

Randal raised a hand for Geffa to shake. Pixie and Bugsy chuckled quietly. Geffa told Randal to roll over and he laid down on the kitchen for and tossled a few times, his knee smacking the door of a floor cupboard. Geffa told Randal to sit and he leaned up then squatted down with his arms out front.

"Speak," said Geffa.

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..."

Geffa cut Randal off, "No, bark!"

Randal let out a bark.

Geffa chuckled and patted Randal's head again, "I'm going to need some assistance in my office after dinner. I'll take Randal here inside."

Randal was equal parts excited and worried. On the one hand, Geffa was cruel and liked to harass pets like him. On the other hand, Geffa and him had amazing sex at college a couple nights before. What was his fate going to be?

Randal finished his dinner and brought his bowl to the counter for cleaning. Geffa walked up beside him and slid her plate on the counter with it. It was hard to eat dinner without getting some on your face when you are eating out of a bowl so Randal ripped off a paper towel and wiped his maw. Tossing it into the trash, he followed Geffa into her office.

The office was once Patricia's bedroom, but it was no longer. The bed was removed as was many furnitures. Was the shelf in the corner full of books once Patricia's shelf? Randal didn't know. There was a desk with a computer on top, it must have been Geffa's. There was also a couch and a couple cupboards although their wooden doors were closed and Randal couldn't see what's inside. The walls were adorned with some nice art like flower pots, a beach landscape, and above the couch a large painting of topless rodent lady sitting beside a pleasant pond.

Geffa walked up to the desk, and picked up a stack of papers. She turned around and gave them to Randal. "I need help sorting these."

Randal looked at them. The top page had a picture of a cat girl named Rytea. There were statistics on the side like her age, height, and weight. She was also completely naked in her photo, her petite vulva out in the open.

He looked at a few other papers and they were all stat sheets with nude photos. Many of them were zoomans but there were myumans too. He realized that they were all students at Barksville.

"What are all these?" asked Randal, "Student... profiles?"

"Yep," said Geffa as she sat behind her desk.

"Why is everyone naked?" asked Randal.

"It's a mostly medical document," said Geffa, "not a yearbook photo. Set aside your dignity." She picked up a stack of papers herself, "I need you to sort them out. Sort them into three stacks: myumans that are still... myumans, zoomans with a master, and zoomans without master."

"Right." said Randal. He looked around.

"Sit down on the sofa," said Geffa.

Randal settled down on the sofa and got to sorting. The cat girl Rytea: Randal looked around for master information. Underneath the place of residence, there was a field: Master. Rytea's master was someone named Speck.

He put Rytea on his left and the next person was a myuman guy. He put that sheet to his right. The were a few pets and then a kangaroo guy with no master. The kangaroo had a cock that surpassed Randal's own in size. It hung down the man's thighs, thick and firm, with a large round sac behind. Randal put the sheet beside the other zoomans.

Geffa was sorting out the papers too, her with her own stack. For all the cosmic magic she had, she didn't have the ability to fast forward through this kind of clerical work. She looked up at her borrowed pet, making sure he was working diligently. He was making decent speed. Perhaps he was useful for more than just sexual pleasure.

It was only a couple days ago that Geffa had Randal come visit her at the college and then proceeded to fuck him for a couple hours. Randal loved fucking a creature as hot as Geffa multiple times and Geffa loved it too although she didn't like to admit that a lowly mortal like Randal could inspire such immense sexual gratification.

Randal got through the sheets and recognized a few myumans from school and some of the zoomans. Did he fuck this chickadee girl? He couldn't remember. In the last few weeks he had been with all sorts of girls and he couldn't keep track.

When pets were uplifted in the neighborhood and their myuman owners were turned into zoomans, usually the specie is one of a popular kind of pet: dog, cat, fish, and rodents. While there were non-pet animals like a bear or a meerkat or a dinosaur, those were usually outside the pet-master neighborhood that Randal occupied.

Zoomans like Henry the mandrill were the exception. He was not a pet specie but had a master in Gandalf the dog. There was a field for his former specie of a tabby cat. He was curious but didn't want to bother the dragon with stories on how a cat became an ape.

The myumans, it was weird to see them naked, especially since he knew some of them from his former myuman life. Would they want him to see such revealing photos without their permission? Probably not. He was surprised to see that an annoying classmate of his was endowed.

Randal found Todd's picture. The picture made Todd's dick look pretty big. He was of course attributed to Pixie. There was an additional note: 'Questioning diapers.' Randal smirked.

Elizabeth's profile was a few sheets down and she had many of the same technical points that Todd had, expectedly. Randal stared at Elizabeth's form. Her naked collie body was so beautiful and inviting. She didn't look like a roommate but a female he could meet out in the wilderness. She would present to him and they would mate on the floor, barking and howling like nobody's business!

The thought gave Randal some firmness in his pants. While every pet in the house was under cruel punishment and humiliation thus reducing them to beasts, Randal and Elizabeth found it so easy to fuck each other. They would had done it anywhere. After their punishments were revoked and Randal and Elizabeth had to see each other as people again, there was an awkwardness. They weren't attracted to each other anymore.

Geffa sorted the profiles diligently. She smirked, "Look who it is..."

"Who?" asked Randal, thinking it was him and getting a little smirk.

