Between: Chapter 3 - Bacchanal

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#3 of Runaway

The kitty cat finds himself at the grandest party he's ever been apart of. Perhaps the guest will let him live.

Chapter 3 - Bacchanal

The next day we woke. Given little time to prepare we were put to work in the dining hall. Pulling the grand table to the side to leave plenty of room in the center of the hall. Lighting the fireplaces, Shinning the silverware, Tying the curtains for the large windows open. I didn't understand the purpose. It had been cloudy all day. Rumble of thunder moving in from the west. A storm was coming, and it was coming fast. Oddly, the head of the house had been absent for the morning. Typically, she would instruct us. Yet, she didn't seem to be interested in keeping us in line today.

"So, is this normal when she has company?" I asked Devon. We had been cleaning the hardwood floors. "I have no idea, she's never had company before, at least not in the ten months I've been here," He tugged the mop across the floor. We were both concerned about what was coming. She was a monster. Who would come to be around her willingly?

Near the late afternoon she finally made her presence known. Coming down the steps at two on the dot. "My children, tonight you must be on your best behavior. There is one rule that must be followed with absolute obedience," She walked down the line of us. She seemed different. Every time I'd seen her, she acted warm and friendly. Yet today her tone was somber and serious. Stopping at the door, a knock came with a loud heavy thump. Everyone jumped at the sound. It was so sudden that it seemed timed. Crossing her hands over the end of her cane she stared at the wood. Another heavy knock came, and she seemed hesitant to approach it.

"Tonight, you address everyone as sir or ma'am, you give no one your name, if you do then I may not be able to keep you within my service," She looked back at us. "Yes ma'am," We spoke in chorus. Smoke poured from beneath the door. Rolling in, it hissed as it coiled up towards the doorknob. Tapping her cane loudly it thunked as if it weighed a ton. The smoke was suddenly pulled back between the doors. "You may enter," She spoke clearly. The doors suddenly opened in both directions. Showing a dense cloud of fog rolling in from the other side. The fog was impenetrably thick. Just a red glow radiating from the other side. It was so quiet till a form appeared in the mists. Stepping from the fog a familiar horse stepped forward. The same one that dropped each of us off.

Stopping a few steps in, he bowed to her. Politely bringing his hand up to his stomach to extenuate the bow. "Azrael Simmons, Welcome," She bowed her head slightly. Lifting, he let his blood red eyes run along us. "Do I need to bring my own staff or will yours be capable of handling tonight?" He talked down to her. Who was he? What kind of man could talk to her like she was beneath him? "Of course, my staff is more than capable of course you didn't trust me to handle the kitchen, your workers already came in the back," She smirked up at him. "My apologies, I do not leave the food that will be requested for the Bacchanal to chance," He admitted.

"Would you be so kind to announce our guests Simmons? I fear my staff may not be as knowledgeable as you are," She motioned to us. Rolling his eyes, he nodded. Turning away from him, she looked at us. "Head to the kitchen my dears and you will be given orders by the helpful staff my friend brought with him, except you two," She ordered. Letting those icy blue eyes fall on me and Devon. Both of us immediately went stiff. Gulping as we approached her. "You two are far too curious for your own good, you will stay at my side regardless of what comes through that doorway," She ordered. We both nodded and stood at her side. Moving would be seen as disobedience. Which of course would lead to our deaths. Everyone else filed away, Simmons took a stand next to the doorway, as for us. We just stayed close to what we knew was the most dangerous creature in the room.

"Announcing - Lord of the Undercity and Prides Castle, Master Andreas with his guests Richard and Nicholas Cheshire," The horse spoke, and three figures formed in the darkness. Stepping forward was a bull with fur as black as night. Standing taller than anyone in the room his horns curled forward towards us. The suit he wore clung to his massive physique as his large hooves caused the floor to groan. Looking at him my ears splayed back. I was terrified immediately just by his presence. Those ghostly blue eyes staring down at us. On each side of him stood two slender cats somewhat bigger than me. Slender and sleek they were tabbies and mirror images of one another. Males with messy red hair. The one to his left was primarily orange with dark red stripes. His right eye was a sickly green. His left was a casual hazel. The other was the same with a reversed coloration. Red fur, orange stripes, Green right eye, Hazel left. Both were wearing a nice white button up shirt and khaki pants.

