Peckish Party (Vore Story)

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A commission done for Pilar. The dragon attends a party, but is quickly spirited away upstairs by a very fat, very hungry Pallas cat~

Stray let out an earthquaking belch as he pushed open the door in front of him, returning to the party that he had disappeared from with a "friend" not 20 minutes prior. "Heh, can't really believe how easy that was..." the Pallas cat said under his breath as he patted against his fat, engorged stomach. Now, normally, the black-and-white wildcat was already quite a rotund and fat figure, but it was extremely clear to anyone looking that Stray had much more than just a simple, filling meal tonight, given how wiggly and active the bulges underneath his thick, white pelt were!

And it really was quite easy, honestly. The cat had just met the dragon he would turn into his meal just an hour or so prior at this party, a rather large, yellow dragon by the name of Pilar. The two of them had it off rather well, but unbeknownst to Pilar, he had hit it off with the feline's hungry stomach as well! Stray had soon invited the dragon upstairs to get away from the noise and the crowds; at least, that was the reason he gave Pilar, though the dragon was enamored enough with the fast friend he was making that he probably would have taken any little excuse to disappear upstairs for a little while. And disappear he most certainly did, though not in the way that he had perhaps expected...

As soon as Stray herded the dragon into an upstairs bedroom, he closed the door behind him and immediately pinned the dragon to the bed underneath his ample, squishy bulk, leaning in and starting to make out with Pilar before the two of them could say anything to each other! Though the cat's invading, probing tongue soon started to transition from inside of the dragon's mouth to outside, licking and slurping along Pilar's snout...tasting the dragon gratuitously. And, in the slightly-confused stupor these gratuitous face licks left Pilar in, Stray got plenty of chances to sample those scales! Eventually, though, the wildcat couldn't ignore the rumbling in his stomach. Foreplay was over, now it was time to get a good, filling meal! Without even bothering to say anything, the cat just opened his jaws wide right in front of Pilar's face, not even giving the dragon a second to peer into the inky darkness of the mouth he would be disappearing into before lunging forward and chomping right down on those scales!

Pilar quickly started to struggle and push back against Stray once he was immersed in the wet, fishy-smelling cavern that was the big Pallas cat's mouth, but his prospective partner had a few feet and probably a couple hundred pounds on he was going anywhere Stray wanted to put him. And, right now, that was inside of him, of course! That rough, slimy tongue felt like a sandpaper as it scraped and grinded over Pilar's snout and face, sampling as much of the dragon's flavor as it could before Stray gave the back of the dragon's head a firm shove to lock his snout right in the back of the cat's throat! Just as quickly as he had been stuffed into the cat's mouth, Pilar was pulled into Stray's gullet with a powerful *GULK*, his whole head and neck being pulled into the cat's mouth with that swallow and the rest of his tasty, filling form now set up to do the same at whatever pace Stray felt like. Though, in the moment, it was clear that the cat felt hungry enough to just shovel the dragon down without much fanfare. He just needed some extra fuel before going back down to that party...and Pilar just happened to be the perfect size to be a mid-party meal for the big cat!

The dragon tried to push and wriggle against the slime-coated throat walls as they clenched and pulsated around him, but with his arms still mostly outside of the Pallas cat's mouth, it was hard to get much leverage...if either all of him was outside, or his arms were in this throat, it would probably be easier to get something done; but as it stood, he was kind of stuck between two bad options right now! And he didn't even really get to decide between either of them, because Stray was pushing against his feet rather insistently, just stuffing the tasty dragon down his gullet without even the need for proper swallowing...drool pooling up in the corners of the cat's mouth as he feasted so ravenously, his stomach growling impatiently even as he fed as fast as he possibly could! Pilar could hear those groans and gurgles rumbling up the throat from beneath him, as well, the dragon getting a good preview of what awaited him as soon as Stray finished his meal. Though, with how big of a meal Pilar was, he would probably be poking his way out into the stomach before all was said and done with the swallowing portion of Stray's meal. The fishy smell of the cat's mouth was only stronger down deep in his throat as well, which didn't give Pilar high hopes for the environment inside the feline gut he was due to arrive in soon.

