The Mythical Incursion 18 - A Feral Rutting

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#18 of The Mythical Incursion

It was a long journey to the manticores' home. They stripped the slaves naked to make the flight easier. By the time they arrived, it was night. Four moons shone in the sky, reminding Judy once more that this was another planet.

If they didn't know about the entrance, it would blend seamlessly with the mountain itself. The manticores lived inside a mountain with buildings made of stone. There was something unnatural about this underground city. Menacing red orbs provided the only source of light. Manticores flew around going about their daily lives. There were more than just manticores living in the city. She saw some two-headed wolves and some crawling reptiles that she didn't recognize on leashes.

A few flew up to greet them. The party returned with their prizes and a few guests.

"Ghav, it's good to see you back, brother." A manticore flew up to embrace him.

Only now did Judy learn the name of Poppy's owner. While Ghav was careful with his wolpertinger by placing her on his back, not all of them were. More than one plummeted to their screaming deaths. They threw their newly acquired slaves away so easily.

"You should take better care of your slaves," Judy said.

"And who will stop us?" a manticore said.

"I will," Ardan said.

"Your rabbit can't even duel."

"And you are not using rabbits. This continues because I allow it."

"Are you going to save us?" a wolpertinger said.

"Great One, please forgive him," another wolpertinger said.

"This continues for now." The dragon made his will clear.

Judy accompanied Valen as his slave - she had to prove that rabbits were superior by doing whatever the manticores wanted. The green dragon Ardan was keeping a close eye on the proceedings in his tiny form. If the green dragon wanted her, she wouldn't die at the very least.

They were eager to start training their newly acquired slaves. Upon landing in the city square, the manticores started raping the wolpertingers that they brought down here. The ruckus drew the attention of nearby manticores, and soon enough they had an audience observing them. Judy hated herself for enjoying Florian's new station in life. The wolpertinger was becoming quite the cunning linguist. He was someone that she served as a slave earlier, and now they were equals. Valen hadn't commanded her to do anything just yet. Of course, the wolpertingers didn't quite accept their new role, spankings helped rectify that. Contrary to how the lions established the system, they also swapped slaves. Males raped other males, and females did the same.

Foolishly, Judy thought that she might not need to do anything but watch. Finally, a manticore proposed a competition.

They were going to race: Not just any race, a race where they had to clean tailholes. Quite a few manticores fucked theirs in the ass. Their reddened tailholes glistened with sperm. It was just Willow and her representing the rabbits while there were twelve wolpertingers. Only Poppy had previous experience that she knew about. The fastest one would win.

Of all the wolpertingers, the one she had to clean was Florian. She had no desire to rim this one anything yet losing wasn't an option. When Ghav gave the signal, she started licking his tailhole.

"It's your fault that I'm here." Florian farted, spraying cum over her face.

"Help me win." She couldn't let that stop her.

"So I can end up like Poppy?"

"If I win, maybe you'll be free." Judy suffered another fart to the face.

He wasn't going to cooperate so she had to pry his butt cheeks apart. She hadn't gotten used to the bitter taste of cum or the musk from tailholes yet despite rimming so many mammals. It was still disgusting.

She lapped at the filthy tailhole, swallowing everything that she could, as fast as she could. Although her speed didn't do her any favors when she spent a minute coughing to clear her lungs. Despite the setback, her heart soared when she announced that she finished. She was first. Swallowing all that bitter cum paid off. A wolpertinger followed seconds after her.

"Inconclusive," Ghav declared.

"I was first," Judy said.

"By five seconds. They should surpass you in no time."

"Florian wasn't exactly cooperating, and I still won."


She cried. She did all that for nothing. The others still hadn't finished cleaning yet - Willow seemed to not have even started - she simply had her face there and wasn't licking at all. If the dragon ditched Willow, she was certain that she could perform better.

"I want to see how her tongue feels," a female manticore said.

