Open Office - Chapter 9

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#9 of Open Office

Here we go, the final chapter! Over 180 pages, 75k+ words, and a whole lot of filthiness for a fox. I hope you've all enjoyed the ride, and enjoy the last installment of Open Office. Let me know if you want to see anything like this in the future, or what you did/didn't like, anything! Feedback is always welcome, in comments or in private.

@ FilthFox on Telegram

FilthFox#9215 on Discord

Jacob could barely walk as he made his way into the office the next day. He'd hardly gotten any sleep with Zander and Lane trading ends basically all night, finally passing out while the dragon was back inside his tailhole after multiple rounds. He'd managed to use a towel to at least remove most of the waste from his fur, focusing on his head to be somewhat normal. A few stray stains were stubborn and remained underneath his shirt, but he figured those wouldn't be a big deal. His attire was as Zander instructed, wearing one of his old T-shirts that didn't quite go all the way to his waistline, and what was essentially a pair of spandex boxers that left nothing to the imagination. He walked inside, more excited than ever to start a day of work, but only managed a few seconds before he was nearly tackled by Greyson, the wolf overly excited to see him.

"Jacob!" Greyson yelled, squeezing the fox tight.

"Hello to you too," the fox said, returning the hug. Given his smaller stature, reaching the wolf's ass was easier, and Jacob gave it a firmly grabbed it with both paws.

"How'd everything go last night? You smell like horse shit," the wolf paused, sniffing madly from Jacob's head, "and dragon shit, so I assume it's all okay?"

"Well, why don't you see for yourself?" Jacob said, gesturing toward the entrance. He and Lane had come to work together, but the horse took a little bit extra time heading into the office. As the stallion joined the duo, Greyson jumped back a bit, scared of what the horse would think of him.

"You must be Greyson," Lane said warmly. "Jacob had the nicest things to say about you last night."

"Uh...yeah, I am," the wolf said, roughly at eye level with the horse, unsure of how to proceed. "What...what did he say?"

"Let's see, what was it, Jacob? I think he said you had a giant knot, and loved shit more than he did," the horse answered.

Jacob just smiled as he looked up at Greyson's face, the wolf dumbfounded by that response. Of all the things Lane could have said, he certainly wasn't expecting that. "I'll explain, so you're not rudely tormented the way I was," the fox said, shooting a glare toward Lane. "It turns out, this jackass over here was the one who told Zander about me to start with. Zander convinced him it was a good idea to put me in this situation, and...voila. He chose this place since I was already here, and Lane helped guide him on how to...convert me."

"That's why he stopped trying to find an empty office so long ago!" Greyson realized. "Wait, so he knew the whole time? All the sneaking around was for nothing?"

"Not for nothing," Lane interjected. "You two made some really hot videos."

"You've seen those too?" Greyson asked.

"Oh yeah. And Jacob's right, you're more of a shit fiend than he is," the stallion responded.

"Huh...I did not see this coming," the wolf pondered. "Sorry, it's still a bit awkward. Normally, I'd be boasting about how much I've fucked him up and stuff we could do together, but after a few months of him talking about how much he loves you and trying to help keep his secret..."

Lane just waved, dismissing the concern. "Don't be sorry. It's admittedly still weird for me too, but I'm hoping to get into things as much as you two clearly have here. And like I said, I've seen the videos. I know what he's said. Just pretend I'm any other guy here. You don't have to ask for permission to use him or anything like that. I'm cool with whatever, and I know for sure he is."

"Thanks," Greyson said, though he wasn't quite sure why he was saying it.

"No, thank you," the horse replied. "For helping turn Jacob here into more of a whore than he already was."

"Was he? He seemed pretty reluctant when we started..." Greyson asked.

"More than you know. Seems like every other night I'm woken up with him sucking me or riding me, multiple times. He's spent the entire duration of a movie rimming me, just in case I had to shit, even though I fed him right before we started," the horse replied. "Once his inhibitions are gone, the only way to get him off your dick is to start shitting."

"Damn. Where was all that at?" Greyson asked.

"I do know how to be proper..." The fox said, rolling his eyes. "I just had to do what was needed for work. Before yesterday I thought I had to keep all kinds of secrets, but now..." he trailed off, moving back over toward Greyson and abruptly shoving a paw down his pants, groping the wolf's sheath.

"Wonder why Zander didn't tell me about this," Greyson pondered.

"I asked him not to," Lane said simply. "Sorry, wasn't trying to torture you, it was just to mess with our little slut here. We also felt it'd be more...real, for Jacob, if everyone around him believed it too, and we'd get to see just how far he was willing to go on his own."

"Well, you certainly messed with him alright, that I can say. Luckily, I think he's alright," Greyson said with a grin, looking down at the paw beneath his waistband.

"More than alright," the fox said with a smile of his own.

"Not interrupting, am I?" Zander asked. The dragon had followed Jacob and Lane to the office, happening to walk in shortly after Jacob advanced on the wolf.

"Not at all," the fox replied, moving his paw around and trying to coax the wolf's cock out.

"Save it for the cameras, slut," Zander said with a chuckle. "Come with me, we need to get you all outfitted for your first day. Greyson, can you show Lane to his desk?"

"Wait, you're working here now?" The wolf asked.

"Yep. I'm a programmer same as Jacob, so Zander brought me on to take over his old job. You better get used to me quick," the stallion answered with a smile.

"Oh boy. This is going to be interesting," Greyson said. "You've got some pretty big shoes to fill; Jacob was a damn good programmer."

"Somehow, I think he'll be even better at his new role," Lane observed, nodding toward Jacob, who still refused to take his paw out of the wolf's pants.

"I don't doubt it," Greyson said with a chuckle.

"Alright you two, go get settled. Jacob, stop jerking him off and come with me," Zander said.

"Oh, fine," the fox replied, pulling his arm back and lapping at the pre on his fingers as he walked off after the dragon.

"You were a hell of a lot of fun last night," the fox noted as they walked.

"As were you. I'm just glad you could take it; I was seriously going to consider replacing you if it didn't fit," the dragon remarked.

"I...kinda figured that. It hurt like hell the first time. And the second. And the third..." Jacob recounted, reaching back and rubbing his ass. "But by the fourth time it wasn't so bad."

"Yeah, there was a lot less squirming by the end, you were able to just lay there and take it," Zander said.

"I didn't have much of a choice; taking care of two of you all night had me dead tired," Jacob said, punctuating his sentence with a yawn.

"Well, get used to it. Now that the proverbial cat's out of the bag, I'm going to assume your work won't just stay at work. You're now an open slut in all their minds; nothing's going to stop them from asking to use you after hours, especially if they want to try something off camera," Zander replied. "Myself included."

"Oh no, whatever will I do..." Jacob feigned with a grin. "Just going to have to get used to sleeping while someone fucks me."

"Record it when you can - there's a lot of somnophiles out there," Zander requested.

"Will do. I feel like so much of my life is going to be on camera now," Jacob said with a chuckle.

"Very much so," the dragon replied. "You get used to it though. First day might be weird as you think about it, but you'll catch yourself doing things for the camera even when one isn't around. In your case, you'll probably end up gargling cum or shit or something before you remember there's no camera to show it to."

"Still hot for whomever I'm with," Jacob said with a shrug.