"My lord," Gretta grabbed the hem of her ruffled dress. Bending down enough to do a curtsy. We took the hint and bowed as well. "Gretta, it is a pleasure to see you, I fear my husband will not be joining us, he doesn't have the stomach for such events, so I brought my servants to keep me entertained," The large bull spoke. The depth of his voice shook my bones. A snicker came from both cats on each side of him. "Of course, my lord, when you leave, I will make sure to send some food home with you for the poor dear," Gretta put on her charms. Smiling warmly at him as she motioned past us.

The large bull slowly made his way passed up. Giving me a perfect look at his tail. It wasn't like a bull. It was long and serpentine, ending with a large green rattle. Hearing it rattle softly made Devon whimper slightly. "Queen of the Mists and Mother of Feasts, Tali Anaconda with no guest," Simmons announced suddenly. Gretta let out a loud huff and rolled her eyes. The smoke behind the door suddenly shifted to an intense green. Then from the smoke slithered an enormous woman. A Naga who barely fit through the door. Being at least bisexual my eyes went wide suddenly. She was curvy as a mountain road. Her hips and chest contained in barely a thin layer of robes made my face flush. Standing 9 feet at the hips she was incredibly beautiful. Those swampy green colors with sprinklings of red and yellow scales. Those large yellow eyes staring down at us were like spotlights as she hissed softly.

"Sister..." Gretta didn't even give her a proper hello. "Mmm lovely to see you to hag," The serpent spoke. Her voice a sultry deep female baritone. If I had a thing for big females my pants would have flung off by now. "Is our other sister coming? I would hate to see you miss a chance to embarrass me," Gretta huffed. It was so odd to see her getting flustered. She had been such a dominant and domineering force till this moment. "Of course, Levi would never miss an opportunity to visit," The serpent chuckled and slithered past. Leaving us to just watch all 60 feet of her tail slide through the door and past us down the hallway.

Simmons continued announcing these people. These groups of people are surrounded by their guests. We had no knowledge of these people, but each was dressed in expensive clothes. Gretta treated them as equals as they filed in. Large, small, fat, thin, each seemed just as impressive as the last who entered. I have seen old movies like this. Grand balls being held in castles with hundreds of people. Do these even really happen nowadays? Of course, it's a matter of money. I grew up in poverty in a normal reality. The idea of something like this was so different.

I would be lying if my involuntary servitude hadn't slipped my mind. I was too wrapped up in the parade of money that walked past me. Then a thump came from the doorway which drew my attention. Through it stepped an exceptionally large woman. Another woman whose size rivaled Tali. Seeing Gretta take that brash stance again, we both bowed a bit. The woman wore a fine dress that hugged her pudgy curves in all the wrong ways. Her fat cankles crammed into some expensive heels. One hand at her side showing she wore far too many gold bangles and rings on her fat hands. Her nails messily painted a gawdy pink. A large sac sat on her other elbow. To us it would make a good suitcase but clearly, she used it as a purse. Her overly large sagging bust was barely supported by the giant string of pearls sinking between them. Her skin was silvery, and barnacles covered a few small spots on her body. She was an aquatic Anthromoprh of some kind. Her double chins led up to the thick layer of matching pink lipstick across her human face. Smiling, she exposed the rows of needle-like teeth between her lips. Two large, pale, translucent fangs hung in the center of her mouth like slightly buck teeth. Her noise pointed up as the enormous sun hat she wore blocked the rest of her face.

"Mother of Envy, Queen of the Black Seas of Hell. Levithan with no guest," Simmons spoke as the women chuckled. Each chuckle made my blood run cold from the hoarse tone. She sounded like a witch chackling through her teeth. "Mmmm my your tastes are still as tacky as ever darling, I can smell the blood you've split all over this disgusting place," The prudish woman spoke. "Ohhh poor things having to work in such a terrible place," She whispered. Sliding a hand down and letting one of those long pink nails scratch under my chin. Forcing a smile, I just didn't move. She stunk like low tide as I glanced up under that hat. All I could see was those bright pink eyes staring down at me. The black around them deep and bottomless. Her ears frilled and tipped with large pin bone spines. Her rolls of curly grey and pink hair flowing down her shoulders.

"Levi, I would greatly appreciate it if you didn't touch," Gretta snapped at her. Lifting her cane to slap the back of her hand. "Lord knows what will disappear between those sticky fingers of yours," She growled. The two women stared each other down for a moment. Only till Levi conceded and lifted back up. Huffing loudly as she placed a hand on her hip. "Darling there's nothing you have that I would ever desire to take for myself," She strutted past her. Those heels obviously strained under the weight. Letting out a sigh Devon finally took a breath. He had been holding his breath from her smell. Drawing a soft chuckle from Gretta.