It was another chance to prove her worth. A wolpertinger already licked her. She could taste the other creature's saliva on her folds. The taste wasn't pleasant but she was making the manticore moan.

"Keep going."

The manticore rewarded her efforts soon enough by cumming into her mouth. Judy spat out the awful fluid.

"Well?" Valen asked.

"Despite how good that felt, I can't afford to lose," the manticore said. "Bunnies don't win duels."

"I couldn't move earlier," Judy said. "If I could, I would've won."

"Not my problem."

At least, she was better at pleasuring the manticore than a wolpertinger. She tried to use a paw to wipe her nose, but Valen stopped her.

"Don't," the gryphon said.

She would have to keep smelling that musky scent. The cum from earlier was drying on her face. They walked around, waiting for someone else to want her services.

"Hey, can I try her tailhole?" the manticore asked.

"Be my guest," Valen said.

The manticore withdrew the spike from the screaming wolpertinger. He had Judy go down on all fours and present her tailhole. Judy shivered with anticipation.

"Move your tail out of the way."


It wasn't even fully in, but Judy couldn't move or scream.

"Boring," the manticore complained after a few thrusts. "She doesn't react."

If she could scream, she would have. She had to endure the agony in silence.

"Is there a way for her to overcome this?" Valen asked.

"Not that I know."

The gryphon carried her to the green dragon. "Can you restore her?"

Not only did he restore her, but his magic healed everything. Judy felt as good as new.

As for Willow, the bunny was twisted into a ball with her nose in her pussy. The bunny couldn't uncurl thanks to a few bindings forcing her to main that way. And what complaints she had, came out as muffled whimpers.

The manticores weren't without mercy - the slaves still got to eat. Judy foolishly thought she was going to have a normal meal when Ghav announced a break.

There was a table prepared with food for them - slaves didn't get a seat at the tables nor did they get any food. They had to wait for their turn. When their turn came, Judy learned that dinner was going to be anything but normal. There were fruits and vegetables for them, but they didn't have the luxury to eat it directly. First, someone had to shove food into a slave's tailhole for another slave to eat it out. What better way for the wolpertingers to realize how low they've sunk.

Judy didn't know if it was a blessing or a curse that she didn't get to eat first. Valen was busy shoving fruits and vegetables up her tailhole then a wolpertinger came by and tried their best to eat. What licks he did made her moan.

"Can you push a bit?" the wolpertinger said.

It was like shitting only she wasn't. She tried her best to push what was left in her tailhole.

"Thanks." The wolpertinger consumed the disgusting food.

It was her turn to choose a wolpertinger. What contents they had were a mystery. The one she picked had only a single carrot lodged within. She didn't have to rim the wolpertinger but it was clear that the carrot was filthy. Why couldn't the wolpertinger have kept her tailhole clean? Not only did the carrot have traces of scat but a good helping of cum. Someone hadn't rimmed her properly or she got fucked again later. With great hesitation, she started eating the foul treat.

A single carrot was hardly enough for a bunny. The next course or rather torment involved their masters giving them an enema with fruit juice. Valen poured a lot of grape juice into her tailhole. How convenient there was a tray of butt plugs for them to use. Manticore-sized butt plugs were way too large for her, but he had no qualms about forcing it in.

They carried their slaves to a track field. A race while they were eating was hardly appropriate, but try telling the masters that. The twenty-six slaves took their places. Even here the odds were against her since she was on the outermost ring, giving her the furthest distance to travel. Every single slave had distended bellies as well as a huge plug in their rear. The prize was a day off from further abuse.

"On your marks, 3, 2, 1. Go!" Ghav announced in the air.

She tried her best to run the lap and ignored the cramps. The pressure in her rear kept on building. At least, she was doing better than some who resolved to crawl since running was too difficult or others just squirmed in agony. She placed one foot in front of the other while ignoring the pain. Her pace towards the end slowed to a crawl. By some miracle she won, only to learn that she wouldn't get some time off.

"Why?" She collapsed on the ground upon learning the devastating news.