"That it is. Anyway, we should get you outfitted properly," Zander said, twisting the knob and heading into his office. He took a couple quick steps over to his desk and grabbed the pair of fox cams off it before turning back to Jacob. "Remember what I said about these?"

"Yeah, one for head, one for tail," Jacob confirmed. "Going to be a lot of jealous bottoms out there today, wishing they could do what I do."

"If you do a good job, absolutely. And more will see it as the days go by. The site reopens when you leave my office, and we've already sent out notifications to all our old subscribers. Plus, I can afford way more of a marketing budget than I could before - you won't be able to find a porn site that doesn't have us advertised on it," Zander said with a hint of pride in his voice.

"Awesome. I can't wait," Jacob said, taking one of the cameras and affixing it around his head, leaving the lens barely poking out of his fur just above his eyes. Zander reached in to redo the strap a little bit, helping tighten it just enough so it wouldn't move, but not so tight that it would be a distraction for the fox.

"Mind helping me with the other one?" Jacob asked with obvious intent, turning around and lifting his tail toward the dragon.

"Camera only," Zander said, though immediately felt his cock jump at the invitation. "You can come back later for a proper session." The dragon reached down and took hold of the fox's waistband, pulling his shorts down a bit as he did. "Don't put your tail through the hole in your shorts anymore," he instructed, taking it out of the hole designed for creatures with a tail. "If someone needs you to take your shorts off, you'll just knock the camera off with it. Just wear it like that," he said, leaving the waistband tucked up just below it all. He finished with the strap, attaching the camera and pointing it slightly down. "There we go. Now we can get a close-up of the nasty dicks slamming their way into you."

"I'll get you all the footage you can handle," Jacob said with a grin.

"You better! It's literally your job now," Zander said, patting the fox on the ass. "Last thing, the earpiece," he said, handing it over to Jacob, who quickly slipped it in. "Test, test, can you hear me?" The dragon asked, leaning over and speaking into a microphone sitting on his desk.

"Loud and clear, boss," the fox replied, hearing his voice come out of the headset lying near the microphone.

"Good. Then I think we're all set," the dragon confirmed. He moved around the desk, taking a seat and booting up his computer, all set for the big day. "Whenever you're ready, head out there. I've got everything else handled from here."

"Can do," Jacob replied. "And Zander?"

"Hmm?" The dragon uttered.

"Thanks," the fox replied. "For all of this." With that, he turned tail and headed over to the office door, more confident than he'd ever been as he opened it and walked outside. From this point forward, he always assumed he was being filmed, at least while in the office. By the time he'd gotten out to the main area and taken a look, he spotted one of the lights Zander told him about - a yellow one. Quickly, he strode over and stood next to Brett, a broad smile on his face.

"Gotta piss?" The fox asked happily.

"Yeah, I have a meeting with a client in three minutes, and figured it'd make for a good contrast. Go tell Zander to start watching you first, just walk by my desk, and I'll initiate it from there," the gator said.

"You got it," Jacob replied, happily bounding off toward the button. As he pressed it, a voice popped up in his ear. "Already? I'm impressed," the dragon said. "What's up?"

"Brett's desk - wants to start a conversation with me before I get underneath," the fox replied.

"Easy enough," Zander said. "No need to hit the button under the desk, I've got it."

Once Jacob confirmed the dragon had it all under control, he strode back across the room and slowly walked down the aisle of desks, waiting for Brett's interruption. Sure enough, as he got close, the gator turned around in his chair.

"Psst, fox, c'mere," he said in a bit of a shouting whisper.

"What's up?" Jacob said, keeping his voice equally quiet, putting his head near Brett's to make sure he heard him.

"I know it's a long shot, but I've got a meeting with a client in like...30 seconds," the gator replied, "And I need to take a mad piss. Any chance you can help me out?"

"I mean, we usually do this in the bathroom," Jacob said quietly, looking over his shoulder. "We might get caught out here."

"No, come on man, no one's moving around at this time, everyone's still too tired this early. Please, I'm about to burst," Brett pleaded.

"Alright, fine, but you owe me, gator," Jacob said, moving down onto his knees and crawling beneath the desk.

"Thank you, thank you, now hurry before someone sees," Brett replied, practically shoving Jacob underneath.

As Jacob got in position, he saw out of the corner of his eye that the light had been turned off, knowing Zander had activated the cameras. He worked quickly, not sure whether Brett had to truly go that bad or whether it was just an act. His nimble fingers quickly lowered the gator's pants just enough to fish his cock out, and Jacob greedily took the tip of it between his lips. Brett was just as nasty as last time, with Jacob's nose burning from the stench of the alligator's crotch, only making him more excited for the urine to come.

"Hey, how's it going?" The gator said, much louder this time, obviously starting his call. As soon as he finished speaking, the stream started, blasting Jacob's tongue. The fox started chugging instantly, not wanting to miss anything as he drank the liquid waste straight from the greasy cock. A little voice appeared in the back of his head though, and after swallowing the first bit of it, Jacob pulled off. He kept his muzzle in the way of the stream, but he made sure the camera could see the piss spraying out of the end of Brett's shaft, flying through the air, only to land in the back of the fox's throat and disappear down it a moment later.

"I'm doing well, thanks. Gotta say, I'm very...relaxed, at the moment," Brett said into his headset, continuing to unload his bladder into the fox below. Jacob couldn't help but internally chuckle at the gator's choice of words. It was amazing to him just how foul Brett's piss could be - he'd eaten shit that wasn't nearly as difficult to choke down as the urine spraying into his maw. He made a mental note to ask the gator what he drank, with the hope of making it available for everyone in the office.

As the stream eventually died down, Jacob followed it forward until his lips were back around the head of the shaft, now a bit harder than it was previously. His tongue polished the tip, collecting the last few drops and spurts and slurping them up. Before he could pull off though, a rather firm paw pressed against the back of his head, keeping him down. Jacob exhaled through his nose, rather exaggeratedly rolling his eyes and shaking his head a bit for the camera as he realized what Brett wanted.

As Jacob started sucking, confirming to the gator he knew what to do next, the paw left the back of his head. The fox pulled off, lifting the shaft with one of his paws and gliding his tongue along it, barely preventing himself from gagging at the taste. It was stupefying - just yesterday, he knew he'd sucked off Brett at least twice, yet the gator's cock was just as dirty as it was the previous morning. Yet he did his duty, slobbering over the shaft until it was fully erect and placing it between his lips for the third time. This time, he traveled down the length in one fell swoop, easily taking it into his throat. He tried to stay quiet, knowing it was supposed to be secretive, but small wet noises still echoed out as he moved up and down.

The fox pulled off more than he normally would have, rubbing his face along the shaft and showing ecstatic, lustful expressions as he did. He heard the gator talking as he sucked, but by this point, he was no longer paying attention to what was being said. His full attention caught up making sure Brett shot a wad of that nauseating jizz right down his gullet. Jacob's jaws went into overdrive as he felt the gator getting close, using every trick in the book to ease him toward an orgasm, complete with an especially heavy use of his tongue.