Geffa listed off details, "White-furred cat, black hair, weighs more than 300 pounds."

Randal smiled letting out a tooth into the room's light, "Brandy..."

Geffa nodded and flipped the profile around to show Randal. It was Brandy and all her weight and nakedness, "That's the one." She turned the page back towards her, "So I hear that you two had quite the session when you visited Donna's house yesterday."

Brandy was a cat girl in the neighborhood that Randal took an attraction to the night the area was transformed. It took a few weeks for Randal to get around to seeing the large cat again but he went to her house, or rather the house of her owner Donna. Brandy was the pet of Donna, an uplifted bulldog and shared the house with Eustice, a panda lady with a similar origin to Geffa.

Randal nodded, fidgeting with his hands and fidgeting with his feet in an innocent kind of way, "Yeah. Donna and Eustice left me and Brandy alone and we..." Randal knew there wasn't any reason to be shy but still felt embarrassed, "we had a lot of sex."

Geffa rolled her eyes, "Of course you did you, you tameless beasts."

"We also talked," said Randal, "We talked about what it's like to be a..." he was trying to use the proper terminology, "zooman. We talked about what it was like being myuman."

"And what was it like, pet?" asked Geffa.

"It feels fake at this point," said Randal.

"It might as well be," said Geffa, "So you two are a couple now? Romantic partners?"

Randal nodded, "Yeah. We're officially boyfriend and girlfriend. But we're still having sex with other people."

"That's for the best," said Geffa. She laid down the piece of paper and took to her keyboard. The computer wasn't on but with magic it didn't matter. Words appeared on Brandy's profile sheet.

"I'm writing her down as your romantic partner."

Randal smiled again, "Yeah. I love her."

Geffa rolled her eyes, "Pitiful sentimentality."

Her words were dismissive but Geffa felt deep down that Randal's love for Brandy was cute. It was respectable, even. For a lower grade of being anyway.

The two continued sorting out their papers. Randal got to his own. The picture showed off his long penis quite nicely and his balls looked a decent size. His gut also looked a little big.

"Found me." said Randal.

"And how are you looking?" said Geffa with a curl of a smile, "Rather large, I presume."

Randal chuckled. He looked at his photo, "When was this taken?" He couldn't remember having his picture taken.

"It wasn't." said Geffa, "The image is fabricated through magic. I can do it for anyone." She snapped her fingers and another sheet of paper popped into the air and floated down on the stack in Randal's hands. It was a picture of professor Thompson, one of Randal's professors who was turned into a budgie. Naked as the rest of them, Thompson's large penis was in full display.

Randal chuckled, but then noticed a few details on Thompson's sheet. He was expecting offspring with a girl named 'Sabrina'. Randal blinked, "Professor Thompson knocked someone up?"

Geffa chuckled, "He doesn't know about it... yet."

Randal shuffled through a few more sheets and found a student with the 'Children' field filled in. Farah, a chubby lizard girl with a tribal tattoo below her navel, was expecting a child with a guy named Monny.

"Some of the students are pregnant." said Randal.

"That's what happens when enough seed is passed to enough wombs." Geffa snarked, rubbing her feet together, "Think about it, this might happen to you and that fatty cat friend of yours."

The thought sent chills down Randal's spine but then he thought about his love Brandy having his child. Getting pregnant for him, them sharing a child together. His spine chill turned into a heart warm and a small part of his brain wished that Brandy would get pregnant.

"Maybe that's not a bad thing." said Randal.

Geffa let out a sharp laugh into the air, teeth out shining in the bedroom light. She smacked the desk, "Incredible! You really do love that girl, don't you? You lower beings are such romantics..." Geffa licked her lips and stared at Randal, "I bet she thinks the same of you. She has a thought for your goofy dog face and wants to have your children!" Geffa followed it up with a strong giggle, "She would love to bloom for you, pet."

Randal was curious, "Can you get pregnant?"

The smile faded and she chuffed, "The question is not whether I can get pregnant, it's whether or not I need to. You may have noticed, with my incredible POWER I can create life out of nothing! I turned your housemate's feral pet cat into a functional myumanoid being. Does it seem like I need a womb to produce offspring?"

Randal smirked, "I guess you have a point."

"But to answer your question," said Geffa gesturing her figure, "These myumanoid bodies can get pregnant. Your girlfriend's housemate Eustice..." Eustice, the neighborhood panda woman, motherly and string, "she prefers the primitive way to make offspring when the urge finds her."

Randal and checked out his work while Geffa talked. He looked at the next sheet: a confident, handsome, and buff German Shepherd was in the photo, hefty cock displaying for Randal's eyes. Those testicles were massive! He might have been thinking of throwing some of that away because it was written 'Thinking of becoming a female.' Randal was shocked.

Geffa scratched the top of her chest, "If I need a person, I simply will it." She paused, "Like, for example, what if I needed a moose girl to keep you company?"

"What abo-?" then Randal stopped and realized what she was going to do. Before Randal had a chance to saying anything further, a moose girl appeared in the middle of the room. No glow, no spark- the moose girl appeared. Tall, chesty, and wearing a white shirt underneath a plaid jacket and a pair of jeans.

Randal stared at the girl for a moment. What would she do? Would she be able to talk? What would she be like?

