Daring Do and the Cerinia Vixen

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After yet another death-defying adventure, Daring Do manages to liberate a powerful artifact known as the Staff of Krazoa from the clutches of her arch enemy.

However upon returning it to the Cerinia Fox Tribe, the Pegasus finds out their spellcaster has her own unique way of "rewarding" the mare...


The Pegasus in question simply rolled her eyes as she flew out of the sacrificial chamber and through the halls of the temple, tightly holding on to the reacquired treasure while also making sure to remember each twist and turn throughout the halls in order to avoid any more booby traps. The last thing she needed was to nearly get her head sliced off again.

Eventually, Daring Do caught sight of the exit, quickly bolting out of the temple and into the sky, with Ahuizotl's distant screams of anger being drowned out by a menacing roar. Daring Do smirked as she landed at the bottom of the stairway leading into the temple, taking a moment to catch her breath and stretch her wings. "I warned him not to anger the SharpClaws, but I guess some people just aren't ready to handle pets." She chuckled as she took a moment to inspect the treasure: A long, purple, and gold staff with a blue crystal properly welded into the spear-like head.

The Staff of Krazoa, a powerful weapon with magical properties.

_'Wow, the craftsmanship on this is really precise. Even the runes inscribed on it are in proper alignment for spell casting...'_The Pegasus thought as she inspected the staff... before a sudden rumbling sound from the temple snapped her out of their thoughts and she quickly flew off.

It was time to return the staff to its rightful owners...

The village of anthropomorphic Foxes known as the Cerinia Tribe.

Dating Do wasn't usually one to travel so far east of Equestria, but upon hearing rumors of her old nemesis probably about the area she just had to investigate. Needless to say, this had been the right call, as it turned out Ahuizotl had targeted the Cerinia Tribe because of their unique mastery of rune-based sorcery, a powerful type of magic older than Celestia and Luna themselves. With the right understanding of it, one could control the very elements or cast spells that would leave even the strongest Unicorns winded. But said magic was extremely difficult to master, as even the most skilled spellcasters had to tread carefully in order to avoid the runes either draining their magic or badly injuring them.

And the very staff that could be used to control that magic safely was in their possession, stored within their

sacred Temple while generating a field of stored magic that kept their tribe protected from outsiders and the more feral Beasts of the jungle.

Naturally, Ahuizotl had wanted that power for himself, taking control of an army of feral felines in order to ravage the village and steal the staff in the confusion. With many of their strongest warriors badly wounded from the attack, they reluctantly sought out Daring Do for assistance, with their most proficient spellcaster staying behind in order to properly control the stored rune magic and keep their village protected at all times.

Pegasus eventually arrived at the village, flying over the various huts and several villagers who, upon seeing her carrying their staff, immediately started cheering. Daring Do waved at them as she flew towards the temple at the very center of the village.

As she flew however, she couldn't help but notice the rather small lack of male foxes.

_'Maybe they're all out hunting or something?'_The Pegasus mused as she landed at the temple entrance. "Hey! I got the staff!" Daring called out as she ran into the main room, quickly flying up to an altar with a pedestal at the center... where the Clan's most talented spellcaster; Krystal, was meditating.

Krystal was a vixen with blue fur and a white muzzle and belly. Her attire consisted of a tiara with a red gem, a necklace with a turquoise pendant, silver braces on her arms, legs, and tail, a rather skimpy, golden top that only covered her breasts, and a small white loincloth that kept her womanhood obscured.

And while she was medicating, Daring Do could see glowing tattoos on her arms, hips, and back, all of which signified that she was the village spellcaster, the one in charge of controlling the stored rune magic. The Pegasus was tempted to call after her once more, however she simply stood up as the glowing ceased, turning to face Daring with a small smile.

"I sensed the staff's magic the moment you entered our village." She said as she got to her feet and walked towards the Pegasus. "Thank you, Daring Do. Your heroism and bravery shall be honored by our tribe for generations."