When the cock started twitching, Jacob pulled off, replacing his muzzle with a paw. It only took a few quick strokes before he felt the first jet of cum smack the roof of his maw, holding his head in the same spot he did while the gator was pissing. It wasn't nearly as accurate, with Jacob catching a couple spurts onto his cheeks and nose, but he didn't see that as a problem. He swallowed as needed, collecting a pool of jizz in his throat to the point of almost spilling before gulping it down and letting it fill once more. When the last bit of it disappeared into his stomach, he gave the head another couple licks, circling it with his tongue and slurping up the last of it. He even made sure to wipe his cheeks clean, sucking every last bit off his paws before he helped Brett do up his pants.

As he started climbing out from underneath the desk, Brett quickly put a paw in his way and stopped him. Jacob could just see the gator looking back toward the walkway, feigning concern over getting caught. "Okay, go, go," the gator whispered, muted on his call as he ushered Jacob out. The fox scrambled to his feet, hurriedly walking away and trying to look normal. As soon as he was away from the gator's desk, his earpiece sparked to life again.

"Hell of a first showing. You're a natural at this," Zander said in his ear.

"Heh, thanks boss," the fox said, licking his finger again to try to get any more of the leftover nasty flavor. As he wandered the rest of the floor, he was quickly snagged by Greyson, motioning for the fox to head over.

"Great work on Brett," the wolf said, bringing Jacob quickly over to where he and Lane were seated.

"Yeah, I can't believe you didn't spill any of that piss with as far away as you were," Lane commented. Jacob could easily see how they knew, as the pair's laptops were set up on the desk. On the left one, Greyson was showing Lane how to do Jacob's old job. On the right, the Open Office site was up, though the stream was momentarily paused due to the lack of content.

"You guys need anything?" The fox asked, licking his lips.

"Later, I promise. Go get back out there," the wolf said, "your fans need you."

Jacob just chuckled a bit, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw the site light up again. Nash was surreptitiously looking around before he undid the belt of his pants, pulling his shaft out at his desk. He constantly looked flighty as he worked himself to full hardness, trying to rub one out and hoping no one would see him. At least, that's what it looked like on the camera. Jacob could easily just turn around and see what was on the screen, with the orca masturbating in plain sight to everyone around him.

"Guess I've got a few minutes to set something else up," Jacob said. "You guys have fun, I'll be waiting," he said before walking off. As he turned around and moved a couple desks away, he caught one of the lights turning on right as someone pressed it - brown this time. Jacob licked his lips and walked up to Taylor, feeling his cock jump at the thought.

"Someone have breakfast for me?" He asked.

"Yeah, not as much as I'd like though," the lion responded. "Was going to save it for later, but someone's apparently already donated on the site, asking for me to shit in your mouth."

"Hey, no complaints here. Just means that when the rest is ready later, I can eat again," he said with a grin. "Bathroom?" He asked.

"Yeah, go ahead and sit in there, I'll join you in a minute. Just make sure you eat it all. It's early and we don't want to mess you up too badly yet," Taylor said.

"I don't think that'll be a problem," Jacob said, turning tail and wandering off. He walked the familiar path toward the stall, where he and Taylor had shared many glorious mornings. Once he got there, he pulled his shorts down and sat on the toilet, at least feigning like he was using it. He didn't lock the stall door though, and after a minute or so, Taylor burst in.

"Fuck, sorry man, I didn't realize anyone was in here," the lion said, though he made no effort to leave.

"It's fine, I'm just about done anyway," Jacob lied.

"Just hurry, I really have to go. It's about to come out," Taylor pleaded.

"I can't go any faster, and you're the one that burst in on me. Ugh," Jacob said, shaking his head. "Look, I can...I can think of one way where you can go, and...I don't have to get up."

"What? Anything, I don't care," the lion said, bouncing slightly as if he were about to explode.

"You can use my mouth," the fox said bluntly.

"What?! Dude, that's disgusting. I'm not doing that," Taylor protested.

"Doesn't sound like you have much of a choice. I still need to go, so I'm not getting up, and if you're as close as you say you are..." Jacob trailed off.

"Ughhhhhhhhh," Taylor groaned. "Fine, but I swear if you tell anyone about this, fox," the lion said, rapidly undoing his pants and turning around, backing up to the vulpine.

Jacob leaned down a bit, making sure his muzzle was right underneath the lion's tail. He knew he didn't have to respond, just getting to work as soon as he could. Almost instantly, the first log pushed out, sliding between the fox's lips and onto his tongue. After he collected it, he sat back upright, the last couple inches sticking out of his maw. He audibly chewed it, sucking in the rest of it when he could, jaws opening wide each time he bit down.

"Dude, chew with your mouth closed or something, the smell's gonna make me vomit," Taylor said.

"I'b sah-ee" Jacob apologized through a mouthful, pausing for a moment to swallow what he could. "It's really fucking sticky, it's hard to chew," he said, still muffled from what was left inside.

"Just get your head back down there, more's coming," Taylor warned. Jacob needed no extra push to do so, easily bending down and slurping up the next part of his meal. He patted his stomach as he chewed, feeling the warm chunks of waste land in his gut. It didn't take long for his paw to travel a bit lower, gripping his shaft and idly stroking it as he ate.

"Fucking hell," Taylor started, turning around and looking at the fox once he heard the noise. "At least wait until I'm gone. It's bad enough you're eating that mess, but jerking off to it? Fucking sicko."

Jacob dropped his cock, but it didn't make it any less hard. His knotted length stood proud as he bent down and collected the next couple logs from the lion, noisily and happily chomping away at them. Taylor stood back up while Jacob was eating though, shaking his head in disgust.

"Alright, that's all...I gotta get out of here before I puke," he said. Quickly, the lion grabbed a wad of toilet paper off the roll and wiped himself, only to realize he didn't have anywhere to put it. "Ugh...dessert for you, I guess," he said simply, tossing it onto the floor before heading out.

After Jacob swallowed the last of what was in his muzzle, he looked down at the messy piece of paper on the ground. Rather than eat it though, a dirtier idea came to his mind. Leaning down, he picked it up and immediately wrapped it around his cock, shit-side down, and quickly started jerking off again. He worked quickly, paw moving as fast as it could. His brown tongue hung out of the side of his maw as he rapidly approached his orgasm, cock twitching madly in his paw as it started firing off. He used the toilet paper to gather the cum flying out, completely soaking it and his paw, leaving his cock a complete mess.

Naturally, as soon as Jacob came down from his high, he gathered up the toilet paper and tossed it inside his muzzle. It was awkward to chew, but the wetness of his jizz made it easier to break apart and swallow down. He repeated it a couple more times as he grabbed some fresh sheets, only to dirty them immediately by cleaning off his cock. They went down the hatch too. Just as Jacob was about to get up, his stomach started making noise. He patted his chest with his fist a couple times, letting out a long, deep belch, really showing off the inside of his muzzle as he did. Only then did he finally get up, redoing his pants and heading out of the stall.

"How're we doing, Zander?" He asked, waiting for the dragon's voice in his ear again once he cleared the filming area.

"Amazing. Plenty of content now, half the guys in the office started jerking off just from watching that," the dragon replied in Jacob's ear. "I had to tell them to stop since I can't put the camera on all of them at once, or it'd just look like we have an office of nothing but masturbating dudes. Go take care of them."

Jacob did just that, making his way out of the bathroom and back toward the desks. Half the white lights were on as he got there, so he picked the closest one and got started. The next hour was nothing but blowjobs, hiding beneath desks, and in one of the cases guzzling down another load of urine afterward. Nothing particularly unique happened until slightly after lunchtime, when Zander called for Jacob to head to his office. The fox obeyed, quickly showing up on the other side of the dragon's desk.