"You need to show that rabbits are better," Valen explained.

"Haven't I?"

"They have more events planned."

Everything would proceed as if she hadn't won.

"You should have lost." The female wolpertinger that came second wasn't happy. "Fuck you." She slapped the exhausted Judy.

Judy snatched away a chance at relief for the rest of them. "I didn't know."

Valen flew her away from all that and landed on a balcony. He placed a bowl underneath Judy and took the plug out. She expelled the fluids in her butt. An unappetizing blend of grape juice and scat was in the bowl. As he left with the bowl, Judy could only wait for him to return.

Soon enough, he returned with a bowl filled with red fluids and chunks of brown that she had to consume. The taste of blood was overwhelming in the vile brew. What little chunks of scat didn't help either.

The manticores were insane because they wanted the slaves to match which butt their bowl came from. This was primal behavior - not something they did in the civilized world. The wolpertingers and rabbits went to work sniffing each other's butts. All that musk was alike, yet Judy kept hoping that something would leap out at her. At least, not many had streaks of red within their tailholes. If the manticores lied, none of them would know. Even though it was a one-in-four chance, she chose wrong just like everyone else.

All that activity was sure to work up an appetite or so the manticores claimed. They had yet another round of food to consume. This time, Valen was coating her pussy with honey, and stuffing a few fruits within.

Since males lacked pussies, they got to use their paws instead. Paws didn't need anything since they picked up enough stuff along the way to be considered a meal. That wasn't fair at all, and yet she was going to lick some male wolpertinger's paws clean. She had to be matched with a male instead of a female partner.

"Can I have your name, at least?" Judy said.

"Call me master."

"You're joking."

"Either that or you don't get to clean my feet."

"Suit yourself."

Of course, she didn't have a choice. Valen was watching the exchange. "Clean them," Valen commanded from the sky.

She started licking the toes, thinking that would be easiest. The taste was enough to upset her stomach, but she didn't even finish cleaning one when Valen flew down. "Do you want me to kill him?

It was so unexpected. She blinked.

"Yes, no?"

The wolpertinger didn't react. It seemed like he couldn't move.

Given her non-answer, Valen had no issues ending the wolpertinger's life. She didn't even shed a tear at her abuser's death.

"You didn't have to kill him." A manticore flew down.

"Enslaved wolpertingers will not be superior to rabbits. They will be the same. None of you punished him for his transgression." Valen took Judy away from the gathering.

He landed in front of some manticore's home, trying to sell her services. Not everyone was attending the gathering in the city square. This district had a distinct black appearance from obsidian stone.

"Hello, Mr. ..." Valen said.

"Barru Wingclaw." The manticore didn't seem like anyone special.

"Are you aware of the rabbit system?"

"It sounds stupid. Why would we want rabbits to fight for us?"

"How else would you win against someone like me?" Valen said. "Trust me, I believe the system is stupid too, but those dragons... They also do more than just fight."

"You won't leave until you're done talking. You might as well come in," Barru said.

They walked inside and sat at the table. The manticore was quite the collector with many paintings adorning the walls. Every single one gave off a magical glow.

"Have you seen the festival in the city square?" Valen asked.

"If I cared about that, I would be there."

Judy wanted to protest. They were wasting time here.

"Come now, tell me you don't fancy trying her out," Valen said.

"Can't say I do," Barru said.

"But if you like it, you can then claim a rabbit of your own."

"Why would I want one? Wolpertingers are better."

A naked black two-headed wolf with red markings walked towards them on all fours. More specifically, towards Judy.

"Hello," Judy said. The two-headed wolf started sniffing her pussy. "Back!"

"Dan'Bert seems interested in her," the manticore said.

"How did you end up with him?" Valen asked.

"Orthros make great pets. I wanted one of my own."

"I don't see why not. Rabbits are for more than just dueling. She will make him happy."

"You're out of your mind." Judy headed for the exit, but the doors magically closed. The creature moved ever closer to her.