"Oh, you flatter me. I couldn't just sit idly by and let that thieving tyrant exploit such an ancient... uh..." The Pegasus replied with a bit of modesty, only to trail off as the Vixen got closer. Daring couldn't help but notice how wide Vixen's hips were, swaying with a natural rhythm as she walked, with her perky breasts bouncing with each step she took...

Normally she wasn't that interested in the more "humanoid" species, but Daring couldn't lie, this Fox was very easy on the eyes.

"Our clan owes you a great debt, brave Pegasus." The fox continued, snapping the Pegasus out of her stupor as she took back the staff and made her way over to the pedestal. "With this, our tribe's sacred rituals will be fruitful once more!"

"R-Right! Of course!" The Pegasus nodded, her cheeks heating up as she watched Krystal insert the staff into a small hole with the crystal pointing directly at the ceiling.

Soon the entire pedestal began to glow with various lines and symbols around the temple walls pulsating with a mythical energy, several runes seemed to appear on the walls as the magic was returned to the clan once more. And this wasn't just a visual spectacle, no. Daring could actually feel_the magic flowing through this very room, the ruins guiding it through the walls and into the village itself. She had felt a small sample of its power during her fight with Ahuizotl, but compared to this he had _barely scratched the surface of Rune Magic, she could even feel it pulsing through the very floor under her hooves!

"Wow, that was just... woah..." Daring whispered as the glowing symbols slowly vanished. "No wonder Ahuizotl wanted that power so badly..."

"Yes, in the wrong hands such magic can bring about complete devastation. But in the right hands, with proper training..." Krystal suddenly snapped her fingers and spoke aloud a word that daring for the life of her couldn't understand. The tattoos on her body glowed once more as a circle of blue flames erupted around the two, much to the Pegasus' surprise. "...magical feats that may seem impossible become a reality." She finished, running her hand through some of the flames with little to no issue.

Slightly hesitant, Daring Do carefully ran her own hoof through the flames... and was genuinely surprised when she felt no heat. "It feels... cool... by Celestia, this is incredible!" She exclaimed in wonder, excitement evident on her face as she pulled out a notepad and pencil and quickly started sketching some of the runes that adorned the temple walls. "Starswirl tried to research this very magic once and he didn't even come close to pulling off a spell this complex!"

"Well, if you're interested I'd be more than willing to give you a little demonstration of my own magic prowess." Daring heard the Sorceress claim, prompting her to stop sketching and turn around to face the Vixen, only to notice the ring of blue fire becoming a little wider as Krystal took a few steps back. "As well as give a proper show of gratitude~" The Fox purred as her tattoos started to glow a different color, shifting from light blue to a deep yellow.

The Pegasus blinked, quickly noticing a change in her demeanor. Krystal's tone had become a little more... sultry, than before, and Daring couldn't help but feel her cheeks heating up again. Granted this was far from the_first_ time certain individuals had offered her a more _intimate_reward for her heroism... it certainly wouldn't have been the first time she accepted. "W-Well Krystal... I-I'm flattered that you-"

She was cut off as the ring of flames suddenly shifted to a yellow hue as the Vixen started dancing. Daring felt a bit of embarrassment upon realizing she had read the situation wrong and quickly shut her mouth, deciding to simply enjoy the spectacle of Krystal's dance.

Without a word, the Vixen started swaying her hips in a back-and-forth motion, giving the Pegasus a playful look. She then rolled her belly a little, doing what Daring assumed was a type of belly dance, although she noticed her movements were a little more precise, the way she moved her arms seemed to indicate that she was tracing a symbol mid-air...