"None of the cameras here are live, including yours, so let's make this quick. I've got one of the guys pissing into one of the potted plants out in the entryway corner right now to keep the stream busy. You don't need much info for this, but it'll be a two-parter. You leave, come back in, we have a quick conversation, and I'm going to leave. The site will be up with the right cameras around the room, but the monitors will be off. Just don't touch anything and it'll stay running. Someone will come in after I'm gone, but after you two fuck, stay where you are," Zander instructed.

"Don't touch anything, fuck someone, stay where I'm at. Got it," Jacob repeated.

"Good slut. Now go outside, wait a minute, and come back in," Zander said, sending the fox on his way.

Jacob headed back out, shutting the door behind himself and standing just on the other side of it. He presumed the dragon was getting the cameras ready and made sure to give him time to do it. After a minute he re-entered, and as soon as he did, he saw Zander hit a button on the keyboard, likely sending everything live.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" Jacob asked.

"Yes, fox. I've been impressed with your performance lately, and just wanted to offer you my congratulations," the dragon said.

"Wha...well, thank you, sir. I appreciate it, and I do my best," Jacob said, caught off guard a bit.

"You've really taken on a lot of new responsibilities over the last few weeks, and I have to say, I'm really pleased with how well you've handled everything," Zander said.

"It's not been easy, but it's definitely been...fulfilling," Jacob replied, doing his best to suppress a smirk at the actual meaning of their comments.

"Well, I'd like to give you a little something for your efforts," the dragon said, though right as he finished speaking, his phone went off. The dragon groaned and reached over, grabbing it and holding it up to his ear. "Yes?" He responded, waiting for a second. "God damn it, not again..." he soon continued. "Alright, I'll be there in a second," he said, before setting the phone back down.

"Sorry about this, but I've got to go take care of an emergency with one of your coworkers. Do you mind waiting for me here? I don't think I'll be that long," Zander said.

"No problem, sir. I can wait. Go do what you need to do," Jacob said.

"Thanks. Back in a bit," the dragon said, quickly ducking out of the room. Jacob leaned against the desk, whistling softly to himself and looking around, wondering just how long the dragon would be. After a couple minutes passed, the door opened again, but it wasn't Zander who entered. Lane stepped inside, shutting the door behind him, surprised when he saw Jacob.

"Oh, fox, hey. Is the boss around?" The stallion asked.

"He just stepped out, told me to wait on him here," Jacob responded.

"Ah. Any idea how long he'll be gone?" Lane asked.

"Not really, he just said he had to go take care of an emergency with someone but didn't make it seem like it'd be that long," the fox said.

"Huh. I didn't see him when I came over here. Must have gone to the other wing," the horse said, trying to make the office seem bigger than it was. "It's a pity though," he continued, walking up close to Jacob - much closer than ordinary coworkers would get.

"Why's that?" The fox asked, voice shaking a little as the horse towered over him.

"Because if he were gone longer...I thought we could have a little bit of fun," Lane said, grabbing Jacob's paw and holding it against his crotch.

"You know I'd love to, but he'll be back soon. We'll get caught..." The vulpine lamented, though he couldn't help but wrap his fingers around the outline of horse cock he felt.

"Maybe. But you know he's always slow to do things, I bet this takes longer than expected too. Come on, just a little fun. Plus, it's extra hot doing it in his office..." Lane pushed.

"Ugh, you know I can't resist you..." the fox said truthfully.

"I know," the stallion said with a grin. "I'll make it quick though, don't worry."

"You'd better. I don't know what he'd do if he caught us..." Jacob said, sliding down Lane's body and getting onto his knees.

"If he has any sense about him, he'll do what I'm about to do to you," Lane joked.

"Please, there's no way. He wouldn't do that..." Jacob said, though he knew full well that Zander would and then some. The fox quickly undid his boyfriend's pants and pulled out the cock he was all too familiar with, already feeling it harden in his paws.

"His loss," the horse said, feeling his shaft hit the open air, and soon after Jacob's lips.

The fox didn't reply, as he quickly became too busy stuffing his mouth with Lane's dick. Even before it was fully hard, Jacob was trying to fit as much inside as possible, greedily sucking on it while stroking the rest. Soon enough, it got to the point where it was stiff enough to pass into his throat, and Jacob wasted no time in doing just that. He shoved his muzzle to and fro, feeling the length throbbing inside, getting both thicker and longer as he worked.

Lane happily accepted the treatment, lacing his fingers in the fox's headfur and guiding him up and down the length. It was something he was all too familiar with, having received countless blowjobs from the fox over the last few years. As such, Jacob knew all his pleasure spots, and made sure he hit each with his tongue without taking too long on a single one. After a few minutes of sucking though, Lane eventually pushed Jacob off, causing the fox to look up at him, confused.

"Hurry up, get on all fours," the horse said.

"What? No, I can't get that messy," Jacob protested. "I'll never clean up in time."

"Sure you will, there's tissues right there on his desk. Just shove some up there until you get to the bathroom. Please? You know I get off faster in your ass, and the longer we have this discussion, the more chance we get caught," Lane pleaded.

"God damn it. Only because it's you..." the fox said, grumbling softly as he spun around and put his paws on the floor, lifting his tail high toward the stallion.

Lane wasted no time in kneeling down himself, holding the fox's tail up and jerking the shorts down. Immediately after, he shoved the head of his cock against the hole beneath. Jacob's spit was more than enough lube to let him inside, and the stallion barely had to push for the head to slip past the fox's sphincter. "Much better..." the horse breathed, feeling the ass practically swallowing his cock.

"Yeah, it is..." Jacob agreed, grunting as he felt the horse's hips bump into his ass. Right after, he felt his bowels empty again, only to be refilled in a second. After the buildup and the urgency to get off as quickly as possible, Lane wasted no time in giving Jacob a proper fucking, using only a couple strokes to get up to speed before he started bucking away. The fox's insides were hammered by the large, blunt head repeatedly forcing its way through them, demanding full entry each and every time. Jacob kept looking over at the door as they worked, wondering if the dragon was going to burst in on them at any moment. He never did though, and after a few minutes of frantic pounding, Lane whinnied and started filling his fox from the back.

The stallion wasted no time - normally he'd wait to get his breath back, but as soon as his cock stopped firing, he started to pull out. "You better clench if you don't want it to go everywhere," he said, and immediately felt Jacob squeezing his ass around the length. As the head popped out, the fox was able to keep most of it in, but there was a very noticeable streak of white sliding down his tailhole and dripping onto the floor below.

"Anything coming out?" Jacob asked.

"No, you're fine. Here, lick me clean," Lane lied, moving around and pointing his cock at Jacob's face.

This time, the fox didn't protest. He opened his maw and started attacking the shaft, sucking off some of the more concentrated areas and licking others. He was almost shocked at how clean it was, hardly able to taste his ass at all on the length, but he assumed that he'd mostly been cleaned out by the others who'd used him so far that day. It didn't take long before the horse's crotch was mostly cum-free, and Lane quickly stood back up and tucked his erection under his shirt, redoing his pants and dashing toward the door.