The sound of the crowd was growing below the stairs. The echoing of the conversations taking place reached us. The slight laughs and chuckles from the various guests made it sound more like a party. "Our final guest for the evening, Pink, Lady of Lust and 3rd of the Asmodeaie and her guest Sarah Jones" Simmons rang out suddenly. Turning to finally be able to leave the front door, he walked past us. Letting a loud rumble of thunder growl outside. Making the windows rattle, the smoke turned to a faint pink color.

Strutting from the smoke was a woman. A woman who I could have married right on the spot. She was beautiful. Standing at 5'9 and maybe 110 pounds. Slender and curvy, her hips popped with every step she took. Her chest wasn't obscenely large but round and perky. Just a thin, tight, nearly useless bikini top. The flat triangles of what could be called fabric just acted as nipple coverings. Her hourglass hips covered in a skirt. Honestly, it wasn't long enough. I could clearly see the black thong running between her legs. Leading down those perfect long legs wearing black and tight fishnet stockings and tall heels. Her thick blonde highlighted hair tied back into a tight ponytail. The person behind her made both me and Devon audibly gasp. It was her. The doe was alive. We had watched her be murdered. How could she be here? Her body was somewhere under this mansion. Rotting in one of the endless corridors. Yet, she was standing in front of us. With hands on her hips, she scoffed at Gretta. Wearing a paper-thin dress much like the woman she came in with.

"Welcome I don't think we've had the honor," Gretta smiled at the woman who approached. "No, we haven't, but the trash you keep sending is appreciated, the girls at least," The seductress across from us replied. "I stole the invitation from another family member, I figured I'd let the new girl come back to the old hag who put her down," She chuckled. Looking over Gretta's eye laid on the doe. A wicked smile ran across the doe's face as she strutted forward. Her hooves clacking as she leaned down to the smaller woman. "Hello mama," She chuckled. Speaking in such a rude and mocking tone I was sure it was shooting through Gretta's mind hard. Lifting her hand to flick the sheep's nose the doe chuckled. "Seems I was are a useless brat," Gretta turned ignoring her. We both stared at the doe who instantly took offense to the sheep's words.

"Wow that's cold old lady," The pink female laughed under her breath. She sounded like so many fifteen years old girls from my old high school. We gulped but followed Gretta. "Old bitch!" We heard the do scream behind us. Then like a tentacle something shot up behind us. Everything happened so quickly it was hard to tell. All I managed to see was Gretta whipping around and grabbing our shoulders. Then suddenly we were on the ground behind her. Grunting hard we both looked back to see the thin, elastic, and gooey substance wrapped around Gretta's neck. Like a rubbery mass of sludge. it extended from what was the doe's arm. Now a horribly stretched mess that turned to fur closer to her body.

"You killed me! Remember? Now I should..." Sarah growled out. Only going still when she saw Gretta's face. Her expression hadn't changed even with this mass around her neck. "How do you still look at me like that.... how do you look at me like you are so fucking better than me!" Sarah nearly screamed and Gretta pulled her hand up. Grabbing the tentacle of slime. Slowly she closed her fist forcing Sarah to whip it back and reform her arm. The threat of having her arm crushed by her was too much. "I look down on you because even in death you are a worthless child," Gretta took a step towards Sarah. Making the opposing female take a step back in fear. Lust may have claimed you and this tramp may have given you some promise to defeat me with these worthless slime abilities," She stopped as the doe found herself slipping down onto one knee. Cowering again before the monster.

"Understand that what you are will never wash from your get out of my house," Gretta growled. Raising her cane, she stamped the tip down hard. Causing the two females to be dragged through smokey door. The heavy wooden door slammed shut hard behind them. "Good riddance to bad rubbish," She huffed. Turning back to us we slowly peeled ourselves up off the floor. Looking at her a bit surprised. She had put herself between us and danger.

"Come along children I have a party to run, and we are running late as it is," She headed towards the corridor. We both rushed up behind her and followed. We were appreciative if not somewhat intimidated. We accompanied her into the ballroom. Seeing the guests had grouped together to form their own little pockets of conversation. The other servants were doing their tasks. Walking between guests with trays of appetizers and drinks. Presenting the offerings to anyone who happened to motion for some.