Krystal then started thrusting her hips ever so slightly, almost as if she were tempting the Pegasus to come closer, the Vixen's smooth and graceful movements utterly captivating the pony's mind as she continued her alluring performance. The Pegasus' eyes drooped a bit, her gaze focusing on Krystal's slowly swaying hips, watching the sensual way her belly moved... each motion seemingly holding a deeper meaning behind it. Be it tracing out a unique symbol or simply calling upon the magic of the temple, as evidenced by the sight of her tattoos shifting from deep yellow to lavender, a similarly colored aura surrounding her body as she danced, leaving behind several after-images with each movement while the flames around them swiftly changed color as well.

Daring could even feel a sudden, yet very pleasant wave of calmness wafting through her own body, as if the magic was being channeled into her as well... the Pegasus shook her head, trying to focus... but even she couldn't help but shudder as she felt a sudden pulse of pleasure shoot through her loins, her stallionhood already at half-mast...

"W-Wait, what the what!?" Daring stammered in surprise as she looked down between her legs. And sure enough, right where her marehood would be was a long throbbing shaft in its place. "What in Celestia's name is going on!?" She shouted... only to immediately place her hooves over her mouth upon realizing how much deeper her voice had just gotten... and quickly discovered the shape of her-or rather his-muzzle had changed as well. "How did-? W-When did-?"

"Well, I did say I'd give you a demonstration, didn't I~?" The newly transformed Stallion heard Krystal giggle. However, the moment he looked back up at the Vixen he realized that there were not one, but two of them! Lust sparkling in her eyes as they both slowly sashayed over to him with their wide hips swaying from side to side with each slow, deliberate step.

"What? Didja think only Ponies could use magic in creative ways?" The second "Krystal" teased, her overall tone and demeanor much less refined than the one on the left, with her being a deeper shade of blue as well.

"Okay... not against the _weirdest_thing that's ever happened to me..." Daring blinked as he got to his hooves, while also trying to hide his stallionhood in embarrassment. "This isn't permanent, is it?"

"Of course not. We mainly use these spells for our... fertility_rituals~" Krystal explained as she knelt down next to the stallion, draping her arm over his shoulder and giving him a coy smile as she stood on Daring's other side, also gently caressing him. "I'd be lying if I said I was opposed to using these spells to satisfy my more... _carnal desires every now and then..." She added, gently shaking her breasts from side to side in a rather tantalizing motion.

"...and also allows me to release my more... uninhibited_side." The "clone" explained, casually striking a more provocative pose with a playful wink. "I know this must be a little confusing for you, so for the sake of avoiding redundancy, the snobby me over there is still Krystal." She explained, gesturing to the other Krystal, who simply crossed her arms with a huff. "...and you can just call me _Kursed."

"R-Right..." While Daring was listening, he couldn't help but admire their bodies, the way their breasts bounced and their hips swayed with each movement. The strain from his still-hardening cock snapped him out of his stupor, hitting him with a familiar urge. Shaking his head, Daring recomposed himself... and just decided to embrace the situation. "So, which one of you wants to go first?" He asked with a smirk, trying to lay on his own charm as he stroked Kursed's cheek with his hoof.

With a nod of consent and a wink from Krystal, Kursed grinned and leaned in, kissing Daring on the lips. The Pegasus melted into the Vixen's embrace, the feeling of her warm lips touching his sent a wave of warmth throughout his body. He raised his hooves to pull the Fox closer, further relaxing into the kiss while moaning into Kursed's mouth, sliding her tongue over his. Suddenly, Krystal pulled Daring away, her clone letting out a disappointed moan as Krystal leaned in and planted a long, slow kiss on Daring's lips, sliding her tongue into the Pony's mouth as she trailed a finger down Daring's cheek, moaning into his mouth passionately.

"Hey now, no getting greedy!" Kursed pouted before pulling the stallion away from Krystal and locking lips with him once more, this time her tongue began to wrap around and play with his as it invaded his mouth, all the while pressing her breasts against him. Daring wrapped his wings around Kursed's waist as he pulled her closer, deepening their kiss.