"Could you stop staring at me?" asked the moose girl.

"Uhhh" said Randal.

The moose waved a hand in front of Randal's face, "Anyone home?" She turned to Geffa, "Did you zap his mind?"

Randal came to terms with the fact that a new lifeform was just created in front of him. He blinked and thought of a question to ask, "Uh, what's your name?"

"Deborah," said the moose, "I suppose you want to sniff me?"

Randal didn't want to sniff anyone but he felt like he had to unless he was reprimanded by Pixie or Geffa. He leaned into the moose girl's jeans and took a whiff. The smell of vagina entered his nose. It was nice and earthy with a hint of confidence and experience.

"Deborah," said Geffa, "would you help the pooch sort out the sheets?"

Deborah took a seat beside Randal and folded out a hand. Randal split his stack in half and gave it to her. He was about to tell her how to sort the sheets but she assured him she knew. Tapping her hooftoes on the carpet, she sorted them like Geffa asked Randal, occasionally stopping to gawk at some details like 'cannot speak'.

She picked one out and held it for Randal to see. It was a parrot of green color. She took a finger to some special information: the parrot boy had "a masturbation addiction."

"He can't stop wanking!" said Deborah with a big smile.

Randal wasn't sure what he was looking at. Was Deborah really a new lifeform, created less than ten minutes ago, or was it some trick? The truth forced him to accept that Geffa was an absurdly powerful being, and she could do horrifying things with ease.

"So, uh," said Randal, "where are you from?"

Deborah shrugged, "Round here."

"H-how old are you?" asked Randal wondering if she would acknowledge being less than an hour old.

"Old enough to get beer for you," said Deborah.

The indirect answers made Randal nervous. She wasn't interested in his questions, which made her feel more real. And she was real, even if she had just come into existence. That loop of facts circled in his head.

He tried to shift attention to his papers. There was a hen girl with brown feathers. She had some hips on her and her breasts were large. In the info space, it was written that the hen had 'therianthropy'.

"What's 'therianthropy'?" asked Randal, the question was aloud but directed at Geffa.

"With a body like that," said Deborah, "I hope she is generous!"

"It's a mental condition," said Geffa, sliding a sheet of paper onto a stack. "A person with therianthropy will experience periods of sudden feralism."

Deborah smiled with her big teeth out, "That's when they act like apes, right?" She giggled, "One of my neighbors was like that the other day. He ran around on all fours and was howling!" She gave Randal a shove, "I was thinking of boning him but he was a popular customer that night!"

Randal's discomfort made his heart beat weakly. Every utterance of the moose girl was a betrayal. He didn't know how to respond to the spontaneous lifeform. If he joked around with her, it would have been strained. He didn't want to joke with her. He was offended by her facade of intelligence. He knew it was hateful to reject her zoomanity as he did, but he couldn't help it.

He turned to his sheets. Some in the myuman pile, some in the zooman with a master pile and some without a master. And then Randal came across a young myuman man named Gil that had a master. Despite him having "Spot" as a master, he hadn't been transformed into a pet. He was still a myuman.

"This guy is... a myuman," said Randal, "but he has a master."

Geffa looked up. She thought for a moment and then remembered, "Gil... Yes, his master likes to transform him into many different things. He's registered as a myuman for the sake of convenience. Put him with the pets."

Randal put Gil's sheet on the appropriate pile and continued with his work, but he had only tossed a few more profiles before he came across a very uncomfortable one.

Standing naked with all of her bits and tits out was Deborah, the nude moose on the sheet in Randal's hand.

He could only utter, "Uh..."

Deborah peeked over. She saw herself on the profile and smiled, "Looks like someone found my photo!" she leaned close to Randal, "Sorry I'm not decent!"

"No one ever is." said Geffa.

Randal swallowed hard. He read the sheet. Deborah, the pet of two masters: Stripe and Barley. Her species was listed as 'moose' as expected but she had a former specie: a cat.

"You were... a cat?" the question came out of Randal's mouth with little of his will.

Deborah nodded, "Yeh. That's what Myuyn transformed me into that first night." She giggled, "But Barley wanted a bigger woman for a bedmate so I got transformed into a moose." Deborah took her hands up to her breasts. She pushed them up through her white shirt, "Went from coffee cups to beef bowls."

Her knockers were huge. Her bosom protruded out of her flannel shirt, the white-clothed rack like hills. No, not like hills. Hills were not that round, and Deborah's chest was round.

Deborah peered over to her profile sheet. She looked at herself; it was a good photo to represent her. Her hips came off especially curvy.

"Barley also likes it when I moo when I climax," said Deborah. She giggled and leaned close to Randal, and she mooed lowly. It was a soft casual moo into Randal's ear. It was a moo so sweet that it felt like it could go on forever.

His mind told him that Deborah was a fake person but his body wasn't in agreement.

Deborah shifted closer to Randal and put a hand on his lap, but then she noticed something. There was a hard form inside his pants. Unprompted, she swatted the stack of papers away from Randal's lap and saw that he had an erection going down his left pant leg.

"Oh!" said Deborah.

Geffa looked up, "What is it?"

"No," said Deborah. She grinned, "He's got a boner."

Randal gripped the couch and gritted his teeth nervously, knees squished together and his toes drilling the floor. Deborah helped herself to stroking down the shaft, feeling the warm throbbing member through Randal's pants.