The night was running nicely. I'd be lying to say I didn't like this atmosphere. Something about the rivalry and sense of wealth was interesting. Devon, however, seemed intimidated by all these people. "You alright?" I leaned over and whispered to him. "Uh yeah...just not big on crowds...especially ones of monsters," He tried to keep a straight face. It didn't dawn on me till that moment. They were all monsters. All of them were demons, monster, witches, and things I never believed existed. I stood in a room with things that could kill me without thinking about it. What powers were we in the presence of? Just what could the power in this room do?

The storm outside raged. Rattling the windows as music played across the hall. The food these people were offered made my stomach growl. The scents and sounds were somewhat intoxicating. "Why don't you two do a once over the room and inquire if anyone needs anything," Gretta motioned us away. Separating, we both took nice deep breaths. Moving out into the crowds. Walking up to distinct groups of people. Interjecting myself into their conversation. Politely asking if they needed anything. Then moving on. Most people were quick to shrug me off and wave me off. With a sigh I ran my hand up through my long hair. Tucking it back behind my ears. I heard a soft hiss radiate into my ears.

"Mmmaren't you adorable," A voice hit my ears.

"Mmmm find your way into her bedroom yet?" A separate but similar voice whispered into my other ear.

I jerked away and looked around taking a soft gulp. No one was around me as far as I could tell. Then the air seemed to move a little and three eyes just appeared in the air in front of me. A hazel on each side of one large green eye. Like fog, the two other cats I had seen earlier seemed to evaporate into existence. Holding each other's hands as green eyes lined up. Pulling apart to smile and lean their sides against each other. Their facial features were completely identical. "Um I'm not sure what you're talking about sirs," I just put on a smile and shivered. "Oh?" They both said simultaneously. Getting two large toothy grins. Nicholas on the left slowly lifted his hand. Bringing his palm to my chin. "Hehe you better be careful," He licked his lips. "If you're not, you'll end up just like us," His brother followed. Bringing his hand up to my cheek. I felt the red flush on my face as the cats stroked my pale fur. "Serving for eternity," They both whispered and from the outside of their bodies. They evaporated away till only their creepy smiles were left hanging in the air. Disappearing after a few seconds.

"Don't mind them little one, their Cheshire cats just looking to cause trouble," A familiar baritone voice came from next to me. Turning I looked up as the beautiful Naga sitting in the corner. Her enormous tail coiled behind her making a nice makeshift throne.She took up an entire corner to herself as she motioned me closer. My face only grew redder as I did. Biting my lip, I was infatuated with this serpent. "So, you're the new favorite?" She leaned on her hand. Smiling down at me as she twirled a glass of wine in her other hand.

"Um I'm sorry, favorite? Ma'am?" I cocked my head a little.

"Oh, don't act like you don't see it, she's told you everything and she kept you and the pup at her heels as everyone came in, so you're obviously her favorite," Tali took a sip of her wine. Those brilliant yellow eyes shining down at me. It hadn't crossed my mind that I could possibly be a monster's favorite. I tried my hardest to stay out of trouble. I guess my cat-like curiosity got the better of me. "I suppose ma'am," I muttered under my breath. Setting her glass on one of her coils she brought her claws in front of my face. Holding still, I didn't know what she was doing. Slowly twisting her claw in the air, a wisp of mist formed. Looking like a tiny storm following her finger before it solidified. Seeing my own reflection in its center. Blinking I just stared.

"mmmm you have a touch of fate in you kitty cat, destiny is pulling some strings on your life," the image slowly began to change. The reflections eyes grew dark the average brown shifted to a intense orange. Some very intense and jagged stripes appearing along my reflections pale fur. "Ran away from home...from the mortal world and the illusion that mankind has made to control their fears," She leaned down closer. Whispering in that soft tone I couldn't remove my gaze on the image. I watched as two long devious claws slide over my reflection's shoulders. "You're embracing the darkness surrounding you and that devotion to your mistress will be tested, you can still turn and step towards the light but we both know the lights never held anything for you," She was at my ear. That long forked tongue sliding out along my ear. "Fear the silken path, the darkness will consume the careless," My reflection pulled back suddenly. Behind it were eyes of varying shapes and sizes. Moving my view lower my hands were coated in red.