'Well, while you're busy with her...' Krystal thought, glancing down at his _impressive_length as she licked her lips and knelt down, running her left hand over his length and causing the stallion to moan into Kursed's mouth at the sudden jolts of pleasure that shot through him, his stiffening cock twitching and throbbing at her very touch. _'...I'll get you ready for the main event~'_She mused silently, stroking her hand up and down Daring's rigid stallionhood, gently flicking her tongue over the pulsing tip as his body quivered. She then cupped his back with her right hand and started gently rubbing and massaging it while she engulfed the tip of his stallionhood with her mouth, taking the first few inches in and whirling her tongue around it, rubbing the base while her mouth worked the tip.

"Mmmph... ohhh..." Daring moaned into the kiss as he felt the warmth of Krystal's mouth engulfing his cock, his eyes rolling back into his head as his left hoof slipped down and gave Kursed's ass a squeeze, causing both Vixens to giggle at his reaction.

Breaking the kiss, Kursed then grasped the stallion's shoulders and pushed him onto his back. "Move over "sis", I want a taste~" She cooed, slipping down to lie by Krystal's side before tantalizingly stroking the base of his shaft with her own tongue.

Keeping her lips wrapped around the tip, Krystal quickly sucked his cock deep into her maw, coating him in her warm saliva, occasionally glancing up to enjoy the expression of pure bliss on his face. Meanwhile, Kursed started gently caressing his balls with her tongue, planting kisses on them. She then inhaled deeply, her whole body shuddering at the scent of his musk as open her mouth even wider and eagerly took both of his balls into her mouth.

"Guuhh... ohhh sweet Celestia!" The Pegasus gasped as both Foxes took his testicles and stallionhood deep into their mouths, the warmth engulfing them both causing him to buck his hips in response. "Y-Your mouths... f-f-feel amazing!"

Krystal giggled around his shaft, shuddering as she started bobbing her head up and down his stallionhood, her drool coating it as she wrapped her arms around the Pegasus' waist. Eying her clone, she bumped her rear against Kursed's, snapping her out of her blissful stupor as she suckled on his balls. Locking her eyes on Krystal's, Kursed arched her brow in confusion... only for Krystal to glance over to her backside, wiggling her rear in anticipation.

Catching her silent message, Kursed smirked and released Daring's twitching orbs from her eager mouth, backed up and grabbed her rear, spreading them and exposing her bare slit. "So, you wanna feel good too, eh Krystal?" She giggled with a lustful gaze before slipping her tongue right into her pussy, exploring the depths of her womanhood and tasting her sweet nectar.

"Mmmhmmm~" Krystal sighed in bliss, shuddering at the feeling of her clone's tongue plunging into her womanhood. Turning her attention back to Daring's stallionhood, she sandwiched it between her soft breasts and slowly began to slide them up and down his slippery wet shaft, now slick with the Vixen's saliva.

"Hhaaahh, ooohh fuck yeah... sooo soft~" The Pegasus groaned as he felt Krystal wrapping her large breasts around his shaft. Her mouth was amazing, but that combined with the softness of her breasts working his shaft was even better. The stallion began instinctively thrusting with her, pressure building up within his balls and pre-cum leaking from the tip onto Krystal's tongue.

Upon feeling Daring's cock spasming within her mouth and between her breasts, she quickly started stroking them up and down his shaft, the panting Pegasus' hips bucking in time with her strokes as she flicked her tongue against the tip. Soon the pressure within his cock became too much to hold. "K-K-Krystal... it's t-t-too much... I'm gonna... g-gonna c-haaahh!!" He grunted as cum erupted from his shaft, spraying thick ropes of his seed all over Vixen's face and breasts as it popped out of her mouth.

"Mmmm... my turn, sweetie~" Giggled Kursed, bringing the stallion's attention back to her as she grabbed the Pegasus' shoulders and pushed him down onto his back. Daring didn't have time to ride out his orgasmic high as the Fox straddled his face and lowered herself onto his face, pressing her sweet slit against the pony's lips as she stroked her fingers through her mane hair. "Start licking, stud."