Deborah snerked, "It's so thick."

A smile whipped on Randal's face. It was big and dumb and he giggled nervously while the moose girl stroked his shlong. Deborah leaned in and gave a sensual moo into his ear and she could feel his cock balloon even more.

"It is quite big, isn't it?" Geffa mused.

Deborah flicked her lips against her teeth and turned to Geffa, "Dean, do you mind if we take a break to... entertain ourselves?"

Geffa sighed performatively and grinned, "Fine."

Deborah took all the sheets, the stacks and what she and Randal had left, and walked them to Geffa's desk. She came back and motioned Randal to take off his shirt. He pulled it off and revealed his fuzzy chubby body with cream-colored fur.

Deborah took two hands to Randal's tummy, "Your dick is not the only thing that's thick."

She removed her flannel shirt, dropped it on the floor, then reached up and pulled off her top. Underneath was a surprisingly trim moose figure with a bit of a pot belly and wide hips. A magenta bra contained her breasts.

She reached around behind to unclick the bra and took it off like she was unholstering two guns. Her brown furry boobs had black shiny nipples. She dropped the bra and sat down beside Randal.

Deborah put her hands on Randal's shoulder to turn him to her and leaned into kiss him. He responded, kissing back, and he reached around her. The kissing got wider and deeper, the maws chomping at one another.

Their teeth clicked together. They groaned. They moaned. They exhaled on each other's faces. Tongues danced and saliva was exchanged. Deborah pressed her tits into Randal's chest. Randal remained erect in her honor.

When Deborah reached down to rub Randal's cock, Randal responded in kind: rubbing her vag through her pants. They moaned and kissed sloppily. Randal reached for Deborah's tits and cupped them, rubbing his palms on the nipples and caressing the rounds.

The moose reached down and unzipped Randal's pants. She struggled to get his dick out of his underwear before Randal stood up and pulled down his pants a bit. He replaced his bare ass on the couch and let his massive cock out, a rocket pointed at the sky.

Deborah fell away from making out to look down at the shlong that was pointed at her. She lowered her head and bumped a nose on the tip, touching and feeling its skin. She kissed it and Randal whimpered with delight.

Standing up for a moment, Deborah dropped her pants as well. Her slick firm vulva was only a few feet away from Randal's nose and he could sense the passionate heat. She had a bit of scruff topping her vulva, the mark of a mature woman.

She stepped out of her pants and walked in front of Randal. Big ass facing him, she sat down on his lap, his cock sliding into her pussy. It could have been a two-by-four with how it felt getting stuffed inside her. The moose descended onto Randal's lap and he took his hands around her, groping her breasts.

Randal jerked, rocking his body on his buttcheeks back and forth. Deborah rocked her hips down into Randal's lap, letting his rod stir the tunnels inside her. Quiet slaps of their hips smacking together were heard.

Deborah's large breasts bounced. Her thighs swayed, pressing out their curves. She gripped the frills of the couch cushion, tugging on it while she rode Randal's lap like a goat. His cock screaming around inside her, making all sorts of noise, banging on her walls, and making a mess of the place.

Deborah crushed Randal's lap with her weight but the mastiff clenched his ass cheeks and thrusted upward to return the favor. Pre leaked from him and a sludge oozed out of Deborah's hole. It coated his shaft as he pulled and pushed into Deborah's sex.

The moose took her hands off the couch and squeezed her ass cheeks together. It felt good, strangely. This squeezed on Randal's cock and applied pressure to the lower side of his cock. Unusual, but it felt good.

Deborah was feeling the urge to change positions. She pulled one leg up and turned it on the couch as she pivoted around. The moose faced Randal, big breasts in his face. She positioned her knees down on the seat beside Randal's waist. Deborah reached behind Randal's head, gently sweeping her hard fingers through his hair. Randal leaned forward to dig his nose in her breasts, fighting the urge to lick for only but a second. It was all he could muster. His mouth opened and a tongue went up her left breast, passing by a nipple.

They humped. Deborah gasped and tossed her head up in the air to let out a guttural moan. That's all it took. Randal growled and fired, pumping hot seed into Deborah's body. Deborah felt the juice explode inside her and let out an orgasm of her own. They fluids burst out below her onto Randal's lap and the couch.

Geffa watched the two lower lifeforms jiggle into each other, make animal noises, and release their essences all over each other, thinking how pathetic it was that the two creatures felt pleasure from such a primal experience and not once did she think how if she was the one on Randal's dick, she would be doing the same thing.

Deborah sat for a moment, let all the slime escape her, then lifted herself off of Randal's deflating rocket. Ooze spread over Randal's leg and onto the seat beside him as the two sat, breathing loudly.

Deborah turned to Randal. The dog smiled and then the moose. She giggled, "Not so bad huh?"

Randal chuckled.

A few minutes to recover and Deborah was feeling ready for round two. She walked into the center of the room and got down on her butt. Facing Randal with a pert grin and narrowed eyes that screamed seduction, she put her hands on the carpet and spread out her legs.

Her sex erupted with heat and passion. Randal got a whiff of it and his dick went diamonds. Walking with a hardon that could break through a brick wall, he went to Deborah and descended on her.