"Do I need to use magic?"

Going through the same experience with the aid of magic was worse. She stopped resisting the two-headed wolf. The two-headed wolf started licking her honey-coated pussy or rather one head did, then the other head wanted in. They took in eating what was inside. Her pussy still had fruit that Valen shoved in earlier.

This was wrong - this creature couldn't even talk and was doing this to her.

"Can you fuck me instead?" Judy begged. Anything but this orthros would be better.

"Her despair is a nice touch," Barru said. "I never realized how fear can be so exhilarating.

The creature seemingly had enough and turned away or so she thought. The creature lifted his leg and started spraying.

Judy moved out of the way when she realized that the piss burned. It was as if she poured hot water on herself.

"What a mess," Barru said.

"Do you want her to drink it?" Valen said.

"Drink..." Barru sounded shocked. "That's piss."

"You make it sound like she has a choice. All you need to do is ask."

"I want to see it."

The orthros still hadn't finished pissing even though it's been over thirty seconds. Now, she received a command to drink. She obeyed only so Valen wouldn't force her with his magic. At least, her mouth was able to stand the heat better than her body.

She positioned her mouth for the stream and instantly regretted her choice. A wolf's piss was strong, and this had double the intensity. To top it all off, this creature couldn't even talk. The thought of swallowing something so revolting made her retch as the burning piss kept falling on her head. It was a relief when his bladder was empty.

"That was disappointing," Barru said.

"She can lick it off the floor if you want." Valen sounded apologetic.

"Bet a wolpertinger wouldn't have made a mess."

The orthros moved to sniff her butt.

"She's still rejecting him."

Valen sighed. "Time for magic."

"No! Wait." Judy needed something to motivate her. "Do you still plan to take me home?"


"I'll do my best." She let the orthros sniff her butt.

It was more than clear what he wanted when he moved his butt in front of her face.

"Give him a rimjob," Valen commanded.

His butt was clean but the musk was strong. She gave it a small lick. The taste was even worse.

"If wolpertingers would do all that too, why do I want a rabbit?" Barru asked.

"Umm, umm." Valen was at a loss for words.

"Because a single touch of your spikes renders bunnies unable to move," Judy answered for him. It gave her an excuse to temporarily pause her efforts rimming the orthros.

The manticore took a spike off his tail. "You heard what she said?"

Dan'Bert barked.

"Use this if she doesn't make you happy."

The orthros walked away surprisingly, sparing her from more torment.

"Is it over?" Judy asked.

When he returned, he had a collar and a leash in his mouth. The collar had spikes inside and outside. Barru got the meaning and put the painful collar on Judy. Needles went into her neck, deep enough to draw blood. Dan'Bert held her leash, leading her deeper into the house or more like ran and dragged her along the floor.

They went to a place with no lightning, and there was a hiss accompanied by two menacing red eyes. That wasn't the orthros - his eyes didn't give off any light. Someone else was here in the darkness. The orthros bit her shoulder causing her to scream.

It presented him with the perfect opportunity to jam his dick into her mouth. He muzzlefucked her until his knot formed, trapping it in her throat. The cum went directly to her stomach.

A menacing hiss came from behind.

The Mythical Incursion 19 - Adaptation

Melody drank cum out of Felicity's tailhole. If the cum was any hotter, she would burn her tongue. She only obeyed because she believed that Felicity could make things better. The musk was overpowering her senses. "See how obedient she is?" Felicity...

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The Mythical Incursion 17 - Abandoned

What they wanted her to do was impossible. The rabbits were sixty-nining each other because their masters wanted them to practice. Janet ended up underneath Linda's tailhole while she had Nick's scat in her mouth. Not only did she have to sniff the...

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The Mythical Incursion 16 - Forcing Evolution

Melody blinked since she was back home in her room. Her room was just as she left it. She wore one of her many shirts that had Gazelle on it. The burrow was empty, devoid of her family. Maybe, they were all on a family trip - had she just fallen...

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