Not remotely bothered by the fact that Kursed basically just _sat_on him, Daring simply planted a kiss on her womanhood before slowly tracing his tongue around the outer for a few minutes, taking in the rather exquisite taste of her loins before pushing it into her pussy.

"Mmmm... ohhhh yeah... that's the spot..." Kursed moaned as she felt the pony's tongue flicking against her vaginal walls, occasionally pushing deeper and swirling around in rhythmic motions. She shut her eyes and cupped her own breasts, carefully pinching and tweaking her stiff nipples as her hips started grinding against Daring's muzzle. "Yeeeah baby, keep going. G-Get your tongue right in there!" She groaned as she started gyrating her hips in time with the Pegasus' kissing and licking, enjoying the eager way Daring thoroughly explored every inch of her juicy pink slit.

Krystal meanwhile had started cleaning herself up, lapping up every drop of Daring's sweet seed she could while keeping her right hand firmly clasped around the stallion's length, gently stroking it every so often to make sure the pony didn't go limp on her. "Mmmm, so warm... and thick~" She purred as she eyed her clone, giggling at the sight of Kursed sitting on his face. Needless to say, the very sight of it filled Krystal with a desperate urge to ride Daring herself.

Turning her attention back to his throbbing, rigid shaft, Krystal licked her lips with a glint in her eyes and quickly stood up, wrapping her tail around the middle to keep it steady as she positioned herself right over the Pegasus' stallionhood. "Now for your true reward." Krystal cooed, lowering herself down just enough so that his sensitive tip was stroking her womanhood. Flinching a little, the Vixen reached down between her legs and spread her pussy lips, gently teasing the stallion a little and prompting Daring to instinctively start thrusting his hips again, making it evident just how eager he was.

Smirking, the Fox lowered her hips, her womanhood accepting the first few inches of Daring's shaft inside of her. "Mmmph... oooh fuuuck~" She moaned, her body shuddering as she felt it filling her pussy inch by inch, stretching out the tight confines of her pussy. It wasn't long before she started panting deeply, her tongue hanging out of the side of her mouth as she enjoyed the feeling, slowly grinding her hips in a twisting motion as she eased herself down Daring's cock. "Aahh, oohh-hhoo... sooo big~" She gasped, her hips shuddering as she reached the medial ring.

'Stuck under one Vixen riding my cock and another on my face for me to eat out...'_Daring Do thought, his mind was drowning in pleasure as he squeezed his gloves around Kursed's rear, eagerly tasting every inch of her pussy, all the while he pushed his stallionhood into Krystal's tight pussy inch by inch. _'...yep, I'm in heaven by this point.' The two Vixen's moans of pleasure soon blocked out his thoughts, leaving him lost in the moment as Krystal and Kursed rode themselves into ecstasy using Daring's shaft and mouth for their carnal desires.

The Pegasus in turn eagerly buried his muzzle deep between Kursed's thighs, licking up any juices that flowed from her womanhood, Kursed immediately started groping her breasts as she threw her back and head back, her lustful screams echoing throughout the temple. "Aahhh... Oh, your tongue feels so _good_Daring~!" Kursed gasped, her fingers almost digging into the stallion's mane as she pushed his face even deeper into her pussy, moaning louder as she ground over his face. "That's it, k-k-keep licking like a good stud! Ooohhhoo~!"

Meanwhile, with another orgasmic moan, Krystal carefully lifted herself onto her feet, leaning back and planting her palms on the floor. As her back gracefully inched backwards the horny Fox started slamming her hips up and down, driving her tight moist cunt down onto the stallion's throbbing shaft over and over, trying to push his cock even deeper while crying out in ecstasy with each thrust. "Aaahhh! Oohh yes!"