Deborah took her hands around Randal as he injected her with his doghood, and the moose girl couldn't decide if it would have felt better to keep her legs open or close them around Randal's back.

Randal drilled and she kept them spread apart as far as she could pry them. Her toes twitched and her feet flapped. She squeezed Randal with her big moose arms but he kept giving her hard, coarse fucks.

She couldn't help the movements her mouth made. Biting her tongue, sucking in her lips, panting, squealing, and mooing, it was all unwillingly. She mooed in delight while Randal stuffed her hole. Balls smacked so hard against her ass she could feel it in her pelvic bone.

Geffa put a profile of a budgie girl into one of the paper stacks and looked up to see how Deborah and Randal were getting along. She knew that Randal was disturbed by the sudden creation of a functional life form but the dog couldn't help but mate with her when the moose swayed her breasts around.

The mooing got harder and louder and she rocked erratically. Her legs snapped around Randal, she looked into Randal's eyes with primal fury and she mooed loud. Her body released its orgasm, spraying out of the connection where Deborah and Randal's sexes met.

The loud moo was intimidating and Randal squealed and whimpered. He gripped the ground and barked sporadically as a climax shot out of him. He filled the moose with his seed, rubbing his body into hers.

They moaned, groaned, mooed, barked then settled down as the last drips of their cum released. Randal collapsed on the large girl and the two got their breaths again.

Deborah had places to be. Not even an hour in existence and she already had plans, not to mention the intercourse. After she and the dog got dressed, she met Geffa at the door. She turned around to wave bye to Geffa and Randal one last time. Then she was out the door.

Geffa watched Randal go from elated from a post-sex euphoria to existentially terrified as the thoughts of what makes a life form a true life form entered his head. Geffa turning Pixie from a feral cat to a working woman with a weight problem was not so different.

"The creation of life is not a difficult trick for beings like myself," said Geffa walking back towards her desk.

"H-how powerful are you?" asked Randal.

Geffa swung around her desk and fell into her chair, "As far as you are concerned, pet, I am infinitely powerful."

Geffa let Randal sit down and relax to process everything. He stared into space deep in thought, and Geffa took to her papers. She got some folders out of her drawer and put each of the three stacks into a folder before setting it down on the table.

Geffa had furnished the windows with heavy curtains so not a lot of light got through but Randal could tell that the light was turning into sunset. Night was coming.

Geffa flicked through a couple pages and came across Randal's profile. His naked dog body, out in the open. She giggled, "This is a very nice photo of you."

Randal crossed his arms, "It's not even real."

"It's as real as anything else." said Geffa, "I know you down to your genetic code, dog. I can do whatever I want with the genetic material of any person I know." She gave a deep laugh, "In fact, you remember your old landlord Mr. Rofko?"

The Rofkos were an old couple that owned the house before Geffa and her allies moved into the neighborhood and made it their transformation experiment. The Rofkos were transformed into bison and transported to an uninhabited world where they slowly lose their mental faculties. The last time Mrs. Rofko was pretty much gone and Mr. Rofko was not far behind. At that point, they were both probably full-animals, Randal thought.

"Yeah." said Randal, "What about him?"

Geffa stood up and Geffa' flat stomach was gone. In it's place, she revealed a large belly in front of her.

Geffa patted the round pushing out of her sweater, "He gave me such a parting gift!"

Randal was stunned. Geffa could take the genetic material of anyone she knew and make herself pregnant with it. Ignoring the fact that her sudden pregnancy was a mindfuck, she tasked Randal with more paperwork: she handed him another stack of papers and a black marker.

His head was swimming with the realization that Geffa made herself pregnant with Mr. Rofko's child. If she could do it with Mr. Rofko, she could do it with Randal or anyone else.

He gathered enough willpower to do his job. Seated back on the couch with marker in hand, his task was to cross out every reference to a code of conduct. "Either strike out the mention of conduct or the whole sentence" was Geffa's guideline.

Randal began reading, having to push himself to concentrate. It was a document explaining the operation of the college, it seemed. Educators are allowed and encouraged to have sexual relations with students but with some restrictions. Educators cannot enter a student's living space with the explicit intention of sexual relations. This crime will be punished with suspension, forced nudity and in some cases temporary primality.

The dog had no idea what to make of it but crossed out a random line to make it seem like he was busy. The document was at least a dozen pages so he got to work. The room felt like a prison, but he put some effort into it.

"Randal, could you come here?" said Geffa.

Randal but down the stack of papers and perked up, "What... what do you need?"

He got up and walked over around the desk, watching as Geffa looked down at her seat.

"What is it?" asked Randal.

Randal turned the corner to see liquid all over the chair, the ground, and Geffa's skirt. She looked up, "My water broke..."

Randal's ability to breath malfunctioned. He choked on his words and had to twist his larynx to get something out, "Y-your having your BABY?"

Cradling her belly, Geffa got up off the chair and took wide steps around the desk, motioning Randal out the way. She pinched her skirt and pulled it up. She looked at Randal and smirked, "Bet you've always wanted to see me appearing helpless, huh?"

Randal's heart was racing. He called out to someone and was so stressed he immediately forgot which name he chose. Geffa lightly patted Randal's shoulder, "Don't worry, pup. You'll be able to do this alone."