I finally remembered to blink. Closing my eyes, I opened to see the image gone. Pulling back the snake returned to her resting spot. "Been a while since a mortal was humble enough to get a free fortune telling from me, mmm you are a dangerous little thing," The snake chuckled to herself. Taking the glass and lifting it to her lips and downing its contents. I just nodded and slowly stepped away. Feeling her watching me, I could only let that premonition burn in my ears. My mind wandered till I found myself at the far side of the room. Leaning back against the wall slightly, I take shallow breath. Was she right? Was I really a monster too? I mean once I found out about her. My full intention was to escape this place. However, I hadn't really been trying to find a way out. I had snuck down into the catacombs beneath the house a few nights. Looking for a way out, but not really committing anything to memory. Everyone was busy right now; I could just bolt out the back door. I still had the money in my room, I could just grab my stuff and bolt. Yet, my heart told me to stay. Something called to me from this place and some unseen voice kept telling me to stay. Gretta was horrible but maybe she wasn't as bad as I thought. What the hell was I saying? That's not how this works! She's a monster who murders innocent people and treats them like toys. Everyone in this room probably did the same. They had the power to do so and maybe I wanted to taste that power.

A sudden bustle came from the kitchen doors. The main courses of the meals being brought out and laid across the grand dining table. Taking this moment, I disappeared into the kitchen. It was a bit quieter as I rubbed my forehead. Sighing, I couldn't control my head. I peeked out through the small window on the door. Glancing to watch what was happening. The crowd had gathered around the table. Digging into the piled high offerings. I had a moment to breathe as I watched.

Suddenly I noticed something. A slight commotion as Devon poured a glass of wine for the large black bull we had met earlier. Devon's hand slipped and split a small bit onto the bull's sleeve. Gretta would be furious at such a mistake. However, the bull just smiled and pulled his hand back casually. "I'm so sorry sir!" Devon barked in shock. "No trouble young man, mistakes are made by the best of us," The bull chuckled in her deep and dulcet tone. "Please allow me to get something to clean it off your sleeve, please follow me," The dog made his way towards the kitchen. I panicked and ducked back a bit. Hiding behind the door as Devon pushed it open. The large man behind him. His hooves thundered even at a walking pace.

I kept quiet as Devon stepped over to a sink. Grabbing a damp towel, he turned back to the bull. Taking his arm softly and using the cloth to dab the wet spot. He looked up to catch the bull's ethereal blue eyes staring back. A smile ran over the bull's face as he looked down at him. "Quite the resourceful young man, aren't you?" The bull spoke softly. That ebony of his fur shining a bit in the light. "Oh um...well I try to be... sir," Devon caught his gaze. A deep blush ran across the mutt's face. He just stared for a moment, getting lost in those eyes. He snapped out of it a moment later before they turned back to the sink. Leaning over a bit he squeezed out the rag. The bull cocked his head slightly. He was checking him out! What was I supposed to say in this situation? I was stuck between a door and a cabinet.

Suddenly the bull stepped up behind Devon. Sliding his hands up along the canine's hips. Making Devon go stiff and sit up. Pressing his back to the bull's chest. Those large black hands gripped his hips firmly. Devon was six different shades of red. Turning his head slightly he looked back at the larger male. "Sir this is..." He started to speak. One of those hands slowly started to work its way up along his side. With each slight motion it undid a button of his vest. By the time it reached the last one the canine let out a sudden whimper. "This is what pup?" The bull's hand slid up enough to wrap around Devon's neck. Gripping firmly, I could hear Devon let out a sudden gasp. Bringing his hand back onto the bulls' horns. Gripping weakly, I watched their lips suddenly mash together.

I should leave. I didn't need to see this. The bull growled into the kiss tearing Devon's shirt opened suddenly. "Please...stop..." He whined. No hint of fight followed those words. The bull moved lower. Attacking his neck roughly with his lips making a loud gasp escape Devon's maw. "Mmmm you've been here a while haven't you little pup, I could take you home with me, get you out of here," The bull whispered into the canines' ears. "You can? but you have a husband, don't you?" Devon turned his head staring down to not meet his eyes. "Doesn't mean I can't use a new house boy to fetch me things and keep me company," He nuzzled into Devon's hair. Softly nodding Devon turned in the bull's grasp. Sliding his hands up onto each side of the bulls' face. Pulling him down hard. Locking their lips together suddenly.