With his mind only filled with the thoughts of pleasuring himself and the two Foxes ravaging him, Daring quickly started bucking his hips in unison with Krystal's thrusts, dead-set on filling up every inch of her pussy as he vigorously ate Kursed out, spurred on by the moans of pleasure from the twin Vixens.

Feeling Daring thrusting upwards, Krystal timed the rise and fall of her hips so their bodies were slapping together with every thrust, with Daring's lap smacking into Krystal's jiggling rear, his shaft pumping into her womanhood over and over as the Fox's vaginal juices spilled down his length. "Haahhh, h-hooooly f-fuuuck!! D-Don't stoooop~!!" Krystal moaned out, biting her lip in pure orgasmic glee, smacking her hips down harder and faster. "Mmm, we really need to invite more Equestrians to our tribe! This feels amazing!"

"Ooofff, c-can't argue with ya there~" Kursed purred, grinding her slit over Daring's face even more... before lifting her hips and angling herself so that her tightest hole was right above the stallion's muzzle. "That being said, I've got _another_hole that needs to be pleasured, y'know~" She chuckled, reaching down between her legs with her right hand and using her fingers to spread her pussy lips.

"Well, if you insist..." Daring chuckled, not even hesitating as he spread her ass cheeks with his hooves, revealing her twitching anus... before slipping his tongue as deep into her ass as it would go, continuing to lick Kursed's ring as best he could.

"Oh-hooohh! That's perfect~!" Kursed moaned encouragingly as she thrust her fingers into her slit, moaning at the sensations shooting through her ass as she started roughly fingering herself with her right hand and groping her breast with her left.

The Pegasus in turn simply kept licking, thrusting his tongue as deeply as possible while burying his shaft deep inside Krystal, never wanting this moment to end. He could feel the tightness of the Vixen's pussy clenching around his shaft as she continued to ride Daring's length as hard and fast as possible. "Aaahhaaa!! I'm close! I'm s-s-sooo close!!" The Vixen gasped, her loins quivering as she bounced on his stallionhood. Loud slapping sounds echoed through the temple as her jiggling rear collided with Daring's lap as she screamed with pleasure.

Between thrusts Daring could feel the pressure within his balls building up once again. This, combined with the tightness of Krystal's pussy around his cock, was too much for him to bear, and he knew he couldn't hold it in anymore. "F-F-Fuuuuck yeah!! He moaned into Kursed's anus as his cock erupted inside Krystal's pussy, causing Kursed to shudder as she rammed her fingers into her own pussy.

As she felt Daring's shaft pulsing inside her, Krystal's vaginal walls clenched and tightened around the stallion's shaft, almost as if it were trying to pull him into her womb. "I-I... I'm gonn-Ooohhhohoo~!!" She groaned passionately as she for a second time, her hip jerking and spasming as she threw her hair back. Her back then arched as she felt Daring's shaft spasm and release his second jet of thick seed deep inside her womanhood, all while her slick juices splattered across Daring's shaft and hips.

"H-Hey now, d-don't be leaving me behind y-you two." Kursed cooed, winking down at Daring as she continued thrusting her fingers in and out of her pussy lips, enjoying the sensation of his tongue up her anus. "Y-Y-You've gotta get me ready for your big stallion cock back there-ooohh!" She groaned, thrusting her fingers faster and deeper, all the while the Pegasus continued to lick Kursed's ass. Seconds later the Fox's body was rocked by a powerful orgasm, her fluids spraying across the temple floor as her hip jerked and spasmed. "Mmmm oohhh yeah~!"

"Haaahh, ahahaha... oohhh..." Krystal moaned in bliss, riding her orgasmic high as she sat there with Daring's rapidly deflating shaft still buried inside her, enjoying the sensation of being filled. After a few seconds, the Fox slowly stood up on her shaky legs, letting the Pony's slick, still throbbing shaft lewdly slip out from her womanhood.