Stray had comfortably swallowed Pilar up to his waist at this point, the sharp spines along the top of the dragon's spade-tipped tail offering some kind of a puzzle for the cat to figure out for a moment before his lips slipped right over the tips of those barbs with little difficulty. It was more like they were little nubs that added to the texture of his meal than an actual deterrent for the cat to just chow down as he was doing! Pilar tried his best to squirm and kick and maybe cause some damage now that his tail was in there, but with how much of his body was locked in a tight, slimy gullet, movement on the hole was becoming more and more difficult. It was hard to generate much power when most of your body was completely immobilized by your predator, after all. At this point, the wildcat had reared back onto his hind legs to finish the dragon off, chugging Pilar down with thick gulps that took heavy advantage of gravity until Pilar's head breached right through into the cat's stomach. The dragon immediately being assaulted by a miasma of that strong, fishy smell as he hung from the ceiling, able to hear the sloshing of the fluids beneath him that rested in the pit of the cat's stomach as Stray casually slurped up the last of the dragon's legs and tail...letting that little spade tip dance on his rough tongue for a few seconds, before reeling it inside and sending the last of the dragon down with a satisfying gulp. Mmmmh. Free food at a party was always so nice...

Pilar had barely even fully curled up inside of Stray's stomach before the cat burst out of the room he had snuck away with the dragon to just a few minutes ago, letting that belch rip and immediately squeezing the fleshy walls around Pilar; walls that were already comfortably tight before the cat vacated all that extra air from inside of his gut...the dragon had been forced into a rather tight, scrunched-up ball by the constant clenching and squeezing of the hungry stomach walls that surrounded him, thick stomach sludge coming all the way up to his bent knees, stuff that made Pilar thankful that it was so dark in here so he didn't have to think about what exactly it was! As soon as the dragon got his bearings back, he started to push and elbow against the tight gut walls, if not to get Stray to throw him up, then to just make things a little bit more comfortable in here for him...! Even his strongest kicks and punches made little more than an imprint on the Pallas cat's fat, insulated gut, and the cat took them as little more than pleasant wiggles scratching itches deeper inside his body than he had ever thought about! "Heh, heh...keep wiggling all you want, nobody's going to do anything about it here~" Stray replied smugly as he started to descend the stairs back into the party proper, Pilar starting to panic quite a bit more as he slowly heard the booming party jams and indistinct chatter come back into frame; though, obviously quite a bit more muffled than when he last heard it!

As Stray made his way back into the party proper, Pilar continued to kick up a storm inside; though much to his dismay, what the cat said earlier was turning out to be true. Plenty of eyes were aligning onto the cat's engorged stomach as he wandered around and talked to people, but most didn't say anything, and those that did were ambivalent at best or actively encouraging of the cat's appetite! "Oh, who'd you pack away now?" one person, a rather large red-and-black dragon, asked as they gave the cat's big, wiggly belly a good pat-down. The words were barely audible to Pilar, but he could certainly feel those pats as they jostled and pushed down the stomach he was inside of, making all those thick fluids slosh around him and disorienting the dragon even more. Stray responded so casually as well, not even bothering to be courteous about the dragon even though he was still well within earshot! "That little yellow dragon that was running around here earlier. Pinned him under me upstairs, was so easy to just chug him down...almost like he wanted it~" the cat teased, patting his own stomach - right on top of Pilar's head, to be exact - as he...well, he invented an alternate reality! There was simply no way that the dragon actually wanted this to happen to him, that was just ridiculous! He was being digested alive, and he needed to get out now before things got melty! Already, his skills were starting to tingle and his eyelids were starting to felt like the energy was just being sucked right out of him.

The struggles that came from Pilar a few seconds later, as he punched and pushed against the encroaching stomach walls as hard as he could, were simply laughed off by the two predators. "Pff, doesn't seem like he liked that..." Stray commented with a hearty belly laugh that soon turned into another belch, which only constricted the dragon inside further. "Yeah, just in denial. I bet in a few minutes time he'll be happily jerking off in there~" the dragon said before walking off, leaving Pilar to stew in the implication of those words...and in potent stomach acids. Mrrf. The mere IMPLICATION of getting his dick out in this kind of situation...absolutely ridiculous. Pilar didn't recognize the voice of the dragon, but once he got out of here, he was going to give him what for, that was for sure! Him and all the other people at this party that weren't helping, even teasing him as he slowly churned away inside this fat cat's gut...

Quickly, impressively quickly, honestly, Pilar found his clothes starting to melt off inside the acidic, carnivorous holding chamber...! When the dragon reached down and felt the threads melting away into the thick sludge, brushed away by his every wiggle inside Stray's grumbly stomach...the thin cloth barrier that was protecting him from the most intense heat and sliminess and slickness of the cat's innards was now pretty much entirely gone. The dragon continued to punch and push at the stomach walls, but they absorbed and rebuked Pilar's blows with expert precision, and only resulted in a few giggles and teases from both the cat himself and the people he was waddling around! "*urpf*'re not getting out, bud. Might as well enjoy yourself while you have the time..." Stray said simply and incontrovertibly, fondling and scratching at his stomach absent-mindedly as he continued to roam the party floor. And all Pilar could think was, why on Earth did everyone at this party want him to get off to this? He was melting! Tingling! Being turned into thick sludge inside a stinking, slimy cat stomach!