"Hey, what about me?" Jacob called, but the horse didn't answer, simply slamming the door behind him and leaving Jacob alone. "God damn it," the fox muttered, desperately trying to hold everything in. He reached up for the box of tissues, grabbing a few before he looked back down, groaning in annoyance. "Fucking liar," he said, seeing the puddle that had formed underneath his tailhole. He started there, doing his best to wipe up the mess. The unfortunate thing was that he couldn't find a trash can nearby, and started piling the tissues up next to him, preparing to throw them away the next chance he got. A couple minutes passed while he was cleaning, but by the time he could get to his tailhole, the door opened again, and the dragon re-entered.

"Sorry about that fox, I -" he started, only to stop when he caught sight of what Jacob was doing. The fox froze like a deer in the headlights as he saw his boss come back in, dropping the tissue he was holding in the process. "What the fuck happened while I was gone?" Zander asked.

"I, isn't what it looks like?" Jacob said, very unconvincingly.

"Really? Because it looks like you asked someone to fuck you in my office while I was busy," Zander said.

"...No it doesn't..." Jacob weakly replied.

Zander sighed, putting his head in his paw. "I knew this would happen when I hired a fox... Who was it, anyway?"

"I, uh, don't think I should say..." the fox uttered.

"Of course not. Have to protect the guys who use you..." Zander said. "Well, as I was trying to say before...this," he continued, gesturing widely to the mess in front of him, "I do value your work here, and I think you're exceptional at it. In light of that...I think I can overlook what happened here."

"Really? Oh, thank you sir, I'm so sorry, it wo-" he started, before being cut off by Zander holding up his finger.

"If," he began, pausing for dramatic effect. "If you do something for me."

"What...what's that?" Jacob asked, a bit nervous.

"Well, it seems a bit unfair that you decided to use my office for your personal fuck room and didn't invite me to it. I'll look past this, if you do the same for me as you did for...whoever it was that was in here," Zander said.

"Sir, I don't know if I can, I'm...kind of worn out..." the fox replied.

"Nonsense. I've heard foxes can go all day," the dragon countered.

"Ugh. I don't have much of a choice, do I?" Jacob asked.

"Not if you want to stay on my good side. Now stand up here and bend over next to the desk," the dragon ordered.

Jacob weakly obeyed, slowly getting to his footpaws and walking over to where the dragon was, placing his paws on the edge of the desk and lifting his tail, waiting for his tailhole to be used again. Before anything however, he heard a scooting across the floor.

"No, stand on that," Zander said, kicking over a stepstool and putting it next to the fox. "You're too short, I can't fuck you from down there." Jacob climbed up on it, making it a bit more awkward for him to bend over, but he obeyed nonetheless. Zander walked up behind him, and the fox listened as he heard the dragon's pants soon hitting the floor.

"Fuck! Whoever was in here before definitely did a number on you," the dragon said, reaching down and shoving a couple fingers in Jacob's hole. "Guess I don't need lube then," he said, pulling them back out quickly and wiping them on the fox's fur. Zander stepped up a bit, laying his semi-hard shaft across Jacob's ass and along his back, lightly rubbing it through the soft fur. "Hope you're ready for it, fox. I'm not stopping until it's alllllll inside," the dragon said, sliding his hips forward and pressing his crotch against one of Jacob's ass cheeks in emphasis of his speech.

The vulpine turned his head around, and for effect, his eyes went wide as he looked at the shaft resting on top of him. Even having seen it before and feeling it inside him multiple times the previous day, part of him still believed it wouldn't fit. It didn't take much longer before his boss was at full stiffness, and almost agonizingly slowly, he dragged his cock back along the fox, traced the head down along his ass cheek, and placed it firmly against Jacob's tailhole.

Despite their previous training, Zander still struggled mightily getting himself inside. Lane's leftover jizz made it a bit easier, but Jacob was still groaning near the top of his lungs by the time the dragon's head managed to breach the fox's hole. There was no prep time here - once he was in, Zander continued his journey, slowly but surely inching his way inside.

"Holy fuck you're tight..." the dragon breathed, loud enough for the mic to pick it up. "I can't believe you've been keeping this away from me. I thought you were a good employee before, but now..." he paused, a soft moan escaping his lips as he bottomed out inside the fox. As he slid out, more of the horse's cum came with him, dripping onto the floor and forming another puddle near the last one.

Zander picked up the pace much quicker than he had last night, sliding in and out of the fox in no time. "Fuck this is of the best asses I've ever fucked," he moaned, leaning down a bit more over Jacob's back. "I think you and I are going to work a lot more closely together now. I'm not going a day without this ass again. Every day for lunch, you come see me, you got it?" Zander asked, breathing hard as he spoke.

"Yes...Sir..." Jacob said, barely able to speak between the thrusts, voice rising and falling a bit each time the dragon hilted inside him.

"That's right...'Sir'..." Zander repeated. "You're going to do what I say, when I say it. Helpless little fox fell into the dragon's clutches, and now you're mine. Gonna stuff your ass with so much cum it shoots out the other end, and you're just going to sit there and take it. Fuck lunchtime! I might just make you my assistant, so you can spend all day under my desk wrapped around my cock," he huffed. "You like the sound of that, cock sleeve?"

"Y-Yes," Jacob uttered.

"I thought so. Seems like you've been hiding your best talent from me - if you can call being a cum dump a talent. I'm glad you finally slipped up and showed me your true nature. No going back now. You'll have to tell me who else fucked you sometime, so we can stuff both your holes at once. Fuck...How the fuck are you still so tight?" Zander asked rhetorically.

As the dragon finished speaking, he redoubled his efforts, slamming himself into Jacob's ass as fast as he could possibly go. His breathing picked up as he got closer, pants turning into groans, and eventually needing to do his best to suppress an outright roar as he started flooding Jacob's ass. He didn't wait, pulling out almost immediately - the few voluminous spurts that flew into the fox's hole poured onto the ground, while the rest completely coated his back. Rope after rope of dragon jizz completely messed up the fox's fur, sliding off his sides and joining the rest underneath.

As his orgasm finished, Zander stood still for another moment, basking in the afterglow of his conquest, happy to have made such a mess of the slut in front of him. With everything coming to an end though, he knew it was time to shut it down. He made a subtle movement, his tail slowly lifting and moving toward the keyboard, pressing the same thing he'd done when starting the stream earlier. Quickly, he flipped the monitor back on to double check, and confirmed the live stream was no longer showing him or the fox.

"Alright, we're clear. Always the hard part, doing stuff in here - it's difficult to manage the site. Remind me to set up a second command center sometime for someone else to deal with while I'm busy in the future," Zander said.

Jacob panted as he allowed himself to step off the stool and slump down onto the floor. Tired as he was, he was never too exhausted for a snack, and scooped up some of the dragon's cum and slurped it down. "You got it, sir. You really like that domineering attitude, don't you?"

"Yeah, it's hard for me to avoid. I started trying to praise you and come at it from a positive angle, but I can't help it. By the end I'm calling you worthless and saying how I'm going to abuse the hell out of you. You calling me 'Sir' really does it for me," Zander said, shrugging.

"To each his own," Jacob said. "I don't mind though if you aren't an ass outside the scenes. If I get fucked, I'm good."

"Good attitude," the dragon said approvingly.

"Need to find you just an absolute masochist to keep at home," Jacob said with a grin.