"Alone?" said Randal, "You're having a baby!"

Geffa stopped, stood up straight and put a hand on Randal's shoulder. "I'm an almighty powerful creature and I'll be doing most of the work. Now get ready!"

Geffa settled down on the ground and spread her legs. She lifted up her skirt and tore her panties right off her body. The vulva rumbled with anticipation. Something was going to pop out of there for sure!

Randal got down on his knees and held out his hands like he was getting ready to receive a football. Geffa took big breaths, clenched her fists and then pushed. She gritted her teeth and moaned.

"Wh-what do you need me to do?" asked Randal.

"Wait... for... the head..." said Geffa, crunching her knees and outstretching her wings.

"I don't know about this," Randal's voice was panicked.

Geffa's loins flared and throbbed. Randal wasn't sure if the baby was going to come out of her vagina or if it was going to burst out of her flesh. Geffa scraped the claws on her toes into the floor and said, "This is good prac... practice for when your girlfriend... delivers your CHILD!"

Randal saw Geffa's vagina split and everything went black. The dragon lady had to command Randal directly to get him to perform the delivery. In a haze of a nightmarish collision of flesh, viscera, body parts, and fluids, Randal tended to the birth. He was barked orders through a wall of deafness but because he was so scared he couldn't hear what Geffa was saying.

He reached into Geffa's quarters. There was a body in there. The only senses that were getting through to his brain was the clutching of a body, his hands covered in bodily substances, and every vein in his body turned cold. He grabbed hold and tugged it out. As his hearing returned and his vision cleared up, he noticed he was hearing a baby cry. He looked down and saw a baby bison boy-- Mr. Rofko and Geffa's child. A big bison nose and a fuzzy bovine head.

He realized he wasn't breathing so Randal forced himself to inhale and exhale. When he looked over at Geffa, she was already cleaning up. She had removed her skirt and used to hold the baby, holding him close. With a glowing claw, she tapped the umbilical cord and it severed from the child's body. The cord fell to the ground with the end vanishing in a fiery light, going all the way back into Geffa's body. There was nothing left to expel.

There was a puddle of fluid on the ground, soaked into the carpet. To Randal, it didn't seem like a good idea to have a baby in the middle of the room but it was Geffa's office and not Randal's. Geffa had her sweater down and one of her breasts out. The baby was feeding.

Randal fell back on to the carpet and exhaled. His body tingled with stress. There was the quiet sucking of Geffa's breasts.

"Have you done this before?" asked Randal, "Have a baby the... lower way?"

"A few times." said Geffa.

"So you're a mother?" asked Randal.

Geffa's gaze narrowed, "This is where the conversation ends, canine. Now make yourself useful and clean up this mess." She tapped Randal with her foot and pointed at the slime all over the floor.

Randal sighed and got up off the ground, "I'm guessing paper towels won't be enough to clean up this?"

"They'll do for now," said Geffa, "Go fetch them."

Randal stretched as he approached the door, his legs having trouble staying up and his body feeling like he was shaken up like a soda can. The doorknob was ice cold to his agitated hand. Walking out into the hall, it felt like a different world. The murmur of the TV, the remnant smells of dinner, Elizabeth and Patricia's chatting coming from the basement- it was eerie to have thought things were so normal outside.

Randal walked around the corner to the kitchen, early evening sunlight glowing through the windows. Randal looked into the living room to see what was on TV. It was that workplace sitcom again. Nothing to pay attention to, so Randal collected the towels and went back to the room.

Closing the door, Geffa was back at her desk, baby unseen. Did she get rid of it? The dragoness was acting annoyed so Randal didn't want to press her with questions. He walked up to the puddle of birth and leaned down to get cleaning.

Randal heard some thumping and thought it might have been Geffa tapping her clawed toes on the carpet, but then he saw the bison baby turn the corner wearing a red shirt. The child had grown into a toddler while he was out getting paper towels!

"You made him grow?" said Randal, his voice cracking with disbelief.

Geffa smiled, hanging her head on her tented wrists, "Why yes, dog. You were out for quite awhile."

Somebody had found some blocks for the child to play with. The bison child sat his bum on the floor and tried stacking the lettered cubes. His bison head was strangely large for his body but even with his small toddler neck.

"What are you going to name him?" asked Randal, taking a couple sheets and dabbing the warm liquid from the floor.

"What am I going to name him?" said Geffa, getting up from her desk and walking around to the middle of the room. Sidestepping her birth mess, she stood before Randal, black scaled feet by his knees, "Nothing. I'm not going to name him anything. I have already named him Taurus."

Geffa had cleaned herself. Her skirt was fresh and her legs were wiped of any mess.

Randal peered at Taurus and noticed that the boy had a tail poking out the back of him. Unlike most former-myumans, and the Rofko dad including, Taurus was tailed like a master!

"He's tailed." said Randal.

"Yes. He's my offspring." said Geffa, taking a hand down her form, "He takes after my majestic heritage and less from your former landlord's lowly caste."

Randal scrubbed the floor while in thought, using a handful of towels to scrub deep into the carpet. They wet with the fluids of Geffa's maternity.

"Need any help?" asked Geffa.

Was Geffa going to be nice? Maybe she realized leaving unwashed fluids in the carpet was going to leave a nasty stain unfit for a dragon lady's office.