So why was his dick hard?

It was a sensation that the dragon didn't even notice at first. He was buried in so much thick, goopy stomach slime that it was difficult for him to tell anything that was going on below his waist, but, uh, yeah, that was an erection all right. He didn't know why it was happening; maybe everyone talking about it had just brought the idea into his body, or maybe it was just because of how anxious and intense this whole situation was. Once again, the dragon didn't even begin to think about the possibility of him actually enjoying this; he was just enjoying the embarrassment of it, the concept of being teased about jerking off to such an objectively terrible thing happening to him...yeah, that was a good excuse to tell himself to keep himself in the dark. Though it wasn't like he was going to have much of an opportunity to feel embarrassed for what he was getting off to as haunch fat for this rotund, jiggly feline...

Somewhat begrudgingly, Pilar soon started to play with himself as the stomach sloshed and squeezed around him, using the grip he had on his throbbing, hardening shaft as a way to ground and locate himself inside and amongst the mess of stomach sludge more than anything else! At least, that was what the dragon was continuing to tell himself. He couldn't deny that it felt good, though; of course it felt good. What he didn't expect was not being able to stop himself from making all sorts of huffy noises as he got himself off inside, noises that he really hoped weren't loud enough for Stray or the people around him to be able to hear...was he really getting *that* into this? It was so rank and gross and slimy in here, and yet, here the dragon was, happily whacking off deep inside of the cat who had snarfed him down just a few minutes ago. The cat who was parading around his engorged gut, letting people touch it, teasing the meal inside, even...god, did he have an exhibition kink or something? One hell of a place to find out you had something like that, that was for sure! It made the dragon kind of wish that he had more time to explore such a thing about him, but, didn't seem like he would be getting out of here anytime soon.

"Oh, yeah. He's going to town in there. You can really feel the jostling around if you press against it. All rhythmic and such...what a gutslut~" Stray said to another partygoer, pushing a paw against his stomach and feeling the little back-and-forth movements that the dragon made inside of him. Those words, at first insulting and incredulous, started to just arouse Pilar further, get his dick throbbing and pulsing even more powerfully even as he was locked away tight in the cat's stomach. A stomach that was starting to get quite a bit more active as time went on...and all that extra movement from Pilar as he pleasured himself could not have been helping matters, either! Even as he felt the tingling continue to overtake his body, that just made the stimulation he could feel from madly jerking off his shaft even more potent, powerful, and enjoyable. Nngh...his strength was really starting to fade, and every bit he had left was firmly directed towards pumping out a thick load of dragon cum. Pilar didn't care what happened afterwards, he just needed to cum, and he needed to do it right now.

"Go ahead, blow a load in there before you're sludge..." Stray commented as he walked over and sat his fat rear down on a nearby couch, those words and the thick sloshing of everything around Pilar as the cat sat down was just enough to push him over the edge. The cat purred warmly as he heard the gasps of the dragon deep inside his stomach, Pilar pumping shot after shot of his load into the thick stomach soup that he was bathing in, adding just a bit of saltiness to the concoction in the process...! In the aftermath, the dragon was more than a bit embarrassed that he was stewing around in his own stuff, and that he had actually gotten far enough to blow his load...but he didn't have much more time to think about it, considering that the stomach walls were closing in and his eyelids were starting to get REALLY heavy...

Stray felt an unstoppable belch rumbling up out of his throat as he was in the middle of a conversation, the cat letting rip with a fragrant *UUUaaAAaarrrppphhh* that left his unfortunate conversation partner right in the splash zone! "Heh...salty. Yeah, he definitely enjoyed himself in there..." the cat casually commented as the annoyed Doberman in front of him wiped all that spittle off of his snout. The cat groped and rubbed over his gut as the dragon inside gradually continued to soften up, the semi-conscious Pilar being pumped deeper into those hungry bowels for further absorption throughout the night...worked over and broken down into nothing but nutrients and another plush layer of fat for the cat to enjoy. Honestly, though? Stray's eyes were starting to scan the party for another snack. Pilar hadn't really filled him up in the first place, and he could already feel his stomach wanting another one...

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