Sarabi's Heat

Story by TigerFever on SoFurry

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#4 of Simba's discoveries

It's been four months since Mufasa has been gone battling the hyenas in the northern territories and Sarabi was handling the royal affairs at home. She was sitting in the den, trying to keep cool from the scouring heat that was outside, just lazing around.

At one point, she started hearing someone approaching... small, calculated steps, faint at first and then a bit louder and louder. She didn't bother to get up until she figured the one coming reached a somewhat close distance to her, at which point she got up on her paws, sitting down and awaiting to greet whomever it was.

"Oh, hello, Scar!", she greeted him, seeing as he was coming into the cave. "To what do I owe this unexpected visit?".

"Oh, it's not about what you owe me, it's what I can do for the lovely queen this evening...", Scar said.

"Wha... Whatever do you mean, Scar?!"

He sat down in front of her, but intentionally had his paws spread just a bit apart than normal, leaving room for a little glance of his lionhood. He was measuring her head to claws, closely examining her every detail, insisting with his sight, but just a bit, as of a tease, on her succulent nipples:

"Oh, I was just wondering, with Mufasa gone for such a long time, doesn't it get lonely in here sometimes? I thought I should pay you a visit and cheer you up a little, that's all...", and, as he said that, he turned his head on purpose upwards, as if examining the den's walls, leving her room to study him, as he did her.

Sarabi, being in heat for quite some time, couldn't resist not having a glance between his legs when he looked upwards and, apparently, away, but quickly became aware of it and not giving in:

"Umm... Well, it does get lonely and I appreciate you coming here to cheer me up, but the coolness of the den shelters me from the heat outside..."

Scar, having figured out she took a glance, spread his rear legs even further apart and pushed his cock a bit further and upwards for her to be able to see more and he masked all of this as if he was yawing:

"Yaaaaawn", lifting his front paws in the air...

She couldn't help it and looked straight at his dick, seeing how large it was this time of year, probably because of the warm weather and also because of the mating season that was in full blast and also because Scar was a very gifted lion in these regards...

"Somehow I feel it's hotter in here than it is outside, Sarabi..."

As he said that he looked her straight in the eye, letting her know that he has caught her examining his crotch.

She imeediately blushed and tried to look him in the eyes also, pretending she didn't look at what they both knew she looked at. He then put his paw on her shoulder and pushed her head gently to the ground:

"Lay down closer to the ground... it's cooler there..."

She was now having a clear sight of all that nature has fruitfully invested in him and her eyes locked on the big red tip that came out of the shaft of his cock and his furry, lionly balls. He leant backwards, clearly exposing all his richness for her to admire at her leisure:

"I know you're hungry, Sarabi, I can see it in your eyes..."

Being discovered, unable to hide her thirst anymore, Sarabi asked Scar: "No, please, don't do this! I must keep myself clean for Mufasa"...

"Of course you will, this is just a little snack and it will be our little secret... nothing more, just quenching your thirst, keeping you in shape for when he comes back... you do want to be able to perform when he'll be back! How will you be able if you'll get rusty?"

"But... no... this is not right..."

"I'm doing you a favor, Sarabi, I want to keep you in shape for my brother. You know he'll be very hungry, too, when he gets back, you must be able to feed him then"...

"I'm fine, I'll handle..."

"And how about you, then...", he interrupted her... "I know you want it!"

And, as he said that, he got closer to her and put his paws on her shoulders and pushed to keep her to the ground as she thought of raising up... She was now unable to lift herself from the gound, but she raised her head as much as she could... She now had her head between his rear paws and was just a few breathes away from the big red tip of his cock... and was staring right at it...

"No... Scar... please... I beg you... I won't be able to resist..."

"Then why fight it, Sarabi? Why won't you just give into your senses?"

"But this is so wrong!", she tried to fight it...

"Here, have a taste and tell me you don't like it..." and as he said that he inserted his big dick into her drolling open mouth...

"Mmmmmm...", she mumbled...

As he kept his cock there, she tried to keep her breath as to not move a mouscle, especially putting a lot of effort into not moving her tongue around his round lionhood... he then gently retracted his cock out of her mouth... just to insert it in again, a bit deeper this time around... she gasped... and, with that, began panting... he then retracted his cock again and then further thrusted into her mouth the second time... he began to fuck her in her mouth...

She tried to break free, but he kept her there, she was unable to break out of his paws... but she prefered it... she wouldn't have liked to admit, maybe not even to herself, that she enjoyed having his big dick into her mouth, fucking her inside there, filling her with the taste of his fully arose and penetrating cock...

He kept on fucking her in the mouth until he got a crave for something more... he then took it out... much to her surprise... as she wanted it a bit more... and he came round her... as she felt his penis getting closer to her vagina and thinking it would ultimately enter fully into her, she grasped:

"No, Scar, please, not in there!"

But it was too late, Scar already pushed all of his lionhood inside of her, filling her pussy with all of his cock.

"Awwwwww...", she panted, in delight...

"No, Scar, don't, don't fuck me!", but she clearly wanted it.

"You're gonna get it and you're gonna get it good and enjoy it!", he threatened her as he hept pulling and pushing further and further, harder and harder as if trying to reach new depths within her, filling her pussy all up.

"Feel me rub against your pussy walls... the way my cock is thrusting into your vagina!"

She was on the edge of heaven, moaning and roaring as she hasn't been fucked in ages. She wouldn't have ever admitted it, but she enjoyed it more than she ever did with Mufasa... maybe it was because of the thrill, maybe because of the sheer power and the forcefullness or the fact that Scar had his way with her despite her unwilling resistance, but she was on the verge of orgasm... and...

"Aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!", she moaned, as loud as ever...

He then took his penis and fully inserted it into her ass... "I'm gonna cum inside it, as you're going to orgasm inside your ass"!

She was overwhelmed, never did she ever dreamed she would get so fucked all of a sudden:

"No, wait, Scar, what if Mufasa comes back any minute now?!"

"Enjoy the ride, then, and make the most of it because, when he gets back, you won't get such a big dick inside of you again!"

She did enjoy it and the fact that she could get caught at any second made it so much more intense. She also took his advice and was happy to have him inside her every hole this day. They fucked for a while inside her bottom and, as she came, so did he, filling her ass with his cum, as he had warned her. He then took his penis out and left, leaving her on the gound, fucked, as she felt, 'till eternity...

A glance into himself

_ **Author's note** By the time you start reading this, I had already finished writing it. This may sound funny, but it means a great deal to me and it proves that I was able to finish it. You know the feeling... when you have all these great...

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A Scar Surprise

The two young cubs, Nala and Simba, were running happily towards the Water Hole, tagging each other, hiding and pouncing at one another from the tall grass. "Shh... shh... Simba... look!", Nala told him, getting lower to the ground and pretending...

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Nala's New Toy

After running away from the Priderock's lair, Simba rushed to where Nala lived, meaning to show her his new surprise. Arriving, from within the bushes, he whispered to her, who just barely got awake, but was still lying down lazily. "Pssst, hey,...

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