"If you know one, tell me. They need to be an absolute whore though," Zander said, thinking for a moment. "Ideally, it would not be a kind relationship in the slightest. I'm talking like full on master and slave type dynamic. Physical and emotional abuse, the whole nine yards," the dragon said, a smile forming on his lips, getting lost in his thought.

"Well...if I find anyone that fucked up, I'll let you know," Jacob said slowly.

"Please do," Zander responded. "Maybe we can bring them in to work alongside you."

"Or not. I don't particularly like sharing," the fox said.

"Someone's turned into a greedy whore, haven't they?" Zander remarked. "We really did a number on you."

"Yeah, I don't think my tailhole's ever going to be the same again," Jacob said, reaching down and rubbing a finger across it.

"I should hope not. I mean, I like tight as much as the next guy, but it's a pain just to even get in there," the dragon lamented.

"That's more of a you problem. You're bigger than anyone I've ever met, and it's not close," Jacob said.

"It says something about you as well then, that you can still take it. It's like you were made for this," Zander shot back.

"Maybe I was," Jacob agreed.

"I certainly think so. Anyway, we've talked long enough, there's plenty of other guys out there who need your attention. Go have some more fun, and I'll let you know if I need to shit later," Zander said casually.

"You'd better. I haven't had a chance to eat yours yet without either crying or being fucked so hard I couldn't focus on it. It'd be nice to have a peaceful meal from you sometime," Jacob noted.

"Next time, I promise. I'll squat still and you can eat your fill," Zander promised.

"Thanks," the fox replied, groaning as he got to his footpaws and headed out. "Still hurts," he mumbled to himself, reaching back and rubbing his hole, leaving a trail of cum behind him as he left the dragon's office.

Jacob gingerly headed back out toward the main area, at least confident that none of the other guys could quite do what to him what Zander did. The rest of the afternoon kept him busy, bouncing around the office, going from desk to desk, sometimes to the bathroom, other times just flirting out in the open and doing some public teasing. More of the filthy stuff came out later in the day, and by the end of it, the fox was having difficulty keeping himself at least somewhat presentable. Despite his best efforts, his muzzle had a faint tint of brown around it, even after licking it clean as much as he could. He was absolutely stuffed, but until everyone headed home, he knew he had to keep going.

Every time Jacob was freed up, he'd check around the room and see who needed him. He'd been to everyone at least twice so far, with one exception - Greyson. The wolf had held out for some reason, disappointing Jacob in the process. He hoped that Lane's presence hadn't made it awkward for the wolf, but if nothing happened today, he was going to have to have a serious talk with the pair of them afterward to make sure the air was clear. As the clock ticked down and Jacob polished off a couple more cocks, he finally noticed the brown light flick on near the wolf.

Jacob couldn't have run over faster if he tried. "Ready?" He asked happily, practically bouncing up and down, ignoring all the soreness in his body from such an intense first day. He hoped it would become easier over time, but for now, he was too excited to pay it much attention.

"Usual spot. Meet me there in a minute," the wolf said simply, getting up and heading toward the conference room. Jacob practically stared at the clock after he left, trying to will it into ticking over into the next minute. Greyson was already inside, and Jacob kept nervously glancing up before finally the time expired and he could join the lupine. With a giddy smile on his face, he quickly ducked into the room, only to be pinned against the wall the second he got in there.

The wolf's lips met his as Greyson forced him into a passionate kiss, aggressively trying to shove his tongue down the fox's throat. Moans echoed through the room as their muzzles intertwined, with the odd wet noise thrown in for good measure. Greyson reached down and quickly shucked Jacob's shorts, never once letting his muzzle leave the fox's. Jacob soon returned the favor, blindly fumbling around until he managed to undo Greyson's as well. Immediately, he could feel the wolf's cock in his paws, already mostly out of his sheath in anticipation.

"Hey there," Greyson breathed during a small moment where their lips parted, only to be smashed back together a moment later.

"Hey yourself," Jacob replied after another bite of passionate tongue wrestling, before he was cut off again by the wolf's tongue going right back into his mouth.

The pair continued undressing each other, with Jacob frantically unbuttoning the wolf's shirt, managing to get it off without breaking the kiss again, leaving Greyson fully nude. Jacob's was a bit more difficult, needing his shirt lifted over his head before it was carelessly tossed aside. As soon as it was gone through, the wolf stepped back up and pressed his cock firmly against Jacob's torso, resuming the kiss again. With nothing left for his paws to do, the fox took hold of the giant shaft and started stroking it, milking some pre out into his fur. It was a few minutes before they finally stopped making out, though Jacob refused to let go of the shaft.

"Everyone's gone, right?" Greyson panted. Jacob suddenly remembered they were still playing a part.

"Yeah," Jacob lied, knowing most of the office was still there and probably watching.

"Good," Greyson replied, picking up the fox and putting him on the desk. "I don't need anyone walking in on this, it's going to get messy. Now lay back."

"I wouldn't expect anything less from you," the fox said with a wink, sliding around on the desk until most of his body was on it, legs just hanging off the end.

Greyson followed him up, and as Jacob laid down, the wolf managed to put one of his footpaws on either side of the fox's torso, squatting down directly over the top of his stomach. "Don't eat any of it yet," he instructed, with his tailhole already rasping and puckering. A moment later, the waste practically started pouring out. It was long, thick, light brown, and creamy, coiling around in Jacob's fur. With a surface so close for it to rest onto, it seemed like the log would never break off, just continuing to pour out of the wolf's ass. When it finally did, it was immediately placed with another, adding to the already impressive mound forming.

"Fuck yeah..." Greyson moaned. "Been holding that in for you all day..." he said, shifting up a bit along the desk to squat over the fox's chest now. Waste continued pouring down from the wolf's ass, slightly less solid but no less massive. Jacob's abdomen was virtually covered in the stuff by the time it started slowing down, and Greyson was still inching closer and closer to his face. It paused for a moment as Jacob saw the messy tailhole just above his muzzle, using all his strength to obey the wolf, not opening up to let any of it inside.

Just when Jacob was about to ask what was going on with the wolf just squatting there, the last bit of it came flying out. The shit had continued to get weaker until it was a messy, runny slop, and Greyson forced it out all over the fox's face. The vulpine coughed heavily as some of it shot up his nose, blowing it back out into a snotty, shitty mixture that stuck to his fur. Greyson let out another sigh of approval at finally feeling his bowels emptied before squatting a bit further, wiping his tailhole along Jacob's nose.

"Lick it," he said simply, smearing his rump around a bit.

Jacob did just that, happy to finally be allowed a taste, even though his nose still felt like it was on fire after having liquid shit forced into it. Graciously, he ran his tongue through the wolf's crack, particularly focusing on the brown-stained hole, swirling his tongue around it and dipping it inside. As he pushed past the entrance, a small leftover burst of liquid shit sprayed forth, which Jacob greedily sucked down.

Greyson got up after a moment, not wanting Jacob to clean his ass too much. The wolf got down from the desk momentarily, standing between the fox's legs and looking over him, licking his lips. Jacob prepared himself for his legs to be lifted, but soon let out a loud 'oof' as Greyson simply laid down on top of him, sandwiching the shit between their chests, pressing his muzzle back to Jacob's once more in a passionate kiss.