"Mmmmhmhmhmhm... haaahhh..." Daring moaned into Kursed's ass as he felt Krystal slide off his cock, the stallion could feel her hot juices running down it. However he immediately shuddered as he suddenly felt Krystal pressing her rear against his length, the Vixen quickly started rubbing her rear up and down the stallion's softening member, making sure he was nice and hard again for when Kursed was ready for him.

Krystal, seeing that her clone's anus was nicely wet, continued to grind against the stallion's shaft as she leaned over and whispered into Kursed's ear. "Mmmm... h-he's... all ready... for you~" She cooed, nibbling her ear and kissing her cheek before finally pulling herself off of the Pegasus.

Nodding, Kursed stroked her fingers through Daring's mane one last time before standing up, prying herself off of the stallion's muzzle and pulling his eager tongue out of her ass. "Now it's my turn~" She purred before crawling down and straddling Daring's erect stallionhood, positioning her anus just over the tip of Daring's throbbing length, teasing it gently. "Alright big boy, fill me up~" Kursed purred as she slowly sank her hips down onto his stallionhood, shuddering as she took the first few inches of his cock into her rectum.

Daring Do gasped as Kursed took his cock inch after inch, bit by bit, despite being much tighter than Krystal's pussy. "Oh, Celestia... s-so tight~" The Pegasus could only sigh and moan as his cock slowly pushed deeper into Kursed's as she was so engrossed in the pleasure that he didn't realize he'd instinctively started thrusting in and out into her hole, not even waiting for Kursed to sit all the way down.

Krystal smiled lustfully as she watched this display, feeling herself getting more and more turned on by the spectacle before her. Soon her clone immediately started pumping her hips up and down the stallion's shaft, her breasts bouncing rapidly as she moaned wildly, making Krystal wish she hadn't abandoned Daring's shaft.

'Okay... you've both had your fun...' Daring thought as he grabbed hold of Kursed's hips, lifted himself up... and forced the Vixen onto her back. 'Now it's time for me to be the dominant one!'

"Oh my, so forceful~" Krystal cooed, smiling playfully as he knelt beside her clone, teasing her own pussy as she watched.

"Woah! What th-AAHH!! S-SOO DEEEEP!!" By the time Kursed realized what was happening, Daring was now on top of her, ramming into Kursed's tight ass from behind, thrusting harder than he could laying down. "OOHHH FUUUCK YES!!" Kursed screamed as she was ravaged by the Pegasus, her tight hole stretching as the stallion's full thickness was ruthlessly pumped in and out of her like a piston and her juices dripping from her slit and onto his lap as she rode him faster. "THAT'S IT, STUD! DEEPER, DEEPER! RUIN MY ASS!!" She screamed, her eyes rolling back as she started squeezing and pinching her nipples. "THIS IS PERFECT!! CLAIM MY ASS!! RAVAGE ME LIKE AN ALPHA!!!"

Daring, so lost in the throes of passion, didn't even notice Krystal positioning herself over her clone until he was suddenly face to face with her, the Vixen giggling as stroked his mane lovingly. "That's it, my sweet stallion. You've put your life on the line to save our clan. You've earned this pleasure, you've earned us." She whispered into his ear while reaching down to stroke her clone, their bodies rocking back and forth in time with the Pegasus' thrusts.

Daring didn't need to be told twice as he kept ramming into Kursed's ass even faster and deeper than before, his hooves gripping her hips as he felt a familiar pressure building up within his balls again, which only served to make him thrust faster.

Glancing down at her clone, Krystal reached between Kursed's legs and started rubbing her fingers over her clit, giggling at feeling how wet she still was. The Fox then brought her attention back to Daring and used her right hand to pull him into another kiss. Their tongues immediately started wrestling with each other as she played with her clone's wet and sensitive pussy, earning a long moan from the clone underneath them both.