I felt somewhat betrayed. Why did I feel like this? Devon was going to get out of here. I should feel happy for him. He was finally escaping this place at least. Yet, he was the one person who had bothered to make friends with me. I was going to be alone again. Left here to rot just like everyone else in my life had left me. Gritting my fist, I pushed the door open hard. Letting it be thrown open, I shot out of the kitchen. Only to be stopped at once. It happened so fast all I saw was a flash of pink. I was grabbed and tossed into something. Literally shoved down through tiny opening into a deep black hole.

I was just falling. Falling into the darkness and landing on something hard. It cracked under me as I let out a loud groan. Opening my eyes, I sat up. Grunting as whatever was under me was clearly broken. Looking back, I saw it was an old collection of couches. It was thankfully soft enough that I didn't get beat up too bad. "Where?" I sat up. Seeing I was in a sea of junk. It was like a literal trash dump stretching out in every direction. Mounds and hills of useless stuff. Some of it rusted, molded, broken, and just useless. "Where am I?" I rubbed my sore back. This place was cold and lonely. There was no real sound here. Just a beam of light stretching down from the sky. "Hello?" I yelled out as I stepped towards the light shining from above. "Can anyone hear me?" I yelled up to the light.

I got no response. This place felt terrible. It made my heart sink as I looked around. Sliding down I wrapped my arms around my knees. The feeling of betrayal ran deep into my mind. Maybe one of the people at the party killed me? Was this just the end of it? Where all lonely little cats go when their time comes. I hugged my knees tightly, I just let out a long slow sigh. I haven't cried in years but this feeling in my belly forced it out of me. Just a few spare tears running down my cheek. Even when I was homeless. I never let anyone get close to me. The closer you got to people the more you got hurt. I thought I was past it. "At least Devon will get to leave," I lifted and brushed the couple of stray droplets from my face.

Looking up at the light Tali's words ran in my head. I just sat here. Sitting in the light feeling sorry for myself. Turning my head, I looked behind myself. It was pitch black just a few hundred feet out of the light. It made this place feel weird. Maybe this place wasn't as big as it seemed. Following her words, I rose to my feet. Turning I started to walk into the dark. Climbing a hill of what looked like rusty old silverware. Coming to the top of it my nose bumped against the wall. "Ouch!" I grunted.

I shook my head a little and let my eyes adjust. It was soft, thin, and flexible. A fabric that made up the entire wall. I could see the stitches high above me. Further down another line of stitched came down from the wall. Showing a corner nearby. What was this place? I pushed myself onto my feet and made my way to the corner. Squinted a bit I could see there was another corner across the way. It was a square at least. Cocking my head, I turned and extended my claws. Digging my claws into the fabric. Only able to make a tiny little pinhole in the side. Pushing my head to it and peeked out. Looking around seeing whatever this place was. It was still at the party. I was looking out into the ballroom. I don't know how much time had passed but people were starting to leave. Suddenly the view moved. I was being taken somewhere. Peeking back at the door I tried to stretch the hole. Finding it impossible to do so. Yelling out for help seemed fruitless as well. Each yell simply echoed in the room around me. We were getting closer to the front door. I could see the smoke as people were leaving. The thought occurred in my head. I was going to escape the house. I was going to be free again! Yet, I didn't want to go like this. Who knows where I would end up. Struggling against the fabric wall I growled. Hissing like the cat I was. The front door got closer and closer till I could see the smoke through the hole. "Mama Gretta!" I shouted before the interior of the bag grew dark.

I stumbled as the entire room shifted slightly. Fumbling to get up, I pressed my face to the hole. Looking through tensely before I saw where I was. The darkness had given way to a black and craggy shoreline. Large spikes jutting up from the ocean's swells. A pale grey sand coating the beach covered in seaweed and driftwood. IT was cloudy overhead, just a horrible grey sky and an endless black ocean. Where was I?

Between: Chapter 2 – Echidna 

Chapter 2 - Echidna Tears are such weird things. If you're ten, they show disappointment and sadness. If you're twenty they show betrayal and horror. However, a mother can bring us to tears with just a pure show of affection. That's what I felt...

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Between: Chapter 1 - Runaway

Letting out a heavy sigh, my bus pulled up to the gas station. We'd been on the road for days, and this was finally where it ended. I ran away from home at 16. Life sucked in that prim and proper fallacy my parents called their California dream....

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The Black Road, Chapter 2 - Dust

Chapter 2 - Dust Where was I? I had no idea and the light was intense around me. My body was numb, it had been like this for... I don't even recall how long. Suddenly I felt my feet, I was walking, to where I don't know. Then suddenly a...

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