Jacob was impressed that the wolf wasn't gagging at the taste - he must have been practicing more than he let on. Their tongues continued fighting as Greyson continued trying to make everything as messy as possible, grabbing a pawful of waste that squirted out the side and mashing it into the top of Jacob's head, massaging it in as their tongues fought for dominance. The fox returned the favor, fumbling around until he found a particularly big glob of it and wrapped his arms around the wolf, smearing the shit along his spine.

Greyson pulled his muzzle back for a second, though kept it right up against Jacob's. "You have anything in the tank?"

"A little bit, yeah," the fox replied, before Greyson attacked his muzzle again. After another few seconds, he pulled back away, somehow managing to flip them over on the desk, putting Jacob on top.

"Good. Your turn," Greyson replied, lying on his back and waiting.

Jacob understood immediately. He struggled a bit with the slick surface to get back up, climbing on top and squatting over the lupine. A few airy farts echoed out before anything started coming with how loose his hole was, but before anymore shit could make its way out, Jacob ended up spraying darkened cum all over Greyson's gut. It continued like that for a bit, with his gas causing small explosions of various guys' jizz to decorate the brown fur, before finally the flatulence stopped. It didn't take much straining as it was pushed out, and one right after the other, a few thick, compacted logs of fox shit poured out onto the wolf below. Once he felt like he was empty, Jacob spun himself around and laid back down on top, but not before Greyson swiped as much of the new waste as he could hold. Before Jacob could lean down and resume the kiss, the wolf brought his paws up and squeezed the fox's head between them, making sure every bit of his fur was covered in brown. Once the waste made contact though, Greyson jerked Jacob back down and shoved his tongue back into the fox's maw.

They continued like that for a while, coming dangerously close to rolling off the desk in their throes of carnal lust. Paws roamed wildly over their bodies, stopping when they could to grab a bit more shit and rub it in. Jacob returned the favor, smothering Greyson's head in the stuff, even smearing a bit of it into his ears.

Before long though, the wolf reached his breaking point, sitting back up and taking the fox with him. As he got up from the desk, he quickly moved to shove Jacob back against the wall, leaving a massive stain of brown on it just from the initial contact. It only got bigger as they resumed making out, with the wolf even purposely shifting to the side as they kissed. He slid Jacob along the surface until they'd left a streak of brown over halfway around the room, including on the back of the door.

Unable to resist any longer, Greyson finally broke the kiss for a moment, lifting Jacob up and holding him there with one arm, showing off his strength in the process. With the other, he grabbed hold of his cock, lining it up with Jacob's tailhole. With the amount of waste smeared across them, lube was far from an issue, and Greyson managed to jam himself almost fully inside in one quick thrust. He took the paw he was using for his cock and swiped it along the fox's chest, gathering a few stray chunks of shit and shoving it inside Jacob's muzzle. Before he could swallow it though, Greyson's snout shoved itself back against the fox's, using his tongue to smear the waste around inside.

Greyson's knot had formed long ago during their shit play, and Jacob could already feel it demanding entrance. With as much as he'd already done that day, it wasn't much of a challenge to get it inside, and the wolf wasted no time in putting it where it belonged. He half moaned, half screamed in pleasure into Jacob's maw as he felt himself quickly go over the edge, hips bucking softly as each spurt of cum refilled the fox's ass.

Finally, after all that, their muzzles separated to fully catch their breath. Greyson hadn't quite realized just how much energy he'd exerted holding the fox up while they fucked, panting as he carefully carried Jacob back over to a chair, sitting down with the fox still stuck in his lap and messing up another chair in the process. They rested like that for a while, not needing words as Jacob leaned in against Greyson's chest, putting his chin on the wolf's shoulder and leaning against the side of his head, a broad smile plastered on his face.

They rested like that for a few minutes, just happy to be in each other's embrace, and enjoying the sensation of the wolf's knot still stretching the fox's hole wide. Well before they could separate though, the conference room door opened and Lane stepped inside, grinning at the two.

"You two certainly had fun," the horse noted.

"Yeah..." Jacob breathed. "I take it we aren't live anymore?"

"Nah, last fuck of the day. Live stream's offline to make it seem like business hours are over and everyone actually did go home, but all the saved videos are still up. Not just from today, but the edited ones from the last few months, and the last time the site existed too," Lane explained. "Not that I think you could do much more - I think the second you try walking around in public again it would give away that it's not exactly a normal office," he said with a chuckle.

"No kidding," Jacob replied, craning his neck to look back around at the horse, rather stuck in position at the moment.

"Enjoy the first day though?" The horse asked, and both canines nodded.

"You couldn't tell?" Greyson asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I haven't seen a room this messy since...what, your birthday?" Lane said, looking toward the fox.

"Yeah...we were still finding shit in the kitchen a couple weeks later," he said, smiling at the memory. "I'm...kind of surprised this happened though," he added on.

"Huh? Why?" Lane asked, tilting his head.

"Well...I kinda were avoiding me, Greyson," the fox explained.

"What? No, I could never," the wolf said, surprised. "Why did you think that?"

"You took all day to use me...I thought for sure we'd have done a ton more by now, and I thought you felt too awkward with Lane around," Jacob said.

"I did at first, this morning," Greyson admitted. "But I spent all day talking to him, and we're cool now."

"Really?" Jacob asked, turning toward the horse again and receiving a nod in response.

"Yeah, we're on the same page. You and I might be in a relationship," Lane started, "but it's mostly for all the stuff outside sex. I do like you for other reasons besides the fact that you're committed to living off what comes out of my dick and ass," he teased. "The only reason I'm not making you both messier right now is you ate everything I had earlier."

"Good. I'm...I'm glad. I couldn't have my two favorite men awkward around each other. How else would I get spitroasted by you?" Jacob said, causing laughter out of the others.

"Speaking of..." Lane started, looking down at the fox. "Didn't you have something you wanted to ask Greyson?"

"Can I?!" Jacob said, practically jumping from excitement, feeling the knot tug at his hole as he did.

"Go on, I'm okay with it," the horse smiled.

Greyson looked confused, tilting his head a bit as looked back and forth between the two others. "What's going on...?" He asked slowly.

" know how you and I have spent the last few months working together?" Jacob asked.

"Oh, that was you? I thought I was fucking a different fox all that time," Greyson said sarcastically.

"Funny," Jacob replied. "Anyway, over time, I've kind of...well, I really like you," Jacob said lamely.

"And I like you too...but we did kind of just establish you're in a relationship," Greyson said, nervously looking up at Lane for a moment. "Where are you going with this?"

"Well, that's the thing. Lane's open to being a bit that side of things too. know, you want to be my second...boyfriend..." Jacob said shyly.

"Wait...really?" Greyson asked, and Lane nodded.

"Yeah, especially after today, he's proven that he'll be able to handle both of us, and honestly, I don't think he'd be happy anymore with just one dick to satisfy him. I mean, there's more to it than just sex - you seem like a cool dude, and we could hang out even if Jacob's busy and get along just fine - but let's be honest, we've kind of turned him into a sex machine. You make him happy, and I want him to be happy, so...why not? We can at least try it out," Lane said with a shrug. "Might be some wrinkles to work out, but I told him we could trial it at least."

"Uh...okay, I didn't expect that, but...sure, I guess," Greyson said, still not quite sure how to take it, despite his excitement at the prospect. As soon as the words left his mouth, Jacob immediately resumed the kiss they'd broken off earlier.