"AHH-HAH-HAH-HAAAHH!!" Kursed gasped, still squeezing her breasts as Krystal kept playing with her sopping wet lips, her breasts pressing against the Fox's rear as the Pegasus' hips kept slapping against her jiggling ass. All the while Krystal slipped her fingers in and out of her clone's slit hard and fast, and it wasn't long before her clone's juices started squirting out of her loins as the stallion rammed into her. "I-I I'M CLOSE!! S-S-SOOO C-CLOSE, AAAHHH!!"

"Ahh... K-Kursed... I-I... I'm c-cumming!!" Daring groaned through the kiss as he held her hips close, bucking his hips as shot one final load into her ass, her rear slapping against his lap as he fucked her and his whole body shuddering as he filled her up.

"F-F-FUUUUUCK!!!" Biting her lip and arching her back at the feeling of Daring sheathing himself in her rectum, the Vixen came at roughly the same time. The feeling of him pouring his seed deep inside sent jolts of pleasure throughout her entire body while her fluids splashed across the pony's lap and Krystal's fingers. Panting deeply, Daring Do broke the kiss and pulled his slowly deflating stallionhood out of her, some stray cum spraying over Kursed's breast, Krystal's belly and the underside of her breasts. Kursed let out a sigh of pure bliss as she collapsed onto her back, panting deeply in exhaustion.

"Mmmm, that was invigorating~" Daring heard Krystal giggle as she pulled away from the Pegasus, the pony's legs gave away as he collapsed next to her clone in a heap, their lust finally sated. Krystal smiled as she laid down next to them both, all of them naked, sweaty, and riding their erotic high as their collected fluids ran down their thighs.

"Rest, sweet thing. Enjoy your reward~" Krystal whispered, giving the stallion a soft, loving kiss, a content sigh escaping her lips as both Vixens wrapped their arms around him before drifting to sleep...

Daring Do wasn't sure exactly how long she'd been asleep for, but by the time she woke Luna's crescent moon was high in the star-decorated sky. The Pegasus blinked upon feeling his body shutter ever so slightly, and upon looking down he realized that his stallionhood was gone... and her body was now much slimmer. 'Huh, I'm a mare again...'

"Welp, I guess my time is up..." Daring heard Kursed whisper. Turning to face the Vixen, she caught a glimpse of her waving goodbye as her body started to glow. Before she could ask what was happening, Kursed's entire body dissipated into a deep blue aura and returned to its place of origin; Krystal.

The Vixen question let out a tired yawn as she finally woke up. "Mmmm, where's Kursed?" She asked, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"Your clone... I guess, went back to you?" Daring replied, a little confused as to how this particular spell worked.

"Yeah, her memories should be catching up with me any minute now." The Vixen explained as the two staggered to their feet, both their limbs feeling a little wobbly after their hard fucking. "It's about time I returned to the village..." She added, approaching the pedestal and pulling the staff out of its pedestal. "That being said, you're more than welcome to stop by any time~" The Vixen added with a wink, blowing her a kiss before leaving the temple.

Daring Do simply chuckled as he watched Krystal leave, her breasts bouncing and her hips and tail swaying from side to side with each step. _'Oh yeah, I'll definitely be back for this...'_Taking a moment to stretch her wings, the Pegasus made a mental note to visit the Village during their next 'ritual' before flying out of the temple... and off towards her next adventure...

Officer Down (The Rabbit Hole)

The moon and stars illuminated the night sky over Zootopia as mini civilians turned in for the night, eager to get back to their families, go clubbing with some friends, enjoy a lovely date, or simply relax and have the rest of their night to...

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Deal with a Hellhound

Inside the Principal's office of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, the lights were dim and the room was filled with the sound of soft moans. A full-grown anthropomorphic Unicorn mare with a long, curly deep-brown mane and tail, a deep orange coat,...

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The Serpent's Den

Bagheera let out a sigh of relief as he stepped out of the shower, feeling all much better as he ran his towel over his fur, drying himself down as he made his way back to the locker room. There was nothing like a nice long shower after working out to...

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