"Yes." said Randal before adding in, "Please."

"Taurus," said Geffa, "Come over here and help your uncle Randal."

"He's a bab--" Randal looked up to see that the bison toddler had grown into a young child of about 8 or 9 years old. He was wearing a t-shirt with a dinosaur on it and a pair of shorts. He had grown out a shag of hair.

The blocks the child was playing with had turned into a stack of comic books. He groaned, dropped the one he was reading, and got up to answer his mother's ask.

Randal was disturbed by the child's sudden age, staring at the kid with a gaze that could shoot across a football field. He snapped out it. His head shot down, focusing on the mess. Scrub scrub scrub. The paper towels tore into bits with Randal's forceful wiping.

"Hand Taurus some towels, Randal." said Geffa.

Randal stopped, still for a second, then picked a few sheets off of the roll. He handed them to Taurus, felt bad for not looking the kid in the eye, raised his head, and saw a young lively bison boy looking back at him.

Taurus took the towels followed by Geffa saying, "Say thank you." Taurus said, "Uh, thank you uncle Randal."

It felt like a dream, but Randal knew that it was as real as Geffa wanted it, and he wasn't sure she didn't want it to be real. Birthing a child and watching him grow up in front of him in the span of a few minutes had Randal's heart going. He looked at the floor beside him and planned that if he was going to throw up in panic, he would do it away from everyone.

Taurus got on his knees and patted the towels into the very puddle of which he came from. Randal exhaled audibly as the oddness of the situation overwhelmed his nerves and body.

"Don't make my son do all the work, dog." said Geffa.

Randal snapped back into order and cleaned the floor. Together with young Taurus, the floor was mostly dry. The stain wasn't going anyway though. It was a big wet spot on the carpet.

Taurus went back to his comic books and Geffa went to the waste bin in the corner of the room. She took out the bag and held it open for Randal as he tossed the dirty towels.

Randal peeked over at Taurus, back to enjoying his reading. He whispered to Geffa, "You're aging him up so fast. He's not growing like he's supposed to!"

"He is growing like he is supposed to." said Geffa, "If I will it, I can give anyone the history, memories and experiences I want them to have. I can rewrite history itself."

It was another comment that got Randal nervous. He looked around the room. Was he actually there? Was his name Randal? There wasn't a lot of point pondering whether or not his reality was real but he questioned it.

"You..." Randal couldn't help but show fear and choked on the sentence, "You shouldn't manipulate people like that!"

Geffa smirked, letting Randal fill the bag with the last towels. There was a knock on the door and without waiting for anyone to say something, in came Pixie.

Except Pixie had a large belly in front of her. Not because of her excessive eating habits, but because she was expecting now. And expecting very soon!

"What can I help you with, Pixie?" asked Geffa.

Randal couldn't take his eyes off Pixie's mom belly. Her blouse had grown in size for her booming belly. It bounced subtly with Pixie's steps. Randal's vision blurred.

"Just wanted to ask you again," said Pixie, rubbing her belly, "Would you be willing to extend my room with more space? A cradle's got to fit inside, you know. Plus an extra bed."

Geffa smiled tying up the bag. She put the can back in the corner and put the bag down on an endtable by the door. Geffa noticed Randal staring and giggled, "Did you want to feel, Randal?"

Randal looked at Geffa and then Pixie, trying to keep a poker face. He nodded, "Yes." because it felt like the most natural thing to do.

He reached out and touched the belly. It was real, even if there wasn't a baby kicking in there at the moment.

"Uhhh." said Randal. Nope, he couldn't say a thing.

Pixie giggled and tapped her pregnant mound, "This was bound to happen with how regularly Todd slept in my bed."

Randal coughed. Todd was the father!?

Geffa crossed her arms, "I hope you aren't sharing the master bed with him now that you have related to him as a partner," she motioned at Pixie belly. "He's a pet. His bed should be a pet's bed."

Pixie nodded, "Yes, we are moving in a smaller bed into the room with the cradle." Pixie smiled wide, "I don't think he'll be spending a lot of time in it with my bed right there." She giggled and bounced on her toes. She took a hand to her cheek shyly, "He's just such a good boy..."

Geffa smirked, "Maybe this was a ploy of his to get his room back that was taken from him when you took over this household."

There was some more chit-chat that Randal's overstimulated brain flushed out of his head immediately and Pixie was out the door with the bag of towels in hand. Randal was reeling to the point where he was bumping in pieces of furniture, trying to collect his brain.

It was happening too quick for a mortal mind to keep up. People being made in an instant, Geffa suddenly pregnant... It made mockery of all Randal held dear about the consistency of the world.

Geffa returned to her desk but Randal walked up and grabbed her arm, "GefFA: Please change Pixie back."

Geffa smiled, "Are you sure? She seems pretty happy to be having that mongrel's pup."

"She doesn't deserve this." said Randal. He fell to his knees and dropped his face into his hands, "This is all too much!"

Geffa ignored him. She went back to her desk. Was Randal free to leave? Maybe but he was worried that if he walked out the door and saw a cradle being moved into Pixie's room, it would set Geffa's fate in stone. As uncomfortable as it was, he stayed in the room.

He sat down on the couch, eyes miles away. He nearly jumped when he looked over and saw that Taurus had grown again.