"Thank you," the fox said, pulling away for a bit. "And thank you," he repeated turning to Lane.

"Anything to make our little slut happy," the horse replied.

"I guess I'll come visit tonight then?" Greyson asked.

"Well, that's the other part. Jacob's known you long enough, and he seems to trust you. If you want, you can try staying with us - at least, if you feel comfortable with it. If it works out, we can deal with the rest later, getting your stuff moved and whatnot," Lane said.

"Don't worry, our bed's huge, it can fit all three of us," Jacob added. "It even fit Zander with us last night."

"I don't think I could possibly say no to that," Greyson answered, causing Jacob to shove his tongue back inside the wolf's muzzle.

"I think he's happy," Lane said with a chuckle.

"I'll say," Greyson replied after they pulled apart. "Well, I guess we should go get settled then. You can give me the tour of the place, and...go from there."

"We should," Lane started, "but can you?" He asked, nodding toward Jacob's ass.

"Let's see," the wolf said, grabbing Jacob under the armpits and lifting him up. It took a bit of straining and grunting, but especially with his tailhole not being as tight, Jacob eventually popped off, feeling the rush of cum now able to flood out and onto the floor below. "Apparently yes," Greyson said, gingerly plugging Jacob again for the time being against his knot, but not pushing it back in.

"Then let's head out. You mind driving him?" Lane asked. "I don't exactly want my car getting covered in shit, and as Jacob tells me, yours already is."

"Can do," Greyson replied, lifting Jacob up again and fully off his cock this time, setting him back down on the floor. The fox stumbled a bit, legs weak from all the action he'd gotten that day. Lane grabbed him quickly though, easing him down onto his knees before he fell over.

"You alright?" The horse asked.

"Fine, fine," Jacob said, a bit lightheaded. "Might need someone to carry me to the car though."

"I can handle that," Greyson replied. "But first, while you're down there, I've been holding something else all day for you."

Jacob immediately knew what the wolf was getting at, and despite his stomach already feeling full to bursting, he leaned over and wrapped his lips around the tip of the wolf's dripping cock. Instantly, he felt the burst of piss spraying against his tongue, happily gulping it down, feeling his maw fill up just as fast as he could swallow.

For the fox, it was a great way to end the day. His belly was full, his holes were well used, and he'd gained a boyfriend by the end of it. There was something oddly peaceful as he sat on the dirty, shit-covered floor, guzzling piss from one of his favorite men while the other approvingly watched. It wasn't too strong or too weak, enough to remind him just how disgusting the act was, but not enough to make his stomach protest. Despite going for a couple minutes, it was far too soon for Jacob's liking when the stream came to an end. As he pulled off, he smirked as he saw the tip of the wolf's cock was now the only part that wasn't covered in brown. A loud belch escaped his lips, sending flecks of piss back out and over Greyson's crotch.

"Nice one," the wolf said, bending down and lifting the fox up, grunting softly as he held Jacob's chest against his own, the fox's muzzle resting on his shoulder once more. He followed Lane out of the room, leaving both his and Jacob's clothes behind, knowing he could get them tomorrow if he wanted. His cock and Jacob's ass both continued dripping a mixture of cum and shit as they headed toward the front door. Lane stepped outside, heading toward his car, but before the other two could leave, they were briefly interrupted.

"You know I'm going to have to get revenge for that, right?" Taylor asked, walking up to the pair.

"Huh?" Greyson asked, confused.

"Don't get me wrong, it was hot as fuck to watch you two go at it. But unfortunately, I lost the draw and now I'm the one that has to clean the office today if we want it to look realistic tomorrow," he explained, causing Greyson to erupt in a fit of laughter.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," the lion said. "Next time you're on cleaning duty, you'll regret it. This little slut and I are going to paint the whole office brown," he said with a grin, reaching over and squeezing Jacob's ass.

"Somehow, I think I'll manage," Greyson said with a grin, turning back toward the door. "Night, Taylor."

"Night, shit hounds. See you tomorrow," he replied.

"You know what you have to do, right?" Greyson asked Jacob as they stepped outside.

"What's that?" The fox replied.

"Next time he tries to get you to make a mess, just eat it instead," the wolf said.

"Hmm, I dunno. It might be fun to watch you lick the office clean," Jacob pondered.

"Ooh, someone's becoming a bit of an asshole. Zander's rubbing off on you," the wolf noted.

"Maybe a little. Certainly in me," Jacob chuckled.

"Just don't be too mean, I like my cute, sweet fox," Greyson said.

"Never," Jacob said, turning his head a bit to kiss the wolf's cheek.

As Greyson loaded the fox into the car, Jacob leaned back and smiled. His paws rested on his gut, feeling the pressure inside from being forced to eat and drink so much during the day. When Greyson got in as well, Jacob leaned to his side and rested against the wolf's shoulder, closing his eyes in comfort. For as tumultuous as the last few days were, today couldn't have ended any better.

Over the next few months, their experiment proved successful. Greyson eventually fully moved in with Lane and Jacob, keeping the fox busy around the clock. Jacob's passion clearly showed at work, and while the regular business was already profitable, the Open Office site took off with Jacob as its star. It didn't take long before Zander was able to grow the company even larger, adding a few new furs to the mix. The dragon was still on the hunt for a second slut to lessen the workload a bit for the fox and keep the live stream up more consistently, but in the meantime, Jacob certainly didn't mind a bit of extra action from the new employees.

The night Greyson moved in, the celebrations went wild, with Jacob inviting all his coworkers over for an extended bout of fun, this time off camera. By the time everything wound down, it was nearly five in the morning, and the trio were absolutely exhausted. Their guests had left, but nearly every room in their house was covered in waste, and the bedroom was no exception. Lane lay on his back with Jacob's head on his chest, while the fox and wolf were on their side, with Greyson's knot firmly implanted in Jacob's backside.

The vulpine remained the only one awake for a bit, head rising and falling with Lane's slow breathing, but not minding it one bit. For all their discussions about allowing him two boyfriends to make him happy, he knew he was making them just as happy as well. As he thought back over the last year, he remembered thinking that life was perfect so long ago, living with Lane and having a normal programming job. Now though, he couldn't imagine ever going back to a life like that, happier now than he ever dreamed he could be. His eyes fluttered a bit as fatigue overtook him, arm coming up and wrapping over Lane's stomach. Jacob slowly drifted off to sleep, connected to two of the best and hottest men he'd ever known, knowing he was going to wake up and do it all over again, both the next day and for every day to come.

Open Office - Chapter 8

By the time the day ended, Jacob had gone well beyond the limits he thought he had. Not only had Zander revealed the hidden intentions of the office, but also provided Jacob with a new role that better fit his talents. He surprised himself a bit with...

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Open Office - Chapter 7

Jacob was in paradise. He was happy and relaxed at work, Lane somehow still didn't suspect a thing, and Zander was no longer on his ass about getting his work done. It was a bit more difficult for Greyson, needing to put in a bit of extra time to take...

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Open Office - Chapter 6

Things at work couldn't have been smoother for Jacob. Each day, he got a bit more comfortable doing things with Greyson and Taylor in the office, and while the guilt was still there, it lessened a bit each time. He'd still managed to hide things from...

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