Bison were larger than other species so even as a young teenager, Taurus was pushing six feet with a heavy build covered by a concert T-shirt and a pair of beige khakis. He sat hunched over, with a portable video game device in his hand. Its music and sound effects were heard all over the room.

"Could you turn that down, Taurus?" asked Geffa.

Taurus sighed and slid the slider on the side of the device. The volume went down.

Taurus got an ear pierced in the meantime between him cleaning up his birth mess and him sitting on the couch. The young bison was growing up so fast. How many thoughts had he had since Randal was cleaning with him not a few minutes ago?

Randal couldn't get comfortable resting his arms. He tried to lay them down on the couch but was in fidget mode and kept tugging his fingers nervously. His breathing was forced and his exhales were strong and he knew everyone else could hear it but he couldn't stop himself.

His teeth were chattering, he got the sweats and his blood ran cold.

"Taurus, did you clean your room?" she asked.

Taurus squirmed, moaned, and pressed his cheeks nervously. "Maaaaybe." said he.

Geffa groaned and pointed at the door, "Go to your room and clean it."

Taurus knocked his feet against the couch, "Come on, mom! I'm almost done this mission." He hovered the game device.

"Goooo." Geffa demanded.

Taurus groaned, got up and walked to the door. He stuck the game device under his chin and opened the door, awkwardly shifting out into the hall and closing it behind him.

"Teenagers." said Geffa.

Randal shivered and exhaled with shaky breath. The world outside was still a mystery to him after all that had happened inside that room but Randal felt like Geffa's almighty power and reality shifting was going to consume him.

He stood up, "I guess I can go now."

Briskly, he walked to the door. He was within a few feet when Geffa appeared in an instant and startled the dog boy. She glanced at him with a sinisterly neutral gaze.

Randal's brow quaked and he grinned widely, "H-hey, you don't need me around anymore, do ya?"

Geffa took a hand to his chest and pushed him back, "I'm sure I could find some more work for you."

The door opened. It was Taurus, now a little taller, wearing eyeglasses, a long sleeve shirt, and blue jeans. He had a confident and triumphant look in his eye.

"Guess I'm off." said Taurus.

"Which college did you get accepted in?" asked Geffa. The question was for Randal. She didn't need to know which college Taurus was heading out to- she dictated it!

"Hightail Academy." said Taurus. "They have the best cafeteria." He let out a big laugh. Geffa chuckled. Randal stared at Taurus, a gaze so deep it went right through the bison.

"It's all for the best," said Geffa, "Barksville is nearby but we can't have you attending a school where your mother is the dean."

Taurus chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, "There's a large wildlife reservation by the school." He perked up, "And the rooms are co-ed."

Geffa chuckled and nudged Randal, "Oh ho ho! Maybe you'll get yourself a female roommate."

Taurus nodded, big smile, "I already got one! Her name is Tiara. We contacted each other over the internet and we've been talking!" He rubbed his wrist and pivoted on his heel shyly, "We've been chatting online. It sounds like we're gonna make good roommates."

Geffa grinned tapping her foot on the ground, "That's good."

Taurus giggled, teeth out wide, "She's going to get to Hightail before me so she's going to plan a big welcoming party in my room. She knows how 'big' I am so she can't wait to meet me."

There was some more chatter that went ignored by Randal as his mind wandered out of his head. Taurus said his byes, gave Geffa and Randal a hug, and then went out the door. He was gone.

Geffa turned to Randal and smiled, "They grow up so fast."

Randal was stuttering, his tongue twisting itself, "But... baby! Tall!" His eyes were wild, looking in all directions, "He b-big... Taurus, big then small!" Randal tried taking a step, extending his leg too far out and then stamping it down on his other foot, "Toddler... college!"

Geffa smiled and patted his chest, "I can see this is an emotional moment for you. How about you go to your room and relax?"

Randal, walking with the pace of a newscaster escaping a fire, walked out into the hallway. The house had the same atmosphere as before, the evening sun almost out of light. The TV was still on.

He walked along the kitchen and turned into the living room. He saw Pixie sitting at the endtable, reading a book. The pregnant belly was gone, so it must have been an illusion when Geffa made her pregnant. Or Geffa changed it so Pixie was having a baby and backtracked on it.

Randal went down the stairs, careful not to rush down them and hurt himself. He went into the basement, cold and gray, and entered his room.

There was no turning on the lights. He closed the door and stood there. A whimper escaped him, then a sob. He clutched his shirt and sobbed. It was quiet, it was pathetic and it was in defiance at the sanctity of life.

Giving Into Animal Instincts-- DIRTY

All but a few students in the back were still myuman. Everyone else had been turned into an animal. A few hours was too short of time for the students to get accustomed to their new forms. Many were anxious, others were in disbelief, and some were...

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Giving Into Animal Instincts

All but a few students in the back were still myuman. Everyone else had been turned into an animal. A few hours was too short of time for the students to get accustomed to their new forms. Many were anxious, others were in disbelief, and some were...

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Your Dog Is Now Your Master, Rabbit (DIRTY)

Finally, the weekend. Arthur got home and tossed his briefcase on the kitchen table by the front door. He arched his back and took two hands to push it out, his rotund belly pressing outwards. As he walked around the living room he kept on...

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